Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static IFuture<Tuple2<URL,IResourceIdentifier>> |
SRemoteGui.addRemoteURL(IResourceIdentifier parid,
String filename,
boolean tl,
IExternalAccess exta)
Add a remote url via the library service.
static IFuture<Tuple2<URL,IResourceIdentifier>> |
SRemoteGui.addURL(IExternalAccess access,
String filename)
Add a URL to the lib service.
IFuture |
RemoteCMSListener.componentAdded(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a new element has been added.
IFuture |
RemoteCMSListener.componentChanged(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a component has changed its state.
IFuture |
RemoteCMSListener.componentRemoved(IComponentDescription desc,
Map results)
Called when a new element has been removed.
static IFuture<IExternalAccess> |
Starter.createPlatform(String[] args)
Create the platform.
static IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> |
SRemoteGui.createResourceIdentifier(IExternalAccess platformaccess,
String ridurl,
String globalrid)
Create a resource identifier.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteGui.deregisterRemoteCMSListener(IExternalAccess access,
IComponentIdentifier cid,
String id0)
Deregister the remote listener.
IFuture<Boolean> |
ModelFileFilter.filter(Object obj)
Test if object is accepted by filter.
IFuture<Boolean> |
DefaultFileFilter.filter(Object obj)
Filter an object.
static IFuture<Integer> |
SRemoteGui.findChild(IExternalAccess access,
String toremove,
List<String> filenames)
Find an entry in a list of URLs.
static IFuture<FileData> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getCurrentDirectory(IExternalAccess access)
Get the current directory of the remote VM.
static IFuture<FileData> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getDefaultDirectory(IExternalAccess access)
Return the user's default starting directory for the file chooser.
static IFuture<FileData> |
SRemoteGui.getFileData(IExternalAccess platformaccess,
String path)
Get the file info of a remote path.
static IFuture<FileData[]> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getFiles(IExternalAccess access,
FileData mydir,
boolean useFileHiding)
Gets the list of shown (i.e. not hidden) files.
static IFuture<FileData> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getHomeDirectory(IExternalAccess access) |
static IFuture<FileData> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getParentDirectory(IExternalAccess access,
String path)
Returns the parent directory of
dir . |
static IFuture<FileData[]> |
SRemoteFileChooser.getRoots(IExternalAccess access)
Returns all root partitions on this system.
static IFuture<Object[]> |
SRemoteGui.getServiceInfos(IExternalAccess ea)
Get the service infos for a component.
static IFuture<Object[]> |
SRemoteFileChooser.init(IExternalAccess access)
Initialize the remote file system view such that
home, default and current directory as well as roots
are available.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteGui.installRemoteCMSListener(IExternalAccess access,
IComponentIdentifier cid,
IRemoteChangeListener rcl0,
String id0)
Install the remote listener.
static IFuture<Boolean> |
SRemoteGui.isTestcase(String model,
IExternalAccess access,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Check if a component model can be started as test case.
static IFuture<Tuple2<String,String>> |
SRemoteGui.localizeModel(IExternalAccess platformaccess,
String name,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Localize a model name.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteGui.logWarning(String msg,
IExternalAccess exta)
Log a warning on a component.
static IFuture<Boolean> |
SRemoteGui.matchModel(String path,
String model,
IExternalAccess exta)
Compare a model to a path.
static IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
SRemoteGui.parseArgs(Map<String,String> rawargs,
IResourceIdentifier modelrid,
IExternalAccess exta) |
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteClock.removeClockListener(String id,
ISimulationService simservice,
IExternalAccess exta)
Remove a clock listener.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteClock.removeSimulationListener(String id,
ISimulationService simservice,
IExternalAccess exta)
Remove a sim listener.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteClock.removeTimerListener(String id,
ISimulationService simservice,
IExternalAccess exta)
Remove a timer listener.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteGui.removeURL(IExternalAccess access,
String path)
Remove a URL from the lib service.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteClock.setDelta(long delta,
IExternalAccess exta)
Set the delta.
static IFuture<Void> |
SRemoteClock.setDilation(double dilation,
IExternalAccess exta)
Set the dilation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<IMECapability> |
IDynamicBDIFactory.createAgentModel(String name,
String pkg,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Create a new agent model, which can be manually edited before
IFuture<IMECapability> |
BDIAgentFactory.createAgentModel(String name,
String pkg,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Create a new agent model, which can be manually edited before starting.
IFuture<Tuple2<IComponentInstance,IComponentAdapter>> |
BDIAgentFactory.createComponentInstance(IComponentDescription desc,
IComponentAdapterFactory factory,
IModelInfo modelinfo,
String config,
Map<String,Object> arguments,
IExternalAccess parent,
RequiredServiceBinding[] bindings,
boolean copy,
boolean realtime,
IIntermediateResultListener<Tuple2<String,Object>> resultlistener,
Future<Void> init)
Create a component instance.
IFuture<String> |
BDIAgentFactory.getComponentType(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Get the component type of a model.
IFuture<byte[]> |
BDIAgentFactory.getComponentTypeIcon(String type)
Get a default icon for a file type.
IFuture<Boolean> |
BDIAgentFactory.isLoadable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
IFuture<Boolean> |
BDIAgentFactory.isStartable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model is startable (e.g. an component).
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
BDIAgentFactory.loadModel(String filename,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load a model.
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
IDynamicBDIFactory.registerAgentModel(IMECapability model,
String filename)
Register a manually edited agent model in the factory.
