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abort() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Abort the plan.
aborted - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Indicate when the suite is aborted due to excessive run time.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Called when the plan is aborted, i.e., when the corresponding interaction goal is dropped.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
Called when the plan is aborted, i.e., when the corresponding interaction goal is dropped.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The plan was aborted (because of conditional goal success or termination from outside).
abortedmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The aborted method cached for speed.
abortGet(ISuspendable) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Abort a blocking get call.
absclasses - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
ABSOLUTE_POSITION - Static variable in class
ABSOLUTE_POSITION - Static variable in class
ABSOLUTE_ROTATION - Static variable in class
ABSOLUTE_ROTATION - Static variable in class
ABSOLUTE_SIZE - Static variable in class
ABSOLUTE_SIZE - Static variable in class
AbstractApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Simple abstract base class that implements isApplicable with true.
AbstractApplicableInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractApplicableInterceptor
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
ASM Generator base class
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Store which beliefs are accessed in a method.
AbstractAutoComboModel<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AbstractAutoComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo<T>, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
AbstractChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Abstract base class for chart consumers.
AbstractChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
AbstractCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
AbstractCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
AbstractConstraintFilter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
AbstractConstraintFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractConstraintFilter(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractDecodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Abstract base class for decoding context.
AbstractDecodingContext(List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Initializes the context.
AbstractEncodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Abstract encoding context that provides base functionality.
AbstractEncodingContext(Object, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
AbstractEnvironmentService - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
Environment service implementation.
AbstractEnvironmentService() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.AbstractEnvironmentService
AbstractEnvironmentSpace - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Abstract base class for environment space.
AbstractEnvironmentSpace() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create an environment space
AbstractEnvironmentSpace.AtomicCounter - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Synchronized counter class
AbstractErrorReportBuilder - Class in jadex.bridge
Helper class for building error reports.
AbstractErrorReportBuilder(String, String, String[], MultiCollection<Tuple, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Abstract handler for timing events.
AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
AbstractFixedAutoComboModel<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AbstractFixedAutoComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, List<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
Create a new AbstractFixedAutoComboModel.
AbstractGatewayActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Common functionality for and/or split and join gateways.
AbstractGatewayActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
AbstractIndexTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
AbstractIndexTableModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
AbstractInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Superclass for XML object type/link infos.
AbstractInfo(XMLInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Create an abstract OAV info.
AbstractInfo.SpecificityComparator - Class in jadex.xml
Compare infos by specificity of the XML path.
AbstractInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
This plan serves as a base class for initiator plans.
AbstractInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
AbstractInteractionPlugin - Class in
AbstractInteractionPlugin() - Constructor for class
AbstractJ2DRenderer - Class in
AbstractJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor class that uses a LRU for caching applicable states of invocations for subsequent calls.
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Create a new AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor.
AbstractMessageHandler - Class in jadex.micro
Abstract message handler.
AbstractMessageHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Create a new message handler.
AbstractMessageHandler(IFilter<IMessageAdapter>, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Create a new message handler.
AbstractModelLoader - Class in jadex.commons
Loader for managing models, loaded from disc and kept in cache.
AbstractModelLoader(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Create a model loader.
AbstractModelLoader(String[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Create a model loader.
AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel - Class in jadex.commons
Store an exception during loading in cache.
AbstractMultiInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor that supports sub interceptors for special cases.
AbstractMultiInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
AbstractNFProperty<T,U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
A non-functional property.
AbstractNFProperty(NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Creates the property.
AbstractObjectWriterHandler - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Abstract base class for an object writer handler.
AbstractObjectWriterHandler(boolean, boolean, boolean, Set) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Create a new writer handler.
AbstractPlatformConfiguration - Class in jadex.base
AbstractPlatformConfiguration() - Constructor for class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
AbstractPlatformConfiguration(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Constructor that creates a new Configuration based on an args object.
AbstractPlatformConfiguration(AbstractPlatformConfiguration) - Constructor for class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Copy constructor.
AbstractReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
This plan serves as a base class for receiver plans.
AbstractReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
AbstractTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Simple task implementation with basic result and exception handling.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
AbstractTask - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Empty default implementation for object tasks.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
AbstractTreeTableAction - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
Default implementation of tree table action.
AbstractTreeTableAction() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableAction(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
AbstractTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
AbstractViewport - Class in
AbstractViewport(IPerspective) - Constructor for class
AbstractViewport.MouseController - Class in
AbstractViewport3d - Class in
AbstractViewport3d(IPerspective, IVector3, boolean, boolean, String, ISpaceController) - Constructor for class
AbstractVisual2D - Class in
Base class for visual elements.
AbstractVisual2D() - Constructor for class
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual2D(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual3d - Class in
Base class for visual 3d elements.
AbstractVisual3d() - Constructor for class
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual3d(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class
Initializes the members with default values.
ACC_PRIVATE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_PROTECTED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_PUBLIC - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_STATIC - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
accept(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.functional.Consumer
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
acceptAllProposals(NegotiationRecord, ParticipantProposal[], Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Accept all proposals in parallel.
acceptEither(IFuture<E>, Consumer<E>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
acceptEither(IFuture<E>, Consumer<E>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
The given consumer will be executed with either of the result of this and the given other future.
acceptFile(String, String) - Method in interface
Accept a waiting file transfer.
acceptOneProposal(NegotiationRecord, ParticipantProposal[], Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Sequentially accept proposals until the first successful execution.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The external access.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
The delegate access.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
The adapter.
accessField(Object, Class, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Access a field.
AccessiblePrintStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SUtil.AccessiblePrintStream
Create an accessible output stream.
AccessInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Meta info for accessing (reading / writing) an element.
AccessInfo(QName) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName, Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName, Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName, Object, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName[], Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName[], Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName[], Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(QName[], Object, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(String, Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
AccessInfo(String, Object, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Create a new access info.
accessinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
The access info.
accessinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
The access info.
accessor - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The field accessor method (for static and nonstatic fields).
acquire() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Token
Try to acquire the token.
acquired - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Token
True, if the token is acquired.
actid - Variable in class
The activity id.
action - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
The completed action.
action - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The action.
ActionEntry(ISpaceAction, Map, IResultListener) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Convenience constructor for inline entry creation.
actionlist - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The list of scheduled component actions.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Invoked when an action occurs.
ActionPerformedListener(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock.ActionPerformedListener
Creates the listener.
ActionReferenceQueue - Class in jadex.commons.collection
The extended reference queue allows for adding (weak) object with an associated action.
ActionReferenceQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Create a new list.
actions - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The supported popup actions.
actions - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Available component actions.
actions - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The scheduled actions.
actiontypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept receiving component types.
actiontypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept receiving component types.
activateWait(Map, Notifier) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.IExternalNotifier
Activate a wait action on an external source.
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
The activity.
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The next activity.
activity - Variable in class
The activity name.
activityid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Id of the next activity.
ACTOR_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceAction
The constant for the actor id parameter (component performing the action).
adapter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
The initial conversation message.
adaptEvaluationMode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Adapt the evaluation mode according to the
adaptToCapability(Object, String, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Adapt element for use in inner capabilities.
ADD - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The add action.
add(int, MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
add(MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Add a child to this context.
add(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Add a value to the filter.
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Ensures that this collection contains the specified element (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
add(E, long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry.
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
add(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Add a new object with key and value.
add(int, K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Add an object to the collection.
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
add(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
add(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
add(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(K, Collection<V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
add(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation).
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Add an element to the set.
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
add(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
add(CachedObject) - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Add a cached object.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
ADD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The plus operator.
add_escapes(String) - Method in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
addAddedService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Add an added service.
addAgentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation).
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present (optional operation).
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Add all elements of another map.
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list, starting at the specified position.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator (optional operation).
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position (optional operation).
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Add one arguments.
addArgumentInjection(String, FieldInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addAttribute(Object, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Add an attribute.
addAvatarMappings(AvatarMapping) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds an avatar mapping.
addAwarenessInfo(AwarenessInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Announce an awareness info.
addBackwardCommand(IFilter<Object>, ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Add a backward command with a filter.
addBackwardCommand(IFilter<Object>, ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Add a backward command with a filter.
addBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
addBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
addBelief(MBelief) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a belief.
addBelief(RBeliefbase.RBelief) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Add a belief.
addBeliefChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a belief change type.
addBeliefEvents(IInternalAccess, List<EventType>, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Create belief events from a belief name.
addBeliefEventsToConditions(ClassNode, ClassLoader, List<MCondition>, MultiCollection<String, AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs>, MultiCollection<String, AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs>, BDIModel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ICapability
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Add a belief set listener.
addBeliefReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a belief reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete belief name).
addBeliefSet(RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Add a beliefset.
addBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add a belief set listener.
addBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add a belief set listener.
addBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add a binding.
addBreakpoint(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Add a breakpoint to the interpreter.
addBreakpointCommand(ICommand) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Add a command to be executed, when a breakpoint is reached.
addBreakpointListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Add a listener to receive breakpoint selected events.
addCancelResponse(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Add a cancel response.
addCapability(MCapabilityReference) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a sub capability.
addChangeEventType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addChangeEventType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a change event type.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Add a change listener.
addChild(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Add a child component.
addChild(TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Adds a child to the list of children for this node.
addChild(Object, LinkData) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Add a child.
addClockListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a clock listener.
addCloneProcessor(ITraverseProcessor) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Add a clone processor.
addCollection(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Add a map to the observer list.
addColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Appends aColumn to the end of the tableColumns array.
addComponent(Class) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
addComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
addComponent(Class) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
addComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
addComponent(Class) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Add a component that is started after platform startup.
addComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Add a component that is started after platform startup.
addComponent(String, JComponent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addComponent(String, JComponent, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponent(String, JComponent, double, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponent(String, JComponent, double, int, int, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponentAction(ComponentActionList.ActionEntry) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Add an component action.
addComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Add a componentdescription to this CMSSearchComponents.
addComponentInstance(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a component.
addComponentListener(IComponentIdentifier, ICMSComponentListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Add an component listener.
addCondition(MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a condition.
addCondition(String, MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Add a condition to the goal.
addConfiguration(MConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a configuration.
addConfiguration(ConfigurationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a configuration.
addConsoleListener(IExternalAccess, String, IRemoteChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
addContent(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Add content to the already collected content (if any).
addContentCodec(IContentCodec) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Add content codec type.
addDataConsumer(String, ITableDataConsumer) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a new data consumer.
addDataProvider(String, ITableDataProvider) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a new data provider.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds a view to the space.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds a dataview to the space.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in class
Adds an additional dataview.
addDataViewMapping(String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a mapping from object type to data view
addDefaultFacts(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The value to set.
addDefaultValues(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The value to set.
addDependency(T, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a dependency that a depends on b.
adddummy - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add dummy when weighty==0.
added - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The added components, if any (cid->desc).
added - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The added elements (if any).
ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Event for an added platform.
addedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
The added services.
addEndBelief(MConfigBeliefElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end belief.
addEndEvent(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end event.
addEndGoal(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end goal.
addEndPlan(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end plan.
addEndStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a end step.
addEntry(Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Add an entry.
addEntry(Object, Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Add an object with an associated value.
addEntry(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Add a new entry.
addEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add an environment listener.
addEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add an environment listener.
addEscapes(String) - Static method in error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their espaced (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class
Adds a new evaluator with a weight of 1.0.
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, double) - Method in class
Adds a new evaluator.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Add an event.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Add an event.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Add an event.
addevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The add event name.
addevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The add event name.
addEvent(IEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRuleEngineService
Add an external event to the rule engine.
addEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in interface
Add an event listener.
addEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Add an event listener.
addEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Add an event listener.
addEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Add an event listener.
addEventMatcher(String[], UnparsedExpression, String[], Map<String, Object>, boolean, IResultCommand<IFuture<Void>, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IInternalProcessEngineService
Register an event description to be notified, when the event happens.
addEventReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a event reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete event name).
addExclude(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Add an excluded parameter
addExclude(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Exclude a column.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedMethods(Map, String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Add excluded methods.
addExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a expression.
addExpressionReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a expression reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete expression name).
addExternalThread(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add an external thread to this context.
addFact(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
The value to set.
addFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add a fact to a belief.
addFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add a fact to a belief.
addFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact added belief trigger.
addFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact added.
addFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact changed belief trigger.
addFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact changed.
addFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact removed belief trigger.
addFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact removed.
addFacts(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add facts to a parameter set.
addFacts(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add facts to a parameter set.
addFeatureInjection(String, FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<IService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Adds a filter.
addFilter(IFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Add a filter.
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Add a filter.
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool
Add a finished listener.
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Add a finish listener;
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Add a finish listener;
addFirst(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts the given element at the beginning of this list.
addFirstServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addForwardCommand(IFilter<Object>, ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add a forward command with a filter.
addFullLineComponent(String, JComponent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addFullLineComponent(String, JComponent, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addFuture(IFuture<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Add a future to the barrier.
addGoal(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a goal.
addGoal(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal trigger.
addGoalFinished(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal finished trigger.
addGoalFinished(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add the goal to wait for.
addGoalFinished(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add the goal to wait for.
addGoalFinishedName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal finished name.
addGoalMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a goal mapping.
addGoalMatchExpression(String, UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal name.
addGoalName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal name.
addGoalPublication(ClassInfo, MGoal, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a publication info.
addGoalReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a goal reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete goal name).
addGroup(Group) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Add a group to the space.
addIcon(Icon) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Add an icon.
addIdleHook(IIdleHook) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Set the idle hook to be called when a component becomes idle.
addImport(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an import statement.
addInhibitionExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Add an inhibition expression.
addInhibitionName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Add an inhibition name.
addInhibitor(RGoal, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Add an inhibitor to a goal.
addInitArgs(Object, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Add an entry to the init calls.
addInitialAvatar(IComponentIdentifier, String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Initial settings for the avatar of a specific component.
addInitialBelief(MConfigBeliefElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial belief.
addInitialCapability(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial capability.
addInitialEvent(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial event.
addInitialGoal(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial goal.
addInitialPlan(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial plan.
addInitialStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a initial step.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Add an interceptor.
addIntermediateResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add an intermediate result.
addIntermediateResultIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Set the result.
addIntermediateResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Add a result listener.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>, IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener<Void>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>, IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add an result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>, IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>, IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a functional result listener, which called on intermediate results.
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add an internal event.
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
addInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add an internal event.
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add an internal event.
addInternalEventMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a internal event mapping.
addInternalEventName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add an internal event name.
addItem(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Add an item.
addIterator(Iterator<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Add a collection.
addJob(CronJob<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Add a schedule job.
addKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IMultiKernelNotifierService
Adds a kernel listener.
addLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Add a language to this ComponentDescription.
addLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Add a language to this ServiceDescription.
addLast(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends the given element to the end of this list.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
A component was added to the container.
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Will be called from the container, when a new component with constraint object was added.
addLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add an Library Service listener.
addLineListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Add a line listener.
addListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Add a new listener to get notified when the goal is finished.
addMenu(JMenu) - Method in class
Adds a menu
addMessageCodec(Class) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Add message codec type.
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a message.
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a message event.
addMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event.
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event.
addMessageEventMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a message event mapping.
addMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Add a message handler.
addMessageListener(IMessageListener, IFilter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Add a message listener.
addMessageName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a message event name.
addMessageType(MessageType) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Add a new message type.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodListener(MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Add a method listener.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMGroupInstance(MGroupInstance) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Add a group to this space.
addMGroupType(MGroupType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Add a group type to this space type.
addModelElement(MElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addMouseListener(JTable) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
addMouseListener(JTable) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Helper method that adds a mouselistener to the header of a given JTable.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class
Adds a MouseListener.
addMPosition(MPosition) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Add a position.
addMRoleType(MRoleType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Add a role to this group type.
addNFProperty(NFPropertyInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a non functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNode(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a node (without dependency).
addObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Adds an object to the tree.
addObjectTaskType(String, Class, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a object task type.
addObjectTaskType(String, Class, List) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a object task type.
addOntology(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Add a ontology to this ComponentDescription.
addOntology(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Add a ontology to this ServiceDescription.
addParameter(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Add a parameter.
addParameter(MParameter) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Add a parameter.
addParentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Add a participant.
addPerceptGenerator(Object, IPerceptGenerator) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds a percept generator.
addPerceptGenerator(Object, IPerceptGenerator) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds a percept generator.
addPerceptProcessor(String, Set, IPerceptProcessor) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a percept processor.
addPerceptType(PerceptType) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space percept type.
addPerceptType(PerceptType) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space percept type.
addPerspective(String, IPerspective) - Method in interface
Adds a perspective.
addPerspective(String, IPerspective) - Method in class
Adds a perspective.
addPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a plan.
addPlatformAddresses(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Set the addresses of a platform.
addPlatformAddresses(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Set the addresses of a platform.
addPlatformCertificate(IComponentIdentifier, Certificate) - Method in interface
Add a trusted certificate of a platform.
addPojoServiceProxy(Object, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add a service proxy.
addPopupAction(Action) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Add a popup action.
addPostProcessor(IFilter<Object>, IPostProcessor) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Add a post processor.
addPreProcessor(IFilter<Object>, IPreProcessor) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Add a pre processor.
addPrimitive(Primitive) - Method in class
Adds a primitive to the combiner.
addPrimitive(Primitive, int) - Method in class
Adds a primitive to the combiner in a specific layer.
addPrimitive(Primitive3d) - Method in class
Adds a primitive
addProperties(Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add the complete content of another properties.
addProperty(IProperty) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Add a property to this ServiceDescription.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(Property) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add a property to this properties.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Add a property.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Add a property.
addProperty(MObjectTypeProperty) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Customizer
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Add a protocol to this ComponentDescription.
addProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Add a protocol to this ServiceDescription.
addProvidedInterceptors(BasicServiceInvocationHandler, Object, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], IInternalAccess, String, boolean, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add the standard and custom interceptors.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a provided service.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a provided service.
addQuery(Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a service query.
addQuery(Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a listener which does not consume the initial results.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Add a listener which is only informed about new results, i.e.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a listener which is only informed about new results, i.e.
addReference(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a reference and resolve transitive dependencies.
addRemoteURL(IResourceIdentifier, String, boolean, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a remote url via the library service.
addRemovedService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Add an added service.
addReply(RMessageEvent, Set<MMessageEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
Add a message event reply.
addReply(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event reply.
addReport(TestReport) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Add a report.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredServiceInfos(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add required services for a given prefix.
addResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new resource identifier.
ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if address component and service should be started.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Attribute for slot addresses.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
The managed addresses.
addResult(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Add a result to this DFSearch.
addResult(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a result.
addResult(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a result.
addResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Add a result.
addResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a result.
addResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Add a result.
addResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a result.
addResultInjection(String, FieldInfo, String, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add an functional result listener, which is only called on success.
addResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add a result listener by combining an OnSuccessListener and an OnExceptionListener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Add an functional result listener, which is only called on success.
addResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Add a result listener by combining an OnSuccessListener and an OnExceptionListener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultMapping(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a result mapping.
addRoleForType(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Add a role name for an agent type name.
addRow(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRow(ArrayList, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRow(Object[], Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Add a data row.
addRule(<any>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Add a new rule.
addRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a runtime element.
addSelectedObjectListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener for change of the selected object
addservice(MServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a service.
addService(MServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a service trigger.
addService(IDFServiceDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Add a service to this ComponentDescription.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the container.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IInternalService, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, String, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], Object, ProvidedServiceInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the component.
addService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in interface
Add a service to the registry.
addService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Add a service to the registry.
addService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Add a service to the registry.
addService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Add a service to the registry.
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Add a service to this context.
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Add a service to this context.
addServiceCall(ServiceCallInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an call field.
addServiceInjection(String, FieldInfo, boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addServiceInjection(String, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection method.
addServiceInjection(String, MethodInfo, boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Add a service mapping.
addServiceParameterMapping(String, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
addServiceResultMapping(String, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
addSimulationListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a sim listener.
addSpaceAction(String, ISpaceAction) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds an space action.
addSpaceAction(String, ISpaceAction) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds an space action.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space type.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space object type.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
addSpaceProcessType(String, Class, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space process type.
addSpaceProcessType(String, Class, List) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space process type.
addSplitInfo(SplitInfo) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add a split info.
addSplitInfos(Collection<ProcessThread>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Add split infos to a set of threads.
addStackedListeners(List<Tuple2<Future<?>, IResultListener<?>>>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureHelper
Add listener notifications to the current thread.
addStackElement(StackElement) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
addStartSSLCertificate(KeyStore, String, String) - Static method in class
Add the root certificate to the used store.
addStartSSLToTrustStore(String) - Static method in class
Add the start ssl cert to the Java trust store.
addSubcapability(FieldInfo, BDIModel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Add a subcapability field.
addSubcomponentType(SubcomponentTypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a subcomponent type.
addSubobject(QName[], Object, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Add a subobject.
addSubproperties(Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add subproperties to this properties.
addSubproperties(String, Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add a subproperties to a properties.
addSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier, IServiceRegistry) - Method in class
Add a new registry.
addSystemErrListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Add a listener to System.err.
addSystemOutListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Add a listener to System.out.
addTask(Future) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Add a task.
addTask(IObjectTask) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Adds a new task for the object.
addTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
addTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
addTaskListener(Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Add a result listener to a task.
addThread(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add a thread to this context.
addThread() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
addThreadLocal(ThreadLocal<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Add a thread local that will be automatically copied on thread resumption.
addThreads(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create some pool.
addTickTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a tick timer.
addTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a timer.
addTimerListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a timer listener.
addToolbarItem(String, Action) - Method in class
Adds a toolbar item
addToolbarItem(String, Icon, Action) - Method in class
Adds a toolbar item with icon.
addTopLevelURL(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a top level url.
addToTop(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
addTuple2ResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<F>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Uses two functional result listeners to create a Tuple2ResultListener and add it.
addTuple2ResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<F>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Uses two functional result listeners to create a Tuple2ResultListener and add it.
addTuple2ResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<F>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Uses two functional result listeners to create a Tuple2ResultListener and add it.
addTuple2ResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<F>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Uses two functional result listeners to create a Tuple2ResultListener and add it.
addTypeInfo(TypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoPathManager
Add a type info.
addTypeInfo(TypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
Add a typeinfo.
addURL(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a URL to the lib service.
addURL(IResourceIdentifier, URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new url as resource identifier.
addUsedId(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Adds a used ID, only useful for collision-free mode.
addValToTop(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
addValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Add a value to a parameter set.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.HistogramDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValues(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Add values to a parameter set.
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class
Adds a IViewportListener
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class
Adds a IViewportListener
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in interface
Adds a IViewportListener
addVirtual(String, String) - Method in interface
Add a name to the mappings of a virtual name.
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in interface
Adds a new visual object.
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new visual object.
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new visual object.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
AdjustBuffSize() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
adjustComponentSizes(JComponent[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes.
adjustComponentSizes(Container) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust all marked components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes.
adjustPosition(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Calculate a position according to the space borders.
adjustPosition(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Calculate a position according to the space borders.
adoptGoal(IInternalAccess, RGoal) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
AdoptGoalAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
Action for adopting a goal.
AdoptGoalAction(RGoal) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
Create a new action.
adoptPlan(T) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Dispatch a pojo plan and wait for its result.
adoptPlan(T, Object...) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Dispatch a goal wait for its result.
advanceEvent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Advance one event.
afterSwitch() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Must be called after a thread switch occurs to restore the thread local values.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The agent interpreter.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The internal access.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component adapter.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The agent.
agent - Variable in class
The agent.
agent - Variable in class
The micro agent.
agent - Variable in class
The agent.
agent - Variable in class
The micro agent.
Agent - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent class and variable.
AGENT_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
Name of the field that is injected for agent name
AgentArgument - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent argument field.
AgentBody - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent body method.
AgentBreakpoint - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent breakpoint method.
AgentCreated - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent created method.
AgentFeature - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
agentinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The agent injection targets.
AgentKilled - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent killed method.
AgentMessageArrived - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent message arrived.
agentmethods - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The agent methods for given annotations (if any).
AgentResult - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent result field.
AgentService - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Injects a service into a field or a method of a component.
AgentServiceValue - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The service annotation.
AgentStreamArrived - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent stream arrived.
aggregate - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The flag if aggregate values should be returned.
AGREE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
AGRExtensionService - Class in jadex.extension.agr
Extension service for loading AGR (agent, group, role) models.
AGRExtensionService() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.AGRExtensionService
AGRSpace - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR (agent-group-role) space.
AGRSpace(IExternalAccess, MAGRSpaceInstance) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
AIM - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
AIM The class provides utilities to connect to the AIM instant messaging network and send messages using TOC version 2.
AIM(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Constructor for AIM.
algorithm - Variable in class
The algorithm.
alias - Variable in class
The alias.
Alias - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify an alias for a class (e.g.
ALIASES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation
Static map of known aliases used for decoding.
ALIGN_BOTTOM - Static variable in class
Bottom Alignment
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class
Center Alignment
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class
Left Alignment
ALIGN_MIDDLE - Static variable in class
Middle Alignment
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class
Right Alignment
ALIGN_TOP - Static variable in class
Top Alignment
all - Variable in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Boolean if all is selected.
all - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The all selected flag.
ALL - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The constant for specifiying that all proposals should be chosen.
ALL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
ALL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode for returning a set of elements (default).
allentries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
allentries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
allimports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
All imports (cached for speed).
allocateSpace(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Allocates a minimum amount of free space in the buffer.
allowduplicates - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Allow duplicate entries.
allowed - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
The flag if state is allowed or disallowed.
allseps - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
All separators.
allTableColumns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Array of TableColumn objects in this model.
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
A filter that always returns true.
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IFilter
A filter that always returns true.
AlwaysFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter
ALWAYSOK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
AND - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The AND operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The AND operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
The and (&&) operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The bitwise and operator.
androidutils - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Cached AndroidUtils
androidUtils() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the AndroidUtils, if available.
Animation - Class in
Dataholder for Animations
Animation(String, String, boolean, double, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
announceAuction(Object, List, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Announce the planned auction.
announceAuction(Object, List, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Announce the planned auction.
announceAuctionEnd(List, String, Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Announce the end of the auction to all participants that did not leave the auction.
announceAuctionEnd(List, String, Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Announce the end of the auction to all participants that did not leave the auction.
AnswerPingPlan - Class in
The ping plan reacts on ping requests.
AnswerPingPlan() - Constructor for class
ANY - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
ANY - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode for returning the first matching element.
ANY_CONFIG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Constant for no configuration selected.
apkPathFromUrl(URL) - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Retrieves the APK Path from a given URL, if its an Android APK URL.
APPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The appeared percept type.
APPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The appeared percept type.
appendText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Append to the token text.
appendText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Append to the token text.
applet - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
The applet (has to be set from the outside).
applicables - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
The LRU.
APPLICATION_JSON_JADEX - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation.MediaType
apply(T, U) - Method in interface jadex.commons.functional.BiFunction
apply(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.functional.Function
applyToEither(IFuture<E>, Function<E, U>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
applyToEither(IFuture<E>, Function<E, U>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
The given function will be executed with either of the result of this and the given other future.
AppMetaInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
AppMetaInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
AppMetaInfo(String, String, String, String, byte[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
aread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
AReadContext - Class in jadex.xml.reader
Context for reader that stores all relevant information of the read process.
AReadContext(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IXMLReader, XMLReporter, Object, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
AReadContext(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IXMLReader, XMLReporter, Object, ClassLoader, Object, List<StackElement>, StackElement, String, Map<String, Object>, int, MultiCollection<Integer, IPostProcessorCall>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Create a new read context.
AReader - Class in jadex.xml.reader
XML Reader abstract class.
AReader(boolean, XMLReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
areasize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Area size.
areasize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Area size.
areaSize_ - Variable in class
Maximum displayable area
areaSize_ - Variable in class
Maximum displayable area
arg - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakEntry
Optional command argument.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The arguments (map with name/value pairs).
args - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The argument values (for constructors and methods).
argtypes - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The argument types (for constructors and methods).
Argument - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Simple default implementation for an argument.
Argument() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
Argument(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
ARGUMENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The argument constant.
Argument - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The argument annotation.
argumentinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The argument injection targets.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of contained arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of argument default values.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The invocation arguments.
Arguments - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The arguments annotation.
argumentsexp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The arguments expression (Hack for BPMN Editor that saves args as one string.
ArgumentsNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A dummy node for grouping the arguments of a method call or constructor invocation.
ArgumentsNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArgumentsNode
Create a node.
array - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
The list of elements.
ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
The array with content constructor.
ARRAY_DIMENSION - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
The empty array constructor.
ArrayBlockingQueue<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Blocking queue implemented as array.
ArrayBlockingQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Create a new blocking queue.
ArrayCodec2 - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding arrays.
ArrayCodec2() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
arrayContains(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Check if an element is contained in an array.
arrayEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if two arrays are content equal or both null.
arrayHashCode(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Calculate a hash code for an array.
arrayinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The map or array information.
ARRAYLEN - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The value of this attribute is used as idref.
ArrayNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A node representing an array to create.
ArrayNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Create an expression node.
ArrayProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
An array processor allows for traversing arrays.
ArrayProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ArrayProcessor
Create a new array processor.
arrayToList(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an array to a vector.
arrayToSet(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an array to a vector.
arrayToString(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a string representation for an array.
arrowkey - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
ASC - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
ASC - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The ascending order direction.
ascending - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Flag indicating if evaluations are rated ascending (the higher the better) or the other way round.
ascending - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
The ordering direction of the list.
ASCENDING - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortHeaderRenderer
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
ASCII - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
ASCII charset.
aslist - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The index map as java.util.List.
asmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The index map as java.util.Map.
ASMBDIClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
ASMBDIClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
AsmNodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3.asm
Helper for creating nodes.
AsmNodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmNodeHelper
AsmOpcodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3.asm
Helper for creating opcodes.
AsmOpcodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
assign(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assignRole(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Assign an agent to a role.
ASYNCEXECUTION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Use asynchronous execution mode?
asyncScanDir(URL[], File, IFilter, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan directories.
asyncScanForClasses(ClassLoader, IFilter<Object>, IFilter<Class<?>>, int, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
asyncScanForClasses(URL[], ClassLoader, IFilter<Object>, IFilter<Class<?>>, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
asyncScanForFiles(URL[], IFilter<Object>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for files in a given list of urls.
AtomicCounter() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace.AtomicCounter
attachments - Variable in class
The attachments.
AttributeConverter - Class in jadex.xml
Converter for attributes.
AttributeConverter(IStringObjectConverter, IObjectStringConverter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AttributeConverter
Create a new attribute converter.
AttributeInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Base class for attribute infos.
AttributeInfo(AccessInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Create a new attribute info.
AttributeInfo(AccessInfo, IAttributeConverter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Create a new attribute info.
AttributeInfo(AccessInfo, IAttributeConverter, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Create a new attribute info.
attributeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The attributes infos.
attributeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The attributes info (xmlname -> attrinfo).
attributeNames() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
attributes - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
The attribute values.
AuctionDescription - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Information about an auction.
AuctionDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Create a new auction description.
AuctionDescription(long, long, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Create a new auction description.
AuctionInfo - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Information about an auction.
AuctionInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Create a new auction info.
AuctionInfo(long, long, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Create a new auction info.
authdata - Variable in class
The authentication data.
Authenticated - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Authenticated
AuthenticationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that can be used to realize authenticated end-to-end communication.
AuthenticationInterceptor(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Create a new AuthenticationInterceptor.
authHost - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The OSCAR authentication server.
authPort - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The OSCAR authentication server's port.
AUTO_ADJUST - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
This property can be set on components to be automatically adjusted to equal sizes.
AUTOCLOSABLE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The autoclosable class, if present.
AutoComboTableCellEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoComboTableCellEditor(JComboBox) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellEditor
AutoComboTableCellRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoComboTableCellRenderer(AutoCompleteCombo) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellRenderer
autocompactionthreshold - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Dirty threshold for auto-compaction.
autocompactionthreshold - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Dirty threshold for auto-compaction.
autocompactionthreshold - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Dirty threshold for auto-compaction.
AutoCompleteCombo<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
Autocomplete combobox with filtering and text inserting of new text
AutoCompleteCombo(ThreadPool, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Create a new combo box.
AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoCompleteDocument() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
Create a new AutoCompleteDocument.
autoResizingEnabled - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
If true, auto resizing of columns when the TableModel invokes a tableChanged event is enabled.
AUTOSHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Automatically shut down the platform when no user agents are running anymore.
autoshutdown - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The auto shutdown flag.
autoshutdown - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The auto shutdown flag (default: false).
available() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the number of available bytes.
avatar - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The avatar of the component (if any).
AvatarMapping - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Relationship specification between an component type and an avatar type.
AvatarMapping() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
AvatarMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
AvatarMapping(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
avatarmappings - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Avatar mappings.
AverageEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidingGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
avoidingGui() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Visibility
AWADELAY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The awareness delay in milliseconds
AWAEXCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Exclude entries for awareness agent.
AWAFAST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The awareness fast flag
AWAINCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Include entries for awareness agent.
AWAMECHANISMS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Specify the awareness agent discovery mechanisms (comma separated).
AWARENESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Start the awareness agent (awa) for automatic platform discovery.
AwarenessInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Simple info object that is sent between awareness agents.
AwarenessInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.
AwarenessInfo(ITransportComponentIdentifier, String, long, String[], String[], String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.
AWriteContext - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Context for writing an xml.
AWriteContext(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, Object, Object, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Create a new write context.
AWriteContext(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, Object, Object, ClassLoader, Map<Object, Object>, List<StackElement>, MultiCollection<Integer, IPreProcessor>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Create a new write context.
AWriter - Class in jadex.xml.writer
AWriter() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter


backup(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
base - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The base (base^round).
base16Decode(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Decodes a Base16-encoded String and returns the data.
base16Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Encodes a set of data as a Base16 String (hex).
base16Mode() - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Switches the ID generator to BASE16 mode.
Base64 - Class in jadex.commons
Base64() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Base64
base64Mode() - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Switches the ID generator to BASE64 mode.
BASE_VIEWPORT_SIZE - Static variable in class
Viewport size (in pixels) on which the base font size is relative to
BASECLASSLOADER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The base classloader.
BasicComponentIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
An component identifier (AID), see FIPASC00023.
BasicComponentIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier.
BasicComponentIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier with a global name and given addresses.
BasicComponentIdentifier(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Create component identifier.
BasicComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Copy a component identifier.
basicconverters - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
The map of basic converters.
BasicEvaluator<T> - Class in
Basic evaluator implementation for service and methods.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class
Create a new evaluator.
BasicService - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Basic service provide a simple default isValid() implementation that returns true after start service and false afterwards.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Basic service invocation interceptor.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, Logger, boolean, Cause, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IService, Logger, Cause, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, ServiceInfo, Logger, Cause) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicTypeConverter - Class in jadex.commons.transformation
Converter for basic types.
BasicTypeConverter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
basictypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Mapping from basic class name -> basic type(class).
bccs - Variable in class
The bccs.
bcmListeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A list of registered membership listeners.
bcommands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
The list of backward commands.
bcommands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
The list of backward commands.
bcsChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an iterator of all BCSChild instances, with remove() disabled.
bcsListeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
A list of registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Deserializes all serializable services and their providers before the children of this context is deserialized.
bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called by readObject() after defaultReadObject() and before deserializing any children or listeners.
bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Serializes all serializable services and their providers before the children of this context is serialized.
bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called by writeObject() after defaultWriteObject() and before serializing any children or listeners.
BDI_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The specific component features for micro agents.
BDI_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The specific component features for micro agents.
BDIAgentFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Factory for creating micro agents.
BDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory.
BDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory.
BDIAgentFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory for startup.
BDIClassGeneratorFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIClassGeneratorFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
BDIClassReader - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Reads micro agent classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
BDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create a new bdi class reader.
BDIConfiguration - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Redefines jadex.micro.annotation.Configuration as annotations do not allow inheritance.
BDIConfigurations - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Configurations annotation.
BDIFailureException - Exception in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
A BDI failure exception indicates that a plan has failed.
BDIFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bdiv3.runtime.BDIFailureException
Create a new BDI failure exception.
BDIModel - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
BDIModel(IModelInfo, MCapability) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Create a new model.
bdimodel - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
The bdi model.
BDIModelLoader - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
BDIXAgentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
BDI agent feature version for XML agents.
BDIXAgentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Map a change info as Map:Entry.
BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mgoal exist.
BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition for checking the lifecycle state of a goal.
BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mplan exist.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extension to write back result beliefs on agent shutdown.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Create the feature.
BDIXComponentFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Factory for default contexts.
BDIXComponentFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Create a new component factory for startup.
BDIXComponentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Create a new component factory.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Feature that ensures the bdi behavior is started.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extracted end behavior.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extracted start behavior.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extension to allow message injection in agent methods.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Create the feature.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIMessageStep - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Step to handle a message.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIStreamStep - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Step to handle a message.
BDIXMLReader - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Reader for loading component XML models into a Java representation states.
BDIXMLReader(BDIXModelLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Create a new reader.
BDIXMLReader.BeliefMultiProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Postprocess beliefs and belief sets.
BDIXMLReader.GoalMetaProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
BDIXMLReader.ParamMultiProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Postprocess parameters and parameter sets.
BDIXModel - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Model for BDI v3x agents
BDIXModel() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
Create a new model.
BDIXModelLoader - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Loader for application files.
BDIXModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
bean - Static variable in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
BeanAccessInfo - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Java bean attribute meta information.
BeanAccessInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Create a new bean access info.
BeanAccessInfo(Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Create a new bean access info.
BeanAccessInfo(Object, Object, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Create a new bean access info.
BeanAccessInfo(Object, Object, String, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Create a new bean access info.
BeanCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Java Beans.
BeanCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
BeanContext - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
beanContext - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextChild - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextChildComponentProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
beanContextChildPeer - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextChildSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextChildSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextChildSupport(BeanContextChild) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextContainerProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextEvent(BeanContext) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
BeanContextMembershipEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextMembershipEvent(BeanContext, Collection) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
BeanContextMembershipEvent(BeanContext, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
BeanContextMembershipListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent(BeanContextServices, Class) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
BeanContextServiceProvider - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent(BeanContextServices, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServices - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServicesListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServicesSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This support class implements BeanContextServices interface.
BeanContextServicesSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a standard BeanContextServicesSupport.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSChild - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every child of context is companied with a BCSSChild instance.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This class implements the BeanContextServiceProvider interface by wrapping a BeanContextServices.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every servie registered in this context is companied with a BCSSServiceProvider instance.
BeanContextSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This support class implements BeanContext interface.
BeanContextSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a standload BeanContextSupport.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport.BCSChild - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every child of context is companied with a BCSChild instance.
BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This implementation wraps an iterator and override remove() with a noop method.
BeanDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Describes a bean's global information.
BeanDescriptor(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
Class and a customizer Class.
BeanDescriptor(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
BeanInfo - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
beaninfos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
The cache for saving time for multiple lookups.
BeanIntrospectorFactory - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Factory for generating bean introspectors.
BeanObjectReaderHandler - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Handler for reading XML into Java beans.
BeanObjectReaderHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Create a new handler for custom XML formats.
BeanObjectReaderHandler(Set<TypeInfo>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Create a new handler for Java XML supporting on-the-fly type info creation for arrays.
BeanObjectWriterHandler - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Java bean version for fetching write info for an object.
BeanObjectWriterHandler(Set<TypeInfo>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Create a new writer (gentypetags=false, prefertags=true, flattening=true).
BeanObjectWriterHandler(Set<TypeInfo>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Create a new writer (prefertags=true, flattening=true).
BeanObjectWriterHandler(Set<TypeInfo>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Create a new writer (flattening=true).
BeanObjectWriterHandler(Set<TypeInfo>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Create a new writer.
BeanProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Processor that traverses Java beans.
BeanProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
BeanProperty - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
This class is a struct for saving data about an inspected bean property.
BeanProperty() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
BeanProperty(String, Class<?>, Method, Method, Class<?>, IBeanDelegateProvider, boolean, boolean, Type) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
BeanProperty(String, Field, IBeanDelegateProvider) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
BeanReflectionIntrospector - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Introspector for Java beans.
BeanReflectionIntrospector() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
Create a new introspector.
BeanReflectionIntrospector(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
Create a new introspector.
Beans - Class in jadex.commons.beans
This class Beans provides some methods for manipulting bean controls.
Beans() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Constructs a Beans instance.
beanToString(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Converts a bean to a string.
beforeSwitch() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Must be called before a thread switch occurs to save the thread local values.
beginColumn - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginLine - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
BeginToken() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
Belief - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
beliefbase - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
The flat belief base.
BeliefbaseWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Prepend capability prefix to belief names.
BeliefbaseWrapper(IBeliefbase, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Create a belief base wrapper.
BELIEFCHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a belief value has changed (the whole value was changed).
beliefChanged(<any>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IBeliefListener
Invoked when a belief has been changed.
beliefevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The events this belief depends on.
beliefreferences - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The belief mappings (abstract/reference name -> concrete belief name).
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.SetBeliefStep
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The beliefs.
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The beliefs.
beliefsets - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The belief sets.
belongsTo(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test if the thread belongs to the given pool and/or lane.
bgColor - Variable in class
The background color.
bgColor - Variable in class
The background color.
bgColor_ - Variable in class
The background color.
BiFunction<T,U,R> - Interface in jadex.commons.functional
Functional interface for a function T,U -> R
BigIntegerCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for big integers.
BigIntegerCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BigIntegerCodec
BigIntegerProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.Date.
BigIntegerProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BigIntegerProcessor
BiHashMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A bidirectional hash map.
BiHashMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
BINARYMESSAGES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Use a compact binary message format instead of XML by default.
BinarySerializer - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Object serializer for encoding to and decoding from a compact binary format.
BinarySerializer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
bind(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Binds the constant value.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener
The required service binding.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The required service binding.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The service binding.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
The service binding.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The binding for forwarding service calls.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The default binding.
Binding - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The argument annotation.
BINDING_NULL - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Implementation
Identifier for null binding, as annotations don't support null values (grrr).
bindingoptions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The binding options.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The required service bindings.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of required service binding infos.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The bindings.
bindPosition(String) - Method in class
Binds the position of the visual to an object property.
bindPosition(String) - Method in class
Binds the position of the visual to an object property.
bindRotation(String) - Method in class
Binds the z-rotation of the visual to an object property.
bindRotation(String) - Method in class
Binds the z-rotation of the visual to an object property.
bindSize(String) - Method in class
Binds the size of the visual to an object property.
bindSize(String) - Method in class
Binds the size of the visual to an object property.
bis - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
The stream.
bitfield - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The current bitfield (used for boolean values).
bitfieldpos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The current bitfield position in the buffer
bitpos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The current bit position within the bitfield
bitpos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The current bit position within the bitfield
BlockingQueue<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A blocking queue allows to enqueue or dequeue elements.
BlockingQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Create a blocking queue.
blockThread(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Adjust to execution of current thread to be blocked.
BloomFilter - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure for checking if a value is contained in a set.
BloomFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter with default p = 0.01 and n = 1000.
BloomFilter(double, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter.
BloomFilter(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.df.DFKeepRegisteredPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendEmailPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendICQPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendXMPPPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.NotUnderstoodPlan
Execute the plan.
body() - Method in class
Handle the ping request.
body() - Method in class
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Initialize the plan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
Initialize the plan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMApproveCancelPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMInitiatorPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAReceiverPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAReceiverPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionGoalCreationPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Perform the request.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPHandleUpdatePlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPInitiationPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPReceptionPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPSubmitUpdatePlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.test.FinishedPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.NotifyAdminPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObserveAgentPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
Body - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
body - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Execute the functional body of the agent.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Execute the main activity of the feature.
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the main execution of the component (if any).
body() - Method in class jadex.gpmn.plan.ParallelActivationPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.gpmn.plan.SequentialActivationPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
bodymethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body method cached for speed.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
Boolean3 - Enum in jadex.commons
A three valued boolean to be used in annotations as they do not allow null values.
BOOLEAN_ARGS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
This is used for consistency checks and includes all argument names which refer to boolean arguments.
BOOLEAN_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Boolean converter.
BooleanNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Boolean node performs mathematical operations on it's (two) child nodes.
BooleanNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Create a node.
BORDER_RELAXED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border relaxed mode.
BORDER_RELAXED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border relaxed mode.
BORDER_STRICT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border strict mode.
BORDER_STRICT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border strict mode.
BORDER_TORUS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border torus behavior.
BORDER_TORUS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border torus behavior.
box - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellRenderer
The combo box.
BPMN_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
BpmnFactory - Class in jadex.bpmn
Factory for loading bpmn processes.
BpmnFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Create a new factory for startup.
BpmnFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Create a new BpmnProcessService.
BpmnModelLoader - Class in jadex.bpmn
Loader for eclipse STP BPMN models (.bpmn files).
BpmnModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
BpmnPersistInfo - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist
Class containing persistence information about a Bpmn process instance.
BpmnPersistInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.BpmnPersistInfo
Create an empty persist info.
BpmnPersistInfo(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.BpmnPersistInfo
Create a new BpmnPersistInfo.
BpmnXMLReader - Class in jadex.bpmn
Reader for loading Bpmn XML models into a Java representation states.
BpmnXMLReader() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Breakpoint - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.component
The breakpoint annotation.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The breakpoints.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The breakpoints.
Breakpoints - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The breakpoints annotation.
BrokenModel(Exception, ResourceInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Create a broken model.
BrowserLauncher - Class in jadex.commons.gui
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
BrowserLauncher2 - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Provides a static method to start a browser.
BrowserLauncher2() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
BrowserPane - Class in jadex.commons.gui
A text pane that is able to follow hyperlinks when clicked.
BrowserPane() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Create a new BrowserPane.
BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit - Class in jadex.commons.gui
An HTML editor kit for supporting images loaded from classpath.
bs - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
The bit set.
bufcolumn - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
buffer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The buffer.
buffer - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The buffered bytes.
buffer - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The binary output
buffer - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
The buffer
buffer - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
bufline - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
bufpos - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
buildaplmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The method info for building apl.
buildErrorReport() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
buildIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Builds the index.
buildIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Builds the index.
buildIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Builds the index.
buildPlanTrigger(BDIModel, Trigger, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
buildPopupMenu() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Build the popup menu.
buildReport(String, String, MultiCollection<Tuple, String>) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Build the error report.
bulklink - Variable in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
The link mode (determined by the linker if present).
bulklink - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
The link mode.
bulkLinkObjects(List<Object>, Object, Object, QName[], AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Link an object to its parent.
bulkLinkObjects(Object, List<LinkData>, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Bulk link chilren to its parent.
bulkLinkObjects(Object, List<LinkData>, AReadContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IBulkObjectLinker
Bulk link an object to its parent.
BulkMonitoringEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
BulkMonitoringEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BulkMonitoringEvent(IMonitoringEvent[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BunchFileData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
Collection of filedata for bulk transfer.
BunchFileData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
BunchFileData(Collection<Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
busyservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The list of busy services.
ButtonCellManager() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList.ButtonCellManager
BY - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
BYTE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
BYTE_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Byte converter.
BYTE_UNITS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Units for representing byte values.
ByteClassLoader - Class in jadex.commons
This class loader instantiate classes provided as a byte array.
ByteClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
Create a new byte class loader.
BYTEFORMATTER1 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for one predecimal digit.
BYTEFORMATTER2 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for two predecimal digits.
BYTEFORMATTER3 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for three predecimal digits.
ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
This class generator keeps generated byte-code as byte[] to be post-processed by other classes.
ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
bytesToInt(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to an integer.
bytesToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a long.
bytesToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a long.
bytesToShort(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a short.
bytesToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a short.
bytesToString(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get bytes as human readable string.


Cache - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Cache that provide expiration in case of a) timetolive is exceeded b) the max number of data has been reached (lru behaviour)
Cache(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
Cache(int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
Cache(LRU, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
cache - Variable in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
The expression caches for filename.
CacheableModel - Class in jadex.commons
CacheableModel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CacheableModel
cachedate - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
The cache data.
CachedObject - Class in jadex.commons
A cache for an object that was loaded from a file or url.
CachedObject(String, long, Serializable) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Create a new file cache.
cachedobject - Variable in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
The cached object.
CacheEntry - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Entry for cache.
CacheEntry(Object, long, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Create a new cache entry.
calculateCartesianProduct(T[], E[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Calculate the cartesian product of parameters.
calculateCode(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Calculate a login security code from the user id and password.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateEvaluation(T) - Method in class
calculateEvaluation(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateEvaluation(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateMiddlePosition(Window) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Calculate the middle position of a window relativ to
calculateMiddlePosition(Window, Window) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Calculate the middle position of a window relativ to
CalendarCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Date objects.
CalendarCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CalendarCodec
CallAccess - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Helper class to deal with service calls
CallAccess() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Dummy constructor as this class only contains static methods.
callbackfield - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback field in the agent.
callbackmethod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback method in the agent.
callcontext - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The call context.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The caller component.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The calling component.
CALLER_QUEUED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is queued for suspension.
CALLER_RESUMED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is resumed.
CALLER_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is suspended.
callers - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The blocked callers (caller->state).
callfut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Ongoing call future.
CallMultiplexer - Class in jadex.commons.future
The CallMultiplexer unifies multiple executions of "similar" commands to a single execution.
CallMultiplexer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Instantiates a call multiplexer.
callPostProcessor() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IPostProcessorCall
callresults - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of results (if ret is not intermediate future).
calls - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of calls.
calls - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Service calls per method, calculated separately per platform.
calls - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Service calls per runnable class.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.IExternalTask
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Cancel an activity.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
Cancel the activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartRuleHandler
Called when the process thread is aborted and waiting is no longer wanted.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayXORActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ICancelable
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.IExternalNotifier
Cancel the wait action.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.TaskActivityHandler
Cancel an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.DestroyComponentTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Cancel the task.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
CANCEL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Cancel the timer.
cancel(IExecutable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Cancel a task.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Cancel the timeout.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IDelayRunner
Cancel the timer.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.Checker
Cancel the current wait.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TimerDelayRunner
Cancel the timer.
cancel_msg - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
The cancel message (if any).
cancel_response_contents - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The cancel response contents (if any).
cancel_responses - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The received cancel responses (if any).
cancelComponentAction(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Cancels a component action.
canceled - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Is the task canceled.
canceled - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Is the task canceled.
cancelinfo - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The wait info.
CANCELLATION_FAILED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying failed cancellation of interaction (failure explicitly stated by receiver side).
CANCELLATION_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying successful cancellation of interaction.
CANCELLATION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying unknown state of cancellation of interaction (no response from receiver side within timeout).
cancelmethod - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
The cancel method.
cancelSpaceAction(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Cancel a queued space action.
cancelSpaceAction(int) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Cancel a queued space action.
cancelTransfer(String) - Method in interface
Cancel an ongoing file transfer.
canExpire(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Test if an entry can expire.
canReference(Object, Class<?>, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Test if the codec allows referencing.
canReference(Object, Class<?>, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Prevent references for primitive-wrapped types.
canReference(Object, Class<?>, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
Test if the codec allows referencing.
canReference(Object, Class<?>, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Prevent references for primitive-wrapped types.
canReference(Object, Class<?>, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
canvas_ - Variable in class
Canvas for graphical output.
canvas_ - Variable in class
Canvas for graphical output.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
The capability.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
The bdi state.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
The capa.
Capability - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Marker for a capability class or variable.
CAPABILITY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
The capability separator.
CapabilityWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
XML version of the capability.
CapabilityWrapper(IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Create a new capability.
capacity - Variable in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
The number of free workers.
capacity - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The number of free workers.
cardinalityone - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The cardinality.
CastNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Node representing a cast expression.
CastNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CastNode
Create an expression node.
categories - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The element categories.
CategoryChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Create a category chart consumer, x must be a comparable and y must be double value.
CategoryChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
Cause - Class in jadex.bridge
A cause is used to link events.
Cause() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(Cause, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause rolling old one.
Cause(Cause) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause as clone of the other.
cause - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The root cause that was given at creation time.
cause - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The creation (root) cause.
cause - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The cause.
cause - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The cause.
CAUSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The cause constant.
cbac - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbc - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbic - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbif - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The checkbox for interfaces.
cbmethodname - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the method name.
cbmethodname - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the method name.
cbranking - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the ranking.
cbrt() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Calculate the cube root.
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Calculate the cbrt root.
cbsername - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the service name.
cbsername - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the service name.
ccs - Variable in class
The ccs.
CDATA - Static variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface
CertificateCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding certificate objects.
CertificateCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CertificateCodec
certificates - Variable in class
The details.
cfp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
The cfp object.
cfp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The cfp sent to the participants.
CFP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
cfp_info - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
The cfp_info object.
cfp_info - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The cfp_info kept locally.
changeallowed - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Changing clock type allowed?
changed - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The changed components, if any (cid->desc).
changed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The changed elements (if any).
ChangeEvent<T> - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Event that is thrown in case of a bdi element change (belief, goal, etc.).
ChangeEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new ChangeEvent.
ChangeEvent(String, Object, T, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(IEvent) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new ChangeEvent.
changeevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The change event name.
changeevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The change event name.
ChangeEvent<T> - Class in jadex.commons
The basic change event.
ChangeEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(Object, String, T) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
changeeventtypes - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
The event types.
ChangeInfoEntryMapper(<any>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IChangeListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IRemoteChangeListener
Called when a change occurs.
channel - Variable in class
CHAR - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
CHARACTER_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Character converter.
CHARACTER_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
CHARACTERS - Static variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
Indicates an event is characters.
chart - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
The chart.
CHAT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Start the chat agent for instant messaging and file transfer with user Jadex users.
ChatEvent - Class in
Information about some event that happened in the chat component.
ChatEvent() - Constructor for class
Create a new chat event.
ChatEvent(String, String, IComponentIdentifier, Object, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class
Create a new chat event.
check() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Check if completed.
checkAndFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check and filter.
checkAsyncFilters(IAsyncFilter<T>, Iterator<T>) - Method in class
Check the async filter.
checkAuthentication(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Check the authentication.
checkComponent(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class
Check access not null and throw exception otherwise.
checkComponentType(String, IComponentFactory[], int, IExternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier, Collection<String>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
checkConsistency() - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Checks this configuration for consistency errors.
checkConsistency() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Checks this config for consistency.
checkConsistency() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Checks this configuration for consistency errors.
checkContextCondition() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Check the context condition.
CheckedAction - Class in jadex.bridge
Can be used as external action, which will only be executed when isValid() is true.
CheckedAction() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Create a new action.
CheckedCollection - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A checked collection can be used for concurrent modification bug tracking.
CheckedCollection(Collection) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Create a new collection.
CheckedCollection(Collection, CheckedMap) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Create a new collection.
CheckedMap - Class in jadex.commons.collection
CheckedMap(Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Create a new collection.
checkEnhanced(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check if a bdi agent class was enhanced.
checker - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The checker.
checker - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The current checker.
Checker() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.Checker
checkExistence(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check remote files for existence.
checkForEmptySlots(List) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Check for empty slots in list.
CheckIndex - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Precondition for checking if the argument is a valid index.
checkMethodReturnType(Class<? extends Annotation>, Method, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Check, if the return type of the agent method is acceptable.
checkName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified name matches the file name.
checkNotify(E, Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Check if the delegate should be notified.
checkNotInAtomic() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Check if wait is called in atomic mode.
CheckNotNull - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre- or postcondition check that a parameter is not null.
checkOrFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check or filter.
checkPackage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified package matches the file name.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPostConditions(ServiceInvocationContext, Object, boolean, List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the postconditions.
checkPreConditions(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the precondition.
checkPublicationScope(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in class
Check if service is ok with respect to publication scope.
checkQueries(IService) - Method in class
Check the persistent queries for a new service.
checkQueriesLoop(Iterator<ServiceQueryInfo<?>>, IService) - Method in class
Check the persistent queries against a new service.
checkQuery(ServiceQueryInfo<?>, IService) - Method in class
Check a persistent query with one service.
checkResult(T, boolean, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
checkResults(List<T>, boolean, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
CheckReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
checkScope(Iterator<T>, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in class
Check the services according the the scope.
checkSearchScope(IComponentIdentifier, IService, String, boolean) - Method in class
Check if service is ok with respect to search scope of caller.
checkStale() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Start removing discovered proxies.
CheckState - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre or postcondition that a state is valid.
checkTermination(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITerminationCommand
Check if termination is allowed.
checkTermination(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminationCommand
Check if termination is allowed.
checkThreadAccess(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class
Check thread access and throw exception if is not component thread.
checkVirtual(String[], String) - Method in interface
Check if the name belongs to the mappings of one of the virtual names.
child - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
The child object.
childDeserializedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called during deserialization everytime a child is read.
childJustAddedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called everytime a child is added to this context.
childJustRemovedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
This method is called everytime a child is removed from this context.
childJustRemovedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called everytime a child is removed from this context.
childproc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Flag if process starter should be used for complete process decoupling.
children - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for children.
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A map of children - key is child instance, value is BCSChild instance.
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
The children.
children - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
children - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The map of objects to link in bulk mode (object -> map of tags -> objects per tag).
childrenAdded(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipListener
childrenRemoved(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipListener
chooseAvailableResource(String...) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Select the first available resource from a choice of potential resources.
chooseAvailableResource(ClassLoader, String...) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Select the first available resource from a choice of potential resources.
CHRONOLOCALDATECLASS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
LocalDate super interface
CHRONOLOCALDATETIMECLASS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
LocalDateTime super interface
ci - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
cid - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The local platform cid used as event source.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
The identifier of the component to observe.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The component identifier of the remote component.
cid - Variable in class
The user cid.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
The cid.
cl - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The classloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The classloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The cloassloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The classloader.
classcache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Class lookup cache (classloader(weak)->Map([name, import]->class)).
ClassCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Class objects.
ClassCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ClassCodec
ClassComboModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ClassComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Create a new ClassComboModel.
ClassComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, IFilter<String>, IFilter<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Create a new ClassComboModel.
ClassConverter() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter
classEquals(Class, Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Compares if two classes are equal or their class names are equal.
classes - Variable in class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
The map of loaded classes.
classes - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
classfilter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
classForName(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classForName0(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classForName0(String, boolean, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classidcache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
Cache for class IDs.
classidcache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Cache for class IDs.
classidcache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
Cache for class IDs.
ClassInfo - Class in jadex.bridge
The class info struct serves for saving class information.
ClassInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(Type) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
classInfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
The class info.
ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer
classloader - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The classloader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.CLObjectInputStream
The classloader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Class loader used for serialization.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Class loader used for serialization.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Class loader used for serialization.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
The classloader
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
The classloader
classloader - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
classloader - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The classloader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The classloader.
classname - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The clazz name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
The declaring class name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Cached class.
Classname - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify an identifying name for the class used to distinguish anonymous inner classes.
classname - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
The class name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The class name.
classnamecache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
Cache for class names.
classnamecache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Cache for class names.
classnamecache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
Cache for class names.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
The class name pool.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
The class name pool.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The class name pool.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
The class name pool.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The class name pool.
classnamepool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
The class name pool.
classpath - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The classpath.
classpath - Variable in class
ClasspathHTMLEditorKit() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit
ClassRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
Table renderer for classes that displays full name in tooltip.
ClassRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ClassRenderer
ClassSearchPanel - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Panel that allows for searching artifacts from maven repositories.
ClassSearchPanel(ClassLoader, IThreadPool) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Create a new search panel.
ClassSearchPanel(ClassLoader, IThreadPool, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Create a new search panel.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The type (if explicitly specified).
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as seperate class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The type (if explicitly specified).
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The property class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The clazz info.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
The parameter(set) class.
clazz - Variable in class
The type.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
The reference class for using correct package and class loader.
clazz - Variable in class
The class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The clazz.
cleaner - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
The entry cleaner (for performing cleanup code on removed entries).
cleanup(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Called after test suite is finished.
cleanup(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Cleanup the value on agent shutdown, i.e., call close() on closeable fact objects.
cleanup() - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Cleanup will be executed at the end of the action.
cleanup() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Cleanup the resource info when it is no longer used.
cleanUp(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
This method is executed when the plugins shuts down.
cleanupEldestEntry(Map.Entry<V, K>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILRUEntryCleaner
Cleanup the eldest entry.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Clear the resolver.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Clears the map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Clear the filter content.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Removes all mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Removes all of the entries from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Removes all of the entries from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Removes all of the entries from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Clear the map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Clear the cache.
clearAWT() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Workaround for AWT/Swing memory leaks.
clearAWT() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Workaround for AWT/Swing memory leaks.
clearModelCache() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Clears the model cache.
clearRecentClassBytes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
Clear the list of recently generated classes.
clearTasks() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Removes all tasks from the object.
CLI - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Start the platform with command line interface (cli) activated? (requires Jadex Pro add-on)
CLICONSOLE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Start cli with console in or not
CLObjectInputStream - Class in jadex.commons
Extension of the standard object input stream, which does not provide any means to set the classloader to use.
CLObjectInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CLObjectInputStream
Create a new object input stream
CLOCK - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if clock component and service should be started.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class
clocklistener - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The clock listener.
clocklistener - Variable in class
The clock listener for sync gui updates.
clockok - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock ok flag.
ClockState() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Bean constructor.
ClockState(String, long, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Create a clock state object.
clocktype - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock type.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Clone this component identifier.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Clone this component identifier.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Clone a component description.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Clone a component description.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Clone a component description.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.ListIndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.MapIndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Clone a multi collection.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple2
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
cloneDFComponentDescription(IDFComponentDescription, IComponentManagementService, IDF) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Clone the df component description.
cloneDFServiceDescription(IDFServiceDescription, IDF) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Clone the df service description.
CloneProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Processor that clones cloneable objects.
CloneProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CloneProcessor
close() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Close the input stream of xml data.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Call flush() first, then write out xml footer and close the underlying output stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Closes the persistence file.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Closes the persistence file.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Closes the persistence file.
close - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The nesting level delimiters.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Close the streams.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Close the streams.
close(OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Close a stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.ProtectedInputStream
Close the stream.
close(Closeable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Attempt to close a Closeable (e.g.
close() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Closes the reader.
closeConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Close a connection
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The closed flag.
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The closed flag.
closed - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
The queue state.
closed - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
The queue state.
ClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue.ClosedException
Create a new closed exception.
closedtag - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
The last tag that was closed.
CMApproveCancelPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Default plan to decide about cancel requests.
CMApproveCancelPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMApproveCancelPlan
cmd - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The schedule command.
cmdargs - Variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Command line arguments.
CMHandlerPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Receiver plan for FIPA-Cancel-Meta-Protocol.
CMHandlerPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
CMInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Plan to handle protocol abortion according to FIPA cancel meta protocol
CMInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMInitiatorPlan
cms - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The CMS used for automatic removal of listener.
CMSComponentDescription - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Java class for concept CMSComponentDescription of beanynizer_beans_fipa_new ontology.
CMSComponentDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CESComponentDescription.
CMSComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel, String, String, IResourceIdentifier, long, IComponentIdentifier, Cause, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CMSComponentDescription.
CMSCreateComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSCreateComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSCreateComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSCreateComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Create a new AMSCreateComponent.
CMSCreatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSCreatedEvent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSDestroyComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSDestroyComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSDestroyComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSDestroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Create a new AMSDestroyComponent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
CMSResumeComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSResumeComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSResumeComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSResumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Create a new AMSSuspendComponent.
CMSSearchComponents - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSSearchComponents of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSearchComponents() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Default Constructor.
CMSSearchComponents(IComponentDescription, IComponentDescription[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Create a new DFSearch.
CMSShutdownPlatform - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSShutdownPlatform of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSShutdownPlatform() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSShutdownPlatform
Default Constructor.
CMSStatusEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSStatusEvent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSSuspendComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSSuspendComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSuspendComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSSuspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Create a new CMSSuspendComponent.
CMSTerminatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSTerminatedEvent(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Evaluate proposals using the proposal evaluator interface.
CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan
CNPInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Handles the initiator side of a contract-net protocol.
CNPInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Default plan for the query nextround info goal of the iterated contract-net protocol.
CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan
CNPReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Receive a contract net protocol (cnp) and answer it.
CNPReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
cnt - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The number of tests to be performed.
cnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The number of received callbacks.
CNT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
code() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The code to be run.
CODEC_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Constant for accessing the codec id.
coll - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
The collection.
collcnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
The counter for the collection.
collectClasspathDirectories(ClassLoader, Set<File>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Collect all directory URLs belonging to a class loader.
collectClasspathURLs(ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get other contained (but not directly managed) urls from parent classloaders.
collectClasspathURLs(ClassLoader, Set<URL>, Set<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Collect all URLs belonging to a class loader.
collectDexPathUrls(ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Traverse the Hierarchy of the given classloader and collect all DexPaths that are found as URLs.
CollectingIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A listener that collects intermediate results and calls resultAvailable() on setFinished().
CollectingIntermediateResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
CollectionCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding collections.
CollectionCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CollectionCodec
CollectionNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A node representing collection values to fill in.
CollectionNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CollectionNode
Create an expression node.
CollectionProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A collection processor allows for traversing collections.
CollectionProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CollectionProcessor
Create a new collection processor.
CollectionResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Collection result listener collects a number of results and return a collection.
CollectionResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener that stops on failures.
CollectionResultListener(boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(boolean, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(int, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener that stops on failures.
CollectionResultListener(int, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(int, boolean, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
Wrapper for collections.
CollectionWrapper(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Create a new wrapper.
collectManifestURLs(URL, Set<URL>, Set<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Collect all URLs as specified in a manifest.
collectProposals(NegotiationRecord, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Collect proposal messages.
color_ - Variable in class
Color or Color binding of the primitive.
color_ - Variable in class
Color or Color binding of the primitive.
ColorCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Color objects.
ColorCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ColorCodec
ColorLayerJ2DRenderer - Class in
ColorLayerJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
ColorProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
ColorProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ColorProcessor
ColorStringMapper - Class in
Color to hex string mapper.
ColorStringMapper() - Constructor for class
colorToHTML(Color) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Convert a color to an html representation.
column - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
columnclasses - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The classes of the columns.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The display names of the columns.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The table column names.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The column names.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The data.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
The column names.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The columns (internal names of properties).
columns - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The map of column indices.
columseditable - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The editable colums.
CombiIcon - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Icon that can combine multiple images.
CombiIcon(Icon[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
Create a combio icon from the given icons.
combo - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
ComboBoxEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ComboBoxEditor(AbstractAutoComboModel<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
Create a new editor.
COMMA - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
command - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The command.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFutureCommandListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when a command is available.
COMMENT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Constant for identifying comment.
comment - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The current comment.
COMMENT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
comment - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
The comment.
commentinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The comment info.
commit() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IPreferences
Commit your preferences changes.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The comparator for comparing proposals.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The component of the ref.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
The component.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The internal access.
comp - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
The comparator to use (if any).
compact() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Removes stale entries and compacts the map.
compact() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Removes stale entries and compacts the map.
compact() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Removes stale entries and compacts the map.
compactionshadowmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Shadow map used during compaction.
COMPARABLE_COMAPRATOR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Static comparator to avoid instantiation overhead
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Static comparator to avoid instantiation overhead
compare(T, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Compare two elements.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Compare two values.
compare(AbstractInfo, AbstractInfo) - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo.SpecificityComparator
compareElementsAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
CompareNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Compare node compares it's (two) child nodes.
CompareNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Create a node.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
Return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
compareTo(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compares two strings, ignoring case.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Compare two action entries.
comparevalue - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Value used during comparison.
COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The component flag argument (for starting an additional component).
component - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as component type.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
The component.
component - Variable in class
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The internal access.
component - Variable in class
component - Variable in class
component - Variable in class
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The receiving component.
Component - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Component annotation.
component - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The component.
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The component factory instance.
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The component factory classname argument.
COMPONENT_MANAGEMENT_ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The name of the fipa component management ontology.
ComponentActionList - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
The list of scheduled component actions and convenience methods for executing selected actions.
ComponentActionList(IEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Create a new action list.
ComponentActionList.ActionEntry - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Entry for a scheduled action.
componentActive(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes active.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Called when a new element has been added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Called from application component, when a component was added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Called when an component was added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IPerceptGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentChanged(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Called when a component has changed its state.
componentChanged(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a component has changed its state.
ComponentCreationException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when component creation failed.
ComponentCreationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationException(String, String, Object) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Internal parameter object for data required during component initialization.
ComponentCreationInfo(IModelInfo, String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentDescription, ProvidedServiceInfo[], RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Create an info object.
componentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescription.
componentdescriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescriptions.
ComponentEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
ComponentEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentEvent
ComponentFutureFunctionality - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Schedule forward future executions (e.g.
ComponentFutureFunctionality(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
Create a new future.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class
ComponentIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Component identifier with transport addresses.
ComponentIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier with a given global name.
ComponentIdentifier(String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier with a global name and given addresses.
ComponentIdentifier(String, ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(String, ITransportComponentIdentifier, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create component identifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentIdle(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes idle.
ComponentInstanceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Component instance information.
ComponentInstanceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
ComponentInstanceInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class
componentname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component name used for searching.
componentname - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The name of the component to be created for an avatar.
ComponentNotFoundException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when a component was not found.
ComponentNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentPersistedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been persisted.
ComponentPersistedException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persited exception.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persisted exception.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, Map) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Called when a new element has been removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Called from application component, when a component was removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Called when an component was removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IPerceptGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class
ComponentResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
The result listener for executing listener invocations as a component step.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
ComponentResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
ComponentResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
components - Variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Components to start.
components - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of contained components.
components - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The components.
components - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
The created components (name->comp).
components - Variable in class
The evaluation components.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class
ComponentSuspendable - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Allow waiting for futures by blocking a component.
ComponentSuspendable(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Create a component suspendable.
ComponentTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been terminated.
ComponentTerminatedException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Empty constructor for deserialization.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTestSuite - Class in jadex.base.test
Execute multiple component tests in a test suite.
ComponentTestSuite(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in class directories on the class path (i.e.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String[], File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentThreadInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Ensures that interceptor is only called when component thread is in the chain.
ComponentThreadInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Create a new ComponentThreadInterceptor.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component type, i.e.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
The agent type.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The component type name.
ComponentType - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
componenttypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
The component types.
ComponentTypes - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Define component types that can be instantiated as subcomponents of the declaring component.
componentTypesAdded(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when new component types become available.
componentTypesRemoved(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when component types become unavailable.
ComponentUptimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.time
Property for the startup of a component.
ComponentUptimeProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
Create a new property.
ComposedEvaluator<S> - Class in
Evaluator composed of multiple weighted evaluators.
ComposedEvaluator() - Constructor for class
Creates the combiner.
ComposedFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter checks if an object matches the given subfilters.
ComposedFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedFilter(IFilter<T>...) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedFilter(IFilter<T>[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedRemoteFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter checks if an object matches the given subfilters.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
CompositeCancelable - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
CompositeCancelable(List<MSequenceEdge>, ProcessThread, IInternalAccess, ICancelable[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
Create a new CompositeCancelable.
computeAcceptableN(long, long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute acceptable amount of elements with given number of hashes and size of filter in bits.
computeFileHash(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compute a file hash.
computeFileHash(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compute a file hash.
computeOptimalK(long, long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute optimal number of hash functions using expected number of elements and size of filter in bits.
computeOptimalM(long, double) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute optimal size of bloom filter in bits by expected number of elements and acceptable false positive rate.
computeP(long, long, double) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute best-case (uniform hash function) false positive probability.
COMSUPS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component suspendables.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The original connection (not transferred).
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The original connection.
concurrency - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The number of currently running tasks.
ConcurrencyCheckingList - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A wrapper for a list to detect undesired concurrent access.
ConcurrencyCheckingList(List) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
Wrap the given list.
concurrencyCheckingList(List) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Wrap a list for concurrency checking.
cond - Variable in class
cond - Variable in class
cond - Variable in class
cond - Variable in class
condition - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The trigger condition.
condition - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
The task condition (optional).
CONDITION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal context condition name.
CONDITION_CREATION - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal creation condition name.
CONDITION_DROP - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal drop condition name.
CONDITION_MAINTAIN - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal maintain condition name.
CONDITION_RECUR - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal recur condition name.
CONDITION_TARGET - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal target condition name.
ConditionalNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Conditional node returns the value of it's second or third child node depending on the truth value of it's first child.
ConditionalNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConditionalNode
Create a node.
ConditionException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
ConditionException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
conditions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The expressions.
conditions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The goal conditions.
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The start configuration name.
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The configuration.
config - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
The config.
config - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
configpp - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot configuration.
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The configuration.
Configuration - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Configuration annotation.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The configuration file argument.
CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The configuration to use.
configurationInfo - Variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Name of the configured configuration
ConfigurationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Information contained in a component configuration.
ConfigurationInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
ConfigurationInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
configurations - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The configurations.
configurations - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The configurations.
Configurations - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Configurations annotation.
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
connectDelegationFuture(Future, IFuture) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Connect a delegation future with the source.
connection - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The connection to the TOC server.
ConsoleListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Create a console listener.
CONSTANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should remain constant.
constant - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Is the node value constant (independent of evaluation context and parameters)?
constant_value - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The constant value (if any).
ConstantFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
Filter with fixed return value.
ConstantFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Create filter instance.
ConstantFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Create filter instance.
ConstantNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Constant node representing a constant value.
ConstantNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Create a node.
ConstantPoolStrategy - Class in jadex.commons
Simple strategy with a constant number of workers.
ConstantPoolStrategy() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Create a new ConstantPoolStrategy.
ConstantPoolStrategy(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Create a new ConstantPoolStrategy.
ConstantStringMapper - Class in
Mapper that returns a constant value not depending on the input value.
ConstantStringMapper(Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new mapper.
ConstantValueFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
ConstantValueFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
ConstantValueFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
constraintmodel - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Hard constraint model
CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The constructor type.
ConstructorInfo - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Describes a constructor.
ConstructorInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new ConstructorInfo.
ConstructorInfo(Constructor<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new ConstructorInfo.
ConstructorInfo(String[], String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new FieldInfo.
constructors - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The possible constructors (for constructor nodes).
consumeData(long, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
consumeData(long, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
consumeData(long, double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.ITableDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
Consumer<T> - Interface in jadex.commons.functional
Functional interface for a consumer T -> ()
ContactData - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
Contact information data bean.
ContactData() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Constructor for ContactData.
ContactData(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Create a new contact.
contacts - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
The contact data.
container - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The container.
container - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The platform.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if the given object is a child of this context.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
contains(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if given objects are children of this context.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
containsBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
containsBelief(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
containsBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
containsDigit(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if a string contains a digit.
containsEntry(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Test if an entry is contained.
containsFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Test if a fact is contained in a belief.
containsFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Test if a fact is contained in a belief.
containsGoal(IGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Test if an adopted goal is already contained in the goal base.
containsGoal(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Test if an adopted goal is already contained in the goal base.
containsJob(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Test if a job is scheduled with an id.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if the given object is a child of this context.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns whether the forward map contains the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Test if a key is contained.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns whether this map contains the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns whether this map contains the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns whether this map contains the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Test if key contained.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
containsVal(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
containsVal(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Test if a value is contained in a parameter.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns whether the reverse map contains the specified key.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns whether the map contains the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns whether the map contains the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns whether the map contains the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Test if value contained.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
CONTENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
content - Variable in class
The plain content.
content - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The content being decoded.
content - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
List containing objects in leaf nodes, null otherwise.
content - Variable in exception
The received content
CONTENT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Constant for identifying content.
content - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The collected content.
content - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
The content.
content_info - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
The parameters that are important for en/decoding.
ContentException - Exception in jadex.bridge
A content exception occurs, if the content cannot be properly extracted from a message with language and ontology set.
ContentException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
ContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
contentinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The content info.
contents - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
The contents.
contenttype - Variable in class
The content type.
CONTEXT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if context component and service should be started.
context - Variable in exception jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SerializerDecodingException
Decoding context in its failure state.
CONTEXT_ENTRIES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Key for error entries in read context.
CONTEXT_LOADER - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
The loader constant.
contextcondition - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The context condition.
contextconditionmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The precondition method cached for speed.
CONTEXTSERVICECLASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative context service implementation.
continuosly - Variable in class
ContinuousSpace2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Continuous version of 2D space.
ContinuousSpace2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace2D(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace2D(Object, IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
ContinuousSpace3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
Continuous version of 2D space.
ContinuousSpace3D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace3D(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace3D(Object, IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
conv - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The parameter converter.
CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
conversationparams - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The conversation relevant parameters.
convert(T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.IConvertableUnit
Convert a value according to the underlying unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Convert to a known unit.
CONVERT_ALL - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of all known characters.
CONVERT_ALL_EXCEPT_AMP - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of all known characters except &.
CONVERT_NONE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of no characters.
convertabletypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
String convertable types.
convertArguments(Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Convert arguments to argument map.
convertBulkValues(List<Object>, Class<?>, Object, AReadContext, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Convert a list of values into the target format (list, set, collection, array).
convertContentObject(String, QName, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Convert an object to another type of object.
convertContentObject(String, QName, AReadContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectReaderHandler
Convert a content string object to another type of object.
convertDetailsToMap(List) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Convert the List of MAnnotationDetail to a Map.
converter - Variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
The attribute converter.
converter - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
The subobject converter.
convertEvents(String, Set<String>, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
convertEventTypes(String, Collection<EventType>, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
convertNameValue(NameValue) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Convert a name value annotation to an unparsed expression.
convertObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IObjectStringConverter
Convert a value to a string type.
convertObject(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeConverter
Convert a value to a string type.
convertObject(Object, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.IObjectObjectConverter
Convert an object to another object.
convertObjectForRead(Object, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.ISubObjectConverter
Convert an object to another object.
convertObjectForRead(Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.SubObjectConverter
Convert an object to another object.
convertObjectForWrite(Object, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.ISubObjectConverter
Convert an object to another object.
convertObjectForWrite(Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.SubObjectConverter
Convert an object to another object.
convertParameters(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IParameterConverter
Convert parameters.
convertParameters(Object[], Object) - Method in class
Convert parameters.
convertParameters(Object[], Object) - Method in interface
Convert parameters.
convertPathsToRelative(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Convert the given paths to relative paths.
convertPathToPackage(String, URL[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Find a package name from a path.
convertPathToRelative(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an absolute path to a relative path based on the current user directory.
convertProperties(List, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Set properties on a map.
convertString(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IStringObjectConverter
Convert a string value to another type.
convertString(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter
Convert a string value to a type.
convertString(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeConverter
Convert a string value to another type.
convertToCollection(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Convert user defined tag(s) to collection.
convertToRemoteFiles(File[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Convert files to remote files.
convertToRuntimeException(Throwable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Converts an exception to RuntimeException, returns original if already a RuntimeException.
convertToString(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
convertToString(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
convertToString(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassComboModel
convertToString(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
convertToString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
convertTrigger(IBDIModel, String, MTrigger, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Convert a plan trigger or waitqueue and map the events.
convertURLToString(URL) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an URL to a local file name.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in interface
Convert a value.
convertValue(Object, Class<?>, Object, AReadContext, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Convert a value by using a converter.
convertWrappedValue(Object, Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Convert a value to the correct wrapped type.
convid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
True, if this parameter can be used to identify an ongoing conversation.
convidcnt - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The counter for conversation ids.
convidcnt - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The counter for conversation ids.
copy(String, IExternalAccess, String, IFileTransferService) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Copy a file between two platforms.
copy(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a copy of this thread (e.g.
copy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The argument copy allowed flag.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copyArray(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy an array.
copyChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an array containing all children of this context.
copyCondition(IBDIModel, String, MCondition) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a condition and adapt the events.
copyConfigBelief(IBDIModel, String, MConfigBeliefElement, List<MConfigBeliefElement>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a config belief element.
copyConfigParameterElement(IBDIModel, String, MConfigParameterElement, List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a config parameter element.
copyConfiguration(IBDIModel, String, ConfigurationInfo, ConfigurationInfo, MConfiguration, MConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy an inner configuration into an outer one.
copyEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
copyExpression(String, UnparsedExpression) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy an expression.
copyExpressions(String, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy expressions.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy a file.
copyParameter(IBDIModel, ClassLoader, String, MParameter) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a parameter and adapt events.
CopyReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy all data from input to output stream.
CoreNumberProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The number of cores.
CoreNumberProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
Create a new property.
COUNTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The counter.
CounterResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Counter result listener for counting a specified number of resultAvailable calls.
CounterResultListener(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, IResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, boolean, IResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
countOccurrences(String, char) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Count the occurrences of a char in a string.
countResults(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
countResults(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
countResults(int, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider<S> - Class in
Service search ranking decider based on a simple service count threshold.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider(int) - Constructor for class
Creates the decider.
countTokens() - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Count the number of tokens.
CPULoadProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The cpu load property.
CPULoadProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
Create a new property.
create - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The create flag.
create(ComponentCreationInfo, Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Create the component, i.e.
create(Class<T>, Object, String, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
create(Class<T>, Object, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
create(Class<T>, Object, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
create(T) - Static method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
Creates a new MutableObject
createAccount(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
Read account data from property file.
createAction(String, Icon, ActionListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create an action.
createActivityEvent(String, ProcessThread, MActivity) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Create an activity event (start, end).
createArrayList() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh array list.
createArrayList(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create an array list from values.
createAttributeInfos(AttributeInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create the attribute info map (xml name(s) -> attribute info).
createAuthentication(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Check the authentication.
createAvatar(IComponentDescription, String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create an avatar.
createavatar - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for creating the avatar when an component is created.
createBCSChild(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Creates a BCSSChild object to company the given child.
createBCSChild(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Creates a BCSChild object to company the given child.
createBCSSServiceProvider(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Creates a BCSSServiceProvider to company the given service.
createBDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDIAgentFactory object.
createBDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBDIClassGenerator() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDI Class Generator object.
createBDIClassGenerator() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDI Class Reader object.
createBDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBeanProperty(String, Class<?>, Method, Method, Class<?>, Type) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
Creates a bean property based on getter/setter.
createBeanProperty(String, Field, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
Creates a bean property based on a field.
createBinding(Binding) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a service binding.
createButton(String, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a button and add it to the panel.
createButton(String, String, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a button and add it to the panel.
createButtons(String, String[], double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create several buttons.
createCertificate(InputStream) - Static method in class
Get the textual representation of a certificate.
createCertificate(String) - Static method in class
Get the textual representation of a certificate.
createChangeEvent(Object, Object, Object, IInternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Caution: this method is used from byte engineered code, change signature with caution Create a belief changed event.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.HistogramDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createCheckBox(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean, double, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createChild(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Create a subcomponent.
createChild(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Create a subcomponent.
createCollection(K) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Create a collection instance.
createComboBox(String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a combo box and add it to the panel.
createComboBox(String, Object[], boolean, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a combo box and add it to the panel.
createComponent(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Create component and get external access for component.
createComponent(String, CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(CreationInfo, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo, IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Use other createComponent methods.
createcomponent - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for creating the component when an avatar is created.
createComponentIdentifier(IInternalAccess, String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Create component identifier from name.
createComponentInstanceInfo(Component) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create component instance info from component annotation.
createComponentInstanceInfo(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create component instance info from creation info annotation.
CreateComponentTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Task for creating a component.
CreateComponentTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
createConfigBeliefsList(NameValue[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create config beliefs.
createConfigParamElementsList(NameValue[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create config parameter elements.
createContext() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Add loader to context.
createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class
createCopy() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a copy of this thread (e.g.
CREATED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The created percept type.
CREATED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The created percept type.
createDelegationProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a delegation service proxy for provided service that is not offered by the component itself.
createDFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a df component description.
createDFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a df component description.
createDFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription[], String[], String[], String[], Date) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a new df component description.
createDFServiceDescription(String, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a df service description.
createDFServiceDescription(String, String, String, String[], String[], String[], IProperty[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a df service description.
createDialog(String, JComponent, JComponent) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a dialog with a specific content panel.
createDialog(String, JComponent, JComponent, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a dialog with a specific content panel.
createDummyClassLoader(ClassLoader, ClassLoader, List<URL>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create a throw away class loader.
createEndBehavior() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Create the end behavior.
createEntries() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
createEventType(RawEvent) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
Create a precompiled expression.
createExpression(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpressionbase
Create a precompiled expression.
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get an expression by name.
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase
Create a precompiled expression.
createFastHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hash map.
createField(int, String, String, String[], Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmNodeHelper
Create field node helper.
createField(int, String, String, String[], Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
createFiles(String, MultiCollection<String, ZipEntry>) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create the files for an entry.
createfromtag - Variable in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create from tag flag.
createGoal(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Create a goal from a template goal.
createGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a goal from a template goal.
createGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Create a goal from a template goal.
createHandleMessageStep(IMessageAdapter) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Helper method to override message handling.
createHandleStreamStep(IConnection) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Helper method to override stream handling.
createHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hash map.
createHashMap(K[], T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a hash map from keys and values.
createHashSet() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a hash set.
createHashSet(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a hash set from values.
createHashtable() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hashtable.
createImplementation(Implementation, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a service implementation.
createIndexMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh index map.
createInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Create a virtual input connection.
createInstance(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Create an instance of the feature.
createInstance(IExternalAccess, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
createInstance(IExternalAccess, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a new intenal event.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a new intenal event.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a new intenal event.
createKeyPair(IComponentIdentifier, String, int, String, int) - Method in interface
Create a key pair entry.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection with java util timer.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection with java util timer.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<E>, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection with java util timer.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<E>, IDelayRunner, boolean, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection with java util timer.
createLinkedHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked hash map.
createLinkedHashSet() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createLinkedList() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked list.
createListSelectionListener() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
Creates and returns an instance of ListSelectionHandler.
createLRU(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked hash map.
createMenuBar(Action[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a menu bar, given a list of actions.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a new message event.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a new message event.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a new message event.
createMethodCondition(MParameterElement, String, String[], RawEvent[], String[], BDIModel, Method, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMGoal(BDIModel, Goal, Class<?>, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMPlan(BDIModel, Plan, MethodInfo, String, ClassInfo, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMultiCollection() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh multi collection.
createNestedMap(Map) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createNestedMap(Map[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createNext() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create the next cause.
createNFRProperties(NFRProperty[]) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create req service props.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BigIntegerCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CalendarCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CertificateCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ClassCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CollectionCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ColorCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DateCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumerationCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ImageCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.InetAddressCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LoggingLevelCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LogRecordCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MethodCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.OptionalCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.RectangleCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StackTraceElementCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TimestampCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URICodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URLCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.UUIDCodec
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Map) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.IObjectCreator
createObject(Object, boolean, AReadContext, Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Create an object for the current tag.
createObject(IContext, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface jadex.xml.bean.IBeanObjectCreator
Create an object.
createObject(Object, boolean, AReadContext, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectReaderHandler
Create an object for the current tag.
createObjectTask(String, Map, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object task.
createObjectTask(String, Map, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object task.
createOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Create a virtual output connection.
createParameter(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameter(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameterSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameterSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createPath(QName[], Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Create a qname path.
createPercept(String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create a percept for the given component.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IPlanbase
Create a plan instance.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Create a plan instance.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RPlanbase
Create a plan instance.
createPlatform(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
since 3.0.7. Use other createPlatform methods instead.
createPlatform(String...) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform() - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(PlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(PlatformConfiguration, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(PlatformConfiguration, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(PlatformConfiguration, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatformIdentifier(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
createPojoInstance(IInternalAccess, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Create a pojo goal instance.
createProperty(Class<?>, IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Create a property instance from its type.
createPropertyEditor(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
createProvidedHandler(String, IInternalAccess, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a basic invocation handler.
createProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, Object, String, Class<?>, String, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], boolean, ProvidedServiceInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a standard service proxy for a provided service.
createProxy(IExternalAccess, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create a proxy for the remote platform.
createProxy(IService, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Create a required service proxy.
createReadContext(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IXMLReader, XMLReporter, Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
createReader() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createReader(boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
Creates a new XML Reader
createReader(boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
Creates a new XML Reader
createReader(boolean, boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
Creates a new XML Reader
createReader() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactoryDesktop
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createReader(boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactoryDesktop
Creates a new XML Reader.
createReader(boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactoryDesktop
Creates a new XML Reader.
createReader(boolean, boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactoryDesktop
Creates a new XML Reader.
createReadOnlyTable() - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a table that displays its contents using nto editable text fields.
createRealtimeTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new realtime timer.
createRegexFromGlob(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a regex from a normal bnf pattern.
createReply(IMessageEvent, String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a reply to a message event.
createReply(IMessageEvent, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a reply to a message event.
createReply(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Create a reply to a message.
createRequiredProxies(IInternalAccess, Collection<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Create a required service proxies.
createRequiredProxies(IInternalAccess, Collection<T>, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Create a required service proxies.
createRequiredProxy(IInternalAccess, T, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Create a required service proxy.
createRequiredProxy(IInternalAccess, T, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Create a required service proxy.
createRequiredServiceInfo(RequiredService, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a required service info and add it to the map.
createRequiredServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IService, IRequiredServiceFetcher, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a standard service proxy for a required service.
createResourceIdentifier(IExternalAccess, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Create a resource identifier.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Create a result listener which is executed as an component step.
createResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results to the given SuccessListener and uses default exception handling.
createResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results to the given SuccessListener.
createResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results to the given SuccessListener and Exceptions to the given ExceptionListener.
createReturnConstantMethod(String, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmNodeHelper
Create const method node helper.
createReturnConstantMethod(String, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
Creates a Method that always returns the given value.
createRSWrapperInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Method in class
createRSWrapperInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Method in class
createRuntimeTags(Object, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Create a collection of tags and replace the variable values.
createSearchConstraints(int, int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Create a search constraints object.
createServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Create a service call.
createServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Create a service call.
createServiceFetcher(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Create a service fetcher.
createServiceIdentifier(String, Class<?>, IResourceIdentifier, Class<?>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Set the service identifier.
createServiceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, String, Class<?>, Class<?>, IResourceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service identifier.
createServiceIdentifier(String, Class<?>, IResourceIdentifier, Class<?>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Set the service identifier.
createServiceImplementation(ProvidedServiceInfo, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Create a service implementation from description.
createServiceImplementation(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class
Create a wrapper service implementation based on mapping information.
createServiceImplementation(IInternalAccess, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Create a wrapper rest service implementation based on mapping information.
createServiceImplementation(IInternalAccess, Class<?>, WebServiceMappingInfo) - Static method in class
Create a wrapper service implementation based on the JAXB generated Java service class and the service mapping information.
createServiceImplementation(Class<?>, WebServiceMappingInfo) - Method in class
Create a wrapper service implementation based on the JAXB generated Java service class and the service mapping information.
createSpaceObject(String, Map, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object in this space.
createSpaceObject(String, Map, List) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object in this space.
CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask - Class in jadex.bdibpmn.task
Create a task for a space object.
CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bdibpmn.task.CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask
createSpaceObjectZombie(String, Map, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates a zombie object in this space.
createSpaceProcess(String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates a space process.
createSpaceProcess(String, Map) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Creates a space process.
createStartBehavior() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Create the start behavior.
createSubobjectInfosRead(SubobjectInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create subobject infos for each tag sorted by specificity.
createSubobjectInfosWrite(SubobjectInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create subobject infos for each tag sorted by specificity.
createTestvalues(String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Create some string values for testing.
createTextField(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a text field and add it to the panel.
createTextField(String, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a text field and add it to the panel.
createTextField(String, String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a text field and add it to the panel.
createTextField(String, String, boolean, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a text field and add it to the panel.
createTextField(String, String, boolean, double, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a text field and add it to the panel.
createThreadEvent(String, ProcessThread) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Create a thread event (creation, modification, termination).
createThreadPool() - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
Create a local thread pool.
createTickTimer(ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Create a new tick timer.
createTickTimer(ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new tick timer.
createTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Create a new timer.
createTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new timer.
createToolBar(String, Action[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a tool bar, given a list of actions.
createTuple(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TupleProcessor
createUniqueId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a unique id.
createUniqueId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a unique id.
createUniqueId(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Use SUtil.createUniqueId() instead
createUniqueId(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a globally unique conversation id.
createUniqueId(String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a globally unique conversation id.
createUnparsedExpressions(NameValue[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Create unparsed expressions.
createUnparsedExpressions(Value[]) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create unparsed expressions.
createUnparsedExpressionsList(NameValue[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Create unparsed expressions.
createValue(Value, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Convert value annotation to object.
createValue(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Create a value from a class.
createVector() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh vector.
createVector2(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Create a vector2 from this and another vector.
createVector2(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Create a vector2 from this and another vector.
createVector2(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Create a vector2 from this and another vector.
createVector2(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Create a vector2 from this and another vector.
createWeakHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh weak hash map.
createWeakList() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh weak list.
createWeakSet() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh weak set.
createWriter() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
Create a new reader (with genids=true and indent=true).
createWriter(boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
Create an XMLWRiter
createWriter(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createWriter(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createWriter() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactoryDesktop
Create a new reader (with genids=true and indent=true).
createWriter(boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactoryDesktop
Creates a new XML Reader.
createWriter(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactoryDesktop
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createWriter(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactoryDesktop
Creates a new default XML Reader.
createXMLReader(Reader) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
createXMLReader(InputStream) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
createXMLReader(InputStream) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
createXMLReader(Reader) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
creation - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
For capturing call stack of future creation.
creationfuture - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
Future called when the component is created to allow compensation (i.e.
creationinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Information about the component to create.
CreationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
A parameter object to capture extra information for component creation.
CreationInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(CreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(IComponentIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel, String[], RequiredServiceBinding[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Component annotation.
creationtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The creation time.
creationtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source creation time.
creator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The creator.
CronJob<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
The cron job consists of: - a unique id - a time pattern filter - a command
CronJob() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Create a new cronjob.
CronJob(String, IFilter<Long>, IResultCommand<ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, Tuple2<IInternalAccess, Long>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Create a new cron job.
CryptAcquireContextW(Pointer, WString, WString, int, int) - Static method in class
Acquires the crypt context.
CryptGenRandom(ULONG, int, Pointer) - Static method in class
Generates random data.
CryptReleaseContext(ULONG, int) - Static method in class
Releases the crypt context.
cs - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
The clock service.
CSVFileDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Simple file consumer that writes data into a text file.
CSVFileDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
ctarget - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
The target constructor.
ctm - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
curChar - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
curit - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
The current iterator.
curkey - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The key of the current component (if any).
curquery - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The current search query text.
CURRENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The current service calls mapped to threads.
current - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The current call.
current - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The current component (if any).
currentarg - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The current arguments.
currentcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The current service call (to be reestablished after call).
currentclassname - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
The current class name.
currenttime - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Current time.
currentToken - Variable in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
This is the last token that has been consumed successfully.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customCommandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when a command is available.
customExceptionListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Custom result listener
customExceptionListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Custom result listener
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
customFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
customFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
customFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when finished.
customFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(S) - Method in class
Process intermediate results for ranking.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(T) - Method in class
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Check results before sending them further.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
customIntermediateResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Custom functional intermediate result listener
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Replacement method for isApplicable.
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
Customizer - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
customResultAvailable(Collection<S>) - Method in class
Called when result is available.
customResultAvailable(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener
Called when result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when result is available.
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Collection<T>) - Method in class
customResultAvailable(T) - Method in class
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.RemoteDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Overwritten to call intermediate and finished methods.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when the result is available.
customResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Custom functional result listener
customResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Custom functional result listener
customResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Custom result listener
customResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Custom result listener
cutArrays(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Cut two arrays.
cutPackageFromClassName(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Cut package off from classname.
Cylinder3d - Class in
Cylinder3d(double, double) - Constructor for class
Cylinder3d(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, double, double, IParsedExpression, String, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Generates a new Cylinder3d


