All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractApplicableInterceptor |
Simple abstract base class that implements isApplicable with true.
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator |
ASM Generator base class
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs |
Store which beliefs are accessed in a method.
AbstractAutoComboModel<T> |
AbstractChartDataConsumer |
Abstract base class for chart consumers.
AbstractConnection |
Abstract base class for connections.
AbstractConnectionHandler |
Abstract base class for connection handlers.
AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo |
Struct class that holds send information.
AbstractConstraintFilter<T> |
AbstractEnvironmentService |
Environment service implementation.
AbstractEnvironmentSpace |
Abstract base class for environment space.
AbstractErrorReportBuilder |
Helper class for building error reports.
AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler |
Abstract handler for timing events.
AbstractFixedAutoComboModel<T> |
AbstractGatewayActivityHandler |
Common functionality for and/or split and join gateways.
AbstractIndexTableModel |
AbstractInitiatorPlan |
This plan serves as a base class for initiator plans.
AbstractInteractionPlugin |
AbstractJ2DRenderer |
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor |
Abstract interceptor class that uses a LRU for caching applicable states of invocations
for subsequent calls.
AbstractModelLoader |
Loader for managing models, loaded from disc and kept in cache.
AbstractMultiInterceptor |
Abstract interceptor that supports sub interceptors for special cases.
AbstractNFProperty<T,U> |
A non-functional property.
AbstractReceiverPlan |
This plan serves as a base class for receiver plans.
AbstractRestPublishService |
Publish service without Jersey directly using different containers (in concrete impls).
AbstractRestPublishService.ConversationInfo |
Struct for storing info about a request and the results.
AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo |
AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo.HttpMethod |
AbstractRestPublishService.SSEEvent |
SSE event data class.
AbstractTask |
Simple task implementation with basic result and exception handling.
AbstractTask |
Empty default implementation for object tasks.
AbstractTreeTableAction |
Default implementation of tree table action.
AbstractTreeTableModel |
AbstractViewport |
AbstractViewport3d |
AbstractVisual2D |
Base class for visual elements.
AbstractVisual3d |
Base class for visual 3d elements.
AccessAgent |
AckInfo |
ActionReferenceQueue |
The extended reference queue allows for adding (weak)
object with an associated action.
AdoptGoalAction |
Action for adopting a goal.
Agent |
Marker for agent class and variable.
AgentArgument |
Marker for agent argument field.
AgentBody |
Deprecated. |
AgentBreakpoint |
Marker for agent breakpoint method.
AgentChildKilled |
Marker for agent child killed method.
AgentCreated |
Deprecated. |
AgentFeature |
AgentKilled |
Deprecated. |
AgentMessageArrived |
Deprecated. |
AgentResult |
Marker for agent result field.
AgentServiceQuery |
Deprecated. |
AgentServiceSearch |
Deprecated. |
AgentServiceValue |
The service annotation.
AgentStreamArrived |
Deprecated. |
AGRExtensionService |
Extension service for loading AGR (agent, group, role) models.
AGRSpace |
An AGR (agent-group-role) space.
AIM The class provides utilities to connect to the AIM instant messaging
network and send messages using TOC version 2.
Alias |
Specify an alias for a class
Animation |
Dataholder for Animations
AnswerPingPlan |
The ping plan reacts on ping requests.
AppMetaInfo |
Argument |
Simple default implementation for an argument.
Argument |
The argument annotation.
Arguments |
The arguments annotation.
ArgumentsNode |
A dummy node for grouping the arguments of a method call or
constructor invocation.
ArrayBlockingQueue<T> |
Blocking queue implemented as array.
ArrayNode |
A node representing an array to create.
ArrayProcessor |
An array processor allows for traversing arrays.
ASMBDIClassGenerator |
AsmNodeHelper |
Helper for creating nodes.
AsmOpcodeHelper |
Helper for creating opcodes.
AuctionDescription |
Information about an auction.
AuctionInfo |
Information about an auction.
AuthenticationInterceptor |
Interceptor that can be used to realize authenticated end-to-end communication.
AutoComboTableCellEditor |
AutoComboTableCellRenderer |
AutoCompleteCombo<T> |
Autocomplete combobox with filtering and text inserting of new text
AvatarMapping |
Relationship specification between an component type and an avatar type.
AverageEvaluator |
AwarenessInfo |
Simple info object that is sent between awareness agents.
Base64 |
BasicEvaluator<T> |
Basic evaluator implementation for service and methods.
BasicService |
Basic service provide a simple default isValid() implementation
that returns true after start service and false afterwards.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler |
Basic service invocation interceptor.
BasicTypeConverter |
Converter for basic types.
BDIAgent |
Base class for non-bytecode-enhanced BDI agents.
BDIAgentFactory |
Factory for creating micro agents.
BDIClassGeneratorFactory |
BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop |
BDIClassReader |
Reads micro agent classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
BDIConfiguration |
Redefines jadex.micro.annotation.Configuration
as annotations do not allow inheritance.
BDIConfigurations |
Configurations annotation.
BDIEnhancer |
Helper class to enhance BDI classes at buildtime.
BDIFailureException |
A BDI failure exception indicates that a plan has failed.
BDIGoal |
Base class for non-bytecode-enhanced BDI agents.
BDIModel |
BDIModelLoader |
BDIXAgentFeature |
BDI agent feature version for XML agents.
BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper |
Map a change info as Map:Entry.
BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition |
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mgoal exist.
BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition |
Condition for checking the lifecycle state of a goal.
BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition |
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mplan exist.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature |
Extension to write back result beliefs on agent shutdown.
BDIXComponentFactory |
Factory for default contexts.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature |
Feature that ensures the bdi behavior is started.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior |
Extracted end behavior.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior |
Extracted start behavior.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature |
Extension to allow message injection in agent methods.
BDIXMLReader |
Reader for loading component XML models into a Java representation states.
BDIXMLReader.BeliefMultiProc |
Postprocess beliefs and belief sets.
BDIXMLReader.GoalMetaProc |
BDIXMLReader.ParamMultiProc |
Postprocess parameters and parameter sets.
BDIXModel |
Model for BDI v3x agents
BDIXModelLoader |
Loader for application files.