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
BDIAgentFactory.registerAgentModel(IMECapability model,
String filename)
Register a manually edited agent model in the factory.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
BDIAgentFactory.startService(IInternalAccess component,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Start the service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
DefaultBDIViewerPanel.init(jadex.base.gui.plugin.IControlCenter jcc,
IExternalAccess component)
Called once to initialize the panel.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Object[]> |
StepChain.execute(IInternalAccess ia) |
IFuture<Void> |
SetBeliefStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia) |
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
DispatchGoalStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
ICapability.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an agent listener
IFuture |
IBDIExternalAccess.getExternalAccess(String name)
Get external access of subcapability.
IFuture |
Get subcapability names.
IFuture |
Kill the agent.
IFuture |
ICapability.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an agent listener
IFuture |
IEventbase.sendMessage(IMessageEvent me)
Send a message after some delay.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Plan.resume(IFuture future)
Resume the execution of the plan.
void |
Plan.suspend(IFuture future,
long timeout)
Suspend the execution of the plan.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add component listener.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.componentCreated(IComponentDescription desc,
IModelInfo model)
Called when a component has been created as a subcomponent of this component.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.componentDestroyed(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a subcomponent of this component has been destroyed.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.init(IModelInfo model,
String config)
Extended init procedure including subcapabilities.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.initArguments(IModelInfo model,
String config,
Map arguments)
Init the arguments and results.
static IFuture |
AgentRules.initBelief(jadex.rules.state.IOAVState state,
Object rcapa,
Object mbel,
IValueFetcher fetcher)
Initialize a belief.
static IFuture |
AgentRules.initBeliefSet(jadex.rules.state.IOAVState state,
Object rcapa,
Object mbelset,
IValueFetcher fetcher)
Initialize a beliefset.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.initServices(IModelInfo model,
String config)
Overridden to init BDI internals before services.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Remove component listener.
IFuture |
BDIInterpreter.scheduleImmediate(IComponentStep step,
Object scope)
Execute some code on the component's thread.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BDIInterpreter.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step)
Schedule a step of the component.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BDIInterpreter.scheduleStep(Object step,
Object scope)
Schedule a step of the agent.
static IFuture |
MessageEventRules.sendMessage(jadex.rules.state.IOAVState state,
Object rcapa,
Object rmessageevent,
byte[] codecids)
Send a message after some delay.
IFuture<Void> |
Request agent to kill itself.
IFuture |
Start the services.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
BpmnPlanBodyInstance.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an component listener.
IFuture |
BpmnPlanBodyInstance.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Remove a component listener.
IFuture |
BpmnPlanBodyInstance.scheduleStep(IComponentStep step)
Schedule a step of the agent.
IFuture |
BpmnPlanBodyInstance.sendMessage(IMessageEvent me)
Send a message after some delay.
IFuture |
BpmnPlanBodyInstance.sendMessage(IMessageEvent me,
byte[] codecids)
Send a message after some delay.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
WaitForSubprocessTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
WaitForGoalTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
DispatchSubprocessTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
DispatchGoalTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess process)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess process)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
WaitForSubprocessTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
WaitForGoalTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
DispatchSubprocessTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
DispatchGoalTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Tuple2<IComponentInstance,IComponentAdapter>> |
BpmnFactory.createComponentInstance(IComponentDescription desc,
IComponentAdapterFactory factory,
IModelInfo modelinfo,
String config,
Map<String,Object> arguments,
IExternalAccess parent,
RequiredServiceBinding[] bindings,
boolean copy,
boolean realtime,
IIntermediateResultListener<Tuple2<String,Object>> resultlistener,
Future<Void> inited)
Create a component instance.
IFuture<String> |
BpmnFactory.getComponentType(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Get the component type of a model.
IFuture<byte[]> |
BpmnFactory.getComponentTypeIcon(String type)
Get a default icon for a file type.
IFuture<Boolean> |
BpmnFactory.isLoadable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
IFuture<Boolean> |
BpmnFactory.isStartable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model is startable (e.g. an component).
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
BpmnFactory.loadModel(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load a model.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
BpmnFactory.startService(IInternalAccess component,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Start the service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> IFuture<T> |
BpmnInterpreter.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step)
Schedule a step of the agent.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the end steps of the component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
UserInteractionTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
ServiceCallTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture |
DestroyComponentTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture<Void> |
CreateComponentTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
IFuture<Void> |
AbstractTask.cancel(IInternalAccess instance)
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
IFuture |
UserInteractionTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
ServiceCallTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess process)
Execute the task.
IFuture |
DestroyComponentTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture<Void> |
CreateComponentTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
IFuture<Void> |
AbstractTask.execute(jadex.bpmn.model.task.ITaskContext context,
IInternalAccess instance)
Execute the task.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IInternalAccess.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IExternalAccess.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
Can be called concurrently (also during executeAction()).
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentInstance.componentCreated(IComponentDescription desc,
IModelInfo model)
Called when a component has been created as a subcomponent of this component.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentInstance.componentDestroyed(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a subcomponent of this component has been destroyed.
IFuture |
IMultiKernelListener.componentTypesAdded(String[] types)
Called when new component types become available.
IFuture |
IMultiKernelListener.componentTypesRemoved(String[] types)
Called when component types become unavailable.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
IExternalAccess.createChild(ComponentInstanceInfo component)
Create a subcomponent.
static IFuture<Void> |
ComponentChangeEvent.dispatchComponentChangeEvent(IComponentChangeEvent event,
Collection<IComponentListener> componentlisteners)
Dispatches a component change event.
static IFuture<Void> |
ComponentChangeEvent.dispatchTerminatedEvent(IComponentIdentifier cid,
long creationtime,
IModelInfo model,
Collection<IComponentListener> componentlisteners,
IClockService clock)
Dispatch a "component terminated" event.
static IFuture<Void> |
ComponentChangeEvent.dispatchTerminatingEvent(IComponentAdapter adapter,
long creationtime,
IModelInfo model,
IServiceProvider provider,
Collection<IComponentListener> componentlisteners)
Dispatch a "component terminating" event.