daemon - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The daemon flag.
daemon - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The daemon flag (default: false).
daemon - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The daemon flag.
DAInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction
This plan implements the initiator of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental) A dutch auction is one where the auctioneer starts with a high start price and continually lowers it until the first bidder accepts the price.
DAInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
DAReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction
This plan implements the receiver of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental).
DAReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAReceiverPlan
DATA - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The ID number for a DATA packet (flap).
data - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
The data of the current or last activity.
data - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The data of the current or last activity.
data - Variable in class
The data of the process.
data - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
The cache data.
data - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
The user node data.
data - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableListEvent
The data.
data - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The data.
data - Variable in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
The resource, if already loaded.
data - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The percept content (if any).
DATA_ADDRESSBOOK - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The transport address book data key.
DATA_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Constant for local default timeout name.
DATA_DEFAULT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Constant for remote default timeout name.
DATA_PARAMETERCOPY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Flag if copying parameters for local service calls is allowed.
DATA_REALTIMETIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Flag if local timeouts should be realtime (instead of clock dependent).
DATA_SERVICEREGISTRY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The local service registry data key.
dataconsumers - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The data consumers.
dataedges - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
The data of the current data edges.
dataedges - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The data of the current data edges.
dataexp - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The object expression.
DataInputDecodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for decoding a binary-encoded object.
DataInputDecodingContext(DataInput, List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Creates a new DecodingContext.
DataInputDecodingContext(DataInput, List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Creates a new DecodingContext with specific offset.
DataOutputEncodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for encoding (serializing) an object in a binary format.
DataOutputEncodingContext(DataOutput, Object, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
Creates an encoding context.
dataproviders - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The data providers (name -> provider).
DataTable - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Basic data structure for all collected data.
DataTable(String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Create a new data table.
dataviewmappings - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Data view mappings.
date - Variable in class
The date.
date - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The release date.
DATE_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Date converter.
DATE_FORMAT_NUMBER - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The short date format (e.g.
DATE_FORMAT_TEXT - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The text date format (e.g.
DATE_FORMAT_TIMESTAMP - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The short date format (e.g.
DateCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Date objects.
DateCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DateCodec
dateFromIso8601(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Attempts to create a date object in Java from an ISO 8601 string.
DateProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.Date.
DateProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DateProcessor
DateTimeRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
A renderer for date values.
DateTimeRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DateTimeRenderer
Create a new renderer.
DateTimeRenderer(DateFormat) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DateTimeRenderer
Create a new renderer.
dateToIso8601(Date) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Creates an ISO 8601-compliant string out of a java Date object.
dato - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
The binary output
dcontent - Variable in class
The digest content (the content the digest should be applied to).
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Debug flag for printing.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
If debug is turned on it will print uncatched exceptions within service calls.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
The debug flag.
DebugException - Exception in jadex.commons
Helper class to remember stack traces.
DebugException() - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.DebugException
Create a debug exception.
DebugException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.DebugException
Create a debug exception.
DEBUGFUTURES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The debug futures flag argument.
DebugPrinter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection.DebugPrinter
DEBUGSERVICES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The debug futures services argument.
DEBUGSTEPS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The debug futures services argument.
debugStream - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
decapitalize(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Decapitalizes a given string according to the rule:
DECENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
DECENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortHeaderRenderer
decideIteration(Object, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Decide about the next iteration.
decideIteration(Object, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Decide about the next iteration.
decideParticipation(AuctionDescription, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAReceiverPlan
Decide about participation.
decideParticipation(AuctionDescription, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAReceiverPlan
Decide about participation.
decider - Variable in class
The termination decider.
decider - Variable in class
The termination decider.
decideRequest(Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
Decide about the request.
DECIMAL_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
decode(Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Decode data with the codec.
decode(byte[], ClassLoader, Map<Class<?>, Object[]>, IErrorReporter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IContentCodec
Decode data with the codec.
decode(char[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This is a wrapper to decode(final char[] code, final int from, final int len)
decode(char[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will decode base64 data without line feeds.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This is a wrapper to decode(final byte[] code, final int from, final int len)
decode(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
a copy of the char part
decode(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Decodes an object.
decode(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecoderHandler
Decodes an object.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Decodes a VarInt.
decode(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Decodes a VarInt.
decode76(char[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
decodeCRLF(code, 0, code.length, 76)
decodeComplexColumnMarker(String) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
decodeCRLF(char[], int, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will decode base64 data.
decodeCRLF(char[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will decode base64 data with CRLF at 4 character boundary.
decodeFailSafe(char[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
decodeFailSafe(char[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This removes all bad characters from the char array.
decodeObject(IDecodingContext) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Helper method for decoding an object (used for recursion).
DECODER_HANDLERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Handlers for decoding.
DECODER_HANDLERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Handlers for decoding.
decodeRawObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Method for decoding a raw object where the class is known.
decoderhandlers - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
The decoder handlers.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CollectionCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeSubObjects(Object, Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
Decodes and adds sub-objects during decoding.
decodeWithKnownSize(byte[], int, byte) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Decodes a VarInt when the extension size is known.
DecodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for decoding a binary-encoded object.
DecodingContext(byte[], List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Creates a new DecodingContext.
DecodingContext(byte[], List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Creates a new DecodingContext with specific offset.
DecodingContext2 - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for decoding a binary-encoded object.
DecodingContext2(InputStream, List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Creates a new DecodingContext.
DecodingContext2(InputStream, List<IDecoderHandler>, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Creates a new DecodingContext with specific offset.
DecouplingInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Invocation interceptor for executing a call on the underlying component thread.
DecouplingInterceptor(IInternalAccess, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Copy return value, when service call is finished.
DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Service invocation step.
DecouplingReturnInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The decoupling return interceptor ensures that the result notifications of a future a delivered on the calling component thread.
DecouplingReturnInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingReturnInterceptor
DEFARGS - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The default test platform arguments.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
DEFAULT_BULKLINK_MODE - Static variable in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Default link mode.
DEFAULT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The default component (used when no other component is shown).
DEFAULT_ENCODING - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The default encoding.
DEFAULT_ERROR_REPORTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DefaultErrorReporter
Error reporter constant.
DEFAULT_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
The default component features.
DEFAULT_ID_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
The default ID size.
DEFAULT_LOCAL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Constant for local default timeout.
DEFAULT_MAX_LEAF_NODE_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Default value for maximum number of objects in leaf nodes.
DEFAULT_MAX_MEDIAN_SAMPLES - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Default value for maximum number of samples taken to estimate coordinate median.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
The default ID for this space
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
The default ID for this space.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
The default ID for this space
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
The default ID for this space.
DEFAULT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Constant for remote default timeout.
DEFAULT_RSPUBLISH_COMPONENTS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The default publish implementations for rest.
DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
The default time to live time span (5 mins).
DefaultActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Default activity handler, which provides some useful helper methods.
DefaultActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
DefaultAuthorizable - Class in
Default implementation for a authorizable.
DefaultAuthorizable() - Constructor for class
Bean constructor.
DefaultBDIVisionProcessor - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib
Default bdi agent vision processor.
DefaultBDIVisionProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
DefaultDataProvider - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Provides data on basis of the environment space.
DefaultDataProvider(AbstractEnvironmentSpace, IObjectSource[], String, String[], IParsedExpression[]) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
Create a new space object table data provider.
DefaultErrorReporter - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Reporter receiving errors encountered during decoding and throws them.
DefaultErrorReporter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DefaultErrorReporter
DefaultFileFilter - Class in jadex.base
The default file filter allows using different file extensions.
DefaultFileFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Create a new file filter.
DefaultFileFilter(boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Create a new file filter.
defaulthandler - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The default object handler.
defaultimports - Static variable in class
DefaultMessageAdapter - Class in jadex.bridge
The adapter for messages on the standalone platform.
DefaultMessageAdapter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Bean constructor.
DefaultMessageAdapter(Map, MessageType) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Create a new message adapter.
DefaultObjectCreationProcess - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Process for continuously creating objects in the space.
DefaultObjectCreationProcess() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
Create a new create food process.
DefaultParameterMapper - Class in
Default parameter mapper that uses the same value mapper for all parameters.
DefaultParameterMapper(IValueMapper) - Constructor for class
Create a new mapper.
DefaultPersistenceDelegate - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Default PersistenceDelegate for normal classes.
DefaultPersistenceDelegate() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate
Constructs a DefaultPersistenceDelegate instance that supports the persistence of a bean which has a default constructor.
DefaultPersistenceDelegate(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate
Constructs a DefaultPersistenceDelegate instance that supports the persistence of a bean which is constructed with some properties.
DefaultPoolStrategy - Class in jadex.commons
This strategy has two parameters: - The desired number of free workers in the pool.
DefaultPoolStrategy() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultPoolStrategy(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultPoolStrategy(int, long, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultPoolStrategy(int, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultPoolStrategy(int, int, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultPoolStrategy(int, int, long, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Create a new default pool strategy.
DefaultResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
The default listener for logging exceptions as warning.
DefaultResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
DefaultResultListener(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
DefaultServiceFetcher - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
The default service fetcher realizes the default strategy for fetching a required service.
DefaultServiceFetcher(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Create a new required service fetcher.
DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Simple listener that can store the result in a member variable.
DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Simple listener that can store the result in a member variable.
DefaultStepHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handles the transition of steps.
DefaultStepHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultStepHandler
defaultTimeout - Variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Default platform timeout.
DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
A custom tree cell renderer for changing icons in the tree.
DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
DefaultTreeTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
Default implementation of the TreeTableModel interface.
DefaultTreeTableModel(TreeTableNode, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Create a new tree table model with the given root node and column names.
DefaultTreeTableModel(TreeTableNode, String[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Create a new tree table model with the given root node and column names.
DefaultTreeTableNode - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
Default implementation for tree table nodes.
DefaultTreeTableNode(TreeTableNodeType, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Create a tree table node with single initial value.
DefaultTreeTableNode(TreeTableNodeType, Object, Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Create a tree table node with initial values.
DefaultTuple2ResultListener<E,F> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Default tuple2 result listener that implements the (obsolete) methods - resultAvailable - intermediateResultAvailable - finished
DefaultTuple2ResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DefaultTuple2ResultListener
defaultvalue - Variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
The default value read.
DefaultVisionGenerator - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Percept generator for moving components.
DefaultVisionGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
DefaultVisionGenerator - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
Percept generator for moving components.
DefaultVisionGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
deferdec - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The defer factor to slow down thread deletion.
deferdectarget - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
deferinc - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The defer factor to slow down thread creation.
deferinctarget - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
DEFTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The default timeout argument.
DEFTIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
DEG180X - Static variable in class
Constant for 180 degree.
DEG180Y - Static variable in class
DEG180Z - Static variable in class
DEG270X - Static variable in class
Constant for 270 degree.
DEG270Y - Static variable in class
DEG270Z - Static variable in class
DEG45X - Static variable in class
Constant for 45 degree.
DEG45Y - Static variable in class
DEG45Z - Static variable in class
DEG90X - Static variable in class
Constant for 90 degree.
DEG90Y - Static variable in class
DEG90Z - Static variable in class
degree - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The spec.
delay - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The delay between searches when no service was found.
delay - Variable in class
The global query delay.
delay - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The current send time delay (interval).
delay - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The delay.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
The delegate.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The real service.
delegate - Variable in class
The delegate future.
delegate - Variable in class
The service registry calls are delegated to.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
The delegate list.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
The delegate map.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
The delegate result listener.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The delegate result listener.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
The delegate to be notified.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Custom functional result listener
delegate(Future<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given Future.
delegate(Future<E>, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given Future.
delegate(Future<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given Future.
delegate(Future<E>, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given Future.
delegate(IntermediateFuture<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IIntermediateResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given IntermediateFuture.
delegate(IntermediateFuture<E>, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IIntermediateResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given IntermediateFuture.
delegate(IntermediateFuture<E>, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IIntermediateResultListener that delegates results and exceptions to a given IntermediateFuture.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
DELEGATE_INTRO_CLASS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
Class of the optimizing delegate introspector.
delegateExceptions(Future<T>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates exceptions to a given Future and results to a given SuccessListener.
delegateExceptions(Future<T>, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates an IResultListener that delegates exceptions to a given Future and results to a given SuccessListener.
delegateFromTo(IFuture<E>, Future<E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Creates a delegation from source to target, respecting future types.
delegateprovider - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Accessor delegate provider.
DelegateTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
DelegateTableModel implements TableModel by routing all requests to its delegate model, and TableModelListener by routing all events to its listeners.
DelegateTableModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
DelegationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Delegates a service call to another service provider.
DelegationInterceptor(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, IRequiredServiceFetcher, IServiceIdentifier, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
DelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Result listener that delegates calls to a future.
DelegationResultListener(Future<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
DelegationResultListener(Future<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
DelegationResultListener(Future<E>, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
DelegationResultListener(Future<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Delete a directory completely (including all subdirs and files).
DeletedKey() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
DeletedKey(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
DeletedKey() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
DeletedKey(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
DeletedKey() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
DeletedKey(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey
Creates the marker.
deleteFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Delete a file.
Deliberation - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
deliberation - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The deliberation.
delim - Variable in class
The delimiter.
deliverMessage(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Deliver a raw message to some components.
delta - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock delta.
DeltaTimeExecutor - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Space executor that connects to a clock service and reacts on time deltas.
DeltaTimeExecutor() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Creates a new DeltaTimeExecutor
DeltaTimeExecutor(AbstractEnvironmentSpace, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Creates a new DeltaTimeExecutor
DependencyResolver<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component
The dependency resolver can be used to find a valid execution order of elements with dependencies.
DependencyResolver() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Create a new dependency resolver.
DependencyResolver.NodeInfo<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Info object for a node.
dequeue(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Dequeue an element.
dequeue() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Remove an object from the queue (blocks until an element is available).
dequeue(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Dequeue an element.
dequeue() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Dequeue an element.
dequeue() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Dequeue an element.
dequeue(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Dequeue an element.
deregister(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Deregister an component description.
deregisterMessageEvent(RMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Deregister a conversation or reply-with.
deregisterMessageEvent(RMessageEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.features.IInternalBDIXMessageFeature
Deregister a conversation or reply-with.
deregisterModel(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Deregister a model.
deregisterPropertiesProvider(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Deregister a property provider.
deregisterRemoteCMSListener(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Deregister the remote listener.
desc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The component description.
DESC - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
DESC - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The descending order direction.
DESCENDING - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
DESCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
description - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
The element description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
The description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
The description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application description.
description - Variable in class
The description.
Description - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Holds the component description.
deserialize(ObjectInputStream, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Deserialize a collection.
desfree - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The desired number of free workers.
DesignMode - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
designTime - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A flag indicating whether this context is in design mode.
destroyAndVerifySpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Destroys an object in this space.
destroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Destroy (forcefully terminate) an component on the platform.
DestroyComponentTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Task for destroying a component.
DestroyComponentTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.DestroyComponentTask
DESTROYED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The destroyed percept type.
DESTROYED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The destroyed percept type.
destroySpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Destroys an object in this space.
destroySpaceObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Destroys an object in this space.
destroySpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Destroys an object in this space.
destroySpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Destroys an object in this space.
determineAcceptableProposals(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Get all acceptable proposals.
determineFailure(NegotiationRecord, ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Determine success or failure of the interaction.
determineTarget(IServiceIdentifier, IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITargetResolver
Determine the target of a call.
determineWinners(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Select proposals.
DF - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if df component and service should be started.
DF_COMPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The default df component name.
DFComponentDescription - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
An component description.
DFComponentDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Create a new component description.
DFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Create a new component description.
DFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription[], String[], String[], String[], Date) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Create a new component description.
DFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Convenience constructor for searching/registering.
DFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier, IDFServiceDescription, Date) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Convenience constructor for searching/registering.
dfcomponentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Attribute for slot dfcomponentdescription.
dfcomponentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Attribute for slot dfcomponentdescription.
dfcomponentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Attribute for slot dfcomponentdescription.
dfcomponentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Attribute for slot dfcomponentdescription.
DFDeregister - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept DFDeregister of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
DFDeregister() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Default Constructor.
DFDeregister(IDFComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Create a new DFDeregister.
DFKeepRegisteredPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.df
Convenience plan for legacy DF functionality.
DFKeepRegisteredPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.df.DFKeepRegisteredPlan
DFModify - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept DFModify of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
DFModify() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Default Constructor.
DFModify(IDFComponentDescription, IDFComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Create a new DFModify.
DFRegister - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept DFRegister of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
DFRegister() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Default Constructor.
DFRegister(IDFComponentDescription, IDFComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Create a new DFRegister.
DFSearch - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept DFSearch of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
DFSearch() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Default Constructor.
DFSearch(IDFComponentDescription, IDFComponentDescription[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Create a new DFSearch.
DFServiceDescription - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
The service description.
DFServiceDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Create a new service description.
DFServiceDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Create a new service description.
di - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
The stream being decoded.
dialog - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
The dialog.
DIGIT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
dilation - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock dilation.
dir - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
dirconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
direction - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The direction.
direction - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The direction.
direction - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
directory - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The boolean for directory.
dirs - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
dirs - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
dirty - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Flag whether the view needs updating
dirty - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Flag whether the view needs updating
dirty - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Flag whether the view needs updating
dirtybytes - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Bytes of dirty entries.
dirtybytes - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Bytes of dirty entries.
dirtybytes - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Bytes of dirty entries.
disabled - Variable in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
The disabled streams.
disableKdTree(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Disables kd-tree NN-Search optimization for a specific object type.
DISAPPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The disappeared percept type.
DISAPPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The disappeared percept type.
DISCARD_OBJECT - Static variable in interface jadex.xml.IPostProcessor
If this object is returned by the post-processor, the object will be discarded by the reader.
DISCONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
DiscoveryInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Local information about discovered platforms.
DiscoveryInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Create a new discovery info.
DiscoveryInfo(ITransportComponentIdentifier, IFuture<IComponentIdentifier>, boolean, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Create a new discovery info.
dispatchEnvironmentEvent(EnvironmentEvent) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentListener
Dispatch an environment event to this listener.
dispatchEnvironmentEvent(EnvironmentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Dispatch an environment event to this listener.
dispatchEnvironmentEvent(EnvironmentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Dispatch an environment event to this listener.
dispatchEvent(IJadexAndroidEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IContextService
Dispatches an Event to the Android UI / Activity.
DispatchGoalStep - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps
DispatchGoalStep(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
Dispatches a goal.
DispatchGoalStep(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
Dispatches a goal.
DispatchGoalStep(String, Map) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
Dispatches a goal.
dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior
Dispatch an internal event.
dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior
Dispatch an internal event.
dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Dispatch an event.
dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Dispatch an internal event.
dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Dispatch an event.
dispatchObjectEvent(ObjectEvent) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectListener
This event gets called when an environment object event is triggered.
dispatchObjectEvent(ObjectEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.LocalObjectListener
This event gets called when an environment object event is triggered.
dispatchSubgoal(T) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Dispatch a goal wait for its result.
dispatchSubgoal(T, long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Dispatch a goal wait for its result.
dispatchSubgoal(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Dispatch a new subgoal.
dispatchSubgoalAndWait(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Dispatch a new top-level goal.
dispatchSubgoalAndWait(IGoal, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Dispatch a new top-level goal.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(T) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Dispatch a pojo goal wait for its result.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior
Dispatch a top level goal.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior
Dispatch a top level goal.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(IGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Dispatch a new top-level goal.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Dispatch a new top-level goal.
dispatchTopLevelGoal(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Dispatch a new top-level goal.
displayname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The display name.
displayorder - Variable in class
Order in which objects are displayed
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Called, when the clock is no longer used.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Release all resources.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool
Shutdown the thread pool.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Shutdown the thread pool.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Shutdown the task pool
dispose() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
dispose() - Method in class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Dispose the connection manager and close all open connections.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Dispose the panel, when the gui is closed.
dispose() - Method in interface
Disposes the Viewport.
dispose() - Method in class
Disposes the Viewport.
dispose() - Method in interface
Dispose the observer center.
dispose() - Method in class
Dispose the observer center.
dispose() - Method in class
Dispose the frame
disposed - Variable in class
Flag to indicate that observer is disposed.
disposed - Variable in class
divide(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Performs a division on the vector.
divide(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Performs a division on the vector.
DIVIDE - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The divide operator.
doAddIntermediateResult(E, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Set the result without notifying listeners.
doCall(IResultCommand) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Calls the command.
doCall(Object, IResultCommand) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Calls the command.
doCall(Object, IResultCommand, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Calls the command.
doCleanup() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Cleanup the beliefs in kill and shutdown.
doCopy(boolean, IFilter, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Copy a value, if necessary.
documents - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The external reports.
dodeferdec - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Defer the deletion of threads according to their distance from desfree.
dodeferinc - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Defer the creation of threads according to their distance from desfree.
doExecute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
doExecute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndErrorActivityHandler
Execute the activity.
doExecute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndSignalActivityHandler
Execute the activity.
doExecute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndTerminateActivityHandler
Execute the activity.
doExecute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler
Execute the activity.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ExecuteStepTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.InvokeMethodTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.LoggerTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.WriteContextTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.WriteParameterTask
Execute the task.
doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Execute the command.
doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Execute the command.
doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
Execute the command.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
doGetNextIntermediateResult(int, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Perform the get without increasing the index.
doGetNextIntermediateResult(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Perform the get without increasing the index.
doGetNextIntermediateResult(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Perform the get without increasing the index.
doLoadModel(String, String[], ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
Load a model.
doLoadModel(String, String[], ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
Load a model.
doLoadModel(String, String[], ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
Load a model.
doLoadModel(String, String[], ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Load a model.
doLoadModel(String, String[], ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
Load a model.
domainservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
The service domain object.
Dome3d - Class in
Dome3d(double, int, int) - Constructor for class
Generates a new Dome3d
Dome3d(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, double, int, int, IParsedExpression, String, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Generates a new Dome3d
Done - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Predicate indicating a completed action.
Done() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Create a done action.
Done(IComponentAction) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Create a done action.
done - Variable in class
The done size.
DONE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
A future representing a completed action.
DONE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
A future representing a completed action.
Done() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
doNotify() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateDelegationFuture
Possibly notify the termination source.
doNotify() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Possibly notify the termination source.
doNotify() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Possibly notify the termination source.
doNotifyListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Notify a result listener.
doNotifyListeners(boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext, List<IMethodInvocationListener>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Do notify the listeners.
dontUseGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
dontUseGui() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Visibility
DoPingPlan - Class in
Send a ping and wait for the reply.
DoPingPlan() - Constructor for class
doPopup(Point) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
React on popup trigger.
doPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTablePopupListener
Open a popup menu.
doPut(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Commits a value to the map
doPut(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Commits a value to the map
doPut(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Commits a value to the map
doRemove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
doRemove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
doRemove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
doSetException(Exception, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the exception (internal implementation for normal and if-undone).
doSetFinished(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Declare that the future is finished.
doSetPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
doSetPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
doSetPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
doSetPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
doSetResult(E, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the result without notifying listeners.
doSetResult(Collection<E>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Set the result.
doStep() - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Execute a step.
DOT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
doTraverse(Object, Type, Map<Object, Object>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
DOUBLE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
DOUBLE_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Double converter.
doWait(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, long) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
Template method to be implemented by platform-specific subclasses.
doWait(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, long) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
Template method to be implemented by platform-specific subclasses.
doWaitFor(long, Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Overriden wait for to not use platform clock.
download - Variable in class
True for download, false for upload.
downloadFile(IOutputConnection, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Download a file.
draw(Object, Integer, IViewport) - Method in class
Draws the objects to a viewport
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(IPerspective, Layer, IVector2, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the layer.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(IPerspective, Layer, IVector2, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the layer.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in interface
Draws the primitive.
draw(IPerspective, Layer, IVector2, ViewportJ2D) - Method in interface
Draws the layer.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
draw(IPerspective, Layer, IVector2, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the layer.
draw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Draws the primitive.
DrawableCombiner - Class in
This drawable combines multiple drawables into a single drawable object.
DrawableCombiner() - Constructor for class
Creates a new DrawableCombiner of size 1.0.
DrawableCombiner(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class
Creates a new DrawableCombiner of size 1.0.
DrawableCombiner3d - Class in
This drawable combines multiple 3ddrawables into a single drawable object.
DrawableCombiner3d() - Constructor for class
Creates a new DrawableCombiner of size 1.0.
DrawableCombiner3d(Object, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new DrawableCombiner3d
drawcondition - Variable in class
The condition deciding if the drawable should be drawn.
drawcondition - Variable in class
The condition deciding if the drawable should be drawn.
drawObjects_ - Variable in class
Known drawable Objects.
drawObjects_ - Variable in class
Known drawable Objects.
drawPrimitive(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object) - Method in interface
Draws a primitive
drawPrimitive(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object) - Method in class
Draws a primitive
drop() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal
Drop the goal.
dropGoal(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Drop a pojo goal.
DropGoalAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
DropGoalAction(RGoal) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.DropGoalAction
Create a new action.
dummy - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
The last component for extra space.
DummyClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
dump(String, PrintStream) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A result listener that filters duplicates.
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
DuplicateResultException - Exception in jadex.commons.future
Exception indicating that the result of a future was set twice.
DuplicateResultException(int, IFuture<?>, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Create a duplicate result exception.
dur - Variable in class
The validity duration.
duration - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The time needed to perform the test.
dynamic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Flag indicating if the property is dynamic.
dynamic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Flag if binding is dynamic.
dynamic - Variable in class
does the Drawable3d have dynamic subelements?
DYNAMIC_BELIEF_UPDATEMETHOD_PREFIX - Static variable in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
DynamicTreeTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
An implementation of TreeTableModel that uses reflection to answer TableModel methods.
DynamicTreeTableModel(TreeNode, String[], String[], String[], Class[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Constructor for creating a DynamicTreeTableModel.


ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The external access.
ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The external access.
ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The external access.
ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
The external access.
EAInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction
This plan implements the initiator of the "FIPA English Auction Interaction Protocol Specification" (XC00031 - Experimental).
EAInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
EAReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction
This plan implements the receiver of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental).
EAReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAReceiverPlan
EasyDeliberationStrategy - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
The easy deliberation strategy.
EasyDeliberationStrategy() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
edge - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The last edge (if any).
edgeid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Id of the last edge (if any).
edges - Variable in class
The data edges of the process.
editable - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
The editable flag.
editable - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
The editable columns.
editable - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The editability of the columns.
EditableList - Class in jadex.commons.gui
A editable list with x / + symbols at each row.
EditableList(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Create a new editable list.
EditableList(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Create a new editable list.
EditableList.ButtonCellManager - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Table cell renderer / editor using add delete buttons.
EditableListEvent - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Event that is able to capture data of rows.
EditableListEvent(TableModel, int, int, int, int, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.EditableListEvent
Create a new editable list event.
editCellAt(int, int, EventObject) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
Overridden to invoke repaint for the particular location if the column contains the tree.
Effect - Class in
Effect(String) - Constructor for class
Effect(Object, String, double, double, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Constructor for Predefined use
element - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.FindApplicableCandidatesAction
The processable element.
element - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.SelectCandidatesAction
The element.
elementAdded(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was added.
elementChanged(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was changed.
elementRemoved(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was removed.
elements - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
The elements in the queue.
elems - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
The element storage.
EllipseJ2DRenderer - Class in
EllipseJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
email - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
The email address.
Email - Class in
Email() - Constructor for class
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
Create an email.
EmailAccount - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Email account data.
EmailAccount(String, Integer, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Create a new account.
EmailAccount - Class in
Email account data.
EmailAccount() - Constructor for class
Create a new EmailAccount.
EmailAccount(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new EmailAccount.
EmailAccount(Properties) - Constructor for class
Create an account with initial properties.
EmailAccount(String, String, String, String, Integer, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Create a new account.
empty - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
An empty class array.
EMPTY_COMPONENTIDENTIFIERS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Return value for empty arrays.
EMPTY_ENUMERATION - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
An empty enumeration.
EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
An empty class array.
EMPTY_SERVICES - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Empty service array.
EMPTY_SPACEOBJECTS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Empty spaceobjects array.
EMPTY_SPACEOBJECTS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Empty spaceobjects array.
EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
An empty string array.
enableAbsolutePosition(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute positioning.
enableAbsolutePosition(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute positioning.
enableAbsoluteRotation(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute rotation.
enableAbsoluteRotation(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute rotation.
enableAbsoluteSize(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute scaling.
enableAbsoluteSize(boolean) - Method in class
Enables using absolute scaling.
enableDCPos - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableDCPos - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableDCRot - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableDCRot - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableDCSize - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableDCSize - Variable in class
Enable DrawableCombiner position
enableKdTree(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Enables kd-tree NN-Search optimization for a specific object type.
encode(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Called to encode a message.
encode(Object, ClassLoader, IEncodingContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Encode data with the codec.
encode(Object, ClassLoader, Map<Class<?>, Object[]>, IEncodingContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IContentCodec
Encode data with the codec.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
encode(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will encode the text without line feeds added
encode(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will encode the text without line feeds added.
encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will encode the text.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BigIntegerCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CalendarCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CertificateCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ClassCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CollectionCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ColorCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DateCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumerationCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ImageCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.InetAddressCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LoggingLevelCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LogRecordCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MethodCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.OptionalCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.RectangleCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StackTraceElementCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TimestampCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URICodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URLCodec
Encode the object.
encode(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.UUIDCodec
Encode the object.
encode(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Encodes a VarInt.
encode(long, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Encodes a VarInt and saves it in a buffer at the given offset.
encodeComplexColumnMarker(boolean[]) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Encoder - Class in jadex.commons.beans
The Encoder, together with PersistenceDelegate s, can encode an object into a series of java statements.
Encoder() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Construct a new encoder.
encoder - Variable in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
ENCODER_HANDLERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Handlers for encoding.
ENCODER_HANDLERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Handlers for encoding.
ENCODING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
EncodingContext - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Encoding context for codecs.
EncodingContext(Date) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.EncodingContext
Creates a new encoding context.
EncodingContext - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for encoding (serializing) an object in a binary format.
EncodingContext(Object, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Creates an encoding context.
EncodingContext2 - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Context for encoding (serializing) an object in a binary format.
EncodingContext2(OutputStream, Object, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
Creates an encoding context.
end - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Insert position for the next element.
END_ELEMENT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
Indicates an event is an end element.
endAtomic() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
End an atomic transaction.
EndBehavior(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior
Create a new end behavior.
endbeliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The end beliefs.
endColumn - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
endevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The end events.
endgoals - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The end goals.
endLine - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
endplans - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The end plans.
endsize - Variable in class
endsteps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The end steps.
endtime - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The end time.
enhanceSetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Enhance setter method with unobserve oldvalue at the beginning and event call at the end
enhanceSetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
enhanceWith(PlatformConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Enhance this config with given other config.
enhanceWith(RootComponentConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Enhance this config with given other config.
enhanceWith(StarterConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Enhance this config with given other config.
enqueue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Add an element to the end of the queue.
enqueue(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Enqueue an element.
enqueue(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Enqueue an element.
enqueuetimes - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The current throughput of the pool (average of waiting times).
ensureThreadAccess(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class
Check access not null and throw exception otherwise.
entities - Variable in class jadex.commons.Tuple
The entities of the tuple.
entries - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The subentries contained in the entry.
entries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The parse errors (tuple(elements) -> {error messages}).
entries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
The data.
entries - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
The list of elements.
entries - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The entries.
entries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
entries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
The entries.
entriesAdded(Set<Map.Entry<T, E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Entries were added to the map.
entriesRemoved(Set<Map.Entry<T, E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Entries were removed from the map.
entry - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The entry.
entry() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
Called for each method entry.
entryAdded(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was added to the map.
entryAdded(Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was added to the map.
entryAdded(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was added to the map.
entryAdded(T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(T, E) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was added to the map.
entryAdded(T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(T, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
An entry was added to the collection.
entryAdded(T, E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was added to the map.
entryChanged(Object, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was changed in the map.
entryChanged(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was changed in the map.
entryChanged(Object, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was changed in the map.
entryChanged(T, T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(T, E, E) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was changed in the map.
entryChanged(T, T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(T, T, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
An entry was changed in the collection.
entryChanged(T, E, E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was changed in the map.
entryfiles - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The files for the entry paths (cached for easy access).
entryRemoved(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
An entry was removed from the map.
entryRemoved(Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.IEventPublisher
An entry was removed from the map.
entryRemoved(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
An entry was removed from the map.
entryRemoved(T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(T, E) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was removed from the map.
entryRemoved(T, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(T, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
An entry was removed from the collection.
entryRemoved(T, E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
An entry was removed from the map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the entry set of the forward map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the map's entry set.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the map's entry set.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the map's entry set.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Get the entries.
entrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
entrystr - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
EnumCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding enum objects.
EnumCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumCodec
EnumerationCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
An enumeration processor allows for traversing enumerations.
EnumerationCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumerationCodec
EnumerationProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
An enumeration processor allows for traversing enumerations.
EnumerationProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.EnumerationProcessor
Create a new enumeration processor.
EnvironmentEvent - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
An event in the environment (related to some space object).
EnvironmentEvent(String, IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Create a new environment event.
envspace - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The environment space.
envspace - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The environment space.
EOF - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
eol - Variable in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
The end of line string for this machine.
EQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The equal (==) operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Check if other object is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Test if objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
equals(Object) - Method in class
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Test if two component identifiers are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Test if object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Test if equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Test equality based on id.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Check if the service is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Test if an object is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Test if this description equals another description.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Test if is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Test if two message types are equal (based on the name).
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Determines if this IndexedPropertyDescriptor is equal to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Compares the specified object with this collection for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakObject
Check the equality of an object with this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Test if this object equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Test if this object equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Is equal?
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Test two tuples for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent.PrimitiveEventType
Compares the type.
equals(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
equals(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
equals(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Compares the vector to an object
equals(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
equals(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
equals(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Compares the vector to another vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares the layers.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Test if two nodes are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Test if two stack elements are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Tests this QName for equality with another object.
errhtml - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The error html text.
ErrorException - Exception in jadex.commons.future
Wrapper to set errors (e.g.
ErrorException(Error) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.future.ErrorException
Create an error exception.
errorfile - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The error stream redirection file name (if any).
ErrorReport - Class in jadex.bridge
Error report that holds information about model errors.
ErrorReport() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
ErrorReport(String, String, Map) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
errorreporter - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Error Reporter
errtext - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The error text.
ESCAPE_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The escape characters allow to include separators in the tokens.
escapeString(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Escape a java string.
estimateMedian(List<ISpaceObject>, Random, KdNode.IKdValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Estimates the median value of the hyperplane coordinate of the input using random sampling.
evaluate(IParsedExpression, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Evaluate a condition.
evaluate(IEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition
evaluate(IEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
Evaluate the condition.
evaluate(IEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition
evaluate(IService) - Method in class
Evaluate the service of method.
evaluate(IService) - Method in class
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluate(IService) - Method in interface
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluate(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluate(Value, String[]) - Static method in class
Evaluate a value.
evaluate(Value, String[]) - Static method in class
Evaluate a value.
evaluateAuctionResults(AuctionDescription, Object, Object[], IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Evaluate the auction results and decide about participation.
evaluateAuctionResults(AuctionDescription, Object, Object[], IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Evaluate the auction results and decide about participation.
evaluateExpression(String, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Evaluates a java expression.
evaluateExpression(String, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Evaluates a java expression.
evaluateExpression(String, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Evaluate an expression string (using "" -> null mapping) as annotations do not support null values.
evaluateExpressionPotentially(String, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Evaluate a string that is possiby an expression.
evaluateProposal(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Evaluate the given proposal.
evaluateProposals(NegotiationRecord, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Determine acceptable proposals.
evaluateProposals(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ICNPHandler
Evaluate the given proposals and determine winning proposals.
evaluateProposals(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IProposalEvaluator
Evaluate the given proposals and determine winning proposals.
evaluateProposals(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Evaluate the given proposals and determine winning proposals.
evaluateValues() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Evaluate the default values.
evaluation - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
An evaluation of the proposal.
EVALUATION_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Evaluation value indicating an acceptable proposal that should be considered in further negotiation rounds.
evaluation_comparator - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
A comparator used for comparing evaluations.
EVALUATION_INACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Evaluation value indicating an inacceptable proposal that should be excluded.
evaluation_limit - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Limit determining the acceptability of an evaluation.
evaluationmode - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The direction.
evaluationmode - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The direction.
EvaluationPlugin - Class in
Th evaluation plugin.
EvaluationPlugin() - Constructor for class
Create the plugin.
evaluator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The contained evaluator.
evaluators - Variable in class
The evaluators.
evamodeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
evas - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
EVENT_ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for added events.
EVENT_BULK - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The event type for a removed component (value is collection of change events).
EVENT_BULK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type for bulk events.
EVENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for changed events.
EVENT_COMPONENT_ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The event type for an added component (value is component description).
EVENT_COMPONENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The event type for a changed component (value is component description).
EVENT_COMPONENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The event type for a removed component (value is component description).
EVENT_OCCURRED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for occurred events.
EVENT_PARAMETER_SERVICE_RESULT - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
The user result parameter name.
EVENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for removed events.
EVENT_TYPE_BULK - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Bulk event composed of sub events.
EVENT_TYPE_CREATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting creation of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_DISPOSAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting disposal of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_MODIFICATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting modification of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_DELTA - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type new delta.
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_DILATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type new dilation.
EVENT_TYPE_NEXT_TIMEPOINT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event next timepoint.
EVENT_TYPE_OCCURRENCE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting a single occurrence without temporal extension.
EVENT_TYPE_RESET - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type reset.
EVENT_TYPE_SELECTED - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Event type for changed breakpoint selection (e.g.
EVENT_TYPE_STARTED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type started.
EVENT_TYPE_STOPPED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type stopped.
EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event timer added.
EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event timer removed.
eventadder - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The event adder.
eventadder - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The event adder.
EventEndErrorActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
On error end propagate an exception.
EventEndErrorActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndErrorActivityHandler
EventEndErrorActivityHandler.EventEndErrorException - Exception in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Runtime exception representing explicit process failure.
EventEndErrorException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndErrorActivityHandler.EventEndErrorException
Create an empty end error.
EventEndErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndErrorActivityHandler.EventEndErrorException
Create an end error with an error message.
EventEndSignalActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
On end of service call process set result on future.
EventEndSignalActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndSignalActivityHandler
EventEndTerminateActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
On error end propagate an exception.
EventEndTerminateActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventEndTerminateActivityHandler
EventHandler - Class in jadex.commons.beans
EventHandler(Object, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
On error end propagate an exception.
EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler
EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler.EventIntermediateErrorException - Exception in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Runtime exception representing explicit process failure.
EventIntermediateErrorException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler.EventIntermediateErrorException
Create an empty end error.
EventIntermediateErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler.EventIntermediateErrorException
Create an end error with an error message.
EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for message events.
EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
EventIntermediateMultipleActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Event intermediate multi handler.
EventIntermediateMultipleActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMultipleActivityHandler
EventIntermediateNotificationHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Wait for an external notification (could be a signal or a fired rule).
EventIntermediateNotificationHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateNotificationHandler
EventIntermediateRuleHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Wait for an external notification (could be a signal or a fired rule).
EventIntermediateRuleHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateRuleHandler
EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler
EventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Uses timer service for implementing waiting.
EventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
EventMultipleStepHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Step handler that can be used for event-multiple elements.
EventMultipleStepHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventMultipleStepHandler
EventPublisher - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
Helper object for publishing change events (beliefs, parameters).
EventPublisher(IInternalAccess, String, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Create a new publisher.
EventPublisher(IInternalAccess, String, String, String, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Create a new publisher.
EventPublisher(IInternalAccess, EventType, EventType, EventType, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Create a new publisher.
eventreferences - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The event mappings (abstract/reference name -> concrete name).
events - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The aggregated/inited events.
events - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
The events this condition depends on.
events - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The ECA events that may denote changes in the parameter value(s).
events - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
The method / event mapping.
events - Variable in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
The bulk events.
EventSetDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
EventSetDescriptor(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
EventSetDescriptor(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, String[], String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
EventSetDescriptor(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
EventSetDescriptor(String, Class<?>, Method[], Method, Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
EventSetDescriptor(String, Class<?>, Method[], Method, Method, Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
EventSetDescriptor(String, Class<?>, MethodDescriptor[], Method, Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
eventslimit - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
The number of events that must have occured before a remote message is sent.
EventStartRuleHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
When a subprocess has a rule start event it needs to be treated like an intermediate event (i.e.
EventStartRuleHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartRuleHandler
EventStartServiceActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
EventStartServiceActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartServiceActivityHandler
exception - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
The exception that has just occurred in the process (if any).
exception - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The exception that has just occurred in the process (if any).
exception - Variable in class
The exception that has just occurred in the process (if any).
exception - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
The exception.
exception - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The exception (if any).
exception - Variable in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
The exception, if already failed.
exception - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The exception (set after failed execution).
ExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Result listener that delegates calls to a future.
ExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
ExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
ExceptionListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class
Called when exception occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class
Called when exception occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when an exception has occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFunctionalExceptionListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock.ActionPerformedListener
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.RemoteDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DefaultErrorReporter
Method called when a decoding error occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IErrorReporter
Method called when a decoding error occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior.StepResultListener
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IUndoneResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
ExceptionResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
The exception listener is used for intercepting exceptions while ignoring results.
ExceptionResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionResultListener
exceptionThrown(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.ExceptionListener
Exclude - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify that an attribute or method is excluded from serialization.
excludeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Excluded - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Excluded methods throw UnsupportedOperationException when called from remote.
excluded - Variable in class
The excluded components.
excluded - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeProcessor
The static excluded types.
excludedservices - Variable in class
The excluded services cache.
excludedsupertypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeProcessor
excludemode - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
The exclude mode.
excludeMultiFactory(Collection<IComponentFactory>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Exclude the multifactory from a collection.
ExcludeProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
The exclude processor allows for excluding specific classes from further traversing.
ExcludeProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeProcessor
excludes - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The unique parameter excludes.
excludes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The excludes list.
excludes - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The excluded columns of this type.
ExcludeSwingProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Excludes swing elements from being processed by traverser in !clone mode.
ExcludeSwingProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeSwingProcessor
exconf - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
executable - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The executable.
executable - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
The task.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.SetBeliefStep
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.StepChain
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
Execute the command.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.DropGoalAction
Execute the command.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Execute the command.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.FindApplicableCandidatesAction
Execute the command.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.SelectCandidatesAction
Execute the command.
execute() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpression
Execute the query.
execute(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpression
Execute the query using a local parameter.
execute(String[], Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpression
Execute the query using local parameters.
execute() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
Execute the query.
execute(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
Execute the query using a local parameter.
execute(String[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
Execute the query using local parameters.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
Execute the command.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper
Execute the task.
execute() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.IExternalTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITask, ITaskContext) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ITaskExecutionService
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMultipleActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateNotificationHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateRuleHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartRuleHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartServiceActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayXORActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.TaskActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ui.UserInteractionActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.DestroyComponentTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Execute the task.
execute(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PrintTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Execute the task.
execute(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
Execute the task.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentStep
Execute the command.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Execute the command.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
Execute the step.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingReturnInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IServiceInvocationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(IExecutable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Execute a task.
execute() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
execute() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Make sure a thread is executing the code.
execute() - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IExecutable
Execute the executable.
execute(Runnable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool
Execute a task in its own thread.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Execute a task in its own thread.
execute(IExecutable, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
Execute a task.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Execute a task in its own thread.
execute(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ICommand
Execute the command.
execute(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IResultCommand
Execute the command.
execute(IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject, long, IClockService) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
Executes the task.
execute(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
Executes the environment process
execute(IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject, long, IClockService) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectTask
Executes the task.
execute(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceProcess
Executes the environment process
execute(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D.KdTreeProcess
execute() - Method in class
Performs the call.
execute(Object) - Method in interface jadex.xml.IReturnValueCommand
Execute the command and optionally deliver a result.
executeActions(IFilter, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Should be called on environment thread only.
executeCommand(String, Tuple2<String, Integer>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cli.ICliService
Execute a command line command and get back the results.
executed - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The executed actions where actors still need to be woken up.
ExecutePlanStepAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
Action for executing a plan step.
ExecutePlanStepAction(RPlan) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Create a new action.
ExecuteProcessThread - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Execute the next step of a process thread.
ExecuteProcessThread(ProcessThread) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
Create a new step.
executeRequest(Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
Execute the request.
ExecuteStepTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Execute an external step.
ExecuteStepTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ExecuteStepTask
executeTask(Object, Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
Execute the task.
executing - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The execution state.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Execution time evaluator.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
ExecutionTimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the overall execution time of a method or a service.
ExecutionTimeProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Create a new property.
Executor - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
A helper class for running a single instance of code using the thread pool.
Executor(IThreadPool) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Create an executor object.
Executor(IThreadPool, IExecutable) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Create an executor object.
EXECUTOR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The executor belonging to a thread.
executor - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
The executor service.
executor - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The executor for performing management operations.
exethreadcnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The number of current threads for this executor.
exists() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Check if the file exists.
exists - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The boolean for existance.
exit() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
Called for each method exit.
ExpandBuff(boolean) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
expanded - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
A set with the tree nodes, which are expanded.
expectedTokenSequences - Variable in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
Each entry in this array is an array of integers.
EXPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
ExponentialPriceCalculator - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
A sample implementation of the IPriceCalculator.
ExponentialPriceCalculator(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Create a new exponential price calculator.
ExponentialPriceCalculator(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Create a new exponential price calculator.
exported - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The exported / argument flag.
exported - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The exported flag.
exported - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
The exported flag.
expression - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Expression - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Expression(Object, Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Expression
Expression(Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Expression
expression - Variable in class
The expression.
expressionbase - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
The flat expression base.
ExpressionbaseWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Prepend capability prefix to expression names.
ExpressionbaseWrapper(IExpressionbase, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
Create an expression base wrapper.
ExpressionNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Base class of expression node hierarchy.
ExpressionNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Create an expression node.
expressionreferences - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The expression mappings (abstract/reference name -> concrete name).
expressions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The expressions.
expressions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase
The expressions.
expressiontext - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The expression text (if any).
ExpressionTokenizer - Class in jadex.commons
An expression tokenizer is able to parse a string with respect to different nesting-levels (eg.
ExpressionTokenizer(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Create a new tokenizer.
ExpressionTokenizer(String, String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Create a new tokenizer.
exps - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The expressions.
expungeStaleEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Remove garbage collected entries.
expungeStaleEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Remove garbage collected entries.
exta - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The external access.
exta - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The external access.
exta - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
The external access.
exta - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The context.
extconverters - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
The extended map of converters.
extensions - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
The supported file extensions (if any).
externals - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The external documents for links in html error reports (id -> html text).
externals - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
The external references.
ExternalTaskContext() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Create a new context.
ExternalTaskContext(ProcessThread) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Create a new context.
ExternalTaskWrapper - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask
Wrapper for executing a task on a worker agent.
ExternalTaskWrapper(ITask) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper
Create a new wrapper task.
ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask
Transferrable context.
extractParams(ITaskContext, IInternalAccess, IndexMap<String, MParameter>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
extrainfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
The extra info.


fact - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The default fact.
FACTADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a fact has been added.
factAdded(<any>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IBeliefListener
Invoked when a fact has been added.
factaddeds - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The belief names.
FACTCHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a fact has changed (property change in case of bean).
factChanged(<any>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IBeliefListener
Invoked when a fact in a belief set has changed (i.e.
factchangeds - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The belief names.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
The factory.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
The factory.
factory - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
The xml input factory.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
The xml output factory.
FactoryFilter - Class in jadex.bridge
Filtering specific component factories.
FactoryFilter(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Find a matching component factory.
FactoryFilter(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Find a component factory for loading a specific component type.
FACTREMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a fact has been removed.
factRemoved(<any>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IBeliefListener
Invoked when a fact has been removed.
factremoveds - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The belief names.
facts - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The default facts (multi).
facts - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
The initial / end facts.
facts - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
The value.
fail() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Let the plan fail.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Let a plan fail.
fail(String, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Let a plan fail.
failed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
Called when the plan fails, i.e., a problem occurred during protocol execution.
failed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
failed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
failed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
failed() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The failed method is called on plan failure/abort.
failedmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The failed method cached for speed.
failure - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The failure (if any).
FAILURE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
failure_reason - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
The failure reason, when cancel was not successful.
FALLBACK_COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The default component factory to be used for platform component.
FALLBACK_PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The default platform configuration.
FALSE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
A future representing a false result.
FALSE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
FastHashMap - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Implements a map from strings to objects as a hash table.
FastHashMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
Constructor for Message.
fcommands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The list of commands.
Feature - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The features annotation.
FeatureDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Common base class for Descriptors.
FeatureDescriptor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
featureinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The feature injection targets.
FeatureNotAvailableException - Exception in jadex.bridge.component
Exception to denote that a requested feature is not available.
FeatureNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.component.FeatureNotAvailableException
Create a new service not found exception.
features - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The standard + micro component features.
features - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The standard + XML component features.
features - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The standard + micro component features.
features - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The component features.
Features - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The features annotation.
features - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The standard + micro component features.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
The fall back value fetcher (if any).
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The service fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
The service fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
The fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Value fetcher for fetching the correct coordinate on the splitting hyperplane.
FETCHER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Static fetcher to avoid instantiation overhead
FETCHER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Static fetcher to avoid instantiation overhead
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class
The fetcher.
fetcher - Variable in class
The fetcher.
fetchhelp - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
The write field/method for reading a Java value in the write process.
fetchValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
Fetch a named value.
fetchValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
fetchValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
fetchValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IValueFetcher
Fetch a value via its name.
fetchValue(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
Fetch a value via its name.
field - Variable in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
The field (cached).
field - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The field.
FIELD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The field type.
field - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The field (for static and nonstatic fields).
fieldcache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Field lookup cache (class->(name->field[])).
FieldInfo - Class in jadex.commons
FieldInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Create a new FieldInfo.
FieldInfo(Field) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Create a new FieldInfo.
FieldInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Create a new FieldInfo.
fieldInfo - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
The fieldinfo.
file - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapabilityReference
The referenced capability (file name).
file - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
The persistence file.
file - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
The persistence file.
file - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
The persistence file.
FILE_EXTENSION_AGENT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
The agent file extension.
FILE_EXTENSION_BDIV3 - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
FILE_EXTENSION_BDIV3_FIRST - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
The component file extension.
FILE_EXTENSION_BDIV3_SECOND - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
FILE_EXTENSION_BPMN - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
The BPMN file extension.
FILE_EXTENSION_BPMN2 - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
The BPMN 2 file extension.
FILE_EXTENSION_CAPABILITY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
The agent file extension.
FILE_EXTENSION_MICRO - Static variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
The component file extension.
FileData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
A file data represents a that can be transferred to remote address spaces.
FileData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
FileData(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, long, char, int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
FileData(File) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
filefilter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The file name with path (optional).
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The filename.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
The filename.
filename - Variable in class
The name of the local file (without path).
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The file name.
filename - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
The filename.
filename - Variable in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
The filename of the cache.
filename - Variable in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
The filename of the cache.
filename - Variable in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
The filename.
filepath - Variable in class
The full path of the local file (including filename).
filesize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The file size.
FILETRANSFER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if filetransfer component and service should be started.
FILETYPE_AGENT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The agent file type name.
FILETYPE_BDIAGENT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The bdi agent file type.
FILETYPE_BPMNLEGACYPROCESS - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The bpmn legacy process file type.
FILETYPE_BPMNPROCESS - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The bpmn process file type.
FILETYPE_CAPABILITY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The agent file type name.
FILETYPE_MICROAGENT - Static variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The micro agent file type.
FILETYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The supported component types (file extensions).
FILETYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The supported component types (file extensions).
FILETYPES - Static variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The supported component types (file extensions).
fillArguments(Object[], Class<?>[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Map arguments to parameters using varargs, if necessary.
fillBDIModelFromAnnotations(BDIModel, String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, List<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Fill the model details using annotation.
FillBuff() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.commons.DebugException
fillMicroModelFromAnnotations(MicroModel, String, Class<?>, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Fill the model details using annotation.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Filter an object.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Test if object is accepted by filter.
filter(IMessageAdapter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The clone filter (facade for marshal).
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The service filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class
Test if service is a remote proxy.
filter(Object) - Method in class
Test if service is a proxy.
filter - Variable in class
Filter for checking further service attributes.
filter(T) - Method in class
Filter if a service contains all the tags.
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The filter.
filter(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Match an object against the filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Match an object against the filter.
filter(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
The bloom filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter
filter(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter
filter(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.FilterProcessor
The filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
The filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
The procedural filter.
FilterProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Filter processor for directly returning specific objects as is.
FilterProcessor(IFilter) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.FilterProcessor
Create a new filter processor.
filters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
The basic hard constraints filter
filters - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The filters
filters - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The filters
finalize() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
On finalize, close the input stream.
FindApplicableCandidatesAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
Find applicable candidates action - searches plans for a goal/event.
FindApplicableCandidatesAction(RProcessableElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.FindApplicableCandidatesAction
Create a new action.
findBeliefDefaultValue(BDIXModel, MBelief, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Find the belief/ref value.
findBeliefDefaultValue(BDIXModel, MBelief, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Find the belief/ref value.
findBeliefs(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Find the beliefs used in a method.
findBeliefs(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Find beliefs accessed in methods.
findBeliefSetDefaultValues(BDIXModel, MBelief, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Find the beliefset/ref value.
findChild(IExternalAccess, String, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Find an entry in a list of URLs.
findClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Find a class.
findClass0(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Find a class.
findClassDirectories() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Find class directories on classpath.
findClazz(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Find the class of an object.
findConstructors(Class, Class[]) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Find all matching constructors of a given class.
findContentCodec(IContentCodec[], Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Find a matching content codec for a given message parameter.
findContentCodec(IContentCodec[], IMessageAdapter, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Find a matching content codec for a given message parameter.
findDeclaredRestType(Method) - Method in class
findEditor(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorManager
findGetMethod(Object, String, String[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Find a get method with some prefix.
findJadexDexClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Looks up the ClassLoader Hierarchy and tries to find a JadexDexClassLoader in it.
findMethodBelief(Collection<AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs>, Method, Constructor<?>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
findMethods(Class, Class[]) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Find all matching methods of a given class.
findOutputDirs(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Try to find the correct classpath root directories for current build tool chain.
findParameters(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, Map<String, ClassNode>, MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Find the beliefs used in a method.
findParameters(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, Map<String, ClassNode>, MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Find parameters accessed in methods.
findResourceBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Try to find a ResourceBundle by trying Classloaders from all calling Classes.
findResult(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Find result in results
findSubobjectInfo(Set<SubobjectInfo>, QName[], Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Find a subobject info.
findTypeInfo(Set, QName[], Map) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoPathManager
Find type find in the set of type infos.
findTypeInfo(Set, QName[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
Find a type info from a set of possible matching typeinfos.
findUsers() - Method in interface
Search for available chat services.
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished - Variable in class
The listener state (false=unfinished, null=finishing, true=finished.
finished() - Method in class
finished - Variable in class
The listener state.
finished() - Method in class
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when all services have been found.
finished() - Method in class
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Boolean if already finished.
finished - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Boolean if already finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultTuple2ResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Flag, if set to finished (no more tasks allowed and notfication when all tasks finished).
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Set to finished.
finished() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDefaultResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Call customFinished() on swing thread.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
The finished flag.
finishedfuture - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Future for notifying finished condition.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IUndoneIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Custom functional finished listener
finishedmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The method info for the finished callback.
FinishedPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.test
Stop the test agent.
FinishedPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.test.FinishedPlan
FIPA_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL0 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL1 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL2 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPAMessageType - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
The FIPA message type.
FIPAMessageType() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Create a new fipa message type.
fireChangeEvents(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
fireChildrenAdded(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Notifies registered BeanContextMembershipListeners that a new child has been added.
fireChildrenRemoved(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Notifies registered BeanContextMembershipListeners that a child has been removed.
fireEnvironmentEvent(EnvironmentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Fire an environment event.
fireIndexedPropertyChange(String, int, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
fireIndexedPropertyChange(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
fireIndexedPropertyChange(String, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
fireObjectEvent(SpaceObject, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Fire an object event.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
firePropertyChange() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Report an int bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Fire an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.
fireSelectedObjectChange() - Method in interface
Fires a selected object change event.
fireSelectedObjectChange() - Method in class
Fires a selected object change event.
fireServiceAdded(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Fires a BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent to registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
fireServiceAdded(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Fires a BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent to registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
fireServiceRevoked(Class, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Fires a BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent to registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
fireServiceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Fires a BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent to registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
fireTreeNodesChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeNodesInserted(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeNodesRemoved(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireTreeStructureChanged(Object, Object[], int[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
fireVetoableChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
fireVetoableChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
fireVetoableChange(String, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
fireVetoableChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
first - Variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
The first result.
first - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
For capturing call stack of first setResult/Exception call.
firstResultAvailable(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2ResultListener
Called when the first result is available.
firstToUpperCase(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a string to the same string with first letter in upper case.
FixedClassComboModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
FixedClassComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, List<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassComboModel
Create a new AbstractFixedAutoComboModel.
FixedClassInfoComboModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
FixedClassInfoComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, List<ClassInfo>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
Create a new AbstractFixedAutoComboModel.
FixedJComboBox - Class in jadex.commons
FixedJComboBox(ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
FixedJComboBox(Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
FixedJComboBox(Vector) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
FixedJComboBox() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
flag - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
The activity selection flag.
flatMapAsync(Function<E, IIntermediateFuture<R>>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async multi-function to each element.
flatMapAsync(Function<E, IIntermediateFuture<R>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async multi-function to each element.
flatten - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Flag if flatten.
flattening - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
The flattening flag.
flattening - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
The flattening flag for tags, i.e.
FlattenMultiplexCollector - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
FlattenMultiplexCollector() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
FLOAT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
FLOAT_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Float converter.
FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
flush() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Writes out all objects since last flush to the output stream.
flush() - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Flush the streams.
flush() - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Flush the streams.
flushCaches() - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Flushes all BeanInfo caches.
flushed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Flushed flag.
flushFromCaches(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Flushes the BeanInfo caches of the specified bean class
flushRenderInfo() - Method in class
Flushes the render information.
flushRenderInfo() - Method in class
Flushes the render information.
flushRenderInfo() - Method in class
Flushes the render information.
flushRenderInfo() - Method in class
Flushes the render information.
fontToHTML(Font) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Convert a font to an html representation.
format(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.TimeFormat
Format the time.
formatByteSize(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Converts a number of bytes into a human-friendly binary prefix unit string (kiB, MiB, GiB, ...).
formatter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DateTimeRenderer
forward - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
The forward map.
fproperties - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The properties.
fproperties - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The properties.
freeService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
freeservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The list of free services.
from - Variable in class
The validity from date.
FROM - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
fromLocation(ILocation) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Static method to wrap a Location object.
fromLocation(Location) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Static method to wrap a Location object
fromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Convert an operator from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Convert an operator from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Convert an operator from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Convert a selection mode from a string representation.
fromXMLReporter(XMLReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexXMLReporterWrapper
Wraps a reporter object.
fromXMLReporter(XMLReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxXMLReporterWrapper
Static method to wrap an XMLReporter
ftarget - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The field target.
ftarget - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The field target.
fullname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The full name (cached for speed).
fullscreen - Variable in class
fullscreenlistener - Variable in class
Function<T,R> - Interface in jadex.commons.functional
Functional interface for a function T -> R
fut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The future.
fut - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFutureIterator
The future.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The current future.
future - Variable in class
The future.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The buffer.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
The future.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
Future<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Future that includes mechanisms for callback notification.
Future() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Future
Create a new future.
Future(E) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Future
Create a future that is already done.
Future(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Future
Create a future that is already failed.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.RemoteDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
The future.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
future - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
The future to which calls are delegated.
FutureBarrier<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A future barrier allows for waiting for a variable number of futures.
FutureBarrier() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
FutureFinishChecker - Class in jadex.commons.future
Allows monitoring a number of tasks (futures) and get a notification when set to finished (no more new tasks) and all tasks have been processed (futures notified).
FutureFinishChecker(IResultListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Create a new checker.
FutureFunctionality - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Default future functionality.
FutureFunctionality(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
FutureFunctionality(IResultCommand<Logger, Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
FutureHelper - Class in jadex.commons.future
Helper class to access future notification stack
FutureHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.FutureHelper
futureMap - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Map of futures of calls that are in progress.
futures - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
The list of futures.
FutureTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.commons.future
FutureTerminatedException() - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.future.FutureTerminatedException


GatewayORActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for or split and join gateways.
GatewayORActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayORActivityHandler
GatewayParallelActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for parallel split and join gateways.
GatewayParallelActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayParallelActivityHandler
GatewayXORActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for xor split and join gateways.
GatewayXORActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayXORActivityHandler
gbc - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
The grid bag constraints.
gen - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
The class generator.
GeneralDataView2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Creates a general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView2D3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView2D3D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Creates a general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView3D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Creates a general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
generateBDIClass(String, BDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
generateBDIClass(String, BDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Generate class.
generateBDIClass(String, BDIModel, ClassLoader, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Generate class.
generateBDIClass(String, BDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
Generate class, including inner classes.
generateCertificate(KeyPair, int, String) - Static method in class
Create a self-signed X.509 Certificate
generateCertificate(String, KeyPair, int, String) - Static method in class
Create a self-signed X.509 Certificate
generateDetails(StringBuffer, String, Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate detail HTML code for the given elements.
generatedIds - Variable in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Set of generated IDs to guarantee collision-free IDs.
generateErrorHTML() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate an html representation of the report.
generateErrorText() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate a string representation of the report.
generateEvent() - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Generate an event for a line and flush the buffer.
generateId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Generate a unique id.
generateId() - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Generates an ID.
generateKeyPair(String, int) - Static method in class
Create a self-signed X.509 Certificate
generateOverview(StringBuffer, String, Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate overview HTML code for the given elements.
generateSecureRandom() - Static method in class
Generates a secure PRNG.
generateServiceName(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Generate a unique name.
genids - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Control flag for generating ids.
geninfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The generic type info (e.g.
GenParser - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Run this class to generate the parser.
GenParser() - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.GenParser
gentype - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The generic type.
gentypetags - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Control flag for generating container tags.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Get an object from the map.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Get an object from the map.
get(int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher.IfDefMap
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Gets the new copy of the given old object.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the value of the key from the forward map.
get(Object, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Get data from the cache.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Returns the collection to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Returns the collection to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the value for a specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the value for a specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the value for a specified key.
get(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Get value for key.
get(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
get(ThreadSuspendable) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
- From 3.0. Use the version without suspendable. Will NOT use the suspendable given as parameter. Get the result - blocking call.
get() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the result - blocking call.
get(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the result - blocking call.
get(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the result - blocking call.
get(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the result - blocking call.
get() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Get the result - blocking call.
get(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Get the result - blocking call.
get(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Get the result - blocking call.
get(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Get the result - blocking call.
get(ThreadSuspendable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
- From 3.0. Use the version without suspendable. Will NOT use the suspendable given as parameter. Get the result - blocking call.
get() - Method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
get(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Get an entity.
get(Object) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IMapAccess
Get an object from the map.
getAbortedMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getAbsolutePath() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
getAccessInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Get the accessinfo.
getAccessInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Get the link info.
getAcquisitionMechanisms() - Method in interface
Get the supported certificate acquisition mechanism infos.
getActId() - Method in class
Get the actid.
getAction() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Get the action.
getAction() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
getActionEntries() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Get the queued entries, which have not yet been executed.
getActionTypes(PerceptType) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the action types for a percept.
getActionTypes(PerceptType) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the action types for a percept.
getActivity() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get the activity.
getActivity() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the activity.
getActivity() - Method in class
Get the activity.
getActivityHandler(MActivity) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Get the activity handler for an activity.
getActivityid() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the activityid.
getAddedServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRegistryEvent
Get the addedservices.
getAddedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Get the addedservices.
getAddEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Get the addevent.
getAddEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
Get the addevent.
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getAddListenerMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getAddress() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAddress() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAddress() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAddressBook(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Get the address book from a component.
getAddressBook(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Get the address book from a component.
getAddresses() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the addresses of this ComponentIdentifier.
getAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITransportComponentIdentifier
Get the addresses.
getAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Get addresses of all transports.
getAddressSchemes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Get addresses of all transports.
getAgent() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ICapability
Get the agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the agent.
getAgentInjections() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the agent injection fields.
getAgentMethod(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get an agent method.
getAgentModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the agent model.
getAgentModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the agent model.
getAgentModel() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the agent model.
getAgentName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the agent name.
getAgentName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the agent name.
getAgentName() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the agent name.
getAgentsForRole(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Get the agents with a given role.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class
Get the algorithm.
getAlgorithm(Certificate) - Static method in class
Get the alogrithm name of a certificate.
getAlias() - Method in class
Get the alias.
getAll() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IPreferences
Retrieve all values from the preferences.
getAllCodecs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Get the codecs with message codecs.
getAllColumn(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex.
getAllColumn(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex.
getAllColumnCount() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the number of columns in the model.
getAllColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the number of columns in the model.
getAllColumnIndex(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the index of the first column in the table whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals.
getAllColumnIndex(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns the index of the first column in the table whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals.
getAllColumns() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns an Enumeration of all the columns in the model.
getAllColumns() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Returns an Enumeration of all the columns in the model.
getAllFields(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get all fields of a class including public, protected and private fields of the class and its superclasses.
getAllFiles(File) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
getAllImports() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the imports including the package.
getAllImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the imports including the package.
getAllMethods(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get all methods of a class including public, protected and private methods of the class and its superclasses.
getAllParameterNames() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the name of all parameters.
getAllResourceIdentifiers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get all resource identifiers (does not include rids (urls) of parent loader).
getAllServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get all services in a single collection.
getAllThreads() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get all threads of the context and all subcontexts.
getAllURLs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get all urls (managed and non-managed).
getAlphamap() - Method in class
getAndroidDefault() - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters.
getAndroidVersion() - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Get Android API version.
getAnimationCondition() - Method in class
getAnimations() - Method in class
getAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getAnnotation(Field, Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getAnnotation(Method, Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getAnnotation(Constructor<?>, Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<T>, ClassLoader, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getApplication() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppProviderService
Get the application instance as entrance point.
getApplicationName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get the application name.
getAppMetaInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppProviderService
Get meta information about an application.
getAreaSize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Returns the size of the simulated area.
getAreaSize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Returns the size of the simulated area.
getAreaSize() - Method in class
Gets the maximum displayable size.
getAreaSize() - Method in class
Gets the maximum displayable size.
getAreaSize() - Method in interface
Gets the maximum displayable size.
getAreaSize() - Method in interface
Gets the maximum displayable size.
getAreaSize3d() - Method in class
Gets the maximum displayable size.
getArgs() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getArgs() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getArgs() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getArgument(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From 3.0. Use getComponentFeature(IArgumentsResultsFeature.class).getArguments() Get an argument value per name.
getArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From 3.0. Use getComponentFeature(IArgumentsResultsFeature.class).getArguments() Get an argument value per name.
getArgument(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the argument.
getArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get an argument per name.
getArgument() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakEntry
Get the argument.
getArgumentArray() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the args.
getArgumentInjectionNames() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the argument injection names.
getArgumentInjections(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the argument injection fields.
getArgumentIterator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the argument iterator.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the arguments of this AMSCreateComponent.
getArguments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the list of arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the list of arguments.
getArguments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments(ComponentInstanceInfo, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the arguments for a call.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Get the arguments for a call.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the args.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
getArgumentsExpression() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the arguments expression.
getArgumentString(String, IModelInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
Get an argument expression string from the model.
getArray(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get an array for an arbitrary collection object.
getArrayCount(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the current array counter.
getArrayDimension(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the array dimension.
getArrayLength(Object, Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
getArrayLength(Object, Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the vector as BigDecimal.
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the vector as BigDecimal.
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the vector as BigDecimal.
getAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the vector as double.
getAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the vector as double.
getAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the vector as double.
getAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the vector as float.
getAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the vector as float.
getAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the vector as float.
getAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the vector as integer.
getAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the vector as integer.
getAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the vector as integer.
getAsList() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Return an instance of this index map accessible via list interface.
getAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the vector as long.
getAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the vector as long.
getAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the vector as long.
getAsMap() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Return an instance of this index map accessible via map interface.
getAsText() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
getAsText() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
getAsyncExecution() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAsyncExecution() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAsyncExecution() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAttachments() - Method in class
Get the attachments.
getAttributeCount() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getAttributeCount() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getAttributeIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Get the attributeidentifier.
getAttributeInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the attribute info.
getAttributeInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the attributeinfos.
getAttributeInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the attribute infos.
getAttributeLocalName(int) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getAttributeLocalName(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getAttributeNamespace(int) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getAttributeNamespace(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getAttributePrefix(int) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getAttributePrefix(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getAttributes() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Returns the attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Returns the attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Get the attributes.
getAttributeValue(int) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getAttributeValue(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getAuthenticationData() - Method in class
The authentication data.
getAuthenticationData() - Method in interface
The authentication data.
getAutoModel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
getAutoResizingEnabled() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Returns true if auto resizing is enabled.
getAutoShutdown() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getAutoShutdown() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAutoShutdown() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get autoshutdown flag.
getAutoShutdown(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the autoshutdown flag.
getAutoShutdown(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the autoshutdown flag.
getAutoShutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the autoshutdown.
getAutoShutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the autoshutdown.
getAvatar(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar object.
getAvatar(IComponentDescription, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar object.
getAvatar(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar.
getAvatarMapping(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar mapping for an component avatar combination.
getAvatars(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar objects.
getAvatars(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get the owned objects.
getAwaDelay() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAwaDelay() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAwaDelay() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAwaExcludes() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAwaExcludes() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAwaExcludes() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAwaIncludes() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAwaIncludes() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAwaIncludes() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAwaMechanisms() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAwaMechanisms() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAwaMechanisms() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getAwareness() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getAwareness() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getAwareness() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getBaseClassloader() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getBaseClassloader() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getBaseClassloader() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getBaseFont() - Method in class
getBasePosition(AbstractViewport, IVector2, IVector2, IVector2, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
getBasicFontScale(IVector2, IVector2, IVector2) - Static method in class
getBasicObjectConverter(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Get a X -> String converter for a source clazz.
getBasicStringConverter(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Get a String -> X converter for a target clazz.
getBccs() - Method in class
Get the bccs.
getBDIAgentFeature(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the feature from the agent.
getBDIModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the bdimodel.
getBeanClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
getBeanContext() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
getBeanContext() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
getBeanContext() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
getBeanContextChildPeer() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
getBeanContextPeer() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the peer of this context casted as BeanContext.
getBeanContextProxy() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextProxy
getBeanContextServicesPeer() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Returns the peer of this context casted as BeanContextServices.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getBeanInfo(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Gets the BeanInfo object which contains the information of the properties, events and methods of the specified bean class.
getBeanInfo(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Gets the BeanInfo object which contains the information of the properties, events and methods of the specified bean class.
getBeanInfo(Class<?>, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Gets the BeanInfo object which contains the information of the properties, events and methods of the specified bean class.
getBeanInfoSearchPath() - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Gets an array of search packages.
getBeanIntrospector() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
Gets an introspector with default lru size.
getBeanIntrospector(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
Gets an introspector.
getBeanProperties(Class<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanReflectionIntrospector
Get the bean properties for a specific clazz.
getBeanProperties(Class<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IBeanIntrospector
Get the bean properties for a class.
getBeginColumn() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getBeginLine() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a belief.
getBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Get a belief for a name.
getBelief(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
Get a belief for a name.
getBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Get a belief for a name.
getBelief0(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Get a belief for a name.
getBeliefbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the belief base.
getBeliefbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the belief base.
getBeliefbase() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the belief base.
getBeliefbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the beliefbase.
getBeliefEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the events.
getBeliefName(Object, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
getBeliefNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Returns the names of all beliefs.
getBeliefNames() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
Returns the names of all beliefs.
getBeliefNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Returns the names of all beliefs.
getBeliefReferences() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the fully qualified belief references (abstract/reference name -> concrete belief name).
getBeliefs() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
Get the beliefs.
getBeliefs() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the beliefs.
getBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Get a belief set for a name.
getBeliefSet(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
Get a belief set for a name.
getBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Get a belief set for a name.
getBeliefSet0(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Get a belief set for a name.
getBeliefSetNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Returns the names of all belief sets.
getBeliefSetNames() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
Returns the names of all belief sets.
getBeliefSetNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Returns the names of all belief sets.
getBinaryMessages() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getBinaryMessages() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getBinaryMessages() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getBinding() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the binding.
getBindingOptions() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the bindingOptions.
getBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the bindings.
getBody() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the body.
getBodyMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IPreferences
Retrieve a boolean value from the preferences.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a boolean property.
getBooleanProperty(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a boolean property.
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the boolean value of a flag.
getBorderMode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Get the border mode.
getBorderMode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Get the border mode.
getBoundValue(Object, Object, IViewport) - Method in class
Gets the bound value for a property.
getBoundValue(Object, Object, IViewport3d) - Method in class
Gets the bound value for a property.
getboVal() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
getBpmnFeature(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Get the internal bpmn feature from internal access.
getBpmnFeature(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the bpmn feature.
getBpmnModel() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get the model.
getBpmnModel() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the model.
getBreakpoints() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the possible breakpoint places in that model.
getBreakpoints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the possible breakpoint places in that model.
getBreakpoints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the enabled breakpoints (if any).
getBreakpoints() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the enabled breakpoints (if any).
getBufferAccess() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Direct buffer access, handle with care.
getBuildAPLMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the build apl method.
getBulkEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the bulk events.
getByteBuffer(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Gets a ByteBuffer window of the content.
getByteBuffer(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Reserves a byte buffer on the stream.
getByteBuffer(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Reserves a byte buffer.
getBytes() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Returns the encoded bytes.
getCacheDate() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Get the cachedate.
getCachedField(Class, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get a cached field.
getCachedModel(String, String, String[], Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Get a cached model.
getCallbackField() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the callbackfield.
getCallbackMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the callback.
getCaller() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the caller.
getCaller() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the caller component.
getCamera() - Method in class
getCancelMethod() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Get the cancelmethod.
getCancelResponders(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Get all agents with a specific cancel response.
getCancelResponse(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Get the cancel response of an agent.
getCancelResponseContent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Get the details of a cancel response of a given agent.
getCanvas() - Method in class
Returns the canvas that is used for displaying the objects.
getCanvas() - Method in class
Returns the canvas that is used for displaying the objects.
getCanvas() - Method in interface
Returns the canvas that is used for displaying the objects.
getCanvas() - Method in interface
Returns the canvas that is used for displaying the objects.
getCanvasSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of the canvas as a vector.
getCanvasSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of the canvas as a vector.
getCapabilities() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the sub capabilities.
getCapability() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Get the mcapa.
getCapability() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.model.IBDIModel
Get the mcapa.
getCapability() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Get the capability.
getCapability() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
Get the capability.
getCapability() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the state.
getCapabilityName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Get the capability name for an element.
getCapabilityObject(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior
Get the capability object (only for pojo).
getCapabilityObject(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior
Get the capability object (only for pojo).
getCapacity() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Get the number of free workers.
getCapacity() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the capacity.
getCapacity() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Get the number of free workers.
getCause() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the cause.
getCause() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the cause.
getCause() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the cause for creating the component.
getCause() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the cause.
getCause() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the cause.
getCause() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the cause.
getCcs() - Method in class
Get the ccs.
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList.ButtonCellManager
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.PatternEditor
getCellValue(int, int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Get the cell value.
getCertificates() - Method in class
Get the certificates.
getCertificateText(Certificate) - Static method in class
Get the textual representation of a certificate.
getCfp() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Get the cfp object.
getCFP() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the call for proposal (sent to participants).
getCfpInfo() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Get the cfp_info object.
getCFPInfo() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the cfp info (i.e.
getChangeEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Get the changeevent.
getChangeEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
Get the changeevent.
getChangeeventtypes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
Get the change event types.
getChannel() - Method in class
getChannels() - Method in class
getCharacterOffset() - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.ILocation
Return the byte or character offset into the input source this location is pointing to.
getCharacterOffset() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Return the byte or character offset into the input source this location is pointing to.
getCharacterOffset() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.Location
Return the byte or character offset into the input source this location is pointing to.
getCharacterOffset() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Return the byte or character offset into the input source this location is pointing to.
getChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Get the chart.
getChartPanel() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Get the chart panel.
getChat() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getChat() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getChat() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getCheckBox(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Get a check box.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get a child of a node.
getChild(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get a child for the specified user object.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
TreeModel method to locate a particular child of the specified node.
getChild() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
Get the child.
getChildBeanContextChild(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the BeanContextChild related with the given child.
getChildBeanContextMembershipListener(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the given child casted to BeanContextMembershipListener, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getChildBeanContextServicesListener(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Returns the given child casted to BeanContextServicesListener, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get the number of children of a node.
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
TreeModel method to return the number of children of a particular node.
getChildExternalAccesses(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get a fitting (of given type) child component.
getChildPropertyChangeListener(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the given child casted to PropertyChangeListener, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getChildren(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
getChildren(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
getChildren(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
getChildren() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the children.
getChildren(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the children components of a component.
getChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Return the children of node.
getChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get all children of the node.
getChildren(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get children.
getChildrenDescriptions(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the children components of a component.
getChildSerializable(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the given child casted to Serializable, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getChildVetoableChangeListener(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the given child casted to VetoableChangeListener, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getChildVisibility(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the given child casted to Visibility, or null if it does not implements the interface.
getCircleSamples() - Method in class
getClass(Type) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the class for a type.
getClass(Class<?>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getClassArray(Class<?>[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getClassInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Get the classInfo.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Get the class loader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the class loader of the component.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the class loader of the component.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Return the class loader corresponding to the model.
getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer
Get the classloader for loading a class.
getClassloader() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Gets the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Gets the classloader.
getClassloader() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Gets the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Gets the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the class loader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface
Get the class loader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class
Get the class loader.
getClassloader() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.xml.IContext
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the classloader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the classloader.
getClassName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Get the classname.
getClassName() - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Get the classname.
getClassName() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Gets the class name for retrieving the method.
getClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Beautifies names of arrays (eg 'String[]' instead of '[LString;').
getClassname(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation
Get the actual class name for an alias namr.
getClassName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Get the classname.
getClassName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get the classname.
getClassPath() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the classpath.
getClasspath() - Method in class
getClasspathURLs(ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the current classpath as a list of URLs
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Get the value class.
getClazz() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Get the value class.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Get the value class.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Get the value class.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
Get the class of a value.
getClazz() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the class info.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Get the clazz of the parameter(set).
getClazz() - Method in class
Get the clazz.
getClazz() - Method in class
Get the clazz.
getCleaner() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Get the cleaner object.
getCli() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getCli() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getCli() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getCliConsole() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getCliConsole() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getCliConsole() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getClippingBox() - Method in class
Returns the clipping box.
getClock() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getClock() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getClock() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getClock() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the clock.
getClockService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the platform clock.
getClockTime() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Get the current time.
getClockType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock type.
getCloneProcessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Get the clone processors.
getClosedTag() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Get the XML tag struct of the last closed tag.
getClosedTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Get the XML tag struct of the last closed tag.
getCnt() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Get the current number of received results.
getCodecId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Get the codec id.
getCodecInfos(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the en/decode info (important) for a parameter/set.
getCodecInfos(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the en/decode info (important) for a parameter/set.
getCodeSource(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the source code base using a packagename and a filename.
getCollection(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get the values associated to a key as collection.
getColor() - Method in class
Gets the color or color binding of the drawable
getColor() - Method in class
Gets the color or color binding of the drawable
getColor() - Method in class
getColor() - Method in class
Method supplying the modulation color.
getColor() - Method in class
getColumn() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Get the class of the column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get the class of a column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Returns the column class for column column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Returns the type for column number column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get the number of columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Returns the number of column names passed into the constructor.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Returns the number of available columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Get the column index for a column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Get a column name
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get the name of a column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Returns the column name passed into the constructor.
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Returns the name for column number column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
getColumnNames() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the column names (display names).
getColumnNames() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Get the columnnames.
getColumnNumber() - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.ILocation
Return the column number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Return the column number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.Location
Return the column number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Return the column number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getColumns() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the columns (internal property names).
getColumnValueAt(int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
getColumnValues() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
getCombo() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
Get the combo.
getComboBox(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Get a combo box.
getCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the command.
getComment() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the comment.
getComment() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Get the comment.
getCommentInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the commentinfo.
getCommentInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the comment info.
getCommittedVirtualMemorySize() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getComparator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getComparator() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.IKdValueFetcher
Returns a comparator for sorting within the current hyperplane.
getComparator() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Returns a comparator for sorting within the current hyperplane.
getComparator() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Returns a comparator for sorting within the current hyperplane.
getComplexColumnsMarker() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
getComplexValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Get a complex value from this table
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the component.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The component to be shown in the gui.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The component to be shown in the gui.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Get the component.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Get the component.
getComponent(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Get a component for the given identifier.
getComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Get a component.
getComponentActionList() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the list of scheduled component actions
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the agent description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get an componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the componentdescription of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Get the dfcomponentdescription of this DFDeregister.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Get the dfcomponentdescription of this DFModify.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Get the dfcomponentdescription of this DFRegister.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get the dfcomponentdescription of this DFSearch.
getComponentDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IPersistInfo
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the component description of a single component.
getComponentDescriptions() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescriptions() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get all component descriptions.
getComponentFactory() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getComponentFactory() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getComponentFactory() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the component factory.
getComponentFeature(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get a feature of the component.
getComponentFeature(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get a feature of the component.
getComponentFeature0(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get a feature of the component without throwing exception if not present.
getComponentFeature0(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get a feature of the component.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFilename(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Get the file name of a component type.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Get the component id.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the agent identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the agent identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the agent identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the agent identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSCreateComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSDestroyComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSResumeComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this CMSSuspendComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the id of the component.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the id of the component.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the id of the component.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class
Get the cid.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Get the componentIdentifier.
getComponentIdentifiers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the component identifiers.
getComponentInstances() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get all components.
getComponentName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the agent name.
getComponentName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the componentname.
getComponentName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Get the component name expression, if any.
getComponentPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the component property provider.
getComponents() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getComponents() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getComponents() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the list of components to be started at startup.
getComponents() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the avatar objects.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the componenttype.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentType() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Get the agent type.
getComponentType(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
getComponentType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Get the componenttype.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a component type.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getComponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get the names of ADF file types supported by this factory.
getComponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Get the names of ADF file types supported by this factory.
getComponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Get the names of ADF file types supported by this factory.
getComponentTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the names of component types supported by this factory.
getComponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Get the component types.
getComponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the names of ADF file types supported by this factory.
getCond() - Method in class
getCond() - Method in class
getCondition(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a condition.
getCondition() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the condition.
getConditions() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the conditions.
getConditions(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the conditions of a type.
getConditions() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get all conditions.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the configurations.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the configuration of this AMSCreateComponent.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the main configuration file, e.g.
getConfigurationName() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getConfigurationName() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getConfigurationName() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationName() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurationNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConnectionId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the connection id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the connection id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the connectionid.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the connectionid.
getConnectionState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Get the connection state of the proxy.
getConstantValue() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the constant value.
getConstructor(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Get the constructor via classloader.
getConstructorTarget() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Get the ctarget.
getContacts() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Get the contact data.
getContent() - Method in class
Get the content.
getContent() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Gets the content being decoded.
getContent() - Method in exception
Gets the received content.
getContent() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the content (if any).
getContent() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Get the content.
getContentInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the contentinfo.
getContentInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the content info.
getContentLength() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class
Get the contenttype.
getContentType() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getContext() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getContext() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getContext() - Method in exception jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SerializerDecodingException
getContext() - Method in class
getContextCondition() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the contextcondition.
getContextConditionMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getContextServiceClass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getContextServiceClass() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getContextServiceClass() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getContextVariable(String) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Get the value of the given context variable.
getControler() - Method in class
getConversationIdentifiers() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the conversation identifiers.
getConverter() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Get the attribute converter.
getConverter() - Method in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Get the converter.
getCorrectAnonymousInnerClass(Class<?>, Map<String, String>, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Bug with Java compilers that enumerate anonymous inner classes as they like.
getCreationInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the creationinfo.
getCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the creation time.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the creation time.
getCreator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the creator.
getCreator() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the creator of this component.
getCurrentClassName() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Gets the current class name.
getCurrentClassName() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Gets the current class name.
getCurrentDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Get the current directory of the remote VM.
getCurrentInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the service call instance corresponding to the current execution context.
getCurrentIterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Get the current iterator.
getCurrentKey() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Get the key of the currently shown component (if any).
getCurrentOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Get the price for the current round of this auction.
getCurrentOffer() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Returns the current offer for the round.
getCurrentOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Get the current price.
getCurrentOffset() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Returns the current offset of the decoding process for debugging.
getCurrentOffset() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Returns the current offset of the decoding process for debugging.
getCurrentOffset() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Returns the current offset of the decoding process for debugging.
getCurrentOffset() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Returns the current offset of the decoding process for debugging.
getCurrentSearch() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Get the current search.
getCurrentServiceCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the last service call.
getCurrentServiceClasses() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
getCurrentServiceClasses() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Returns an iterator of all registered service classes, with removed() disabled.
getCurrentServiceSelectors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
getCurrentServiceSelectors(BeanContextServices, Class) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceProvider
getCurrentServiceSelectors(Class) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
getCurrentServiceSelectors(BeanContextServices, Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
getCurrentServiceSelectors(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Returns the service selectors of the specified service.
getCurrentStateEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the current state as events.
getCustomizerClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
getDaemon(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the daemon flag.
getDaemon(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the daemon flag.
getDaemon() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the daemon.
getDaemon() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the daemon.
getData() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the data.
getData() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the data.
getData() - Method in class
Get the data.
getData(String) - Method in class
Set the data.
getData() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Get the data.
getData() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Get the node data.
getData(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableListEvent
Get the data for a specific row.
getData() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableListEvent
Get all data.
getData() - Method in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
Get the resource contents.
getData(int, int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Get the data element from a specific row and column.
getDataConsumer(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get a data consumer.
getDataConsumers() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the data consumers.
getDataedges() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the dataedges.
getDataEdges() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the data edges.
getDataEdgeValues() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
getDataProvider(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get a data provider.
getDataView(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Gets a specific view.
getDataView(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Gets a specific dataview.
getDataViews() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get all available dataviews in this space.
getDataViews() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get all available dataviews in this space.
getDataViews() - Method in class
Returns the available dataviews.
getDate() - Method in class
Get the date.
getDate() - Method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the release date.
getDate() - Method in class
getDebugFutures() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getDebugFutures() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getDebugFutures() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the debug futures flag.
getDebugServices() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getDebugServices() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getDebugServices() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the debug services flag.
getDebugSteps() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getDebugSteps() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getDebugSteps() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the debug steps flag.
getDeclared(Object, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the declared object, doesnt cumulate through superclasses.
getDeclaredAttributeInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the declared attribute infos.
getDeclaredRestType(Method) - Static method in class
Get the declared rest type.
getDeclaredService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredService(IExternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredService(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredServices(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredServices(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredServices(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class
Get all declared services of the given provider.
getDeclaredSubobjectInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the declared subobject infos.
getDecoderHandlers() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Returns the handlers used to decode objects.
getDecoderHandlers() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Returns the handlers used to decode objects.
getDefault() - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters.
getDefaultBinding() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the binding.
getDefaultCodecs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Get the default codecs.
getDefaultDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Return the user's default starting directory for the file chooser.
getDefaultDirectory() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the default directory.
getDefaultDirectory() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the home directory.
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getDefaultFact() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the value.
getDefaultFacts() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the value.
getDefaultHandler() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the defaulthandler.
getDefaultNoGui() - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters but without gui.
getDefaultProcessors() - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Get the default traversal processors.
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getDefaultRange() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Get the default range.
getDefaultRange() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the default range.
getDefaultRange() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the default range.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Gets the default timeout.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the default timeout.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
Get the default timeout.
getDefaultTransform() - Method in class
Returns the default transform.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the default value.
getDefaultValue(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get default value for basic types.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Get the defaultvalue.
getDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the default value.
getDefaultValues() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the value.
getDelay() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the delay.
getDelay() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getDelay(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getDelay() - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Get the delay.
getDelegate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getDelegate() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getDelegate(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IBeanDelegateProvider
Returns an accessor delegate.
getDelegationFuture(IFuture<T>, FutureFunctionality) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
getDelegationFuture(Class<?>, FutureFunctionality) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
getDeliberation() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the deliberation.
getDelta() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock delta.
getDelta() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock delta.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTaskMetaInfo
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the model description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the model description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class
Get the description.
getDesiredFree() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the desfree.
getDexEntries(File) - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Get all Classes in a dex file as Enumeration.
getDf() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getDf() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getDf() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getDigestContent() - Method in class
Get the digestContent.
getDigestContent() - Method in interface
Get the digest content.
getDilation() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clocks dilation.
getDirection(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent.Direction
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
Get the direction.
getDirection(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.Direction
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the direction.
getDirection() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
Get the direction.
getDirection(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector.
getDirection() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector.
getDirection() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector.
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector.
getDirection(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirection(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector.
getDirection(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getDirection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the direction of the vector.
getDirectionAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as double.
getDirectionAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as double.
getDirectionAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as double.
getDirectionAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
getDirectionAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirectionAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirectionAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as double.
getDirectionAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
getDirectionAsFloat(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as float.
getDirectionAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as float.
getDirectionAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as float.
getDirectionAsFloat(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
getDirectionAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirectionAsFloat(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDirectionAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the direction (theta) of the vector as float.
getDirectionAsFloat(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
getDirtyBytes() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the bytes wasted due to stale entries.
getDirtyBytes() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the bytes wasted due to stale entries.
getDirtyBytes() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the bytes wasted due to stale entries.
getDispatchedElement() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Get the dispatched element.
getDispatchedElement() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the reason this plan was created for.
getDisplayName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the displayname.
getDisplayName(File) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the display name for a file.
getDisplayName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
FeatureDescriptor.getName() if not set.
getDisplayName(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the display name (e.g.
getDisplayName(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the display name (e.g.
getDisplayOrder() - Method in class
Gets the display order.
getDistance(ISpaceObject, IVector2) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
getDistance(IVector2, IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Get the distance between two positions.
getDistance(IVector1, IVector1, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Get the distance between two coordinates (x or y).
getDistance(IVector3, IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Get the distance between three positions.
getDistance(IVector1, IVector1, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Get the distance between two coordinates (x or y).
getDistance(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Returns the distance to another vector
getDistance(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the distance to another vector.
getDistance(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the distance to another vector.
getDistance(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the distance to another vector.
getDistance(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getDistance(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Returns the distance to another vector
getDistance(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Returns the distance to another vector
getDistance(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getDistance(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the distance to another vector.
getDistance(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getDistance(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the distance to another vector.
getDocuments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the external documents.
getDocuments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the external documents.
getDomainService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the domain service.
getDomainService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Get the domain service.
getDone() - Method in class
Get the done.
getDotName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get the name without @ replaced by dot.
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a double property.
getDown() - Method in class
getDrawCondition() - Method in class
Gets the draw condition.
getDrawCondition() - Method in class
Gets the draw condition.
getDuration() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test duration.
getDurationHMS(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a string representation for a duration.
getEast() - Method in class
getEdgeid() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the edgeid.
getEdges() - Method in class
Get the edges.
getEditingRow() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
Workaround for BasicTableUI anomaly.
getEditorComponent() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
getEditorSearchPath() - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorManager
getElement() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICandidateInfo
Get the element this candidate was selected for.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
getElementErrors(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get all elements which have errors and are contained in the given element.
getElementName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Get the local name for an element, i.e.
getElements() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Get the currently contained elements of the waitqueue.
getElements() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get all invalid elements.
getEmail() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Get the email.
getEmptyFuture() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the empty future of some type.
getEmptyGridPosition() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Get an empty position in the grid.
getEmptyGridPosition() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Get an empty position in the grid.
getEncodedSize(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Determines the encoded size of a value.
getEndBeliefs() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the end beliefs.
getEndColumn() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getEndEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the end events.
getEndGoals() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the end goals.
getEndLine() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getEndPlans() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the end plans.
getEndsize() - Method in class
getEndSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the end steps.
getEndtime() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the end time.
getEntities() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Get entities
getEntity(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Get an entity.
getEntity(Class<T>) - Method in class
getEntityInputStream() - Method in class
getEntries() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Get the entries.
getEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Get the entries.
getEntriesSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Get the size of the entries (existing objects).
getEntryCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Get the size.
getEntryFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the entryfiles.
getEntryName() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
getError() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Getter for error
getError() - Method in exception jadex.commons.future.ErrorException
Get the error.
getErrorFile() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the error stream redirection file (if any).
getErrorHTML() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the html representation of the report.
getErrorHTML() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the html representation of the report.
getErrorReporter() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Gets the error reporter.
getErrorReporter() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Gets the error reporter.
getErrorText() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the text representation of the report.
getErrorText() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the text representation of the report.
getEvaluation() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Get the evaluation.
getEvaluationMode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the evaluationmode.
getEvaluationMode(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.EvaluationMode
getEvaluationMode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the evaluationmode.
getEventAdders() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the event type.
getEventbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the event base.
getEventbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the event base.
getEventbase() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the event base.
getEventbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the event base.
getEventPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
getEventReferences() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the fully qualified event references (abstract/reference name -> concrete event name).
getEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the events.
getEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Get the events.
getEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the events.
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getEventType() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Gets the XML event type.
getEventType() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Gets the XML event type.
getException() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Get the exception.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the uncatched exception that occurred in the body (if any).
getException() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the exception.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the exception (if any).
getException() - Method in class
Get the exception.
getException() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the exception, if any.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the exception, if any.
getException() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Get the exception.
getException() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Get the exception, if any.
getException() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Get the exception, if any.
getExceptionListener() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Returns the exception listener of this encoder.
getExceptionListener() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Returns the exception listener.
getExceptionStacktrace(Throwable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the exception stacktrace.
getExcludeMode(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode
Convert from string to enum.
getExcludeMode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Get the excludemode.
getExcludes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the excludes.
getExcludes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the excludes.
getExecutableThread(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get an executable thread in the context or its sub contexts.
getExecutorService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the executor service.
getExpirationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Get the expiration time.
getExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a expression.
getExpression() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Get the expression.
getExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
Get a predefined expression.
getExpression(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpressionbase
Get a predefined expression.
getExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get an expression by name.
getExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase
Get a predefined expression.
getExpression() - Method in class
Get the expression.
getExpressionbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the expression base.
getExpressionbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the expression base.
getExpressionbase() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the expression base.
getExpressionbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the expression base.
getExpressionReferences() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the fully qualified expression references (abstract/reference name -> concrete expression name).
getExpressions() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the expressions.
getExpressionText() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression
Get the expression text.
getExpressionText() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the full expression text.
getExtendedObjectConverter(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Get a X -> String converter for a source clazz.
getExtendedStringConverter(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Get a String -> X converter for a target clazz.
getExtensionSize(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Returns the number of bytes used for this number past the first byte.
getExtensionSize(byte) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
Returns the number of bytes used for this number past the first byte.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the scope.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the scope.
getExternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the scope.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the scope.
getExternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get external access for component identifier.
getExternalAccess(IInternalAccess, String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get external access for component name.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
Get the ea.
getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the external access of a component.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the context.
getExternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get the component of the space.
getExternalAccessByName(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get the external access of a component by its name.
getExternalAccessesByType(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get the external access of a component by type.
getExternalAccessProxy(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IRemoteServiceManagementService
Get an external access proxy from a remote component.
getExtraInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Get the extrainfo.
getExtraParameters(Map<String, MProperty>, IModelContainer, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Get the extra parameters that depend on the property settings of the task.
getExtraParameters(Map<String, MProperty>, IModelContainer, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Get the extra parameters that depend on the property settings of the task.
getFact() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Get the fact of a belief.
getFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Get a value equal to the given object.
getFact() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Get the value of a parameter.
getFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Get a value equal to the given object.
getFactAddeds() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the fact added triggers (belief set names).
getFactChangeds() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the fact changeds triggers (belief set names).
getFactory(FactoryFilter, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
getFactRemoveds() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the fact removed triggers (belief set names).
getFacts() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
Get the value.
getFacts() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Get the facts of a beliefset.
getFacts() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Get the facts of a beliefset.
getFailedMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getFailure() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Get the failure description.
getFeatureInjections() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the feature injection fields.
getFeatures() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the features.
getFeatures() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the features.
getFetcher(IInternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the capability-specific fetcher (scope==null for agent scope).
getFetcher(IInternalAccess, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the capability-specific fetcher (scope==null for agent scope).
getFetcher() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the fetcher.
getFetcher() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the fetcher.
getFetcher() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the value fetcher.
getFetcher() - Method in class
Get the value fetcher.
getFetcher() - Method in class
Get the value fetcher.
getFetcherName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RInternalEvent
Get the name of the element in the fetcher (e.g.
getFetcherName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the name of the element in the fetcher (e.g.
getFetchHelp() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Get the fetchhelp.
getField() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the field (for field-backed beliefs).
getField() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the field (for field-backed beliefs).
getField(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Get the field for the injection.
getField(Class, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get a field of the class, or any of it's superclasses.
getField() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Get the field.
getFieldInfo() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Get the fieldInfo.
getFile(String) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get a file for an entry path.
getFile() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapabilityReference
Get the file name.
getFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IContextService
Returns a File
getFile(URL) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the file from an URL.
getFileData(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Get the file info of a remote path.
getFileName(Class<?>, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Gets the filename for a class.
getFileName(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the model name of a component type.
getFilename() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Get the filename.
getFileName() - Method in class
Get the name of the local file (without path).
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in interface jadex.commons.ICacheableModel
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Get the filename.
getFilePath() - Method in class
Get the full path of the local file (including filename).
getFiles(IExternalAccess, FileData, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Gets the list of shown (i.e.
getFiles(File, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the files of a directory.
getFiles(File, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the files of a directory.
getFileSize() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the filesize.
getFiletransfer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getFiletransfer() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getFiletransfer() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getFileTransfers() - Method in interface
Get a snapshot of the currently managed file transfers.
getFileType(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get the file type of a model.
getFileTypeIcon(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getFilter() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Get the filter.
getFilter() - Method in class
Get the filter.
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the filter.
getFilter() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Get the filter.
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the filter.
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Get the filter.
getFilters() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Get the filters.
getFilters() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the filters.
getFinishedMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the goal finished callback method.
getFirstEntity() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple2
Get the first entity.
getFirstEntity() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Get the first entity.
getFirstResult(ThreadSuspendable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
- From 3.0. Use method without suspendable. Get the first result.
getFirstResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFirstResult(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFirstResult(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFirstResult(ThreadSuspendable) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
- From 3.0. Use method without suspendable. Will NOT use the suspendable that is supplied as parameter. Get the first result.
getFirstResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFirstResult(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFirstResult(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the first result.
getFlap() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Get a FLAP packet
getFlattening() - Method in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Get the flattening.
getFont() - Method in class
getFreePhysicalMemorySize() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getFreeService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the service for a call.
getFreeSwapSpaceSize() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getFrom() - Method in class
Get the from.
getFullName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the full model name (
getFullName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the full model name (
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the future.
getFuture() - Method in class
Get the future.
getFuture(boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getFuture(Class<T>, boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getFuture(Class<T>, boolean, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getFuture(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Get the matching future object to a future (interface) type.
getFuture() - Method in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Get the future.
getFuture(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Sequential execution of async methods via implicit delegation.
getGenericClassName(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Returns generic type name.
getGenericType() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Get the gentype.
getGenericTypeName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the generic type name.
getGeninfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the geninfo.
getGetListenerMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getGetter() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the getter method (for method-backed beliefs).
getGetter() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the getter method (for method-backed beliefs).
getGlobalIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IResourceIdentifier
Get the global identifier.
getGlobalIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the global identifier.
getGoal(ClassNode, BDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Get a goal per class node.
getGoal(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Get the goal api representation for a pojo goal.
getGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the goal for its name.
getGoalbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the goal base.
getGoalbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the goal base.
getGoalbase() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the goal base.
getGoalbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the goal base.
getGoalEvents(MGoal) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Create goal events for a goal name.
getGoalFinishedNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the goal finished events.
getGoalFinisheds() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the goalfinisheds.
getGoalMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Get the goal mappings.
getGoalMatchExpression(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get a goal match expression.
getGoalNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the goal events.
getGoalPublications() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the pubs.
getGoalReferences() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the fully qualified goal references (abstract/reference name -> concrete goal name).
getGoals(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Get the goals of a given type as pojos.
getGoals() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Get the current goals as api representation.
getGoals() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the goals.
getGoals() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the goals.
getGoals(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Get all proprietary goals of a specified type (=model element name).
getGoals() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Get all the adopted goals in this scope (including subgoals).
getGoals(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Get all proprietary goals of a specified type (=model element name).
getGoals() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Get all the adopted goals in this scope (including subgoals).
getGridSize() - Method in class
getGroup(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Get a group by name.
getGroupType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Get a group type by name.
getGroupType(MAGRSpaceType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Get the group type.
getGuesser() - Method in class jadex.commons.SimpleMethodParameterGuesser
Get the guesser.
getGui() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getGui() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getGui() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.GuiCreator
Get the frame.
getHAlign() - Method in class
Gets the horizontal alignment.
getHandler() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the handler.
getHashCode(File, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the hash code for a file or directory.
getHeaderRendererIcon(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeightmap() - Method in class
getHexMessageDigest(byte[], String) - Static method in class
Get the digest of a message as a formatted String.
getHomeDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
getHomeDirectory() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the home directory.
getHomeDirectory() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the home directory.
getHost() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Get host.
getHostIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the host identifier.
getHostIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the host identifier.
getHTMLFragment(int, String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create an HTML representation of this element that can be included in an HTML document.
getIcon(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the icon.
getIconHeight() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
Get the max height of the icons.
getIconHeight() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
getIconPath() - Method in class
getIconPath() - Method in class
Returns the path to the icon for the plugin in the toolbar.
getIconPath() - Method in class
Returns the path to the icon for the plugin in the toolbar.
getIconPath() - Method in interface
Returns the path to the icon for the plugin in the toolbar.
getIconPath() - Method in class
Returns the path to the icon for the plugin in the toolbar.
getIconWidth() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
Get the max width of the icons.
getIconWidth() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
getIcq() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Getter for icq
getId() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Getter for id
getId() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal
Get the id.
getId() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the globally unique id of the provider.
getId() - Method in class
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the id.
getId() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceObject
Get the objects id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Get the objects id.
getId(Object) - Static method in class
Retrieves the id of an object.
getId() - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the id.
getIdcnt() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the idcnt.
getIdIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the message id.
getIdIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the message id.
getImage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the image.
getImage() - Method in class
Get the image.
getImage() - Method in interface
Get the avatar image.
getImage() - Method in interface
Get the user image.
getImage(String) - Method in class
Returns an image for texturing
GetImage() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getImageTransform(int, int) - Method in class
Sets up the image transform.
getImplClassName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the impl.
getImplementation() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the implementation.
getImports() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the imports.
getImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the imports.
getImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the imports.
getIncludeFields() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the includefields.
getIncludeHeaderWidth() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Returns true, if the header's width are
getIncludeMethods() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the includemethods.
getIncludes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the includes.
getIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyChangeEvent
Answer the index of the property that was changed in this event.
getIndexedPropertyType() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Obtains the Class object of the indexed property type.
getIndexedReadMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Obtains the indexed getter.
getIndexedWriteMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Obtains the indexed setter.
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
getInet4Address() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a IPV4 address of the local host.
getInet6Address() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a IPV4 address of the local host.
getInetAddress() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get an address of the local host.
getInfo() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Get the info.
getInfo() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Get the info.
getInhibitionExpressions() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Get the inhibition expressions.
getInhibitionMethods() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Get the inhmethods.
getInhibitions(MCapability) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Get the inhibited.
getInhibitions(RGoal, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Get or create the inhibition set.
getInitialBeliefs() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the initial beliefs.
getInitialCapabilities() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the initial capabilities.
getInitialEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the initial events.
getInitialGoals() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the initial goals.
getInitialMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Get the initial message.
getInitialMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Get the initial message.
getInitialMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Get the initial message.
getInitialMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Get the initial message.
getInitialMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Get the initial message.
getInitialPlans() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Get the initial plans.
getInitialSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the initial steps.
getInitialValue() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
Get the initialval.
getInitiator() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the initiator id.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the initiator id.
getInjectionValues(Class<?>[], Annotation[][], MElement, ChangeEvent, RPlan, RProcessableElement, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get parameter values for injection into method and constructor calls.
getInjectionValues(Class<?>[], Annotation[][], MElement, ChangeEvent, RPlan, RProcessableElement, Collection<Object>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get parameter values for injection into method and constructor calls.
getInnerClassName(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get inner class name.
getInnerGenericType(Type) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Unwrap a generic type.
getInnerProductAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getInnerProductAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
getInnerProductAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getInnerProductAsDouble(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
getInnerRadius() - Method in class
getInputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getInputStream() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Get the input stream.
getInReplyMessageEvent(IMessageAdapter) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Find a message event that the given native message is a reply to.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Returns the instance of this factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
getInstance() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the version info object.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
Gets a factory instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Get the default cloner instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
Returns the instance of this factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
Returns the instance of this factory.
getInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Obtain an alternative type view of the given bean.
getInteractionState() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Get the interaction state.
getInterceptor(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Get a sub interceptor for special cases.
getInterceptor(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Get a sub interceptor for special cases.
getInterceptor(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
Get a sub interceptor for special cases.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Get the sub interceptors for special cases.
getInterceptors() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
Get the standard interceptors for composite service proxies.
getInterceptors(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the interceptors of a service.
getInterceptors(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the interceptors of a service.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the interceptors.
getInterfaceType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the interface type.
getIntermediateResultListener() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
getIntermediateResults() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Get the intermediate results that are currently available.
getIntermediateResults() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Get the intermediate results that are available.
getInternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Get the user view of this platform component.
getInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get an internal event.
getInternalEventMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Get the internal event mappings.
getInternalEventNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the message events.
getInternalEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the Internals.
getInternalEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the internal events.
getInterpreter() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From 3.0. Use internal access.
getInterpreter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From 3.0. Use internal access.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get an int property.
getIntProperty(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get an int property.
getInvertX() - Method in class
Returns true if the x-axis is inverted (right-left instead of left-right).
getInvertX() - Method in interface
Returns true if the x-axis is inverted (right-left instead of left-right).
getInvertXAxis() - Method in class
Gets x-axis inversion.
getInvertXAxis() - Method in class
Gets x-axis inversion.
getInvertY() - Method in class
Returns true if the y-axis is inverted (top-down instead of bottom-up).
getInvertY() - Method in interface
Returns true if the y-axis is inverted (top-down instead of bottom-up).
getInvertYAxis() - Method in class
Gets y-axis inversion.
getInvertYAxis() - Method in class
Gets y-axis inversion.
getInvTileSize() - Method in class
Get the inverted tile size.
getItem() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
Get the item.
getIterable(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get an iterator for an arbitrary collection object.
getIterations() - Method in class
getIterator(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get an iterator for an arbitrary collection object.
getJarEntries() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get the jarentries.
getJarName(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the name of a jar file without extension and version info.
getJarPath() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the path to the jar file.
getJavaCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the java command.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
getJccPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getJccPlatforms() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getJccPlatforms() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getKeepalive(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the keepalive flag.
getKeepalive(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the keepalive flag.
getKeepalive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the keepalive.
getKeepForPostConditions(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Get the number of intermediate results that should be explicitly kept by the interceptor (only necessary for subscription futures).
getKernels() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getKernels() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getKernels() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getKey() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
getKey(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Get an indexed key.
getKey() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.DeletedKey
Gets the key.
getKey() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.DeletedKey
Gets the key.
getKey() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey
Gets the key.
getKey() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
Get the key.
getKeyHelp() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Get the keyhelp.
getKeyLength(Key) - Static method in class
Get the key length.
getKeys() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
getKeys() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Get the keys as array.
getKeys(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Get the keys as array.
getKeys() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get the keys as array.
getKeys(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get the keys as array.
getKeystore(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Get keystore from a given file.
getKeystoreDetails() - Method in interface
Get info about the current keystore that is used.
getKeystoreInfo() - Method in interface
Set the keystore info.
getKnownObjects() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Returns the known objects.
getKnownObjects() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Returns the known objects.
getKnownPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Get the currently known platforms.
getKvPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the kvposition.
getKvPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Gets the kvposition.
getKvPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the kvposition.
getKvSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the kvsize.
getKvSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Gets the kvsize.
getKvSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the kvsize.
getLane() - Method in class
Get the lane.
getLanguage(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get an languages of this ComponentDescription.
getLanguage(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get an languages of this ServiceDescription.
getLanguage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the language.
getLanguages() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the languages of this ComponentDescription.
getLanguages() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the languages of this ServiceDescription.
getLanguages() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the languages of this ComponentDescription.
getLanguages() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the languages of this ServiceDescription.
getLastChecked() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Get the last check time of the model.
getLastChecked() - Method in interface jadex.commons.ICacheableModel
Get the last check time of the model.
getLastEdge() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the last edge (if any).
getLastInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the last service call instance corresponding to the current execution context.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the lastmodified.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the lastmodified.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Get the last modification time of the model.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Get the last modified date.
getLastModified() - Method in interface jadex.commons.ICacheableModel
Get the last modification time of the model.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Get the last modified date.
getLastModified(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Recursively get the newest last modified of a file or directory tree.
getLastModified(File, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Recursively get the newest last modified of a file or directory tree.
getLastObject() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Returns the last object decoded.
getLastObject() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Returns the last object decoded.
getLastOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Returns the offer for the last round.
getLastOffer() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Returns the offer for the last round.
getLastOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Returns the offer for the last round.
getLastRequiredService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get the result of the last search.
getLastRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the result of the last search.
getLastRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get the result of the last search.
getLastRequiredServices(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get the result of the last search.
getLastRequiredServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the result of the last search.
getLastRequiredServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get the result of the last search.
getLastService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLastService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Get last service.
getLastService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLastServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLastServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLatestProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the latest property by type.
getLatestProperty(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the latest property by type.
getLayers() - Method in class
Returns all layers used by this DrawableCombiner.
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Get the component interest where to be aligned.
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Get the component interest where to be aligned.
getLeaseTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the lease-time of this ComponentDescription.
getLeaseTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the lease-time of this ComponentDescription.
getLeaseTime() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Get the leasetime.
getLength() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getLength() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
getLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the event importance.
getLevel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the event importance level.
getLevel() - Method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Get the level.
getLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the event importance level.
getLibPath() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getLibPath() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLibPath() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getLibrary() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getLibrary() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLibrary() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getLibraryService() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the library service
getLifecycleState() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal
Get the lifecycle state.
getLimitOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Get the min price.
getLimitOffer() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Returns the limit offer to be reached in order to terminate successfully.
getLimitOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Get the min price.
getLine() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getLineNumber(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the line number of the declaration.
getLineNumber() - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.ILocation
Return the line number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getLineNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Return the line number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getLineNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.Location
Return the line number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getLineNumber() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Return the line number where the current event ends, returns -1 if none is available.
getLineNumberOfMethod(MethodNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
Returns the line number of the first LineNumberNode in the instructions of the given MethodNode, or -1, if none found.
getLinker() - Method in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Get the linker.
getLinker() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the linker.
getLinkinfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
Get the linkinfo.
getLinkInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the linkinfo.
getList() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer
getListenerMethodDescriptors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getListenerMethodName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
getListenerMethods() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getListenerType() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getListSelectionModel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
Returns the list selection model.
getLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get the local default timeout.
getLocalDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getLocalDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the local default timeout.
getLocalDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the default timeout for local calls.
getLocale() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the locale of this context.
getLocalFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter for local filtering.
getLocalFilter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter for local filtering.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IResourceIdentifier
Get the local identifier.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the local identifier.
getLocalMap() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Get the map containing the local mappings.
getLocalName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
getLocalName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the local component name.
getLocalName() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getLocalName() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getLocalPart() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Gets the Local part for this QName.
getLocalPart() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
Returns the local part of the element.
getLocalPassword() - Method in interface
Get the local password.
getLocalReferenceInfo(Method, boolean) - Static method in class
Get the copy info for method parameters.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, IComponentIdentifier, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService0(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalService0(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getLocalTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getLocalTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLocalTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getLocalType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the localtype.
getLocalType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the localtype.
getLocalType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the local type name of a component (defined in the parent).
getLocation() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
getLocation() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Returns the current parser location.
getLocation() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the location.
getLocation() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Returns the current parser location.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Get the logger.
getLogging() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getLogging() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLogging() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getLoggingLevel() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getLongProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a long property.
getLongProperty(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a long property.
getLookupTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get lookup types.
getLoopCommand() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the loopcmd.
getMacAddress() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the mac address.
getMacAddresses() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the mac address.
getMacAddresses() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the mac address.
getMain() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the main.
getManagementService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Get the management service.
getMapName() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Set the map name.
getMapperClass() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the mapperclass.
getMapping() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the mapping information (e.g.
getMappingInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the mapping info.
getMarker() - Method in interface
get the Marker.
getMarkerDrawCombiner() - Method in class
Gets the drawable combiner object for the object marker
getMarkerDrawCombiner() - Method in class
getMarshal() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getMarshal() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getMarshal() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getMaster(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the master flag.
getMaster(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the master flag.
getMaster() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the master.
getMaster() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the master.
getMasterId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the masterid.
getMatchExpression() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
Get the matchExpression.
getMaterialPath() - Method in class
getMaterials() - Method in class
getMavenDependencies() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getMavenDependencies() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getMavenDependencies() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getMax() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the number of results of the type of future..
getMax() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Get the maximum number of agents allowed for this role (-1 for no restriction).
getMaxCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the max cnt.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Get the maximum number of the
getMaxEntry() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getMaxradius() - Method in class
getMaxResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxWait() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the maxwait.
getMComponentType(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Get the agent type.
getMean() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the mean average of the vector components.
getMean() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the mean average of the vector components.
getMean() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getMean() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the mean average of the vector components.
getMenuItem() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.IMenuItemConstructor
Get or create a new menu item (struture).
getMessage() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getMessage() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getMessage() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getMessage() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IMessageEvent
Get the native (platform specific) message object.
getMessage() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the native (platform specific) message object.
getMessage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Get the platform message.
getMessage() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMessageAdapter
Get the platform message.
getMessage() - Method in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a message event.
getMessageEvent() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Get the message.
getMessageEventMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Get the message event mappings.
getMessageEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the messages.
getMessageEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the message events.
getMessageNames() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the message events.
getMessages() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Get the messages.
getMessages(Tuple) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the messages for a given element.
getMessageType() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IMessageEvent
Get the message type.
getMessageType() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the message type.
getMessageType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Get the message type.
getMessageType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMessageAdapter
Get the message type.
getMessageType() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Get the messagetype.
getMessageType(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Get the message type.
getMessageType(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the message type per name.
getMetaData(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.meta.ITypedPropertyObject
Returns for the given property name the specific metadata information
getMetaData(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.meta.TypedPropertyObject
getMetaDatas() - Method in interface jadex.commons.meta.ITypedPropertyObject
retrives a map wich contains all property meta data information given to this Property object
getMetaDatas() - Method in class jadex.commons.meta.TypedPropertyObject
getMetaInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTask
Access the TaskMetaInfo
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
Get the meta information about the agent.
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.InvokeMethodTask
Get the meta information about the agent.
getMetaInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Get the metainfo.
getMetaInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the meta information about the property.
getMetaInfos(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Get meta infos about a percept type.
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the method.
getMethod(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the method.
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.MethodDescriptor
getMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
getMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get a method of the class.
getMethodDescriptors() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getMethodDescriptors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getMethodForMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Find method declared in public class for a given method.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Get the methodInfo.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Get the methodInfo.
getMethodName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
getMethodName() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the current method name from the caller.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
Get the methodNode.
getMethods(Class, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get public method(s) of the class by name.
getMethodSignature(Method) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the generic signature of a method.
getMethodTarget() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Get the mtarget.
getMethodTimeout(Class<?>[], Method, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the default timeout for a method.
getMGoal(BDIModel, Goal, Class<?>, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
getMGroupInstance(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get a group per name.
getMGroupInstances() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get the groups of this space.
getMGroupTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Get the group types of this space type.
getMicroAgentClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get the mirco agent class.
getMicroAgentClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Get the mirco agent class.
getMicroAgentClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the mirco agent class.
getMicroAgentClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Get the mirco agent class.
getMin() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Get the minimum number of agents required for this role.
getMinimal() - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns a minimal platform configuration without any network connectivity.
getMinimalRelayAwareness() - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns a minimal platform configuration that communicates via relay.
getMinradius() - Method in class
getMMessageEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
getMode() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the execution mode.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the capability model.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the capability model.
getModel() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the capability model.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the model.
getModel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the model of the component.
getModel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the model of the component.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the model of the component.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get the model.
getModelElement() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Get the model element.
getModelElement() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
Get the model element.
getModelElement() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICandidateInfo
Get the candidate model element.
getModelElement() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IElement
Get the model element.
getModelElement() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Get the model element.
getModelElement() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get the modelelement.
getModelElement() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the model element.
getModelFileName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IPersistInfo
Gets the model file name.
getModelInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.model.IBDIModel
Get the component model.
getModelInfo() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
Get the component model.
getModelName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the model name.
getModelName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the model name.
getModelPath() - Method in class
getModelType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Get the type of loaded models.
getModelValue(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
Get value from model that equals converted value.
getModelValue(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
getMonitor() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the monitor for waiting.
getMonitor() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ISuspendable
Get the monitor for waiting.
getMonitor() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
Get the monitor for waiting.
getMonitor() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Returns the monitor.
getMonitoring() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the monitoring level.
getMonitoring(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoring(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoringComp() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getMonitoringComp() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getMonitoringComp() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getMPlan(BDIModel, Plan, MethodInfo, ClassInfo, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
getMPositions() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Get the positions.
getMRoleTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Get the roles of this group type.
getMultiplexType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the multiplextype.
getMultiService(String, Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a multi service.
getMyDeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get the mydeps.
getName() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameter
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the component name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the name of this AMSCreateComponent.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the componentidentifier of this ComponentDescription.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the name of this ServiceDescription.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Get the name of this Property.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the component name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the name (expression).
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clocks name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the componentidentifier of this CESComponentDescription.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the identifier of the component.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the componentidentifier of this ComponentDescription.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the name of this ServiceDescription.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Get the name of this Property.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The name of the message type.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Get the name of the parameter(set).
getName() - Method in class
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the type name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Get the name of the group.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Get the name of the group type.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Get the name of the group type.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Get the name of the role.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
getName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the plugin.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the plugin
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the plugin
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the perspective
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the perspective
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the perspective
getName() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
getName() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
getNamespace() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
Returns the namespace URI of the current element.
getNamespace(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get or create a namespace.
getNamespaceURI() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Gets the Namespace URI for this QName.
getNameWithParameters() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the name with parameters, e.g.
getNearestObject(IVector2, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Finds the object nearest to a given point within a search radius.
getNearestObject(IVector2, double, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Finds the object nearest to a given point within a search radius while filtering objects.
getNearestObject(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds an object closest to the given point (exhaustive search!).
getNearestObject(IVector2, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds an object closest to the given point while filtering objects (exhaustive search!).
getNearestObject(IVector2, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds an object closest to the given point with a given search radius.
getNearestObject(IVector2, double, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds an object closest to the given point with a given search radius, while filtering objects.
getNearestObject(IVector2, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Returns the nearest object to the given position within a maximum distance from the position.
getNearestObject(IVector3, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Returns the nearest object to the given position within a maximum distance from the position.
getNearestObjects(IVector2, double, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Finds all objects within a given search radius.
getNearestObjects(IVector2, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds all objects within a given search radius.
getNearestObjects(IVector2, double, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Finds all objects within a given search radius.
getNearGridObjects(IVector2, int, String[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
getNearObjects(IVector2, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position.
getNearObjects(IVector2, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector2, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector2, IVector1, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector2, IVector1, String, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector3, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position.
getNearObjects(IVector3, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector3, IVector1, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNearObjects(IVector3, IVector1, IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Retrieve all objects in the distance for a position
getNeighborhood() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Get the neighborhood.
getNeighborhood() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Get the neighborhood.
getNetworkAddresses() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the addresses to be used for transports.
getNetworkInterfaces() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the network interfaces.
getNetworkIp(InetAddress, short) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the network ip for an internet address and the prefix length.
getNetworkIps() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IContextService
Get the network ips.
getNetworkIps() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the network ips.
getNetworkName() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getNetworkName() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getNetworkName() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getNetworkPass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getNetworkPass() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getNetworkPass() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getNetworkPassword(String) - Method in interface
Get the password for a network.
getNetworkPasswords() - Method in interface
Get all stored network passwords.
getNetworkPrefixLength(InetAddress) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the network prefix length for IPV4 address 24=C, 16=B, 8=A classes.
getNetworkPrefixLength(InetAddress) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the network prefix length for IPV4 address 24=C, 16=B, 8=A classes.
getNewValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
getNext() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace.AtomicCounter
getNextChildId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get a cnt for subprocesses.
getNextEvent() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.LocalObjectListener
Returns the next event or null if none is available.
getNextIdleFuture() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Get the future indicating that executor is idle.
getNextInterceptor() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the next interceptor.
getNextIntermediateResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Iterate over the intermediate results in a blocking fashion.
getNextIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Iterate over the intermediate results in a blocking fashion.
getNextIntermediateResult(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Iterate over the intermediate results in a blocking fashion.
getNextIntermediateResult(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Iterate over the intermediate results in a blocking fashion.
getNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the invocation data for the next service call.
getNextServiceCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the service call.
getNextTimer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the next timer.
getNextTimer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the next timer.
getNextToken() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the nf properties.
getNFProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the nfproperties.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFRProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the nfproperties.
getNick() - Method in class
Get the nick name.
getNickName() - Method in interface
Get the user name.
getNickName() - Method in interface
Get the user name.
getNioTcpPort() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getNioTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getNioTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getNioTcpTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getNioTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getNioTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getNodeInfo(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the node info for the node id.
getNodeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the nodeps.
getNodes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the nodes.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalPropertiesIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the non-functional properties.
getNonFunctionalPropertiesIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the non-functional properties.
getNonInnerClassCache() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Returns the non-inner class cache.
getNonInnerClassCache() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Returns the non-inner class cache.
getNonManagedURLs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get other contained (but not directly managed) urls from parent classloaders.
getNorth() - Method in class
getNoStackCompaction() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getNoStackCompaction() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getNoStackCompaction() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the no stack compaction flag.
getNotificationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Get the next notification time.
getNoTimeoutFuture(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNoTimeoutFuture(Class<T>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNoTimeoutFuture(Class<T>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNull() - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
getNum() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Get the num.
getNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the number (expression).
getNumber() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Get the number of results this Listener is waiting for.
getNumberDateString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the release date as short number string (format=yyyy/MM/dd, e.g.
getNumberOfChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Returns the number of immediate children of this node.
getNumRndFiles() - Method in class
getObject(Tuple) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
getObject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the object.
getObject() - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Get the cached object
getObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get first object for a key (unwraps from collection).
getObject() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the object.
getObjectForRow(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Get the associated object for a row.
getObjectHandler() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Get the default Java reader.
getObjectHandler() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Get the default Java reader.
getObjectIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Get the objectidentifier.
getObjectInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Get the objectinfo.
getObjectInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the objectinfo.
getObjectName(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the name of an object.
getObjectReaderHandler() - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Get the default Java reader.
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Get the values as array.
getObjects(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Get the values as array.
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get the values as array.
getObjects(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Get the values as array.
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Returns a list of objects in this view
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Returns a list of objects in this view
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Returns a list of objects in this view
getObjects() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.IDataView
Returns a list of objects in this view
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
Returns a list of objects in this view
getObjects() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.IObjectSource
Get all objects from the data source.
getObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
Get the row objects.
getObjectShift() - Method in class
Gets the shift of all objects.
getObjectShift() - Method in class
Gets the object shift.
getObjectType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Get the objecttype.
getObjectType(Object, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Get the object type
getObjectType(Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the object type
getObjectType(Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the object type
getObjectTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Get the object types.
getObjectWriteInfo(Object, TypeInfo, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get write info for an object.
getObjectWriteInfo(Object, TypeInfo, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.writer.IObjectWriterHandler
Get all subobjects of an object.
getObjectWriterHandler() - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Get the default Java writer.
getObserverCenter() - Method in interface
Get the ObserverCenter.
getObserverCenter() - Method in class
Get the ObserverCenter.
getObserverCenter() - Method in class
Get the ObserverCenter.
getOffset() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Gets the current offset.
getOldValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
getOldValue() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Get the previous property value.
getOntologies() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the ontologies of this ComponentDescription.
getOntologies() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the ontologies of this ServiceDescription.
getOntologies() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the ontologies of this ComponentDescription.
getOntologies() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the ontologies of this ServiceDescription.
getOntology(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get an ontologies of this ComponentDescription.
getOntology(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get an ontologies of this ServiceDescription.
getOpenGl() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getOpenGl() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getOpenGl() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the OPENGL flag.
getOpenGl() - Method in interface
Gets whether to try to use OpenGL.
getOpenGl() - Method in class
Gets whether to try to use OpenGL.
getOpenGl() - Method in class
getOperator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Get the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the operator.
getOrCreateChild(TreeNode, QName, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Get or create a tree child.
getOrCreateList(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Get or create a list.
getOrCreateMap(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Get or create a map.
getOrCreateNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the properties of the next invocation.
getOrCreateNextInvocation(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get or create the next servicecall for the next invocation.
getOrCreateSet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Get or create a set.
getOrigin() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the chain id.
getOriginal() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
Get the orig.
getOther() - Method in class
Get the opposite component.
getOtherDeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get the otherdeps.
getOtherErrors(Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get other errors, not in the given tags.
getOuterRadius() - Method in class
getOutForSystemIn() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get an output stream that is automatically fed into the new, i.e.
getOutputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the corresponding output connection.
getOutputDirsExpression(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Try to find the correct classpath root directories for current build tool chain.
getOutputFile() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the output stream redirection file (if any).
getOutputStreams() - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Get the output streams.
getOwnedElementErrors(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get elements of the given owner type, which have errors or contain elements with errors.
getOwner() - Method in class
Get the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Returns the owner of this decoder.
getOwner() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Returns the owner of this encoder.
getOwner(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the owner of an object.
getOwnership() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the ownership of this ServiceDescription.
getOwnership() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the ownership of this CESComponentDescription.
getOwnership() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the ownership string of the component.
getOwnership() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the ownership of this ServiceDescription.
getPackage() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the package name.
getPackage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the package name.
getPackageName(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the package of a class.
getPaddedSize() - Method in class
Returns the padded size
getPaddedSize() - Method in class
Returns the padded size
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Get the parameter element.
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get a parameter.
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the parameter element.
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get a parameter specification by name (including parameter sets).
getParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Returns an event parameter.
getParameterAnnotations(Method, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getParameterAnnotations(Constructor, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
getParameterDescriptors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.MethodDescriptor
getParameterGuesser() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
The feature can add objects for field or method injections by providing an optional parameter guesser.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the parameter guesser.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Get the parameter guesser.
getParameterInfos() - Method in class
Get the parameterinfos.
getParameterMap() - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Get the parameters as map.
getParameterMap() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMessageAdapter
Get the parameters as map.
getParameterMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTaskMetaInfo
Get the parameters.
getParameterNames() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the name of all parameters.
getParameterNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get all parameter names.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Get the parameters.
getParameters(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Get the parameters by name.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Get the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Get all parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get all parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get all parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get the params.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the default parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Returns the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression
Get the parameters used in the expression.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the parameters used in the expression.
getParameterSet(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Get the parameter set element.
getParameterSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get a parameter.
getParameterSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the parameter set element.
getParameterSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get a parameter specification by name (including parameter sets).
getParameterSetNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get all parameter set names.
getParameterSets() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Get all parameter sets.
getParameterSets() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get all parameter sets.
getParameterSets() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get all parameter sets.
getParameterSets() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the default parameter sets.
getParameterTypeInfos() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the parametertypes.
getParameterTypes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Get the parametertypes.
getParameterTypes() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
getParameterTypes(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the parametertypes as classes.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get a parameter value.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the value of a parameter.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the parent.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the parent identifier.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the parent identifier.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
getParent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the parent identifier.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the parent.
getParent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Use cid.getParent() instead
getParent() - Method in class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Get the parent guesser.
getParentAccess(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
getParentDirectory(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Returns the parent directory of dir.
getParentDirectory(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Get the parent directory.
getParentDirectory(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the parent directory.
getParentId() - Method in class
Get the parentid.
getParentId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Get the parent.
getParentInjections() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the parentinjections fields.
getParsed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the parsed.
getParsedExpression() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
getParsedValue(Object, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Get a parsed value.
getParser() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the parser.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Get the participants component identifier.
getParticipant() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the participant id.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the participant id.
getParticipants() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Get the participants.
getParticipants() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get all participants.
getPass() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.BeliefMultiProc
getPass() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.GoalMetaProc
getPass() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.ParamMultiProc
getPass() - Method in interface jadex.xml.IPostProcessor
Get the pass number.
getPassedMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getPassword() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Get the password.
getPassword() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Getter for password.
getPassword() - Method in class
Get the password.
getPatchsize() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the path.
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPathElementObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the object of a path element
getPathId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Get the path id.
getPathid() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Gets the pathid.
getPathIds() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Get the path ids of the split.
getPathids() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Gets the pathids.
getPathManager() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Get the default Java reader.
getPathManager() - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Get the default Java reader.
getPathManager() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the pathManager.
getPathName() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get path name.
getPathname() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
Get the pathname.
getPathToRoot(TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
Builds the parents of node up to and including the root node, where the original node is the last element in the returned array.
getPathToRoot(TreeNode, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
Builds the parents of node up to and including the root node, where the original node is the last element in the returned array.
getPattern() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the pattern.
getPerceptList() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the list of scheduled percepts.
getPerceptType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get a space percept type.
getPerceptType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get a space percept type.
getPerceptType(IEnvironmentSpace, String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the percept type.
getPerceptType(IEnvironmentSpace, String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the percept type.
getPerceptTypes() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Get the percept types defined for this generator.
getPerceptTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the percept types defined for this generator.
getPerceptTypes() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the percept types defined for this generator.
getPermGenMemoryPool() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Get the perm gen pool.
getPermGenMemoryPool() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Get the perm gen pool.
getPersist() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getPersist() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getPersist() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getPersist() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getPersist() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the persist flag.
getPersistable(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the persistable flag.
getPersistable(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the persistable flag.
getPersistable() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the persistable.
getPersistable() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the persistable.
getPersistenceDelegate(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Returns a PersistenceDelegate for the given class type.
getPerspective() - Method in class
Get the perspective.
getPerspective() - Method in class
Get the perspective.
getPerspective() - Method in interface
Get the perspective.
getPerspective() - Method in interface
Get the perspective.
getPerspectives() - Method in class
Returns the available perspectives.
getPhone() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Get the phone no.
getPicsize() - Method in class
getPingDelay() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Get the ping delay.
getPixelSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of a pixel.
getPlan(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the plan for its name.
getPlan() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICandidateInfo
Get the plan instance.
getPlanbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the plan base.
getPlanbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the plan base.
getPlanbase() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the plan base.
getPlanbase() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the plan base.
getPlanElement() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the plan interface.
getPlanes() - Method in class
getPlans() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the plans.
getPlans() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IPlanbase
Get all running plans of this planbase.
getPlans(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IPlanbase
Get all plans of a specified type (=model element name).
getPlans() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Get all running plans of this planbase.
getPlans(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Get all plans of a specified type (=model element name).
getPlans() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RPlanbase
Get all running plans of this planbase.
getPlans(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RPlanbase
Get all plans of a specified type (=model element name).
getPlatformAddresses(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Remove the addresses of a platform.
getPlatformAddresses(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Remove the addresses of a platform.
getPlatformCertificate(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Get the certificate of a platform.
getPlatformComponent() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getPlatformComponent() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getPlatformComponent() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get platform component.
getPlatformInfo(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Get the discovery info for a platform, if any.
getPlatformName() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getPlatformName() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getPlatformName() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the platform name.
getPlatformName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name.
getPlatformName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name.
getPlatformPassword(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Get the password for a target component.
getPlatformPasswords() - Method in interface
Get all stored platform passwords.
getPlatformPrefix() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name without the suffix for name uniqueness.
getPlatformPrefix(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the stripped platform name.
getPlatformPrefix() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name without the suffix for name uniqueness.
getPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Get the component identifiers of all (managed) platforms.
getPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get a global platform value.
getPlural(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the plural of a word in singular.
getPojoAgent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IPojoComponentFeature
Get the POJO agent object.
getPojoCapability() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ICapability
Get the pojo capability object.
getPojoClass() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the pojo class.
getPojoResultReadAccess(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the pojo result access, i.e.
getPojoResultWriteAccess(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the pojo result write access, i.e.
getPojoServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the proxy of a pojo service.
getPojoTask() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Get the pojotask.
getPool() - Method in class
Get the pool.
getPopupActions() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get all popup actions (also from supertypes).
getPort() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Get the port.
getPortType() - Method in class
Get the porttype.
getPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the position.
getPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Gets the position.
getPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the position.
getPosition() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Returns the position in the buffer that is next written to.
GetPosition - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action
Set the position action.
GetPosition() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.GetPosition
getPosition(ISpaceObject) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
GetPosition - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action
Set the position action.
GetPosition() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.GetPosition
getPosition() - Method in class
Gets the position of the viewport.
getPosition() - Method in class
Gets the position of the viewport.
getPosition() - Method in class
Get the position.
getPosition() - Method in class
Get the position.
getPosition() - Method in interface
Gets the position of the viewport.
getPostlayers() - Method in class
Returns the Postlayers.
getPostProcessor() - Method in class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
Get the postproc.
getPostProcessor() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the post-processor.
getPostProcessors() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Returns the handlers used for post-processing.
getPostProcessors() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Returns the handlers used for post-processing.
getPostProcessors(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Get the post-processor.
getPostProcessors() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the postprocessors.
getPostProcessors(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectReaderHandler
Get the post-processor.
getPrecondition() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the precondition.
getPreconditionMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
getPredecessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the predecessors, i.e.
getPredefinedId() - Method in class
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
getPreferTags() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the prefertags.
getPrefix() - Method in class jadex.xml.Namespace
Get the prefix.
getPrefix() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Gets the prefix for this QName.
getPrefixLength() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the prefix.
getPrefixLength(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the prefix length of a file.
getPrefixNotation() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get class info in prefix notation, i.e.
getPrelayers() - Method in class
Returns the prelayers.
getPreProcessor() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the pre-processor.
getPreProcessor() - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Get the preprocessor.
getPreprocessors() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Returns the preprocessors.
getPreprocessors() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Returns the preprocessors.
getPreProcessors(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the pre-processor.
getPreProcessors(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the pre-processors.
getPreProcessors() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the preprocessors.
getPreProcessors(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.xml.writer.IObjectWriterHandler
Get the pre-processor.
getPrimitives3d() - Method in class
getPrintPass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getPrintPass() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getPrintPass() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getPriority() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the priority.
getPriority() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ImmediateComponentStep
Get the priority of the step.
getPriority() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IPriorityComponentStep
Get the priority of the step.
getProcessCpuLoad() - Method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getProcessCpuTime() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getProcesses() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the processes.
getProcessingState() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal
Get the processingState.
getProgramArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the prgmargs.
getPropagatedFrom() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
getPropagationId() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
getProperties(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Get the properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Get the properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the properties of this ServiceDescription.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the properties of this ServiceDescription.
getProperties() - Method in class
Get the properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the properties (name/value pairs).
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Get the properties for a given id.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertiesProvider
Write current state into properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get all properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get properties by type.
getProperties(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get properties by type.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Get the properties (bean accessor).
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Bean accessor.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get the properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Get the properties.
getProperties(Object, IContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the properties of an object.
getProperties(Object, IContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the properties of an object.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IPropertiesFeature
Get a property value.
getProperty(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get an properties of this ServiceDescription.
getProperty(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get a parsed property.
getProperty(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a parsed property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(IExternalAccess, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertyObject
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.meta.IPropertyMetaDataSet
Returns the Meta information for the specified property
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a properties by type.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
Returns a property.
getProperty() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Get the property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceController
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.GridController
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get a property from a (multi)map.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get a property from a (multi)map.
getProperty(Map, String) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get a property from a (multi)map.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
getProperty(String) - Method in class
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class
Returns a property.
getProperty(Object, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a property from an IPropertyObject.
getProperty(Object, String, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves a property from an IPropertyObject.
getProperty(Object, String, String, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class
Retrieves a property from an IPropertyObject.
getProperty(String) - Method in class
Returns a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class
Returns a property.
getProperty(Map<String, Object>, String, String[], IValueFetcher, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Get a parsed property.
getProperty(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the property.
getProperty(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the property.
getPropertyChangeEvent() - Method in exception jadex.commons.beans.PropertyVetoException
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
getPropertyEditorClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
getPropertyList(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get a property.
getPropertyList(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get a property.
getPropertyMap() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get a service property.
getPropertyMap() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Get the map of properties (considered as constant).
getPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the propname.
getPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
getPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeListenerProxy
getPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeListenerProxy
getPropertyName(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the name of a property.
getPropertyName(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the name of a property.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertyObject
Returns all of the properties.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Returns all of the properties.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Returns all of the properties.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class
Returns all of the properties.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class
Returns all of the properties.
getPropertyNames(Object) - Static method in class
Retrieves the names of all properties of an Object.
getPropertyType() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Get a property value.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the value of a property.
getPropertyValue(String, MActivity) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Hack: method is necessary because thread.activity is not always the activity to execute in case of multiple event.
getPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class
Get the property value based on the provider.
getPropertyValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Retrieves the bean property value for the given object.
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IBeanAccessorDelegate
Retrieves a bean property value.
getProportionalDividerLocation() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Get the proportional split location.
getProportionalDividerLocation(JSplitPane) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Get the proportional split location.
getProposal(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the proposal for the participant.
getProposal() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Get the proposal object.
getProposals() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the participant proposals.
getProtocol(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get an protocols of this ComponentDescription.
getProtocol(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get an protocols of this ServiceDescription.
getProtocols() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the protocols of this ComponentDescription.
getProtocols() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the protocols of this ServiceDescription.
getProtocols() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the protocols of this ComponentDescription.
getProtocols() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the protocols of this ServiceDescription.
getProvidedService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedServiceInfo(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service info for a service.
getProvidedServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the provided service infos.
getProvidedServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the service infos.
getProvidedServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the provided service property provider for a service.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by class.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the raw implementation of the provided service.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the provider.
getProviderId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the providerid.
getProviderId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service provider identifier.
getProviderId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service provider identifier.
getProxy() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the proxy.
getProxy() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the proxy.
getProxyAnnotation(T, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Gets proxy annotation that can be invoked by corresponding classloader.
getProxytype() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the proxy type.
getProxytype() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the proxytype.
getPublicId() - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.ILocation
Returns the public ID of the XML
getPublicId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Returns the public ID of the XML
getPublicId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.Location
Returns the public ID of the XML
getPublicId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Returns the public ID of the XML
getPublish() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the publish.
getPublishId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the publishid.
getPublishScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Gets the publish scope.
getPublishService(IInternalAccess, String, String, Iterator<IPublishService>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the publish service for a publish type (e.g.
getPublishType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Get queries per type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Get queries per type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get queries per type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get queries per type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get queries per type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get queries per type.
getQuery() - Method in class
Get the query.
getRadialSamples() - Method in class
getRadius() - Method in class
getRadius() - Method in class
getRadius() - Method in class
getRandomFromWindows(int) - Static method in class
Gets random numbers from Windows API.
getRandomGridPosition(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Retrieves a random position within the simulation area with a minimum distance from the edge.
getRandomPosition(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Retrieves a random position within the simulation area with a minimum distance from the edge.
getRandomPosition(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Retrieves a random position within the simulation area with a minimum distance from the edge.
getRange(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Get the range.
getRange(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the range.
getRange(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the range.
getRangePropertyName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Get the range property name.
getRangePropertyName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the range property name.
getRangePropertyName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Get the range property name.
getRawAttributes() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the raw attributes.
getRawCandidate() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICandidateInfo
Get the raw candidate.
getRawEvents() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the rawevents.
getRawModel() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
Overridden to avoid null pointer when getRawModel() is used.
getRawModel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the kernel-specific model.
getRawModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the kernel-specific model.
getReaderHandler() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the current reader handler.
getReaderHandler() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the reader handler associated to the object type (if any).
getReaderTypeInfos() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.STypeInfosAWT
getReadIgnore() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the readignore.
getReadMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
getReadObjects() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the readobjects.
getRealReceiverIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the resource identifier id.
getRealReceiverIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the resource identifier id.
getRealtime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the realtime flag.
getReason() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the failure reason.
getReason() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Get the reason.
getReason() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the reason this plan was created for.
getReason() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Get the reason.
getReceiveHost() - Method in class
Get the receivehost.
getReceiveProtocol() - Method in class
Get the receiveprotocol.
getReceiverIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the receivers.
getReceiverIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the receivers.
getReceivers() - Method in class
Get the receivers.
getRecentClassBytes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
Get the recently generated classes as byte array.
getRecurDelay() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the retry delay.
getRef() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the reference.
getRef() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Get the referenced element.
getRef() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
Get the ref.
getReferenceInfo(Method, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
Get the copy info for method parameters.
getReferences(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get references or empty map.
getRegistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get the registry from a component.
getRegistry(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class
Get the registry from a component.
getRegistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get the registry from a component.
getRegistry(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class
Get the registry from a component.
getRegistrySync() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRegistrySync() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRegistrySync() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRelativePath() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get the relativepath.
getRelayAddress() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRelayAddress() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRelayAddress() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRelayAwaonly() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRelayAwaonly() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRelayAwaonly() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRelaySecurity() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRelaySecurity() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRelaySecurity() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRelayTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRelayTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRelayTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRelevantParameters() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the parameters which are relevant for comparing goals.
getRelevantValueNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.IHardConstraintsFilter
Returns the value names relevant to this filter
getRemEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Get the remevent.
getRemEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
Get the remevent.
getRemotableFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter that is remotable.
getRemoteComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Get the component identifier of the remote platform.
getRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get the remote default timeout.
getRemoteDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
getRemoteDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the remote default timeout.
getRemoteDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Get the default timeout for remote calls.
getRemoteInterfaces(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Get the proxy interfaces (empty list if none).
getRemoteReferenceInfo(Method, boolean) - Static method in class
Get the copy info for method parameters.
getRemovableLinks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the removable links.
getRemovedServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRegistryEvent
Get the removedservices.
getRemovedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Get the removedservices.
getRemoveListenerMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
getRenderInfo(int) - Method in class
Returns cached render information.
getRenderInfo(int) - Method in class
Returns cached render information.
getReplacedText(DrawableCombiner, Object, String, IViewport) - Static method in class
getReplacedText(DrawableCombiner3d, Object, String, IViewport3d) - Static method in class
getReport() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the report.
getReport() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the report.
getReporter() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the reporter.
getReports() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the reports.
getRepositoryInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
todo: make struct to also allow containing Get the url.
getRepositoryInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
todo: make struct to also allow containing Get the url.
getRequiredMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the reqname.
getRequiredNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - Use getComponentFeature(IRequiredServicesFeatures.class).getRequiredService() Get a required service of a given name.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - Use getComponentFeature(IRequiredServicesFeatures.class).getRequiredService() Get a required service of a given name.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the required service.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the required service.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required service of a given name.
getRequiredService(String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, String...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required service using tags.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service of a given name.
getRequiredService(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service using tags.
getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required service of a given name.
getRequiredService(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required service.
getRequiredService(String, boolean, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required service using tags.
getRequiredServiceBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the bindings.
getRequiredServiceBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the bindings.
getRequiredServiceFetcher(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service fetcher.
getRequiredServiceInfo(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get the required service info.
getRequiredServiceInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required service info.
getRequiredServiceInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get the required service info.
getRequiredServiceInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get the required service infos.
getRequiredServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the required services.
getRequiredServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get the required service infos.
getRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the required service property provider for a service.
getRequiredServicePropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFRPropertyProvider
Get the required service property provider.
getRequiredServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the required services.
getRequiredServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the required services.
getRequiredServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the required services.
getRequiredServices(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required services of a given name.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, String...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a required services using tags.
getRequiredServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required services of a given name.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a required services using tags.
getRequiredServices(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get required services.
getRequiredServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required services of a given name.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required services.
getRequiredServices(String, boolean, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a required services using tags.
getResolvedGoal(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a goal by resolved name.
getResolvedInternalEvent(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get an internal event by resolved name.
getResolvedMessageEvent(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get a message event by resolved name.
getResource(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResource(String, BeanContextChild) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
getResource(String, BeanContextChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
getResource(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get an input stream for whatever provided.
getResource0(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get an input stream for whatever provided.
getResourceAsStream(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get a resource as stream (jar).
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResourceAsStream(String, BeanContextChild) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
getResourceAsStream(String, BeanContextChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
getResourceId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the resource id.
getResourceId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the resource id.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Return the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Return the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the resourceIdentifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the resource identifier for loading the component model.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.IDependencyService
Get the resource identifier for an url.
getResourceIdentifier(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the resource identifier for a url.
getResourceIdentifiers() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the resource identifiers for the root path entries.
getResourceIdentifiers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the resource identifier dependencies.
getResourceIdIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the resource identifier id.
getResourceIdIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the resource identifier id.
getResourceInfo(String, String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
Find the file for a given name.
getResourceInfo(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Find the file for a given name using any supported extension.
getResourceInfo(String, String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Find the file for a given name.
getResourceInfo(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Find the file for a given name.
getResourceInfo(String, String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
Find the file for a given name.
getResourceInfo0(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Find the file for a given name using any supported extension.
getResourceInfo0(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get an input stream for whatever provided.
getResources(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Get the result of this DFModify.
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Get the result of this DFRegister.
getResult(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get an results of this DFSearch.
getResult(Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get a specific result from a result collection.
getResult(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the results.
getResult(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a result per name.
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the result.
getResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Get the result.
getResultCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Get the result count.
getResultInjection(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the result injection field.
getResultInjectionNames() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the Result injection names.
getResultInjections() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Get the resinjections.
getResultMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the result mappings (concrete belief->result name).
getResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the current results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get the results of this DFSearch.
getResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the component results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the list of results.
getResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent
Get the results.
getRetryDelay() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the retry delay.
getReturnObject(Object, Class, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ArrayProcessor
getReturnObject(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Get the object that is returned.
getReturnObject(Object, Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CollectionProcessor
getReturnObject(Object, Class, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ListProcessor
Get the return object.
getReturnObject(Object, Class, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MapProcessor
getReturnObject(Object, Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MultiCollectionProcessor
getReturnObject(Object, Class, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SetProcessor
Get the return object.
getReturnTypeInfo() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the return type.
getReverseMultiCollection() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Get the reverse multi-collection.
getRolesForType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Get the role names for an agent type name.
getRoleType() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Get the role type.
getRoot() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Get the root identifier.
getRoot() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the root identifier.
getRoot() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the root identifier.
getRoot() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
getRootConfig() - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns the configuration of the root component.
getRootIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Get the root identifier (platform).
getRootNode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Return the root node of the tree.
getRootObject() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Get the rootobject.
getRootObject() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Get the rootobject.
getRootObject() - Method in interface jadex.xml.IContext
Get the root object.
getRootObject() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the root object.
getRootObject() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the root object.
getRootResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the top-level resource identifier.
getRoots(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Returns all root partitions on this system.
getRoots() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Get the root devices.
getRotation() - Method in class
Get the rotation.
getRotation() - Method in class
Get the rotation.
getRound() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Get the round.
getRound() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Get the round.
getRound() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Get the round.
getRoundTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Get the round timeout.
getRoundTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Get the round timeout.
getRowCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
Get the number of rows in the table.
getRowCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getRowCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
getRowList() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
Access the back-end row list
getRows() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Get the data rows.
getRowSize() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
Get the size of a row element
getRPlan() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Get the rplan.
getRPlan() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the rplan.
getRsPublish() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRsPublish() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRsPublish() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRsPublishComponent() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getRsPublishComponent() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getRsPublishComponent() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getRuleSystem() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
Get the rule system.
getRuleSystem(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
Get the rule system.
getRuleSystem() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the rulesystem.
getRunningTasks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Get the currently running or waiting tasks.
getSamples() - Method in class
getSaveOnExit() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSaveOnExit() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSaveOnExit() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getScale() - Method in class
getScaledLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, double) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get the scaled local default timeout.
getScaledLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, double) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the scaled local default timeout.
getScaledRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, double) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get the scaled remote default timeout.
getScaledRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, double) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the scaled remote default timeout.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the visibility scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the scope.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute the scroll increment that will completely expose one block of rows or columns, depending on the value of orientation.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Return true if a viewport should always force the height of this Scrollable to match the height of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Return true if a viewport should always force the width of this Scrollable to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Components that display logical rows or columns should compute the scroll increment that will completely expose one new row or column, depending on the value of orientation.
getSearchConstraints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the searchconstraints of this CMSSearchComponents.
getSearchConstraints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get the searchconstraints of this DFSearch.
getSearchId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the search-id of this SearchConstraints.
getSearchId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the search id.
getSecondEntity() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple2
Get the second entity.
getSecondEntity() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Get the second entity.
getSecondResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecondResult(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecondResult(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecondResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecondResult(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecondResult(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the second result.
getSecureRandom() - Static method in class
Gets access to the common secure PRNG.
getSecurity() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSecurity() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSecurity() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getSecurityLevel() - Method in class
Get the security level of the request.
getSecurityLevel() - Method in interface
Get the security level of the request.
getSeed() - Method in class
getSelectCandidateMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the select candiate method.
getSelected() - Method in interface
Get the Selected Object by the user
getSelectedAcquisitionMechanism() - Method in interface
Get the active acquisition mechanism.
getSelectedBreakpoints() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Get the currently selected breakpoints.
getSelectedClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Get the selected class.
getSelectedComponents() - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Get the selected filter elements.
getSelectedComponents() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the list of selected components.
getSelectedDataView() - Method in interface
Returns the selected dataview.
getSelectedDataView() - Method in class
Returns the selected dataview.
getSelectedDataViewName() - Method in class
Returns the selected dataview name.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
getSelectedItem() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
getSelectedObject() - Method in interface
Returns the currently selected object.
getSelectedObject() - Method in class
Returns the currently selected object.
getSelectedObject() - Method in class
Returns the currently selected object.
getSelectedPerspective() - Method in class
Returns the selected perspective.
getSelectorDistance() - Method in class
Gets the maximum distance for selecting objects.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Get the sender.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the sender.
getSender() - Method in class
Get the sender.
getSender() - Method in class
Get the sender.
getSenderIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the sender.
getSenderIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the sender.
getSensors() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSensors() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSensors() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getSeparatorChar() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the separator char.
getService(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the plan for its name.
getService(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get an services of this ComponentDescription.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the service.
getService(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get a required service.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Get or search the service with a delay in case not found.
getService(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get a required service.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in class
Get a service per type.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get one service with id.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, String, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, boolean) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IExternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get one service with id.
getService(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component with defined scope.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, String, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get one service of a type.
getService(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component.
getService(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, String, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get a service from a specific component with defined scope.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Get the service.
getService(BeanContextServices, Object, Class, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceProvider
getService(BeanContextChild, Object, Class, Object, BeanContextServiceRevokedListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
getService(BeanContextServices, Object, Class, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
getService(BeanContextChild, Object, Class, Object, BeanContextServiceRevokedListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Get a service instance on behalf of the specified child of this context, by calling the registered service provider, or by delegating to the parent context.
getService() - Method in class
Get the service.
getServiceCall(BDIModel, ServiceTrigger) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
getServiceCalls() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the service call fields.
getServiceClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
getServiceClass() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
getServiceContainer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with external access. Get the service container.
getServiceContainer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the service provider.
getServiceContainer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the service provider.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the service id.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the sid.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Get the service identifier.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
Get the service identifier.
getServiceInfos(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Get the service infos for a component.
getServiceInjectionNames() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the service injection names.
getServiceInjections(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Get the service injection fields.
getServiceMap() - Method in interface
todo: WARNING: dangerous method that exposes the internal data structure Get the service map.
getServiceMap() - Method in class
Get the service map.
getServiceMap() - Method in class
Get the service map.
getServiceMap() - Method in class
todo: WARNING: dangerous method that exposes the internal data structure Get the service map.
getServiceMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the service mappings.
getServiceMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the method.
getServiceMethodName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the servicemethodname.
getServiceName() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Get the servicename.
getServiceName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service name.
getServiceName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service name.
getServiceParameterMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
getServiceParameterMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the spmappings.
getServiceProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with external access. Get the service provider.
getServiceProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the service provider.
getServiceProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - replaced with internal access. Get the service provider.
getServiceProvider() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider
Returns the service provider of the related service.
getServiceProxies(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IRemoteServiceManagementService
Get all service proxies from a remote component.
getServiceProxy(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IRemoteServiceManagementService
Get a service proxy from a remote component.
getServiceResultMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the service result mapping.
getServiceResultMappings() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the srmappings.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Get the services.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Get the fact service calls.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get the services of this ComponentDescription.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, MethodInfo, RHardConstraints) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
getServices(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
Get a required multi service.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the services.
getServices(RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get a required multi service.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Get services per type.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Get services per type.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get services per type.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get services per type.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get services per type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Get the services per type.
getServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFComponentDescription
Get the services of this ComponentDescription.
getServicesBeanInfo() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo
getServiceType(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
getServiceType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service type name.
getServiceType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service type.
getServiceTypes(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
getSetter() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the setter method (for method-backed beliefs).
getSetter() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the setter method (for method-backed beliefs).
getSetterType() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Get the setter_type.
getSettings() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSettings() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSettings() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getShadowtype() - Method in class
getSharedPreferences(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IContextService
Gets an Android Shared Preference Container.
getShortDescription() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
FeatureDescriptor.getDisplayName() if not set.
getShortestDirection(IVector1, IVector1, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Get the shortest (direct) direction between two coordinates.
getShortestDirection(IVector1, IVector1, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Get the shortest (direct) direction between two coordinates.
getShortProtocolName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Get protocol abbrev name.
getShortProtocolName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
Get protocol abbrev name.
getShortProtocolName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Get protocol abbrev name.
getShortProtocolName() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
Get protocol abbrev name.
getSimplifiedRepresentation(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get a simplified human readable representation of the message content.
getSimplifiedRepresentation(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get a simplified human readable representation of the message content.
getSimul() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSimul() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSimul() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getSimulation() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSimulation() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSimulation() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getSingular(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the singular of a word in plural.
getSize() - Method in class
Get the size.
getSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the size.
getSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Gets the size.
getSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Gets the size.
getSize() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
getSize() - Method in class
Gets the size of the display area.
getSize() - Method in class
Gets the size of the display area.
getSize() - Method in class
Get the size.
getSize() - Method in class
Get the size.
getSize() - Method in interface
Gets the size of the display area.
getSkyFile() - Method in class
getSkyPath() - Method in class
getSmtpHost() - Method in class
Get host.
getSmtpPort() - Method in class
Get the port.
getSortColumn() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
getSortColumn() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
getSortDirection() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
getSortDirection() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
getSortingStatus(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getSoundfile() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Get the source.
getSource() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Get the source parameter for copying reply values (if any).
getSource() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
getSource() - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Get the source.
getSource() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Get the src.
getSourceAsBeanContextServices() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
getSourceAsBeanContextServices() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the sourceId.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the caller.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source component.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the caller.
getSourceName() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.IObjectSource
Get the source name.
getSourceName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
Get the variable name.
getSouth() - Method in class
getSpace() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Get the source space.
getSpace() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Get the space.
getSpace() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
Get the space.
getSpace() - Method in interface
Returns the space.
getSpace() - Method in class
Returns the space.
getSpaceAction(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds an space action.
getSpaceController() - Method in class
getSpaceController(ISpaceController) - Method in class
getSpaceController() - Method in class
getSpaceController(ISpaceController) - Method in class
getSpaceController() - Method in interface
getSpaceController() - Method in interface
getSpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Returns an object in this space.
getSpaceObject() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Get the space object.
getSpaceObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Returns an object in this space.
getSpaceObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceController
getSpaceObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.GridController
getSpaceObject0(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Returns an object in this space.
getSpaceObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Get all space objects.
getSpaceObjects() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Get all space objects.
getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(IVector2, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceController
getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(IVector2, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Get all SimObjects from a specific type at a specific grid position
getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(IVector2, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.GridController
getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(IVector3, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Get all SimObjects from a specific type at a specific grid position
getSpaceObjectsByType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get all space object of a specific type.
getSpaceObjectsByType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Get all space object of a specific type.
getSpaceObjectsCollection() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the space objects.
getSpaceObjectType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the object type.
getSpaceProcess(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Returns a space process.
getSpaceProcess(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Returns a space process.
getSpaceProcessNames() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Returns then names of the space processes.
getSpecialAction() - Method in class
getSpecializationDegree() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
Get the specialization degree.
getSpeed() - Method in class
Get the speed.
getSpeed() - Method in class
getSplitId() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Get the split id.
getSplitid() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Gets the splitid.
getSplitInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get a specific split info, if available.
getSplitinfos() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the splitinfos.
getSplitInfos() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the split infos.
getSquaredLength() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the squared length (magnitude) of the vector.
getSquaredLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the squared length (magnitude) of the vector.
getSquaredLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Returns the squared length (magnitude) of the vector.
getSquaredLength() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the squared length (magnitude) of the vector.
getSslTcpPort() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSslTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSslTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getSslTcpTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getSslTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getSslTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getStack() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
getStack() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the stack.
getStackElement(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get stack element.
getStackSize() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
getStackTrace(Exception) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the exception stack trace as string.
getStartCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the complete start command.
getStartDirectory() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the startdir.
getStarterConfig() - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Returns the configuration of the root component.
getStartOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Get the start price.
getStartOffer() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Returns the start offer for the auction.
getStartOffer() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Get the start price.
getStartsize() - Method in class
getStarttime() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Get the start time.
getStarttime() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Get the start time.
getStarttime() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the start time.
getStarttime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clocks start time.
getStarttime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clocks start time.
getState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the state.
getState() - Method in class
Get the state.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock state.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock state.
getState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the state of this CESComponentDescription.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the execution state of the component.
getStaticType() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression
Get the static type.
getStaticType() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the static type.
getStatus() - Method in interface
Get the current status.
getStatuscode() - Method in exception
Gets the received status code.
getStep() - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Get the step.
getStoreHelp() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Get the storehelp.
getStreams() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Get the streams.
getStrictCom() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getStrictCom() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getStrictCom() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getString() - Method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent.Direction
Get the string representation.
getString() - Method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.Direction
Get the string representation.
getString() - Method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.EvaluationMode
Get the string representation.
getString() - Method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode
Get the string representation.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IPreferences
Retrieve a String value from the preferences.
getStringArray(String, Properties) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a string array of properties that are separated by commas.
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a string property.
getStringProperty(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a string property.
getSubcancelInfos() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
Get the subcancelinfos.
getSubcapabilities() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Get the agent injection fields.
getSubcomponentName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class
Get the subcomponent name.
getSubcomponentTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the subcomponent names.
getSubcomponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the subcomponent names.
getSubject() - Method in class
Get the subject.
getSubobjectInfoRead(QName, QName[], TypeInfo, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Get a subobject info for reading.
getSubobjectInfoRead(QName, QName[], Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the most specific subobject info.
getSubobjectInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the subobjectinfos.
getSubobjectInfos() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the subobject infos.
getSubobjectInfoWrite(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the subobject infos.
getSubobjects() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Get the subobjects.
getSubproperties() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get all subproperties.
getSubproperties(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get subproperties by type.
getSubproperties(Properties[], String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get subproperties by type.
getSubproperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get a properties by type.
getSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Get a subregistry.
getSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Get a subregistry.
getSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Get a subregistry.
getSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Get a subregistry.
getSubthreads() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the subthreads.
getSubthreads() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the subthreads.
getSuccessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the successors, i.e.
GetSuffix(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getSuperInterfaces(Class[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the super interfaces.
getSupertype() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the supertype.
getSupertype() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the supertype.
getSupertype() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the supertype.
getSuspend(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSuspend(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the suspend.
getSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSynchronous(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the synchronous flag.
getSynchronous(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the synchronous flag.
getSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the synchronous.
getSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the synchronous.
getSystemCpuLoad() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getSystemId() - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.ILocation
Returns the system ID of the XML
getSystemId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
Returns the system ID of the XML
getSystemId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.Location
Returns the system ID of the XML
getSystemId() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
Returns the system ID of the XML
getTable() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
Get the parent for this row
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList.ButtonCellManager
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.PatternEditor
getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
Overridden to determine an offset that tree would place the editor at.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList.ButtonCellManager
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ClassRenderer
Get the renderer component.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DateTimeRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortHeaderRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
TreeCellRenderer method.
getTableData(long, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
Get the data from a data provider.
getTableData(long, double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.ITableDataProvider
Get the data from a data provider.
getTableDataProvider() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Get the table data provider.
getTableDataProvider() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
Get the table data provider.
getTableHeader() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getTableModel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getTabSize(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
getTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the tag.
getTaggedService(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String, String...) - Static method in class
Get a service of a type.
getTaggedService(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, String...) - Static method in class
Find service by type and tags.
getTaggedService(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, String...) - Static method in class
Get a service of a type.
getTaggedService(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, String...) - Static method in class
Find service by type and tags.
getTaggedServices(IExternalAccess, Class<T>, String, String...) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type and tags.
getTaggedServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String, String...) - Static method in class
Find services by type and tags.
getTaggedServices(IExternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, String...) - Static method in class
Get all services of a type and tags.
getTaggedServices(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo, String, String...) - Static method in class
Find services by type and tags.
getTagName(Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the tag name for an object.
getTagName(Object, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.writer.IObjectWriterHandler
Get the tag name for an object.
getTags() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the tags.
getTags() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
getTags() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
getTagWithPrefix(QName, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the tag with namespace.
getTagWithPrefix(QName, IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.writer.IObjectWriterHandler
Get the tag with namespace.
getTarget() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Get the target.
getTarget() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Get the target of the property.
getTarget() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Get the target.
getTarget() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
getTarget() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
getTargetClass(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Get the target.
getTargetId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the targetId.
getTargetObject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the real target object.
getTargetReleaseDate() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.EncodingContext
Returns the release date of the target of the encoded item.
getTargetReleaseDate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IEncodingContext
Returns the release date of the target of the encoded item.
getTargetResolver(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Get the target resolver.
getTask() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Gets the current task.
getTask(Thread) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The task for a given thread.
getTask() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
Get the runnable (the task).
getTask(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Get a specific task.
getTasks() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Returns all tasks of the object for introspection.
getTcpPort() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getTcpPort() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getTcpTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getTcpTransport() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getter - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The getter.
getTerminationCommand() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Get the terminate.
getTerrapath() - Method in class
getTestCount() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test count.
getText() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Get the text.
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
Returns the model path.
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the expression text.
getText() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Get the text for the element.
getText() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Get the text for the element.
getTextDateString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the release date as long text string (format=MMMM d, yyyy, e.g.
getTextField(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Get a text field.
getTextHAlignment(TextLayout) - Method in class
getTexture() - Method in class
getTexturePath() - Method in class
Returns the texture path.
getTexturePath() - Method in class
Returns the texture path.
getTexturePath() - Method in class
Get the texture path.
getTextures() - Method in class
getThirdEntity() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Get the second entity.
getThread() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
Get the thread.
getThread(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get a thread per id.
getThreadCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Get the number of threads (running blocked) for this executor.
getThreadId() - Method in class
Get the thread id.
getThreadPool(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
Get the global thread pool instance.
getThreadPool() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Get the thread pool.
getThreadPool() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Get the thread pool.
getThreadpoolClass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getThreadpoolClass() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getThreadpoolClass() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getThreadpoolDefer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getThreadpoolDefer() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getThreadpoolDefer() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the current tick.
getTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the current tick.
getTickTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get all active tick timers.
getTiles() - Method in class
getTileSize() - Method in class
The tile size.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getTime(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the event occurrence time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the time.
getTimeDelays() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the delays.
getTimedObject() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Get the timed object associated with this timer.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Get the timeout.
getTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Get the timeout.
getTimeout() - Method in class
Get the timeout.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the timeout value.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Get the timeout.
getTimerEntries(IClockService) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Get the current timer entries.
getTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get all active timers.
getTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get all active timers.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
The time stamp of the command.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface
The time stamp of the request.
getTimestamp() - Method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the release date as timestamp string (format=yyyyMMdd.HHmmss, e.g.
getTimestampIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FIPAMessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the send date.
getTimestampIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Get the identifier for fetching the send date.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Get the ttl.
getTitle() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Get the list title.
getTo() - Method in class
Get the to.
getTopic() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Get the auction topic.
getTopic() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Get the auction topic.
getTopLevelThread() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Get the top level thread (is not executed and just acts as top level thread container).
getTopStackElement() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the top stack element.
getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getTotalSwapSpaceSize() - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
getTransferableObject() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITransferableStep
The object to be transferred as replacement for the component step.
getTransportAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Get direct access to the map of the addresses.
getTransportAddresses() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Get direct access to the map of the addresses.
getTransportComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Create a transport component identifier.
getTransportComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Create a transport component identifier.
getTransportComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Internal convert method for identifiers.
getTransportComponentIdentifiers(IComponentIdentifier[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Create a transport component identifiers.
getTransportComponentIdentifiers(IComponentIdentifier[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Create a transport component identifiers.
getTransportIdentifier(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Convenience method.
getTree() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
Returns the tree that is being shared between the model.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer
Configures the renderer based on the passed in components.
getTrigger() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the trigger.
getTrigger() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the trigger.
getTrustedLan() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getTrustedLan() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getTrustedLan() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getType(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the class of the belief.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
Get the type.
getType(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the class of the belief.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Get the element type (i.e.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the type.
getType(ClassLoader, String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the user interface type of the feature.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the type of this AMSCreateComponent.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Get the type of this ServiceDescription.
getType(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the model of the component instance.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the component type (i.e.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the model type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class
Get the type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the component type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the component type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IJadexAndroidEvent
The type of the Event, which is used to separate events from each other.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.context.JadexAndroidEvent
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDFServiceDescription
Get the type of this ServiceDescription.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.RemoteException
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get the node type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.commons.meta.IPropertyMetaData
getType() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get the type of this element.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Returns the type of the view.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Returns the type of the view.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Returns the type of the view.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.IDataView
Returns the type of the view.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
Returns the type of the view.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Get the event type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceObject
Returns the type of the object.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Returns the event type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Returns the type of the object.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get the type of this element.
getType() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
getType() - Method in class
Get the primitive type.
getType() - Method in class
Get the primitive type.
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of the layer.
getType(Object) - Static method in class
Retrieves the type of an object.
getType() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Get the node type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Get the constructor type.
getType0() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the type, if available
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[], AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[], IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
Get the typeinfo.
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[], AReadContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectReaderHandler
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the typeinfo.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the type info.
getTypeInfo(QName, QName[], Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoPathManager
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[], IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfo(Object, QName[], IContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.writer.IObjectWriterHandler
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeInfoManager() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get the titmanager.
getTypeInfos() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Get the java type infos.
getTypeInfos() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Get the java type infos.
getTypeInfosByType(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
Get the most specific mapping info.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the type name.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the type name.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Get the typename.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get the type name.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Get the type name.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Get the type name.
getUnaryValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Evaluate the term.
getUnboundParameterNodes() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get unbound parameter nodes.
getUnboundParameterNodes() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Get unbound parameter nodes.
getUnboundParameterNodes() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Get unbound parameter nodes.
getUniqueIds() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getUniqueIds() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getUniqueIds() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getUnit() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the unit of the property.
getUnit() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the unit of the property.
getUnknownReceivers() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Get the unknown.
getUnqualifiedClassName(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get unqualified class name.
getUnqualifiedTypeName(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get unqualified type name.
getUp() - Method in class
getUpdateRate() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the updaterate.
getUpdateRate() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the updaterate.
getUpdateRate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the update rate of the property, if it exists, for dynamic properties.
getUpdateRate() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the update rate of the property, if it exists, for dynamic properties.
getUpdaterateValue(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get/Evaluate the updaterate value.
getUpdaterateValue(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get/Evaluate the updaterate value.
getUri() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the uri.
getUri() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the uri.
getURI() - Method in class jadex.xml.Namespace
Get the uri.
getUsePass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getUsePass() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getUsePass() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getUser() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Get the user.
getUser() - Method in class
Get the user.
getUserAgentObject() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentPersistInfo
Gets the user agent object.
getUserContext() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Returns the user context.
getUserContext() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Returns the user context.
getUserContext() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Returns the user context.
getUserContext() - Method in interface jadex.xml.IContext
Get the usercontext.
getUserContext() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the callcontext.
getUserContext() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the callcontext.
getUserObject() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.SetTreeTableNode
Get the user value.
getValidityDuration() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getValidityDuration() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getValidityDuration() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getValidityDuration() - Method in class
Get the validity duration (in millis).
getValidityDuration() - Method in interface
The validity duration.
getValidityDuration() - Method in interface
Get the validity duration.
getVAlign() - Method in class
Gets the vertical alignment.
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Returns a value of a given configuration parameter.
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Generic getter for configuration parameters.
getValue(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the value of the belief.
getValue(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the value of the belief.
getValue(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the value of the belief.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpression
Evaluate the expression.
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameter
Get the value of a parameter.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
Evaluate the expression.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParam
Get the value of a parameter.
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Get the value for a parameter, or the values for a parameter set.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Get the value of this Property.
getValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMessageAdapter
Get the value for a parameter, or the values for a parameter set.
getValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelValueProvider
Get the value.
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Returns the current value of the property.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Gets the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the value.
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the current value of the property.
getValue(U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue(U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue(U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Get the value.
getValue(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue() - Method in class
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Get the value of this Property.
getValue() - Method in class
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Expression
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
getValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
getValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Get the value.
getValue(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get the value at a specific column.
getValue(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.SetTreeTableNode
Get the value at a specific column.
getValue(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNode
Get the value at a specific column.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Get the value.
getValue(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.IKdValueFetcher
Returns the coordinate value of the current hyperplane.
getValue(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Returns the coordinate value of the current hyperplane.
getValue(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Returns the coordinate value of the current hyperplane.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArgumentsNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CastNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CollectionNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConditionalNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectionNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Evaluate the expression in the given state with respect to given parameters.
getValue(Object, Object, IContext, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Get a value from an object.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
Get the value.
getValue(Object, Object, IContext, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Get a value from an object.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Get the value from a field.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Get the number of children of a node.
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Returns the value for the column column and object node.
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Returns the value to be displayed for node node, at column number column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
getValueFetcher() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Get the value fetcher.
getValueFetcher() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
The feature can inject parameters for expression evaluation by providing an optional value fetcher.
getValueName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Gets the valuename.
getValues() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Get the values of a parameterset.
getValues() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
Adapt to message type for implicit parameters.
getValues() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Get the values.
getValues() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get all values at once.
getValues(int, DataTable, Object[], SimpleValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Get the x/y values for a specific series number.
getVector1(Double) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
getVector2(Double, Double) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Get a vector for two doubles.
getVector2(Integer, Integer) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Get a vector for two doubles.
getVector3(Double, Double, Double) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Get a vector for three doubles.
getVector3DoubleValueNoHight() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getVersion() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the version.
getVersion() - Method in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Get the version string.
getVersionInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the version info.
getVersionInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the version info.
getVertexCount() - Method in class
Returns the vertex count.
getVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
getVetoableChangeListeners() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
getView() - Method in class
Returns the viewable component of the plugin.
getView() - Method in class
getView() - Method in class
getView() - Method in interface
Returns the viewable component of the plugin
getView() - Method in class
Returns the viewable component of the plugin
getView() - Method in interface
Gets the view component of the perspective.
getView() - Method in class
Gets the view of the perspective.
getView() - Method in class
Gets the view of the perspective.
getViewFactory() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit
Return the vioew factory.
getViewport() - Method in class
Gets the viewport
getViewport() - Method in class
Gets the viewport
getViews() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Get the views.
getVirtualNames() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getVirtualNames() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getVirtualNames() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getVirtuals() - Method in interface
Get the virtual names and their contents.
getVMArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the vmargs.
getVolume() - Method in class
getWaitAbstraction() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Get the plan waitqueue waitabstraction.
getWaitFilter() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the wait filter.
getWaitInfo() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Get the waitinfo.
getWaitqueue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Get the waitqueue.
getWaitqueue() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the waitqueue.
getWelcome() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getWelcome() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getWelcome() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getWest() - Method in class
getWindowParent(Component) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Get the window parent if any.
getWorkerCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Get the worker cnt.
getWorkerCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the worker cnt.
getWorkerCount() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Get the worker cnt.
getWorkerTimeout() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Get the component timeout.
getWorkerTimeout() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the worker timeout.
getWorkerTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Get the component timeout.
getWorldCoordinates(int, int) - Method in class
Converts pixel coordinates into world coordinates
getWorldCoordinates(int, int) - Method in interface
Converts pixel coordinates into world coordinates
getWorldCoordinates(Point) - Method in class
getWrappedType(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Get the wrapped type.
getWriteMethod() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
getWriter() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the writer.
getWriter(AWriteContext) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
getWriterTypeInfos() - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.STypeInfosAWT
getWrittenBytes() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Returns the number of bytes written.
getWrittenBytes() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Returns the number of bytes written.
getWrittenObjects() - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Get the writtenobs.
getWsPublish() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
getWsPublish() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
getWsPublish() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
getX() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector.
getX() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector.
getX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector.
getX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector.
getX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector.
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getXAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getXAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector as double.
getXAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector as double.
getXAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector as double.
getXAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getXAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as double.
getXAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getXAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as double.
getXAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector as float.
getXAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector as float.
getXAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector as float.
getXAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getXAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as float.
getXAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getXAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as float.
getXAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as integer.
getXAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the x-component of the vector as long.
getXMLAttributeNames() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Get the attribute name as path.
getXMLAttributeNames() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the xml attribute names.
getXMLClassnameAnnotation(Class) - Static method in class jadex.xml.SXML
Get the xmlclassname annotation.
getXMLInfo() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the xmlinfo.
getXMLMapping(String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Get the XML mapping.
getXMLMapping() - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Get the XML mapping.
getXMLMapping() - Static method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRExtensionService
Get the XML mapping.
getXMLMapping() - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Get the XML mapping.
getXmlObjectName() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Get the xmlobjectname.
getXmlObjectNames() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Get the xmlobjectnames.
getXMLPath() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the xmlpath
getXMLPath(QName) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the xml path for a stack.
getXMLPath() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Get the xml path for a stack.
getXMLPath(List<StackElement>) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Get the xml path for a stack.
getXMLPath() - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Get the xmlpath.
getXMLPathDepth() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the path depth.
getXMLPathElements() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the xmlpath as string array.
getXMLPathElements() - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Get the xmlpathelements.
getXMLPathElementsWithoutElement() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the xml path without element.
getXMLTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get the xml tag
getXmlTag() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Get the XML tag struct.
getXmlTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Get the XML tag struct.
getXmlTagStack() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Get the XML tag stack.
getXmlTagStack() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Get the XML tag stack.
getXResult(int, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Get the x result.
getY() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the y-component of the vector.
getY() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the y-component of the vector.
getY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the y-component of the vector.
getY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the y-component of the vector.
getY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector.
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the component of the vector as BigDecima;.
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as BigDecima;.
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the component of the vector as BigDecima;.
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the component of the vector as BigDecima;.
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getYAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getYAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the component of the vector as double.
getYAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as double.
getYAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the component of the vector as double.
getYAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getYAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the component of the vector as double.
getYAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getYAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector as double.
getYAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
getYAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getYAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector as float.
getYAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getYAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector as integer.
getYAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getYAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the y-component of the vector as long.
getZ() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the z-component of the vector.
getZ() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getZ() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector.
getZAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as BigDecima;.
getZAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getZAsBigDecimal() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector as BigDecimal.
getZAsDouble() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as double.
getZAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getZAsDouble() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector as double.
getZAsFloat() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getZAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
getZAsFloat() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector as float.
getZAsInteger() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getZAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the component of the vector as integer.
getZAsInteger() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector as integer.
getZAsLong() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getZAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Returns the component of the vector as float.
getZAsLong() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Returns the z-component of the vector as long.
getZipEntry() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the zip entry, if any (file pointer inside jar file).
getZoom() - Method in class
Returns the zoom factor
getZoomLimit() - Method in class
Gets the maximum zoom.
getZoomStepping() - Method in class
Returns the current zoom stepping
gid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The global identifier.
globalHierarchyLock - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
TODO: find out what it should be initialized to
GLOBALNAME_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
Name of the field that is injected for globalname
GlobalQueryServiceRegistry - Class in
Registry that allows for adding global queries with local registry.
GlobalQueryServiceRegistry(long) - Constructor for class
Create a new GlobalQueryServiceRegistry.
GlobalResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for global resource identification.
GlobalResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
GlobalResourceIdentifier(String, URI, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
goal - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
The goal.
goal - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.DropGoalAction
The goal.
Goal - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
GOALACTIVE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been added.
GOALADOPTED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been added.
GoalAPI - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
The goal API (IGoal) injection for a pojo goal.
GoalAPLBuild - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Specify a custom method for generating plan candidates for a goal.
GoalContextCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
GoalCreationCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
A goal creation condition can be annotated in the following ways, which allow more or less fine-grained control over the condition and the goal creation process.
GoalDropCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
GOALDROPPED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been removed.
GoalFinished - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Specify a custom method for getting a callback when goal is finished.
goalfinishednames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
goalfinisheds - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The goal types of finished goals.
GoalInhibit - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
GOALINPROCESS - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been added.
goalIsActive(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal becomes active.
goalIsActive(RGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal becomes active.
goalIsAdopted(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal has been adopted.
goalIsAdopted(RGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal has been adopted.
goalIsDropped(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal has been dropped.
goalIsDropped(RGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal has been dropped.
goalIsNotActive(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal is not active any longer (suspended or option).
goalIsNotActive(RGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal is not active any longer (suspended or option).
goalIsOption(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal becomes an option.
goalIsOption(RGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Called when a goal becomes an option.
GoalMaintainCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
goalmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
The goal mappings.
goalmatches - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Goal match expressions that restrict general goal type triggers.
goalnames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
GOALNOTINPROCESS - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been removed.
GOALOPTION - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been optionized.
GoalParameter - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Annotation for goal parameters.
GoalParent - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
The goal parent (pojo) injection for a pojo goal.
GoalRecurCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
goalreferences - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The goal mappings (abstract/reference name -> concrete name).
GoalResult - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Marker for a field or method that should act as goal result.
Goals - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
goals - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The goals.
goals - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The goal types.
GoalSelectCandidate - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Annotation to provide a custom select candidate functionality.
GoalServiceParameterMapping - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Mapping annotation for goals that helps creating call parameters for a service invocation.
GoalServiceResultMapping - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Mapping annotation for goals that helps feeding back a result of a service invocation.
GoalsExistCondition(MGoal, RCapability) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition
GOALSUSPENDED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a goal has been suspended.
GoalTargetCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
goaltype - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
GREATER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be greater than the given value.
greater(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Tests if the vector is greater than another vector.
greater(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
greater(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Tests if the vector is greater than another vector.
greater(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Tests if the vector is greater than another vector.
GREATER - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The greater-than (>) operator.
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be greater than or equal to the given value.
GREATEREQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The greater-equal (>=) operator.
Grid2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
2D grid environment.
Grid2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
Grid2D(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
Grid2D(Object, IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
Grid3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
2D grid environment.
Grid3D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
Grid3D(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
Grid3D(Object, IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
GridController - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
GridController(AbstractEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.GridController
GridLayer - Class in
A layer for displaying a grid.
GridLayer(IVector2, Object) - Constructor for class
Creates a new gridlayer.
GridLayerJ2DRenderer - Class in
GridLayerJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
group - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The thread group.
Group - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR group hold information about agent instances and their positions (i.e.
Group(String) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Create a new group.
groups - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
The groups.
groups - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
The groups.
grouptypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
The grouptypes.
GrowableByteBuffer - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
A growable byte buffer similar to ByteArrayOutputStream but allowing access to all written parts of the array.
GrowableByteBuffer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Creates an empty buffer.
GROWTH_EXPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Buffer growth aggressiveness.
guessContentTypeByFilename(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Guess the mime type by the file name.
guessParameter(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IParameterGuesser
Guess a parameter.
guessParameter(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Guess a parameter.
guessParameters(Class<?>[], Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Method that tries to guess the parameters for the method call.
guessParameters(Class<?>[], IParameterGuesser) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IMethodParameterGuesser
Guess the parameters of a method call.
guessParameters(Class<?>[], IParameterGuesser) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimpleMethodParameterGuesser
Guess the parameters of a method call.
GUI - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Start the JCC agent to open the platform GUI?
gui - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.GuiCreator
The gui.
GuiClass - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassName - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassNames - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representations for a service.
GuiCreator - Class in jadex.commons.gui
The gui creator.
GuiCreator(Class<? extends Component>, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.GuiCreator
Create a new clock.
GuiCreator(Method, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.GuiCreator
Create a new clock.