BeanContext |
BeanContextChild |
BeanContextChildComponentProxy |
BeanContextChildSupport |
BeanContextContainerProxy |
BeanContextEvent |
BeanContextMembershipEvent |
BeanContextMembershipListener |
BeanContextProxy |
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent |
BeanContextServiceProvider |
BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo |
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent |
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener |
BeanContextServices |
BeanContextServicesListener |
BeanContextServicesSupport |
This support class implements BeanContextServices interface.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider |
Every servie registered in this context is companied with a
BCSSServiceProvider instance.
BeanContextSupport |
This support class implements BeanContext interface.
BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator |
This implementation wraps an iterator and override
remove() with a noop method.
BeanDescriptor |
Describes a bean's global information.
BeanInfo |
BeanIntrospectorFactory |
Factory for generating bean introspectors.
BeanProcessor |
Processor that traverses Java beans.
BeanProperty |
This class is a struct for saving data about an inspected bean property.
Beans |
This class Beans provides some methods for manipulting bean
Belief |
BeliefbaseWrapper |
Prepend capability prefix to belief names.
BigIntegerProcessor |
Allows processing java.util.Date.
BiHashMap<K,V> |
A bidirectional hash map.
BinaryResponseProcessor |
Codec for encoding and decoding response objects.
BlockingQueue<T> |
A blocking queue allows to enqueue or dequeue
BloomFilter |
A bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure for
checking if a value is contained in a set.
Body |
Boolean3 |
A three valued boolean to be used in annotations as they do not allow null values.
BooleanNode |
Boolean node performs mathematical operations on it's (two) child nodes.
BpmnFactory |
Factory for loading bpmn processes.
BpmnModelLoader |
Loader for eclipse STP BPMN models (.bpmn files).
BpmnPersistInfo |
Class containing persistence information about
a Bpmn process instance.
BpmnXMLReader |
Reader for loading Bpmn XML models into a Java representation states.
Breakpoint |
The breakpoint annotation.
Breakpoints |
The breakpoints annotation.
BrowserLauncher |
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default
web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
BrowserLauncher2 |
Provides a static method to start a browser.
BrowserPane |
A text pane that is able to follow hyperlinks when clicked.
BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit |
An HTML editor kit for supporting images loaded from classpath.
BulkMonitoringEvent |
BunchFileData |
Collection of filedata for bulk transfer.
ByteArrayWrapper |
Wrapper to allow byte arrays as hash keys.
ByteClassLoader |
This class loader instantiate classes provided as a byte array.
ByteCodeClassLoader |
ClassLoader for generated classes.
ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator |
This class generator keeps generated byte-code as byte[] to be post-processed
by other classes.
Cache |
Cache that provide expiration in case of
a) timetolive is exceeded
b) the max number of data has been reached (lru behaviour)
CacheableModel |
CachedObject |
A cache for an object that was loaded from a file or url.
CacheEntry |
Entry for cache.
CallAccess |
Helper class to deal with service calls
CallMultiplexer |
The CallMultiplexer unifies multiple executions of "similar" commands to a single execution.
CallSequentializer<T> |
The call sequentializer realizes a 'critical region' for async calls,
Capability |
Marker for a capability class or variable.
CapabilityWrapper |
XML version of the capability.
CastNode |
Node representing a cast expression.
CategoryChartDataConsumer |
Create a category chart consumer, x must be a comparable and y must be double value.
Cause |
A cause is used to link events.
ChaCha20Random |
ChangeEvent<T> |
Event that is thrown in case of a bdi element change (belief, goal, etc.).
ChangeEvent<T> |
The basic change event.
ChatEvent |
Information about some event that happened in the chat component.
CheckedAction |
Can be used as external action, which will only be executed when
isValid() is true.
CheckedCollection |
A checked collection can be used for concurrent modification bug tracking.
CheckedMap |
CheckIndex |
Precondition for checking if the argument is a valid index.
CheckNotNull |
Pre- or postcondition check that a parameter is not null.
CheckState |
Pre or postcondition that a state is valid.
ClassComboModel |
ClassInfo |
The class info struct serves for saving class information.
ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer |
ClassInfoRenderer |
A renderer for classinfos.
Classname |
Specify an identifying name for the class
used to distinguish anonymous inner classes.
ClassRenderer |
Table renderer for classes that displays full name in tooltip.
ClassSearchPanel |
Panel that allows for searching artifacts from maven repositories.
ClassStore |
Class used to store injected classes globally.
CleanerBDIAgent |
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentA0 |
BDI agent template.
CleanerBDIAgentA1 |
First BDI agent with a goal and a plan.
CleanerBDIAgentA2 |
Use the recur flag to execute goals periodically.
CleanerBDIAgentA3 |
Use many plans for the same goal.
CleanerBDIAgentA4 |
Use goal settings to control plan selection.
CleanerBDIAgentB1 |
Use a belief to control a declarative goal.
CleanerBDIAgentB2 |
Using deliberation settings for managing conflicting goals.
CleanerBDIAgentB3 |
Separate maintain and target conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentC0 |
Managing known charging stations in a belief set.
CleanerBDIAgentC1 |
A subgoal for knowing charging stations
CleanerBDIAgentC2 |
A Plan for Finding a Charging Station
CleanerBDIAgentD1 |
A cleanup goal for each piece of waste.
CleanerBDIAgentD2 |
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentD3a |
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentD3b |
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentE1 |
Using inner classes for plans with conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentFinal |
More or less working solution for a BDI cleaner.
CLObjectInputStream |
Extension of the standard object input stream, which does
not provide any means to set the classloader to use.
CloneProcessor |
Processor that clones cloneable objects.
CloneResponseProcessor |
Allows processing jax rs Response.
CMApproveCancelPlan |
Default plan to decide about cancel requests.
CMHandlerPlan |
Receiver plan for FIPA-Cancel-Meta-Protocol.
CMInitiatorPlan |
Plan to handle protocol abortion according to FIPA cancel meta protocol
CMSComponentDescription |
Java class for concept CMSComponentDescription
of beanynizer_beans_fipa_new ontology.
CMSCreateComponent |
Java class for concept AMSCreateComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSDestroyComponent |
Java class for concept AMSDestroyComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSResumeComponent |
Java class for concept AMSResumeComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSearchComponents |
Java class for concept AMSSearchComponents of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSShutdownPlatform |
Java class for concept CMSShutdownPlatform of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CmsState |
Class representing the state information for component management.
CmsState.CmsComponentState |
State for a particular component.