IFuture<Void> |
TerminationAdapter.eventOccured(IComponentChangeEvent cce)
Invoked when a change occurs with the component.
IFuture |
RemoteComponentListener.eventOccured(IComponentChangeEvent event)
Invoked when a change occurs with the component.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentListener.eventOccured(IComponentChangeEvent cce)
Invoked when a change occurs with the component.
IFuture<Void> |
ComponentStepAdapter.eventOccured(IComponentChangeEvent cce)
Invoked when a change occurs with the component.
IFuture |
ComponentAdapter.eventOccured(IComponentChangeEvent cce)
Invoked when a change occurs with the component.
IFuture<T> |
IComponentStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia)
Execute the command.
IFuture<Boolean> |
FactoryFilter.filter(Object obj)
Test if an object passes the filter.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Get the arguments.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier[]> |
IExternalAccess.getChildren(String type)
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
IFuture<IExtensionInstance> |
IExternalAccess.getExtension(String name)
Get a space of the application.
IFuture<String> |
IExternalAccess.getFileName(String ctype)
Get the model name of a component type.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Get the component results.
static IFuture<Long> |
ComponentChangeEvent.getTimeStamp(IServiceProvider provider)
Retrieves a timestamp from the clock service which can be used in events.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Kill the component.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Kill the component.
IFuture<Void> |
IInternalAccess.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Remove a component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IExternalAccess.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Remove a component listener.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IExternalAccess.scheduleImmediate(IComponentStep<T> step)
Execute some code on the component's thread.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IExternalAccess.scheduleImmediate(IComponentStep<T> step,
long delay)
Execute some code on the component's thread.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IExternalAccess.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step)
Schedule a step of the component.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IExternalAccess.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step,
long delay)
Schedule a step of the component.
IFuture<Void> |
IInternalAccess.waitForDelay(long delay)
Wait for some time.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IInternalAccess.waitForDelay(long delay,
IComponentStep<T> step)
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
IFuture<Integer> |
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
IFuture<Void> |
IOutputConnection.write(byte[] data)
Write the content to the stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<IExtensionInstance> |
IExtensionInfo.createInstance(IExternalAccess access,
IValueFetcher fetcher)
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
IFuture<Void> |
Initialize the extension.
IFuture<Void> |
Terminate the extension.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IServiceContainer.addService(IInternalService service,
ProvidedServiceInfo info)
Add a service to the container.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.addService(IInternalService service,
ProvidedServiceInfo info)
Add a service to the platform.
IFuture<Void> |
BasicServiceContainer.addService(IInternalService service,
ProvidedServiceInfo info)
Add a service to the container.
IFuture<Collection<IServiceProvider>> |
Get the children container.
IFuture |
Get the children container.
abstract IFuture<Collection<IServiceProvider>> |
Get the children container.
IFuture<IServiceProvider> |
Get the parent service container.
IFuture |
Get the parent service container.
abstract IFuture<IServiceProvider> |
Get the parent service container.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name) |
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name)
Get a required service of a given name.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name)
Get a required service of a given name.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind) |
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind)
Get a required service.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind,
IFilter filter) |
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
BasicServiceContainer.getRequiredService(String name,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.getService(Class<T> type,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.getService(Class type,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IRequiredServiceFetcher.getService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
abstract IFuture<Class<?>> |
BasicServiceContainer.getServiceType(IServiceIdentifier sid) |
IFuture<Boolean> |
Test if the service is valid.
IFuture<Boolean> |
Test if the service is valid.
IFuture<Void> |
IServiceContainer.removeService(IServiceIdentifier sid)
Removes a service from the container (shutdowns also the service if the container is running).
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.removeService(IServiceIdentifier sid)
Removes a service from the platform (shutdowns also the service).
IFuture<Void> |
BasicServiceContainer.removeService(IServiceIdentifier sid)
Removes a service from the platform (shutdowns also the service).
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.searchService(Class type)
Get one service of a type.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.searchService(Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.searchService(Class<T> type,
String scope)
Get one service of a type.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.searchService(Class type,
String scope)
Get one service of a type.
IFuture |
CacheServiceContainer.searchServiceUpwards(Class type)
Get one service of a type and only search upwards (parents).
<T> IFuture<T> |
IServiceContainer.searchServiceUpwards(Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type and only search upwards (parents).
IFuture<Void> |
BasicServiceContainer.serviceShutdowned(IInternalService service)
Called after a service has been shutdowned.
IFuture<Void> |
BasicServiceContainer.serviceStarted(IInternalService service)
Called after a service has been started.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> IFuture<T> |
DefaultServiceFetcher.createProxy(IService service,
RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding)
Create a proxy.
IFuture<Void> |
IServiceInvocationInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext context)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Collection<IExternalAccess>> |
DefaultServiceFetcher.getChildExternalAccesses(IComponentIdentifier cid,
IServiceProvider provider,
RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding)
Get a fitting (of given type) child component.
IFuture<Collection<IServiceProvider>> |
Get the children service containers.
IFuture<IServiceProvider> |
Get the parent service container.
IFuture<IExternalAccess> |
DefaultServiceFetcher.getParentAccess(IServiceProvider provider,
RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding) |
static IFuture<IPublishService> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getPublishService(IInternalAccess instance,
String type,
Iterator<IPublishService> services)
Get the publish service for a publish type (e.g. web service).
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding,
boolean rebind)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding binding,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getService(Class<T> type,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get one service of a type from a specific component.
<T> IFuture<T> |
DefaultServiceFetcher.getService(RequiredServiceInfo info,
RequiredServiceBinding bd,
boolean rebind,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get a required service.
