Class TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<E>

    • Field Detail

      • notify

        protected boolean notify
        Flag if source has to be notified.
      • notified

        protected boolean notified
        Flag if source has been notified.
      • reason

        protected java.lang.Exception reason
        Exception used for notification.
      • storedinfos

        protected java.util.List<java.lang.Object> storedinfos
        The list of stored infos, to be sent when src is connected.
      • ex

        protected java.lang.Exception ex
    • Constructor Detail

      • TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture

        public TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture()
        Create a new future.
      • TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture

        public TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture​(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<?> src)
        Create a new future.
    • Method Detail

      • doNotify

        protected void doNotify()
        Possibly notify the termination source.
      • terminate

        public void terminate()
        Terminate the future. The exception will be set to FutureTerminatedException.
        Specified by:
        terminate in interface ITerminableFuture<E>
      • terminate

        public void terminate​(java.lang.Exception reason)
        Terminate the future and supply a custom reason.
        Specified by:
        terminate in interface ITerminableFuture<E>
      • getTerminationCommand

        protected java.lang.Object getTerminationCommand()
      • sendBackwardCommand

        public void sendBackwardCommand​(java.lang.Object info)
        Send a backward command in direction of the source.
        Specified by:
        sendBackwardCommand in interface IBackwardCommandFuture
        info - The command info.