CMSStatusEvent |
Base change event.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent |
Status event for a newly created component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent |
Status event for an intermediate result of a component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent |
Final event of a finished component, including all results.
CMSSuspendComponent |
Java class for concept CMSSuspendComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan |
Evaluate proposals using the proposal evaluator interface.
CNPInitiatorPlan |
Handles the initiator side of a contract-net protocol.
CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan |
Default plan for the query nextround info goal
of the iterated contract-net protocol.
CNPReceiverPlan |
Receive a contract net protocol (cnp) and answer it.
CollectingIntermediateResultListener<E> |
A listener that collects intermediate results and calls resultAvailable() on setFinished().
CollectionNode |
A node representing collection values to fill in.
CollectionProcessor |
A collection processor allows for traversing collections.
CollectionResultListener<E> |
Collection result listener collects a number of results and return a collection.
CollectionWrapper<T> |
Wrapper for collections.
ColorLayerJ2DRenderer |
ColorProcessor |
ColorStringMapper |
Color to hex string mapper.
CombiIcon |
Icon that can combine multiple images.
ComboBoxEditor |
CompareNode |
Compare node compares it's (two) child nodes.
Component |
Component annotation.
ComponentActionList |
The list of scheduled component actions and convenience methods for
executing selected actions.
ComponentActionList.ActionEntry |
Entry for a scheduled action.
ComponentCreationException |
Thrown when component creation failed.
ComponentCreationInfo |
Internal parameter object for data required during component initialization.
ComponentEvent |
ComponentFutureFunctionality |
Schedule forward future executions (e.g.
ComponentIdentifier |
A component identifier.
ComponentInstanceInfo |
Component instance information.
ComponentNotFoundException |
Thrown when a component was not found.
ComponentPersistedException |
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been persisted.
ComponentResultListener<E> |
The result listener for executing listener invocations as a component step.
ComponentSuspendable |
Allow waiting for futures by blocking a component.
ComponentTerminatedException |
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been terminated.
ComponentTestSuite |
Execute multiple component tests in a test suite.
ComponentThreadInterceptor |
Ensures that interceptor is only called when component thread is in the chain.
ComponentType |
ComponentTypes |
Define component types that can be instantiated as subcomponents of the declaring component.
ComponentUptimeProperty |
Property for the startup of a component.
ComposedEvaluator<S> |
Evaluator composed of multiple weighted evaluators.
ComposedFilter<T> |
A filter checks if an object matches
the given subfilters.
ComposedRemoteFilter<T> |
A filter checks if an object matches
the given subfilters.
CompositeCancelable |
ConcurrencyCheckingList |
A wrapper for a list to detect undesired
concurrent access.
ConditionalNode |
Conditional node returns the value of it's second or third
child node depending on the truth value of it's first child.
ConditionException |
Configuration |
Configuration annotation.
ConfigurationInfo |
Information contained in a component configuration.
Configurations |
Configurations annotation.
ConstantFilter<T> |
Filter with fixed return value.
ConstantNode |
Constant node representing a constant value.
ConstantPoolStrategy |
Simple strategy with a constant number of workers.
ConstantStringMapper |
Mapper that returns a constant value not
depending on the input value.
ConstantValueFilter |
ConstructorInfo |
Describes a constructor.
ContactData |
Contact information data bean.
ContentException |
A content exception occurs, if the content cannot be properly
extracted from a message with language and ontology set.
ContinuousSpace2D |
Continuous version of 2D space.
ContinuousSpace3D |
Continuous version of 2D space.
CoreNumberProperty |
The number of cores.
CounterResultListener<E> |
Counter result listener for counting a specified number of resultAvailable calls.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider<S> |
Service search ranking decider based on a simple service count threshold.
CPULoadProperty |
The cpu load property.
CreateComponentTask |
Task for creating a component.
CreateSpaceObjectTaskTask |
Create a task for a space object.
CreationInfo |
A parameter object to capture
extra information for component creation.
CreationInfo |
Component annotation.
CronJob<T> |
The cron job consists of:
- a unique id
- a time pattern filter
- a command
CSVFileDataConsumer |
Simple file consumer that writes data into a text file.
Customizer |
CustomLogRecord |
Cylinder3d |
DAInitiatorPlan |
This plan implements the initiator of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction
Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental)
A dutch auction is one where the auctioneer starts with a high start price
and continually lowers it until the first bidder accepts the price.
DAReceiverPlan |
This plan implements the receiver of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction
Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental).
DataTable |
Basic data structure for all collected data.
DateProcessor |
Allows processing java.util.Date.
DateTimeRenderer |
A renderer for date values.
DebugException |
Helper class to remember stack traces.
DecouplingInterceptor |
Invocation interceptor for executing a call on
the underlying component thread.
DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep |
Service invocation step.
DecouplingReturnInterceptor |
The decoupling return interceptor ensures that the result
notifications of a future a delivered on the calling
component thread.
DefaultActivityHandler |
Default activity handler, which provides some
useful helper methods.
DefaultBDIVisionProcessor |
Default bdi agent vision processor.
DefaultBeanIntrospector |
Introspector for Java beans.
DefaultBeanIntrospector.BeanClassInfo |
Infos about a bean class.
DefaultDataProvider |
Provides data on basis of the environment space.
DefaultErrorReporter |
Reporter receiving errors encountered during decoding and throws them.
DefaultFileFilter |
The default file filter allows using different file extensions.
DefaultObjectCreationProcess |
Process for continuously creating objects in the space.
DefaultParameterMapper |
Default parameter mapper that uses the same
value mapper for all parameters.
DefaultPersistenceDelegate |
Default PersistenceDelegate for normal classes.
DefaultPoolStrategy |
This strategy has two parameters:
- The desired number of free workers in the pool.
DefaultResultListener<E> |
The default listener for logging exceptions as warning.
DefaultStepHandler |
Handles the transition of steps.
DefaultTreeTableCellRenderer |
A custom tree cell renderer for changing icons in the tree.
DefaultTreeTableModel |
Default implementation of the TreeTableModel interface.
DefaultTreeTableNode |
Default implementation for tree table nodes.
DefaultTuple2ResultListener<E,F> |
Default tuple2 result listener that implements the
(obsolete) methods
- resultAvailable
- intermediateResultAvailable
- finished
- resultCountAvailable
DefaultVisionGenerator |
Percept generator for moving components.
DefaultVisionGenerator |
Percept generator for moving components.
DefaultWebServicePublishService |
The default web service publish service.