IFuture<Class<?>> |
ComponentServiceContainer.getServiceType(IServiceIdentifier sid) |
IFuture<Void> |
Invoke the next interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
ServiceInvocationContext.invoke(Object object,
Method method,
List args)
Invoke the next interceptor.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.searchService(Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.searchService(Class<T> type,
String scope)
Get one service of a type.
<T> IFuture<T> |
ComponentServiceContainer.searchServiceUpwards(Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type and only search upwards (parents).
IFuture<Void> |
ComponentServiceContainer.serviceShutdowned(IInternalService service)
Called after a service has been shutdowned.
IFuture<Void> |
ComponentServiceContainer.serviceStarted(IInternalService service)
Called after a service has been started.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the container.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ComponentSuspendable.resume(IFuture<?> future)
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
void |
ComponentSuspendable.suspend(IFuture<?> future,
long timeout)
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
DelegationInterceptor.doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the command.
IFuture<Void> |
DecouplingInterceptor.doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the command.
abstract IFuture<Void> |
AbstractMultiInterceptor.doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the command.
IFuture<Void> |
DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia)
Execute the step.
IFuture<Void> |
ValidationInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
ResolveInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
RecoveryInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
PrePostConditionInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext context)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
MethodInvocationInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
DecouplingReturnInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
AuthenticationInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext context)
Execute the interceptor.
IFuture<Void> |
AbstractMultiInterceptor.execute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Execute the command.
IFuture<Void> |
DecouplingInterceptor.internalDoExecute(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Internal do execute.
IFuture |
RecoveryInterceptor.rebind(ServiceInvocationContext sic)
Rebind a service call by using the fetcher to find/create
another service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
FutureFunctionality.connectDelegationFuture(Future target,
IFuture source)
Connect a delegation future with the source.
static Future |
FutureFunctionality.getDelegationFuture(IFuture<?> orig,
FutureFunctionality func) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Boolean> |
ServiceIdFilter.filter(Object obj)
Test if service is a proxy.
IFuture<Boolean> |
ProxyFilter.filter(Object obj)
Test if service is a remote proxy.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getDeclaredService(IServiceProvider provider,
Class<T> type)
Get all declared services of the given provider.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
Class<T> type,
String scope)
Get one service of a type.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
Class<T> type,
String scope,
IFilter<T> filter)
Get one service of a type.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
IComponentIdentifier cid,
Class<T> type)
Get a service from a specific component.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
IResultSelector selector)
Get one service of a type.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getService(IServiceProvider provider,
IServiceIdentifier sid)
Get one service with id.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
SServiceProvider.getServiceUpwards(IServiceProvider provider,
Class<T> type)
Get one service of a type and only search upwards (parents).
IFuture<List<IService>> |
IResultSelector.selectServices(Map<Class<?>,Collection<IService>> services)
Called for each searched service provider node.
IFuture<List<IService>> |
BasicResultSelector.selectServices(Map<Class<?>,Collection<IService>> servicemap)
Called for each searched service provider node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<T> |
Get the application instance as entrance point.
IFuture<AppMetaInfo> |
Get meta information about an application.
IFuture<Void> |
IAppGui.init(IExternalAccess agent,
IService service) |
IFuture<Void> |
IAppGui.shutdown() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
Component id of local proxy (if any).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Boolean> |
IAwarenessManagementService.addAwarenessInfo(AwarenessInfo info)
Announce an awareness info.
IFuture<Collection<DiscoveryInfo>> |
Get the currently known platforms.
IFuture<DiscoveryInfo> |
IAwarenessManagementService.getPlatformInfo(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the discovery info for a platform, if any.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
Get the proxy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DiscoveryInfo.setProxy(IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> proxy)
Set the proxy.
Constructor and Description |
DiscoveryInfo(IComponentIdentifier cid,
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> proxy,
long time,
long delay,
boolean remoteexcluded,
Map<String,String> properties)
Create a new discovery info.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.acceptFile(String id,
String filename)
Accept a waiting file transfer.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.cancelTransfer(String id)
Cancel an ongoing file transfer.
IFuture<byte[]> |
Get the user image.
IFuture<byte[]> |
Get the avatar image.
IFuture<String> |
Get the user name.
IFuture<String> |
Get the user name.
IFuture<String> |
Get the current status.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatService.message(String nick,
String text,
boolean privatemessage)
Post a message
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.rejectFile(String id)
Reject a waiting file transfer.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.sendFile(String filename,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Send a local file to the target component.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.setImage(byte[] image)
Set the avatar image.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatGuiService.setNickName(String nick)
Set the user name.
IFuture<Void> |
IChatService.status(String nick,
String status,
byte[] image)
Post a status or nick name, or image change.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<String> |
ICliService.executeCommand(String command,
Tuple2<String,Integer> session)
Execute a command line command and
get back the results.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.addComponentListener(IComponentIdentifier comp,
ICMSComponentListener listener)
Add an component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.addComponentResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String,Object>>> listener,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Add a result listener.
IFuture<Void> |
ICMSComponentListener.componentAdded(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a new element has been added.
IFuture<Void> |
ICMSComponentListener.componentChanged(IComponentDescription desc)
Called when a component has changed its state.
IFuture<Void> |
ICMSComponentListener.componentRemoved(IComponentDescription desc,
Map<String,Object> results)
Called when a new element has been removed.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
IComponentManagementService.createComponent(String name,
String model,
CreationInfo info,
IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String,Object>>> resultlistener)
Create a new component on the platform.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
IComponentManagementService.destroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier componentid)
Destroy (forcefully terminate) an component on the platform.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier[]> |
IComponentManagementService.getChildren(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the children components of a component.