halign - Variable in class
Horizontal alignment
handleAttributeValue(Object, QName, List<QName>, String, Object, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Handle the attribute of an object.
handleAttributeValue(Object, QName, List<QName>, String, Object, AReadContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectReaderHandler
Handle the attribute of an object.
HandleBDIMessageStep(IMessageAdapter) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIMessageStep
HandleBDIStreamStep(IConnection) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIStreamStep
handleBulkLinking(List<Object>, Object, AReadContext, QName[], List<LinkData>, int) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Initiate the bulk link calls.
handleCFP(IMessageEvent, AuctionDescription, Object, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAReceiverPlan
Handle a cfp message.
handleCFP(IMessageEvent, AuctionDescription, Object, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAReceiverPlan
Handle a cfp message.
handleComment(AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Handle the comment.
handleContent(AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Handle the content.
handleDuplicate(Object, Class<?>, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Special handling for duplicate objects.
handleEndElement(AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Handle the end element.
handleException(Exception) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
handleException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Handle an exception.
handleFinished(Collection<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter finished behavior.
handleFirstAnswer(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Process the first answer.
handleIntermediateResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter a result.
handleMessage(Map<String, Object>, MessageType) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Handle the message.
handleMessage(Map<String, Object>, MessageType) - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Handle the message.
handleNull(Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Special handling for null objects.
handleObjectClick(ISpaceObject) - Method in class
This method receives space objects on left-clicks.
handleObjectClick(ISpaceObject) - Method in class
handlePath(TreePath) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Check if an action (e.g.
handleProcessResult(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
handler - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
The handler.
handler - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
The type manager.
handler - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
The object handler.
handler - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The handler.
handleResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter a result.
handleSecondAnswer(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Process the second answer.
handleStartElement(AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Handle the start element.
handleTerminated(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally augment termination behavior.
handleTreeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent, TreePath, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Handle each node in the subtree.
HAS_GUI - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
This is set to true if the VM has a working GUI environment available.
hasArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has an argument.
hasArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Test if has arguments.
hasBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if a belief is contained.
hasBeliefIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if a belief is contained.
hasComponentInstance(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a component instance.
hasCondition(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if a condition is contained.
hasContextVariable(String) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Test if the given context variable is declared.
hasDependencies(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Test if a node has dependencies.
hasEventTargets(IMonitoringService.PublishTarget, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMonitoringComponentFeature
Check if event targets exist.
hasExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if a expression is contained.
hasGui() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Test if there is a gui available.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Get the hashcode
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hashcode
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
The hash code of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Hash code based on id.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the hash code of this description.
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
HashCode of the IndexedPropertyDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Returns the hash code value for this collection.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Returns the hash code value for this set.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns the hash code value for this map.
hashcode - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakObject
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakObject
Return the hash code of the nested object.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Get the hashcode of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Get the hashcode of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Compute the hashcode of the tuple.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent.PrimitiveEventType
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Compute the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Get the hash code for the node.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Returns a hash code value for this QName object.
hashDirectory(String, File, MessageDigest) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get the hash code of a directory recursively.
HASHES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
LRU for hashes.
hashK(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute k hashes based on two hashes using (hash1+i*hash2)%m;
hashStream(InputStream, MessageDigest) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
hasInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if an internal event is contained.
hasListeners(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
hasListeners(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
hasMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Test if a message is contained.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasMoreTokens() - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Test if there are more tokens available.
hasNext() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator
hasNext() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
hasNext() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFutureIterator
Check for more results.
hasNext() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Returns if the reader has more events.
hasNext() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Returns if the reader has more events.
hasNextIntermediateResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Check if there are more results for iteration for the given caller.
hasNextIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Check if there are more results for iteration for the given caller.
hasNextIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Check if there are more results for iteration for the given caller.
hasNextIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Check if there are more results for iteration for the given caller.
hasOwnParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test if a parameter has been set on activity.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Test if goal has a parameter.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Test if goal has a parameter.
hasParameter(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Has the element a parameter element.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Has the element a parameter element.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Has the element a parameter element.
hasParameterIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Test if a param is contained.
hasParameters() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Returns whether the event has parameters.
hasParameterSet(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterElement
Has the element a parameter set element.
hasParameterSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Has the element a parameter set element.
hasParameterSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Has the element a parameter set element.
hasParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Test if context has a parameter.
hasParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test if a parameter has been set on activity.
hasPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get a global platform value.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertyObject
Tests if the given property name exists If an property is null it exists
hasProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
hasProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Test if has a property.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Test if has a property.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class
hasProperty(String) - Method in class
hasPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test, if a property is declared.
hasProvidedService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a provided service.
hasRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a required service.
hasRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Has the service a property provider.
hasResult(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a result.
hasResultListener() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Check, if the future has at least one listener.
hasService(Class) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
hasService(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Checks whether a service is registed in this context or the parent context.
hasSpaceobject() - Method in class
hasSubthreads() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test if thread has subthreads.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Test if the user has set a timeout.
hasXmlSupport() - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Checks whether the Platform has the necessary classes to provide XML encoding and decoding support.
height - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
hex(char) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert char to hex vavlue.
hex(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a byte array to a string representation.
hex(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a byte array to a string representation.
hex(byte[], String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a byte array to a string representation.
hex(byte[], String, int, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a byte array to a string representation.
HEX_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
hgap - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The horizontal gap.
highlightBorder - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Border to draw around the tree, if this is non-null, it will be painted.
HistogramDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Create a category chart consumer, x must be a comparable and y must be double value.
HistogramDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.HistogramDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
host - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
The smtp host address.
hostid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The host id.
htmlwraps - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Mapping from single characters to encoded version for displaying on xml-style interfaces.
HttpConnectionManager - Class in jadex.commons
The connection manager allows asynchronously terminating open connections to avoid hanging on e.g.
HttpConnectionManager() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Create a new connection manager.
hyperplane - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Coordinate for the splitting hyperplane.


ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
The internal access.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
The internal access.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The internal access.
ia - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
IAbortableTestSuite - Interface in jadex.base.test
Created by kalinowski on 06.01.16.
IActivityHandler - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Handler for executing a BPMN process activity.
IAppGui - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
IAppPanel - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
Marker interface.
IAppProviderService<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
Interface for applications that want to provider themselves as app in the store.
IArgument - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Interface for start arguments.
IArgumentsResultsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
This features provides arguments.
IAsyncFilter<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Generic filter interface.
IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter - Class in jadex.commons
A filter that always returns true.
IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter - Class in jadex.commons
A filter that always returns false.
IAttributeConverter - Interface in jadex.xml
Converter interface for attributes.
IAuthorizable - Interface in
Interface for requests to be passed to the security service for validation.
IAwarenessManagementService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Service for managing discovery infos.
IBackwardCommandFuture - Interface in jadex.commons.future
IBDIAgent - Interface in jadex.bdiv3
Interface for injecting agent methods into pojos.
IBDIAgentFeature - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.features
Public methods for working with BDI agents.
IBDIClassGenerator - Interface in jadex.bdiv3
Interface for BDI class enhancement/generation.
IBDIModel - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.model
Common interface for micro- and xml-based BDI agent models.
IBDIXAgentFeature - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Public methods for working with BDIx agents.
IBeanAccessorDelegate - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
IBeanDelegateProvider - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Provider for supplying Bean Accessor Delegates.
IBeanIntrospector - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Interface for Java bean introspectors.
IBeanObjectCreator - Interface in jadex.xml.bean
Interface for creator objects that can create different kinds of objects according to the xml attributes.
IBelief - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The interface for all beliefs (concrete and referenced).
IBeliefbase - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The beliefbase contains the beliefs and beliefsets of an agent or capability.
IBeliefListener<T> - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Listener for observing beliefs.
IBeliefSet - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Interface for all beliefsets (concrete and referenced).
IBlockingQueue<T> - Interface in jadex.commons.collection
A queue that blocks until an element is available.
IBlockingQueue.ClosedException - Exception in jadex.commons.collection
Closed exception.
IBooleanCondition - Interface in jadex.commons
A dynamic boolean condition that can be evaluated on demand (polling).
IBpmnComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bpmn.features
IBreakpointPanel - Interface in jadex.commons
Common interface for breakpoint panels.
IBulkObjectLinker - Interface in jadex.xml.reader
Interface for bulk linker.
ICacheableModel - Interface in jadex.commons
Required interface for models to be managed by abstract model loader.
icallers - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
The blocked intermediate callers (caller->state).
ICancelable - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
ICandidateInfo - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The info objects for plan candidates.
ICapability - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
ICapability - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
IChangeListener<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Listener for being notified on change events.
IChatGuiService - Interface in
Service for connecting a user interface to a running chat service.
IChatService - Interface in
Global chat service.
ICliService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cli
Service to invoke the command line via a service call.
IClock - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface a for clock.
IClockService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
The clock service.
ICMSComponentListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Interface for locally listening to element changes.
ICNPHandler - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
A helper class that handles a receiver side goals of the iterated contract net protocol by delegating to some implementation of the corresponding interface.
ICNPHandler(IProposalEvaluator, IQueryNextroundInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ICNPHandler
Create an ICNPHandler using the given implementations.
ICodec - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Encode and decode an object from a string representation.
ICommand<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for commands that represent methods with arguments but without a return value.
ICommandFuture - Interface in jadex.commons.future
ICommandFuture.Type - Enum in jadex.commons.future
The available commands.
IComponentAction - Interface in jadex.bridge.fipa
Basic super interface for component actions.
IComponentDescription - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
A description of a component, i.e.
IComponentFactory - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
A factory is responsible for one or more component types and is capable of loading component models from files as well as providing component features.
IComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior of a component.
IComponentFeatureFactory - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior of a component.
IComponentIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for component identifiers.
IComponentManagementService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
General interface for components that the container can execute.
IComponentManagementService.CMSCreatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
IComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for a component step.
ICON - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The image icon.
ICON - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The image icon.
ICON - Static variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The image icon.
ICON_AGENT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The agent icon.
ICON_CAPABILITY - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The capability icon.
ICON_COLOR_16x16 - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_32x32 - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_MONO_16x16 - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_MONO_32x32 - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.BeanInfo
IConditionalComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for interpreter actions.
IConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Base interface for all Jadex connections (streams).
icons - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The icons.
icons - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
The icons to be displayed.
icons - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
The image icons.
icons - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The icon.
IContentCodec - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
The interface for content codecs.
IContext - Interface in jadex.xml
Common interface for read and write contexts.
IContextService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.context
Provides access to the application Context specific objects and Android Resources such as files and preferences.
IConvertableUnit<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Unit interface supporting conversions.
icq - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
The icq no.
ICronService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
Interface for adding and removing cron jobs.
id - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The id for remote listener deregistration.
id - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Screen name of current user.
id - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Id of the thread.
id - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The thread id.
id - Variable in class
The thread that executed this activity.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The id for remote listener deregistration.
id - Variable in class
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.commons.Properties
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
An id to differentiate otherwise equal actions.
ID - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceProcess
id - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The object's ID.
id - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
id - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The current id.
id - Variable in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
The info id.
ID - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
The value of this attribute is used as id.
id - Variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Is this attribute used as id or idref.
ID - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The ID attribute constant.
id - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The id counter.
IDaemonService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
IDaemonThreadPoolService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
Interface for threadpool service.
IDataView - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
View used by an observer to display part of the environment
idcnt - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Counter for generating unique ids.
idcnt - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
The id counter for sub processes.
idcnt - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The id counter for sub processes.
idcnt - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The id counter.
idcnt - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
The id cnt.
IDecoderHandler - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
IDecodingContext - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Decoding context interface.
IDelayRunner - Interface in jadex.commons.collection
Interface for scheduling a command.
IDeliberationStrategy - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Interface for goal deliberation strategies.
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
IdentityHashSet<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A set based on identity comparison.
IdentityHashSet() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Create a new identity hash set.
IDependencyService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Service for resolving deployment artifact dependencies.
IDF - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.df
Interface for the directory facilitator (DF).
IDFComponentDescription - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.df
Interface for df component descriptions.
IDFServiceDescription - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.df
Interface for df service descriptions.
IdGenerator - Class in jadex.commons
A configurable Id generator.
IdGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Creates a new ID generator.
IdGenerator(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Creates a new ID generator.
IdGenerator(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Creates a new ID generator.
IdGenerator(int, Random) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Creates a new ID generator.
IdGenerator(int, boolean, Random) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Creates a new ID generator.
IDiscoveryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Service interface for discovering other platforms.
IDREF - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
The value of this attribute is used as idref.
IDREF - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The IDREF attribute constant.
idsize - Variable in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
The selected id size.
IEditorParameterMetaInfo - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor
IEditorTask - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor
IEditorTaskMetaInfo - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor
IElement - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Base interface for all runtime elements.
IEmailService - Interface in
The email service allows for sending and receiving emails.
IEncodingContext - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
A context containing additional information for codecs.
IEncodingContext - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Encoding context interface.
IEnvironmentListener - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for environment listener.
IEnvironmentSpace - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Main interface for an environment space.
IErrorReport - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for an error report of loaded models.
IErrorReporter - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Reporter receiving errors encountered during decoding.
IEventbase - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Interface for an event base.
ieventnames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
IEventPublisher - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
ievents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The internal events.
IExecutable - Interface in jadex.commons.concurrent
Interface for objects that can be executed.
IExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
The execution feature allows to schedule steps to be synchronously executed on the component.
IExecutionService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.execution
Common interface for different execution services.
IExpression - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The common interface for expressions.
IExpressionbase - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The expressionbase provides access to the expressions and conditions defined in the ADF and allows to define new expressions and conditions at runtime.
IExpressionParser - Interface in jadex.javaparser
Interface for expression parsers.
IExternalAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for accessing components from the outside.
IExternalNotifier - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
An external system, in which a waiting can be initiated.
IExternalTask - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask
iface - Variable in class
The annotated service interface.
ifdef - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
The ifdefined map.
IfDefMap() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher.IfDefMap
IFileTransferService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
Interface for the file transfer service.
IFilter<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Generic filter interface.
IFinishableElement<E> - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Interface for finishable elements.
IForwardCommandFuture - Interface in jadex.commons.future
IForwardCommandFuture.Type - Enum in jadex.commons.future
The available commands.
IFunctionalExceptionListener - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IFunctionalIntermediateFinishedListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IFunctionalResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface for futures.
IFutureCommandListener - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Additional interface for result listeners that are able to process commands from the source future.
IFutureCommandResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface that extends both, result listener and future command.
IGlobalResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Global resources are identified by their unique resource id.
IGNORE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IErrorReporter
A default error reporter that ignores errors.
ignore - Variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
The ignore property.
IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO - Static variable in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Constant values to indicate that the Introspector will ignore all BeanInfo class.
IGNORE_IMMEDIATE_BEANINFO - Static variable in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Constant values to indicate that the Introspector will ignore the BeanInfo class of the current bean class.
IGNORE_READ - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Ignore when reading.
IGNORE_READWRITE - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Ignore when reading and writing.
IGNORE_RESULT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
IGNORE_WRITE - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Ignore when writing.
IGNORED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The ignored directories for determining resource project name.
ignoreExceptions() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Returns an OnExceptionListener that ignores all results.
ignorefailures - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Flag to indicate that failures should be ignored and only valid results returned.
ignorefailures - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The ignore failure flag.
ignoreResults() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Returns a SuccessListener that ignores all results.
ignorewriteclass - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Flag indicating class names should not be written (can be temporarily disabled for one write).
IGoal - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Interface for a bdi goal.
IGoal.GoalLifecycleState - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
IGoal.GoalProcessingState - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
IGoalbase - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The programmers interface for the goalbase.
IHardConstraintsFilter - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
IIdleHook - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
Called when a component becomes idle.
IInputConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for input connection stream.
IIntermediateFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Future that support intermediate results.
IIntermediateFutureCommandResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface that extends both, result listener and future command.
IIntermediateResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Result listener with additional notifications in case of intermediate results.
IInternalAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge
Common interface for all component types.
IInternalBDIXMessageFeature - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Allow (de-)registering messages for capabilities.
IInternalBpmnComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bpmn.features
IInternalEvent - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The interface for all internal events (concrete and referenced).
IInternalProcessEngineService - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Services to be called from BPMN process instances to some super-ordinated process engine, if any.
IInternalService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Internal service interface for managing services in service container.
IJ2DRenderer - Interface in
IJadexAndroidEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.context
This is an Event that can be dispatched by platform components and received by Android UI Classes.
ILayerJ2DRenderer - Interface in
ILeaseTimeSet<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.collection
Special methods for a lease time collection.
ILibraryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for the Library Service.
ILibraryServiceListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for listening to library loading and unloading.
ILifecycleComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Lifecycle feature for components.
ILocalResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for resource identification.
ILocation - Interface in jadex.xml.stax
StaX API: Location
ILRUEntryCleaner<V,K> - Interface in jadex.commons.collection
The entry cleaner (for performing cleanup code on removed entries in a LRU).
IMAccount - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Account for icq.
IMAccount() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Constructor for IMAccount.
IMAccount(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Constructor for IMAccount.
image - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The image.
image - Variable in class
The image.
image - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
The string image of the token.
ImageCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Image objects.
ImageCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ImageCodec
imageFromBytes(byte[], Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
ImageProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
ImageProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
imageToStandardBytes(Image, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
Convert image to bytes.
imageToStandardBytesImpl(RenderedImage, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
Convert image to bytes.
IMapAccess - Interface in jadex.javaparser
Simple map like access for java objects in the parser.
IMarshalService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal
Interface for marshalling functionalities.
IMenuItemConstructor - Interface in jadex.commons.gui
Interface for getting/creating (dynamic) menu item (structures).
IMessageAdapter - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for external messages to be passed to a kernel component.
IMessageEvent - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The interface for all message events (concrete and referenced).
IMessageFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature for sending messages and handling incoming messages via handlers.
IMessageHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Interface for message handlers.
IMessageListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Interface for listening on message traffic.
IMessageService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
The interface for the message service.
IMethodInvocationListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Interface for listeners that are notified when a service method is invoked.
IMethodParameterGuesser - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for method parameter guessers.
IMicroInjectionFeature - Interface in jadex.micro.features
Inject agent object, arguments, results and features into annotated field values.
IMicroServiceInjectionFeature - Interface in jadex.micro.features
Inject required services into annotated field values.
ImmediateComponentStep<T> - Class in jadex.bridge
Simple abstract class for immediate component steps.
ImmediateComponentStep() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ImmediateComponentStep
ImmutableProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
ImmutableProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImmutableProcessor
IModelInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
This model interface represents the common properties of all component models.
IModelValueProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
IMonitoringComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
IMonitoringEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
Interface for monitoring events.
IMonitoringService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The monitoring service allows for: sources: publishing new events consumers: subscribing for event patterns
IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The event importance.
IMonitoringService.PublishTarget - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The publish target
impl - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The collection implementation class.
implementation - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service implementation.
Implementation - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Service implementation details.
impltype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The imports (if any).
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The imports.
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The imports.
imports - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The imports (if any).
Imports - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
IMultiKernelListener - Interface in jadex.bridge
Kernel listener.
IMultiKernelNotifierService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Notifier service for dynamic kernels.
IMultiplexCollector - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
IMultiplexDistributor - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Interface for multiplex call distributor.
IN - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
IN_REPLY_TO - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
inbrowser - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Open links per click in external browser.
inBuf - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
inclasses - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Include - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify that a public or private field should be included in serialization.
includeexp - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The object expression.
IncludeFields - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Include all values of (public) fields when serializing the object.
includefields - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The include fields flag.
includeHeaderWidth - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
If true, resizing of columns will also take the width of header cells into account.
includemethods - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The include methods flag.
includes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The includes list.
incOffset(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Increases the offset.
increasing - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Flag indicating if increasing or decreasing prices are calculated.
increasing - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Flag indicating if increasing or decreasing prices are calculated.
indent - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Control flag for generating indention.
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans
A type of PropertyChangeEvent that indicates that an indexed property has changed.
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent(Object, String, Object, Object, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyChangeEvent
Creates a new property changed event with an indication of the property index.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class<?>, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new instance of IndexedPropertyDescriptor.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Method, Method, Method, Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new instance of IndexedPropertyDescriptor.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Constructs a new instance of IndexedPropertyDescriptor.
indexList - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
IndexMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
This class combines the list and map interface.
IndexMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Create a new index map.
IndexMap(IndexMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Create a new index map.
IndexMap(List<K>, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Create a new index map using the specified collections as backup.
indexmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
The index map, key to position and size of value.
indexmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
The index map, key to position and size of value.
indexmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
The index map, key to position and size of value.
IndexMap.ListIndexMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Provide access to the index map via list interface.
IndexMap.MapIndexMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Provide access to the index map via map interface.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
indexOfFilename(String, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if a file name is contained.
indices - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
The index of the next result for a thread.
InequalityFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
InequalityFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
InequalityFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
InetAddressCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding InetAddress objects.
InetAddressCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.InetAddressCodec
INFMethodPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for method-based non-functional property providers such as services.
INFMixedPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface that combines property provider with method property provider.
info - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
The change identifier, e.g.
info - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
The optional info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener
The required service info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The required service info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The service info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
The service info.
INFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
INFORM_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
INFORM_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
infos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The provided service infos.
INFProperty<T,U> - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
A non-functional property.
INFProperty.Target - Enum in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
INFPropertyComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature for non-functional properties.
INFPropertyMetaInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Meta information about a non-functional property.
INFPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for non-functional property providers such as services and components.
INFRPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for required service proxies.
INHERIT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The inherit constant.
inhexpressions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The methods for checking inhibitions.
inhibitGoal(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Inhibit a goal by making it an option.
inhibitions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The inhibited goal types.
inhibitions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
The set of inhibitors.
inhibits(RGoal, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Test if this goal inhibits the other.
inhmethods - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The methods for checking inhibitions.
inhnames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The inhnames.
init(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Initialize the remote file system view such that home, default and current directory as well as roots are available.
init(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Init the strategy.
init(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IDeliberationStrategy
Init the strategy.
init() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Init the beliefbase.
init(IModelContainer, MActivity, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
Once called to init the component.
init(IModelContainer, MActivity, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
Once called to init the component.
init() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init(Future<Object>, Method, Object[], Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Init to share code.
init(Future<Object>, Method, Object[], Method) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexCollector
Init the collector.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Init the call distributor.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Start the distributor.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Start the distributor.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Init the required services
init(IExternalAccess, IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppGui
init() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the initialization of the component.
init() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Initialize the extension.
init(IEnvironmentSpace, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Init the space.
init(IEnvironmentSpace, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Init the space.
init(IEnvironmentSpace, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Init the space.
init(IEnvironmentSpace, Map) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.IDataView
Initialize the view.
init(IEnvironmentSpace, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
Set the space of this view.
init() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Initialize the extension.
INIT_EXPRESSIONS_METHOD_PREFIX - Static variable in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
initBDIModelAfterClassLoading(BDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Do model initialization that can only be done after class reading.
initDefaultArguments() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
initDefaultResults() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
inited - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Is the agent inited and allowed to execute rules?
InitEventPublisher - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
InitEventPublisher(Object, EventType, EventType, EventType, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
initEvents(IBDIModel, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Init the event, when loaded from xml.
initEvents(MParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Init the event, when loaded from xml.
initEvents(MParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Init the event, when loaded from xml.
INITIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Initial buffer size.
initialavatars - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Initial avatar settings (cid -> [type, props]).
initialbeliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The initial beliefs.
initialcapabilities - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The initial capabilities (capability name->initial configuration name).
initialevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The initial events.
initialgoals - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The initial goals.
initialize() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
initialize() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Initializes all transient fields of this instance, called by constructors and readObject().
initialize(Class<?>, Object, Object, Encoder) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate
Initializes the new instance in the new environment so that it becomes equivalent with the old one, meanwhile recording this process in the encoder.
initialize(Class<?>, Object, Object, Encoder) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PersistenceDelegate
Produces a series of expressions and statements for the initialization of a bean object's properties.
initialize(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
Initializes the plugin.
initialize(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
initializeBeanContextResources() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
initializeBeanContextResources() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Called after the parent context is updated.
initialplans - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
The initial plans.
initialsteps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The initial steps.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The initiator id.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The initiator id.
initKeystore(KeyStore, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Init keystore with a self-signed certificate.
initNFProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Init the non-functional properties (todo: move to other location?)
initParameters(Map<String, Object>, MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Create the parameters from model spec.
initRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier, RootComponentConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Init the rescue thread for a platform..
initService(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Init a service, i.e.
initServices(Iterator<IInternalService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Init the services one by one.
initSpace() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create a space.
initSpaceObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object in this space.
initSpaceObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Init an object in this space.
initSpaceObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Init an object in this space.
initSpaceObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Init an object in this space.
initSpaceObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Init an object in this space.
initTimer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
injected - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
The flag if the property has been injected to the root component.
injectPropertyToRootComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Inject the property to the root component.
innerclassnamecache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Inner class name lookup cache.
input - Variable in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
The input stream.
input_stream - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
inputStream - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
insert(MutableTreeNode, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Adds child to the receiver at index.
insertChildAt(int, TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Inserts a node at the specified position in the child list.
insertElement(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Insert an element into the list.
insertRow(int, Object[], Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Insert a row at a position.
insertRow(int, List, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Insert a row at a position.
insertString(int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
installRemoteCMSListener(IExternalAccess, IComponentIdentifier, IRemoteChangeListener, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Install the remote listener.
instance - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
instance - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
The instance.
instance - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
The process instance.
instance - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The Bpmn instance.
instance - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The component instance.
instance - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The version info singleton.
instance - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
The factor instance
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Default Instance
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Default Instance
instance - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
The default cloner.
instanceOf(TreeTableNodeType) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Check if this node is an instance of the given treetable node type.
instanceOf(Object, Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Is an object instanceof a class or its superclasses.
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The instanceof operator.
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
instantiate(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Obtains an instance of a JavaBean specified the bean name using the specified class loader.
instantiate(ClassLoader, String, BeanContext) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Obtains an instance of a JavaBean specified the bean name using the specified class loader, and adds the instance into the specified bean context.
instantiate(Object, Encoder) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate
Returns an expression that represents a call to the bean's constructor.
instantiate(Object, Encoder) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PersistenceDelegate
Constructs an expression for instantiating an object of the same type as the old instance.
instantiateChild(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
instantiateChild(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
INT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
INTEGER_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Integer converter.
INTEGER_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
IntelligentProxyInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor for realizing intelligent proxies.
IntelligentProxyInterceptor(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
inter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
INTERACTION_CANCELLED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Interaction state cancelled.
INTERACTION_FINISHED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Interaction state finished.
INTERACTION_INITIAL - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Interaction state initial (not yet started).
INTERACTION_RUNNING - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Interaction state running.
interaction_state - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The interaction state.
InteractionGoalCreationPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
This plan has the purpose to map incoming initial protocol message (e.g.
InteractionGoalCreationPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionGoalCreationPlan
InteractionState - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
The state of the execution of an interaction.
InteractionState() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Create a new interaction state in default initial state "running".
InteractionTestPlugin - Class in
InteractionTestPlugin() - Constructor for class
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The list of interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The service interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The list of interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The list of interceptors.
intermediate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Flag indicating that addIntermediateResult()has been called.
IntermediateComponentResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
Intermediate listener that invokes listeners on component thread.
IntermediateComponentResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
IntermediateDefaultResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
The default listener for just printing out result information.
IntermediateDefaultResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDefaultResultListener(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate version of the delegation result listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>, boolean, IFunctionalResultListener<Collection<E>>, IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Exception delegation listener for intermediate futures.
IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
intermediateExceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Method that can be overridden to do sth.
IntermediateFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Default implementation of an intermediate future.
IntermediateFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done.
IntermediateFuture(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done.
IntermediateFuture(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done (failed).
IntermediateFutureIterator<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Helper class for iterating over the results of an intermediate future.
IntermediateFutureIterator(IIntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFutureIterator
Create an intermediate future iterator.
IntermediateMethodResultListener(Future, Method, Object[], Method) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Create a new listener.
IntermediateProxyResultListener(IntermediateFuture<T>, IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Constructor for class
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(S) - Method in class
Process intermediate results for ranking.
intermediateResultAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
intermediateResultAvailable(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when a service has been found.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Method that can be overridden to do sth.
intermediateResultAvailable(TupleResult) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultTuple2ResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFunctionalIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDefaultResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IOnIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Call customIntermediateResultAvailable() on swing thread.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IUndoneIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Listener that is called on intermediate results.
intermediateResultListener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Custom functional result listener
IntermediateResultUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException
Create a new exception.
IntermediateResultUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException
Create a new exception.
internalaccess - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Internal access to its component.
InternalAccessAdapter - Class in jadex.bridge
Internal access adapter.
InternalAccessAdapter(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Create a new adapter.
internalCheck(ServiceInvocationContext, String, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Internal check method that calls verify on
internaleventmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
The internal event mappings.
internalevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
internalGetValues() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
internalGetValues() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
internalLoadPlugins(List) - Method in class
internalName(String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Convert a name to internal form for capability separator.
internalSetParameterValue(String, Object, Object, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the value of a parameter.
internalSetRawModel(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the kernel-specific model.
IntervalBehavior<T> - Class in jadex.micro
Automatically reinvokes send method in intervals determined by the delay (in state).
IntervalBehavior(IInternalAccess, long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Create a new lease time handling object.
IntervalBehavior.StepResultListener<E,F> - Class in jadex.micro
intro - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Bean introspector for inspecting beans.
intro - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
Bean introspector for inspecting beans.
intro - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Bean introspector for inspecting beans.
IntrospectionException - Exception in jadex.commons.beans
IntrospectionException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.beans.IntrospectionException
Introspector - Class in jadex.commons.beans
The Introspector is a utility for developers to figure out which properties, events, and methods a JavaBean supports.
introspector - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
The bean introspector.
introspector - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
The bean introspector (also scans for public fields).
INTROSPECTOR_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
IntrospectorPlugin - Class in
The Introspector
IntrospectorPlugin() - Constructor for class
intToBytes(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an integer to bytes.
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
When called, all values are recalculated.
inversionFlag_ - Variable in class
Axis inversion flag
invertxaxis - Variable in class
Flag if the x-axis should be inverted
invertxaxis - Variable in class
Flag if the x-axis should be inverted
invertyaxis - Variable in class
Flag if the y-axis should be inverted
invertyaxis - Variable in class
Flag if the y-axis should be inverted
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
Called when a method is invoked on a proxy.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
A proxy method has been invoked.
invoke(IServiceIdentifier, ServiceInvocationContext, int, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
invoke(IServiceIdentifier, ServiceInvocationContext, IServiceIdentifier, IExternalAccess, ITargetResolver, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Called when a method is invoked.
invoke(Object, Method, List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Invoke the next interceptor.
invoke() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Invoke the next interceptor.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
Called on method invocation.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class
Called when a wrapper method is invoked.
invokeBulkSetMethod(String[], String, List<Object>, Object, AReadContext, Object, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Set a value directly on a Java bean.
invokeConstructor(Class, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Find and invoke a constructor.
invokeDoubleMethod(ServiceInvocationContext, ServiceInfo, Method, Class<? extends Annotation>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Invoke double methods.
invokeHandlers(IMessageAdapter) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIMessageStep
Extracted to allow overriding behaviour.
invokeHandlers(IConnection) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature.HandleBDIStreamStep
Extracted to allow overriding behaviour.
invokeJson(IInternalAccess, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class
Invokes the REST service for a JSON response.
invokeJson(IInternalAccess, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, String, Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class
Invokes the REST service for a JSON response.
invokeJson(IInternalAccess, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Invokes the REST service for a JSON response.
invokeJson(IInternalAccess, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class
Invokes the REST service for a JSON response.
invokeLater(Runnable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.ISynchronizator
Add an action from external thread.
invokeLater(Runnable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Use SwingUtilities to put the given runnable in the AWT Event queue.
invokeMethod(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
Invoke a method.
invokeMethod(Object, Class, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Find and invoke a method.
InvokeMethodStep(ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
Create an invoke method step.
InvokeMethodTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Task for invoking a method with parameters and optionally storing the result as parameter value in the context.
InvokeMethodTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.InvokeMethodTask
invokeService(IInternalAccess, String, String, String, List<Object>, ITaskContext, Object, Method) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Invoke the service.
invokeSetMethod(String[], String, Object, Object, AReadContext, Object, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Set a value directly on a Java bean.
invokeSynchronized(Runnable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.ISynchronizator
Invoke some code synchronized with other behavior.
IObjectCreator - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport
IObjectLinker - Interface in jadex.xml.reader
Interface for sequential linker.
IObjectListener - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
IObjectObjectConverter - Interface in jadex.xml
Interface for converters that convert an object to another object.
IObjectReaderHandler - Interface in jadex.xml.reader
Interface for object reader handler.
IObjectSource - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
An object source is used from a data provider to fetch all objects from a data source.
IObjectStringConverter - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation
Interface for converters that convert an object to a string.
IObjectTask - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for a task of an object.
IObjectWriterHandler - Interface in jadex.xml.writer
Interface for an object writer handler.
IObserverCenter - Interface in
IObserverCenterPlugin - Interface in
Interface for observer plugins.
IOfferGenerator - Interface in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
The interface for calculating offers of auctions (e.g.
IOnIntermediateResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IOTA - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
IOTA - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode for returning a single matching element.
IOutputConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for output connection.
IParameter - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The interface for parameters.
IParameterConverter - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
IParameterElement - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The internal interface for all elements with parameters.
IParameterGuesser - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for parameter guessers.
IParameterMapper - Interface in
The parameter mapper interface is used for mappers that take as input a parameter array and produce a converted one as output (n:m).
IParameterSet - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Interface for all parameter sets.
IParsedExpression - Interface in jadex.javaparser
An expression, that can be evaluated in a given state.
IPerceptGenerator - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for percept generators.
IPerceptProcessor - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for percept processors.
IPersistenceService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
Service for basic component persistence features.
IPersistInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Interface for a persistable component state to be used from the outside (e.g.
IPerspective - Interface in
A perspective responsible for displaying information gathered using a view.
IPlan - Interface in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
User interface for plans.
IPlanbase - Interface in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The programmers interface for a plan base.
IPlatformComponentAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Interface for operations on the component to be called from the platform.
IPojoComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature to retrieve a pojo for the component.
IPoolStrategy - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for pool strategies.
IPostProcessor - Interface in jadex.xml
Post-processes objects after an XML has been loaded.
IPostProcessorCall - Interface in jadex.xml.reader
Interface used to schedule post processor calls.
IPreferences - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.context
Interface for Android Shared Preferences.
IPreProcessor - Interface in jadex.xml
Pre-processes objects before writing them to XML.
IPriorityComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
A priority component step can define an execution priority.
IPropertiesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
This features provides properties, i.e.
IPropertiesProvider - Interface in jadex.commons
Component that allows its properties being saved and restored.
IProperty - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.df
IPropertyMetaData - Interface in jadex.commons.meta
IPropertyMetaDataSet - Interface in jadex.commons.meta
IPropertyObject - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for property-holding objects.
IProposalEvaluator - Interface in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Interface used by default plans of the protocols capability for evaluating proposals, eg in iterated contract-net.
IProvidedServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Component feature for provided services.
IProxyAgentService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
Service for administration of proxy agents.
IProxyAgentService.State - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
The connection state.
IPublishService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
Service for publishing services in other technologies such as web services.
IPullIntermediateFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate future with pull mechanism.
IPullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate future with pull mechanism.
IQueryNextroundInfo - Interface in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Interface used by default plans of the protocols capability for collecting information for a next negotiation round eg in iterated contract-net.
IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
An object encapsulating the nextround info.
IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S> - Interface in
Decides when to start ranking results.
IRecoveryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
The recovery service is responsible for performing backups of the platform state and restore them at the next startup in case of platform failure.
IRegistryDataProvider - Interface in
Interface for the search functionality to get the registry data.
IRegistryEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Interface for registry events.
IRegistryListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Listener interface for local registry listeners.
IRegistrySynchronizationService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Service for registries that allows subscribing and following the state of the registry.
IRemotable - Interface in jadex.commons
Marker interface for remotable objects.
IRemoteChangeListener<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Remote version of the change listener.
IRemoteMessageListener - Interface in jadex.bridge
Message service listener interface.
IRemoteResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Remoteable version of the result listener interface.
IRemoteServiceManagementService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
Interface for remote management service.
IRequiredServiceFetcher - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Interface for fetching required services.
IRequiredServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Component feature for required services.
ires - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The intermediate results.
IResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for resource identification.
IResultCommand<T,E> - Interface in jadex.commons
Command with a result.
IResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IReturnValueCommand - Interface in jadex.xml
Interface for a command with return value.
IRootComponentConfiguration - Interface in jadex.base
IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM - Enum in jadex.base
Discovery names enum.
IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL - Enum in jadex.base
Kernel names enum.
IRulebaseEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRulebaseService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRuleEngineService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRuleService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
is - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
An InputStream to the connection.
is - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
The stream being decoded.
isAborted() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Indicate when the suite is aborted due to excessive run time.
isAborted() - Method in interface jadex.base.test.IAbortableTestSuite
isAborted() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Test if plan is aborted.
isAcceptable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Test if a proposal is acceptable.
isActive() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal
Test if the goal is in lifecyclestate 'active'.
isAgentClass(ClassNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check whether a given ClassNode is an Agent (or Capability) class.
isAgentOrCapa(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check whether a given Annotation marks an Agent or Capability.
isAlive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Check, if the platform is still alive.
isAll() - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Test the all flag .
isAll() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the all.
isAllowDuplicates() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Test if duplicates are allowed.
isAndroid - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Cached flag for android check.
isAndroid() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Test if running on android.
isAnnotationPresent(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
isAnnotationPresent(Field, Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
isAnnotationPresent(Method, Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
isAnnotationPresent(Constructor<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractApplicableInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IServiceInvocationInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BigIntegerCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BigIntegerCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CalendarCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CertificateCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ClassCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.CollectionCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ColorCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DateCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumerationCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EnumerationCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecoderHandler
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ImageCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ImageCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.InetAddressCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.InetAddressCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyMethodInfoEncoder
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyMethodInfoEncoder
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LoggingLevelCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LoggingLevelCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LogRecordCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LogRecordCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MethodCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MethodCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.OptionalCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.RectangleCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.RectangleCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StackTraceElementCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StackTraceElementCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TimestampCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TimestampCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URICodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URICodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URLCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URLCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.UUIDCodec
Tests if the decoder can decode the class.
isApplicable(Object, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.UUIDCodec
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ArrayProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BigIntegerProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CloneProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CollectionProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ColorProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DateProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.EnumerationProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeSwingProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.FilterProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImmutableProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IteratorProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ITraverseProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ListProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.LogRecordProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MapProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MultiCollectionProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.OptionalProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.RectangleProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SetProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TimestampProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TupleProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isApplicable(Object, Type, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.UUIDProcessor
Test if the processor is applicable.
isArray() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Test if parameter is of array type.
isArrayBelief() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Test if belief is of array type.
isAuthenticated(Annotation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Check if an annotation belongs to the supported types of pre/postconditions.
isAutoRotation() - Method in class
isAutoShutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the autoshutdown.
isAutoShutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the auto shutdown flag.
isAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Test if there is a panel for a object available.
isAwaFast() - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
isAwaFast() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
isAwaFast() - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
isBasicType(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Is basic type.
isBasicType(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Test if a value is a basic type.
isBasicType(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Test is a value is a basic type (and can be mapped to an attribute).
isBound() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
isBreakpoint(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Check if a rule is a breakpoint for the interpreter.
isBuiltInType(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Test if a clazz is a built-in type.
isBulkLink() - Method in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Get the bulklink.
isBulkLink() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Test if the object should be bulk linked.
isCanceled() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Gets the canceled.
isCanceled() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Is the current task canceled?
isCardinalityOne() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Get the cardinalityone.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Returns false.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
By default, make the column with the Tree in it the only editable one.
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
Test if a cell is editable
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Returns true if there is a setter method name for column column.
isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
This is overridden to forward the event to the tree.
isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Indicates whether the the value for node node, at column number column is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
isChildProcess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the childProcess.
isClassLoaderCompatible(Class<?>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
isClosed() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Check if the queue is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Check if the queue is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Check if the queue is closed.
isColumnChangeable(TableColumn) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Checks whether the specified column can change visibility.
isColumnChangeable(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Checks whether the specified column can change visibility.
isColumnEditable(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Get the editability of the column.
isColumnExcluded(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Check if nodes of this type should have a value for the given column.
isColumnVisible(TableColumn) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Checks whether the specified column is currently visible.
isColumnVisible(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Checks whether the specified column is currently visible.
isComplexColumn(int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
If this method returns true for a column index, the value of this column is only a indirection key for a other value annotation.
isComponentStepNecessary(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check if a component is necessary.
isComponentStepNecessary(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Check if a component is necessary.
isComponentThread() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
isComponentThread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Test if current thread is the component thread.
isConstant() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get if the node is constant.
isConstrained() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
isContinuosly() - Method in class
isConversationIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
True, if this parameter can be used to identify an ongoing conversation.
isCorrectAnonymousInnerClass(Class<?>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Test if a class is the correct inner class.
isCreate() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the create.
isCreateAvatar() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Should avatar be created.
isCreateComponent() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Should component be created.
isCreateFromTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Test if object should be created from tag name.
isCreateFromTag() - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Get the createfromtag.
isCurrentQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Test if the search is still the current one.
isCurrentServiceInvalidNow() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
isDaemon() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the daemon.
isDaemon() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Is the component a daemon.
isDeclarative() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the declarative.
isDecodableToSameType(Object, Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Test if a value is decodable to the same type.
isDecodableToSameType(Object, Object, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Test if a value is decodable to the same type.
isDelegated() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
isDesignTime() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isDesignTime() - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Determine if it's in design-mode.
isDesignTime() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.DesignMode
isDirectory() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
isDirectory() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the directory.
isDoFilter() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
isDoFilter() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
isDone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Test if done, i.e.
isDone() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Test if done, i.e.
isDoSort() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
isDownload() - Method in class
Check if transfer is a download or upload.
isDue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Check if this event is due and should be sent.
isDynamic() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the dynamic.
isDynamic() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is dynamic.
isDynamic() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is dynamic.
isDynamic() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the dynamic.
isDynamic() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
isDynamic() - Method in class
ISearchConstraints - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for search constraints.
ISecurityService - Interface in
The security service is responsible for validating (remote) requests.
iSelectedIndex - Variable in class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
ISelector - Interface in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Interface for checking the acceptance of proposals.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Test if waitqueue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Tests if the map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns whether this map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns whether this map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns whether this map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Test if empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Returns true if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Check if empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
isEnhanced(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Returns whether a class is already enhanced.
IService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
The interface for platform services.
IServiceEvaluator - Interface in
IServiceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Interface for service identifier.
IServiceInvocationInterceptor - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Service invocation interceptor interface.
IServiceRanker<S> - Interface in
Interfaces for non-functional ranking mechanism for services.
IServiceRegistry - Interface in
Interface for a service registry.
ISettingsService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.settings
This service allows storing and retrieving settings for specific components or services.
isEvent() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
isExecuting() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Test if context is executing.
isExists() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the exists flag.
isExpanded(TreePath) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Test if a path is expanded or should be.
isExpert() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
isExpired() - Method in class
Get the protected state.
isExpired(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Test if a cache entry is expired.
isExported() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the exported flag.
isExported() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
Get the exported.
isExported() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Get the exported flag.
isExpressionString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Check if string is an expression.
isExtendedBuiltInType(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Test if a clazz is a built-in type.
isExternalThread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Test if current thread is an external thread.
isExternalThread() - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.ISynchronizator
Check if the external thread is accessing.
isFailed() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Test if element is failed.
isFieldBelief() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Test if this belief refers to a field.
isFieldParameter() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Test if this belief refers to a field.
isFinished() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Is the test finished, i.e.
isFinished() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Test if goal is finished.
isFinished() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Check, if the process has terminated.
isFinished(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Check, if the process has terminated.
isFinished(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The context is finished, when there are no (more) threads to execute.
isFinished() - Method in class
Get the finished.
isFinished() - Method in class
Get the finished.
isFinished() - Method in class
Check if transfer is finished.
isFinished(IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
Check if a task is finished and should be removed.
isFinished(IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectTask
Check if a task is finished and should be removed.
isFinishing() - Method in class
Get the finished.
isFloppyDrive(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Check if a file represents a floppy.
isFloppyDrive(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Check if a file represents a floppy.
isFullscreen() - Method in class
isGetField(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
isGetField(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
isGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check whether a given Annotation marks a goal.
isGoalClass(ClassNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
isGridSpace(boolean) - Method in class
isGridSpace(boolean) - Method in interface
isGuiAvailable() - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Returns a boolean indication of whether or not a GUI is available for beans.
isGuiThread() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Test if a call is running on the swing thread.
isGuiThread() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if a call is running on a gui (e.g.
isHashGid(IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if the global id is non-null and a hash id.
isHasLightMaterials() - Method in class
isHidden() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
isIgnoreNextClassWrite() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
isIgnoreRead() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Is ignore read.
isIgnoreRead() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Is ignore read.
isIgnoreWrite() - Method in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Is ignore write.
isIgnoreWrite() - Method in class jadex.xml.AttributeInfo
Is ignore write.
ISimpleDelegationClassLoader - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for DexClassLoaders that are capable of delegating classloading requests.
ISimulationService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation
Interface for the time simulation service.
isInCategory(Object, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Test if an object belongs to a category.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in interface
Test if a service is included.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in interface
Test if a service is included.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in class
Test if a service is included.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in class
Test if a service is included.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in class
Test if a service is included.
isIncludeFields() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the includefields.
isIncludeMethods() - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Get the includemethods.
isInDefaultEventSet() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
isInhibited(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Test if goal is inhibited.
isInhibitedBy(RGoal, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Test if goal is inhibited by another goal.
isInited() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Get the inited.
isInitWrite() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
isInitWrite() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
isInitWrite() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
isInjected() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Get the injected.
isInputValid() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Test if the input is valid with regards to the text.
isInRange(Date, Date, Date) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if the date is in the range.
isInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Determine if the the specified bean object can be viewed as the specified type.
isInvalid() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Get the invalid.
isIterable(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Test if object is some kind of collection.
isIterableClass(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Test if class is some kind of collection.
isIterated() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Test if it is the iterated contract-net version.
isIterated() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
Test if it is the iterated contract-net version.
isJadexRid(IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if a rid refers to one of the jadex platform modules, i.e.
isJavaSourceFilename(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if a file is a Java source file.
isKdTree() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
isKeyFromParent() - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
Get the keyfromparent.
isKillAvatar() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Should avatar be killed.
isKillComponent() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Should component being killed.
isLazy() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Get the lazy.
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
TreeModel method to determine if a node is a leaf.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadConstant(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
isLoadConstant(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
isLocal(IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if a rid is local to this platform.
isLocalReference(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Test if is local reference.
isLoggedin() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Getter for loggedin
isLoop() - Method in class
isLoop() - Method in class
isMaster() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the master flag.
isMaster() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the master.
isMaster() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Is the component a master.
isMetagoal() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the metagoal.
isModelType(IExternalAccess, String, Collection<String>, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isMulti(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the multi.
isMulti(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the multi.
isMulti() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Gets if the publishing should be done on multiple publishing services.
isMulti() - Method in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Test if it is a multi subobject.
isMultiple() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the multiple.
isNative(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
isNative(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
isNoAuthentication() - Method in class
Get the noAuthentication.
ISO8601UTCFALLBACKS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
ISO8601 fallbacks assuming UTC.
ISO8601ZONEDFALLBACKS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
ISO8601 fallbacks with included timezone.
isOptional() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Get the optional flag.
isOrSuccess() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the flag if is or success.
ISorterFilterTableModel - Interface in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
ISpaceAction - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for space actions.
ISpaceController - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Importand Interfance connects the Abstract Space with the 3d MonkeyWorld
ISpaceExecutor - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
A space executor is responsible for executing an environment in a certain manner (e.g.
ISpaceObject - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Interface for a space object.
ISpaceProcess - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Space process interface.
isPaintable() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
isPaintable() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
isParameterCopy(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Check if the parameter copy flag is set for a platform.
isParameterCopy(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Check if the parameter copy flag is set for a platform.
isPassed() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Test if plan is passed.
isPausedDisplaying() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
isPerformed() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Check if this test case has been performed and is finished.
isPersistable() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the persistable flag.
isPersistable() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the persistable flag.
isPlan(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check whether a given Annotation marks a plan.
isPlanClass(ClassNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
isPlanMethod(MethodNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
isPositional() - Method in class
isPostToAll() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Test if is posttoall.
isPredefined() - Method in class
isPreferred() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
isPrePostCondition(Annotation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check if an annotation belongs to the supported types of pre/postconditions.
isPrivateMessage() - Method in class
Get the privatemessage.
isPropagated() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
isProposalAcceptable(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Check if a proposal is acceptable.
isProtected() - Method in class
Get the protected state.
isProvidedServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if a service is a provided service proxy.
isPutField(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
isPutField(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
isQuery() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Get the query.
isRandomSelection() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Test if is random selection.
isReadable() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Tests if the property is readable.
isReady() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Check if the process is ready, i.e.
isReady(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Check if the process is ready, i.e.
isRealtime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Test if handler should be real time.
isRealtime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is real time.
isRealtime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is real time.
isRealtime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the realtime flag.
isRealtime() - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Test if handler should be real time.
isRealtimeTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Check if the real time timeout flag is set for a platform.
isRealtimeTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Check if the real time timeout flag is set for a platform.
isRebuild() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Test if rebuild APL.
isRecover() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the recover.
isRecur() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Test if is recur.
isRedirectable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
isRefresh() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Test if jar should refresh its content.
isRelativePosition() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative positioning.
isRelativePosition() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative positioning.
isRelativeRotation() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative rotation.
isRelativeRotation() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative rotation.
isRelativeSize() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative scaling.
isRelativeSize() - Method in class
Tests if primitive is using relative scaling.
isRemote() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Test if remote.
isRemote() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get the remote.
isRemoteCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Test if a call is remote.
isRemoteExcluded() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Is the local platform excluded by the remote platform?
isRemoteObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Test if an object is a remote object.
isRemoteReference(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Test if is remote reference.
isRemove() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Test if handler should be removed.
isRemove() - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Test if handler should be removed.
isReply(RMessageEvent, RMessageEvent) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Test is a message is a reply of another message.
isRequired() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Check if the handler is for a required service proxy.
isRequiredServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if a service is a required service proxy.
isRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Test if the current thread is the rescue thread of the platform.
isResolved() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Test if the jar is already resolved, ie.
isResult() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Get the result flag.
isResult() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
Get the result.
isRetry() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Test if is retry.
isReturn(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
isReturn(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
isReturnValueLocalReference(Method, boolean) - Static method in class
Test if return value is local reference.
isReturnValueRemoteReference(Method, boolean) - Static method in class
Get the copy info for method parameters.
isRigDebug() - Method in class
isRnd() - Method in class
isRoot() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Test if this is the real jar (not a contained file).
isRotation3d() - Method in class
isRunning() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Check if the executor is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool
Test if the thread pool is running.
isRunning() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Test if the thread pool is running.
isRunning() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Test if the thread pool is running.
isSelected() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
isSelected() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableAction
Determine if the checkbox should be selected.
isSerializing() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if this context is currently being serialized (by another thread).
isServiceClass(Class) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
isSet() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Get the set.
isShader() - Method in class
isShowEntriesCount() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Test if number of entries is shown.
isShowing() - Method in class
Checks if this IViewport is showing on screen.
isShowing() - Method in class
Checks if this IViewport is showing on screen.
isShowing() - Method in interface
Checks if this IViewport is showing on screen.
isShutdown() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Get the shutdown.
isSorting() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
isSphere() - Method in class
isSsl() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Is ssl connection?
isSsl() - Method in class
Is ssl connection?
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Is the model startable.
isStartable() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Is the model startable.
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartOnLoad() - Method in class
Should plugin be started on load.
isStartOnLoad() - Method in class
Should plugin be started on load.
isStartOnLoad() - Method in class
Should plugin be started on load.
isStartOnLoad() - Method in interface
Should plugin be started on load.
isStartOnLoad() - Method in class
Should plugin be started on load.
isStartRanking(Collection<S>, IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class
Decides if the search should start ranking.
isStartRanking(Collection<S>, IServiceEvaluator) - Method in interface
Decides if the search should terminate and the ranking should start.
isStartScreen() - Method in class
isStartTls() - Method in class
Get the starttls.
isStepmode() - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Test if in stepmode.
isStringConvertableType(Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Test if the class is automatically convertable from/to a string.
isSucceeded() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Have all component tests succeeded.
isSucceeded() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Has the test succeeded.
isSucceeded() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Test if element is succeeded.
isSupertype(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Check if a class is a supertype of, or the same as another class.
isSupported(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Test if publishing a specific type is supported (e.g.
isSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the suspend flag.
isSwitchCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Check if a switch call should be done.
isSwitchCall() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.ISwitchCall
Check if a switch call should be done.
isSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the synchronous flag.
isSynchronous() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the synchronous flag.
isSystemComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Test if it is a system component.
isSystemComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Test if it is a system component.
IStarterConfiguration - Interface in jadex.base
IStepHandler - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Handles the transition of steps.
ISteppable - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for components that can be executed in stepmode.
isTestcase(String, IExternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check if a component model can be started as test case.
isTreeExpanded(JTree, TreePath) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Test if a tree node is expanded or should be.
IStringObjectConverter - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation
Type converter for converting a string to another type.
isTrustedLanMode() - Method in interface
Get the trusted lan mode.
isTypeCompatible(Object, ObjectInfo, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Test if a value is compatible with the defined typeinfo.
isTypeCompatible(Object, ObjectInfo, IContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Test if a value is compatible with the defined typeinfo.
ISubcomponentsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Allows a component to have subcomponents.
ISubObjectConverter - Interface in jadex.xml
Converter for subobjects.
ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
The subscription intermediate future does not save the results but instead uses a fire and forget semantics.
isUndone(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter the undone flag.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Get the undone.
isUnicast() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
isUnique() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Get the unique.
isUpdating() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Get the updating.
isUseAlpha() - Method in class
isUsePassword() - Method in interface
Check if password protection is enabled.
ISuspendable - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface for suspendable entities.
isUTF8(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if starts with UTF-8 BOM.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.DropGoalAction
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.FindApplicableCandidatesAction
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.SelectCandidatesAction
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.PlanFinishedTaskCondition
Get the current state of the condition.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
Test if the action is valid.
isValid(ProcessThread, IParsedExpression, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayORActivityHandler
Safely evaluate a branch expression.
isValid(ProcessThread, IParsedExpression, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayXORActivityHandler
Safely evaluate a branch expression.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Test if the timed object is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConditionalComponentStep
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Test if the service is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Test if the service is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBooleanCondition
Get the current state of the condition.
isValid(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IValidator
Return true when the given object is valid.
isValue() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Get the value.
isVisible() - Method in class
Should plugin be visible.
isVisible() - Method in class
Should plugin be visible.
isVisible() - Method in class
Should plugin be visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface
Should plugin be visible.
isVisible() - Method in class
Should plugin be visible.
isWaiting() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Is the process in a waiting state (i.e.
isWaiting() - Method in class
Get the waiting flag.
isWaitingFor(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
Test if this wait abstraction is waiting for the element.
ISwapService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
The swap service is responsible for swapping idle components to/from disk in order to save memory.
isWireframe() - Method in class
ISwitchCall - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Interface for determining if the method invocation interceptor should do a switch call, i.e.
isWritable() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Tests if the property is writable.
ISynchronizator - Interface in jadex.commons.concurrent
Synchronize some behavior.
ITableDataConsumer - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
A table data consumer is triggered to consume data.
ITableDataProvider - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
A table data provider is used for collecting data on demand, i.e.
ITargetResolver - Interface in jadex.bridge
The target resolver is used to determine dynamically a new service target by an intelligent proxy.
itargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The arguments.
ITaskExecutionService - Interface in jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask
iter - Variable in class jadex.commons.IterableIteratorWrapper
The iterator.
IterableIteratorWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.commons
Needed because Java does not support enhanced for loop with Iterator elements :-( why? Only Iterable is supported.
IterableIteratorWrapper(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IterableIteratorWrapper
Create a new wrapper.
IterableStringMapper - Class in
The iterable string mapper can be used to map an object that can be iterated over (e.g.
IterableStringMapper() - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
IterableStringMapper(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
IterableStringMapper(String, IValueMapper) - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
IterableStringMapper(String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
IterableStringMapper(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
IterableStringMapper(String, String, String, IValueMapper) - Constructor for class
Create a new string mapper.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an iterator of children of this context, with remove() disabled.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Return an iteration over the elements in the set.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
iterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.IterableIteratorWrapper
Get the iterator.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
IteratorProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Processor for handling iterators.
IteratorProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IteratorProcessor
iteratorToArray(Iterator<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an iterator to an array.
iteratorToList(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an iterator to a list.
iteratorToList(Iterator<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an iterator to a list.
ITerminableFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface for a future that can be terminated from caller side.
ITerminableIntermediateFuture<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Interface for an intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
ITerminationCommand - Interface in jadex.commons.future
A command to customize termination of a terminable future.
IThreadPool - Interface in jadex.commons.concurrent
Common interface for different thread pool implementations.
IThreadPoolService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
Interface for threadpool service.
ITimedObject - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface for objects that are interested in timepoints.
ITimer - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface for a timer.
ITransferableStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
Marker interface for transferable component steps.
ITransportAddressService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.address
Service that manages the platform transport addresses.
ITransportComponentIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
ITraverseProcessor - Interface in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Interface for traverse processors.
its - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
The data collections.
ITuple2Future<E,F> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
A tuple future has a defined number of results of possibly different types.
ITuple2ResultListener<E,F> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
Listener for tuple2 futures.
ITypedPropertyObject - Interface in jadex.commons.meta
IUndoneIntermediateResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
IUndoneResultListener<E> - Interface in jadex.commons.future
IValidator - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface that can be used for validation, e.g., of text in a textfield.
IValueFetcher - Interface in jadex.commons
Interface for fetching a predefined value.
IValueMapper - Interface in
The value mapper interface.
IVector1 - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
IVector2 - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Interface for cartesian 2-vectors NOTE: All operations on the vector are destructive and the instance returned is the same as the one whose method was called.
IVector3 - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Interface for cartesian 2-vectors NOTE: All operations on the vector are destructive and the instance returned is the same as the one whose method was called.
IViewport - Interface in
This class manages the GUI and all user interaction.
IViewport3d - Interface in
IViewportListener - Interface in
Listener for viewport user events
IVisibilityTableColumnModel - Interface in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
User: Ruediger Leppin Date: 26.11.2003 Time: 01:52:25
IWebPublishService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
IXMLReader - Interface in jadex.xml.reader


jadex.base - package jadex.base
jadex.base.test - package jadex.base.test
jadex.bdi.planlib - package jadex.bdi.planlib
jadex.bdi.planlib.df - package jadex.bdi.planlib.df
jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps - package jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps
jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging - package jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging - package
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction
jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe - package jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe
jadex.bdi.planlib.test - package jadex.bdi.planlib.test
jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog - package jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
jadex.bdibpmn.task - package jadex.bdibpmn.task
jadex.bdiv3 - package jadex.bdiv3
jadex.bdiv3.actions - package jadex.bdiv3.actions
jadex.bdiv3.annotation - package jadex.bdiv3.annotation
jadex.bdiv3.asm - package jadex.bdiv3.asm
jadex.bdiv3.exceptions - package jadex.bdiv3.exceptions
jadex.bdiv3.features - package jadex.bdiv3.features
jadex.bdiv3.model - package jadex.bdiv3.model
jadex.bdiv3.runtime - package jadex.bdiv3.runtime
jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers - package jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
jadex.bdiv3x - package jadex.bdiv3x
jadex.bdiv3x.features - package jadex.bdiv3x.features
jadex.bdiv3x.runtime - package jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
jadex.bpmn - package jadex.bpmn
jadex.bpmn.features - package jadex.bpmn.features
jadex.bpmn.runtime - package jadex.bpmn.runtime
jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor
jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask
jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ui - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ui
jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist
jadex.bpmn.runtime.task - package jadex.bpmn.runtime.task - package
jadex.bridge - package jadex.bridge
jadex.bridge.component - package jadex.bridge.component
jadex.bridge.fipa - package jadex.bridge.fipa
jadex.bridge.modelinfo - package jadex.bridge.modelinfo
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints - package
jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu - package jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
jadex.bridge.sensor.mac - package jadex.bridge.sensor.mac
jadex.bridge.sensor.memory - package jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
jadex.bridge.sensor.service - package jadex.bridge.sensor.service
jadex.bridge.sensor.time - package jadex.bridge.sensor.time
jadex.bridge.sensor.unit - package jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
jadex.bridge.service - package jadex.bridge.service
jadex.bridge.service.annotation - package jadex.bridge.service.annotation
jadex.bridge.service.component - package jadex.bridge.service.component
jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors - package jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke - package jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke - package
jadex.bridge.service.types.address - package jadex.bridge.service.types.address
jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore - package jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness - package jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness - package
jadex.bridge.service.types.cli - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cli
jadex.bridge.service.types.clock - package jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
jadex.bridge.service.types.cms - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
jadex.bridge.service.types.context - package jadex.bridge.service.types.context
jadex.bridge.service.types.cron - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon - package jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
jadex.bridge.service.types.df - package jadex.bridge.service.types.df
jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules - package jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules - package
jadex.bridge.service.types.execution - package jadex.bridge.service.types.execution
jadex.bridge.service.types.factory - package jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer - package jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
jadex.bridge.service.types.library - package jadex.bridge.service.types.library
jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal - package jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal
jadex.bridge.service.types.message - package jadex.bridge.service.types.message
jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring - package jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence - package jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
jadex.bridge.service.types.publish - package jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
jadex.bridge.service.types.registry - package jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
jadex.bridge.service.types.remote - package jadex.bridge.service.types.remote - package
jadex.bridge.service.types.settings - package jadex.bridge.service.types.settings
jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation - package jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation
jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool - package jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
jadex.commons - package jadex.commons
jadex.commons.beans - package jadex.commons.beans
jadex.commons.beans.beancontext - package jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
jadex.commons.collection - package jadex.commons.collection
jadex.commons.collection.wrappers - package jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
jadex.commons.concurrent - package jadex.commons.concurrent
jadex.commons.concurrent.java5 - package jadex.commons.concurrent.java5
jadex.commons.functional - package jadex.commons.functional
jadex.commons.future - package jadex.commons.future
jadex.commons.gui - package jadex.commons.gui
jadex.commons.gui.autocombo - package jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
jadex.commons.gui.future - package jadex.commons.gui.future
jadex.commons.gui.jtable - package jadex.commons.gui.jtable
jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable - package jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
jadex.commons.meta - package jadex.commons.meta - package
jadex.commons.transformation - package jadex.commons.transformation
jadex.commons.transformation.annotations - package jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer - package jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
jadex.commons.transformation.traverser - package jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
jadex.extension.agr - package jadex.extension.agr
jadex.extension.envsupport - package jadex.extension.envsupport
jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview - package jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
jadex.extension.envsupport.environment - package jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d - package jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action - package jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action
jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d - package jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action - package jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action
jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation - package jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
jadex.extension.envsupport.math - package jadex.extension.envsupport.math - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
jadex.gpmn.plan - package jadex.gpmn.plan
jadex.javaparser - package jadex.javaparser
jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl - package jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
jadex.micro - package jadex.micro
jadex.micro.annotation - package jadex.micro.annotation
jadex.micro.features - package jadex.micro.features
jadex.xml - package jadex.xml
jadex.xml.bean - package jadex.xml.bean
jadex.xml.reader - package jadex.xml.reader
jadex.xml.stax - package jadex.xml.stax
jadex.xml.writer - package jadex.xml.writer
JADEX_BINARY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JADEX_PROJECTS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The jadex project names.
JADEX_RAW - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JADEX_VERSION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
JADEX_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JadexAndroidEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.context
To create own events, just extend this class and add getters+setters for custom properties.
JadexAndroidEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.context.JadexAndroidEvent
JadexBDIGenerationException - Exception in jadex.bdiv3.exceptions
Created by kalinowski on 16.08.16.
JadexBDIGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bdiv3.exceptions.JadexBDIGenerationException
JadexBDIGenerationRuntimeException - Exception in jadex.bdiv3.exceptions
Created by kalinowski on 16.08.16.
JadexBDIGenerationRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bdiv3.exceptions.JadexBDIGenerationRuntimeException
JADEXDIR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Directory were jadex stores files generated during runtime, to be used for later runs.
JadexLocationWrapper - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Wraps a jadex.xml.ILocation Object to provide the API.
JadexLocationWrapper(ILocation) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.JadexLocationWrapper
JadexXMLReporterWrapper - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Wraps a jadex.xml.stax.XMLReporter Object to provide the API.
JadexXMLReporterWrapper(XMLReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.JadexXMLReporterWrapper
JarAsDirectory - Class in jadex.base
A directory-like representation of a jar file.
JarAsDirectory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file.
JarAsDirectory(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file entry.
JarAsDirectory(String, ZipEntry) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file entry.
jarentries - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
The map of jar entries.
jarpath - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The path of the jar file.
JAVA_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JavaCCExpressionParser - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
The jadex parser parses all types of expressions in ADF and queries.
JavaCCExpressionParser() - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCCExpressionParser
JavaCharStream - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
JavaCharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(Reader) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream, String, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
JavaCharStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
javacmd - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The path to the java command.
JavaReader - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Java specific reader that supports collection classes and arrays.
JavaReader() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
JavassistBDIClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
JavassistBDIClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.JavassistBDIClassGenerator
JavaThreadPool - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent.java5
A thread pool based on the java.util.concurrent package.
JavaThreadPool() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Create a new ThreadPool5.
JavaWriter - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Java specific reader that supports collection classes and arrays.
JavaWriter() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Create a new reader.
JCCPLATFORMS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Open JCC for specific remote platforms.
jjFillToken() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
jjtAddChild(Node, int) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
This method tells the node to add its argument to the node's list of children.
jjtAddChild(Node, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
JJTARGUMENTSNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTARRAYNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTBOOLEANNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTCASTNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
jjtClose() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
This method is called after all the child nodes have been added.
jjtClose() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
JJTCOLLECTIONNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTCOMPARENODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTCONDITIONALNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTCONSTANTNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
jjtGetChild(int) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
This method returns a child node.
jjtGetChild(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
jjtGetNumChildren() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
Return the number of children the node has.
jjtGetNumChildren() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
jjtGetParent() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
jjtGetParent() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
JJTMATHNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
jjtNodeName - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
jjtOpen() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
This method is called after the node has been made the current node.
jjtOpen() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
JJTPARAMETERNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTREFLECTNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTSELECTIONNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTSELECTNODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
jjtSetParent(Node) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.
jjtSetParent(Node) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
JJTTYPENODE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JJTVOID - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTreeConstants
JNA_LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class
JNA_NATIVE_LIB - Static variable in class
joinArbitraryArrays(Object[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Joins any arrays of (possibly) different type.
joinArrays(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Joins two arrays of the same type.
joinTypeInfos(Set<TypeInfo>) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Join sets of typeinfos.
joinTypeInfos(Set) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Join sets of typeinfos.
json - Variable in class
Receive json.
JSplitPanel - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Workaround for JSplitPane bug setDividerLocation() can only be called after component is visible.
JSplitPanel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Creates a new JSplitPane configured to arrange the child components side-by-side horizontally with no continuous layout, using two buttons for the components.
JSplitPanel(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Creates a new JSplitPane configured with the specified orientation and no continuous layout.
JSplitPanel(int, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Creates a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and redrawing style.
JSplitPanel(int, Component, Component) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Creates a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and with the specified components that do not do continuous redrawing.
JSplitPanel(int, boolean, Component, Component) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
Creates a new JSplitPane with the specified orientation and redrawing style, and with the specified components.
JTreeTable - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component, by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a particular column in the JTable.
JTreeTable(TreeTableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper extends DefaultTreeSelectionModel to listen for changes in the ListSelectionModel it maintains.
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
An editor that can be used to edit the tree column.
JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
A TreeCellRenderer that displays a JTree.
JTreeTableTest - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
A test usage of the tree table component.
JTreeTableTest() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTableTest
JValidatorTextField - Class in jadex.commons.gui
The validator text field allows to check the input and automatically underlines an invalid input with a red line (like an eclipse error).
JValidatorTextField() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new TextField.
JValidatorTextField(IValidator) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new TextField.
JValidatorTextField(String, IValidator) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text.
JValidatorTextField(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text.
JValidatorTextField(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified number of columns.
JValidatorTextField(String, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text and columns.
JValidatorTextField(Document, String, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Constructs a new JTextField that uses the given text storage model and the given number of columns.


k - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
The number of hash (functions).
KdNode - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Node for the k-dimensional-tree.
KdNode(List<ISpaceObject>, Random) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Generates a new KdNode with the given input using default configuration.
KdNode(List<ISpaceObject>, Random, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Generates a new KdNode with the given input.
KdNode(List<ISpaceObject>, Random, KdNode.IKdValueFetcher, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Generates a new KdNode with the given input.
KdNode.IKdValueFetcher - Interface in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Interface for hyperplane coordinate value fetchers.
KdNode.KdValueFetcherX - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Fetcher for the x-axis values.
KdNode.KdValueFetcherY - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Fetcher for the x-axis values.
KdTree - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Implementation of a 2D variant of a k-dimensional-tree for spatial separation and searches.
KdTree() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Generates an empty KdTree using default configuration.
KdTree(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Generates an empty KdTree.
kdtree - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D.KdTreeProcess
The kd-tree
KdTreeProcess(KdTree) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D.KdTreeProcess
Creates a new update process for a kd-tree.
kdTrees - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
KdValueFetcherX() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
KdValueFetcherY() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
KernelBDIV3Agent - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Component kernel.
KernelBDIV3Agent() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.KernelBDIV3Agent
KernelBpmnAgent - Class in jadex.micro
Bpmn kernel.
KernelBpmnAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.KernelBpmnAgent
KernelComponentAgent - Class in jadex.micro
Component kernel.
KernelComponentAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.KernelComponentAgent
KernelMicroAgent - Class in jadex.micro
Micro kernel.
KernelMicroAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.KernelMicroAgent
KernelMultiAgent - Class in jadex.micro
Multi kernel.
KernelMultiAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
KERNELS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The name(s) of kernel(s) to load (separated by comma).
key - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.DeletedKey
The key.
key - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.DeletedKey
The key.
key - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey
The key.
key - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
The key attributes .
keyfromparent - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
The key source.
keyhelp - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
The getter method for getting the key for a map access (if not supplied the xmlname will be used).
KEYPAIR - Static variable in interface
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the keys of the forward map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the keys of the map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the keys of the map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the keys of the map.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Get the key set.
keySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
KeyStoreEntry - Class in
Bean conform info object for a key store entry.
KeyStoreEntry() - Constructor for class
Create a new KeyStroreEntry.
KeyStoreEntry(String, String, long, Certificate[], long, long) - Constructor for class
Create a new KeyStroreEntry.
kill() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Called on init failure.
kill() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Kill is only invoked, when shutdown does not return due to timeout.
killAgent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Kill the agent.
killAgent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Kill the agent.
killAgent() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Kill the agent.
killAgent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Kill this agent.
killavatar - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for deleting the avatar when component is killed.
killComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Kill the component.
killComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Kill the component.
killComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
Kill the component.
killcomponent - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for deleting the component when avatar is killed.
killonexit - Variable in class
Kill the application on exit.
kind - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
An integer that describes the kind of this token.
knownobjects - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Already known objects
knownpluginviews - Variable in class
Known plugin views.
kvposition - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Position of the whole key-value pair.
kvposition - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Position of the whole key-value pair.
kvposition - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Position of the whole key-value pair.
kvsize - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Size of the whole key-value pair.
kvsize - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Size of the whole key-value pair.
kvsize - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Size of the whole key-value pair.


lane - Variable in class
The lane name.
language - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
What language to use.
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
language - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The language.
languages - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot languages.
languages - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot languages.
LAST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The upcoming service invocations.
lastcheck - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Time of last check.
lastcl - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
lastdone - Variable in class
The done size of the last update (for calculating speed).
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
lastmod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
lastmod - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
The file modification time.
lastmod - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
The last modification.
lastmod - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
The last modification.
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The timestamp of the file.
lastModified() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The last modified date.
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
The last modified date.
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
The last modified date.
LASTMODS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
LRU for directory modification dates.
lastobject - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
The last decoded object
lastpattern - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The last pattern.
lastrate - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
The last rate.
lastsearch - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The time of the last search.
lastsearch - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
laststate - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
The last state.
lasttick - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
The last executed tick.
lasttime - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
The last executed time.
lastupdate - Variable in class
The time (millis) of the last update (for calculating speed).
LatencyProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the overall latency a service call.
LatencyProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Create a new property.
Layer - Class in
Layer(int) - Constructor for class
Layer(int, Object) - Constructor for class
LAYER_TYPE_COLOR - Static variable in class
LAYER_TYPE_GRID - Static variable in class
LAYER_TYPE_TILED - Static variable in class
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Set the components bounds in the parent.
lazy - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
The lazy flag.
LazyResource - Class in jadex.commons
Representation of data loaded on first access.
LazyResource(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.LazyResource
Create a lazy resource.
LBRACE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
LBRACKET - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
leasetime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot lease-time.
leasetime - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The leasetime.
LeaseTimeMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Lease time map with supervised write/update access.
LeaseTimeMap(long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Create a new lease time map.
LeaseTimeMap(long, ICommand<K>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Create a new lease time map.
LeaseTimeMap(long, ICommand<K>, boolean, boolean, IDelayRunner, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Create a new lease time map.
LeaseTimeSet<E> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Collection that remove elements after a lease time automatically.
LeaseTimeSet() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a new lease time handling object.
LeaseTimeSet(long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a new lease time handling object.
LeaseTimeSet(ICommand<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a new lease time handling object.
LeaseTimeSet(long, ICommand<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a new lease time handling object.
LeaseTimeSet(long, ICommand<E>, IDelayRunner) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a new lease time handling object.
LeaseTimeSet.Checker - Class in jadex.commons.collection
The checker for removing entries.
LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection<E> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Synchronized lease time collection.
left - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Node for objects with coordinate below the splitting hyperplane, null for leaf nodes.
leftClicked(IVector2) - Method in interface
This method gets called on left clicks.
leftClicked(String) - Method in class
Set the selected Object in the Perspective.
LegacyArrayCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding arrays.
LegacyArrayCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
LegacyMethodInfoEncoder - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
LegacyMethodInfoEncoder() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyMethodInfoEncoder
LegacyNumberCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding numbers (short, integer, float, etc.), boolean values and char values.
LegacyNumberCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
len - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The currently used length of the buffer.
LESS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be less than the given value.
less(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Tests if the vector is less than another vector.
less(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
less(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Tests if the vector is less than another vector.
less(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Tests if the vector is less than another vector.
LESS - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The less-than (<) operator.
LESS_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be less than or equal to the given value.
LESSEQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The less-equal (<=) operator.
LETTER - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
level - Variable in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
level - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The event importance.
LEXICAL_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
LexicalError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char) - Static method in error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
Returns a detailed message for the Error when it is thrown by the token manager to indicate a lexical error.
lexStateNames - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
LF - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Line separator.
lf - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
The linefeed separator.
lf - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The linefeed separator.
LIBPATH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Additional library paths (classpath entries) for loading agent models and classes.
LIBRARY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if library component and service should be started.
libservice - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The library service.
libservice - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The library service.
libservice - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The library service.
libservicelistener - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The library service listener
libservicelistener - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The library service listener
libservicelistener - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The library service listener
libservicelistener - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The library service listener
lid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The local identifier.
LifecycleStateCondition(IGoal.GoalLifecycleState) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
Create a new condition.
LifecycleStateCondition(Set<IGoal.GoalLifecycleState>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
Create a new condition.
LifecycleStateCondition(IGoal.GoalLifecycleState, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
Create a new condition.
LifecycleStateCondition(Set<IGoal.GoalLifecycleState>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
Create a new condition.
LIMIT - Static variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
The limit of characters sent in one event.
limit - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
A limit for concurrency (to avoid exceeding the timeslice).
limitprice - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The limit price.
limitprice - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The limit price.
line - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
LinearPriceCalculator - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
A sample implementation of the IPriceCalculator.
LinearPriceCalculator(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Create a new linear price calculator.
LinearPriceCalculator(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Create a new linear price calculator.
LinkData - Class in jadex.xml.reader
Data for linking two objects.
LinkData(Object, Object, QName[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
Create a new link data.
linker - Variable in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
The linker.
linkinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
The linkinfo.
linkinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The link info .
LinkingInfo - Class in jadex.xml
The link info stores how parent - child(ren) should be composed.
LinkingInfo(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Create a new linking info.
LinkingInfo(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Create a new linking info.
LinkingInfo(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Create a new linking info.
linkObject(Object, Object, Object, QName[], AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Link an object to its parent.
linkObject(Object, Object, Object, QName[], AReadContext) - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IObjectLinker
Link an object to its parent.
list - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
The wrapped list.
list - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The key list.
LIST_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
String delimiter for element attributes 0x240B (9227) SYMBOL FOR VERTICAL TABULATION
LIST_ELEMENT_DELIMITER - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
String delimiter for list elements 0x241F (9247) SYMBOL FOR UNIT SEPARATOR
listDirectory(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
List the contents of a directory.
ListenableStream - Class in jadex.commons
A stream that can be listened to.
ListenableStream(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Create a new stream.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The result listener.
listener - Variable in class
The delegate listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
The protected listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The delegation listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The first listener (for avoiding array creation).
listener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
The delegation listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
The delegation listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The result listener.
listenerList - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
listeners - Variable in class
The registry listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
The finished listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The finished listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The environment listeners.
listFiles(FileFilter) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listFiles(FilenameFilter) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
List the files.
listFiles(FileData, IAsyncFilter, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
listFiles(FileData, IAsyncFilter) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
ListIndexMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.ListIndexMap
Create a new list interface index map.
ListIndexMap(List<K>, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.ListIndexMap
Create a new list interface index map.
listIterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
listIterator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
listIterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list.
listIterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list.
listIterator() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
listIterator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
listJarFileEntries(FileData, IAsyncFilter, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
listJarFileEntries(FileData, IAsyncFilter) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files of a remote jar file
ListProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A list processor allows for traversing lists.
ListProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ListProcessor
ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
ListWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
ListWrapper(List<T>, IInternalAccess, String, String, String, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
Create a new list wrapper.
ListWrapper(List<T>, IInternalAccess, EventType, EventType, EventType, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
Create a new list wrapper.
ListWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
ListWrapper(List<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
Create a new wrapper.
load - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The desired CPU load.
loadAgentModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
Load an agent model.
loadBinary(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Load a binary file as base 64 string, e.g.
loadBpmnModel(String, String[], ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
Load a BPMN model.
loadCachedObject(String, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Load the cached file.
loadCapabilityModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
Load a capability model.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
loadClass(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
Load a class via the classname.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
Load a class via the classname.
loadClass(String, byte[], boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
Load a class via the classname.
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
This method implements a fallback to the library service baseclassloader if a) a library service classloader is used and b) the class was not found in the DummyClassLoader This still limits the scope of loadable classes to avoid accidental loading of non-enhanced user code while allowing Jadex classesto be in the baseclassloader instead of the system classloader.
loadComponentModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
Load a component model.
loadComponentModel(String, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Load a component model.
loadComponentModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
Load a component model.
loadDependencies(IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.IDependencyService
Load dependencies from a resource identifier.
LoadedClassesProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
Property for the number of loaded classes in the JVM.
LoadedClassesProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
Create a new property.
loader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The application model loader.
loader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
The model loader for subcapabilities.
loader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The application model loader.
loader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
The loader for sub capabilities.
loader - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The model loader
loader - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The application model loader.
loadHashCache() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Load the stored hashes.
LoadManagingExecutionService - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
This class allows to perform background operations with adjustable CPU utilization.
LoadManagingExecutionService(IThreadPool) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
Create an execution service with default settings (timeslice=50).
LoadManagingExecutionService(IThreadPool, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
Create an execution service with given settings.
LoadManagingExecutionService.Task - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
A task info holds a task and meta information.
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Load a model.
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Load a model.
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Load a model.
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Load a model.
loadModel(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
Load a component model.
loadModel(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Load an component model.
loadModel(String, String[], Object, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Load a model.
loadModel(String, String, String[], Object, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Load a model with a required extension.
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Load a model.
loadObjectCache(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Load the model cache.
loadPlugins(List) - Method in interface
loadPlugins(List) - Method in class
Loads all available plugins
loadProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Load the default platform properties.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
The currently executing component (if any).
local - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
The local map.
LocalDataView2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview
A view showing only objects in a local range.
LocalDataView2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
LocalDateTimeCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
LocalDateTimeCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
locale - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
The locale of this context.
localizeModel(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Localize a model name.
LocalObjectListener - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
LocalObjectListener() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.LocalObjectListener
localpart - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
The local part.
LocalResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for resource identification.
LocalResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URL) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URI) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URI, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LOCALTIMECLASS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LocalDateTimeCodec
Local time class
LOCALTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if local transport is enabled.
localtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The local type name (from parent).
localtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The local component type name.
location - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The location of the start tag.
Location - Class in jadex.xml.stax
StaX API: Location
Location(int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.Location
lock - Variable in class
Flag that a writer is performing updates.
lock() - Method in class
Method that tries to get the lock and blocks otherwise (will terminate blocking after 3 seconds forcefully).
log2(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Fast way to compute log2(x).
log2(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Fast way to compute log2(x).
logException(Exception, Exception, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Log an exception.
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The logger for errors/warnings.
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
The logger used for notification failure warnings (if any).
loggerfetcher - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
LoggerTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Log some text stored in variable text.
LoggerTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.LoggerTask
LOGGING - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Enable verbose logging (shortcut for setting logging_level to info).
LOGGING_LEVEL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Logging level for platform.
LoggingLevelCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Logging Level objects.
LoggingLevelCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LoggingLevelCodec
login(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Log in to TOC
logout() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Logout of toc and close the socket
LogRecordCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding LogRecord objects.
LogRecordCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LogRecordCodec
LogRecordProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
LogRecordProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.LogRecordProcessor
logWarning(String, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Log a warning on a component.
LONG - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
LONG_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Long converter.
longIntoBytes(long, byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a long to bytes.
longIntoBytes(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a long to bytes.
longToBytes(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a long to bytes.
loop - Variable in class
loop - Variable in class
loopcmd - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The loop command.
LPAREN - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
lru - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
The lru.
LRU<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A least recently used map.
LRU() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Create a new LRU with 1000 entries.
LRU(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Create a new LRU.
LRU(int, ILRUEntryCleaner) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Create a new LRU.
LRUCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
LRUCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LRUCodec
LSHIFT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The left shift operator.


m - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
The number of bits in the bit set
MacAddressProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.mac
The (first) mac address.
MacAddressProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
Create a new property.
macs - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Cached for speed.
mactivity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
The acticity.
MAGIC_BYTE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
The magic byte identifying it as a binary serializer 2 stream.
MAGRSpaceInstance - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An instance of an AGR space.
MAGRSpaceInstance() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
MAGRSpaceType - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR space description.
MAGRSpaceType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
MailTest - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Test class for java mail API.
MailTest() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.MailTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Main for starting the platform (with meaningful fallbacks)
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.MailTest
Main method for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The main for testing.
main - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The main class to start.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Test main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Test main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Test main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Main method for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MultiThreadTest
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadTest
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Start a java or non-java process.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Main method for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.GenParser
Invoke JJTree and JavaCC main classes.
mainpanel - Variable in class
The main pane.
makeConform(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an output to html/wml conform presentation.
makeConform(String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an output to html/wml conform presentation.
makeEnglishConform(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an output readable in english.
makeFullscreen() - Method in class
Display window in fullscreen.
makeIcon(Class, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Utility method that creates a UIDefaults.LazyValue that creates an ImageIcon for the specified gifFile filename.
makeNiceArrayNotation(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Process a type name and replace array notation with nice one.
makeObject(InsnList, Type) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
makeProposal(Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
Make a proposal based on the task description.
managementservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
The management object.
manager - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
The manager.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
The map.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
The backing map.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The key/value map.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
The map.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
The map.
map - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
The internal map.
mapAsync(Function<E, IFuture<R>>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async function to each element.
mapAsync(Function<E, IFuture<R>>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async function to each element.
mapAsync(Function<E, IFuture<R>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async function to each element.
mapAsync(Function<E, IFuture<R>>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Implements async loop and applies a an async function to each element.
MapCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
MapCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MapCodec
MapEntry - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Replacement for HashMap.Entry which is not public accessible.
MapEntry() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
MapIndexMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.MapIndexMap
Create a new map interface index map.
MapIndexMap(List<K>, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.MapIndexMap
Create a new map interface index map.
mapinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The map info contains all mapping relevant data, e.g.
mapname - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
The map name (if it should be put in map).
mapper - Variable in class
The value mapper.
mapperclass - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The parameter mapper.
Mapping - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Mapping, e.g.
mapping - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The mapping information (e.g.
MappingInfo - Class in jadex.xml
The mapping info stores all for for mapping between the different elements of an object, i.e.
MappingInfo(Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, AttributeInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, SubobjectInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, AttributeInfo[], SubobjectInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, Object, Object, AttributeInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, Object, Object, AttributeInfo[], SubobjectInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MappingInfo(TypeInfo, Object, Object, AttributeInfo[], SubobjectInfo[], Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Create a new mapping info.
MapProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A map processor allows for traversing maps.
MapProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MapProcessor
Create a new map processor.
mapRow(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
MapWrapper<T,E> - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
MapWrapper(Map<T, E>, IInternalAccess, String, String, String, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
Create a new set wrapper.
MapWrapper(Map<T, E>, IInternalAccess, EventType, EventType, EventType, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
Create a new set wrapper.
MapWrapper<T,E> - Class in jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
Wrap a map and call template methods on modification.
MapWrapper(Map<T, E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Create a new collection wrapper.
marker - Variable in class
The marker drawable combiner
marker - Variable in class
The marker drawable combiner
marker3d - Variable in class
The marker drawable combiner
markParked() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
(method "park" already exists in android - do not overwrite)
markUnpark() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
(method "unpark" already exists in android - do not overwrite)
MARSHAL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if marshal component and service should be started.
marshal - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The marshal service.
master - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot master.
master - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The master flag.
master - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The master flag (default: false).
masterid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The masterid (or null if not a master).
match(MMessageEvent, Map<String, Object>, MessageType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Match a message with a message event.
match(Properties) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IContentCodec
Test if the codec can be used with the provided meta information.
matchArgumentTypes(Class[], Class[][]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Match the given argument types to a set of parameter type arrays.
matchexp - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The match expression.
matchMessageEvents(Map<String, Object>, List<MMessageEvent>, List<MMessageEvent>, List<MMessageEvent>, int, MessageType, boolean, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Match message events with a message adapter.
matchModel(String, String, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Compare a model to a path.
Materialfile - Class in
Dataholder for Material informations
Materialfile(String, String, boolean, SpecialAction, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
materialPath_ - Variable in class
Path to the Material
materials - Variable in class
MathNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Math node performs mathematical operations on it's (one or two) child nodes.
MathNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Create a node.
MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag to enable the Maven dependency service (requires Jadex Pro add-on).
max - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
The wait queue cutoff len.
max - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
The maximum number of entries.
max - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
max - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
The maximum number of agents allowed for this role (-1 for no restriction).
MAX_EVENTS - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Maximum number of events per delay period.
MAX_EVENTS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Maximum number of events per delay period.
max_winners - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The max number of proposals to be chosen.
maxcnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The maximum number of allowed workers.
maxdepth - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot max-depth.
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Compute the maximum layout size.
maxLeafNodeSize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Default value for maximum number of objects in leaf nodes.
maxLeafNodeSize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Maximum number of objects in leaf nodes.
maxMedianSamples - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Default value for maximum number of samples taken to estimate coordinate median.
maxMedianSamples - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Maximum number of samples taken to estimate coordinate median.
MaxMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
The maximum physical memory.
MaxMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
maxNextCharInd - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
maxparked - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The maximum number of parked threads.
MaxPermGenMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
MaxPermGenMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
maxresults - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot max-results.
maxwait - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The time a task should maximum wait.
maxwait - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The max wait time for workers.
MBelief - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Belief model.
MBelief() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Bean Constructor.
MBelief(FieldInfo, String, boolean, UnparsedExpression, Set<String>, Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBelief(FieldInfo, String, boolean, long, Set<String>, Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBelief(FieldInfo, String, boolean, long, String[], Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBelief(MethodInfo, String, boolean, UnparsedExpression, Set<String>, Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBelief(MethodInfo, String, boolean, long, Set<String>, Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBelief(MethodInfo, String, boolean, long, String[], Collection<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Create a new belief.
MBody - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
The plan mbody.
MBody() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Bean Constructor.
MBody(MethodInfo, ClassInfo, String, String, ClassInfo, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Create a new mbody.
mcapa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
The capability.
MCapability - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
The capability model.
MCapability() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Bean Constructor.
MCapability(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Create a capability.
MCapabilityReference - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Reference to an external capability.
MCapabilityReference() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapabilityReference
MClassBasedElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Processable element based on a class.
MClassBasedElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Bean Constructor.
MClassBasedElement(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Create a new belief.
MCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Model element for conditions.
MCondition() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Bean Constructor.
MCondition(UnparsedExpression) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Create a new mcondition.
MCondition(String, List<EventType>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Create a new mcondition.
MConfigBeliefElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Represents an initial / end belief (set).
MConfigBeliefElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
MConfigParameterElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Initial / end goals and plans.
MConfigParameterElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
MConfiguration - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
BDI configuration.
MConfiguration() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Bean Constructor.
MConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
MDeliberation - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Model element for inhibitions.
MDeliberation() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Bean Constructor.
MDeliberation(Set<String>, Map<String, MethodInfo>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Create a new deliberation.
me - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Last sent message with convid for receiving answer messages.
mean(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SFunction
Calculate the mean value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
Measure the value.
MechanismInfo - Class in
MechanismInfo() - Constructor for class
MechanismInfo(String, Class<?>, List<ParameterInfo>) - Constructor for class
MediaType() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation.MediaType
MElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Base element for model elements.
MElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Bean Constructor.
MElement(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Create a new element.
melement - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The belief model.
melement - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The melement.
MElementRef - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Reference to another element.
MElementRef() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
MemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
Abstract base memory property.
MemoryProperty(String, IInternalAccess, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MemoryProperty
Create a new property.
MemoryUnit - Enum in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Memory unit.
MEnvSpaceInstance - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
Configuration of an Env space.
MEnvSpaceInstance() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
MEnvSpaceType - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
Java representation of environment space type for xml description.
MEnvSpaceType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
Parse class names.
merge(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
mergeProperties(Collection, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add type properties to runtime properties.
mergeProperties(IPropertyMetaDataSet, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add type properties to runtime properties.
MergeSort - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
An implementation of MergeSort, needs to be subclassed to compare the terms.
MergeSort() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
mergeSort(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
mergeSubcapabilities(IBDIModel, Map<String, IBDIModel>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Add elements from sub capabilities into model.
MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if message component and service should be started.
message - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
The message.
message - Variable in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
The message envelope.
message - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
The message.
message(String, IComponentIdentifier[], boolean) - Method in interface
Post a message.
message(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Post a message
message - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout message.
MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The allowed message attributes.
MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME_FIPA - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The FIPA message type.
MessageConversationFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Filter for message conversations.
MessageConversationFilter(IMessageAdapter) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
Create a new message conversation filter.
MessageConversationFilter(Map<String, Object>, MessageType) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
Create a new message conversation filter.
messageeventmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
The message event mappings.
messageevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The message events.
MessageFailureException - Exception in jadex.bridge
An exception indicating a message failure (e.g.
MessageFailureException(Object, MessageType, IComponentIdentifier[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Create a new MessageFailureException.
MessageFailureException(Object, MessageType, IComponentIdentifier[], String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Create a new MessageFailureException.
messagenames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
messageReceived(IMessageAdapter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageListener
Invoked when a message event has been received.
messages - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The message events.
messageSent(IMessageAdapter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageListener
Invoked when a message event has been sent.
messagetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.MessageConversationFilter
The message type.
messagetype - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
The message type.
MessageType - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Representation of characteristics of a certain type of messages (e.g.
MessageType(String, MessageType.ParameterSpecification[], MessageType.ParameterSpecification[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
Create a new message type.
MessageType.ParameterSpecification - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
A class representing a parameter or parameter set specification.
metagoal - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The metagoal flag.
metainfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Name of the property.
method - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The field (cached).
method - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as seperate class.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The method.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The method info.
METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The method.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The method to be called.
method - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Cached method.
METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The method type.
METHOD_IJADEXPARAMETERMETAINFO_GET_CLAZZ - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
The implementing getClazz() method name
METHOD_IJADEXPARAMETERMETAINFO_GET_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
The implementing getDescription() method name
METHOD_IJADEXPARAMETERMETAINFO_GET_DIRECTION - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
The implementing getDirection() method name
METHOD_IJADEXPARAMETERMETAINFO_GET_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
The implementing getInitialValue() method name
METHOD_IJADEXPARAMETERMETAINFO_GET_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorParameterMetaInfo
The implementing getName() method name
METHOD_IJADEXTASK_GET_TASK_METAINFO - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTask
getDescription() method name
METHOD_ITASKMETAINFO_GET_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTaskMetaInfo
getDescription() method name
METHOD_ITASKMETAINFO_GET_PARAMETER_METAINFOS - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.editor.IEditorTaskMetaInfo
getParameterMetaInfos() method name
MethodBeliefs(MethodNode, Set<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
Create a new method beliefs.
methodcache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Method lookup cache (class->(name->method[])).
methodCallFinished(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.service.IMethodInvocationListener
Called when the method call is finished.
methodCallFinished(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Called when the method call is finished.
MethodCallListenerInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Calls a method on an object and returns the result.
MethodCallListenerInterceptor(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
methodCallStarted(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.service.IMethodInvocationListener
Called when a method call started.
methodCallStarted(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Called when a method call started.
MethodCallTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Call a method.
MethodCallTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
MethodCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
MethodCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MethodCodec
methoddc1 - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
methoddc2 - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
MethodDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Describes a bean's method.
MethodDescriptor(Method, ParameterDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.MethodDescriptor
Method and ParameterDescriptors.
MethodDescriptor(Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.MethodDescriptor
methodinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
The method info.
methodinfo - Variable in class
The method info.
MethodInfo - Class in jadex.commons
All info for identifying a method.
MethodInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Create a new method info.
MethodInfo(Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Create a new method info.
MethodInfo(String, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Create a new method info.
MethodInfo(String, ClassInfo[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Create a new method info.
methodInfo - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
The methodinfo.
MethodInvocationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Calls a methods on an object and returns the result.
MethodInvocationInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
MethodListenerHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
MethodListenerHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
methodlisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
The registered non-functional property hooks.
MethodMapper - Annotation Type in
Method mapper annotation.
methodnfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Non-functional properties of methods.
methodNode - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
methodreferences - Static variable in class
The reference method cache (method -> boolean[] (is reference)).
methods - Static variable in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
methods - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The possible methods (for static and nonstatic methods).
mevents_max - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
The maximum number of outstanding messages.
mgetter - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The method targets.
mgetter - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The method targets.
MGoal - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Goal model.
MGoal() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Bean Constructor.
MGoal(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode, boolean, boolean, long, long, boolean, boolean, MDeliberation, List<MParameter>, Map<String, MethodInfo>, Map<String, MethodInfo>, MTrigger) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Create a new goal model element.
mgoal - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition
MGroupInstance - Class in jadex.extension.agr
Group instance representation.
MGroupInstance() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
MGroupType - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR group type.
MGroupType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
MHardConstraint - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
A hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint(String, String, UnparsedExpression) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MI_NOTFOUND - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
MICRO_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The specific component features for micro agents.
MicroAgentFactory - Class in jadex.micro
Factory for creating micro agents.
MicroAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory.
MicroAgentFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory for startup.
MicroAgentPersistInfo - Class in jadex.micro
Custom persistent data for micro agents.
MicroAgentPersistInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroAgentPersistInfo
Empty constructor for bean compatibility.
MicroClassReader - Class in jadex.micro
Reads micro agent classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
MicroClassReader() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader - Class in jadex.micro
MicroModel - Class in jadex.micro
The micro agent model.
MicroModel(IModelInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Create a new model.
MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo - Class in jadex.micro
Struct for injection info.
MicroModelLoader - Class in jadex.micro
Loader for micro models.
MicroModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
mightContain(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Test if a value is contained in the filter.
MIMETYPES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The mime types.
min - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
The minimum number of agents required for this role.
MinimalAgent - Class in jadex.micro
A minimal micro agent.
MinimalAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MinimalAgent
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Compute the minimum layout size.
minstepwidth - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The minimum step width.
minstepwidth - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The minimum step width.
MInternalEvent - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Representation of internal event.
MInternalEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MInternalEvent
mirrorHttpServer(URI, URI, PublishInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Mirror an existing http server.
MMessageEvent - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Model element for a message.
MMessageEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
Create a new message event.
MMessageEvent.Direction - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.model
The message direction.
MObjectType - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
todo: comment me
MObjectType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
MObjectTypeProperty - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
todo: comment me
MObjectTypeProperty() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
mod(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
mod(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Applies a modulo vector.
mod(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Applies a modulo vector.
mod(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Applies a modulo vector.
mod(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Calculate the modulo.
mod(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Calculate the modulo.
mod(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Calculate the modulo.
mod(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
mod(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Applies a modulo vector.
mod(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
mod(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Applies a modulo vector.
mode - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
The file access mode.
mode - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
The file access mode.
mode - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
The file access mode.
mode - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode.
MODE_ACTION_STEP - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode action step.
MODE_LASTACTION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
The value for the last action execution mode.
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode normal.
MODE_TIME_STEP - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode time step.
model - Variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Platform model.
model - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The model.
model - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The model.
model - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The model.
model - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The model to be loaded.
model - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
The model.
model - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
The model, used to generate events.
modelcache - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
The model cache (filename/imports -> loaded model).
modelelements - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
The model elements.
ModelFileFilter - Class in jadex.base
Filter for Jadex component models.
ModelFileFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Create a new filter.
ModelFileFilter(boolean, List<String>, Map<URL, IResourceIdentifier>, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Create a new filter.
modelIndex(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
ModelInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Public model information that is provided as result from component factories when a model is loaded.
ModelInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Create a new model info.
ModelInfo(String, String, String, IErrorReport, IArgument[], IArgument[], boolean, String, Map<String, Object>, ClassLoader, RequiredServiceInfo[], ProvidedServiceInfo[], ConfigurationInfo[], SubcomponentTypeInfo[], String[], IResourceIdentifier, Object, IComponentFeatureFactory[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Create a new model info.
modelname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The model name.
ModelValueProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Default model value provider.
ModelValueProvider() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Create a new provider.
ModelValueProvider(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Create a new provider.
modes - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
modified() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Indicate that the fact of this belief was modified.
modified(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Indicate that a fact of this belief set was modified.
modified() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Indicate that the fact of this belief was modified.
modified(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Indicate that the fact of this belief was modified.
modify(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Modify an component description.
modifyData(Object, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Modify a row at a position.
ModulateComposite - Class in
Abstract Modulation Composite.
ModulateComposite() - Constructor for class
MODULO - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The modula operator.
monitor - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
The monitor.
monitor - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
The monitor.
monitor - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The monitor to synchronize with at thread start (if any).
monitor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Internal lock
monitor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Internal lock
monitor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Internal lock
monitor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
The monitor.
monitorExecution(IExternalAccess, IExecutionService) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Check if no agent is running whenever the clock advances.
MONITORING - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The monitoring flag argument.
monitoring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The monitoring flag.
monitoring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
MONITORING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The monitoring constant.
MONITORINGCOMP - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if global monitoring is turned on.
MonitoringEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
Default implementation for events.
MonitoringEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, Cause, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, String, Cause, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, String, Cause, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that creates service call start / end events and sends them to the monitoring service.
MonitoringInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
MonitoringInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Listener that handles the end of the call.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTablePopupListener
MouseController() - Constructor for class
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTablePopupListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTablePopupListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class
moveColumn(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Moves the column and its header at columnIndex to newIndex.
MOVED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The moved percept type.
MOVED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The moved percept type.
moveFile(File, File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Moves a file to a target location.
MParameter - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Parameter model.
MParameter() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Bean Constructor.
MParameter(FieldInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Create a new parameter.
MParameter.Direction - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.model
The message direction.
MParameter.EvaluationMode - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.model
The message direction.
MParameterElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Base class for elements with parameters.
MParameterElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Bean Constructor.
MParameterElement(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Create a new element.
MPlan - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Modelelement for a plan.
MPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Bean Constructor.
MPlan(String, MBody, MTrigger, MTrigger, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Create a new belief.
mplan - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition
MPlanParameter - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Extended parameter to store mappings.
MPlanParameter() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
MPosition - Class in jadex.extension.agr
A positions represents an instance of a role in a group instance.
MPosition() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
MProcessableElement - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Base class for all elements that can be processed with means-end reasoning.
MProcessableElement() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Bean Constructor.
MProcessableElement(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Create a new element.
MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode - Enum in jadex.bdiv3.model
The message direction.
MRoleType - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR role.
MRoleType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Create a new role.
MServiceCall - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Model element for a service call.
MServiceCall(String, boolean, boolean, MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MServiceCall
Create a new service call.
msetter - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
msetter - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
msg - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
The message.
msgtypeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
mt - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
The message type.
mtarget - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
The target method.
MTrigger - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Model element for a plan trigger.
MTrigger() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Create a new trigger.
muldis - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
The call distributor.
multi - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Flag if is multi.
multi - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Flag if is multi.
multi - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Flag for allowing publishing to multiple locations.
multi - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
The multiplicity.
MULTI_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
MultiCollection<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
An MultiCollection is a map with the ability to store more than one element per key (an collection).
MultiCollection() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Create a new multi collection.
MultiCollection(Map<K, Collection<V>>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Create a new multi collection.
MultiCollectionCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
MultiCollectionCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.MultiCollectionCodec
MultiCollectionProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A map processor allows for traversing maps.
MultiCollectionProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MultiCollectionProcessor
Create a new multi-collection processor.
MultiColumnTable - Class in jadex.bpmn
SIMPLIFIED and ADAPTED Copy of editor common table!
MultiColumnTable(int) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow - Class in jadex.bpmn
ADAPTED!!! Copy of common MultiColumnTableRow
MultiColumnTableEx - Class in jadex.bpmn
ADAPTED !!! Copy of editor table version
MultiColumnTableEx(int, boolean[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
MultiColumnTableEx(MultiColumnTable) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
MultiColumnTableRow(String[], MultiColumnTable) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
default constructor
MultiIterator<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Iterator that operates over multiple collections.
MultiIterator() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Create a new MultiCollectionIterator.
multiple - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Flag if multiple services should be returned.
MultiplexCollector - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
MultiplexDistributor - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
multiplextype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The multiplex type.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
multiply(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
multiply(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
multiply(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
multiply(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
multiply(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Performs a scalar multiplication (scaling) on the vector.
multiply(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Performs a multiplication on the vector.
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The multiply operator.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Invocation handler for multiplexing service calls.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Listener that invokes service methods and delegates the results.
MultiServiceRegistry - Class in
Service registry that holds copies of multiple other platform registries.
MultiServiceRegistry() - Constructor for class
Create a new registry.
MultiStream - Class in jadex.commons
Dispatch the write calls to a number of specified output streams.
MultiStream(OutputStream[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Create a new multi stream.
MultiThreadTest - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
This test class shows how the thread based scheduler works.
MultiThreadTest() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.MultiThreadTest
murmur3(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute the murmur hash for a byte array.
MutableObject<T> - Class in jadex.commons
Encapsulates an Object to make it mutable for anonymous classes and lambdas.
MutableObject(T) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.MutableObject
Creates a new MutableObject
mutatesTo(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate
Determines whether one object mutates to the other object.
mutatesTo(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PersistenceDelegate
Determines whether one object mutates to the other object.
muxservicetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The multiplex service type.
mydeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
The set of nodes this node depends on.
MyTestClass - Class in jadex.bdiv3
MyTestClass() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass


n - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
The number of expected entries.
name - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test name .
name - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
The element name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The unqualified (model/file) name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
The component name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Attribute for slot name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The property name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
The name of the property.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The name (used for referencing).
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The service name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The component internal service name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot component identifier.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
The name of the result.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The name of the message type.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
The parameter(set) name.
name - Variable in class
The mechanism name.
name - Variable in class
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
The field name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The type name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
The method name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.Properties
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.Property
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
The group name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
The percept name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The table name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
The space name.
name - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The name.
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
Name of the presentation
name - Variable in class
Name of the presentation
names - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
The local belief names (cached on first access).
names - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The local belief names (cached on first access).
Namespace - Class in jadex.xml
Namespace definition.
Namespace(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.Namespace
Create the namespace.
namespacebypackage - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The namespaces.
namespaceuri - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
The name space URI.
NameValue - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Name, value pair.
needsGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if this context or its children needs GUI to work properly.
needsGui() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Visibility
negate() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
negate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Negates the vector by negating its components.
negateX() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Negates the x-component.
negateX() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Negates the x-component.
negateX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Negates the x-component.
negateX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
negateX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Negates the x-component.
negateX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
negateX() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Negates the x-component.
negateY() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Negates the y-component.
negateY() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Negates the y-component.
negateY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Negates the y-component.
negateY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
negateY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Negates the y-component.
negateY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
negateY() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Negates the y-component.
negateZ() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Negates the z-component.
negateZ() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
negateZ() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Negates the z-component.
NegotiationRecord - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
The negotiation record has the purpose to store all information about one negotiation round e.g.
NegotiationRecord(Object, Object, IComponentIdentifier[], long) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Create a new negotiation record.
NEIGHBORHOOD_MOORE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
The moore neighborhood.
NEIGHBORHOOD_MOORE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
The moore neighborhood.
NEIGHBORHOOD_VON_NEUMANN - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
The von neumann neighborhood.
NEIGHBORHOOD_VON_NEUMANN - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
The von neumann neighborhood.
NestedMap - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A nested map refers to parent maps for entries not found in this map.
NestedMap(Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Create a nested map, referring to the specified parent map.
NestedMap(Map[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Create a nested map, referring to the specified parent maps.
NestedMap(Map[], Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Create a nested map, referring to the specified parent map, using the given map for storing local mappings.
nestingSeparatorAt(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Check if there is a nesting level separator character at the specified position.
NETWORKNAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Network name.
NETWORKPASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Network pass.
NEVER - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
A filter that always returns false.
NEVER - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IFilter
A filter that always returns false.
NeverFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter
NEW - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
newline - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The code(s) of the newline character.
newline - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Control flag for generating newlines.
newToken(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
Returns a new Token object, by default.
NEXT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The upcoming service invocations.
next() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator
next() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFutureIterator
Get next result.
next - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
A reference to the next regular (non-special) token from the input stream.
next() - Method in interface jadex.xml.reader.IXMLReader
Selects the next event.
next() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
Selects the next event.
nextcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The next service call (will be current during call and last after call).
nextCharBuf - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
nextCharInd - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
nextFetcher() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.IKdValueFetcher
Returns the fetcher for the next hyperplane in the tree.
nextFetcher() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Returns the fetcher for the next hyperplane in the tree.
nextFetcher() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Returns the fetcher for the next hyperplane in the tree.
NextroundInfo(Object, Object, IComponentIdentifier[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Create a nextround info object.
nextToken() - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Get the next token from the string.
NFMethodPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Default implementation for a method property provider.
NFMethodPropertyProvider(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Create a new provider.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The nf properties.
NFProperties - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
The annotation for non functional properties in - components - provided services - provided service methods.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Non-functional properties.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The nf props.
NFProperty - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Non-functional property annotation.
NFPropertyInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Info struct for a nf property.
NFPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFPropertyInfo(String, ClassInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFPropertyMetaInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Meta information about a non-functional property.
NFPropertyMetaInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates an empty meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, Class<?>, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, Class<?>, Class<?>, boolean, long, boolean, INFProperty.Target) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Base impl for nf property property provider.
NFPropertyProvider(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Create a new provider.
NFPropertyRef<T,U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Property reference.
NFPropertyRef(IExternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
Create a new property ref.
NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Delegates 'getRequiredServicePropertyProvider()' calls to the underlying component.
NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
NFRootProperty<T,U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
NFRootProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Create a new property.
NFRootProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Create a new property.
NFRProperty - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Property for required services and methods.
NFRPropertyInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
NFRPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFRPropertyInfo(String, ClassInfo, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
nick - Variable in class
The nick name.
NiftyScreen - Class in
NiftyScreen(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
NIOTCPPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Port for NIOTCP transport.
NIOTCPTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if niotcp transport is enabled.
NIS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The cached network interfaces.
NISTIME - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The time of the last caching of network interfaces.
nix() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
NO_DECOUPLING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The static set of no decoupling methods.
NO_DELEGATION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The static set of no delegation methods.
NO_STACK_COMPACTION - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Disable Stack unfolding for easier debugging.
no_typeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
No type infos.
no_typeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
No type infos.
NoCopy - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Parameters that should be copied / not copied.
Node - Interface in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
nodeForRow(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
nodehelper - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
NodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3
NodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
NodeInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Create a node info.
nodeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The set of empty nodes.
nodes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodes with dependencies.
nonanonclasscache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
The cache for non-inner classes.
NONE - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for no timeout.
NONE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Constant for no leasetime.
NONE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Constant for no timeout.
NONE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
NONE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The non-functional properties.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The non-functional properties.
normalize(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Called to normalize a screen name.
normalize() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Converts the vector to a unit vector (normalization)
normalize() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Converts the vector to a unit vector (normalization)
normalize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Converts the vector to a unit vector (normalization)
normalize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
normalize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Converts the vector to a unit vector (normalization)
normalize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
normalize() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Converts the vector to a unit vector (normalization)
NOSTACKCOMPACTION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The stack compaction disable flag argument.
NOT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The NOT operator.
NOT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The NOT operator.
NOT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
The not (!) operator.
NOT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The bitwise not operator (unary).
NOT_SORTED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
NOT_UNDERSTOOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
notified - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout occurred flag.
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Flag to indicate that the delegate already has been notified.
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Flag to indicate that the delegate already has been notified.
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Flag to remember that delegate was notified.
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Flag if source has been notified.
notified - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Flag if source has been notified.
Notifier - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Notifier for initiating external notifications.
Notifier(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
Create a notifier.
notify(MActivity, ProcessThread, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Method that should be called, when an activity is finished and the following activity should be scheduled.
notify(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
Initiate the notification.
notify - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Flag if source has to be notified.
notify - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Flag if source has to be notified.
NotifyAdminPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
Notify the human admin of some agent in case of problems.
NotifyAdminPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.NotifyAdminPlan
notifycnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateDelegationFuture
Flag if source has to be notified.
notifycnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Flag if source has to be notified.
notifyDelegate(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Notify the delegate.
notifyException(Exception) - Method in class
notifyException(Exception) - Method in class
notifyFinished() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Method that can be used to determine (override) that the thread is finished.
notifyFinishListeners() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.java5.JavaThreadPool
Notify the finish listeners.
notifyFinishListeners() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Notify the finish listeners.
notifyIntermediateResult(IIntermediateResultListener<E>, E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Notify a result listener.
notifyIntermediateResult(IIntermediateResultListener<TupleResult>, TupleResult) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Notify a result listener.
notifyListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Notify a result listener.
notifyListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Notify a result listener.
notifyListenerCommand(IResultListener<E>, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Notify the command listeners.
notifyListeners(RegistryListenerEvent) - Method in class
Notify the event listeners (if any).
notifyMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Notify listeners that a service method has been called.
notifyMethodListeners(boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Notify registered listeners in case a method is called.
notifyMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Notify listeners that a service method has been called.
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class
Notify the results,
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class
notifyStackedListeners() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureHelper
Process all collected listener notifications for the current thread.
notifyWhenFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Returns a future notifying if/when the operations queue is currently empty.
NotUnderstoodPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib
Send a not-understood message when no other plan is able to handle a message.
NotUnderstoodPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.NotUnderstoodPlan
nscnt - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
NUGGETS_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Null object.
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
A Null value.
NULL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
The null object.
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The null tag.
NULL_MARKER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Marker for null values
NULL_MARKER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Marker for null values
NullOutputStream - Class in jadex.commons
An output stream that writes to dev null.
NullOutputStream() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.NullOutputStream
num - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
The number of sub listeners to wait for.
num - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The number of sub listeners to wait for.
num - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
The number.
number - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The number of components.
NumberCodec2 - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding numbers (short, integer, float, etc.), boolean values and char values.
NumberCodec2() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
numRndFiles - Variable in class


obj - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
object - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The object.
object - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
The space object, which is the center of the view.
object - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The created object.
Object3d - Class in
Object3d(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates default Polygon.
Object3d(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, IParsedExpression, String, List<Animation>, List<Materialfile>, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Polygon drawable.
OBJECT_CREATED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Event type when an object has been created.
OBJECT_DESTROYED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Event type when an object has been destroyed.
OBJECT_DESTROYED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
OBJECT_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceAction
The constant for the object id parameter (target of the action).
OBJECT_PROPERTY_CHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
Event type when an object has been changed.
OBJECT_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
ObjectCache - Class in jadex.commons
A cache for CachedObjects that reflect files.
ObjectCache(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Create a new cache.
ObjectCache(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Create a new cache.
ObjectCache(String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Create a new cache.
ObjectCardLayout - Class in jadex.commons.gui
A ObjectCardLayout is an object based cardlayout.
ObjectCardLayout() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Construct a new layout.
ObjectEvent - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
An EnvironmentObject event.
ObjectEvent(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Creates a new ObjectEvent
ObjectEvent.PrimitiveEventType - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Primitive Event type
objectFromByteArray(byte[], List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Convert a byte array to an object.
objectFromByteArray(byte[], ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert a byte array (of an xml) to an object.
objectFromByteArray(byte[], ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert a byte array (of an xml) to an object.
objectFromByteArray(AReader, byte[], ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectFromByteArray(AReader, byte[], ClassLoader, Object, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectFromByteArrayInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Convert a byte array to an object.
objectFromInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert a byte array (of an xml) to an object.
objectFromInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert a byte array (of an xml) to an object.
objectFromInputStream(AReader, InputStream, ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectFromInputStream(AReader, InputStream, ClassLoader, Object, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectFromXML(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert an xml to an object.
objectFromXML(String, ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
Convert an xml to an object.
objectFromXML(AReader, String, ClassLoader, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectFromXML(AReader, String, ClassLoader, Object, TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
objectidcounter - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Object id counter for new ids.
objectidentifier - Variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
The object identifier.
ObjectInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Information about an object, esp.
ObjectInfo(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
Create a new object info.
ObjectInfo(Object, IPostProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
Create a new object info.
objectinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
The object info (for writing).
objectinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The object info for storing info about the object side, e.g.
objectLayers_ - Variable in class
Registered object layers.
objectList_ - Variable in class
List of objects that should be drawn.
OBJECTPLACEMENT_BORDER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The border object placement.
OBJECTPLACEMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The center object placement.
objects - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The objects.
objects - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
The current objects
objects - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
The current objects
objects - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
The current objects
objectShift - Variable in class
The object shift
objectsygridpos - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
All simobject id's accessible per position.
objectsygridpos - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
All simobject id's accessible per position.
ObjectTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
The object table model has associated an object with each row.
ObjectTableModel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Create a new object table model.
ObjectTableModel(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Create a new object table model.
objectToByteArray(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Convert a value to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(Object, String, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(AWriter, Object, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(AWriter, Object, ClassLoader, Object, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToByteArray(AWriter, Object, String, ClassLoader, Object, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Convert to a byte array.
objectToOutputStream(Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Write to output stream.
objectToOutputStream(Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Write to output stream.
objectToOutputStream(AWriter, Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader, Object, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Write to output stream.
objectToXML(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Convert to a string.
objectToXML(Object, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
Convert to a string.
objectToXML(AWriter, Object, ClassLoader, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Convert to a string.
objectToXML(AWriter, Object, ClassLoader, Object, IObjectWriterHandler) - Static method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Convert to a string.
objecttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The object type.
objecttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The objecttype.
objecttypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The space object types.
objecttypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
The object types.
objecttypesMeta - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The space object meta data
objShiftX_ - Variable in class
Object shift x-coordinate.
objShiftY_ - Variable in class
Object shift y-coordinate.
obscenter - Variable in class
The ObserverCenter
obscenter - Variable in class
The ObserverCenter
ObservationDescription - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
The observation description
ObservationDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Create a new description.
ObservationDescription(IComponentIdentifier, long, ContactData[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Create a new description.
ObserveAgentPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
Observe an agent via ping requests.
ObserveAgentPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObserveAgentPlan
ObserverCenter - Class in
The default observer center.
ObserverCenter() - Constructor for class
observercenters - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The observers.
ObserverCenterWindow - Class in
Default GUI main window.
ObserverCenterWindow(String) - Constructor for class
Creates the main window.
observeValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
observeValue(Object, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
occurred - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The listed occurrences (if any).
occurrenceAppeared(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An occurrence appeared.
OCTAL_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
od - Static variable in class jadex.commons.TimeFormat
offset - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Current offset marker
offset - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The current offset
offset - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Current offset marker
okToUseGui - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A flag indicating whether this context is allowed to use GUI.
okToUseGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
okToUseGui() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Visibility
oldcomp - Variable in class
olddim - Variable in class
olddivider - Variable in class
oldpos - Variable in class
oldvalue - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
The previous property value (if any).
ONE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The constant for specifiying that one proposal should be chosen.
ONE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
ontologies - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot ontologies.
ontologies - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot ontologies.
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
op - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
The operation.
op - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The operation.
op - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The operation.
OpcodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3
OpcodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
open - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The nesting level delimiters.
openConnection(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Open a receiving connection.
openExternal(URL) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Open an url in external browser.
openFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IContextService
Opens a File with the default application.
openFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Open a file.
openFile(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
Opens a File with the default application.
OPENGL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The opengl disable flag argument.
OPENGL - Static variable in class
Global flag for turning off OpenGL from starter.
openURL(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher
Attempts to open the default web browser to the given URL.
openURL(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
Open an url in a browser.
OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade - Class in jadex.commons
Reflective facade for the sun class OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade.
OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
operator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Operator used to evaluate the value.
operator - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The operator.
operator - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The operator.
operatorToString(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a string representation of the operator.
operatorToString(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a string representation of the operator.
ophelper - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanIntrospectorFactory
optimizeFilters() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Used after searches to make bound filters remotable.
optional - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The optional flag.
OPTIONAL_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.OptionalProcessor
Name of the java 8 optional class.
OptionalCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Java 8 optional objects.
OptionalCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.OptionalCodec
OptionalProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.Optional.
OptionalProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.OptionalProcessor
OR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The OR operator.
OR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The OR operator.
OR - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
The or (||) operator.
OR - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The bitwise or operator.
ORDER - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
order - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The order direction.
orderAcceptables(Object, Object, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Order acceptable proposals by preference.
orderby - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The flag indicating presence of an order by clause.
orderComponentFeatures(String, Collection<Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Build an ordered list of component features.
OrderedProperties - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Class extending java.util.Properties to preserve order by redirecting calls to an internal linked hash map.
OrderedProperties() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
orderFromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Convert an ordering direction from a string representation.
orderToString(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Convert an ordering direction to a string representation.
orig - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
origin - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The id.
orsuccess - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The procedual success flag.
os - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
An OutputStream to the connection.
os - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
The binary output
osconv - Variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeConverter
The object string converter.
other - Variable in class
The ID of the component at the other side of the transfer (i.e.
otherdeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
The set of nodes depending on this node.
out - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The super output stream.
out - Variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil.AccessiblePrintStream
The underlying output stream.
OUT_FOR_SYSTEM_IN - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
outgoing - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
outputfile - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The output stream redirection file name (if any).
outs - Variable in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
The output streams.
owner - Variable in class
The query owner.
ownership - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot ownership.
ownership - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot ownership.
ownresults - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
The local results for a single thread.
ownresults - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
The local results for a single thread.


packagename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The package.
paddedSize_ - Variable in class
Real size of the viewport including padding.
paddedSize_ - Variable in class
Real size of the viewport including padding.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sublcassed to translate the graphics such that the last visible row will be drawn at 0,0.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Paint the textfield and optionally add a red error indicator.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
Paint the icons.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
panel - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The panel.
panel - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The panel.
ParallelActivationPlan - Class in jadex.gpmn.plan
Plan for parallel goal activation in GPMN processes.
ParallelActivationPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.gpmn.plan.ParallelActivationPlan
PARAMETER_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.GetPosition
PARAMETER_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.GetPosition
PARAMETER_VELOCITY - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.GetPosition
PARAMETER_VELOCITY - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.GetPosition
PARAMETERCHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a parameter value has changed (the whole value was changed).
ParameterDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
ParameterDescriptor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.ParameterDescriptor
ParameterInfo - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Parameter info annotation.
ParameterInfo - Class in
ParameterInfo() - Constructor for class
ParameterInfo(String, String, Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class
parameterinfos - Variable in class
The parameter infos.
ParameterMapper - Annotation Type in
The parameter mapper can be used to state how a parameter should be mapped for a rest service invocation.
ParameterMappers - Annotation Type in
Container annotation for more than one parameter mapper that should be annotated at the method itself.
ParameterNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Parameter node representing a parameter.
ParameterNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Create a node.
parameters - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.DispatchGoalStep
parameters - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
The parameters.
parameters - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
The parameters.
parameters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The parameters (optional).
parameters - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The action parameters.
parameters - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
The parameters.
ParametersInURL - Annotation Type in
Annotation that can be used to state if the parameters should be passed in the url or not.
ParametersMapper - Annotation Type in
Parameter mapper to map the parameters.
ParameterSpecification(String, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Create a parameter(set) specification.
ParameterSpecification(String, Class<?>, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Create a parameter(set) specification.
parametertypes - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The fully qualified parameter clazz names.
parametertypes - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
The parameter classes.
parammap - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The parameters by name (name -> parameter spec).
params - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
The parameter values flattened.
params - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The parameters.
params - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The allowed parameters.
paramsets - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType
The allowed parameter sets.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The parent process thread.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot parent.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
The parent.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The parent component.
parent - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
The paretn map (if any).
parent - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
The component.
parent - Variable in class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
The parent.
parent - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
parent - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
The parent fetcher if any.
Parent - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for injecting component parent to a field.
parentid - Variable in class
The parent id.
parentinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The parent injection targets.
parents - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
The parent maps.
parked - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The list of threads not used.
parseArg(String, String) - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
parseArg(String, String, AbstractPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
parseArg(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Parse an argument.
parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
parseArgs(String[], AbstractPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
parseArgs(Map<String, String>, IResourceIdentifier, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
parseBpmnMultiColumTable(List, List) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Parse a list of annotation details into an MultiColumnTableEx
parsed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The parsed expression (cached for speed, but not transmitted).
parseEAnnotationTable(List, List) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Get annotation detail
ParseException - Exception in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException(Token, int[][], String[]) - Constructor for exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
This constructor is used by the method "generateParseException" in the generated parser.
ParseException() - Constructor for exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
The following constructors are for use by you for whatever purpose you can think of.
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
parseExpression(String, String[], Map, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.IExpressionParser
Parse an expression string.
parseExpression(String, String[], Map, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCCExpressionParser
Parse an expression string.
parseExpression(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Evaluates a java expression.
parseExpression(UnparsedExpression, String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Parse the expression.
parser - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
The java parser.
parser - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The parser.
ParserImplConstants - Interface in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
ParserImplTokenManager - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
ParserImplTokenManager(JavaCharStream) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
ParserImplTokenManager(JavaCharStream, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
ParserImplTreeConstants - Interface in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
part - Variable in class
participant - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
The participants component identifier.
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The participant id.
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The participant id.
ParticipantProposal - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
An object containing information about a proposal made in a negotiation, i.e., the component identifier of the participant and the content object of the proposal message.
ParticipantProposal() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Create a participant proposal.
ParticipantProposal(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Create a participant proposal for a given participant.
participants - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
The cfp object.
parts - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Collecting content.
passed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
Called when the plan is finished, i.e.
passed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
passed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
passed() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
passed() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The passed method is called on plan success.
passedmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The passed method cached for speed.
password - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
The user password.
PASSWORD - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The most restricted security level (access is only granted with correct platform master password).
path - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The path.
path - Variable in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
The resource path (relative to clazz or absolute).
path - Variable in class
pathid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
The path id (unique for each spawned thread).
pathids - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
All path ids belonging to the split id.
pathmanager - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
The path manager.
pathmanager - Static variable in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
The path manager.
pathmanager - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The type info path manager.
pathname - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
The pathname.
pattern - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The time pattern.
PatternEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
PatternEditor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.PatternEditor
pause() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Pause the execution (can be resumed via start or step).
PAUSE_DISPLAYING_OFF - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
pauseApp() - Method in interface
Pause the internal 3d Application
pauseDisplaying - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
pauseRow - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
pcs - Variable in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
The property change support.
pcSupport - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
pdirconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
peek() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Peek the topmost element without dequeuing it.
peek() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Peek the topmost element without dequeuing it.
peek() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Peek the topmost element without dequeuing it.
PerceptEntry(String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject, IPerceptProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
Convenience constructor for inline entry creation.
perceptgenerators - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The percept generators.
perceptlist - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The list of scheduled percepts.
PerceptList - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
The list of scheduled component percepts and convenience methods for processing selected percepts.
PerceptList(IEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
Create a new percept list.
PerceptList.PerceptEntry - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Entry for a scheduled percept.
perceptprocessors - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The percept processors.
percepts - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
The scheduled percepts.
PerceptType - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Class for representation a percept type, which has a name, a set of object types and a set of component types.
PerceptType() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Create a new percept type.
PerceptType(String, Set, Set) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Create a new percept type.
percepttypes - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The percepttypes infos.
percepttypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The percepttypes.
perform(Map<String, Object>, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceAction
Executes the delayed action.
perform(Map, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.GetPosition
Perform an action.
perform(Map, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.SetPosition
Perform an action.
perform(Map, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.GetPosition
Perform an action.
perform(Map, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.SetPosition
Perform an action.
PERFORMATIVE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PERFORMATIVES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The allowed message attributes.
performCall(IService, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Perform a call on given service with given arguments.
performJoin(MActivity, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Perform a join, if possible.
performRequest(IExternalAccess, String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, String, Class<?>, boolean, Future<String>) - Static method in class
Perform the REST call.
performSearch(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Perform a search using a search expression.
performSearch(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Perform a search using a search expression.
performSpaceAction(String, Map, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Schedules an space action.
performSpaceAction(String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Performs a space action.
performSpaceAction(String, Map, IResultListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Perform an space action.
performSplit(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Perform a split.
performSplit(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayORActivityHandler
Perform a split.
performSplit(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayParallelActivityHandler
Perform a split.
performWrites() - Method in class
Perform the scheduled write actions.
period - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The avg period.
PERSIST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag to enable component persistence.
PERSIST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The persist flag argument.
persist() - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Persist the cached object.
persist() - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Presist the cached object.
persist_always - Variable in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
The persist strategy (always or only on demand by manually calling persist).
persist_single - Variable in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
The flag indicating if cached objects are stored on disk themselves.
persistable - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The persistable flag.
persistable - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The persistable flag (default: false).
PersistenceDelegate - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PersistenceDelegate instances write received bean objects to encoders in the form of expressions and statements, which can be evaluated or executed to reconstruct the recorded bean objects in a new environment during decoding.
PersistenceDelegate() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PersistenceDelegate
Default constructor.
PersistentMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A map implementation supporting automatic serialization its data and persisting it on disk.
PersistentMap(File, boolean, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Creates the map.
PersistentMap.DeletedKey - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Marker for deleted entries.
PersistentMap.ValueInfo - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Information about a stored value.
PersistentMap2<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A map implementation supporting automatic serialization its data and persisting it on disk.
PersistentMap2(File, boolean, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Creates the map.
PersistentMap2.DeletedKey - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Marker for deleted entries.
PersistentMap2.ValueInfo - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Information about a stored value.
perspective - Variable in class
IPropertyObject holding properties for layers.
perspective - Variable in class
IPropertyObject holding properties for layers.
Perspective2D - Class in
Perspective for viewing in 2D.
Perspective2D() - Constructor for class
Creates a 2D-Perspective.
Perspective3D - Class in
Perspective for viewing in 3D.
Perspective3D(boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a 3D-Perspective.
pfetcher - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
pfilestream - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
pguesser - Variable in class jadex.commons.SimpleMethodParameterGuesser
The parameter guesser.
phone - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
The mobile phone no.
pid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish id.
pinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The provided service infos.
pingdelay - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
The delay between pings.
PingingPlan - Class in
The pinging plan continously sends ping messages to another agent on the same platform.
PingingPlan() - Constructor for class
pixPosition_ - Variable in class
Pixel-corrected viewport position.
pixPosition_ - Variable in class
Pixel-corrected viewport position.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
The package fragment pool.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
The package fragment pool.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The package fragment pool.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
The package fragment pool.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The package fragment pool.
pkgpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
The package fragment pool.
Plan - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
plan - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.PlanFinishedTaskCondition
The finished flag.
Plan - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Dummy class for loading v2 examples using v3x.
Plan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The plan wait abstraction extends wait abstraction with convenience methods.
PlanAborted - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PLANADOPTED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a plan has been added.
PlanAPI - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
planbase - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
The flat plan base.
PlanbaseWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Prepend capability prefix to plan names.
PlanbaseWrapper(IPlanbase, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Create a plan base wrapper.
PlanBody - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PlanCapability - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PlanContextCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PlanFailed - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PLANFINISHED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a plan has been finished.
PlanFinishedTaskCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Finished condition for a space object task to be removed when a plan is finished.
PlanFinishedTaskCondition(IPlan) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.PlanFinishedTaskCondition
Create a plan finished task condition.
PlanPassed - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
PlanPrecondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Note that the plan precondition is executed before a plan is scheduled for execution.
PlanReason - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Plans - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
plans - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The plans.
PlansExistCondition(MPlan, RCapability) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition
PlanWaitAbstraction() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
platform - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The platform.
platform - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The platform identifier.
PLATFORM_ACCESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The IPlatformComponentAccess instance
PLATFORM_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Tell the starter to use the default platform component implementation (usually no need to change).
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
The name of the platform component (null for auto generation).
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
PlatformConfiguration - Class in jadex.base
This class models the Configuration of a Jadex Platform.
PlatformConfiguration(PlatformConfiguration) - Constructor for class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
PlatformConfiguration(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
PlatformConfiguration() - Constructor for class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
platformmem - Static variable in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Global platform data.
PointLight3d - Class in
PointLight3d(double) - Constructor for class
PointLight3d(Object, Object, double, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Generates a new PointLight3d
pojoclass - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The micro agent class.
pojoproxies - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The pojo service map (pojo -> proxy).
pojoresultreadaccess - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The pojo result access (field or method).
pojoresultwriteaccess - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
pojotask - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
The pojo task.
PojoTaskWrapper - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Task that acts as wrapper for pojo tasks.
PojoTaskWrapper() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Bean constructor.
PojoTaskWrapper(Object, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, List<FieldInfo>, Map<String, List<FieldInfo>>, Map<String, FieldInfo>) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Create a new wrapper task.
poll() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Poll a stale entry.
pool - Variable in class
The pool name.
pool - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The thread pool.
pool - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The pool of service threads.
poolcnt - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The static thread pool number.
pop() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Pop delete the top most set of values.
popup - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Indicates that the last mouse click included a popup trigger.
PopupBuilder - Class in jadex.commons.gui
The popup builder.
PopupBuilder() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Create the popup builder.
PopupBuilder(List) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Create the popup builder.
PopupBuilder(Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Create the popup builder.
port - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
The smpt host port.
porttype - Variable in class
The porttype.
pos - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The current tokenization position.
pos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Current position
position - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Position of the value within the file.
position - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Position of the value within the file.
position - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Position of the value within the file.
position_ - Variable in class
Virtual Viewport position.
position_ - Variable in class
Virtual Viewport position.
positional - Variable in class
positions - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
The positions (role name -> Set{aids}).
positions - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
The positions.
PostCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PostCondition.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PostConditions - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
postfix - Variable in class
The string postfix.
postlayers - Variable in class
The postlayers
postLayers_ - Variable in class
Layers applied after drawable rendering
POSTORDER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
The postorder constant.
postproc - Variable in class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
The post processor (if any).
postProcess(IContext, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.BeliefMultiProc
postProcess(IContext, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.GoalMetaProc
postProcess(IContext, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader.ParamMultiProc
postProcess(IContext, Object) - Method in interface jadex.xml.IPostProcessor
Post-process an object after an XML has been loaded.
postprocessors - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
The postprocessors.
postprocessors - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
The filter based post processors.
postprocessors - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The post processors.
posttoall - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Post to all flag.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Precompute type, and perform checks.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Check argument types, and precompute expression when some children are constant.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CastNode
Precompute the static type and check if cast is possible.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CollectionNode
Precompute type, and perform checks.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Check argument number, and precompute expression when all children are constant.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConditionalNode
Check argument types, and precompute expression when some children are constant.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
This method should be overridden to perform all possible checks and precompute all values (e.g.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Precompute the static type and constant value if possible.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Precompute the set of matching constructors if possible.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectionNode
Check if value is array and precompute the static type.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Precompile the node.
precompile() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Precompute the type.
precompileTree() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Precompile this node and all subnodes.
precompileUnary() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Precompile unary node.
precondition - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The precondition.
PreCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PreCondition.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
preconditionmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The precondition method cached for speed.
PreConditions - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
predefined - Variable in class
predefinedId - Variable in class
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Compute the preferred layout size.
preferredsize - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
The preferred scrollable viewport size.
prefertags - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The include fields flag.
prefertags - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
Flag indicating if writing tags should be preferred wrt.
prefix - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
The full capability prefix.
prefix - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
The full capability prefix.
prefix - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
The full capability prefix.
prefix - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The prefix length.
prefix - Variable in class
The string prefix,
prefix - Variable in class jadex.xml.Namespace
The prefix.
prelayers - Variable in class
The prelayers
preLayers_ - Variable in class
Layers applied before drawable rendering
PREORDER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
The preorder constant.
prepareAndExecuteDraw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Prepares the object for rendering to a Java2D viewport
prepareAndExecuteDraw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in interface
Prepares the object for rendering to a Java2D viewport
prepareAndExecuteDraw(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, ViewportJ2D) - Method in class
Prepares the object for rendering to a Java2D viewport
PrePostConditionFetcher(Object[], Object, Object, List<Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
PrePostConditionInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that checks annotated pre- and postconditions.
PrePostConditionInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Create a new AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor.
PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Check return value, when service call is finished.
PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Fetcher for pre and post condition.
preProcess(IContext, Object) - Method in interface jadex.xml.IPreProcessor
Pre-process an object after an XML has been loaded.
preprocessor - Variable in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
The preprocessor.
preprocessors - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
The preprocessors.
preprocessors - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
The filter based post processors.
preprocessors - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The pre processors.
preprocessRequest(IAuthorizable, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Preprocess a request.
preserveAR_ - Variable in class
Flag aspect ratio preservation.
preserveAR_ - Variable in class
Flag aspect ratio preservation.
prevCharIsCR - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
prevCharIsLF - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
prgmargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The program arguments.
prices - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The prices.
prices - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The prices.
Primitive - Class in
Primitive() - Constructor for class
Primitive(int, Object, Object, Object, int, Object, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Initializes the drawable.
Primitive3d - Class in
Primitive3d() - Constructor for class
Primitive3d(int) - Constructor for class
Primitive3d(int, Object, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Primitive3d(int, Object, Object, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Primitive3d(int, Object, Object, Object, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Initializes the drawable.
Primitive3d(int, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class
Initializes the drawable.
Primitive3d(int, Object, Object, Object, Object, IParsedExpression, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes the drawable.
Primitive3d(int, Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, IParsedExpression, String, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Initializes the drawable.
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ARROW - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_BOX - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_CYLINDER - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_DOME - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_EFFECT - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_OBJECT3D - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_POINTLIGHT - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_QUAD - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_REGULARPOLYGON - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_SKY - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_SOUND - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_SPHERE - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TERRAIN - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TEXT3D - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TORUS - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLE - Static variable in class
PrimitiveEventType(int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent.PrimitiveEventType
Creates the type.
PRINT_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Print every 10 seconds.
PRINT_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Print every 10 seconds.
printCollectionInfo(Iterator, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Print out all collections with more than boundary elements.
printExceptions() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
Returns an OnExceptionListener that logs exceptions to console.
PRINTPASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if the platform password should be printed to the console.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.commons.concurrent.TimeoutException
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Prints also stack trace of first exception, if available.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.commons.future.FutureTerminatedException
PrintTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Print out some text stored in variable text.
PrintTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PrintTask
priority - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The plan priority.
priority - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
The priority.
privatemessage - Variable in class
Flag for privat message.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyMethodInfoEncoder
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ArrayProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BigIntegerProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CloneProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CollectionProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ColorProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DateProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.EnumerationProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ExcludeSwingProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.FilterProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImageProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ImmutableProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IteratorProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ITraverseProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ListProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.LogRecordProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MapProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.MultiCollectionProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.OptionalProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.RectangleProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SetProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TimestampProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TupleProcessor
Process an object.
process(Object, Type, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.UUIDProcessor
Process an object.
processArgs(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Create a platform configuration.
processArgs(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Create a platform configuration.
processArgs(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
since 3.0.7. Use other processArgs methods instead.
processArguments(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Process the cmd line args.
processes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The environment processes.
processor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The processor.
processorcache - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
processors - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
The default traversal processors with no special actions.
processPercept(IEnvironmentSpace, String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
Process a new percept.
processPercept(IEnvironmentSpace, String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IPerceptProcessor
Process a new percept.
processPercept(IEnvironmentSpace, String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ServiceVisionProcessor
processPercepts(IFilter<PerceptList.PerceptEntry>) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
Process scheduled percepts.
processRawMode(Object, Class, IEncodingContext, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ArrayCodec2
processRawMode(Object, Class, IEncodingContext, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyArrayCodec
ProcessServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Invocation handler for mapping service requests to start events of BPMN processes.
ProcessServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, MActivity>) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new process service invocation handler.
ProcessServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new process service invocation handler.
ProcessStarter - Class in jadex.commons
The process starter allows for starting another process in a completely detached way, i.e.
ProcessStarter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
ProcessThread - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Representation of a single control flow in a BPMN process instance, i.e.
ProcessThread(MActivity, ProcessThread, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a new process instance.
ProcessThread(MActivity, ProcessThread, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a new process instance.
ProcessThreadInfo - Class in
Visualization data about a process thread.
ProcessThreadInfo() - Constructor for class
Create a new info.
ProcessThreadInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new history info.
ProcessThreadInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new process info.
ProcessThreadValueFetcher - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime
Value fetcher for process threads.
ProcessThreadValueFetcher(ProcessThread, boolean, IValueFetcher) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
Create a value fetcher for a given process.
ProcessThreadValueFetcher.IfDefMap - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime
processtypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The space process types.
PROFILING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Enable call profiling.
PROFILING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Enable call profiling.
PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The saved program arguments.
PROPAGATE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
propagatedFrom - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The mapping properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
A map of properties (if any).
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Platform properties (if any).
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Optional properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The service call properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The service call properties.
Properties - Class in jadex.commons
The configuration properties.
Properties() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Properties
Create a new properties.
Properties(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Properties
Create a new properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.commons.Properties
The direct properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
The properties
properties - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
The properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The properties.
properties - Variable in class
The properties
properties - Variable in class
The properties
Properties - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Component properties as name value pairs.
PropertiesPanel - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Panel for showing properties.
PropertiesPanel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create new properties panel.
PropertiesPanel(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create new properties panel.
PropertiesXMLHelper - Class in jadex.xml
A simple static helper class for reading and writing jadex.commons.Properties.
PropertiesXMLHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Property - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept Property of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
Property() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Default Constructor.
Property(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Init Constructor.
Property - Class in jadex.commons
A configuration property.
Property() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Property
Create a new property.
Property(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Property
Create a new property.
Property(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Property
Create a new property.
property - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
The property (if any).
PROPERTY_AWAMECHANISM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The mechanism src.
PROPERTY_BORDER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
The constant for the border property.
PROPERTY_BORDER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
The constant for the border property.
PROPERTY_CODECIDS - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
The property message is the message to be sent.
PROPERTY_CONDITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
The task condition property.
PROPERTY_EXECUTION_MONITORING - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceExecutor
Property to enable execution monitoring (i.e.
PROPERTY_EXTERNALNOTIFIER - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateNotificationHandler
The property for the external notifier (system).
PROPERTY_FILTER - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
The filter property describes the filter for receiving a message.
PROPERTY_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectTask
The property for holding the task id.
PROPERTY_JADEXDATE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The property for the Jadex build date.
PROPERTY_JADEXVERSION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The property for the Jadex version.
PROPERTY_KEYSTOREENTRIES - Static variable in interface
The keystore entries property.
PROPERTY_KEYSTORESETTINGS - Static variable in interface
The keystore settings property.
PROPERTY_LOCALPASS - Static variable in interface
The localpass property.
PROPERTY_MAXRANGE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_MAXRANGE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_MAXRANGE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_MECHANISMPARAMETER - Static variable in interface
A mechanism parameter changed.
PROPERTY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
The property message is the message to be sent.
PROPERTY_MESSAGETYPE - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
The type property message type identifies the meta type (e.g.
PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Property for method name.
PROPERTY_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Property for method name.
PROPERTY_MODE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
The property for the action execution mode.
PROPERTY_NEIGHBORHOOD - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
The neighborhood property.
PROPERTY_NEIGHBORHOOD - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
The neighborhood property.
PROPERTY_NETWORKPASS - Static variable in interface
The networkpass property.
PROPERTY_OWNER - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceObject
The owner property.
PROPERTY_PERCEPTTYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The percept types property.
PROPERTY_PERCEPTTYPES - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept types property.
PROPERTY_PERCEPTTYPES - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept types property.
PROPERTY_PLATFORMPASS - Static variable in interface
The platformpass property.
PROPERTY_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
The constant for the position property.
PROPERTY_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
The constant for the position property.
PROPERTY_RANGE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_RANGE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_RANGE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The maxrange property.
PROPERTY_RANKING - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Property for ranking class name.
PROPERTY_SELECTEDMECHANISM - Static variable in interface
The acquisition mechanism.
PROPERTY_SERVICE - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Property for service name.
PROPERTY_SERVICE - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Property for service name.
PROPERTY_TEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The name of the property for defining a test timeout.
PROPERTY_TRUSTEDLAN - Static variable in interface
The trusted lan property.
PROPERTY_USEPASS - Static variable in interface
The event types.
PROPERTY_VALIDITYDURATION - Static variable in interface
The validity duration changed.
PROPERTY_VIRTUALS - Static variable in interface
The validity duration changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeListener
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeListenerProxy
PropertyChangeEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyChangeEvent(Object, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
PropertyChangeListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyChangeListenerProxy - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyChangeListenerProxy(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeListenerProxy
PropertyChangeSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyChangeSupport(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
PropertyDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyDescriptor(String, Class<?>, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
PropertyDescriptor(String, Method, Method) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
PropertyDescriptor(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
PropertyEditor - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyEditorManager - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyEditorManager() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorManager
PropertyEditorSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans
PropertyEditorSupport(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
PropertyEditorSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
propertyname - Variable in class
The property name.
PROPERTYNAME - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.beans.DesignMode
PropertyVetoException - Exception in jadex.commons.beans
Indicates that a proposed property change is unacceptable.
PropertyVetoException(String, PropertyChangeEvent) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.beans.PropertyVetoException
propname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Name of the property being kept constant.
propname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Name of the property.
proposal - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
The proposal object.
proposal_evaluator - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ICNPHandler
The proposal evaluator.
ProposalEvaluator - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
A default implementation of the proposal evaluator interface.
ProposalEvaluator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Create a default proposal evaluator.
ProposalEvaluator(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Create a default proposal evaluator with a given limit value.
ProposalEvaluator(Comparator, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Create a default proposal evaluator with a given limit value.
proposals - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The participant proposals.
PROPOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
props - Variable in class
All settings are stored in standard javax.mail...
prot - Variable in class
Flag if entry is password protected.
ProtectedInputStream - Class in jadex.commons
Protects the underlying input stream from being closed.
ProtectedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ProtectedInputStream
Create a protected input stream.
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_BROKERING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_CANCEL_META - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_DUTCH_AUCTION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_ENGLISH_AUCTION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_ITERATED_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_PROPOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_QUERY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_RECRUITING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_REQUEST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_TYPEINFO - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
The package protocol constant.
protocols - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot protocols.
protocols - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot protocols.
PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The standard protocols.
PROV_RSA_FULL - Static variable in class
ProvidedService - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Provided service annotation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Contains information for provided service implementation: - implementation class or - creation expression or - implementation forward to other component via binding
ProvidedServiceImplementation() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation(Class<?>, String, String, RequiredServiceBinding, UnparsedExpression[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation(ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Info for provided services.
ProvidedServiceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, ProvidedServiceImplementation, String, PublishInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, ClassInfo, ProvidedServiceImplementation, String, PublishInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
providedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The provided service overridings.
providedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The provided services.
ProvidedServices - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The provided services annotation.
ProvidedServicesComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Feature for provided services.
ProvidedServicesComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The platform.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The provider.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
The provider.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener
The provider.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The provider.
provider - Variable in class
Interface to the data of the registry.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application provider.
provider - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
The platform.
providerid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The provider id.
providerid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The provider identifier.
PROXY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
proxy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The origin (proxy object).
proxy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Component id of local proxy (if any).
proxy - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
A proxy service provider that delegates service requests to the parent context.
ProxyFilter - Class in
Test if a class is a proxy.
ProxyFilter() - Constructor for class
PROXYFILTER - Static variable in class
Static proxy filter instance.
ProxyInputStream - Class in jadex.commons
The proxy input stream is similar to filter input stream but overrides read(byte[]) to redirect it to the same input stream method.
ProxyInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ProxyInputStream
Constructs a new ProxyInputStream.
ProxyResultListener(Future<T>, IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Constructor for class
proxytype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The proxy type.
proxytype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The proxytype.
PROXYTYPE_DECOUPLED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The (default) decoupled proxy type (decouples from caller thread to component thread).
PROXYTYPE_DECOUPLED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
The (default) decoupled proxy type (decouples from component thread to caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_DECOUPLED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Implementation
The (default) decoupled proxy type (decouples from caller thread to component thread).
PROXYTYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The direct proxy type (supports custom interceptors, but uses caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
The direct proxy type (supports custom interceptors, but uses caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Implementation
The direct proxy type (supports custom interceptors, but uses caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_RAW - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The raw proxy type (i.e.
PROXYTYPE_RAW - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
The raw proxy type (i.e.
PROXYTYPE_RAW - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Implementation
The raw proxy type (i.e.
Publish - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Publish information for a goal.
publish - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Publish information.
Publish - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The name (for referencing/overriding).
PUBLISH_RS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The publish type rest service.
PUBLISH_WS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The publish type web service.
publisher - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
The event publisher.
publisher - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
The event publisher.
publisher - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
The event publisher.
publisher - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
The publisher.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent, IMonitoringService.PublishTarget) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMonitoringComponentFeature
Publish a monitoring event.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService
Publish a new event.
publishExternal(URI, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish file resources from the file system.
publishHMTLPage(String, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish a static page (without ressources).
PublishInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Info struct for service publishing details.
PublishInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, String, boolean, Class<?>, UnparsedExpression[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, String, boolean, Class<?>, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(PublishInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
publishRedirect(URI, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish permanent redirect.
publishResources(URI, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish file resources from the classpath.
publishscope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish scope.
publishService(IServiceIdentifier, PublishInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Publish a service.
publishToolBeliefEvent() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
publishToolBeliefEvent(IInternalAccess, MBelief) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
publishtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish type.
pubs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The goal/service publications.
pullcmd - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
The pull command.
pullcmd - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
The pull command.
PullIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Delegation future for pull future.
PullIntermediateDelegationFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
PullIntermediateDelegationFuture(IPullIntermediateFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
PullIntermediateFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
PullIntermediateFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
PullIntermediateFuture(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done (failed).
PullIntermediateFuture(ICommand<PullIntermediateFuture<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
PullIntermediateFuture(ICommand<PullIntermediateFuture<E>>, ITerminationCommand) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IPullIntermediateFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IPullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateDelegationFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullIntermediateFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
pullIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Pull an intermediate result.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Delegation future for pull future.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture(IPullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done (failed).
PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture(ICommand<PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture(ICommand<PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>>, ITerminationCommand) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
push(Object, Method, List<Object>, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Push saves and copies the current set of values.
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Puts an entry into the map, forward direction.
put(Object, Object, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Put an entry in the cache.
put(Object, Object, long, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Put an entry in the cache.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(K, V, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
put(K, Collection<V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Puts a new value in the map.
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Puts a new value in the map.
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Puts a new value in the map.
put(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Add value for key.
put(T, E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Puts all entries of a map into this map, forward direction.
putAll(Map) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends Collection<V>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Copies entries from the specified map to this map,
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Copies entries from the specified map to this map,
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Copies entries from the specified map to this map,
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Add all mappings.
putAll(Map<? extends T, ? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
putPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get a global platform value.


QName - Class in jadex.xml.stax
StaX API: QName
QName(String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Constructor for the QName with just a local part.
QName(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Constructor for the QName with a namespace URI and a local part.
QName(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Constructor for the QName.
queries - Variable in class
The persistent service queries.
queries - Variable in class
The persistent service queries.
query - Variable in class
The query.
query - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
The query flag.
QUERY_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
query_nextround_info - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ICNPHandler
The query nextround info.
QUERY_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
queryNextroundInfo(NegotiationRecord) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Decide if a new iteration should be performed.
queryNextroundInfo(IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ICNPHandler
Collect information for next negotiation round.
queryNextroundInfo(IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo, NegotiationRecord[], ParticipantProposal[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo
Collect information for next negotiation round.
QUESTIONMARK - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
queue - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Reference queue for garbage-collected elements.
queue - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
The reference queue used to get object removal notifications.
queue - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
The reference queue.


radius - Variable in class
raf - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Random access to the persistence file
raf - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Random access to the persistence file
raf - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Random access to the persistence file
random - Variable in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Random number generator.
RANDOM - Static variable in class
Common secure random number source.
random - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Random for picking object samples for estimating median.
randomselection - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Random selection flag.
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Sets the x-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Sets the x-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Sets the x-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Sets the x-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
randomX(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Sets the x-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Sets the y-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Sets the y-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Sets the y-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Sets the y-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
randomY(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Sets the y-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomZ(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Sets the z-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
randomZ(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
randomZ(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Sets the z-component to a random value in the interval [lower,upper]
range - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
The range of the view.
rank(List<S>) - Method in class
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
rank(List<S>) - Method in interface
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
ranker - Variable in class
The ranker.
ranker - Variable in class
The ranker.
rankResults() - Method in class
Rank the results and announce them
rankResults() - Method in class
Rank the results and announce them
rankServices(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Static method in class
Rank the services of a search with a specific ranker.
rankServicesWithScores(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Static method in class
Rank the services of a search with a specific ranker and emit the scores.
rankWithScores(List<S>) - Method in class
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
rankWithScores(List<S>) - Method in interface
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
rawattrs - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The raw attributes.
RawEvent - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Raw event allows to specify exactly on what condition to wait.
rawevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The raw events.
rawmenu - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
The menu-items and actions.
rawmodel - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The raw model.
RBelief(MBelief, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Create a new parameter.
RBelief(MBelief, IInternalAccess, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Create a new parameter.
RBeliefbase - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Runtime element for storing beliefs.
RBeliefbase(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Create a new beliefbase.
RBeliefbase.RBelief - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
static: belief is evaluated once on init, afterwards set manually pull: belief is reevaluated on each read access push: reevaluates on each event and sets the new value and throws change event polling/updaterate: reevaluates in intervals and and sets the new value and throws change event
RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
RBeliefSet(MBelief, IInternalAccess, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Create a new parameter.
RBeliefSet(MBelief, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Create a new parameter.
RBRACE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
RBRACKET - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
rcl - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The change listener (proxy) to be informed about important changes.
rcl - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The change listener (proxy) to be informed about important changes.
rconv - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubObjectConverter
The object object read converter.
reactivateGoal(RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
(Re)activate a goal.
read(String, String[], ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, List<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Load a model.
read(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, List<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Load the model.
read(ResourceInfo, ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Read properties from xml.
read() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
read() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.ProxyInputStream
Invokes the delegate's read(byte[]) method.
read(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer and fills the array.
read(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer and fills the array.
read(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer and fills the array.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Reads a number of bytes from the buffer and fills the array.
read(String, String[], ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, List<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Load a model.
read(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, List<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Load the model.
read(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Convert an xml to an object.
read(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Convert an xml to an object.
read(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, Reader, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Read properties from xml.
read(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, InputStream, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Read properties from xml.
read(TypeInfoPathManager, IObjectReaderHandler, IXMLReader, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
Read properties from xml.
READ_CONTEXT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
This thread local variable provides access to the read context, e.g.
readable - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Readable flag
readAccount(String) - Method in class
Read account data from property file.
readAccount(InputStream) - Method in class
Read account data from property file.
readActionSync(IResultCommand<Object, Void>, String) - Method in class
readAnnotationEvents(MCapability, Annotation[][], ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Read the annotation events from method annotations.
readAnnotationEvents(IInternalAccess, Annotation[][]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Read the annotation events from method annotations.
readbacklog - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Backlog of read requests
readBeanProperties(Object, Class, IDecodingContext, IBeanIntrospector) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
readBoolean() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Reads a boolean value from the buffer.
readBoolean() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Reads a boolean value from the buffer.
readBoolean() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Reads a boolean value from the buffer.
readBoolean() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Reads a boolean value from the buffer.
readByte() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Reads a byte from the buffer.
readByte() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Reads a byte from the buffer.
readByte() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Reads a byte from the buffer.
readByte() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Reads a byte from the buffer.
ReadByte() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
readChar() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
readChildren(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Deserializes children from the given object input stream.
readClassname() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a class name.
readClassname() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a class name.
readClassname() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Helper method for decoding a class name.
readClassname() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a class name.
reader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
The xml reader.
reader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
The xml reader.
reader - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
The singleton reader instance.
reader - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModelLoader
The xml reader.
reader - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader
The reader.
Reader - Class in jadex.xml.reader
Stax XML reader.
Reader() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
Create a new reader.
Reader(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
Create a new reader.
Reader(boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
Create a new reader.
Reader(boolean, boolean, boolean, XMLReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.Reader
Create a new reader.
reader - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
The wrapped reader.
readercnt - Variable in class
The reader count.
readerDec() - Method in class
Get the lock and decrement the readers variable.
readerhandler - Static variable in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
The reader handler.
readerhandler - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The reader handler (if any).
readerhandler - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The reader handler (if any).
readerInc(String) - Method in class
Get the lock and increment the readers variable.
readFile(File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Reads a file into memory (byte array).
readFile(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Read a file to string.
readFile(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Read a file to string.
readignore - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The readignore counter (0=do not ignore).
readNFProperties(Class<?>, IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Create nf properties form a class with nf annotations.
readObject() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Reads the next object.
readObjectFromDataInput(DataInput, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert a byte array to an object.
readObjectFromStream(InputStream, List<IDecoderHandler>, Object, ClassLoader, IErrorReporter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert a byte array to an object.
readobjects - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The read objects per id.
readop - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock.ActionPerformedListener
Flag indicating a read operation.
readResolve() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Perform special handling on deserialization.
readResolve() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Perform special handling on serialization.
reads - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Number of read operations in progress
readSignedVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a signed variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readSignedVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a signed variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readSignedVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Helper method for decoding a signed variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readSignedVarInt() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a signed variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readStream(InputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Reads an input stream into memory (byte array).
readStream(byte[], InputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Fills buffer from an input stream.
readStream(byte[], int, int, InputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Reads part of an input stream into a buffer.
readStream(byte[], int, int, InputStream, long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Reads part of an input stream into a buffer.
readString() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a string.
readString() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a string.
readString() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Helper method for decoding a string.
readString() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a string.
readVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readVarInt() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
Helper method for decoding a variable-sized integer (VarInt).
readVarInt() - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Helper method for decoding a variable-sized integer (VarInt).
ReadWriteLock - Class in jadex.commons.future
Locking class implementing RX-style operation: Multiple reads are allowed to be performed at the same time but write operations are exclusive.
ReadWriteLock() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
ReadWriteLock.ActionPerformedListener - Class in jadex.commons.future
Listener performing post-action operations.
readyfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The ready future.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Flag indicating if the update rate is real time.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
The realtime flag for call timeouts.
REALTIME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The realtime constant.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The realtime flag.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
The realtime flag.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The realtime flag.
reason - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The failure reason.
reason - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
The reason.
reason - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Exception used for notification.
reason - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Exception used for notification.
REASON_COMPONENT_EXISTS - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that the component already exists.
REASON_MODEL_ERROR - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that a model has occurred.
REASON_NO_COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that no component factory has been found.
REASON_WRONG_ID - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that component has a wrong/errorneous id.
rebind(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
Rebind a service call by using the fetcher to find/create another service.
rebuild - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
The rebuild mode.
rebuild() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Rebuilds the tree, updating spatial information, adding objects and removing objects.
receiveMessage(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
Receive a message.
RECEIVERS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
receivers - Variable in class
The receivers.
recordKnownDecodedObject(Object, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Record object as known during decoding, allows different behavior if needed.
recordKnownDecodedObject(Object, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
References handling not needed.
recordKnownDecodedObject(Object, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
References handling not needed.
recordKnownDecodedObject(Object, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
References handling not needed, handled by string pool.
recover - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The recover flag.
RecoveryInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The recovery interceptor is used in required service proxies for automatically reassigning a service if it fails due to one of specific exceptions.
RecoveryInterceptor(IExternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, IRequiredServiceFetcher) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
RectangleCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding Rectangle objects.
RectangleCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.RectangleCodec
RectangleJ2DRenderer - Class in
RectangleJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
RectangleProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.Date.
RectangleProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.RectangleProcessor
recur - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The recur flag.
recurdelay - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The recur delay.
redirconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
redirect(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Redirects the vector to a new direction, maintaining the magnitude.
redirect(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Redirects the vector to a new direction, maintaining the magnitude.
redirect(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Redirects the vector to a new direction, maintaining the magnitude.
redirect(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Redirects the vector to a new direction, maintaining the magnitude.
redirectInput(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Redirect some text to the remote input stream.
reevamodeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
reexcludeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
ref - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The reference.
ref - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
The referenced element.
ref - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The referenced element name.
Reference - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Can be used to give objects reference semantics in local and remote calls: - in local calls references are not copied.
reference - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
The current URL under the mouse cursor when local reference (i.e.
REFERENCE_MARKER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BinarySerializer
Marker for references
REFERENCE_MARKER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Marker for references
ReflectNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A node for a constructor or method invocation or field access.
ReflectNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Create an expression node.
refresh - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The refresh flag (normally only for root jar file but in remote case also for entries (partial jars).
refresh() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Refresh the jar entries.
refresh() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
refresh() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
refresh() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Update the ui, when the aid has changed.
refresh() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Refresh the chart.
refresh() - Method in interface
Refreshes the viewport.
refresh(List<Object[]>, Collection<DrawableCombiner3d>) - Method in interface
Refreshes the viewport.
refresh() - Method in class
refresh() - Method in class
refresh() - Method in class
Refreshes the display
refresh() - Method in class
refresh() - Method in interface
Refreshes the display
refresh() - Method in class
Refreshes the display
refresh() - Method in interface
Refreshes the perspective.
refresh() - Method in class
Refreshes the perspective.
refresh() - Method in class
Refreshes the perspective.
refreshAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Announce that addresses of transports might have changed.
refreshCanvasSize() - Method in class
Refreshes the size of the canvas.
refreshCanvasSize() - Method in interface
Refreshes the size of the canvas.
refreshLatency() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Refresh the latency value.
REFUSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
register(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Register an component description.
registerClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation
Register a class to be able to handle its alias on decoding.
registered - Variable in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
The registered models (filename -> loaded model).
registerEditor(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorManager
registerMessageEvent(RMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Register a conversation or reply-with to be able to send back answers to the source capability.
registerMessageEvent(RMessageEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.features.IInternalBDIXMessageFeature
Register a conversation or reply-with to be able to send back answers to the source capability.
registerModel(String, ICacheableModel) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Register a model.
registerPropertiesProvider(String, IPropertiesProvider) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Register a property provider.
registries - Variable in class
The locally cloned registries of remote platforms.
REGISTRY_SYNC - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if registry synchronization should be used.
REGISTRY_SYNC - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
Flag to enable or disable registry service (for distributed registry management).
registryAdded(IServiceRegistry) - Method in class
Called when a new registry was added.
registryChanged(RegistryListenerEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRegistryListener
Called when a service was added.
RegistryEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Registry event for notifications from the registry.
RegistryEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Create a new registry event.
RegistryEvent(Map<ClassInfo, Set<IService>>, Map<ClassInfo, Set<IService>>, int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Create a new registry event.
RegistryListenerEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
RegistryListenerEvent(RegistryListenerEvent.Type, ClassInfo, IService) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Create a new listener event.
RegistryListenerEvent.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
RegistrySearchFunctionality - Class in
This class contains default search functionalities for services.
RegistrySearchFunctionality(IRegistryDataProvider) - Constructor for class
Create a new search func.
RegularPolygon - Class in
RegularPolygon() - Constructor for class
Generates a size 1.0 triangle.
RegularPolygon(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, int, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Generates a new RegularPolygon.
RegularPolygonJ2DRenderer - Class in
RegularPolygonJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
ReInit(Reader, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(Reader, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(Reader) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, String, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, int, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream, String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(InputStream) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
ReInit(JavaCharStream) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
ReInit(JavaCharStream, int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
rejectedSetBCOnce - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
rejectExcludedProposals(NegotiationRecord, IComponentIdentifier[], Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Reject all proposals, which are not part of the next round.
rejectFile(String) - Method in interface
Reject a waiting file transfer.
relativepath - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
The relative path inside of the jar file.
RELAYADDRESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Address(es) for relay transport (one or more addresses separated by commas).
RELAYAWAONLY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if only awareness messages should be sent through relay.
RELAYSECURITY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if relay should use HTTPS for receiving messages.
RELAYTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if relay transport is enabled.
releaseBeanContextResources() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
releaseBeanContextResources() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Called before the parent context is updated.
releasedate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.EncodingContext
Release date of the target platform.
releaseService(BeanContextServices, Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceProvider
releaseService(BeanContextChild, Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
releaseService(BeanContextServices, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider
Delegate to the wrapped BeanContextServices.
releaseService(BeanContextChild, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Release a service which has been requested previously.
relevants - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The unique relevant attributes
reload(TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
Invoke this method if you've modified the TreeNodes upon which this model depends.
reloadable - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Flag indicating that this node is a candidate dynamic class reloading (currently only supported for plan constructors).
reloadedclass - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The dynamically reloaded class (currently only for constructor nodes).
remainingTokens() - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Get the remaining tokens as single string.
remevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The remove event name.
remevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The remove event name.
remote - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Flag if remote search should be done.
remote - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Remote flag.
RemoteChangeListenerHandler - Class in jadex.bridge
A listener to be installed remotely in a component.
RemoteChangeListenerHandler(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Create a BDI listener.
RemoteClockChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener<?>, ISimulationService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
RemoteCMSListener - Class in jadex.base
The component listener installed at the remote CMS.
RemoteCMSListener(IComponentIdentifier, String, IComponentManagementService, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Create a CMS listener sending updates to a remote change listener.
RemoteDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Result listener that delegates calls to a future and can be called from remote.
RemoteDelegationResultListener(Future<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.RemoteDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
RemoteException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
Exception that wraps a remote exception.
RemoteException(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.RemoteException
Create a new exception info.
remoteexcluded - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Flag indicating that the remote component has excluded our local component.
RemoteJarFile - Class in jadex.base
The remote jar file.
RemoteJarFile() - Constructor for class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Create a remote jar file.
RemoteJarFile(String, String, boolean, String, Map<String, Collection<FileData>>, String, long, char, int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Create a remote jar file.
RemoteSimServiceChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener, ISimulationService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
RemoteTimerChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener, IClockService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
REMOVE - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The remove action.
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
remove() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Removes the given child from this context.
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Removes the given child from this context.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Remvoe the existing new copy of the given old object.
remove() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Remove an element from the queue.
remove(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Remove an element from the queue.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Removes an entry, forward direction.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Remove an entry.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.ListIndexMap
Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified element.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.MapIndexMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
remove() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by this iterator (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Removes a map entry.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Removes a map entry.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Removes a map entry.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified element (optional operation).
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Remove value for key.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
remove() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
Remove the service thread from the pool.
remove() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFutureIterator
Not supported.
remove(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
remove(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Removes the child at index from the receiver.
remove(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Remove a connection.
remove(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Add a cached object.
remove - Variable in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Flag if should be removed.
REMOVE_OUTDATED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The remove_outdated action (checks all entries in the belief set, if they should be seen, but are no longer there).
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes from this list all the elements that are contained in the specified collection.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Removes from this list all the elements that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
removeAllRows() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Remove all rows from the model.
removeAvatarMappings(AvatarMapping) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove an avatar mapping.
removeBackwardCommand(ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Add a command with a filter.
removeBackwardCommand(ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Add a command with a filter.
removeBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
removeBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
removeBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
removeBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
removeBelief(MBelief) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Remove a belief.
removeBeliefChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a belief change type.
removeBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Remove a belief listener.
removeBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ICapability
Remove a belief listener.
removeBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Remove a belief listener.
removeBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Remove a belief listener.
removeBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Remove a belief set listener.
removeBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Remove a belief set listener.
removeBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Remove a belief set listener.
removeBOM(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Remove BOM from UTF text.
removeBreakpoint(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Remove a breakpoint from the interpreter.
removeBreakpointListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Remove a listener from receiving breakpoint selected events.
removeChangeEventType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
removeChangeEventType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a change event type.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Remove a change listener.
removeChild(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Remove a child component.
removeChildAt(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Remove the Node element at index index of the List.
removeChildren(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Remove a child.
removeClockListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a clock listener.
removeCloneProcessor(ITraverseProcessor) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Remove a clone processor.
removecmd - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The cleaner.
removeColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Deletes the TableColumn column from the tableColumns array.
removeComponentAction(ComponentActionList.ActionEntry) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Remove an component action.
removeComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Remove a componentdescription from this CMSSearchComponents.
removeComponentInstance(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Removes a component.
removeComponentListener(IComponentIdentifier, ICMSComponentListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Remove a listener.
removeConsoleListener(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
removeContentCodec(IContentCodec) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Remove content codec type.
removed - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The removed components, if any (cid->desc).
removed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The removed elements (if any).
REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Event for a removed platform.
removeDataView(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Removes a view from the space.
removeDataView(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Removes a dataview from the space.
removeDependency(T, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Remove a dependency that a depends on b.
removedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
The removed services.
removeDuplicates() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Remove all duplicates from the list.
removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Remove the eldest entry.
removeEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Remove all entries.
removeEntry(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Remove an entry.
removeEntry(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Add a new entry.
removeEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove an environment listener.
removeEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove an environment listener.
removeEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class
Removes an evaluator.
removeEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in interface
Remove an event listener.
removeEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Remove an event listener.
removeEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Remove an event listener.
removeEventListener(IRegistryListener) - Method in class
Remove an event listener.
removeEventMatcher(String) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IInternalProcessEngineService
Register an event description to be notified, when the event happens.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Remove an excluded component.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove an excluded component.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove an excluded component.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove an excluded component.
removeExtension(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Remove file extension.
removeFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Remove a fact to a belief.
removeFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Remove a fact to a belief.
removeFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a fact added.
removeFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a fact changed.
removeFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a fact removed.
removeFacts() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Remove all facts from a belief.
removeFacts() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Remove all facts from a belief.
removeForwardCommand(ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add a command with a filter.
removeGoalFinished(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove the goal to wait for.
removeGoalFinished(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove the goal to wait for.
removeInhibitor(RGoal, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Remove an inhibitor from a goal.
removeInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Remove a service interceptor.
removeInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a service interceptor.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Remove an interceptor.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Remove an interceptor.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Remove an interceptor.
removeInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove an internal event.
removeItem(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Remove an item.
removeJob(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Remove a schedule job.
removeKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IMultiKernelNotifierService
Removes a kernel listener.
removeKey(K) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present.
removeKeyStoreEntry(String) - Method in interface
Remove a key store entry.
removeLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Remove a language from this ComponentDescription.
removeLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Remove a language from this ServiceDescription.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Will be called from the container, when a component was removed.
removeLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove an Library Service listener.
removeLineListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Remove a line listener.
removeListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Remove a listener.
removeMenu(JMenu) - Method in class
Removes a menu
removeMessageCodec(Class) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Remove message codec type.
removeMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a message event.
removeMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a message event.
removeMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Remove a message handler.
removeMessageListener(IMessageListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Remove a message listener.
removeMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Remove a method invocation handler.
removeMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a method invocation handler.
removeMethodListener(MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Add a method listener.
removeMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMGroupType(MGroupType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Remove a group type from this space type.
removeModelElement(MElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class
Removes a MouseListener.
removeMRoleType(MRoleType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Remove a role from this group type.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeObject(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Remove a special object from the collection of a defined key.
removeObject(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Remove a special object from the collection of a defined key.
removeObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Removes an object to the tree.
removeObjectTask(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove an object task.
removeObjectTask(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove an object task.
removeObjectTaskType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove an object task type.
removeObjectTaskType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove an object task type.
removeOntology(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Remove a ontology from this ComponentDescription.
removeOntology(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Remove a ontology from this ServiceDescription.
removeParameterValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Remove the value of a parameter.
removeParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Remove a participant.
removePerceptGenerator(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove a percept generator.
removePerceptGenerator(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove a percept generator.
removePerceptProcessor(String, IPerceptProcessor) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
remove a percept processor.
removePerceptType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space process type.
removePerceptType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space process type.
removePlatformAddresses(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Remove the addresses of a platform.
removePlatformAddresses(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
Remove the addresses of a platform.
removePlatformMemory(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Get a global platform value.
removePojoServiceProxy(IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Remove a pojo - proxy pair.
removePostProcessor(IFilter<Object>) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Remove a post processor.
removePreProcessor(IFilter<Object>) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectWriterHandler
Remove a pre processor.
removePrimitive(Primitive) - Method in class
Removes a primitive from all layers in the combiner.
removePrimitive(Primitive3d) - Method in class
Removes a primitive from all layers in the combiner.
removeProperty(IProperty) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Remove a property from this ServiceDescription.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Remove a property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Customizer
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removeProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Remove a protocol from this ComponentDescription.
removeProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Remove a protocol from this ServiceDescription.
removeProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Remove a provided service.
removeProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Remove a provided service.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeReply(RMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
Add a message event reply.
removeReply(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a message event reply.
removeRequiredMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Remove a required service.
removeRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Remove a required service.
removeResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a resource identifier.
removeResult(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Remove a result from this DFSearch.
removeRoleForType(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Remove a role name for an agent type name.
removeRow(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Remove a row from the model.
removeRow(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Remove a row from the model.
removeRule(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Remove a rule.
removeRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
removeRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Remove a runtime element.
removeSelectedObjectListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes a listener for change of the selected object
removeService(IComponentManagementService, IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Remove a service.
removeService(IDFServiceDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Remove a service from this ComponentDescription.
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Removes a service from the container (shutdowns also the service if the container is running).
removeService(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a service.
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Removes a service from the platform (shutdowns also the service).
removeService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in interface
Remove a service from the registry.
removeService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Remove a service from the registry.
removeService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Remove a service from the registry.
removeService(ClassInfo, IService) - Method in class
Remove a service from the registry.
removeServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Remove an interceptor.
removeSimulationListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a sim listener.
removeSpaceAction(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Removes an space action.
removeSpaceAction(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Removes an space action.
RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask - Class in jadex.bdibpmn.task
Create a task for a space object.
RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bdibpmn.task.RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask
removeSpaceObjectType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space object type.
removeSpaceObjectType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space object type.
removeSpaceProcess(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Removes a space process.
removeSpaceProcess(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Removes a space process.
removeSpaceProcessType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space process type.
removeSpaceProcessType(String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove a space process type.
removeSplitInfo(SplitInfo) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Remove the split info.
removeStackedListeners() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureHelper
Remove all collected listener notifications for the current thread.
removeStackElement() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
removeSubcontext() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Remove a sub context but keep the corresponding thread.
removeSubproperties(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Remove all subproperties of a given type.
removeSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Remove a subregistry.
removeSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove an existing registry.
removeSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove a subregistry.
removeSubregistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Remove an existing registry.
removeSystemErrListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Remove a listener from System.err.
removeSystemOutListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Remove a listener from System.out.
removeTask(Object, Exception) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Removes a task from the object.
removeTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Remove a result listener from an object task.
removeTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Remove a result listener from an object task.
removeTaskListener(Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Remove a result listener from a task.
removeThread(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Remove a thread from this context.
removeThreadLocal(ThreadLocal<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Add a thread local that will be automatically copied on thread resumption.
removeTickTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a tick timer.
removeTimeDelay(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Remove a time support.
removeTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a timer.
removeTimerListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a timer listener.
removeTopLevelURL(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a top level url.
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
removeURL(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Remove a URL from the lib service.
removeURL(IResourceIdentifier, URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a url.
removeUsedId(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Removes a used ID, only useful in collision-free mode.
removeValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Remove a value to a parameter set.
removeValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified element.
removeValues() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Remove all values from a parameter set.
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
removeViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class
Removes a IViewportListener
removeViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class
Removes a IViewportListener
removeViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in interface
Removes a IViewportListener
removeVirtual(String, String) - Method in interface
Remove a name from the mappings of a virtual name.
removeVisual(Object) - Method in interface
Removes a new visual object.
removeVisual(Object) - Method in class
Removes a new visual object.
removeVisual(Object) - Method in class
Removes a new visual object.
remsgtypeconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
rename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Rename if necessary.
renameFile(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Rename a file.
renderinfos - Variable in class
Cached render information
renderinfos - Variable in class
Cached render information
rendering - Variable in class
Flag to indicate that rendering is in progress.
rendering - Variable in class
Flag to indicate that rendering is in progress.
renderObject(Graphics, Component, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Render an object on a grid.
renewIndex() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
rentrySet() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the entry set of the reverse map.
reorderMultiFactory(Collection<IComponentFactory>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Exclude the multifactory from a collection.
repdirconv - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future or a failure occurs in a step.
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future.
replace(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Replace an object for the given key.
replace(int, int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
replace(String, StringBuffer, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Parse a source string replacing occurrences and storing the result in the given string buffer.
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Parse a source string replacing occurrences and returning the result.
Replacement - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Define a replacement object to be called instead of the remote method.
replaceNativeGetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Replace native getter for abstract belief.
replaceNativeGetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
replaceNativeSetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Replace native setter for abstract belief.
replaceNativeSetter(String, MethodNode, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
replaceReferences(IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Add elements from sub capabilities into model.
REPLY_BY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REPLY_TO - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REPLY_WITH - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
replyelements - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
The reply elements.
report - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The report.
report(String, String, Object, Location) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.JadexXMLReporterWrapper
Report the desired message in an application specific format.
report(String, String, Object, ILocation) - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxXMLReporterWrapper
Report the desired message in an application specific format.
report(String, String, Object, ILocation) - Method in interface jadex.xml.stax.XMLReporter
Report the desired message in an application specific format.
reporter - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The parser.
reporter - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
reportError(IContext, String) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Report an error including the line and column.
reports - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The test reports.
republish() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Republish the awareness info.
reqname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The required service name.
reqname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The required service name.
reqservicefetchers - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
The service fetch method table (name -> fetcher).
request - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
The request (must be saved because of conversation tracking).
REQUEST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REQUEST_WHENEVER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
RequestFailedException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception
Create the exception.
requestFinished(boolean, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Method, that is being called, when the request has finished.
required - Variable in class
The required flag.
required - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The flag if the proxy is required (provided otherwise).
required - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Is the interceptor for a required service proxy?
RequiredService - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Required service data.
RequiredServiceBinding - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Required service binding information.
RequiredServiceBinding() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(String, String, String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, UnparsedExpression[], String, ComponentInstanceInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Struct for information about a required service.
RequiredServiceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, boolean, Class<?>, RequiredServiceBinding, List<NFRPropertyInfo>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, ClassInfo, boolean, ClassInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, List<NFRPropertyInfo>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
requiredserviceinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
The required service infos.
requiredservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The required service overridings.
requiredservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The required services.
RequiredServices - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Requires services annotation.
RequiredServicesComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Feature for provided services.
RequiredServicesComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Adapter for the required services feature.
RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter(IRequiredServicesFeature) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Create a new adapter.
rescuethreads - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The rescue threads - per platform.
RESERVED - Static variable in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
The reserved platform parameters.
reserved - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
reserveSpace(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Reserves a minimum amount of free space in the buffer and shifts the position past it.
reset() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Reset the clock.
reset() - Method in interface
Resets position and flushes render info
reset() - Method in class
Resets position and flushes render info
reset() - Method in class
Resets position and flushes render info
resetCurrentInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Remove the current service call.
resetLastInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the last service call.
resetNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the next service call.
resetRowSelection() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
This is overridden to set updatingListSelectionModel and message super.
resetService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Set the service to null, if e.g.
resetZoomAndPosition() - Method in interface
Resets position of the perspective.
resetZoomAndPosition() - Method in class
Resets the zoom and position.
resetZoomAndPosition() - Method in class
resinjections - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
The resinjections.
ResizeableTableHeader - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
This subclass of JTableHeader extends a JTable with the ability to resize a column to fit all its content on double click on the right end of the column's header cell.
ResizeableTableHeader() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Constructs a ResizeableTableHeader with a default TableColumnModel.
ResizeableTableHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Constructs a ResizeableTableHeader which is initialized with cm as the column model.
resizeAllColumns() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Resizes all columns to fit all their content.
resizeColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Resizes the given column to fit all its content.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class jadex.commons.CLObjectInputStream
Resolve a class.
resolveDependencies(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Resolve the DAG and deliver a valid order of nodes.
ResolveInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The resolve interceptor is responsible for determining the object on which the method invocation is finally performed.
ResolveInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
ResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for resource identification.
ResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
ResourceIdentifier(ILocalResourceIdentifier, IGlobalResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
resourceIdentifierAdded(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryServiceListener
Called when a new rid has been added.
resourceIdentifierRemoved(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryServiceListener
Called when a rid has been removed.
ResourceInfo - Class in jadex.commons
Info for a resource to load.
ResourceInfo(String, InputStream, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Create a new resource info.
RESOURCEINFO_MAPPERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
restargs - Variable in class
Arguments for the REST call.
RestInvocationAgent - Class in
Alternative to threaded execution for RestInvocationHelper, useful for simulation.
RestInvocationAgent() - Constructor for class
RestInvocationHelper - Class in
Simple API for calling JSON-based REST services.
RestInvocationHelper() - Constructor for class
Creates the helper.
RestInvocationHelper.RequestFailedException - Exception in
restore(IPersistInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Restore a component from a snapshot.
restore(Collection<IPersistInfo>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Restore components from a snapshot.
restoreValues(Map<ThreadLocal<Object>, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Method to be called on new thread on resumption.
RestResponse - Class in
Rest Response container.
RestResponse() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor, no data set.
RestResponse(InputStream) - Constructor for class
RestResponse(byte[]) - Constructor for class
RestServiceAgent - Class in
Convenience agent that wraps a normal rest web service as Jadex service.
RestServiceAgent() - Constructor for class
RestServiceInvocationAgent - Class in
The invocation agent is used to execute the synchronous web service call.
RestServiceInvocationAgent() - Constructor for class
RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler - Class in
Create a new web service wrapper invocation handler.
RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Constructor for class
Create a new service wrapper invocation handler.
result - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The result flag.
result - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The exported flag.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Attribute for slot result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Attribute for slot result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher
The cached result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The call result.
result - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The result (set after successful execution).
Result - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The result annotation.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<S>) - Method in class
Called when result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
resultAvailable(Collection<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when services have been found.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Called when some result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<TupleResult>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultTuple2ResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionResultListener
Called when the result is available, ignore.
resultavailable - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Flag indicating if result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFunctionalResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDefaultResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock.ActionPerformedListener
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.RemoteDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IUndoneResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(Collection<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when the result is available.
RESULTCID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
The constant to fetch the component id out of the results of a component.
resultexception - Variable in class
Exception if it occurred.
resulthandler - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The subprocess intermediate result received command.
resultinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The result injection targets.
ResultMapper - Annotation Type in
Result mapper annotation.
resultmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The result mappings
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Attribute for slot results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of result default values.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The results.
results - Variable in class
The saved results.
results - Variable in class
The saved results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent
The cid.
results - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
The results.
results - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
The original result collection.
results - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
The intermediate results.
results - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The results table.
Results - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The results annotation.
resume(Future<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
resume() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Resume after result or exception has been set.
resume() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Resume also intermediate waiters.
resume(Future<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ISuspendable
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
resume(Future<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
resumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Resume the execution of an component.
resumeIntermediate() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Resume after intermediate result.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
rethrowAsUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Re-throws a throwable as a RuntimeException.
retry - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The retry flag.
retrydelay - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The retry delay.
retsep - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Return the separators.
returntype - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Cached return type.
ReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
REventbase - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The event base runtime element.
REventbase(IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a new goalbase.
reverse - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
The reverse map.
reverse - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
The reverse multi-collection.
revokeService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
revokeService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Revokes a service in this bean context.
rexconf - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
RExpression(UnparsedExpression, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
RExpressionbase - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The expression base runtime element.
RExpressionbase(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase
Create a new beliefbase.
RExpressionbase.RExpression - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
rget(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the value of the key from the reverse map.
RGoalbase - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The goal base runtime element.
RGoalbase(IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Create a new goalbase.
RHardConstraints - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
Class defining runtime hard constraints.
RHardConstraints(IExternalAccess, Collection<MHardConstraint>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Creates the runtime hard constraints.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot rid.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The download resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The resource identifier.
ridFromProperties(Properties, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a rid from properties.
rids - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The resource identifiers of the tree's root entries.
ridToProperties(IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create properties from rid.
right - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
Node for objects with coordinate above the splitting hyperplane, null for leaf nodes.
RInternalEvent - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The runtime internal event.
RInternalEvent(MInternalEvent, IInternalAccess, MConfigParameterElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RInternalEvent
Create a new runtime element.
RMessageEvent - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The runtime message event.
RMessageEvent(MMessageEvent, IInternalAccess, MConfigParameterElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Create a new runtime element.
RMessageEvent(MMessageEvent, Map<String, Object>, MessageType, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Create a new runtime element.
RMessageEvent.RParam - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
RMessageEvent.RParamSet - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
roastPassword(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Called to roast the password.
roastString - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The string used to "roast" passwords.
role - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
The role type.
roles - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
The roles (agent type name -> Set{role names}).
roles - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
The roles.
roll() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
root - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
The root access.
root - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
The root node.
root - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
root - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
The root node.
RootComponentConfiguration - Class in jadex.base
Configuration of the root platform component.
RootComponentConfiguration() - Constructor for class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Create a new configuration.
RootComponentConfiguration(RootComponentConfiguration) - Constructor for class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Copy constructor
rootNode - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
The root node.
rootobject - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
The root object.
rootobject - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The root object.
rootobject - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The root object.
round - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The negotiation round.
round - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The negotiation round.
RoundBasedExecutor - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Synchronized execution of all actions in rounds based on clock ticks.
RoundBasedExecutor() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Creates a new round based executor.
RoundBasedExecutor(AbstractEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Creates a new round based executor.
RoundBasedExecutor(AbstractEnvironmentSpace, Comparator) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Creates a new round based executor.
roundtimeout - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
The auction round timeout.
roundtimeout - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
The auction round timeout.
rowproviders - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The space object selector.
rows - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The data rows.
RParam(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParam
Create a new parameter.
RParam(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, UnparsedExpression, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParam
Create a new parameter.
RParam(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParam
Create a new parameter.
RParamSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
Create a new parameter.
RParamSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, List<UnparsedExpression>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
Create a new parameter.
RParamSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
Create a new parameter.
RPAREN - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
rplan - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
The plan.
rplan - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The rplan.
RPlanbase - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
The planbase.
RPlanbase(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RPlanbase
Create a new goalbase.
RPQPInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
The fipa request and query plan performs the initiator side of the fipa-request/query protocol.
RPQPInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
RPQPReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Receive a request and answer it.
RPQPReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
rputAll(Map<? extends V, ? extends K>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Puts all entries of a map into this map, reverse direction.
rremove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Removes an entry, reverse direction.
RSFactory - Class in
Factory for instantiating the platform-specific RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler.
RSFactory() - Constructor for class
RSFactoryDesktop - Class in
Factory for instantiating the Java SE RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler.
RSFactoryDesktop() - Constructor for class
RSHIFT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The right shift operator.
RSJAXAnnotationHelper - Class in
RSJAXAnnotationHelper() - Constructor for class
RSPUBLISH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if rest service publishing is enabled.
RSPUBLISHCOMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative rs publish implementation.
rulesystem - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
The rule system.
run(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Overridden for pre and post code.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.Checker
The run method.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection.DebugPrinter
Wait some time and print out info.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Execute the code.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
Perform the task once and notify the manager.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
Dequeue an element from the queue and execute it.
run() - Method in class jadex.commons.StreamCopy
Copy data from source to target.
running - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Flag indicating if the thread is running.
running - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The running flag.
runningOnUiThread() - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Check whether the current Thread is the android UI thread.
runPreProcessors(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractCodec
Runs the preprocessors.
runtimeelements - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
The runtime elements.