DelegateTableModel |
DelegateTableModel implements TableModel by routing all requests to its delegate model, and
TableModelListener by routing all events to its listeners.
DelegationInterceptor |
Delegates a service call to another service provider.
DelegationResultListener<E> |
Result listener that delegates calls to a future.
Deliberation |
DeltaTimeExecutor |
Space executor that connects to a clock service and reacts on time deltas.
DependencyResolver<T> |
The dependency resolver can be used to find a valid
execution order of elements with dependencies.
DependencyResolver.NodeInfo<T> |
Info object for a node.
Description |
Holds the component description.
DesignMode |
DestroyComponentTask |
Task for destroying a component.
DiscoveryInfo |
Local information about discovered platforms.
DispatchGoalStep |
Dome3d |
Done |
Predicate indicating a completed action.
DoPingPlan |
Send a ping and wait for the reply.
DrawableCombiner |
This drawable combines multiple drawables into a single drawable object.
DrawableCombiner3d |
This drawable combines multiple 3ddrawables into a single drawable object.
DropGoalAction |
DuplicateRemovalIntermediateResultListener<E> |
A result listener that filters duplicates.
DuplicateResultException |
Exception indicating that the result of a future was set twice.
DynamicTreeTableModel |
An implementation of TreeTableModel that uses reflection to answer TableModel methods.
EAInitiatorPlan |
This plan implements the initiator of the "FIPA English Auction Interaction
Protocol Specification" (XC00031 - Experimental).
EAReceiverPlan |
This plan implements the receiver of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction
Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental).
EasyDeliberationStrategy |
The easy deliberation strategy.
EditableList |
A editable list with x / + symbols at each row.
EditableListEvent |
Event that is able to capture data of rows.
Effect |
EllipseJ2DRenderer |
Email |
EmailAccount |
Email account data.
EmailAccount |
Email account data.
Encoder |
The Encoder , together with PersistenceDelegate
s, can encode an object into a series of java statements.
EnumerationProcessor |
An enumeration processor allows for traversing enumerations.
EnvironmentEvent |
An event in the environment (related to some space object).
EnvironmentGui |
The gui for the cleaner world example.
ErrorException |
Wrapper to set errors (e.g.
ErrorReport |
Error report that holds information about model errors.
EvaluationPlugin |
Th evaluation plugin.
EventEndErrorActivityHandler |
On error end propagate an exception.
EventEndErrorActivityHandler.EventEndErrorException |
Runtime exception representing explicit process failure.
EventEndSignalActivityHandler |
On end of service call process set result on future.
EventEndTerminateActivityHandler |
On error end propagate an exception.
EventHandler |
EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler |
On error end propagate an exception.
EventIntermediateErrorActivityHandler.EventIntermediateErrorException |
Runtime exception representing explicit process failure.
EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler |
Handler for message events.
EventIntermediateMultipleActivityHandler |
Event intermediate multi handler.
EventIntermediateNotificationHandler |
Wait for an external notification (could be a signal or a fired rule).
EventIntermediateRuleHandler |
Wait for an external notification (could be a signal or a fired rule).
EventIntermediateServiceActivityHandler |
EventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler |
Uses timer service for implementing waiting.
EventMultipleStepHandler |
Step handler that can be used for event-multiple elements.
EventPublisher |
Helper object for publishing change events (beliefs, parameters).
EventSetDescriptor |
EventStartRuleHandler |
When a subprocess has a rule start event it needs to be treated
like an intermediate event (i.e.
EventStartServiceActivityHandler |
ExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> |
Result listener that delegates calls to a future.
ExceptionListener |
ExceptionResultListener<E> |
The exception listener is used for intercepting exceptions while ignoring results.
Exclude |
Specify that an attribute or method is excluded from serialization.
Excluded |
Excluded methods throw UnsupportedOperationException
when called from remote.
ExcludeMode |
The exclude mode determines when and if a plan is removed from the applicable plans list (APL).
ExcludeProcessor |
The exclude processor allows for excluding specific classes from further traversing.
ExcludeSwingProcessor |
Excludes swing elements from being processed by traverser in !clone mode.
ExecutePlanStepAction |
Action for executing a plan step.
ExecuteProcessThread |
Execute the next step of a process thread.
ExecuteStepTask |
Execute an external step.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator |
Execution time evaluator.
ExecutionTimeProperty |
Property for the overall execution time of a method or a service.
Executor |
A helper class for running a single instance
of code using the thread pool.
ExponentialPriceCalculator |
A sample implementation of the IPriceCalculator.
Expression |
ExpressionbaseWrapper |
Prepend capability prefix to expression names.
ExpressionNode |
Base class of expression node hierarchy.
ExpressionTokenizer |
An expression tokenizer is able to parse a string with respect
to different nesting-levels (eg.
ExternalRestPublishService |
Rest publish service that works with an external web server.
ExternalRSPublishAgent |
Agent that publishes the external rs publication service.
ExternalTaskWrapper |
Wrapper for executing a task on a worker agent.
ExternalTaskWrapper.ExternalTaskContext |
Transferrable context.
FactoryFilter |
Filtering specific component factories.
FastHashMap |
Implements a map from strings to objects as a hash table.
FastThreadedRandom |
Wrapper for quick multi-threaded PRNG access using multiple PRNGs.
Feature |
The features annotation.
FeatureDescriptor |
Common base class for Descriptors.
FeatureNotAvailableException |
Exception to denote that a requested feature is not available.
Features |
The features annotation.
FieldInfo |
FileData |
A file data represents a that
can be transferred to remote address spaces.
FileFilter |
Filter for files and jar entries.
FileWatcher |
Watcher for files, written to be backwards compatible.
FilterProcessor |
Filter processor for directly returning specific objects as is.
FindApplicableCandidatesAction |
Find applicable candidates action - searches plans for a goal/event.
FinishedPlan |
Stop the test agent.
FipaMessage |
FIPA message as struct.
FipaMessage.Performative |
FIPA performatives.
FipaMessagePreprocessor |
Preprocessor fpr FIPA messages.
FixedClassComboModel |
FixedClassInfoComboModel |
FixedJComboBox |
FlattenMultiplexCollector |
Future<E> |
Future that includes mechanisms for callback notification.
FutureBarrier<E> |
A future barrier allows for waiting for a variable number
of futures.