IFuture<IComponentDescription[]> |
IComponentManagementService.getChildrenDescriptions(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the children components of a component.
IFuture<IComponentAdapter> |
IComponentManagementService.getComponentAdapter(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the component adapter for a component identifier.
IFuture<IComponentDescription> |
IComponentManagementService.getComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the component description of a single component.
IFuture<IComponentDescription[]> |
Get all component descriptions.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier[]> |
Get the component identifiers.
IFuture<IExternalAccess> |
IComponentManagementService.getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the external access of a component.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
IComponentManagementService.getParent(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Use cid.getParent() instead
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
Get the root identifier (platform).
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
IComponentManagementService.loadComponentModel(String filename,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load a component model.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.removeComponentListener(IComponentIdentifier comp,
ICMSComponentListener listener)
Remove a listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.removeComponentResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String,Object>>> listener,
IComponentIdentifier cid)
Add a previously added result listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.resumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier componentid)
Resume the execution of an component.
IFuture<IComponentDescription[]> |
IComponentManagementService.searchComponents(IComponentDescription adesc,
ISearchConstraints con)
Search for components matching the given description.
IFuture<IComponentDescription[]> |
IComponentManagementService.searchComponents(IComponentDescription adesc,
ISearchConstraints con,
boolean remote)
Search for components matching the given description.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.setComponentBreakpoints(IComponentIdentifier componentid,
String[] breakpoints)
Set breakpoints for a component.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.stepComponent(IComponentIdentifier componentid)
Execute a step of a suspended component.
IFuture<Void> |
IComponentManagementService.suspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier componentid)
Suspend the execution of an component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
ICronService.removeJob(String jobid)
Remove a schedule job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IResultCommand<IFuture<T>,Tuple2<IInternalAccess,Long>> |
Get the command.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CronJob.setCommand(IResultCommand<IFuture<T>,Tuple2<IInternalAccess,Long>> command)
Set the command.
Constructor and Description |
CronJob(String pattern,
IFilter<Long> filter,
IResultCommand<IFuture<T>,Tuple2<IInternalAccess,Long>> command)
Create a new cron job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IDaemonService.addChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier> listener)
Add a change listener.
IFuture<Set<IComponentIdentifier>> |
Get the component identifiers of all (managed) platforms.
IFuture<Void> |
IDaemonService.removeChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier> listener)
Remove a change listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IDaemonService.shutdownPlatform(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Shutdown a platform.
IFuture<Void> |
IDaemonService.startPlatform(StartOptions options)
Start a platform using a configuration.
IFuture<Void> |
IDaemonService.startPlatform(StartOptions options,
long wait)
Start a platform using a configuration.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
IDaemonService.startPlatformAndWait(StartOptions options)
Start a platform using a configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IDeploymentService.deleteFile(String path)
Delete a file.
IFuture<FileData[]> |
Get the root devices.
IFuture<FileData[]> |
IDeploymentService.listDirectory(String dir)
List the contents of a directory.
IFuture<Void> |
IDeploymentService.openFile(String path)
Open a file.
IFuture<String> |
IDeploymentService.renameFile(String path,
String name)
Rename a file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IDF.deregister(IDFComponentDescription adesc)
Deregister an component description.
IFuture<IDFComponentDescription> |
IDF.modify(IDFComponentDescription adesc)
Modify an component description.
IFuture<IDFComponentDescription> |
IDF.register(IDFComponentDescription adesc)
Register an component description.
IFuture<IDFComponentDescription[]> | adesc,
ISearchConstraints con)
Search for components matching the given description.
IFuture<IDFComponentDescription[]> | adesc,
ISearchConstraints con,
boolean remote)
Search for components matching the given description.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IRuleService.addRule(jadex.rules.eca.IRule<?> rule)
Add a new rule.
IFuture<Void> |
IRuleService.removeRule(String rulename)
Remove a rule.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IEmailService.sendEmail(Email email,
EmailAccount account)
Send an email.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IExecutionService.cancel(IExecutable task)
Cancel a task.
IFuture<Void> |
Get the future indicating that executor is idle.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
IMultiKernelNotifierService.addKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener listener)
Adds a kernel listener.
IFuture<Tuple2<IComponentInstance,IComponentAdapter>> |
IComponentFactory.createComponentInstance(IComponentDescription desc,
IComponentAdapterFactory factory,
IModelInfo model,
String config,
Map<String,Object> arguments,
IExternalAccess parent,
RequiredServiceBinding[] bindings,
boolean copy,
boolean realtime,
IIntermediateResultListener<Tuple2<String,Object>> resultlistener,
Future<Void> init)
Create a component instance.
IFuture<String> |
IComponentFactory.getComponentType(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Get the component type of a model.
IFuture<byte[]> |
IComponentFactory.getComponentTypeIcon(String type)
Get a default icon for a component type.
IFuture<Set<Object>> |
IComponentFactoryExtensionService.getExtension(String componenttype)
Get extension.
static IFuture<String> |
SComponentFactory.getFileType(IExternalAccess exta,
String model,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Get the file type of a model.
static IFuture<byte[]> |
SComponentFactory.getFileTypeIcon(IExternalAccess exta,
String type)
Get a default icon for a file type.
static IFuture<Object> |
SComponentFactory.getProperty(IExternalAccess exta,
String type,
String key)
Get a default icon for a file type.
static IFuture<Boolean> |
SComponentFactory.isLoadable(IExternalAccess exta,
String model,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
IFuture<Boolean> |
IComponentFactory.isLoadable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
static IFuture<Boolean> |
SComponentFactory.isModelType(IExternalAccess exta,
String model,
Collection allowedtypes,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
static IFuture<Boolean> |
SComponentFactory.isStartable(IExternalAccess exta,
String model,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model is startable (e.g. a component).