safeCollection(Collection<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Helper method to allow iterating over possibly null collections.
safeList(List<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Helper method to allow iterating over possibly null lists.
safeMap(Map<K, E>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Helper method to allow iterating over possibly null maps.
safeSet(Set<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Helper method to allow iterating over possibly null sets.
saveHashCache() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Save the caclulated hashes.
saveKeystore(KeyStore, String, String) - Static method in class
Get keystore from a given file.
SAVEONEXIT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Save platform settings on shutdown?
saveProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Save the platform properties to the default location.
saveValues() - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Method to be called on old thread before thread switch.
SBDIModel - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Helper methods for pojo BDI and BDI V3X models.
SBDIModel() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
SBinarySerializer2 - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Object serializer for encoding to and decoding from a compact binary format.
SBinarySerializer2() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
SBootstrapLoader - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Helper methods for loading component models without a running platform.
SBootstrapLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
scaleImage(Image, int, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Scale an image.
scanDir(URL[], File, IFilter, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan directories.
scanForClasses(ClassLoader, IFilter, IFilter, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
scanForClasses(URL[], ClassLoader, IFilter, IFilter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
scanForFiles(URL[], IFilter) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Scan for files in a given list of urls.
scheduleBackward(ICommand<Void>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Schedule backward in result direction, i.e.
scheduleComponentAction(ISpaceAction, Map, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Schedules an component action.
scheduled - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
The scheduled notifications.
scheduled - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Flag that a step was scheduled.
scheduleExecution() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Schedule notification of this thread.
scheduleForward(ICommand<Void>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
Send a foward command.
scheduleForward(ICommand<Void>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Schedule forward in result direction, i.e.
scheduleNotification(IResultListener<Collection<E>>, boolean, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Schedule a listener notification.
schedulePercept(String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject, IPerceptProcessor) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
Schedules a percept.
scheduleRead(IResultCommand<IFuture<Void>, Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Schedules a read operation.
scheduleRescueStep(IComponentIdentifier, Runnable) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Schedule a rescue step.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(int, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Schedule a step of the component.
scheduleStep(int, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Schedule a step of the component.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with getComponentFeature(IExecutionFeature.class).scheduleStep() Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - replaced with getComponentFeature(IExecutionFeature.class).scheduleStep() Execute a component step.
scheduleWrite(IResultCommand<IFuture<Void>, Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Schedules a write operation.
SCollection - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Static methods for collection creation and observation.
SCollection() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
SCollection.DebugPrinter - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Create an info printer for the collections.
SComponentFactory - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Standard meta component factory.
SComponentFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
scope - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
The scope (i.e., sub capability name).
scope - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
The scope (for local views).
scope - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
The scope (for local views).
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The search scope.
scope - Variable in class
The search scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The scope.
SCOPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Application scope.
SCOPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Application scope.
SCOPE_COMPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Component scope.
SCOPE_COMPONENT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Component scope.
SCOPE_GLOABL_APPLICATION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Global Application scope.
SCOPE_GLOBAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Global scope.
SCOPE_GLOBAL - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Global scope.
SCOPE_LOCAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Local component scope.
SCOPE_LOCAL - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Local component scope.
SCOPE_NONE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
None component scope (nothing will be searched).
SCOPE_NONE - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
None component scope (nothing will be searched, forces required service creation).
SCOPE_PARENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Parent scope.
SCOPE_PARENT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Parent scope.
SCOPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Platform scope.
SCOPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Binding
Platform scope.
scorelistener - Variable in class
The delegate listener.
ScrollablePanel - Class in jadex.commons.gui
A panel that can be used in scrollpanes.
ScrollablePanel(Dimension, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
Create a nee scrollable panel.
SDF - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Simple date format.
SDF2 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
SDF3 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
search(IDFComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Search for components matching the given description.
search(IDFComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IDF
Search for components matching the given description.
searchcmd - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The search command for a lazy proxy.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Search for components matching the given description.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Search for components matching the given description.
searchconstraints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot searchconstraints.
searchconstraints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Attribute for slot searchconstraints.
SearchConstraints - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept SearchConstraints of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
SearchConstraints() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Default Constructor.
SearchConstraints(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Default Constructor.
searchfunc - Variable in class
The default search functionality.
searchfunc - Variable in class
The search functionality.
searchfut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The search future.
searchGlobalService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchGlobalService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchGlobalService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchGlobalService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchGlobalServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchGlobalServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchGlobalServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchGlobalServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot search-id.
searchRemoteService(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services on remote platforms.
searchRemoteServices(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services on remote platforms.
searchService(Class<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
searchService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get one service of a type.
searchService(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get one service of a type.
searchService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get one service of a type.
searchService(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get one service of a type.
searchService(Class<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
searchService(Class<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
searchService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get one service of a type.
searchService(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get one service of a type.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchService(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get all services of a type.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for service.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in interface
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class
Search for services.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for service.
searchServices(ClassInfo, IComponentIdentifier, String, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Search for services.
second - Variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
The second result.
secondResultAvailable(F) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITuple2ResultListener
Called when the first result is available.
SECURE_TRANSMISSION - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.SecureTransmission
Secure transmission setting.
SecureTransmission - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Policy to use secure transmission for service calls.
SECURITY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if security component and service should be started.
Security - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Set the required security level for a service or object or its methods.
select(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ISelector
Select winner proposals.
select(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Select proposals.
SELECT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
selectcandidatemethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The method info for selecting (a) plan cadidate(s).
SelectCandidatesAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
Action for selecting a candidate from the APL.
SelectCandidatesAction(RProcessableElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.SelectCandidatesAction
Create a new action.
selectCycle - Variable in class
Selection cycle for stacked objects
selectCycle - Variable in class
Selection cycle for stacked objects
selected - Variable in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
The selected component list.
selected - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
selectedcomponents - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The list of selected component names.
selectedobject - Variable in class
The selected object
selectedobject - Variable in class
The selected object
selectedObjectListeners - Variable in class
Selected object listeners
selectIcon(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Select an icon.
selectioncontroller - Variable in class
Selection controller.
SelectionNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Node for selection from array.
SelectionNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectionNode
Create an expression node.
SelectNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Node for OQL like select statements.
SelectNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Create a node.
Selector - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Default selector implementation for evaluating a set of proposals.
Selector() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Create a new selector.
Selector(Comparator) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Create a new selector.
Selector(int) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Create a new selector.
Selector(Comparator, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Create a new selector.
selectorDistance - Variable in class
Maximum selection distance
selectorDistance - Variable in class
Maximum selection distance
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
send(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Send a IM
send - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
The mode (send or receive).
sendBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IBackwardCommandFuture
Send a backward command in direction of the source.
sendBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Send a backward command in direction of the source.
sendBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Send a backward command in direction of the source.
sendBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Send a backward command in direction of the source.
sendBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Send a backward command in direction of the source.
sendCFP(NegotiationRecord, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Send the cfp message.
sendCFP(Object, String, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Send cfps to all receivers.
sendCFP(Object, String, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Send cfps to all receivers.
sendCommand(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ICommandFuture
Send a command to the listeners.
sendEmail(Email, EmailAccount) - Method in interface
Send an email.
SendEmailPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Send an email.
SendEmailPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendEmailPlan
sender - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
The sender email.
SENDER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
sender - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The sending component's identifier.
sender - Variable in class
The sender.
sendFile(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Send a local file to the target component.
sendFile(String, byte[], IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface
Send a file to the target component via bytes.
sendFile(String, String, long, String, IInputConnection) - Method in interface
Send a file.
sendFlap(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Send a FLAP packet
sendFlapSignon() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Send a FLAP signon packet
sendForwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Send a (forward) command to the listeners.
sendForwardCommand(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IForwardCommandFuture
Send a command to the listeners.
SendICQPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Send an instant message.
SendICQPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendICQPlan
sendMessage(IMessageEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Send a message after some delay.
sendMessage(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Send a message and wait until it is sent.
sendMessage(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Send a message after some delay.
sendMessage(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
Send a message.
sendMessage(Map<String, Object>, MessageType) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message.
sendMessage(Map<String, Object>, MessageType, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message.
sendMessage(Map<String, Object>, MessageType, IComponentIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.IMessageService
Send a message.
sendMessageAndWait(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Send a message and wait for the answer.
sendMessageAndWait(IMessageEvent, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Send a message and wait for the answer.
sendMessageAndWait(Map<String, Object>, MessageType, IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message and wait for a reply.
sendRaw(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Send a string over the socket as raw bytes
sendReturnValue(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler
Wait for a service call.
SendXMPPPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
Send an instant message.
SendXMPPPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendXMPPPlan
SENSORS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if sensors are turned on.
sent_mevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Sent message tracking (msg->cnt).
separator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The separator char.
separatorAt(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Check if there is a separator character at the specified position.
separators - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The top level separators.
seps - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Holds the single characters.
seqnr - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
The sequence number.
sequence - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The sequence number used for FLAP packets.
SEQUENCE_EDGES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Key for sequence edges in read context.
SequentialActivationPlan - Class in jadex.gpmn.plan
Plan for sequential goal activation in GPMN processes.
SequentialActivationPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.gpmn.plan.SequentialActivationPlan
SequentialMultiplexDistributor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Sequential call distributor.
SequentialMultiplexDistributor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
serializable - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
The number of serializable service providers currently registered.
serialize(ObjectOutputStream, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Serializes the given collection.
serialized_list - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
serialized_set - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
SerializerDecodingException - Exception in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Exception that occured during decoding, preserving context state
SerializerDecodingException() - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SerializerDecodingException
Empty constructor
SerializerDecodingException(Throwable, IDecodingContext) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SerializerDecodingException
Creates the Exception.
seriesmap - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
The series map.
seriesmap - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
The series map.
Service - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Mark a class as implementing a service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The cached service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
The service.
service - Variable in class
The porttype.
serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesListener
serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Notify all listeners and children that implements BeanContextServices of the event.
ServiceCall - Class in jadex.bridge
Information about a current service call.
ServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Create a service call info object.
ServiceCallInfo - Class in jadex.bridge
ServiceCallInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
ServiceCallInfo(String, MethodInfo, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
ServiceCallInfo(String, MethodInfo, FieldInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
servicecalls - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The service value calls.
ServiceCallTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Call a service.
ServiceCallTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
ServiceCallTaskGui() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
ServiceCallTaskGui() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
serviceClass - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
serviceClass - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
ServiceComponent - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for field of pojo service in which the service component (internal access) should be injected.
ServiceGetter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The service getter allows for getting a service
ServiceGetter(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Create a new service getter.
ServiceGetter(IInternalAccess, long, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Create a new service getter.
ServiceIdentifier - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for field of pojo service in which the service identifier should be injected.
ServiceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Service identifier for uniquely identifying a service.
ServiceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, String, IResourceIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, String, IResourceIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdFilter - Class in
Filter for service ids.
ServiceIdFilter() - Constructor for class
Create a new filter.
ServiceIdFilter(Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new filter.
ServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Simple struct for storing a pojo/domain service with its management part.
ServiceInfo(Object, BasicService) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
serviceinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of provided service infos.
ServiceInjectionInfo(FieldInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Create a new injection info.
ServiceInjectionInfo(MethodInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Create a new injection info.
serviceinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The service injection targets.
ServiceInputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceInputConnection() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Create a new service input connection.
ServiceInputConnectionProxy - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceInputConnectionProxy() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
ServiceInputConnectionProxy(ServiceOutputConnection) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
ServiceInvalidException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service
Exception that is thrown when a service is called that is invalid.
ServiceInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.ServiceInvalidException
Create a new service invalid exception.
ServiceInvocationContext - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Context for service invocations.
ServiceInvocationContext(Object, Method, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], IComponentIdentifier, IServiceIdentifier, Cause) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Create a new context.
ServiceInvocationContext(ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Create a copied context.
servicelisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of provided service infos.
servicemappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The service mappings.
servicemethod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The method to call on the service.
servicemethodname - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as required service.
SERVICEMETHODS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
servicename - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as required service.
servicename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The service name.
ServiceNotFoundException - Exception in
Exception to denote that a requested service was not found.
ServiceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a new service not found exception.
ServiceOutputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
A service output connection can be used to write data to a remote input connection.
ServiceOutputConnection() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Create a new connection.
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy(ServiceInputConnection) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
ServicePlan - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Annotation for a service plan, i.e.
serviceProvider - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider
The service provider of the related service.
ServiceQuery<T> - Class in
ServiceQuery() - Constructor for class
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(Class<T>, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(ClassInfo, String, IAsyncFilter<T>, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class
Create a new service query.
ServiceQueryInfo<T> - Class in
Info with query and result future.
ServiceQueryInfo(ServiceQuery<T>, TerminableIntermediateFuture<T>) - Constructor for class
Create a new query info.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener<S> - Class in
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener(TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<S>, ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2<S> - Class in
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2(TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<Tuple2<S, Double>>, ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingResultListener<S> - Class in
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingResultListener(IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>, IResultListener<Collection<S>>) - Constructor for class
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<S, Double>>>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRegistry - Class in
Local service registry.
ServiceRegistry() - Constructor for class
Create a new registry.
ServiceRegistry.UnlimitedIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in
Listener that forwards only results and ignores finished / exception.
serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedListener
serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Notify all listeners and children that implements BeanContextServices of the event.
services - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The services.
services - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The service types.
services - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Attribute for slot services.
services - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of platform services.
services - Variable in class
The map of published services sorted by type.
services - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
A map of all registered services - key is service class, value is BCSSServiceProvider object.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Search for services has finished.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Notify that the search has finished.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Notify that the search has finished.
ServiceShutdown - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for pojo service shutdown method.
serviceShutdowned(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called after a service has been shutdowned.
ServiceStart - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for pojo service start method.
serviceStarted(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called after a service has been started.
ServiceTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after a service has been shut down.
ServiceTerminatedException(IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
Create a service termination exception.
ServiceThread() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
Create a new thread.
ServiceTrigger - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Service trigger annotation.
servicetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The service type.
ServiceVisionProcessor - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
ServiceVisionProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ServiceVisionProcessor
SET - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The set action.
set(int, MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
set - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
The flag for indicating if it is a parameter set.
set(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
set(int, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
set(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
set - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
The set which will be used for element storage.
set(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
set(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
SET_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.GetPosition
The constant identifier for this action.
SET_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.GetPosition
The constant identifier for this action.
setAcquisitionMechanism(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Set the acquisition mechanism.
setAcquisitionMechanismParameterValue(Class<?>, String, Object) - Method in interface
Set a mechanism parameter.
setActId(String) - Method in class
Set the actid.
setAction(IComponentAction) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Set the action.
setActivity(MActivity) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set the mactivity.
setActivity(MActivity) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the next activity.
setActivity(String) - Method in class
Set the activity.
setActivityid(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the activityid.
setAddedServices(Map<ClassInfo, Set<IService>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Set the added services.
setAddress(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAddress(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAddress(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAddresses(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Set the addresses of this ComponentIdentifier.
setAgent(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.ListWrapper
setAgent(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.MapWrapper
setAgent(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
setAgentMethod(Class<? extends Annotation>, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Set an agent method.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Set the algorithm.
setAlias(String) - Method in class
Set the alias.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Set the all flag.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the all.
setAllColumnsVisible() - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Makes all columns in this model visible
setAllColumnsVisible() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Makes all columns in this model visible
setAllColumnWidths(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Sets preferred width, the minimum and maximum width for all columns.
setAllowDuplicates(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Set if duplicates are allowed.
setAlphamap(String) - Method in class
setAnimationCondition(IParsedExpression) - Method in class
setAnimations(ArrayList<Animation>) - Method in class
setApplet(Applet) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
Set the current applet.
setAreaSize(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Set the area size.
setAreaSize(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Set the area size.
setAreaSize(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Set the area size.
setAreaSize(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Set the area size.
setAreaSize(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the maximum displayable size.
setAreaSize(IVector3) - Method in class
Sets the maximum displayable size.
setAreaSize(IVector2) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum displayable size.
setAreaSize(IVector3) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum displayable size.
setArguments(Map) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the arguments of this AMSCreateComponent.
setArguments(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(IArgument[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the arguments.
setArguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the arguments.
setArgumentsExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the arguments expression.
setAsDouble(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
setAsInteger(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
setAsLong(long) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
setAsText(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
setAsyncExecution(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAsyncExecution(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAsyncExecution(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAttachments(Object[]) - Method in class
Set the attachments.
setAuthenticationData(List<byte[]>) - Method in class
Set the authentication data.
setAuthenticationData(List<byte[]>) - Method in interface
Set the authentication data.
setAutoCompactionThreshold(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Sets the threshold of stale bytes before auto-compaction is executed.
setAutoCompactionThreshold(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Sets the threshold of stale bytes before auto-compaction is executed.
setAutoCompactionThreshold(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Sets the threshold of stale bytes before auto-compaction is executed.
setAutoResizingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Sets whether columns are resized on table model events.
setAutoRotation(boolean) - Method in class
setAutoShutdown(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setAutoShutdown(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAutoShutdown(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set autoshutdown flag.
setAutoShutdown(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the autoshutdown.
setAutoShutdown(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the autoshutdown.
setAutoShutdown(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the autoshutdown.
setAwaDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwaDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwaDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAwaExcludes(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwaExcludes(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwaExcludes(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAwaFast(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwaFast(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwaFast(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAwaIncludes(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwaIncludes(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwaIncludes(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAwaMechanisms(IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwaMechanisms(IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM...) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwaMechanisms(IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM...) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setAwareness(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setAwareness(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setAwareness(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setBackground(Color) - Method in class
Sets the background color.
setBackground(Color) - Method in interface
Sets the background color.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class
Sets the background color.
setBaseClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setBaseClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setBaseClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setBccs(String[]) - Method in class
Set the bccs.
setBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
setBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
setBeanInfoSearchPath(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Sets the search packages.
setBeliefEvents(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the events.
setBeliefs(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
Set the beliefs.
setBeliefs(List<MBelief>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the beliefs.
SetBeliefStep - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps
SetBeliefStep(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.SetBeliefStep
Sets an agent's belief.
SetBeliefStep(Map) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.SetBeliefStep
Sets multiple agent beliefs.
setBinaryMessages(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setBinaryMessages(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setBinaryMessages(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Set the binding.
setBindingOptions(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The binding options to set.
setBindings(RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the bindings.
setBloomFilter(BloomFilter) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener
Set the bloom filter used to find duplicates.
setBody(MBody) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Set the body.
setBound(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
This is overridden to set the height to match that of the JTable.
setBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the breakpoints.
setBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the enabled breakpoints (if any).
setBulkAttributeValues(Object, QName, Object, List<Object>, Object, String, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Set an attribute value.
setBulkEvents(IMonitoringEvent[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Set the events.
setBulkField(String, Object, List<Object>, Object, AReadContext, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Directly access a field for setting the objects.
setCallbackField(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callbackfield to set.
setCallbackMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback to set.
setCallContext(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the callcontext.
setCamera(String) - Method in class
setCanceled(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the canceled.
setCanceled(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the canceled state.
setCancelMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Set the cancelmethod.
setCapabilities(List<MCapabilityReference>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the sub capabilities.
setCapability(MCapability) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Set the mcapa.
setCapacity(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Set the capacity.
setCardinalityOne(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Set the cardinalityone.
setCause(Cause) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Set the cause.
setCause(Cause) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the cause.
setCause(Cause) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Set the cause.
setCause(Cause) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the cause.
setCause(Cause) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the cause.
setCcs(String[]) - Method in class
Set the ccs.
setCertificates(Certificate[]) - Method in class
Set the certificates.
setCfp(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Set the cfp object.
setCFP(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Set the call for proposal (sent to participants).
setCfpInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Set the cfp_info oobject.
setCFPInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Set the cfp info (i.e.
setChannel(String) - Method in class
setChannels(TreeSet<String>) - Method in class
setChat(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setChat(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setChat(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setChildProcess(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the childProcess.
setChildren(List<TreeNode>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Sets the children of a Node object.
setCircleSamples(int) - Method in class
setClassInfo(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Set the classInfo.
setClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the classloader.
setClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Set the classloader.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the classloader.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the classloader.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Set the classname.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Set the classname.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Sets the class name for retrieving the method.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Set the classname.
setClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Set the classname.
setClassPath(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the classpath.
setClasspath(String) - Method in class
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The clazz to set.
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the clazz.
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The clazz to set.
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the clazz.
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Set the clazz.
setClazz(Class<?>) - Method in class
Set the clazz.
setCleaner(ILRUEntryCleaner) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Set the cleaner object.
setCli(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setCli(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setCli(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setCliConsole(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setCliConsole(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setCliConsole(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setClock(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setClock(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setClock(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setClock(String, IThreadPool) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clock.
setClockType(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Set the clock type.
setClosed(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Open/close the queue.
setClosed(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Open/close the queue.
setClosed(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Open/close the queue.
setColor(Object) - Method in class
Sets a new color or binding for the drawable
setColor(Object) - Method in class
Sets a new color or binding for the drawable
setColor(Object) - Method in class
setColumnChangeable(TableColumn, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Sets whether this column can change visibility.
setColumnChangeable(TableColumn, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Sets whether this column can change visibility.
setColumnClass(Class, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Set the class of the column.
setColumnComparator(Class, Comparator) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
setColumnEditable(boolean, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Set if a column is editable.
setColumnValueAt(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
setColumnValues(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
setColumnVisible(TableColumn, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.IVisibilityTableColumnModel
Sets the visibility of the specified TableColumn.
setColumnVisible(TableColumn, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Sets the visibility of the specified TableColumn.
setColumnWidths(TableColumn, int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Sets preferred width, the minimum and maximum width for a given column.
setCommand(IResultCommand<ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, Tuple2<IInternalAccess, Long>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the command.
setComment(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the comment.
setComment(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Set the comment.
setComplexValue(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Add a complex value to this table
setComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the component.
setComponentAccess(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Sets the access for the component.
setComponentAccess(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Sets the access for the component.
setComponentBreakpoints(IComponentIdentifier, String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Set breakpoints for a component.
setComponentDescription(int, IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set a componentdescription to this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the componentdescription of this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentDescription(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Set the dfcomponentdescription of this DFDeregister.
setComponentDescription(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Set the dfcomponentdescription of this DFModify.
setComponentDescription(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Set the dfcomponentdescription of this DFRegister.
setComponentDescription(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Set the dfcomponentdescription of this DFSearch.
setComponentDescriptions(IComponentDescription[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentFactory(IComponentFactory) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Set the component factory.
setComponentFactory(IComponentFactory) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setComponentFactory(IComponentFactory) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Set the component id.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Get the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Set the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Get the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSCreateComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSDestroyComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSResumeComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this CMSSuspendComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Set the cid.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Set the componentIdentifier.
setComponentName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the componentname.
setComponentName(IParsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Set the component name expression.
setComponents(List<String>) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setComponents(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setComponents(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the list of components to be started at startup.
setComponentType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the componenttype.
setComponentType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Set the agent type.
setComponentType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setComponentTypes(Set) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Set the component types.
setCond(IParsedExpression) - Method in class
setCond(IParsedExpression) - Method in class
setCondition(MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the condition.
setConditions(List<MCondition>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the conditions.
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the configuration of this AMSCreateComponent.
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the configuration.
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the configuration.
setConfigurationFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setConfigurationFile(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setConfigurationFile(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the main configuration file, e.g.
setConfigurationName(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setConfigurationName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setConfigurationName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the configuration name.
setConfigurations(List<MConfiguration>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the configurations.
setConfigurations(ConfigurationInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the configurations.
setConnectionId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the connectionid.
setConnectionId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the connectionid.
setConstant(boolean) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Set if the node is constant.
setConstantValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Set the constant value.
setConstrained(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
setConstructorTarget(ConstructorInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Set the ctarget.
setContacts(ContactData[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Set the contact data.
setContent(String) - Method in class
Set the content.
setContent(String) - Method in exception
Sets the received content.
setContent(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
Set the content.
setContentLength(long) - Method in class
setContentType(String) - Method in class
Set the contenttype.
setContentType(String) - Method in class
setContext(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setContext(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setContext(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setContext(IDecodingContext) - Method in exception jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SerializerDecodingException
Sets the context.
setContextCondition(MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The contextcondition to set.
setContextServiceClass(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setContextServiceClass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setContextServiceClass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setContextVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Set the value of the given context variable.
setContextVariable(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Set the value of the given context variable.
setContinuosly(boolean) - Method in class
setControler(ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Method in class
setCreate(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the create.
setCreateAvatar(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setCreateComponent(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setCreationInfo(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the creationinfo.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the creationtime.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the creation time.
setCreator(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the creator.
setCurrentClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Sets the current class name.
setCurrentInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Set the current service call.
setCurrentQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Set the current query string.
setDaemon(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the daemon.
setDaemon(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the daemon.
setDaemon(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the daemon.
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the data.
setData(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Set the node data.
setDataedges(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the dataedges.
setDataEdgeValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the value of a parameter.
setDate(long) - Method in class
Set the date.
setDate(long) - Method in class
setDebugFutures(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setDebugFutures(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setDebugFutures(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the debug futures flag.
setDebugServices(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setDebugServices(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setDebugServices(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the debug services flag.
setDebugSteps(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setDebugSteps(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setDebugSteps(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the debug steps flag.
setDebugStream(PrintStream) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
setDefaultBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the binding.
setDefaultFact(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The value to set.
setDefaultFacts(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the value.
setDefaultOpenMode(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Set the default open mode for a link click.
setDefaultTimeout(long) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setDefaultTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setDefaultTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the default timeout.
setDefaultValue(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The value to set.
setDefaultValues(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The value to set.
setDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the delay.
setDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the send delay.
setDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Set the delay.
setDelays(Map<String, long[]>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the delays.
setDelegate(ISimpleDelegationClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
Set the delegation ClassLoader which will respond to all classloading requests.
setDeliberation(MDeliberation) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The deliberation to set.
setDelta(long, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Set the delta.
setDelta(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Set the clock delta.
setDelta(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clock delta.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Set the description.
setDesignTime(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
setDesignTime(boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Used to indicate whether of not it's in an application construction environment.
setDesignTime(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.DesignMode
setDesiredFree(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Set the desfree.
setDf(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setDf(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setDf(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setDigestContent(String) - Method in class
Set the digestContent.
setDilation(double, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Set the dilation.
setDilation(double) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clocks dilation.
setDirection(MMessageEvent.Direction) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The direction to set.
setDirection(MParameter.Direction) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The direction to set.
setDirectory(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the directory.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the displayname.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setDisplayOrder(Comparator) - Method in class
Sets the display order.
setDividerLocation(double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JSplitPanel
setDocuments(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the documents.
setDoFilter(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
setDoFilter(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
setDone(long) - Method in class
Set the done.
setDown(String) - Method in class
setDownload(boolean) - Method in class
Set the transfer as a download or upload.
setDrawCondition(IParsedExpression) - Method in class
Sets the draw condition.
setDrawCondition(IParsedExpression) - Method in class
Sets the draw condition.
setDuration(long) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test duration.
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the dynamic flag of the property.
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the dynamic.
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class
setEast(String) - Method in class
setEdgeid(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the edgeid.
setEdges(String) - Method in class
Set the edges.
setEditable(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Make a column editable.
setEditor(ComboBoxEditor) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
setEditorSearchPath(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorManager
setElementValue(Object, QName, Object, Object, Object, String, AReadContext) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Set an attribute value.
setEmail(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Set the email.
setEnabled(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Set the enabled state of a stream.
setEndBeliefs(List<MConfigBeliefElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the end beliefs.
setEndEvents(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the end events.
setEndGoals(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the end goals.
setEndPlans(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the end plans.
setEndsize(float) - Method in class
setEndSteps(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the end steps.
setEndtime(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Set the end time.
setEntityInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class
setEntries(Collection<Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Set the entries.
setEntries(String[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Set the entries.
setErrorFile(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the error stream redirection file (if any).
setErrorHTML(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the errhtml.
setErrorText(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the errtext.
setEvaluation(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Set the evaluation.
setEvaluationMode(MParameter.EvaluationMode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The evaluationmode to set.
setEvaluationMode(MParameter.EvaluationMode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The evaluationmode to set.
setEvent(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
setEvents(List<EventType>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The events to set.
setEvents(List<EventType>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
The events to set.
setEvents(List<EventType>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The events to set.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the exception.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the exception.
setException(String) - Method in class
Set the exception.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Set an exception.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the exception.
setExceptionIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the exception.
setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Sets the exception listener of this encoder.
setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Sets the exception listener.
setExcludeMode(MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Set the excludemode.
setExcludes(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The excludes to set.
setExcludes(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the excludes.
setExcludes(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the excludes.
setExecutable(IExecutable) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Set the executable.
setExists(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the exists flag.
setExpert(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setExported(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the exported flag.
setExported(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The exported to set.
setExported(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Set the exported flag.
setExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Set the expression.
setExpressions(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the expressions.
setExpressionText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Get the full expression text.
setExternalAccess(IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the external access.
setExternals(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Set the externals of this BrowserPane.
setFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Set a fact of a belief.
setFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Set a fact of a belief.
setFactAddeds(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the fact added triggers (belief set names).
setFactChangeds(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the fact changeds triggers (belief set names).
setFactRemoveds(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the fact removed triggers (belief set names).
setFacts(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
The value to set.
setFailed(Exception) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the report result to failed and set the failure reason.
setFailed(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the report result to failed and set the failure reason.
setFailure(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Set the failure description.
setFast(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the fast awareness flag.
setFeatures(IComponentFeatureFactory[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The features to set.
setFetcher(SimpleValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Set the fetcher.
setField(Field) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Set the field.
setField(String, Object, Object, Object, AReadContext, String) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
Directly access a field for setting/(adding) the object.
setFieldInfo(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Set the fieldInfo.
setFile(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapabilityReference
Set the file name.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Set the filename.
setFileName(String) - Method in class
Set the name of the local file (without path).
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Set the filename.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class
Set the full path of the local file (including filename).
setFileSize(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the filesize.
setFiletransfer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setFiletransfer(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setFiletransfer(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class
Set the filter.
setFilter(IFilter<Long>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the filter.
setFilter(Vector) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
setFilter(Vector) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
Filter the table using the values in the given vector.
setFilter(IFilter<IMessageAdapter>) - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Set the filter.
setFilters(IFilter<T>[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Set the filters.
setFilters(IAsyncFilter<T>[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Set the filters.
setFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Set finished.
setFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Declare that the future is finished.
setFinished(IEnvironmentSpace, ISpaceObject, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
Indicate that the task is finished and should be removed.
setFinishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Declare that the future is finished.
setFirstResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the result.
setFirstResultIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the result.
setFlatName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Set the flat name, i.e.
setFlatRef(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Set the referenced element.
setFrom(long) - Method in class
Set the from.
setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class
setFuture(TerminableIntermediateFuture<T>) - Method in class
Set the future.
setGenericType(Type) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Set the gentype.
setGeninfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The geninfo to set.
setGetter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the mgetter.
setGetter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Set the mgetter.
setGlobalIdentifier(IGlobalResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Set the global identifier.
setGoalMappings(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Set the goal mappings.
setGoalNames(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the goalnames.
setGoalPublications(Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The pubs to set.
setGoals(List<MGoal>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the goals.
setGoals(List<MGoal>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Set the goals.
setGui(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setGui(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setGui(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setGuiAvailable(boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Set whether or not a GUI is available in the bean's current environment.
setHAlign(int) - Method in class
Sets the horizontal alignment.
setHandler(IObjectWriterHandler) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the handler.
setHasLightMaterials(boolean) - Method in class
setHasSpaceobject(boolean) - Method in class
setHeight(float) - Method in class
setHeightmap(String) - Method in class
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setHost(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the host.
setHostIdentifier(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the host identifier.
setIcq(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Setter for icq.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Setter for id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the id.
setId(Object) - Method in class
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Set the id.
setId(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Set the id of the object.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Set the id.
setId(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the id.
setIdcnt(int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the idcnt.
setIgnoreNextClassWrite(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
Puts the context in a state where the next call to writeClass is ignored.
setIgnoreNextClassWrite(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Puts the context in a state where the next call to writeClass is ignored.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the image.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in class
Set the image.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in interface
Set the avatar image.
setImplClassName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the impl.
setImplementation(ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the implementation.
setImports(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the imports.
setImports(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the imports
setIncludeHeaderWidth(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Sets whether the header's width are included on calculation
setIncludes(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the includes.
setIncludes(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the includes.
setInDefaultEventSet(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
setIndexedReadMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Sets the indexed getter as the specified method.
setIndexedWriteMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Sets the indexed setter as the specified method.
setInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Set the info.
setInfo(Object) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Set the info.
setInhibitionMethods(Map<String, MethodInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Set the inhmethods.
setInhibitions(Set<MGoal>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Set the inhibitions.
setInitData(IInternalAccess, MEnvSpaceInstance, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
setInited(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
The inited to set.
setInitialBeliefs(List<MConfigBeliefElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the initial beliefs.
setInitialEvents(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the initial events.
setInitialGoals(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the initial goals.
setInitialPlans(List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Set the initial plans.
setInitialSteps(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the initial steps.
setInitiator(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the initiator.
setInitiator(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the initiator.
setInnerRadius(double) - Method in class
setInputConnection(IInputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Set the input connection.
setInputConnection(IInputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
setInteractionState(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Set the interaction state.
setInternalEventMappings(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Set the internal event mappings.
setInternalEvents(List<MInternalEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the internal events.
setInvalid(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Set the invalid.
setInvertX(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, inverts the x-axis (right-left instead of left-right).
setInvertX(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true, inverts the x-axis (right-left instead of left-right).
setInvertXAxis(boolean) - Method in class
Sets x-axis inversion.
setInvertXAxis(boolean) - Method in class
Sets x-axis inversion.
setInvertY(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, inverts the y-axis (top-down instead of bottom-up).
setInvertY(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true, inverts the y-axis (top-down instead of bottom-up).
setInvertYAxis(boolean) - Method in class
Sets y-axis inversion.
setInvertYAxis(boolean) - Method in class
Sets y-axis inversion.
setIsSphere(Boolean) - Method in class
setItem(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
Set the item.
setIterations(int) - Method in class
setJarEntries(Map<String, Collection<FileData>>) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Set the jarentries.
setJavaCommand(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the java.
setJccPlatforms(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setJccPlatforms(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setJccPlatforms(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setJTextPaneFont(JTextPane, Font, Color) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Utility method for setting the font and color of a JTextPane.
setKdTree(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
setKeepalive(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the keepalive.
setKernels(String...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setKernels(IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setKernels(String...) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setKernels(IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL...) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setKernels(String...) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setKernels(IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL...) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.DeletedKey
Sets the key.
setKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.DeletedKey
Sets the key.
setKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey
Sets the key.
setKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
Set the key.
setKeystoreInfo(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Set the keystore info.
setKillAvatar(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setKillComponent(boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setLane(String) - Method in class
Set the lane.
setLanguage(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set a language to this ComponentDescription.
setLanguage(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set a language to this ServiceDescription.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Set the language.
setLanguages(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the languages of this ComponentDescription.
setLanguages(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the languages of this ServiceDescription.
setLastChecked(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Set the last check time of the model.
setLastChecked(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ICacheableModel
Set the last check time of the model.
setLastEdge(MSequenceEdge) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the last edge.
setLastInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the last service call.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the lastmodified.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Set the last modified date.
setLastObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
Sets the last object decoded.
setLastObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IDecodingContext
Sets the last object decoded.
setLazy(boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Set the lazy.
setLeaseTime(Date) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the lease-time of this ComponentDescription.
setLevel(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the importance.
setLibPath(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setLibPath(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setLibPath(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setLibrary(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setLibrary(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setLibrary(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, long) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Set the local default timeout.
setLocalDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, long) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Set the local default timeout.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Sets the locale of this context.
setLocalIdentifier(ILocalResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Set the local identifier.
setLocalPassword(String) - Method in interface
Set the local password.
setLocalTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setLocalTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setLocalTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setLocalType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the localtype.
setLocalType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the localtype.
setLogging(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setLogging(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setLogging(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setLoggingLevel(Level) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setLoggingLevel(Level) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setLoggingLevel(Level) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
setLoopCommand(IResultCommand<Boolean, Void>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the loopcmd.
setMain(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the main.
setMapperclass(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the mapperclass.
setMapping(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the mapping information (e.g.
setMarkerDrawCombiner(DrawableCombiner) - Method in class
Sets the drawable combiner object for the object marker
setMarkerDrawCombiner(DrawableCombiner3d) - Method in class
setMarshal(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setMarshal(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setMarshal(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setMaster(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the master flag.
setMaster(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the master.
setMaster(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the master.
setMaster(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the master.
setMasterId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the masterid.
setMatchExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The match expression to set.
setMaterialPath(String) - Method in class
setMaterials(ArrayList<Materialfile>) - Method in class
setMavenDependencies(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setMavenDependencies(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setMavenDependencies(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setMax(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Set the maximum number of agents allowed for this role (-1 for no restriction).
setMaxCount(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Set the max cnt.
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
setMaxEntries(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
Set the maximum number of entries.
setMaxradius(int) - Method in class
setMaxResults(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
setMaxWait(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Set the maxwait.
setMessage(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setMessage(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setMessage(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setMessageEvent(Map) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Set the message.
setMessageEventMappings(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Set the message event mappings.
setMessageEvents(List<MMessageEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the messages.
setMessageType(MessageType) - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Set the message type.
setMessageType(MessageType) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Set the messagetype.
setMetagoal(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The metagoal to set.
setMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the method.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the method.
setMethodInfo(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Set the methodInfo.
setMethodInfo(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Set the methodInfo.
setMethodNode(MethodNode) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
Set the methodNode.
setMethodTarget(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Set the mtarget.
setMin(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Set the minimum number of agents required for this role.
setMinradius(int) - Method in class
setModel(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setModel(DefaultTreeTableModel) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Set the model.
setModelName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the model name.
setModelPath(String) - Method in class
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the monitoring level.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoringComp(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setMonitoringComp(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setMonitoringComp(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setMulti(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The multi to set.
setMulti(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The multi to set.
setMulti(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Sets if the publishing should be done on multiple publishing services.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the multiple.
setMultiplexType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the multiplextype.
setMyDeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Set the mydeps to set.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Set the component name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the name of this AMSCreateComponent.
setName(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the componentidentifier of this ComponentDescription.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the name of this ServiceDescription.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Set the name of this Property.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the name of the property.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the name.
setName(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the componentidentifier of this CESComponentDescription.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Set the name of this Property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Set the name of the properties.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Set the name of the group type.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Set the name of the group type.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Set the name of the role.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the name of the perspective
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the perspective
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the perspective
setnames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
The local belief set names (cached on first access).
setnames - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The local belief set names (cached on first access).
setNetworkName(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setNetworkName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setNetworkName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setNetworkPass(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setNetworkPass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setNetworkPass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setNetworkPassword(String, String) - Method in interface
Set the password for a network.
setNextCall(ServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the lastcall.
setNextInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the next service call.
setNextRound() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
Increase the round.
setNextRound() - Method in interface jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IOfferGenerator
Increase the round.
setNextRound() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
Increase the round.
setNFProperties(List<NFPropertyInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the nfproperties.
setNFRProperties(List<NFRPropertyInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the nfproperties.
setNick(String) - Method in class
Set the nick name.
setNickName(String) - Method in interface
Set the user name.
setNioTcpPort(int) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setNioTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setNioTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setNioTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setNioTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setNioTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setNoAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
Set the noAuthentication.
setNodeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodeps to set.
setNodes(Map<T, DependencyResolver.NodeInfo<T>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodes to set.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the non-functional properties of the connection.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the non-functional properties of the connection.
setNonWaiting() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set to non waiting.
setNorth(String) - Method in class
setNoStackCompaction(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setNoStackCompaction(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setNoStackCompaction(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the no stack compaction flag.
setNotificationTime(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Change notification time.
setNum(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Set the num.
setNumber(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the number.
setNumber(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Set the expected number of results.
setNumber(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Set the number.
setNumRndFiles(int) - Method in class
setObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the object.
setObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Customizer
setObject(Serializable) - Method in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Set the cached object.
setObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Set the object.
setObjectList(List) - Method in class
Sets the current objects to draw.
setObjectList(List) - Method in interface
Sets the current objects to draw.
setObjectShift(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the shift of all objects.
setObjectShift(IVector2) - Method in interface
Sets the shift of all objects.
setObjectShift(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the object shift.
setObjectType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
setObjectTypes(Set) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Set the object types.
setObserverCenter(IObserverCenter) - Method in interface
Sets the ObserverCenter.
setObserverCenter(IObserverCenter) - Method in class
Sets the ObserverCenter.
setObserverCenter(IObserverCenter) - Method in class
Sets the ObserverCenter.
setOntologies(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the ontologies of this ComponentDescription.
setOntologies(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the ontologies of this ServiceDescription.
setOntology(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set a ontology to this ComponentDescription.
setOntology(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set a ontology to this ServiceDescription.
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the OPENGL flag.
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether to try to use OpenGL.
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to try to use OpenGL.
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in class
setOpenGLMode(String, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the OpenGL mode for a perspective
setOperator(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the operand.
setOperator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Set the operator.
setOperator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Set the operator.
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Set the optional flag.
setOrCreateParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set or create a parameter value directly in this thread.
setOrCreateParameterValue(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set or create a parameter value directly in this thread.
setOrCreateParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set or create a parameter value directly in this thread.
setOrCreateParameterValue(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set or create a parameter value directly in this thread.
setOrder(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Set the ordering direction.
setOrderBy(boolean) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Set the where order by flag.
setOrdering(Comparator) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Set an ordering used for executing actions.
setOrdering(Comparator<PerceptList.PerceptEntry>) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
Set an ordering used for executing actions.
setOrigin(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the chain id.
setOriginal(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
Set the orig.
setOrSuccess(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Set the or success.
setOther(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Set the opposite component.
setOtherDeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Set the otherdeps to set.
setOuterRadius(double) - Method in class
setOutputConnection(IOutputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
setOutputConnection(IOutputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Set the real output connection to the other side.
setOutputFile(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the output stream redirection file (if any).
setOutputStreams(OutputStream[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Set the output streams.
setOwner(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class
Set the owner.
setOwner(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Sets the owner of this decoder.
setOwner(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Sets the owner of this encoder.
setOwner(Object, IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Set the owner of an object.
setOwner(Object, IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Set the owner of an object.
setOwnership(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the ownership of this ServiceDescription.
setOwnership(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the ownership of this CESComponentDescription.
setPackage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the packagename.
setPage(URL) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Open an url in this pane.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Sets an event parameter.
setParameterInfos(List<ParameterInfo>) - Method in class
Set the parameterinfos.
setParameterMap(Map) - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Set the parameters as map.
setParameters(List<MParameter>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Set the parameters.
setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set the params.
setParameters(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the parameters.
setParameterTypeInfos(ClassInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Set the parametertypes.
setParameterTypes(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Set the parametertypes.
setParameterTypes(Class<?>[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the parametertypes as classes.
setParameterValue(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set a parameter value.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext
Set a parameter value.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the value of a parameter.
setParameterValue(String, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the value of a parameter.
setParent(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the parent.
setParent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
setParent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the parent.
setParent(IParameterGuesser) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Set the parent.
setParentId(String) - Method in class
Set the parentid.
setParsedExp(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Set the parsed.
setParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Set the participants component identifier.
setParticipant(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the participant.
setParticipant(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the participant.
setPassword(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount
Setter for password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class
Set the password.
setPatchsize(int) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the path.
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPathid(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Sets the pathid.
setPathids(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Sets the pathids.
setPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the pattern.
setPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
setPauseDisplaying(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
setPersist(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setPersist(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setPersist(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setPersist(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setPersist(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the persist flag.
setPersistable(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the persistable flag.
setPersistable(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the persistable flag.
setPersistable(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the persistable.
setPersistenceDelegate(Class<?>, PersistenceDelegate) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Register the PersistenceDelegate of the specified type.
setPerspectiveView(Component) - Method in class
Sets the perspective view.
setPhone(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Set the phone no.
setPicsize(int) - Method in class
setPingDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Set the ping delay.
setPlanes(int) - Method in class
setPlans(List<MPlan>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the plans.
setPlatformAccess(IPlatformComponentAccess) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Set the platform access.
setPlatformAccess(IPlatformComponentAccess) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setPlatformAccess(IPlatformComponentAccess) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setPlatformComponent(Class) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setPlatformComponent(Class) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setPlatformComponent(Class) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set platform component.
setPlatformModel(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Sets the platform model to extract configuration values from it.
setPlatformModel(IModelInfo) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setPlatformModel(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Sets the platform model to extract configuration values from it.
setPlatformName(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IStarterConfiguration
setPlatformName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setPlatformName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Set the platform name.
setPlatformPassword(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface
Set the password for a target component.
setPluginView(String, Component) - Method in class
Sets the plugin view.
setPojoClass(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Set the pojo class.
setPojoTask(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Set the pojotask.
setPool(String) - Method in class
Set the pool.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the port.
setPortType(String) - Method in class
Set the porttype.
setPosition(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Set the parse position manually.
SetPosition - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action
Set the position action.
SetPosition() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.action.SetPosition
setPosition(Object, IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Set the position of an object.
setPosition(Object, IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Set the position of an object.
SetPosition - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action
Set the position action.
SetPosition() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.action.SetPosition
setPosition(Object, IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Set the position of an object.
setPosition(Object, IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Set the position of an object.
setPosition(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the position of the viewport.
setPosition(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the position of the visual to a fixed position.
setPosition(IVector3) - Method in class
Sets the position of the visual to a fixed position.
setPosition(IVector2) - Method in interface
Sets the position of the bottom left corner of the viewport.
setPositional(boolean) - Method in class
setPostLayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
Sets the post-layers for the viewport.
setPostLayers(Layer[]) - Method in interface
Sets the layers that are applied after the drawables are drawn.
setPostlayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
Sets the Postlayers.
setPostlayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
setPostProcessors(MultiCollection<Integer, IPostProcessorCall>) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the postprocessors.
setPostToAll(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Set the posttoall.
setPrecondition(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Set the precondition.
setPredefined(boolean) - Method in class
setPredefinedId(String) - Method in class
setPreferred(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setPrefixLength(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the prefix.
setPreLayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
Sets the pre-layers for the viewport.
setPreLayers(Layer[]) - Method in interface
Sets the layers that are applied before the drawables are drawn.
setPrelayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
Sets the prelayers.
setPrelayers(Layer[]) - Method in class
setPreProcessors(MultiCollection<Integer, IPreProcessor>) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the preprocessors.
setPreserveAspectRation(boolean) - Method in class
setPreserveAspectRation(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether the viewport should preserve the aspect ratio of the size by padding.
setPrimitives3d(List<Primitive3d>) - Method in class
setPrintPass(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setPrintPass(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setPrintPass(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setPriority(int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Set the priority.
setPrivateMessage(boolean) - Method in class
Set the privatemessage.
SetProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A set processor allows for traversing set.
SetProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SetProcessor
setProgramArguments(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Set program arguments to be available at runtime.
setProgramArguments(String[]) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setProgramArguments(String[]) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setProgramArguments(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the prgmargs.
setPropagatedFrom(BeanContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
setPropagationId(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
setProperties(IProperty[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the properties of this ServiceDescription.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
setProperties(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Set the properties.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the properties.
setProperties(String, Properties) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Set the properties for a given id.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertiesProvider
Update from given properties.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Set the properties (bean accessor).
setProperties(IPropertyObject, List, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Set properties on a IPropertyObject.
setProperty(int, IProperty) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set a property to this ServiceDescription.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Add a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertyObject
Sets a property
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Sets a property
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceController
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.GridController
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Only for debugging.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Sets a property
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
Sets a property
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
Sets a property
setPropertyEditorClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
setPropertyMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Set the properties.
setPropertyValue(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Sets the bean property value for the given object.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.IBeanAccessorDelegate
Sets a bean property value.
setPropname(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the propname.
setProposal(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Set the proposal object.
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class
Set the protected state.
setProtocol(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set a protocol to this ComponentDescription.
setProtocol(int, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set a protocol to this ServiceDescription.
setProtocols(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the protocols of this ComponentDescription.
setProtocols(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the protocols of this ServiceDescription.
setProvidedServiceInfos(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the ProvidedServiceInfos.
setProvidedServices(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the provided services.
setProvidedServices(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the provided services.
setProvider(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the provider.
setProviderId(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the providerid.
setProxy(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the proxy.
setProxy(IFuture<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the proxy.
setProxytype(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Set the proxy type.
setProxytype(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the proxytype.
setPublish(PublishInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the publish.
setPublishId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the publishid.
setPublishScope(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the publish scope.
setPublishType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the type.
setQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class
Set the query.
setQuery(boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
Set the query.
setRadialSamples(int) - Method in class
setRadius(float) - Method in class
setRadius(float) - Method in class
setRadius(double) - Method in class
setRandomSelection(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Set the randomselection.
setRawEvents(Set<EventType>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the rawevents.
setReaderHandler(IObjectReaderHandler) - Method in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Set the reader handler associated to the object type (if any).
setReadIgnore(int) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the readignore.
setReadMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
setReadObjects(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
Set the readobjects.
setRealtime(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the real time flag of the property.
setRealtime(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the realtime property.
setRealtime(boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Set the real time.
setReason(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the failure reason.
setReason(String) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Set the reason.
setRebuild(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement
Set the rebuild.
setReceiveHost(String) - Method in class
Set the receivehost.
setReceiveProtocol(String) - Method in class
Set the receiveprotocol.
setReceivers(String[]) - Method in class
Set the receivers.
setRecover(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the recover.
setRecur(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The recur to set.
setRecurdelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The recurdelay to set.
setRef(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the reference.
setRef(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Set the referenced element.
setRef(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The ref to set.
setReferenceProperties(Class<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.marshal.IMarshalService
Register a class with reference values for local and remote.
setRegistrySync(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRegistrySync(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRegistrySync(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRelativePath(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Set the relativepath.
setRelayAddress(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRelayAddress(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRelayAddress(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRelayAwaonly(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRelayAwaonly(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRelayAwaonly(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRelaySecurity(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRelaySecurity(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRelaySecurity(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRelayTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRelayTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRelayTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRemote(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set remote flag.
setRemote(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Set the remote.
setRemoteComponentIdentifier(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Set or update the component identifier of the remote platform, i.e., top reflect new transport addresses.
setRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, long) - Static method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Set the remote default timeout.
setRemoteDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, long) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Set the remote default timeout.
setRemoteExcluded(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the remote excluded flag.
setRemove(boolean) - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Set the remove.
setRemoveCommand(ICommand<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Set the remove cmd.
setRemoveCommand(ICommand<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Set the remove cmd.
setRemoveCommand(ICommand<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
Set the remove cmd.
setRemovedServices(Map<ClassInfo, Set<IService>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Set the removed services.
setRenderInfo(int, Object) - Method in class
Sets cached render information.
setRenderInfo(int, Object) - Method in class
Sets cached render information.
setReourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the resource identifier.
setReport(IErrorReport) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the report.
setReports(TestReport[]) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Set the reports.
setRepositoryInfo(URI) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the repository info.
setRequiredName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The reqname to set.
setRequiredServiceBindings(RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the bindings.
setRequiredServiceInfos(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Set the required services.
setRequiredServices(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the required services.
setRequiredServices(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the required services.
setResourceId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the id.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the resource identifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the resourceIdentifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the resource identifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the resource identifier for loading the component model.
setResourceIdentifiers(Map<URL, IResourceIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the resource identifiers for the root path entries.
setResult(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the result flag.
setResult(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElementRef
The result to set.
setResult(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Set the result of this DFModify.
setResult(IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Set the result of this DFRegister.
setResult(int, IDFComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Set a result to this DFSearch.
setResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the result.
setResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the result.
setResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Set the result.
setResultIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Set the result.
setResultInjections(Map<String, FieldInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Set the resinjections.
setResults(boolean, Object, ITaskContext, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Set the results.
setResults(IDFComponentDescription[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Set the results of this DFSearch.
setResults(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the arguments.
setResults(IArgument[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the results.
setResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSTerminatedEvent
Set the results.
setRetry(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The retry to set.
setRetrydelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The retrydelay to set.
setRigDebug(boolean) - Method in class
setRnd(boolean) - Method in class
setRoleType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Set the role type.
setRootElement(TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Set the root node for the tree.
setRootObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the root object.
setRotation(IVector3) - Method in class
Sets the rotation of the visual to a fixed rotation.
setRotation(IVector3) - Method in class
Sets the rotation of the visual to a fixed rotation.
setRotation3d(boolean) - Method in class
setRoundTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Set the round timeout.
setRoundTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Set the round timeout.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
Overridden to pass the new rowHeight to the tree.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sets the row height of the tree, and forwards the row height to the table.
setRsPublish(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRsPublish(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRsPublish(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setRsPublishComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setRsPublishComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setRsPublishComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSamples(int) - Method in class
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
Set the save on exit policy.
setScale(float) - Method in class
setScheduleCommand(ICommand) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Set the schedule command to be invoked, when an action should be scheduled.
setScope(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the scope.
setScope(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the scope.
setScope(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the scope.
setScope(String) - Method in class
Set the scope.
setScope(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the scope.
setSearchConstraints(ISearchConstraints) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the searchconstraints of this CMSSearchComponents.
setSearchConstraints(ISearchConstraints) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Set the searchconstraints of this DFSearch.
setSearchId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the search-id of this SearchConstraints.
setSecondResult(F) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the result.
setSecondResultIfUndone(F) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the result.
setSecurity(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSecurity(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSecurity(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSeed(int) - Method in class
setSelected(int, DrawableCombiner3d) - Method in interface
Set the Selected Objects in the Viewport by the User
setSelectedBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Set the currently selected breakpoints.
setSelectedComponents(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Set the selected elements.
setSelectedComponents(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the list of selected components.
setSelectedDataView(String) - Method in class
Sets the selected dataview.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.FixedJComboBox
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
setSelectedItemQuiet(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
setSelectedObject(Object) - Method in interface
Sets the selected object.
setSelectedObject(Object) - Method in class
Sets the selected object.
setSelectedObject(Object) - Method in class
Sets the selected object.
setSelectedPerspective(String) - Method in class
Sets the selected perspective.
setSelectorDistance(IVector1) - Method in class
Sets the maximum distance for selecting objects.
setSender(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the sender.
setSender(ITransportComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the sender.
setSender(String) - Method in class
Set the sender.
setSender(String) - Method in class
Set the sender.
setSensors(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSensors(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSensors(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSeparatorChar(char) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the separator char.
setService(int, IDFServiceDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set a service to this ComponentDescription.
setService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Set the service.
setService(Class) - Method in class
Set the service.
setServiceCalls(List<ServiceCallInfo>) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Set the service calls.
setServiceMappings(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Set the service mappings.
setServiceMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The method to set.
setServiceMethodName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the servicemethodname.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
Set the servicename.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the servicename.
setServices(List<MServiceCall>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Set the services.
setServices(IDFServiceDescription[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Set the services of this ComponentDescription.
setServiceType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the service type.
setSetter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the msetter.
setSetter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Set the msetter.
setSetterType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Set the setter type.
setSettings(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSettings(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSettings(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setShader(boolean) - Method in class
setShadowtype(String) - Method in class
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setShowEntriesCount(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Show the number of entries in title.
setShutdown(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Set the shutdown.
setSimul(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSimul(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSimul(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSimulation(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSimulation(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSimulation(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSize(long) - Method in class
Set the size.
setSize(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the size of the display area.
setSize(IVector2) - Method in class
Sets the size (scale) of the visual to a fixed size.
setSize(IVector3) - Method in class
Sets the size (scale) of the visual to a fixed size.
setSize(IVector2) - Method in interface
Sets the viewport size.
setSkyFile(String) - Method in class
setSkyPath(String) - Method in class
setSmtpHost(String) - Method in class
Set the host.
setSmtpPort(Integer) - Method in class
Set the port.
setSortColumn(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
setSortColumn(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
setSortDirection(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
setSortDirection(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
setSortingStatus(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
setSoundfile(String) - Method in class
setSource(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Set the source.
setSource(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
setSource(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Set the source.
setSource(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Set the source.
setSourceDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the source description.
setSourceId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the sourceId.
setSourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the source.
setSouth(String) - Method in class
setSpecialAction(SpecialAction) - Method in class
setSpeed(double) - Method in class
Set the speed.
setSpeed(float) - Method in class
setSplitid(String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Sets the splitid.
setSplitinfos(Map<String, SplitInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the splitinfos.
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the ssl connection property.
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class
Set the ssl connection property.
setSslTcpPort(int) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSslTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSslTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setSslTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setSslTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setSslTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setStack(List<StackElement>) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the stack.
setStackElement(StackElement, int) - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
setStartable(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the startable.
setStartDirectory(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the startdir.
setStartScreen(boolean) - Method in class
setStartsize(float) - Method in class
setStarttime(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Set the start time.
setStarttime(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Set the start time.
setStarttime(long) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Set the start time.
setStarttime(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Set the clocks start time.
setStartTls(boolean) - Method in class
Set the starttls.
setState(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the state.
setState(String) - Method in class
Set the state.
setState(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the state of this CESComponentDescription.
setStaticType(Class) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Set the static type.
setStatus(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Set a status text.
setStatuscode(int) - Method in exception
Sets the received status code.
setStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Set the step.
setStepmode(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Set the stepmode.
setStrictCom(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setStrictCom(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setStrictCom(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setString(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.context.IPreferences
Set a String value in the preferences editor, to be written back once commit() or apply() are called.
setStyledDocument(StyledDocument) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Show a document in this pane.
setSubcomponentTypes(SubcomponentTypeInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the subcomponent types.
setSubject(String) - Method in class
Set the subject.
setSubproperties(Properties[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Set the subproperties.
setSubthreads(List<ThreadInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Sets the subthreads.
setSucceeded(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the test success.
setSuspend(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the suspend flag.
setSuspend(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the suspend.
setSuspend(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the suspend flag.
setSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the synchronous.
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the synchronous flag.
setSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the synchronous.
setSystemComponent(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the system component flag.
setTable(JTable) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Sets the table associated with this header.
setTableHeader(JTableHeader) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
setTableModel(TableModel) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
setTabSize(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
setTags(Collection<String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the tags.
setTarget(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
Set the target.
setTarget(INFProperty.Target) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Set the target.
setTargetByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class
setTargetId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the targetId.
setTask(ITask) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Sets the current task.
setTcpPort(int) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setTcpPort(int) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setter - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The setter.
setTerminationCommand(ITerminationCommand) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Set the termination command.
setTerminationCommand(ITerminationCommand) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Set the terminate.
setTerminationSource(ITerminableFuture<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Set the termination source.
setTerrapath(String) - Method in class
settertype - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The setter type.
setTestCount(int) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Set the test count.
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Show some text in this pane.
setText(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Set the token text.
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Set the token text.
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Set the token text.
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Set the token text.
setText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Set the token text.
setTexture(String) - Method in class
setTexturePath(String) - Method in class
Set the texture path.
setTextures(ArrayList<TerrainTexture>) - Method in class
setTheType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Set the type.
setThreadId(String) - Method in class
Set the thread id.
setThreadpoolClass(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setThreadpoolClass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setThreadpoolClass(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setThreadpoolDefer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setThreadpoolDefer(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setThreadpoolDefer(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setTiles(int) - Method in class
setTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the time.
setTimeDelay(String, long, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Add a new time support.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class
Set the timeout.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the timeout.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Set the timeout.
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class
Set the time stamp of the command.
setTimestamp(long) - Method in interface
Set the time stamp of the request.
SETTINGS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if settings component and service should be started.
setTitle(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Set the list title.
setTo(long) - Method in class
Set the to.
setTopic(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Set the auction topic.
setTopic(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Set the auction topic.
SetTreeTableNode - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
A tree table node, that has as name its number.
SetTreeTableNode(TreeTableNodeType, Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.SetTreeTableNode
Create a tree table node with initial values.
setTrigger(MTrigger) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Set the trigger.
setTrigger(MTrigger) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Set the trigger.
setTrustedLan(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setTrustedLan(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setTrustedLan(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setTrustedLanMode(boolean) - Method in interface
Set the trusted lan mode.
setType(MessageType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The type to set.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the type of this AMSCreateComponent.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Set the type of this ServiceDescription.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the component type.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the type of the property.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the type.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the type.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the component type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the type.
setType(RegistryListenerEvent.Type) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class
Set the type.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Set the type of the properties.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Set the type.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Set the type.
setType(MAGRSpaceType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Set the type of this element.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Set the type of the object.
setType(MEnvSpaceType) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Set the type of this element.
setType(Class) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type.
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type.
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class
Set the primitive type (Disabled).
setType(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Set the node type.
setType(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Set the constructor type.
setTypeInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
Set the typeinfo.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Set the name.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the typename.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
Set the typename.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Set the type name.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Set the type name.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Set the type name.
setUnicast(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventSetDescriptor
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Set the unique.
setUniqueIds(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setUniqueIds(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setUniqueIds(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setUnit(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the unit of the property.
setUnknownReceivers(IComponentIdentifier[]) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
Set the unknown.
setUp(String) - Method in class
setUpdateRate(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The updaterate to set.
setUpdateRate(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The updaterate to set.
setUpdateRate(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the update rate of the property for dynamic properties.
setupDCMatrix(DrawableCombiner, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, ViewportJ2D) - Static method in class
Sets the basic matrix for the combiner, call can be skipped if alternative draw method is required.
setupMatrix(DrawableCombiner, Primitive, Object, Graphics2D, IViewport) - Method in class
Sets up the transformation matrix before drawing.
setUri(URI) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the url.
setUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in class
setUsePass(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setUsePass(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setUsePass(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setUsePassword(boolean) - Method in interface
Enable / disable password protection.
setUser(String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Set the user.
setUser(String) - Method in class
Set the user.
setUserAgentObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentPersistInfo
Sets the user agent object.
setUserContext(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the callcontext.
setValid(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Set the valid state.
setValidator(IValidator) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
Set the validator.
setValidityDuration(long) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setValidityDuration(long) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setValidityDuration(long) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setValidityDuration(long) - Method in class
Set the validity duration (in millis).
setValidityDuration(long) - Method in interface
Set the validity duration.
setVAlign(int) - Method in class
Sets the vertical alignment.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
Set a value to both configs, not recommended.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
Set a value in the root component configuration
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Generic setter for cmd args.
setValue(IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the value of the belief.
setValue(Object, Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Set the value of the belief.
setValue(Object, Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Set the value of the parameter.
setValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
setValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameter
Set a value of a parameter.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParam
Set a value of a parameter.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Set the value of this Property.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the value.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Sets the value.
setValue(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the value.
setValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Set the value of this Property.
setValue(Object) - Method in class
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Expression
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
setValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
setValue(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Set the value.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Set the value.
setValue(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Set the value at a specific column.
setValue(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectTypeProperty
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Set the constant value.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
Set a value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
Set the value.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DynamicTreeTableModel
Sets the value to aValue for the object node in column column.
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
setValueName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Sets the valuename.
setValues(List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent.RParamSet
The values to set.
setValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the values.
setValues(Map) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Set all values at once.
setValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
Set values.
setVariables(String[]) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Set the variable names.
setVersion(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the version.
setVersionInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the version info.
setVirtualNames(Map) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setVirtualNames(Map) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setVirtualNames(Map) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setVMArguments(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the vmargs.
setVolume(double) - Method in class
setWaitFilter(IFilter<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the wait filter.
setWaitInfo(ICancelable) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the process waiting info.
setWaiting(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Set the waiting state.
setWaiting(boolean) - Method in class
Set the waiting flag.
setWaitqueue(MTrigger) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
Set the waitqueue.
setWelcome(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setWelcome(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setWelcome(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setWest(String) - Method in class
setWhere(boolean) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Set the where clause flag.
setWireframe(boolean) - Method in class
setWorkerCount(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Set the worker cnt.
SetWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers
SetWrapper(Set<T>, IInternalAccess, String, String, String, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
Create a new set wrapper.
SetWrapper(Set<T>, IInternalAccess, EventType, EventType, EventType, MElement) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.SetWrapper
Create a new set wrapper.
SetWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
SetWrapper(Set<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.SetWrapper
Create a new wrapper.
setWriteMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
setWriter(Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the writer.
setWrittenObjects(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
Set the writtenobs.
setWsPublish(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
setWsPublish(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration
setWsPublish(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.RootComponentConfiguration
setX(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
setX(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
setX(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
setXMLPath(String) - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Set the xmlpath.
setXMLPathElements(QName[]) - Method in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Set the xmlpathelements.
setXResult(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the xth result.
setXResultIfUndone(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Set the xth result.
setY(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
setY(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
setY(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
setZ(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
setZoom(double) - Method in class
Sets a new zoom factor
setZoomLimit(double) - Method in class
Sets the maximum zoom.
setZoomLimit(double) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum zoom.
setZoomLimit(double) - Method in class
Sets the maximum zoom.
SFipa - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Helper class for JADE specific issues.
SFipa() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
SFunction - Class in jadex.commons
Static helper class for calculating statistical functions.
SFunction() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SFunction
SFuture - Class in jadex.bridge
Helper class for future aspects.
SFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.SFuture
SGUI - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Static helper class with useful gui related methods.
SGUI() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
SHADOW_CAST - Static variable in class
SHADOW_OFF - Static variable in class
SHADOW_RECEIVE - Static variable in class
shadowcounter - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Object counter for shadow map.
ShadowedPersistentMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A map implementation supporting automatic serialization its data and persisting it on disk using a shadow map during compaction.
ShadowedPersistentMap(File, boolean, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Creates the map.
ShadowedPersistentMap.DeletedKey - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Marker for deleted entries.
ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Information about a stored value.
shadowlock - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Lock for the compaction shadow map.
shadowtype - Variable in class
Primitive shadow
shiftPosition(IVector2) - Method in class
Shifts the viewport position.
SHORT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
SHORT_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Short converter.
shortToBytes(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a short to bytes.
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.PatternEditor
show(Component, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityPopupMenu
show(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Shows the component in the parent.
showcnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Show the numbers of entries in title.
showDialog(ClassLoader, IThreadPool, Component) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Show a repository and artifact dialog.
showError(Component, String, String, Exception) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Display an error dialog.
showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Show an non-model message dialog.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Called on shutdown after successful init.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Set result values from beliefs.
shutdown - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Is the agent in shutdown?.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Start the end state.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
Informs the panel that it should stop all its computation.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
Informs the panel that it should stop all its computation.
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Shutdown the feature.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called when the feature is shutdowned.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Called when the feature is shutdowned.
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppGui
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the shutdown of the component (if any).
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Shutdown the executor.
shutdown(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
This method will be executed by the object before the task is removed from the execution queue.
shutdown(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
This method will be executed by the object before the process is removed from the execution queue.
shutdown(ISpaceObject) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectTask
This method will be executed by the object before the task is removed from the execution queue.
shutdown(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceProcess
This method will be executed by the object before the process is removed from the execution queue.
shutdown(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D.KdTreeProcess
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
Shutdowns the plugin.
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in interface
Stops the plugin
shutdown() - Method in class
Stops the plugin
SHUTDOWN_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
shutdowned - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The shutdowned state.
shutdownfutures - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The shutdown futures.
shutdownHttpServer(URI) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Explicitely terminated an existing http server.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownPlatform(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Shutdown a platform.
shutdownRequiredNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Shutdown the rescue thread of a platform.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Shutdown the service.
shutdownServices(Iterator<IInternalService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Shutdown the services one by one.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MonitoringInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
SICS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The service id.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The service id of myself (must be excluded to avoid looped invocation of itself).
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
The service indentifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
The service indentifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
sid - Variable in class
The service id.
sid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
The service identifier.
signCall(byte[]) - Method in interface
Sign a byte[] with the platform key that is stored in the keystore under the platform prefix name.
signContent(PrivateKey, Signature, byte[]) - Static method in class
SIGNON - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The ID number for a SIGNON packet(FLAP).
SIMPLE_VIEW_2D - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.IDataView
SimpleBeanInfo - Class in jadex.commons.beans
SimpleBeanInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
SimpleMethodParameterGuesser - Class in jadex.commons
Simple method parameter guesser that uses a parameter guesser to resolve the single parameter guess requests.
SimpleMethodParameterGuesser(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimpleMethodParameterGuesser
Create a new guesser.
SimpleMethodParameterGuesser(IParameterGuesser) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimpleMethodParameterGuesser
Create a new guesser.
SimpleMultiplexDistributor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Simple multiplex call distributor.
SimpleMultiplexDistributor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
SimpleNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
SimpleNode(int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
SimpleNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
SimpleParameterGuesser - Class in jadex.commons
Guess parameter based on type.
SimpleParameterGuesser(IParameterGuesser) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Create a new guesser.
SimpleParameterGuesser(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Create a new guesser.
SimpleParameterGuesser(IParameterGuesser, Collection<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
Create a new guesser.
SimplePropertyChangeSupport - Class in jadex.commons
This class offers part of the functionality of the original Java-PropertyChangeSupport class.
SimplePropertyChangeSupport(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
SimplePropertyObject - Class in jadex.commons
Basic IPropertyObject implementation.
SimplePropertyObject() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Create a new property object.
SimpleValueFetcher - Class in jadex.javaparser
Simple default implementation of a value fetcher useful for basic usage scenarios or as a base for extending.
SimpleValueFetcher() - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
Create a new fetcher.
SimpleValueFetcher(IValueFetcher) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
Create a new fetcher.
SimpleValueNFProperty<T,U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
SimpleValueNFProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Create a new property.
simservice - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
The simulation service.
simservice - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
The simulation service.
SIMUL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if simulation component and service should be started.
SIMULATION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Use simulation execution mode?
SimulationState() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Bean constructor.
SimulationState(boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Create a clock state object.
SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
size() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Get the number of values currently contained in this set.
size() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Get the number of values currently contained in this set.
size() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Get the number of values currently contained in this set.
size() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
Convenience method to access the length of this MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
size() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
size - Variable in class
The size.
size() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRegistryEvent
Get the size of the event in terms of the number of subevents.
size() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
Returns the number of elements added to this event.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns the number children of this context.
size - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
The size (cached for speed).
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Get the number of elements in the queue.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the size of the map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Return the size of the queue.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Get the size.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
size() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue
Get the size.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Returns the number of elements added to this map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Returns the number of elements added to this map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the size of the map.
size - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Size of the value in the file.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the size of the map.
size - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Size of the value in the file.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the size of the map.
size - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Size of the value in the file.
size - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
The number of elements.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Return the size of the set.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Get the size.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Get the size.
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
size() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Get the size.
size_ - Variable in class
Size of the viewport without padding.
size_ - Variable in class
Size of the viewport without padding.
sizeColumnsToFit(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
This is overridden to invoke super's implementation, and then, if the receiver is editing a Tree column, the editor's bounds is reset.
SJavaParser - Class in jadex.javaparser
Static java parser helper.
SJavaParser() - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser
Sky3d - Class in
Sky3d(String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates default Polygon.
Sky3d(String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Polygon drawable.
sleep(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Sleep the current thread, ignore exceptions.
SNameValue - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
NameValue converter helper.
SNameValue() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
snapshot(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Get the component state.
snapshot(Collection<IComponentIdentifier>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Get the component states.
SNFPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Static helper class for accessing nf properties also remotely.
SNFPropertyProvider() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
SNonAndroid - Class in jadex.commons
Helper class for methods used from non-android code.
SNonAndroid() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SNonAndroid
SObjectInspector - Class in
A convenience class for retrieving properties from objects.
SObjectInspector() - Constructor for class
soconv - Variable in class jadex.xml.AttributeConverter
The string object converter.
sort(List<ClassInfo>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
sort(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
SortArrowIcon - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
SortArrowIcon(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
sortColumn - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
sortColumns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
sortDirection - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
SortedList<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A sorted list allowing duplicates of elements (unlike java.util.TreeSet).
SortedList() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Constructs an empty list with ascending order.
SortedList(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Constructs an empty list with given order.
SortedList(Comparator<? super T>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Constructs an empty list with given order.
SorterFilterTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
SorterFilterTableModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
SortHeaderRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
SortHeaderRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortHeaderRenderer
sortPlans(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Sorts plans according to their line numbers in the source to guarantee their natural declaration order.
sortProposals(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
Sort the proposals.
Sound3d - Class in
Sound3d(String, boolean, double, boolean, boolean, int, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
soundfile - Variable in class
source - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
The event source.
source - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Source parameter when copying reply values (if any).
source - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source.
source - Variable in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
The source.
source - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The source string.
source - Variable in class jadex.commons.StreamCopy
The source stream.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BPMN activity.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a component.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_EXECUTION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding the execution of a step.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_FACT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI fact.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_GOAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI goal.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_IEVENT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI internal event.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a message.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_PLAN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI plan.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a property.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_SERVICE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a service.
sourcedesc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source description.
sourceid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The source id.
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
The space the view is connected to
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
The space the view is connected to
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
The space the view is connected to
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
The space.
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The environment space.
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
The source space.
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList
The environment space.
space - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The space.
Space2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
General 2D space.
Space2D(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Initializes the 2D-Space.
Space2D.KdTreeProcess - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Space3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
General 3D space.
Space3D(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Initializes the 3D-Space.
spacecontroller - Variable in class
The Space Controller
spacecontroller - Variable in class
The Space Controller
spaceobject - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
The space object.
SpaceObject - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Default implementation of a space object.
SpaceObject(Object, MObjectType, Map, List, Object, AbstractEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Creates a new EnvironmentObject.
spaceobjects - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Long/ObjectIDs (keys) and environment objects (values).
spaceobjectsbyowner - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Space objects by owner.
spaceobjectsbytype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Types of EnvironmentObjects and lists of EnvironmentObjects of that type (typed view).
SpaceObjectSource - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
A space object source can provide space objects of a specific object type.
SpaceObjectSource(String, AbstractEnvironmentSpace, String, boolean, IParsedExpression, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
Create a new row provider.
spacetype - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
The space type (resolved during loading).
spacetype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
The space type (resolved during loading).
SpatialControl - Class in
Dataholder for custom Spatial Controls
SpatialControl(String, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
specialAction - Variable in class
SpecialAction - Enum in
specialConstructor - Variable in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
This variable determines which constructor was used to create this object and thereby affects the semantics of the "getMessage" method (see below).
specialToken - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
SpecificityComparator() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo.SpecificityComparator
speed - Variable in class
The upload/download speed calculated as dynamic moving average (bytes/sec).
speed - Variable in class
SPHandleUpdatePlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe
SPHandleUpdatePlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPHandleUpdatePlan
SPInitiationPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe
SPInitiationPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPInitiationPlan
splitCommandline(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Taken from ant.
splitid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
The split id (the same for all threads spawned at the same split).
SplitInfo - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Keep information about a thread spawned at a split gateway used later when processing the corresponding join.
SplitInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
SplitInfo(String, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SplitInfo
Create a new split info.
splitinfos - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
The split infos.
splitinfos - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The split infos.
spmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The goal service parameter mappings.
SPReceptionPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe
SPReceptionPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPReceptionPlan
SPSubmitUpdatePlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe
SPSubmitUpdatePlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPSubmitUpdatePlan
sqrt() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Calculate the square root.
sqrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Calculate the square root.
sqrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Calculate the square root.
sqrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Calculate the square root.
src - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
The termination source.
src - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
The termination source.
SReflect - Class in jadex.commons
This class provides several useful static reflection methods.
SReflect() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SReflect
SRemoteClock - Class in jadex.base
Helper class for remote access to clock service.
SRemoteClock() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
SRemoteClock.ClockState - Class in jadex.base
Information about the clock to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.SimulationState - Class in jadex.base
Information about the simulation to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.TimerEntries - Class in jadex.base
Information about the timers to be transferred.
SRemoteFileChooser - Class in jadex.base
Helper methods for remote file system view.
SRemoteFileChooser() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
SRemoteGui - Class in jadex.base
Helper class for GUI code to be executed on remote devices (e.g.
SRemoteGui() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener - Class in jadex.base
SRest - Class in
Static helper class for rest web service invocation.
SRest() - Constructor for class
SRestInvocationHelper - Class in
Simple API for calling JSON-based REST services.
SRestInvocationHelper() - Constructor for class
SResultListener - Class in jadex.commons.future
Static helper class for creating result listeners.
SResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SResultListener
srmappings - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The goal service result mappings.
SSecurity - Class in
Class with static helper methods for security functions.
SSecurity() - Constructor for class
SServiceProvider - Class in
Static helper class for searching services.
SServiceProvider() - Constructor for class
SServiceProvider.IntermediateProxyResultListener<T> - Class in
Proxy result listener.
SServiceProvider.ProxyResultListener<T> - Class in
Proxy result listener class.
ssl - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
Flag if ssl should be used.
SSLTCPPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Port for SSL TCP transport.
SSLTCPTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if ssltcp transport should enabled (requires Jadex Pro add-on).
STACK - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Notification stack for unwinding call stack to topmost future.
stack - Variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReadContext
The stack.
stack - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The stack.
StackElement - Class in jadex.xml
A struct to represent an element on the stack while parsing.
StackElement(QName, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.StackElement
Create a new stack element.
StackElement(IObjectReaderHandler, QName, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.StackElement
Create a new stack element.
StackElement(IObjectReaderHandler, QName, Object, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.StackElement
Create a new stack element.
StackElement(IObjectReaderHandler, QName, Object, Map<String, String>, TypeInfo, ILocation) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.StackElement
Create a new stack element.
StackTraceElementCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding stacktrace element.
StackTraceElementCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StackTraceElementCodec
start - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
The initial message.
start - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
The initial message.
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Start the clock.
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Start the clock.
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Restart the execution after pause.
start - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Pointer to the first element.
start - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The last start time.
start(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
This method will be executed by the object before the task gets added to the execution queue.
start(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DefaultObjectCreationProcess
This method will be executed by the object before the process gets added to the execution queue.
start() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Start the space executor.
start(ISpaceObject) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IObjectTask
This method will be executed by the object before the task gets added to the execution queue.
start() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceExecutor
Start the space executor.
start(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceProcess
This method will be executed by the object before the process gets added to the execution queue.
start() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Start the space executor.
start(IClockService, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D.KdTreeProcess
start(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
start(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
Starts the plugin.
start(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
start(ObserverCenter) - Method in interface
Starts the plugin
start(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
Starts the plugin
START_ELEMENT - Static variable in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
Indicates an event is a start element.
START_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
startable - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Flag if startable.
Startable - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Base class for startable elements.
Startable() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
StartAndMonitorProcessPlan - Class in jadex.gpmn.plan
Create a process and the corresponding parameters.
StartAndMonitorProcessPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.gpmn.plan.StartAndMonitorProcessPlan
startApp() - Method in interface
Starts the internal 3d Application
startAtomic() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Start an atomic transaction.
StartBehavior(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior
Create a new start behavior.
startBehavior() - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
Start sending awareness infos.
startComponents(int, List<String>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Loop for starting components.
startdir - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The start directory.
started - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The flag that the timer has been started.
started - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The started state.
Starter - Class in jadex.base
Starter class for
Starter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.Starter
StarterConfiguration - Class in jadex.base
Configuration of the platform setup.
StarterConfiguration() - Constructor for class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Creates an empty configuration.
StarterConfiguration(StarterConfiguration) - Constructor for class jadex.base.StarterConfiguration
Copy constructor.
startExternalProcess(String, String, OutputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Start an external process.
startJavaProcess(String[], OutputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Start a java process.
startObserver(String, IEnvironmentSpace, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface
Starts an observer center.
startObserver(String, IEnvironmentSpace, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class
Starts an observer center.
StartOptions - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
java [ options ] class [ argument ...
StartOptions() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
startPlatform(StartOptions) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startPlatform(StartOptions, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startPlatformAndWait(StartOptions) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startprice - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The start price.
startprice - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The start price.
startProcess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Start a platform using a configuration.
startScheduledNotifications() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Start scheduled listener notifications if not already running.
startService(IInternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Start the service.
startService() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Start the service.
startService(IInternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Start the service.
startService() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Start the service.
startService(IInternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Start the service.
startService() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Start the service.
startService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Start the service.
startService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Start the service.
startService(IInternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Start the service.
startsize - Variable in class
starttime - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The start time.
starttime - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
The auction starttime.
starttime - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
The auction starttime.
starttime - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The start time.
startTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
startTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
startTimer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
startUp(ObserverCenter) - Method in class
This method is executed when the plugins starts.
startUpload(String, String, long, String) - Method in interface
Send a file.
state - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
The state.
state - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The component state.
state - Variable in class
The state.
state - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot state.
state - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
The state (to check for modifications).
STATE_ABORTED - Static variable in class
State when transfer was aborted by sending or receiving user.
STATE_ACTIVE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "active" for slot state.
STATE_ALLOFFLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
STATE_AWAY - Static variable in interface
The user is currently away from the chat.
STATE_CANCELLING - Static variable in class
State when cancel was requested.
STATE_COMPLETED - Static variable in class
State when transfer was successful.
STATE_DEAD - Static variable in interface
The state for a disconnected user.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class
State when transfer was stopped due to e.g.
STATE_IDLE - Static variable in interface
The default user state.
STATE_OFFLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
State indicating that a component is going offline.
STATE_ONLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
State indicating that a component is currently online.
STATE_REJECTED - Static variable in class
State when transfer was rejected by receiver.
STATE_RUNNING - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock state running.
STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock state suspended.
STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "suspended" for slot state.
STATE_TERMINATED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "terminated" for slot state.
STATE_TRANSFERRING - Static variable in class
State when transfer is in progress.
STATE_TYPING - Static variable in interface
The user typing a message.
STATE_WAITING - Static variable in class
State waiting for acceptance.
Statement - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Statement(Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
states - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
The allowed states.
STATIC_FIELD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The static field type.
STATIC_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The static method type.
static_type - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The static type (if any).
staticFlag - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
staticvisuals - Variable in class
The static visuals (DrawableCombiners)
status(String, byte[], IComponentIdentifier[]) - Method in interface
Post a status change.
status(String, String, byte[]) - Method in interface
Post a status or nick name, or image change.
status - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The status.
STATUS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
The state indicating a timeout in this plan.
statuscode - Variable in exception
Return status code
StaxLocationWrapper - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Wraps a Object to provide the jadex.xml.stax.ILocation API.
StaxLocationWrapper(Location) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.StaxLocationWrapper
StaxReaderWrapper - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Wrapper for the Java stax interface.
StaxReaderWrapper(InputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
StaxReaderWrapper(XMLStreamReader) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
StaxXMLReporterWrapper - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Wraps a Object to provide the jadex.xml.stax.XMLReporter API.
StaxXMLReporterWrapper(XMLReporter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.StaxXMLReporterWrapper
step(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Make a process step, i.e.
step(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultStepHandler
Make a process step, i.e.
step(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventMultipleStepHandler
Make a process step, i.e.
step(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IStepHandler
Make a process step, i.e.
step - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The component step.
STEP_HANDLER - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IStepHandler
The step handler identifier.
STEP_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Constant for first immediate step level.
STEP_PRIORITY_NOMRAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Constant for first normal step level.
StepAborted - Error in jadex.bridge
An error thrown to abort the execution of a blocked component step.
StepAborted() - Constructor for error jadex.bridge.StepAborted
StepChain - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps
StepChain(IComponentStep[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.StepChain
StepChain(Collection) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.StepChain
stepComponent(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Execute a step of a suspended component.
stepEvent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Perform one event.
stepinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The step info for debugging.
StepResultListener(Future<F>) - Constructor for class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior.StepResultListener
steps - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.StepChain
stepTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Perform all actions belonging to one time point.
stepwidth - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The base (base^round).
stop() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Stop the clock.
stop() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Stop the clock.
stopApp() - Method in interface
Stops the internal 3d Application
stopBehavior() - Method in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
(Ends automatically when a new send behaviour is started).
stopCellEditing() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.PatternEditor
stopTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
StoreDelegationResultListener(Future<T>, IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
storedinfos - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
The list of stored infos, to be sent when src is connected.
storedinfos - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
The list of stored infos, to be sent when src is connected.
storeforfirst - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Flag if results should be stored till first listener is.
storeforfirst - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Flag if results should be stored till first listener is added.
storehelp - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanAccessInfo
The field/method for the read process for writing a value in the read process.
StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<T>, IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.DefaultServiceFetcher.StoreIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
str - Variable in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent.Direction
str - Variable in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.Direction
str - Variable in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.EvaluationMode
str - Variable in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode
STransformation - Class in jadex.commons.transformation
Static helper class for transformation issues.
STransformation() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation
STransformation.MediaType - Class in jadex.commons.transformation
strategy - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The strategy.
StreamCopy - Class in jadex.commons
A runnable to concurrently copy data from one stream to the other.
StreamCopy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.StreamCopy
Create a stream copy object.
STRICTCOM - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Fail on recoverable message decoding errors instead of ignoring.
StrictInequalityFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
Hard constraint filter for strict inequalities (> and <).
StrictInequalityFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
StrictInequalityFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
StrictInequalityFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
STRING_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> String converter.
STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
STRING_MARKER - Static variable in class jadex.xml.reader.AReader
The string marker object.
StringCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding String objects.
StringCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.StringCodec
StringComboModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
StringComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
Create a new StringComboModel.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataInputDecodingContext
The String pool.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
The string pool.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext
The String pool.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DecodingContext2
The String pool.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
The string pool.
stringpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
The string pool.
stringToColor(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Color conversion method for "web-style" color definitions.
stripTags(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Strip tags (e.g.
STypeInfosAWT - Class in jadex.xml.bean
Provides static Methods for generating TypeInfos that depend on AWT Classes.
STypeInfosAWT() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.bean.STypeInfosAWT
subcancelinfos - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
subcapabilities - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
The subcapabilities.
subcapabilities - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The subcapabilities.
subcomponents - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The subcomponent types.
SubcomponentTypeInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Component type representation.
SubcomponentTypeInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Create a new component type.
SubcomponentTypeInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Create a new component type.
SUBINTERCEPTORS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
SUBINTERCEPTORS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
subject - Variable in class
The subject.
subList(int, int) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
subList(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
subList(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method.
subList(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified
subList(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
submapper - Variable in class
The optional submapper.
subnodeToString(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Create a string for a subnode.
SubObjectConverter - Class in jadex.xml
Converter for subobjects.
SubObjectConverter(IObjectObjectConverter, IObjectObjectConverter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubObjectConverter
Create a new attribute converter.
SubobjectInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Info object for subobjects, i.e.
SubobjectInfo(XMLInfo, AccessInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(XMLInfo, AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(XMLInfo, AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(XMLInfo, AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean, ObjectInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(XMLInfo, AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean, ObjectInfo, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(AccessInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean, ObjectInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
SubobjectInfo(AccessInfo, ISubObjectConverter, boolean, ObjectInfo, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo
Create a new subobject info.
subobjectinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The subobject infos.
subobjectinfosread - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The sub objects (xmlpath -> subobject info).
subobjectinfoswrite - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
The sub objects (non-xml name -> subobject info).
subobjects - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
The subobjects tree.
SubProcessActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for (embedded) sub processes.
SubProcessActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler
SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
SubprocessResultHandler(ProcessThread, MActivity) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
subproperties - Variable in class jadex.commons.Properties
The subproperties.
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
subscribeForEmail(IFilter<Email>, EmailAccount) - Method in interface
Subscribe for email.
subscribeForEmail(IFilter<Email>, EmailAccount, boolean) - Method in interface
Subscribe for email.
subscribeToEngine() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRuleEngineService
Subscribe to rule executions.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ICapability
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMonitoringComponentFeature
Subscribe to component events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Subscribe to component events.
subscribeToEvents() - Method in interface
Subscribe to events from the chat service.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToEvents() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRegistrySynchronizationService
Subscribe to change events of the registry.
subscribeToEvents() - Method in interface
Subscribe to changes.
subscribeToPlatformList(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Retrieve information about platforms as they appear or vanish.
subscribeToResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IArgumentsResultsFeature
Subscribe to receive results.
subscribeToResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Subscribe to receive results.
subscribeToRulebase() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Subscribe to rule base changes.
SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Implementation of the subscription intermediate future.
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done (failed).
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture(ITerminationCommand) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture(ITerminationCommand, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
SUBSTRACT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The minus operator.
substractArrays(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
First array minus second array.
subthreadinfos - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Subthread infos.
subthreads - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The subthreads.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
subtract(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
subtract(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components.
subtract(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
subtract(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
subtract(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
subtract(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Subtracts a scalar to each component of this vector.
succeeded - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test success.
sum(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SFunction
Calculate the sum of values.
supertype - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The supertype (if any).
supertype - Variable in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
The supertype.
supportsCustomEditor() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
supportsCustomEditor() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
suspend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot suspend.
suspend(Future<?>, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
suspend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The suspend flag (default: false).
suspend(Future<?>, long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ISuspendable
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
suspend(Future<?>, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
SUSPENDABLE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.future.ISuspendable
The component suspendable for a component thread.
suspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService
Suspend the execution of an component.
SUtil - Class in jadex.commons
This class provides several useful static util methods.
SUtil() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SUtil
SUtil.AccessiblePrintStream - Class in jadex.commons
An subclass of print stream to allow accessing the underlying stream.
SUtil.AndroidUtils - Interface in jadex.commons
swapFromStorage(IPersistInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Transparently restore the component state of a previously swapped component.
swapFromStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.ISwapService
Transparently restore the component state of a previously swapped component.
swapSpace - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
swapToStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Fetch the component state and transparently remove it from memory.
swapToStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.ISwapService
Store the component state and transparently remove it from memory.
SWebService - Class in
SWebService() - Constructor for class
SwingDefaultResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Result listener that redirects callbacks on the swing thread.
SwingDefaultResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingDefaultResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingDefaultResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener, Component) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingDefaultResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingDefaultResultListener(Component) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingDefaultResultListener(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Delegation result listener that calls customResultAvailable and customExceptionOccurred on swing thread.
SwingDelegationResultListener(Future<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingDelegationResultListener(Future<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingDelegationResultListener(Future<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Delegation result listener that calls customResultAvailable and customExceptionOccurred on swing thread.
SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Default implementation of intermediate result listener with methods called on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener(Component) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Exception delegation listener for intermediate results called back on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Exception delegation listener for intermediate results called back on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener(Future<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
SwingIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingIntermediateResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalResultListener<Void>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingIntermediateResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
SwingResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.future
Listener that performs notifications on swing thread..
SwingResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingResultListener(IFunctionalResultListener<E>, IFunctionalExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Create a new listener with functional interfaces.
SwingResultListener(IResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Create a new listener.
switchcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The flag if a switchcall should be done.
switchThread(Object, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Cease execution of the current thread and switch to another thread waiting for the given monitor.
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplTokenManager
switchtos - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The monitors of blocked threads that need to be reactivated.
SXML - Class in jadex.xml
Constants for xml handling.
SXML() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.SXML
syncglobal - Variable in class
Flag if global searches should be synchronized.
SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection(ILeaseTimeSet<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection(ILeaseTimeSet<E>, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
SynchronizedPropertyObject - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Basic synchronized IPropertyObject implementation.
SynchronizedPropertyObject(IPropertyMetaDataSet, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Initializes the PropertyHolder, should be called by subclasses.
SynchronizedServiceRegistry - Class in
Synchronization for service registries.
SynchronizedServiceRegistry(boolean, IServiceRegistry) - Constructor for class
Create a new SynchronizedMultiServiceRegistry.
SynchronizedVector2Wrapper - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Wrapper for synchronized access of a vector2
SynchronizedVector2Wrapper(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Synchronous - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
If void methods are declared synchronous they will block the caller until the method has been executed on the remote side (exceptions thus can arrive).
synchronous - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The synchronous flag.
synchronous - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The synchronous flag (default: false).
SYSTEM_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The system properties to send in awareness infos.
systemcomponent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Boolean flag if it is a system component.


t - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
Signal that the table has changed in some way.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.DelegateTableModel
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
Listen for table model events from tablemodel.
tableColumnsFixed - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Array of TableColumn objects that cannot change the visibility.
tableModel - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
tablename - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The table name.
tableRowsDeleted(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
tableRowsDeleted(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
tableRowsInserted(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
Filter the model.
tableRowsInserted(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
tableRowsUpdated(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
tableRowsUpdated(int, int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
TableSorter - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
TableSorter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
TableSorter(TableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
TableSorter(TableModel, JTableHeader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
tabSize - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
tag - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The xml tag.
TagFilter<T> - Class in
Tag filter class.
TagFilter(IExternalAccess, String...) - Constructor for class
Create a new tag filter.
TagFilter(IExternalAccess, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
Create a new tag filter.
TagProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Tagging a service with a string for searching specifically tagged services.
TagProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Creates the property.
tags - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The service tags to search for.
tags - Variable in class
The search tags.
tagstack - Variable in class jadex.xml.stax.StaxReaderWrapper
The current tag.
target - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
The target.
target - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
The target.
target - Variable in class jadex.commons.StreamCopy
The target stream.
targetclass - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MClassBasedElement
targetid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The target id.
TargetMethod - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Target method annotation.
TARGETRESOLVER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.ITargetResolver
The target resolver class (to dynamically resolve the called service).
task - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper
The pojo task.
task - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The current task.
task - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The task.
task - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The task.
Task(IExecutable, double) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
Create a new task info for a given task.
task - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
The actual task.
TaskActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Handler for (external) tasks.
TaskActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.TaskActivityHandler
taskAdded() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was added to the pool.
taskAdded() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was added to the pool.
taskAdded() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was added to the pool.
taskFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Called when a task is finished.
taskFinished() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Called when a task is finished.
taskFinished() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Called when a task is finished.
taskidcounter - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Task id counter for new ids.
tasklisteners - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The task listeners.
taskPerformed(LoadManagingExecutionService.Task) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
Called when a task has been performed once.
tasks - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The tasks to do.
tasks - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The tasks to execute.
tasks - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
The list of future tasks to observe.
tasks - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The object's tasks.
taskServed(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was served from the pool.
taskServed(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was served from the pool.
taskServed(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Called when a new task was served from the pool.
tasktypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The object task types.
TCPPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Port for TCP transport.
TCPTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if tcp transport is enabled.
TerminableDelegationFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A terminable delegation future can be used when a termination future should be delegated.
TerminableDelegationFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableDelegationFuture(ITerminableFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Result listener for terminable futures.
TerminableDelegationResultListener(TerminableDelegationFuture<E>, ITerminableFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
TerminableFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Future that can be terminated from caller side.
TerminableFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableFuture(ITerminationCommand) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Create a future that is already done.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A terminable intermediate delegation future can be used when a termination intermediate future should be delegated.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Result listener for terminable intermediate futures.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationResultListener(TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<E>, ITerminableIntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Create a new listener.
TerminableIntermediateFuture<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
TerminableIntermediateFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
TerminableIntermediateFuture(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Create a future that is already done (failed).
TerminableIntermediateFuture(ITerminationCommand) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Create a new future.
terminate() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITerminableFuture
Terminate the future.
terminate(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITerminableFuture
Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Terminate the future.
terminate(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableDelegationFuture
Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
terminate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
The termination code.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Terminate the future.
terminate(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Terminate the future.
terminate(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture
Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
terminate - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
The termination code.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Terminate the future.
terminate(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Initialize the extension.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Terminate the extension.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Terminate the space executor.
terminate() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceExecutor
Terminate the space executor.
terminate() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Terminate the space executor.
terminated - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
terminated(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITerminationCommand
Called after termination was performed.
terminated(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminationCommand
Called after termination was performed.
terminated - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The flag indicating that the executor is terminated.
terminated - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
The flag indicating that the executor is terminated.
TERMINATION_FILTER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TerminationCommand - Class in jadex.commons.future
Base implementation of termination command to be used for sub-classing.
TerminationCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TerminationCommand
Terrain3d - Class in
Terrain3d(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
Creates default Polygon.
Terrain3d(Object, Object, Object, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Polygon drawable.
Terrain3d(Object, Object, Object, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class
TerrainTexture - Class in
Helper class for terrain
TerrainTexture(String, String, float) - Constructor for class
test1(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Main for testing.
test1b(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Main for testing.
test2(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Main for testing.
testBodyAborted(RPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Check if plan is already aborted.
Testcase - Class in jadex.base.test
A testcase consists of an component type to test and the result reports.
Testcase() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a new testcase.
Testcase(int) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a new testcase.
Testcase(int, TestReport[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a testcase which is already performed.
testIntByteConversion() - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
TestReport - Class in jadex.base.test
A test report captures the description and results of a test.
TestReport() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String, Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
Text - Class in
Drawable component for displaying text.
Text() - Constructor for class
The condition deciding if the drawable should be drawn.
Text(Object, Font, Color, String, int, int, int, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
text - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The token text (if any).
Text3d - Class in
Text3d(String) - Constructor for class
Creates default Text3d.
Text3d(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, String, IParsedExpression, String, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Polygon drawable.
TextInfo - Class in
Information on how to display a text.
TextInfo(Font, Color, String) - Constructor for class
TextJ2DRenderer - Class in
TextJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
TexturedRectangle - Class in
TexturedRectangle(String) - Constructor for class
Creates default TexturedRectangle.
TexturedRectangle(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class
Creates a new TexturedRectangle drawable.
TexturedRectangleJ2DRenderer - Class in
TexturedRectangleJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
texturePath_ - Variable in class
Texture path.
texturePath_ - Variable in class
Path to the Texture
texturePath_ - Variable in class
Texture path.
thd - Static variable in class jadex.commons.TimeFormat
thefactory - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit
The view factory.
thenAccept(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenAccept(Consumer<? super E>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenAccept(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Applies a synchronous function consuming the result after it is available.
thenAccept(Consumer<? super E>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Applies a function consuming the result after it is available.
thenApply(Function<? super E, ? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenApply(Function<? super E, ? extends T>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenApply(Function<? super E, ? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Applies a function after the result is available, using the result of this Future as input.
thenApply(Function<? super E, ? extends T>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Applies a function after the result is available, using the result of this Future as input.
thenCombine(IFuture<U>, BiFunction<? super E, ? super U, ? extends V>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenCombine(IFuture<U>, BiFunction<? super E, ? super U, ? extends V>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Combines this and another future and uses the given bifunction to calculate the result.
thenCompose(Function<? super E, IFuture<T>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenCompose(Function<? super E, IFuture<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
thenCompose(Function<? super E, IFuture<T>>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
The result of this future is delegated to the given (future-returning) function.
thenCompose(Function<? super E, IFuture<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
The result of this future is delegated to the given (future-returning) function.
THIS - Static variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
Constant for identifying this.
thread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
The process thread.
thread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
thread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
The process thread.
thread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
thread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThreadValueFetcher
The process thread.
THREAD_PARAMETER_SERVICE_RESULT - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessServiceInvocationHandler
The future result parameter name.
threadcnt - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
The thread number.
threadid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ExecuteProcessThread
The thread id.
ThreadInfo - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist
Thread info object.
ThreadInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Create a new ThreadInfo.
ThreadInfo(ProcessThread) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Create a new ThreadInfo.
THREADLOCALS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
The registered thread locals.
ThreadLocalTransferHelper - Class in jadex.commons.future
Helps to transfer registered thread local values between different threads.
ThreadLocalTransferHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Create a new transfer helper.
ThreadLocalTransferHelper(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Create a new transfer helper.
threadpool - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The thread pool.
ThreadPool - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
A thread pool manages pool and saves resources and time by precreating and reusing pool.
ThreadPool() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create a new thread pool.
ThreadPool(IPoolStrategy) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create a new thread pool.
ThreadPool(boolean, IPoolStrategy) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create a new thread pool.
ThreadPool(boolean, IPoolStrategy, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create a new thread pool.
ThreadPool.ServiceThread - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
A service thread executes tasks.
THREADPOOL_JAVA5 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
The java 5.0 thread pool implementation.
THREADPOOL_STANDARD - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
The standard (1.4 compliant) thread pool implementation.
THREADPOOLCLASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative thread pool implementation.
THREADPOOLDEFER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag for deferring thread creation/deletion in thread pool
ThreadPoolFactory - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
Factory class for obtaining a thread pool.
ThreadPoolFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
threadpools - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolFactory
The threadpools per name.
threads - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
A map for counting thread entries.
ThreadSuspendable - Class in jadex.commons.future
Suspendable for threads.
ThreadSuspendable() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable
ThreadTest - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
This test class shows how the thread based scheduler works.
ThreadTest() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadTest
Create a new thread test.
threshold - Variable in class
The threshold of found services after which the ranking starts.
ThrowableCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding exception objects.
ThrowableCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.ThrowableCodec
throwables - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The exceptions (if any) to be thrown in threads that need to be reactivated.
throwEvaluationException(Throwable) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
(Re)throw an exception that occured during evaluation and add a useful error message.
throwParseException(Throwable) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
(Re)throw an exception that occured during parsing and add a useful error message.
throwUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a throwable to an unchecked exception (i.e.
tick - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The current tick.
TICK_TIMER - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
TiledLayer - Class in
A layer consisting of image tiles.
TiledLayer() - Constructor for class
Creates a new TiledLayer.
TiledLayer(IVector2, Object, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new TiledLayer.
TiledLayerJ2DRenderer - Class in
TiledLayerJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
time - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The current time.
time - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The timepoint.
TimeChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Time chart data consumer.
TimeChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
timedelays - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The current send delay time.
TimedProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.time
Base property for time properties.
TimedProperty(String, IInternalAccess, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.TimedProperty
Create a new property.
TimedProperty(String, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.TimedProperty
Create a new property.
timeEventOccurred(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimedObject
Called when the submitted timepoint was reached.
TimeFormat - Class in jadex.commons
Class for formatting time durations.
TimeFormat() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.TimeFormat
timelimit - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
The time limit.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The timeout (if any).
Timeout - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Specify a timeout period after which the remote invocation is aborted when no result is received.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for timeout name in non-functional properties.
timeout - Variable in class
The absolute timeout value.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The timeout constant.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
The timeout.
TimeoutException - Exception in jadex.commons.concurrent
Jadex timout exception.
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.concurrent.TimeoutException
Create a timeout exception.
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.concurrent.TimeoutException
Create a timeout exception.
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.concurrent.TimeoutException
Create a timeout exception.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, boolean, Object, IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
timeoutOccurred() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Timeout occurred.
timeoutOccurred() - Method in class jadex.micro.AbstractMessageHandler
Timeout occurred.
TimeoutResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
Listener that allows to automatically trigger a timeout when no result (or exception) was received after some timeout interval.
TimeoutResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, IResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, boolean, Object, IResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Create a new listener.
timer - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
The update timer (if any).
timer - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The timeout timer (if any).
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The update timer (if any).
timer - Variable in class
The timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.TimerDelayRunner
The java timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Rescue timer that checks if progress is made and tasks are scheduled.
timer - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The tick timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
The tick timer.
TIMER_EVENT - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
TimerDelayRunner - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Timer based on Java java timer.
TimerDelayRunner() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.TimerDelayRunner
TimerEntries() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Bean constructor.
TimerEntries(long[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Create timer entries
times - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The times.
times - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Lease time map with keys.
times - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The timestamps.
timeslice - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The max time slice (in ms).
timestamp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryEvent
The timestamp of the first event (change).
timestamp - Variable in class
The timestamp.
timestamp - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
Current time stamp
timestamp - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.RoundBasedExecutor
Last time stamp.
TimestampCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
TimestampCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TimestampCodec
TimestampProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
TimestampProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TimestampProcessor
TimeUnit - Enum in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
The time unit.
title - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
The list title.
titmanager - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.BeanObjectReaderHandler
The type info manager.
titmanager - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AbstractObjectWriterHandler
The type info manager.
to - Variable in class
The validity to date.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
toArray(T[]) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an array of children of this context.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an array of children of this context.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this set.
toArray(E[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this set; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Convert the set to an array.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Convert the set to an array.
toArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
toArray(T[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
toBoolean() - Method in enum jadex.commons.Boolean3
Convert the three valued boolean to a two valued boolean object.
toByteArray() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
toCharArray(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This is a wrapper to toCharArray(final byte[] text, final int from, final int len)
toCharArray(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will encode the text without line feeds added
toCharArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.Base64
This will encode the text.
tocHost - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The host address of the TOC server.
toClass(String, byte[], ClassLoader, ProtectionDomain) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Transform byte Array into Class and define it in classloader.
toClass(String, byte[], ClassLoader, ProtectionDomain) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
tocPort - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The port used to connect to the TOC server.
Token - Class in jadex.commons.concurrent
A token is initially available can be acquired once.
Token() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.concurrent.Token
Token - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Describes the input token stream.
Token() - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
tokenImage - Variable in exception jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParseException
This is a reference to the "tokenImage" array of the generated parser within which the parse error occurred.
tokenImage - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
TokenMgrError - Error in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
TokenMgrError() - Constructor for error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(String, int) - Constructor for error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
TokenMgrError(boolean, int, int, int, String, char, int) - Constructor for error jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TokenMgrError
toList(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Returns the tree as a List of node objects.
ToolTipAction - Class in jadex.commons.gui
An action with associated tooltip text.
ToolTipAction(String, Icon, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ToolTipAction
Defines an Action object with the specified description string and a default icon.
topic - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
The auction content.
topic - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
The auction content.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArgumentsNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CastNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CollectionNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConditionalNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Create a string representation of this node for dumping in a tree.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Node
Create a string representation of this node for dumping in a tree.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParameterNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectionNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
toPlainString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Create a string representation of this node and its subnodes.
topthread - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.BpmnPersistInfo
The context variables.
Torus3d - Class in
Torus3d(double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates default Tube.
Torus3d(Object, Object, Object, int, Object, String, String, double, double, int, int, IParsedExpression, String, ArrayList<SpatialControl>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Cylinder3d drawable.
toSort - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.AbstractPlatformConfiguration
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ParticipantProposal
Create a string representation of the participant proposal.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Return a string.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
Create a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
Get the string represntation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow
toString() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a string representation of this process thread.
toString() - Method in class
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BasicComponentIdentifier
Return a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSCreateComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSDestroyComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSResumeComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get a string representation of this CMSSearchComponents.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSShutdownPlatform
Get a string representation of this CMSShutdownPlatform.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Get a string representation of this CMSSuspendComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFComponentDescription
Get a string representation of this ComponentDescription.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFDeregister
Get a string representation of this DFDeregister.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFModify
Get a string representation of this DFModify.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFRegister
Get a string representation of this DFRegister.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFSearch
Get a string representation of this DFSearch.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Get a string representation of this Property.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get a string representation of this SearchConstraints.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
A string of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
String representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class
Get the string representation.
tostring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The string representation (cached for reducing memory consumption).
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get a string representation of this description.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSStatusEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
String representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.message.MessageType.ParameterSpecification
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.RemoteException
A string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the string represntation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Expression
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
Returns a String representation of this EventObject.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Statement
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Get the string respresentation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Create a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Create a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Create a string representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Create a string representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Create a string representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Create a string representation of this map.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Returns a String representation of the tree.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a string representation of this filter.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a string representation of this filter.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
String representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
Create a string representation of the task info.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool.ServiceThread
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
Get a string representation of this node.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.SetTreeTableNode
Get the node name.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.MutableObject
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.Property
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Convert this tuple to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Get a string representation of this AGR space instance.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Get a string representation of this AGR space type.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Get a string representation of this AGR group instance.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Get a string representation of this group type.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
Get a string representation of this AGR position.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MRoleType
Get a string representation of this group type.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Create a string representation of the action.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
toString() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
toString(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Convert an operator to a string representation.
toString(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Convert an operator to a string representation.
toString(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Create a string representation of this node for dumping in a tree.
toString(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Create a string representation of this node for dumping in a tree.
toString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Create a string representation of this node for dumping in a tree.
toString(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
Convert an operator to a string representation.
toString(int) - Static method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
Convert a selection mode to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
toString(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
toString() - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.Token
Returns the image.
toString() - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
Get a string representation of this mapping.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.LinkingInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.MappingInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.reader.LinkData
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.StackElement
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Returns a string representation of this QName.
toString() - Method in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
Get a string representation.
touch(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(E, long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(K) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Update the timestamp of e.
touch(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Update the timestamp of e.
touchonread - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Flag if touch on read.
touchonwrite - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Flag if touch on read.
toURI(URL) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a URL to a URI but ignore exceptions
toURI(String, InetAddress, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a scheme, InetAdress and port to a valid URI or throw.
toURI(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert stringified URI (as used in transports for some weird reason) to URI.
toURI0(URL) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a URL to a URI but ignore exceptions
toURL(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a file/string/url.
toURL0(URI) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a URI to a URL but ignore exceptions
toURLs(Object[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert a file/string/url array.
tp - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The thread pool.
tp - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The thread pool.
tr - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The target resolver.
trackheight - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
True if the view should always be adjusted to scrollpane height (i.e.
trackwidth - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ScrollablePanel
True if the view should always be adjusted to scrollpane width (i.e.
transfercommand - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The transfer future.
transfercommand - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The transfer future.
transferfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The transfer future.
TransferInfo - Class in
Information about a requested, ongoing or completed file transfer.
TransferInfo() - Constructor for class
Create a new file transfer info.
TransferInfo(boolean, String, String, String, IComponentIdentifier, long, long) - Constructor for class
Create a new file transfer info.
transformArrayStores(MethodNode, BDIModel, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
transformArrayStores(MethodNode, BDIModel, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
Transform array store instructions for beliefs.
transformClassNode(ClassNode, String, BDIModel, ClassLoader, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
transformConstructor(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, List<String>, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
transformConstructor(ClassNode, MethodNode, BDIModel, List<String>, Map<String, ClassNode>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
TRANSPARENT_WHITE - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.STypeInfosAWT
TransportAddressBook - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.address
Management of transport addresses of platform.
TransportAddressBook() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddressBook
traverse(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverse(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverse(Object, Type, Map<Object, Object>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverseObject(Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverseObject(Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverseObject(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverseObject(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, boolean, ClassLoader, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Traverse an object.
traverseProperties(Object, Map<Object, Object>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, boolean, ClassLoader, Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Clone all properties of an object.
Traverser - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
The traverser allows to traverse an object graph deeply.
Traverser() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.Traverser
Tree - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Tree data structure.
Tree() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Create a new tree.
Tree(TreeNode) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Create a new tree.
tree - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
A subclass of JTree.
tree - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
The tree.
treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Called whenever an item in the tree has been collapsed.
TreeCombo - Class in jadex.commons.gui
TreeCombo(JTree) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.TreeCombo
treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Called whenever an item in the tree has been expanded.
TreeExpansionHandler - Class in jadex.commons.gui
The tree expansion handler assures that tree nodes stay expanded, even when their last child is removed, and then new child nodes are added.
TreeExpansionHandler(JTree) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Create a tree expansion handler for a given tree.
TreeNode - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Represents a node of a tree.
TreeNode() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Create a new node.
TreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Create a new node.
treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Invoked after a node (or a set of siblings) has changed in some way.
treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Invoked after nodes have been inserted into the tree.
treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Invoked after nodes have been removed from the tree.
treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.TreeExpansionHandler
Invoked after the tree has drastically changed structure from a given node down.
TreeTableAction - Interface in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
An action to add checkbox menu items to tree table popups.
TreeTableCellEditor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor
TreeTableCellRenderer(TreeModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
TreeTableModel - Interface in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.
TreeTableModelAdapter - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
This is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements the table model interface.
TreeTableModelAdapter(TreeTableModel, JTree) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableModelAdapter
TreeTableNode - Interface in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
Interface for tree table nodes.
TreeTableNodeType - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
The node type represents the generic properties of tree table nodes.
TreeTableNodeType(String, Icon[], TreeTableNodeType) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Create a treetable node type inheriting from some other type.
TreeTableNodeType(String, Icon[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Create a treetable node type.
TreeTablePopupListener - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
A mouse listener to add popup-menus to tree tables.
TreeTablePopupListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTablePopupListener
TriangleJ2DRenderer - Class in
TriangleJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class
Trigger - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Plan trigger elements.
trigger - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The trigger (other goals) if this goal is used as plan.
trigger - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The trigger.
TRUE - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
A future representing a true result.
TRUE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface
TRUSTEDLAN - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if trusted lan should be used.
tryopengl - Variable in class
Try OpenGL if true
tryopengl - Variable in class
Try OpenGL if true
ttl - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
The time to live.
ttl - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
The time to live.
Tuple - Class in jadex.commons
A tuple is a list of entities.
Tuple(Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Tuple
Convenience constructor for binary tuples.
Tuple(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Tuple
Convenience constructor for binary tuples.
Tuple(Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Tuple
Create a new tuple.
Tuple2<T,E> - Class in jadex.commons
Generic version of tuple for two elements.
Tuple2(T, E) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Tuple2
Convenience constructor for binary tuples.
Tuple2Future<E,F> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Implementation of tuple2 future.
Tuple2Future() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Create a future that is already done.
Tuple2Future(E, F) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Create a future that is already done.
Tuple2Future(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.Tuple2Future
Create a future that is already done (failed).
Tuple3<T,E,F> - Class in jadex.commons
Generic version of tuple for two elements.
Tuple3(T, E, F) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Convenience constructor for binary tuples.
TupleCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding URL objects.
TupleCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.TupleCodec
TupleProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Tuple is itself immutable, but acts as a container for arbitrary objects -> must be cloned.
TupleProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TupleProcessor
TupleResult - Class in jadex.commons.future
Used by tuple futures as internal result wrappers.
TupleResult() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Create a new TupleResult.
TupleResult(int, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.TupleResult
Create a new SequenceResult.
twd - Static variable in class jadex.commons.TimeFormat
TwoWayMultiCollection - Class in jadex.commons.collection
The two-way multi-collection allows fast reverse lookup, by containing a second multi-collection, which reversely maps values to keys.
TwoWayMultiCollection() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Create a two way map.
TwoWayMultiCollection(TwoWayMultiCollection) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
internal constrcutor for connecting two two-way multi-collection.
type - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent
The message type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
The event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The service interface type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.DefaultMessageAdapter
The message type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The component type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.DFServiceDescription
Attribute for slot type.
TYPE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IMessageAdapter
The Class object representing the class corresponding to the this interface.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Type of the property.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The service type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class
The service type.
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The service type.
type - Variable in class
The event type.
TYPE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
The Class object representing the class corresponding to the this interface.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The component type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent
The type.
type - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.RemoteException
The remote exception type.
type - Variable in class
The entry type.
type - Variable in class
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
The collection type.
type - Variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
The node type identifier.
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The event type to be generated.
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.Properties
The property type (defines the kind of property).
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.Property
The property type (defines the kind of property).
type - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
The space type name.
type - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.EnvironmentEvent
The event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ObjectEvent
Event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The percept type.
type - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
The space type name.
type - Variable in class
Primitive type
type - Variable in class
Primitive type
type - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
The node type.
type - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The reflect node type.
TYPE_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Constant for step event.
TYPE_COMPONENT_CREATED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_COMPONENT_DISPOSED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_CONTINUOUS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type continuous.
TYPE_EVENT_DRIVEN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type event driven.
TYPE_EXCEPTION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Two exceptions.
TYPE_EXCEPTION_RESULT - Static variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
First exception then result.
TYPE_FILE - Static variable in class
Event type for a received file (value is file info, nick only available for initial file events).
TYPE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class
Event type for a received message (value is message text).
TYPE_PROPERTY_ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_PROPERTY_REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_RESULT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
First result then exception.
TYPE_RESULT_RESULT - Static variable in exception jadex.commons.future.DuplicateResultException
Two results.
TYPE_SERVICECALL_END - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_SERVICECALL_START - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_STATECHANGE - Static variable in class
Event type for a chat user status change (value is user state).
TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_START - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type system.
TYPE_THREAD - Static variable in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
The change event prefix denoting a thread event.
TYPE_TIME_DRIVEN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type time driven.
TypedPropertyObject - Class in jadex.commons.meta
TypedPropertyObject(IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.meta.TypedPropertyObject
typeinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.ObjectInfo
The object type.
typeinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.StackElement
The type info.
TypeInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Mapping from tag (or path fragment) to object.
TypeInfo(XMLInfo, ObjectInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create a new type info.
TypeInfo(XMLInfo, ObjectInfo, MappingInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create a new type info.
TypeInfo(XMLInfo, ObjectInfo, MappingInfo, LinkingInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create a new type info.
TypeInfo(XMLInfo, ObjectInfo, MappingInfo, LinkingInfo, IObjectReaderHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfo
Create a new type info.
TypeInfoPathManager - Class in jadex.xml
Type path info manager.
TypeInfoPathManager(Set) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfoPathManager
Create a new manager.
typeinfos - Static variable in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
The type infos.
typeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoPathManager
The type mappings.
typeinfos - Variable in class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
The type mappings.
TypeInfoTypeManager - Class in jadex.xml
The type info type manager organizes type infos via their objects types.
TypeInfoTypeManager(Set) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager
Create a type info manager.
typename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The service interface type as string.
typename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The type name.
typename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service interface type as string.
typename - Variable in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
The typename.
typename - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
The type name.
typename - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
The object's typename.
TypeNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Node representing a type.
TypeNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Create an expression node.
TYPES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.LegacyNumberCodec
The types this processor can handle.
TYPES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.NumberCodec2
The types this processor can handle.
TYPES - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType


uexp - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase.RExpression
The unparsed expression.
unassignRole(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Remove an agent from a role.
unbind() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Unbinds the constant value.
unboundconstantfilters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Unbound constant value filters
Uncached - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Specify a method as uncached.
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
UNEQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
The unequal (!=) operator.
unescape(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Unescape a string.
unescapeString(String) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
Unescapes strings for xml.
unique - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The unique.
UNIQUEIDS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if CIDs may be reused (true for not).
unit - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Unit of the property value.
unit - Variable in class
The unit.
UNIT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
unknown - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.MessageFailureException
The receivers that could not be reached.
UnlimitedIntermediateDelegationResultListener(IntermediateFuture<E>) - Constructor for class
unlock() - Method in class
Method that unlocks the lock.
unobserveValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
unobserveValue(Object, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
UnparsedExpression - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
An unparsed expression for being able to transfer to other nodes.
UnparsedExpression() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Create a new expression.
UnparsedExpression(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Create a new expression.
UnparsedExpression(String, Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Create a new expression.
UnparsedExpression(String, Class<?>, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Create a new expression.
UnparsedExpression(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
Create a new expression.
unpublish(String, URI) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Unpublish an already-published handler.
unpublishService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Unpublish a service.
unpublishService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Unpublish a service.
UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Lazy service proxy that resolves a service via a search command.
UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler(IResultCommand<IFuture<Object>, Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
UNRESTRICTED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The unrestricted security level (access is granted to all).
UNSET - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The unset action (sets a belief fact to null).
UNSET - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for unset.
UNSET - Static variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Constant for unset leasetime (use global default otherwise no leasetime).
UNSET - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Constant for unset.
unwrapGenericType(Type) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Unwrap a generic type.
unzip(ZipFile, File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Unzip a file into a specific dir.
update(long) - Method in class
Update the transfer info.
update(E) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry or update an existing entry.
update(E, long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry or update an existing entry.
update(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
update(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
Add a new entry or update an existing entry.
update(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry or update an existing entry.
update(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry or update an existing entry.
update(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D
Updates the view.
update(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView2D3D
Updates the view.
update(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.GeneralDataView3D
Updates the view.
update(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.IDataView
Updates the view.
update(IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.dataview.LocalDataView2D
Updates the view.
UPDATE_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.base.RemoteCMSListener
Update delay.
UPDATE_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Update delay.
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCharStream
updateModel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
updateObject(IEnvironmentSpace, long, IClockService) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Updates the object to the current time.
updateParameters(ProcessThread, MActivity) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
Update the parameter values after a step.
updateParametersAfterStep(MActivity, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Remove in parameters after step.
updateParametersBeforeStep(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Update parameters based on edge inscriptions and initial values.
updatePopup() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Update the popup.
updaterate - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The update rate.
updaterate - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The update rate.
updaterate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
The update rate.
updateSelectedPathsFromSelectedRows() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
If updatingListSelectionModel is false, this will reset the selected paths from the selected rows in the list selection model.
updateUI() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
updateUI is overridden to set the colors of the Tree's renderer to match that of the table.
updateUI() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable
Overridden to message super and forward the method to the tree.
updating - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The flag that the model is modified.
updatingListSelectionModel - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
Set to true when we are updating the ListSelectionModel.
uploadFile(IInputConnection, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Put a file.
uri - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The URI.
uri - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The URI.
uri - Variable in class jadex.xml.Namespace
The URI.
URI_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> URI converter.
URICodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding URI objects.
URICodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URICodec
url - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
The current URL under the mouse cursor.
URL_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> URL converter.
URLCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding URL objects.
URLCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.URLCodec
urlFromApkPath(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.SUtil.AndroidUtils
Creates an URL object from a given Path to an android APK file
urlToFile(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an URL to a file.
URSHIFT - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The unsinged right shift operator.
USE_ALL_BEANINFO - Static variable in class jadex.commons.beans.Introspector
Constant values to indicate that the Introspector will use all BeanInfo class which have been found.
USE_THREADS - Static variable in class
Use daemon threads for REST call.
useAlpha - Variable in class
used - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The stack of used interceptors.
UsedMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
The used physical memory.
UsedMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
UsedPermGenMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
UsedPermGenMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
USEPASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if the platform should be protected with password.
user - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount
The user name.
useragentobject - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentPersistInfo
The pojo agent object provided by the user.
usercontext - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractDecodingContext
A user context.
usercontext - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
A user context.
usercontext - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The user context.
UserInteractionActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ui
Handler that opens a window and waits for the user to click a button.
UserInteractionActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ui.UserInteractionActivityHandler
UserInteractionTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Opens a dialog for the task and lets the user enter result parameters.
UserInteractionTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
UserMethodInvocationListener - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Listener that only observes user methods.
UserMethodInvocationListener(IMethodInvocationListener) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Create a new UserMethodInvocationListener.
UTF8 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
UTF-8 charset.
UUIDCodec - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Codec for encoding and decoding UUID objects.
UUIDCodec() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.UUIDCodec
UUIDProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.UUID.
UUIDProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.UUIDProcessor


val - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
The value.
val - Variable in class
The value that is returned.
valid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
The valid flag.
validate(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Check the validity of an input.
validate(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Check the validity of an input.
validatePendingAdd(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Validates the pending add of child.
validatePendingRemove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Validates the pending removal of child.
validatePendingSetBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
validateRequest(IAuthorizable) - Method in interface
Validate a request.
ValidationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The validation interceptor tests whether a service call is valid.
ValidationInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
validator - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JValidatorTextField
The validator.
VALIDITYDURATION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
The message validity duration (in minutes)
valign - Variable in class
Vertical alignment
vals - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The thread locals.
vals - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
The thread locals.
value - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The default value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
The event value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
The value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Property
Attribute for slot value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
The value once it is bound.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Expected value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
The current value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The last average value.
Value - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Value as class or unparsed expression string.
value - Variable in class
The event value (depends on type).
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
The value of the result.
value - Variable in class
The current value.
value - Variable in class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
The value.
value - Variable in class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
The return value.
value - Variable in class jadex.commons.Property
The value.
Value - Class in
Java class representation for the Value annotation as annotations cannot be created at runtime.
Value(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new value.
Value(Class<?>) - Constructor for class
Create a new value.
value - Variable in class jadex.xml.bean.MapEntry
The value attribute.
VALUEADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a value has been added.
VALUECHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a value has changed (property change in case of bean).
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
ValueInfo(long, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap.ValueInfo
Creates the info.
ValueInfo(long, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2.ValueInfo
Creates the info.
ValueInfo(long, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap.ValueInfo
Creates the info.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.EvaluationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalLifecycleState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalProcessingState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.commons.Boolean3
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.commons.future.ICommandFuture.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.commons.future.IForwardCommandFuture.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class jadex.xml.stax.QName
Returns a QName holding the value of the specified String.
VALUEREMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a value has been removed.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration.AWAMECHANISM
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration.KERNEL
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MMessageEvent.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter.EvaluationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The default values (multi).
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.model.MProcessableElement.ExcludeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalLifecycleState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalProcessingState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
The values.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.RegistryListenerEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.commons.Boolean3
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns the keys of the reverse map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Unsupported Operation.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Unsupported Operation.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap
Returns the values of the map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PersistentMap2
Returns the values of the map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Returns the values of the map.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Get the values.
values() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
values() - Static method in enum jadex.commons.future.ICommandFuture.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.commons.future.IForwardCommandFuture.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableNode
The values.
values - Variable in class jadex.commons.SimpleParameterGuesser
The values.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.SimpleValueFetcher
The values.
variation - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The variation.
variation - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.LinearPriceCalculator
The variance.
VarInt - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer
Class providing methods for encoding integers (longs) as byte array in a variable-length format.
VarInt() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.VarInt
varname - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The variable name.
vars - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The variable names.
vcSupport - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
Vector1Double - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Implementation of a 1-vector using a double value.
Vector1Double(double) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Creates a new Vector1Double
Vector1Double() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Creates a new vector.
Vector1Int - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Vector1Int(int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Creates a new Vector1int.
Vector1Int() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Creates a new vector.
Vector1Long - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Vector1Long(long) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Creates a new Vector1Long.
Vector1Long() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Creates a new vector.
Vector2Double - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Implementation of a cartesian 2-vector using double components.
Vector2Double() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Creates a new Vector2Double with the value (0,0).
Vector2Double(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Creates a new Vector2 with the same value as the input vector.
Vector2Double(double) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Creates a new Vector2 using the scalar to assign the value (scalar,scalar).
Vector2Double(double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Creates a new Vector2 with the given value.
Vector2Int - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Implementation of a 2-vector using integer values.
Vector2Int() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Creates a new Vector2Int with the value (0,0).
Vector2Int(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Creates a new Vector2 with the same value as the input vector.
Vector2Int(int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Creates a new Vector2Int using the scalar to assign the value (scalar,scalar).
Vector2Int(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Creates a new Vector2Int with the given value.
Vector3Double - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Implementation of a cartesian 3-vector using double components.
Vector3Double() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Creates a new Vector2Double with the value (0,0).
Vector3Double(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Creates a new Vector3 with the same value as the input vector.
Vector3Double(double) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Creates a new Vector2 using the scalar to assign the value (scalar,scalar).
Vector3Double(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Creates a new Vector2 with the given value.
Vector3Int - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.math
Vector3Int() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Creates a new Vector3Int with the value (0,0,0).
Vector3Int(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Creates a new Vector3 with the same value as the input vector.
Vector3Int(int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Creates a new Vector3Int using the scalar to assign the value (scalar,scalar).
Vector3Int(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Creates a new Vector3Int with the given value.
verifyCall(byte[], byte[], String) - Method in interface
Verify an authenticated service call.
verifyContent(PublicKey, Signature, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class
version - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The version of the client.
version - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application version.
version - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The version string (e.g.
VERSION - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Serializer version
versioninfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The version info.
VersionInfo - Class in jadex.bridge
Some version infos for Jadex.
VersionInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
Create a new version info object.
vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeListener
vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeListenerProxy
VetoableChangeListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
VetoableChangeListenerProxy - Class in jadex.commons.beans
VetoableChangeListenerProxy(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeListenerProxy
VetoableChangeSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans
VetoableChangeSupport(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
vgap - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The vertical gap.
viewport - Variable in class
The viewport
viewport3d - Variable in class
The viewport
ViewportJ2D - Class in
This class manages the GUI and all user interaction.
ViewportJ2D(IPerspective, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Viewport.
views - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Available views
VIRTUALNAMES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Virtual names that are used for authentication
Visibility - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
VisibilityPopupMenu - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
VisibilityPopupMenu(JTable) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityPopupMenu
VisibilityTableColumnModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
VisibilityTableColumnModel extends the DefaultTableColumnModel .
VisibilityTableColumnModel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Creates an extended table column model.
visibleRow - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Last table/tree row asked to renderer.
visuals - Variable in class
The visuals (DrawableCombiners)
visuals - Variable in class
The visuals (DrawableCombiners)
VisualsPlugin - Class in
VisualsPlugin() - Constructor for class
vmargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The vm arguments.
volume - Variable in class


WaitAbstraction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Object that indicates on which elements a plan is waiting.
WaitAbstraction() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
waitfilter - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The wait filter.
waitFor(long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a delay.
waitFor(long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a some time.
waitFor() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Wait for all added futures being finished.
waitForAuctionStart(AuctionDescription, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Wait for the auction start time.
waitForAuctionStart(AuctionDescription, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Wait for the auction start time.
waitForCollectionChange(String, long, IFilter<<any>>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a collection change.
waitForCollectionChange(String, long, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a collection change.
waitForCompaction() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ShadowedPersistentMap
Waits for a background compaction to finish (if running).
waitForCondition(ICondition, String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a condition.
waitForCondition(ICondition, String[], long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a condition.
waitForCondition(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a condition.
waitForCondition(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a condition.
waitForCondition(String, long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a condition.
waitForConditionInline(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a condition.
waitForConditionInline(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a condition.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
From version 3.0 - replaced with getComponentFeature(IExecutionFeature.class).scheduleStep() Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.InternalAccessAdapter
From version 3.0 - replaced with getComponentFeature(IExecutionFeature.class).waitForDelay() Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, Runnable) - Method in class
Wait for delay and execute runnable.
waitForDelay(long, Runnable) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IDelayRunner
Wait for a delay.
waitForDelay(long, Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TimerDelayRunner
Wait for a delay.
waitForEver() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for ever (is aborted on goal success/failure).
waitForFactAdded(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being added to a belief.
waitForFactAdded(String, long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being added to a belief.
waitForFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact added.
waitForFactAdded(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact added.
waitForFactAddedOrRemoved(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being added or removed to a belief.
waitForFactAddedOrRemoved(String, long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being added or removed to a belief.
waitForFactChanged(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact change of a belief.
waitForFactChanged(String, long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact change of a belief.
waitForFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact change of a belief.
waitForFactChanged(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact change of a belief.
waitForFactRemoved(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being removed from a belief.
waitForFactRemoved(String, long) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Wait for a fact being removed from a belief.
waitForFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact added.
waitForFactRemoved(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a fact added.
waitForGoalFinished(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a goal.
waitForGoalFinished(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a goal.
waitForGoalFinished(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a goal to be finished.
waitForGoalFinished(IGoal, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a goal to be finished.
waitForIgnoreFailures(ICommand<Exception>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Wait for all added futures being finished.
waitForInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for an internal event.
waitForInternalEvent(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for an internal event.
waitForMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a message event.
waitForMessageEvent(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a message event.
waitForProposals(Object, long, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Wait for proposals of participants.
waitForProposals(Object, long, List) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Wait for proposals of participants.
waitForReady() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReply(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a reply to a message event.
waitForReply(IMessageEvent, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a reply to a message event.
waitForReply(IMessageEvent, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a reply to a message event.
waitForReply(IMessageEvent, String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for a reply to a message event.
waitForResults() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Wait for all added futures being finished and collect the results.
waitForResultsIgnoreFailures(ICommand<Exception>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Wait for all added futures being finished and collect the results.
waitForService(IInternalAccess, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the service call service with delay.
waitForService(IExternalAccess, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the service call service with delay.
waitForService(IExternalAccess, IResultCommand<IFuture<T>, Void>, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the service call service with delay.
waitForService(IInternalAccess, IResultCommand<IFuture<T>, Void>, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the service call service with delay.
waitForService(IInternalAccess, IResultCommand<IFuture<T>, Void>, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the service call service with delay.
WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask - Class in jadex.bdibpmn.task
Create a task for a space object.
WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bdibpmn.task.WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask
waitForTask(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
waitForTask(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
waitForTick() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Wait for next tick.
waitForTick(IComponentStep<Void>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waitForTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waiting - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Is the process in a waiting state.
waiting - Variable in class
Is the process in a waiting state.
WAITING_THREADS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Threads waiting due to thread suspendable.
waitingcalls - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The waiting for service calls.
waitings - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The waiting times of the pool.
WaitingTimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the waiting time of a method or a service as a whole.
WaitingTimeProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Create a new property.
waitqueue - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The waitqueue trigger.
WaitqueueEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Execution time evaluator.
WaitqueueEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
WaitqueueEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
WaitqueueProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the waitqueue length (in calls) of a method or a service.
WaitqueueProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Create a new property.
waits - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MultiThreadTest
The waiting pool.
wakeupComponents(IFilter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Should be called on environment thread only.
walkPostorder(TreeNode, List) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Walks the tree in post-order style.
walkPreorder(TreeNode, List) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Tree
Walks the tree in pre-order style.
wanttorun - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Flag indicating if the thread wants to run.
wconv - Variable in class jadex.xml.SubObjectConverter
The object object write converter.
WeakEntry<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A weak entry is a reference with an additional argument that can be inspected the referent is garbage collected.
WeakEntry(T, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakEntry
Construct a new reference.
WeakEntry(T, Object, ReferenceQueue<? super T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakEntry
Construct a
WeakList<E> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A list with weak entries.
WeakList() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Create a new list.
WeakObject<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Weakreference has the disadvantage that it does not support transparent equals() and hashcode() methods.
WeakObject(T) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakObject
Construct a new reference.
WeakObject(T, ReferenceQueue<? super T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakObject
Construct a
WeakSet<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A weak set for entries that will be automatically removed when no references to them are existing any more.
WeakSet() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Construct a WeakSet based on a HashSet.
WeakValueMap<K,V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A map with weak values.
WeakValueMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Create a new weak value map.
WebServiceAgent - Class in
Agent that wraps a normal web service as Jadex service.
WebServiceAgent() - Constructor for class
WebServiceInvocationAgent - Class in
The invocation agent is used to execute the synchronous web service call.
WebServiceInvocationAgent() - Constructor for class
WebServiceMappingInfo - Class in
Mapping information about the web service.
WebServiceMappingInfo() - Constructor for class
Create a new mapping.
WebServiceMappingInfo(Class, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new mapping.
WELCOME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Tell starter to print welcome message.
WHERE - Static variable in interface jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ParserImplConstants
where - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The flag indicating presence of a where clause.
width - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
WinCrypt - Class in
WinCrypt() - Constructor for class
workercnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
The number of workers in the pool.
workercnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The number of workers in the pool.
workersAdded(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Called when a new worker was added proactively to the pool.
workersAdded(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Called when a new worker was added proactively to the pool.
workersAdded(int) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Called when a new worker was added proactively to the pool.
workerTimeoutOccurred() - Method in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Notify the strategy that a timeout for a component has occurred, i.e.
workerTimeoutOccurred() - Method in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
Notify the strategy that a timeout for a worker has occurred, i.e.
workerTimeoutOccurred() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPoolStrategy
Notify the strategy that a timeout for a worker component has occurred, i.e.
WP_APPNAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_PASS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_TARGET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_URL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_USER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
wrapCollections(MCapability, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
wrappedtypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Mapping from basic class -> object type(class).
wrapText(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Wrap a text at a given line length.
wrapText(String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Wrap a text at a given line length.
wrapValue(boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(byte) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(char) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(float) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(double) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(short) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
wrapValue(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
writable - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Writable flag
write(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Write the content to the stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Write the content to the stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Write the content to the stream.
write - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Flag of the write operation in progress
write(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Write a byte to the stream.
write(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Write a byte to the streams.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Write a byte array to the streams.
write(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.NullOutputStream
Write to dev null.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.NullOutputStream
Write to dev null.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.NullOutputStream
Write to dev null.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
Writes a byte array, appending it to the buffer.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Writes a byte array, appending it to the buffer.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
Writes a byte array, appending it to the buffer.
write(byte) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Writes a byte, appending it to the buffer.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Writes a byte array, appending it to the buffer.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a byte array.
write(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Convert to a string.
write(Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
Convert to a string.
write(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Write the properties to an xml.
write(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, String, OutputStream, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Write the properties to an xml.
write(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, OutputStream, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the properties to an xml.
write(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, String, OutputStream, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the properties to an xml.
writeAccount(String) - Method in class
Store data to a property file.
writeAction(IResultCommand<IFuture<Void>, Void>) - Method in class
writeactions - Variable in class
The scheduled write actions (deferred when readers are currrently reading).
writebacklog - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.ReadWriteLock
Backlog of write requests
writeBeanProperties(Object, Class<?>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Traverser, Map<Object, Object>, boolean, IEncodingContext, IBeanIntrospector) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.BeanCodec
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a boolean value.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
Writes a byte.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
Writes a byte.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
Writes a byte.
writeByte(byte) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a byte.
writeChildren(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Serializes children to the given object input stream.
writeClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a class to the context.
writeClassname(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeClassname(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeClassname(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeClassname(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes the name of a class.
WriteContextDesktop - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Java SE Implementation of AWriteContext.
WriteContextDesktop(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, Object, Object, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.WriteContextDesktop
Create a new write context.
WriteContextDesktop(IObjectWriterHandler, Object, Object, Object, ClassLoader, Map<Object, Object>, List<StackElement>, MultiCollection<Integer, IPreProcessor>) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.WriteContextDesktop
Create a new write context.
WriteContextTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Writes values to context variables.
WriteContextTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.WriteContextTask
writeDirectory(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Write a directory as jar to an output stream.
writeDirectory(String, File, ZipOutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Write a directory as jar to an output stream.
writeEndObject(XMLStreamWriter, int) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the end of an object.
writeExpression(Expression) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Write an expression of old objects.
writeExpression(Expression) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Records the expression so that it can be written out later, then calls super implementation.
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Write a string to a file.
writeFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Write a string to a file.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Write all data from input stream to the connection.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Write all data from input stream to the connection.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Do write all data from the input stream.
writeIndentation(XMLStreamWriter, int) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the indentation.
writeNewline(XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
writeObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Encode the given object into a series of statements and expressions.
writeObject(Object, Encoder) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PersistenceDelegate
Writes a bean object to the given encoder.
writeObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Records the object so that it can be written out later, then calls super implementation.
writeObject(WriteContextDesktop, Object, QName) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write an object to xml.
WriteObjectInfo - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Info for writing an object.
WriteObjectInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.WriteObjectInfo
writeObjectToDataOutput(DataOutput, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
writeObjectToDataOutput(DataOutput, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
writeObjectToDataOutput(DataOutput, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
writeObjectToStream(OutputStream, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
writeObjectToStream(OutputStream, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
writeObjectToStream(OutputStream, Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>, List<ITraverseProcessor>, Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.SBinarySerializer2
Convert an object to an encoded byte array.
WriteParameterTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Writes a parameter value to the thread (or superthread).
WriteParameterTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.WriteParameterTask
writer - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
The writer.
writer - Static variable in class jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter
The static writer instance.
writer - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The writer.
Writer - Class in jadex.xml.writer
XML writer for conversion of objects to XML.
Writer() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Create a new reader (with genids=true and indent=true).
Writer(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Create a new reader (with genids=true and indent=true).
Writer(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Create a new reader.
writeReplace() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Perform special handling on serialization.
writeReplace() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Perform special handling on serialization.
writerhandler - Static variable in class jadex.xml.PropertiesXMLHelper
The writer handler.
writeSignedVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeSignedVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeSignedVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeSignedVarInt(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a signed variable integer to the encoding context.
writeStartObject(XMLStreamWriter, QName, int) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the start of an object.
writeStatement(Statement) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.Encoder
Write a statement of old objects.
writeStatement(Statement) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Records the statement so that it can be written out later, then calls super implementation.
writeString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeString(String) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a string to the context.
writeSubobjects(WriteContextDesktop, TreeNode, TypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.xml.writer.Writer
Write the subobjects of an object.
writeTo(int, byte) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Writes a single byte to a position in the buffer.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Write all data from the connection to the output stream.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Read all data from output stream to the connection.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Read all data from output stream to the connection.
writeVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.DataOutputEncodingContext
writeVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext
writeVarInt(long) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.EncodingContext2
writeVarInt(long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.IEncodingContext
Writes a variable integer to the encoding context.
writeWord(short) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Write a little endian word
writtenbytes - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.AbstractEncodingContext
The bytes written to the output.
writtenobs - Variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriteContext
The written objects.
WSPUBLISH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IRootComponentConfiguration
Flag if web service publishing is enabled.
wto - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The worker timeout.


X_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_NONFUNCTIONAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_RECEIVER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_RID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
XML_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class jadex.xml.SXML
Constant for anonymous inner classes.
XML_INCLUDE_FIELDS - Static variable in class jadex.xml.writer.AWriter
Constant for indicating if public fields should be written.
XMLDecoder - Class in jadex.commons.beans
XMLDecoder reads objects from xml created by XMLEncoder.
XMLDecoder(InputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Create a decoder to read from specified input stream.
XMLDecoder(InputStream, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Create a decoder to read from specified input stream.
XMLDecoder(InputStream, Object, ExceptionListener) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Create a decoder to read from specified input stream.
XMLDecoder(InputStream, Object, ExceptionListener, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
XMLEncoder - Class in jadex.commons.beans
XMLEncoder extends Encoder to write out the encoded statements and expressions in xml format.
XMLEncoder(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Construct a XMLEncoder.
xmlinfo - Variable in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
XMLInfo - Class in jadex.xml
Info for an xml element, i.e.
XMLInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName[]) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(String, IFilter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName, IFilter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName[], IFilter) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(String, IPreProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName[], IPreProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(String, IFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(String, IFilter, boolean, IPreProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName, IFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName[], IFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
XMLInfo(QName[], IFilter, boolean, IPreProcessor) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
Create a new xml info.
xmlobjectnames - Variable in class jadex.xml.AccessInfo
The xml object name.
xmlpath - Variable in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
The xml tag/path.
xmlpathelements - Variable in class jadex.xml.XMLInfo
The xml path elements.
xmlpathelementswithouttag - Variable in class jadex.xml.AbstractInfo
The xml path elements without tag.
XMLReaderFactory - Class in jadex.xml.reader
Factory to create XML Readers.
XMLReaderFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactory
XMLReaderFactoryDesktop - Class in jadex.xml.reader
Factory implementation for the Java SE Environment.
XMLReaderFactoryDesktop() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.reader.XMLReaderFactoryDesktop
XMLReporter - Interface in jadex.xml.stax
Stax API: XMLReporter
XmlTag - Class in jadex.xml.stax
XmlTag(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.XmlTag
XmlUtil - Class in jadex.xml.stax
Class holding stax-compatible constants and utility functions.
XmlUtil() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.stax.XmlUtil
XMLWriterFactory - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Factory to create XML Writers.
XMLWriterFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactory
XMLWriterFactoryDesktop - Class in jadex.xml.writer
Factory implementation for the Java SE Environment.
XMLWriterFactoryDesktop() - Constructor for class jadex.xml.writer.XMLWriterFactoryDesktop
XOR - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The bitwise xor operator.
XYChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Create a X/Y chart consumer, x an y must be double values.
XYChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.


YOrder - Class in
Causes objects to be drawn from the highest y-coordinate to the lowest.
YOrder() - Constructor for class


zero() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Sets the vector component to zero.
zero() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Sets all vector components to zero.
zero() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Sets all vector components to zero.
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Sets all vector components to zero.
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Zero vector
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
Sets the vector component to zero.
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Zero vector
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Sets the vector component to zero.
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Zero vector
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Sets the vector component to zero.
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Zero vector.
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Zero vector.
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Sets all vector components to zero.
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Zero vector.
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
ZERO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Zero vector.
zero() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
ZERO_BYTE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.binaryserializer.GrowableByteBuffer
Constant for a single zero byte.
zombieobjects - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The zombie objects.
zoomlimit - Variable in class
The maximum zoom


_add(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Internal put method, which doesn't affect the reverse collection.
_alphamap - Variable in class
Alphamap for Texture
_animations - Variable in class
_autoRotation - Variable in class
Calculate the Rotation ?
_channels - Variable in class
_circleSamples - Variable in class
_clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Internal clear method, which doesn't affect the reverse collection.
_down - Variable in class
_east - Variable in class
_hasLightMaterials - Variable in class
Light Materials - to deal with possible render Errors
_hasSpaceobject - Variable in class
Has a SpaceObject?
_height - Variable in class
_heightmap - Variable in class
_innerRadius - Variable in class
_isRnd - Variable in class
_isSphere - Variable in class
_iterations - Variable in class
_maxradius - Variable in class
_minradius - Variable in class
_modelPath - Variable in class
Model path.
_north - Variable in class
_outerRadius - Variable in class
_patchsize - Variable in class
_picsize - Variable in class
_planes - Variable in class
_radialSamples - Variable in class
_radius - Variable in class
_radius - Variable in class
_remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Internal remove method, which doesn't affect the reverse collection.
_remove(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Internal remove method, which doesn't affect the reverse collection.
_rigDebug - Variable in class
_rotation3d - Variable in class
Uses 3d Rotation?
_samples - Variable in class
_seed - Variable in class
_shadowtype - Variable in class
_skyFile - Variable in class
Skyfile (one File).
_skyPath - Variable in class
Alternate: 6 Files for each Direction.
_south - Variable in class
_terrainTexture - Variable in class
_terrapath - Variable in class
_text - Variable in class
Model path.
_tiles - Variable in class
_up - Variable in class
_west - Variable in class
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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