FutureFinishChecker |
Allows monitoring a number of tasks (futures) and get a
notification when set to finished (no more new tasks)
and all tasks have been processed (futures notified).
FutureFunctionality |
Default future functionality.
FutureHelper |
Helper class to access future notification stack
FutureReturnType |
Allows for defining a concrete Future return type of a method.
FutureTerminatedException |
Exception that signals that a future has been terminated.
GatewayORActivityHandler |
Handler for or split and join gateways.
GatewayParallelActivityHandler |
Handler for parallel split and join gateways.
GatewayXORActivityHandler |
Handler for xor split and join gateways.
GeneralDataView2D |
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView2D3D |
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GeneralDataView3D |
A general 2D view that presents all Objects in a Space2D to the observer.
GenParser |
Run this class to generate the parser.
GetPosition |
Set the position action.
GetPosition |
Set the position action.
GlobalResourceIdentifier |
Default implementation for global resource identification.
GlowBorder |
Goal |
Let a class be used to represent goals of a BDI agent.
GoalAPI |
The goal API (IGoal) injection for a pojo goal.
GoalAPLBuild |
Specify a custom method for generating plan candidates for a goal.
GoalContextCondition |
GoalCreationCondition |
A goal creation condition can be annotated in the following ways,
which allow more or less fine-grained control over the condition
and the goal creation process.
GoalDropCondition |
GoalFinished |
Specify a custom method for getting a callback when goal is finished.
GoalInhibit |
The inhibit annotation can be placed on a method of a goal class
to form a so called instance-level inhibition arc, i.e.
GoalMaintainCondition |
GoalParameter |
Annotation for goal parameters.
GoalParent |
The goal parent (pojo) injection for a pojo goal.
GoalRecurCondition |
GoalResult |
Marker for a field or method that should act as
goal result.
Goals |
GoalSelectCandidate |
Annotation to provide a custom select candidate functionality.
GoalServiceParameterMapping |
Mapping annotation for goals that helps creating
call parameters for a service invocation.
GoalServiceResultMapping |
Mapping annotation for goals that helps feeding
back a result of a service invocation.
GoalTargetCondition |
Grid2D |
2D grid environment.
Grid3D |
2D grid environment.
GridController |
GridLayer |
A layer for displaying a grid.
GridLayerJ2DRenderer |
Group |
An AGR group hold information about agent instances
and their positions (i.e.
GuiClass |
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassName |
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassNames |
Gui representations for a service.
GuiCreator |
The gui creator.
HistogramDataConsumer |
Create a category chart consumer, x must be a comparable and y must be double value.
HttpConnectionManager |
The connection manager allows asynchronously terminating
open connections to avoid hanging on e.g.
HttpServletRequestWrapper |
Wrapper of HttpServletRequest interface to selectivly
override methods and introduce setters.
IAbortableTestSuite |
Created by kalinowski on 06.01.16.
IAbstractConnectionHandler |
IActivityHandler |
Handler for executing a BPMN process activity.
IAppGui |
IAppPanel |
Marker interface.
IAppProviderService<T> |
Interface for applications that want to provider
themselves as app in the store.
IArgument |
Interface for start arguments.
IArgumentsResultsFeature |
This features provides arguments.
IAsyncContextInfo |
IAsyncFilter<T> |
Generic filter interface.
IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter<E> |
A filter that always returns true.
IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter<E> |
A filter that always returns false.
IAutoConfigRegistryService |
Interface allows for making a platform to
a) registry superpeer
b) registry client
IAutoLock |
IAwarenessManagementService |
Service for managing discovery infos.
IAwarenessService |
Locate other platforms without polling.
IBackwardCommandFuture |
IBDIAgent |
Interface for injecting agent methods into pojos.
IBDIAgentFeature |
Public methods for working with BDI agents.
IBDIClassGenerator |
Interface for BDI class enhancement/generation.
IBDIModel |
Common interface for micro- and xml-based BDI agent models.
IBDIXAgentFeature |
Public methods for working with BDIx agents.
IBeanAccessorDelegate |
IBeanIntrospector |
Interface for Java bean introspectors.
IBelief |
The interface for all beliefs (concrete and referenced).
IBeliefbase |
The beliefbase contains the beliefs and beliefsets
of an agent or capability.
IBeliefListener<T> |
Listener for observing beliefs.
IBeliefSet |
Interface for all beliefsets (concrete and referenced).
IBlockingQueue<T> |
A queue that blocks until an element is available.
IBlockingQueue.ClosedException |
Closed exception.
IBooleanCondition |
A dynamic boolean condition that can be evaluated on demand
IBootstrapFactory |
Interface for bootstrap component factories, i.e.
IBpmnComponentFeature |
IBreakpointPanel |
Common interface for breakpoint panels.
IBrokenProxy |
Marker interface for broken proxies.
IByteCodeClassLoader |
Interface for the byte code classloader implementations.
ICacheableModel |
Required interface for models to be managed by abstract model loader.
ICancelable |
ICandidateInfo |
The info objects for plan candidates.
ICapability |
ICapability |
IChangeListener<T> |
Listener for being notified on change events.
IChargingstation |
(Knowledge about) a charging station.
IChatGuiService |
Service for connecting a user interface to a running chat service.
IChatService |
Global chat service.
ICleaner |
Cleaner object represents knowledge about a cleaner robot.
ICliService |
Service to invoke the command line via a service call.
IClock |
Interface a for clock.
IClockService |
The clock service.
ICMSComponentListener |
Interface for locally listening to element changes.
ICNPHandler |
A helper class that handles a receiver side goals
of the iterated contract net protocol by delegating
to some implementation of the corresponding interface.
ICodec |
Encode and decode an object from a string representation.
ICommand<T> |
Interface for commands that represent methods
with arguments but without a return value.
IComponentAction |
Basic super interface for component actions.
IComponentDescription |
A description of a component, i.e.
IComponentFactory |
A factory is responsible for one or more component types
and is capable of loading component models from files
as well as providing component features.
IComponentFeature |
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior
of a component.
IComponentFeatureFactory |
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior
of a component.
IComponentIdentifier |
Interface for component identifiers.
IComponentStep<T> |
Interface for a component step.
IConditionalComponentStep<T> |
The interface for interpreter actions.
IConnection |
Base interface for all Jadex connections (streams).
IConvertableUnit<T> |
Unit interface supporting conversions.
ICronService |
Interface for adding and removing cron jobs.