IFuture<Boolean> |
IComponentFactory.isStartable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model is startable (e.g. an component).
static IFuture<IModelInfo> |
SBootstrapLoader.loadModel(ClassLoader cl,
String model,
String factory)
Load a component model.
static IFuture<IModelInfo> |
SComponentFactory.loadModel(IExternalAccess exta,
String model,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load an component model.
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
IComponentFactory.loadModel(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load a model.
IFuture |
IMultiKernelNotifierService.removeKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener listener)
Removes a kernel listener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.addLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener listener)
Add an Library Service listener.
IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> |
ILibraryService.addResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier parid,
IResourceIdentifier rid,
boolean workspace)
Add a new resource identifier.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.addTopLevelURL(URL url)
Add a top level url.
IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> |
ILibraryService.addURL(IResourceIdentifier parid,
URL url)
Add a new url as resource identifier.
IFuture<List<IResourceIdentifier>> |
Get all resource identifiers (does not include rids (urls) of parent loader).
IFuture<List<URL>> |
Get all urls (managed and non-managed).
IFuture<ClassLoader> |
ILibraryService.getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier rid)
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
IFuture<ClassLoader> |
ILibraryService.getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier rid,
boolean workspace)
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
IFuture<List<URL>> |
Get other contained (but not directly managed) urls from parent classloaders.
IFuture<Set<Tuple2<IResourceIdentifier,IResourceIdentifier>>> |
Get the removable links.
IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> |
ILibraryService.getResourceIdentifier(URL url)
Returns the resource identifier for a url.
IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> |
IDependencyService.getResourceIdentifier(URL url)
Get the resource identifier for an url.
IFuture<Tuple2<IResourceIdentifier,Map<IResourceIdentifier,List<IResourceIdentifier>>>> |
Get the resource identifier dependencies.
IFuture<Tuple2<IResourceIdentifier,Map<IResourceIdentifier,List<IResourceIdentifier>>>> |
IDependencyService.loadDependencies(IResourceIdentifier rid,
boolean workspace)
Load dependencies from a resource identifier.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.removeLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener listener)
Remove an Library Service listener.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.removeResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier parid,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Remove a resource identifier.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.removeTopLevelURL(URL url)
Remove a top level url.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryService.removeURL(IResourceIdentifier parid,
URL url)
Remove a url.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryServiceListener.resourceIdentifierAdded(IResourceIdentifier parid,
IResourceIdentifier rid,
boolean removable)
Called when a new rid has been added.
IFuture<Void> |
ILibraryServiceListener.resourceIdentifierRemoved(IResourceIdentifier parid,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Called when a rid has been removed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.addContentCodec(IContentCodec codec)
Add content codec type.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.addMessageCodec(Class codec)
Add message codec type.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.addMessageListener(IMessageListener listener,
IFilter filter)
Add a message listener.
IFuture<IInputConnection> |
IMessageService.createInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier sender,
IComponentIdentifier receiver,
Map<String,Object> nonfunc)
Create a virtual input connection.
IFuture<IOutputConnection> |
IMessageService.createOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier sender,
IComponentIdentifier receiver,
Map<String,Object> nonfunc)
Create a virtual output connection.
IFuture<String[]> |
Get addresses of all transports.
IFuture<Map<Byte,ICodec>> |
Get the codecs with message codecs.
IFuture<ICodec[]> |
Get the default codecs.
IFuture |
IMessageListener.messageReceived(IMessageAdapter msg)
Invoked when a message event has been received.
IFuture |
IMessageListener.messageSent(IMessageAdapter msg)
Invoked when a message event has been sent.
IFuture<Void> |
Announce that addresses of transports might have changed.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.removeContentCodec(IContentCodec codec)
Remove content codec type.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.removeMessageCodec(Class codec)
Remove message codec type.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.removeMessageListener(IMessageListener listener)
Remove a message listener.
IFuture<Void> |
IMessageService.sendMessage(Map<String,Object> message,
MessageType msgtype,
IComponentIdentifier sender,
IResourceIdentifier rid,
IComponentIdentifier realrec,
byte[] codecids)
Send a message.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
IMessageService.updateComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Update component identifier with current addresses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Boolean> |
IPublishService.isSupported(String publishtype)
Test if publishing a specific type is supported (e.g. web service).
IFuture<Void> |
IPublishService.publishService(ClassLoader cl,
IService service,
PublishInfo pi)
Publish a service.
IFuture<Void> |
IPublishService.unpublishService(IServiceIdentifier sid)
Unpublish a service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Object> |
IRemoteServiceManagementService.getDeclaredServiceProxies(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get all declared service proxies from a remote component.
IFuture<IExternalAccess> |
IRemoteServiceManagementService.getExternalAccessProxy(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get an external access proxy from a remote component.
IFuture<IComponentIdentifier> |
Get the component identifier of the remote platform.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IRemoteServiceManagementService.getServiceProxies(IComponentIdentifier cid,
Class<T> service,
String scope)
Get all service proxies from a remote component.
IFuture<Object> |
IRemoteServiceManagementService.getServiceProxies(IComponentIdentifier cid,
ISearchManager manager,
IVisitDecider decider,
IResultSelector selector)
Get service proxies from a remote component.
<T> IFuture<T> |
IRemoteServiceManagementService.getServiceProxy(IComponentIdentifier cid,
Class<T> service,
String scope)
Get a service proxy from a remote component.
IFuture<Void> |
IProxyAgentService.setRemoteComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Set or update the component identifier of the remote platform,
i.e., top reflect new transport addresses.
IFuture<Integer> |
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
IFuture<Integer> |
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
IFuture<Void> |
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy.write(byte[] data)
Write the content to the stream.