IDaemonService |
IDaemonThreadPoolService |
Interface for threadpool service.
IDataView |
View used by an observer to display part of the environment
IDelayRunner |
Interface for scheduling a command.
IDeliberationStrategy |
Interface for goal deliberation strategies.
IdentityHashSet<T> |
A set based on identity comparison.
IDependencyService |
Service for resolving deployment artifact dependencies.
IdGenerator |
A configurable Id generator.
IDiscoveryService |
Service interface for discovering other platforms.
IEditorParameterMetaInfo |
IEditorTask |
IEditorTaskMetaInfo |
IElement |
Base interface for all runtime elements.
IEmailService |
The email service allows for sending and receiving emails.
IEntropySource |
Entropy source for seeding PRNGs.
IEnvironmentListener |
Interface for environment listener.
IEnvironmentSpace |
Main interface for an environment space.
IErrorReport |
The interface for an error report of loaded models.
IErrorReporter |
Reporter receiving errors encountered during decoding.
IEventbase |
Interface for an event base.
IEventPublisher |
IExecutable |
Interface for objects that can be executed.
IExecutionFeature |
The execution feature allows to schedule steps
to be synchronously executed on the component.
IExecutionService |
Common interface for different execution services.
IExpression |
The common interface for expressions.
IExpressionbase |
The expressionbase provides access to the expressions
and conditions defined in the ADF and allows to define
new expressions and conditions at runtime.
IExpressionParser |
Interface for expression parsers.
IExtendedPlatformConfiguration |
IExternalAccess |
The interface for accessing components from the outside.
IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature |
IExternalBDIAgentFeature |
External perspective for
IExternalComponentFeature |
Marker interface for external component feature interfaces.
IExternalExecutionFeature |
External perspective of the execution feature.
IExternalMonitoringComponentFeature |
External perspective of the monitoring feature.
IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature |
External perspective of the monitoring feature.
IExternalNotifier |
An external system, in which a waiting can be initiated.
IExternalProvidedServicesFeature |
Component feature for provided services.
IExternalRequiredServicesFeature |
External perspective of the required services feature.
IExternalSubcomponentsFeature |
External perspective of the subcomponents feature.
IExternalTask |
IExtractor |
Interface for generated bean extractors.
IFileTransferService |
Interface for the file transfer service.
IFilter<T> |
Generic filter interface.
IFinishableElement<E> |
Interface for finishable elements.
IForwardCommandFuture |
IForwardCommandFuture.Type |
The available commands.
IFuture<E> |
Interface for futures.
IFutureCommandResultListener<E> |
Interface that extends both, result listener and future command.
IGlobalResourceIdentifier |
Global resources are identified by their unique resource id.
IGoal |
Interface for a bdi goal.
IGoal.GoalLifecycleState |
IGoal.GoalProcessingState |
IGoalbase |
The programmers interface for the goalbase.
IHardConstraintsFilter |
IIdleHook |
Called when a component becomes idle.
IInjector |
Interface for generated bean injectors.
IInputConnection |
Interface for input connection stream.
IInputConnectionHandler |
IIntermediateFuture<E> |
Future that support intermediate results.
IIntermediateFutureCommandResultListener<E> |
Interface that extends both, result listener and future command.
IIntermediateResultListener<E> |
Result listener with additional notifications in case of intermediate results.
IInternalAccess |
Common interface for all component types.
IInternalBDIXMessageFeature |
Allow (de-)registering messages for capabilities.
IInternalBpmnComponentFeature |
IInternalEvent |
The interface for all internal events (concrete and referenced).
IInternalProcessEngineService |
Services to be called from BPMN process instances
to some super-ordinated process engine, if any.
IInternalRequiredServicesFeature |
Interface for internal service access methods.
IInternalService |
Internal service interface for managing services in service container.
IInternalServiceMonitoringFeature |
Interface for monitoring provided and required services
IJ2DRenderer |
IKeyExtractor<T> |
Interface denoting key extraction functionality for indexers.
ILayerJ2DRenderer |
ILeaseTimeSet<E> |
Special methods for a lease time collection.
ILibraryService |
Interface for the Library Service.
ILibraryServiceListener |
Interface for listening to library loading and unloading.
ILifecycleComponentFeature |
Lifecycle feature for components.
ILocalResourceIdentifier |
Interface for resource identification.
ILocation |
A location on the virtual map.
ILocationObject |
Base interface for all environment opbjects.
ILRUEntryCleaner<V,K> |
The entry cleaner (for performing cleanup code on removed entries in a LRU).
IMAccount |
Account for icq.
ImageProcessor |
IMapAccess |
Simple map like access for java objects in the parser.
IMemstatService |
Service for providing debugging infos for a component or service,
IMenuItemConstructor |
Interface for getting/creating (dynamic) menu item (structures).
IMessageEvent<T> |
The interface for all message events (concrete and referenced).
IMessageFeature |
Feature for sending messages and handling incoming messages via handlers.
IMessageHandler |
Interface for message handlers.
IMethodInvocationListener |
Interface for listeners that are notified when a service method is invoked.
IMethodInvoker |
Interface used to byte-engineer an accessor handler.
IMethodParameterGuesser |
Interface for method parameter guessers.
IMicroInjectionFeature |
Inject agent object, arguments, results and features into annotated field values.
IMicroServiceInjectionFeature |
Inject required services into annotated field values.
ImmediateComponentStep<T> |
Simple abstract class for immediate component steps.
ImmutableProcessor |
Processor for immutable types.
IModelInfo |
This model interface represents the common properties
of all component models.
IModelValueProvider |
IMonitoringComponentFeature |
IMonitoringEvent |
Interface for monitoring events.
IMonitoringService |
The monitoring service allows for:
sources: publishing new events
consumers: subscribing for event patterns
IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel |
The event importance.
IMonitoringService.PublishTarget |
The publish target
Implementation |
Service implementation details.
Imports |
IMsgHeader |
Interface for message headers with meta information / link-level security.
IMultiKernelListener |
Kernel listener.
IMultiKernelNotifierService |
Notifier service for dynamic kernels.
IMultiplexCollector |
IMultiplexDistributor |
Interface for multiplex call distributor.
Include |
Specify that a public or private field should be included in serialization.
IncludeFields |
Include all values of (public) fields when
serializing the object.
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor |
Indexer<T> |
Indexer for values.
IndexMap<K,V> |
This class combines the list and map interface.
IndexMap.ListIndexMap<K,V> |
Provide access to the index map via list interface.
IndexMap.MapIndexMap<K,V> |
Provide access to the index map via map interface.
InequalityFilter |
INFMethodPropertyProvider |
Interface for method-based non-functional property providers such
as services.
INFMixedPropertyProvider |
Interface that combines property provider with method property provider.
INFProperty<T,U> |
A non-functional property.
INFProperty.Target |
INFPropertyComponentFeature |
Feature for non-functional properties.
INFPropertyMetaInfo |
Meta information about a non-functional property.
INFPropertyProvider |
Interface for non-functional property providers such
as services and components.
INFRPropertyProvider |
Interface for required service proxies.
InitEventPublisher |
InitInfo |
Info sent as content of the init message.
InitInfo |
Struct that stores information about initing components.
InjectionInfoHolder |
InputConnection |
Input connection implementation for byte streams.
InputConnectionHandler |
Handler that sits between connection and message service.
InstAccess |
Gain access using instrumentation.
IntelligentProxyInterceptor |
Interceptor for realizing intelligent proxies.
InteractionGoalCreationPlan |
This plan has the purpose to map incoming
initial protocol message (e.g.
InteractionState |
The state of the execution of an interaction.
InteractionTestPlugin |
IntermediateComponentResultListener<E> |
Intermediate listener that invokes listeners on component thread.
IntermediateDefaultResultListener<E> |
The default listener for just printing out result information.
IntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> |
Intermediate version of the delegation result listener.
IntermediateEmptyResultListener<E> |
Empty implementation of the intermediate result listener.
IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> |
Exception delegation listener for intermediate futures.
IntermediateFuture<E> |
Default implementation of an intermediate future.
IntermediateFutureIterator<E> |
Helper class for iterating over the results of an intermediate future.
IntervalBehavior<T> |
Automatically reinvokes send method in intervals
determined by the delay (in state).
IntervalBehavior.StepResultListener<E,F> |
IntrospectionException |
Introspector |
The Introspector is a utility for developers to figure out
which properties, events, and methods a JavaBean supports.
IntrospectorPlugin |
The Introspector
InvokeMethodTask |
Task for invoking a method with parameters and optionally
storing the result as parameter value in the context.
IObjectCreator |
IObjectListener |
IObjectSource |
An object source is used from a data provider
to fetch all objects from a data source.
IObjectStringConverter |
Interface for converters that convert an object to a string.
IObjectTask |
Interface for a task of an object.
IObserverCenter |
IObserverCenterPlugin |
Interface for observer plugins.
IOfferGenerator |
The interface for calculating offers of auctions (e.g.
IOnIntermediateResultListener<E> |
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IOutputConnection |
Interface for output connection.
IOutputConnectionHandler |
IParameter |
The interface for parameters.
IParameterConverter |
IParameterElement |
The internal interface for all elements with parameters.
IParameterGuesser |
Interface for parameter guessers.
IParameterMapper |
The parameter mapper interface is used for mappers that
take as input a parameter array and produce a converted one
as output (n:m).
IParameterMapper2 |
The parameter mapper interface is used for mappers that
take as input a parameter array and produce a converted one
as output (n:m).
IParameterSet |
Interface for all parameter sets.
IParsedExpression |
An expression, that can be evaluated in a given state.
IPathHandler |
IPerceptGenerator |
Interface for percept generators.
IPerceptProcessor |
Interface for percept processors.
IPersistenceService |
Service for basic component persistence features.
IPersistInfo |
Interface for a persistable component state
to be used from the outside (e.g.
IPerspective |
A perspective responsible for displaying information gathered using a view.
IPheromone |
Environment representation of a pheromone.
IPlan |
User interface for plans.
IPlanbase |
The programmers interface for a plan base.
IPlatformComponentAccess |
Interface for operations on the component to be called from the platform.
IPlatformConfiguration |
Interface for platform configuration.
IPlatformSettings |
IPojoComponentFeature |
Feature to retrieve a pojo for the component.
IPoolStrategy |
Interface for pool strategies.
IPrettyPrintUnit<T> |
Pretty print a value of unit of type T.
IPriorityComponentStep<T> |
A priority component step can define an execution priority.
IPropertiesFeature |
This features provides properties, i.e.
IPropertiesProvider |
Component that allows its properties being saved and restored.
IProperty |
IPropertyMetaData |
IPropertyMetaDataSet |
IPropertyObject |
Interface for property-holding objects.
IProposalEvaluator |
Interface used by default plans of the protocols capability
for evaluating proposals, eg in iterated contract-net.
IProvidedServicesFeature |
Component feature for provided services.
IProxyAgentService |
Service for administration of proxy agents.
IProxyAgentService.State |
The connection state.
IPublishService |
Service for publishing services in other technologies such as web services.
IPullIntermediateFuture<E> |
Intermediate future with pull mechanism.
IPullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> |
Intermediate future with pull mechanism.
IQueryNextroundInfo |
Interface used by default plans of the protocols capability
for collecting information for a next negotiation round
eg in iterated contract-net.
IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo |
An object encapsulating the nextround info.
IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S> |
Decides when to start ranking results.
IRecoveryService |
The recovery service is responsible
for performing backups of the platform
state and restore them at the next startup
in case of platform failure.
IRegistryDataProvider |
Interface for the search functionality to get the registry data.
IRemotable |
Marker interface for remotable objects.
IRemoteChangeListener<T> |
Remote version of the change listener.
IRemoteCommand<T> |
Interface for remotely executable commands.
IRemoteExecutionFeature |
Feature for securely sending and handling remote execution commands.
IRemoteRegistryService |
Service access to a remote registry.
IRemoteResultListener<E> |
Remoteable version of the result listener interface.
IRequestHandler |
Interface for handling http requests.
IRequestHandlerService |
Interface for handling http requests.
IRequiredServiceFetcher |
Interface for fetching required services.
IRequiredServicesFeature |
Component feature for required services.
IResourceIdentifier |
Interface for resource identification.
IResultCommand<T,E> |
Command with a result.
IResultListener<E> |
Callback interface for methods that should operate decoupled from caller thread.
IRootObjectContext |
Context containing the origina root object.
IRulebaseEvent |
IRulebaseService |
IRuleEngineService |
IRuleService |
IRwMap<K,V> |
Interface for thread-safe maps using a read-write lock.
ISearchConstraints |
Interface for search constraints.