IFuture<Void> |
ServiceOutputConnection.write(byte[] data)
Write the content to the stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.addPlatformCertificate(IComponentIdentifier cid,
Certificate cert)
Add a trusted certificate of a platform.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.addVirtual(String virtual,
String name)
Add a name to the mappings of a virtual name.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.checkVirtual(String[] virtuals,
String name)
Check if the name belongs to the mappings of one
of the virtual names.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.createKeyPair(IComponentIdentifier cid,
String algorithm,
int keysize,
String password,
int validity)
Create a key pair entry.
IFuture<List<MechanismInfo>> |
Get the supported certificate acquisition mechanism infos.
IFuture<Map<String,KeyStoreEntry>> |
Get info about the current keystore that is used.
IFuture<String[]> |
Set the keystore info.
IFuture<String> |
Get the local password.
IFuture<String> |
ISecurityService.getNetworkPassword(String network)
Get the password for a network.
IFuture<Map<String,String>> |
Get all stored network passwords.
IFuture<Certificate> |
ISecurityService.getPlatformCertificate(IComponentIdentifier cid)
Get the certificate of a platform.
IFuture<String> |
ISecurityService.getPlatformPassword(IComponentIdentifier target)
Get the password for a target component.
IFuture<Map<String,String>> |
Get all stored platform passwords.
IFuture<Integer> |
Get the active acquisition mechanism.
IFuture<Long> |
Get the validity duration.
IFuture<Boolean> |
Get the trusted lan mode.
IFuture<Boolean> |
Check if password protection is enabled.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.preprocessRequest(IAuthorizable request,
IComponentIdentifier target)
Preprocess a request.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.removeKeyStoreEntry(String alias)
Remove a key store entry.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.removeVirtual(String virtual,
String name)
Remove a name from the mappings of a virtual name.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setAcquisitionMechanism(Class<?> type)
Set the acquisition mechanism.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setAcquisitionMechanismParameterValue(Class<?> type,
String name,
Object value)
Set a mechanism parameter.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setKeystoreInfo(String path,
String storepass,
String keypass)
Set the keystore info.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setLocalPassword(String password)
Set the local password.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setNetworkPassword(String network,
String password)
Set the password for a network.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setPlatformPassword(IComponentIdentifier target,
String password)
Set the password for a target component.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setTrustedLanMode(boolean allowed)
Set the trusted lan mode.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setUsePassword(boolean enable)
Enable / disable password protection.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.setValidityDuration(long validityduration)
Set the validity duration.
IFuture<byte[]> |
ISecurityService.signCall(byte[] content)
Sign a byte[] with the platform key that is stored in the
keystore under the platform prefix name.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.validateRequest(IAuthorizable request)
Validate a request.
IFuture<Void> |
ISecurityService.verifyCall(byte[] content,
byte[] signed,
String name)
Verify an authenticated service call.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
ISettingsService.deregisterPropertiesProvider(String id)
Deregister a property provider.
IFuture<Properties> |
ISettingsService.getProperties(String id)
Get the properties for a given id.
IFuture<Properties> |
Load the default platform properties.
IFuture<Void> |
ISettingsService.registerPropertiesProvider(String id,
IPropertiesProvider provider)
Register a property provider.
IFuture<Void> |
Save the platform properties to the default location.
IFuture<Void> |
ISettingsService.setProperties(String id,
Properties props)
Set the properties for a given id.
IFuture<Void> |
ISettingsService.setSaveOnExit(boolean saveonexit)
Set the save on exit policy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<String> |
Get the execution mode.
IFuture<Boolean> |
Test if context is executing.
IFuture<Void> |
Pause the execution (can be resumed via start or step).
IFuture<Void> |
ISimulationService.setClockType(String type)
Set the clock type.
IFuture<Void> |
Restart the execution after pause.
IFuture<Void> |
Perform one event.
IFuture<Void> |
Perform all actions belonging to one time point.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
IRemoteChangeListener.changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T> event)
Called when a change occurs.
IFuture<Boolean> |
IRemoteFilter.filter(Object obj)
Test if an object passes the filter.
IFuture<Boolean> |
IRemoteFilter.AlwaysFilter.filter(Object obj) |
IFuture<Boolean> |
IRemoteFilter.NeverFilter.filter(Object obj) |
IFuture<Boolean> |
ComposedRemoteFilter.filter(Object object)
Match an object against the filter.
IFuture<Properties> |
Write current state into properties.
IFuture<Void> |
IPropertiesProvider.setProperties(Properties props)
Update from given properties.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the executor.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Future that support intermediate results.
interface |
The subscription intermediate future does not save the results but
instead uses a fire and forget semantics.
interface |
Interface for a future that can be terminated
from caller side.
interface |
Interface for an intermediate future that can be terminated
from caller side.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Future that includes mechanisms for callback notification.
class |
Default implementation of an intermediate future.
class |
SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> |
class |
Implementation of the subscription intermediate future.
class |
A terminable delegation future can be used when a termination future
should be delegated.
class |
Future that can be terminated from caller side.
class |
A terminable intermediate delegation future can be used when a termination intermediate future
should be delegated.
class |
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static IFuture<Void> |
A future representing a completed action.
static IFuture<?> |
The empty future.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
CallMultiplexer.doCall(IResultCommand call)
Calls the command.
IFuture |
CallMultiplexer.doCall(Object keyargs,
IResultCommand call)
Calls the command.
IFuture |
CallMultiplexer.doCall(Object keyargs,
IResultCommand call,
boolean commandaskey)
Calls the command.
static <T> IFuture<T> |
Get the empty future of some type.
IFuture<?> |
Get the future.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ThreadSuspendable.resume(IFuture<?> future)
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
void |
ISuspendable.resume(IFuture<?> future)
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
void |
ThreadSuspendable.suspend(IFuture<?> future,
long timeout)
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
void |
ISuspendable.suspend(IFuture<?> future,
long timeout)
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
Constructor and Description |
DuplicateResultException(int type,
IFuture<?> future,
Object first,
Object second)
Create a duplicate result exception.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture |
MAGRSpaceInstance.createInstance(IExternalAccess access,
IValueFetcher fetcher)
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
IFuture<Set<Object>> |
AGRExtensionService.getExtension(String componenttype)
Get extension.
IFuture<Void> |
Initialize the extension.
IFuture<Void> |
Initialize the extension.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<IExtensionInstance> |
MEnvSpaceInstance.createInstance(IExternalAccess access,
IValueFetcher fetcher)
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
IFuture |
EnvSupportExtensionService.getExtension(String componenttype)
Get extension.
IFuture<Void> |
AbstractEnvironmentService.performAction(String actiontype,
Map<String,Object> parameters)
Perform an action.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
Initialize the extension.
IFuture<Void> |
Create a space.
IFuture<Void> |
Terminate the extension.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
ObserverCenter.addPerspective(String name,
IPerspective perspective)
Adds a perspective.
IFuture<Void> |
IObserverCenter.addPerspective(String name,
IPerspective perspective)
Adds a perspective.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Add an component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.addService(String name,
Class<?> type,
Object service)
Add a service to the platform.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.addService(String name,
Class<?> type,
Object service,
String proxytype)
Add a service to the platform.
IFuture<Void> |
Called once after agent creation.
IFuture<Void> |
Called once after agent creation.
IFuture<Void> |
Called once after agent creation.
IFuture<Void> |
Called just before the agent is removed from the platform.
IFuture<Void> |
Called just before the agent is removed from the platform.
IFuture<Void> |
Called just before the agent is removed from the platform.
IFuture<Tuple2<IComponentInstance,IComponentAdapter>> |
MicroAgentFactory.createComponentInstance(IComponentDescription desc,
IComponentAdapterFactory factory,
IModelInfo model,
String config,
Map<String,Object> arguments,
IExternalAccess parent,
RequiredServiceBinding[] binding,
boolean copy,
boolean realtime,
IIntermediateResultListener<Tuple2<String,Object>> resultlistener,
Future<Void> inited)
Create a component instance.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgentInterpreter.HandleMessageStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia) |
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.ExecuteWaitForStep.execute(IInternalAccess ia)
Removes the first entry from the
ITimer array from the micro agents
MicroAgent.timers List and executes the IComponentStep . |
IFuture<Void> |
Execute the functional body of the agent.
IFuture<Void> |
Execute the functional body of the agent.
IFuture<Void> |
Called once after agent has been started.
IFuture |
Get the agent implementation.
IFuture<String> |
MicroAgentFactory.getComponentType(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Get the component type of a model.
IFuture<byte[]> |
MicroAgentFactory.getComponentTypeIcon(String type)
Get a default icon for a file type.
<T> IFuture<T> |
MicroAgent.getRequiredService(String name)
Get a required service of a given name.
IFuture<Long> |
Get the current time.
IFuture<Boolean> |
MicroAgentFactory.isLoadable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
IFuture<Boolean> |
MicroAgentFactory.isStartable(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Test if a model is startable (e.g. an component).
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Kill the agent.
IFuture<Map<String,Object>> |
Kill the component.
IFuture<IModelInfo> |
MicroAgentFactory.loadModel(String model,
String[] imports,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Load a model.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener)
Remove a component listener.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.removeService(IServiceIdentifier sid)
Removes a service from the platform (shutdowns also the service).
<T> IFuture<T> |
MicroAgentInterpreter.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step)
Schedule a step of the agent.
<T> IFuture<T> |
MicroAgent.scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T> step)
Schedule a step of the agent.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.sendMessage(Map<String,Object> me,
MessageType mt)
Send a message.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.sendMessage(Map<String,Object> me,
MessageType mt,
byte[] codecids)
Send a message.
IFuture |
IMicroExternalAccess.sendMessage(Map me,
MessageType mt)
Send a message.
IFuture |
ExternalAccess.sendMessage(Map me,
MessageType mt)
Send a message.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.sendMessageAndWait(Map<String,Object> me,
MessageType mt,
IMessageHandler handler)
Send a message and wait for a reply.
IFuture<Void> |
Shutdown the service.
IFuture<Void> |
Start sending awareness infos.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the end steps of the component.
IFuture<Void> |
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgentFactory.startService(IInternalAccess component,
IResourceIdentifier rid)
Start the service.
IFuture<Void> |
(Ends automatically when a new send behaviour is started).
IFuture<Void> |
Called from cleanupComponent.
IFuture |
IMicroExternalAccess.waitFor(long time,
IComponentStep step)
Wait for an specified amount of time.
IFuture |
ExternalAccess.waitFor(long time,
IComponentStep run)
Wait for an specified amount of time.
IFuture<ITimer> |
MicroAgent.waitFor(long time,
IComponentStep<Void> step)
Wait for an specified amount of time.
IFuture<Void> |
MicroAgent.waitForDelay(long delay)
Wait for some time.
<T> IFuture<T> |
MicroAgent.waitForDelay(long delay,
IComponentStep<T> step)
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
IFuture |
IMicroExternalAccess.waitForTick(IComponentStep step)
Wait for the next tick.
IFuture |
ExternalAccess.waitForTick(IComponentStep run)
Wait for the next tick.
IFuture<MicroAgent.TimerWrapper> |
MicroAgent.waitForTick(IComponentStep<Void> run)
Wait for the next tick.
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