ISearchQueryManagerService |
Local service for handling all remote searches and queries
including superpeer management and plain polling search fallback.
ISecurityInfo |
Security meta-information of a message;
ISecurityService |
The security service is responsible for
validating (remote) requests.
ISelector |
Interface for checking the acceptance of proposals.
ISerializationServices |
Functionality for managing serialization.
ISerializer |
Encode and decode an object from a byte representation.
IService |
The interface for platform services.
IServiceEvaluator |
IServiceIdentifier |
Interface for service identifier.
IServiceInvocationInterceptor |
Service invocation interceptor interface.
IServicePoolService |
Service pool service that allows for adding and
removing service types and handling strategies
to the pool.
IServiceRanker<S> |
Interfaces for non-functional ranking mechanism for services.
IServiceRegistry |
Interface for a service registry.
ISettingsService |
Deprecated. |
ISimpleDelegationClassLoader |
Interface for DexClassLoaders that are capable of delegating classloading
ISimulationService |
Interface for the time simulation service.
ISorterFilterTableModel |
ISpaceAction |
Interface for space actions.
ISpaceController |
Importand Interfance
connects the Abstract Space with the 3d MonkeyWorld
ISpaceExecutor |
A space executor is responsible for executing an environment
in a certain manner (e.g.
ISpaceObject |
Interface for a space object.
ISpaceProcess |
Space process interface.
IStepHandler |
Handles the transition of steps.
ISteppable |
Interface for components that can be executed in stepmode.
IStringConverter |
Convert to and from a string.
IStringObjectConverter |
Type converter for converting a string to another type.
ISubcomponentsFeature |
Allows a component to have subcomponents.
ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> |
The subscription intermediate future does not save the results but
instead uses a fire and forget semantics.
ISuperpeerCollaborationService |
Interface for superpeer collaboration functionality.
ISuperpeerService |
Service for service registry superpeers.
ISuperpeerStatusService |
Monitoring service for displaying information about a superpeer, e.g.
ISuspendable |
Interface for suspendable entities.
ISwapService |
The swap service is responsible for
swapping idle components to/from disk
in order to save memory.
ISwitchCall |
Interface for determining if the method invocation interceptor should
do a switch call, i.e.
ISynchronizator |
Synchronize some behavior.
ITableDataConsumer |
A table data consumer is triggered to consume data.
ITableDataProvider |
A table data provider is used for collecting data on demand,
ITargetResolver |
The target resolver is used to determine dynamically a new service
target by an intelligent proxy.
ITaskExecutionService |
IterableIteratorWrapper<T> |
Needed because Java does not support enhanced for loop
with Iterator elements :-( why? Only Iterable is supported.
IterableStringMapper |
The iterable string mapper can be used to map an object
that can be iterated over (e.g.
IteratorProcessor |
Processor for handling iterators.
ITerminableFuture<E> |
Interface for a future that can be terminated
from caller side.
ITerminableIntermediateFuture<E> |
Interface for an intermediate future that can be terminated
from caller side.
ITerminationCommand |
A command to customize termination of a terminable future.
IThreadPool |
Common interface for different thread pool implementations.
IThreadPoolService |
Interface for threadpool service.
ITimedObject |
Interface for objects that are interested in timepoints.
ITimer |
Interface for a timer.
ITransferableStep<T> |
Marker interface for transferable component steps.
ITransformableObject |
Interface for objects that should be transformed.
ITransportAddressService |
Service for translating platform names
to communication addresses and address book
ITransportInfoService |
Provide information about a transport.
ITransportService |
Interface for a transport service.
ITraverseProcessor |
Interface for traverse processors.
ITuple2Future<E,F> |
A tuple future has a defined number of results of possibly different types.
ITuple2ResultListener<E,F> |
Listener for tuple2 futures.
ITypedComponentStep<T> |
Component step with explicit return type.
ITypedPropertyObject |
IUndoneIntermediateResultListener<E> |
IUndoneResultListener<E> |
IUntrustedMessageHandler |
Marker interface that allows a message handler to handle untrusted messages.
IUserContextContainer |
A container with a user context.
IValidator |
Interface that can be used for validation, e.g., of text in a textfield.
IValueFetcher |
Interface for fetching a predefined value.
IValueMapper |
The value mapper interface.
IVector1 |
IVector2 |
Interface for cartesian 2-vectors
NOTE: All operations on the vector are destructive and the instance
returned is the same as the one whose method was called.
IVector3 |
Interface for cartesian 2-vectors
NOTE: All operations on the vector are destructive and the instance
returned is the same as the one whose method was called.
IViewport |
This class manages the GUI and all user interaction.
IViewport3d |
IViewportListener |
Listener for viewport user events
IVisibilityTableColumnModel |
User: Ruediger Leppin
Date: 26.11.2003
Time: 01:52:25
IWaste |
(Knowledge about) a piece of waste.
IWastebin |
(Knowledge about) a waste bin.
IWebPublishService |
Publish something to the internal or external http server.
JadexBDIGenerationException |
Created by kalinowski on 16.08.16.
JadexBDIGenerationRuntimeException |
Created by kalinowski on 16.08.16.
JadexExecutorServiceAdapter |
Provides access to the Jadex thread pools as a Java ExecutorService.
JadexGatewayServlet |
Servlet implementation class WebStarter
Parameter 'components' for startup components.
JadexGatewayServlet.ServletCallAccess |
Purge service call ThreadLocal objects,
to avoid container leaks.
JadexVersion |
Bean containing a Jadex version.
JarAsDirectory |
A directory-like representation of a jar file.
JavaCCExpressionParser |
The jadex parser parses all types of expressions in ADF and queries.
JavassistBDIClassGenerator |
JavaThreadPool |
A thread pool based on the java.util.concurrent package.
JBusyRing |
Animated busy ring.
JCopyPasteContextMenu |
A pop-up menu for text components to support cur, copy, paste, delete.
JPlaceholderTextField |
Class offering a "placeholder" text similar to HTML input.
JPlaceholderTextField.RecolorLineBorder |
Line border with changeable color
JsonResponseProcessor | processor.
JSplitPanel |
Workaround for JSplitPane bug
setDividerLocation() can only be called after component is visible.
JTreeTable |
This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component,
by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a
particular column in the JTable.
JTreeTableTest |
A test usage of the tree table component.
JValidatorTextField |
The validator text field allows to check the input and automatically
underlines an invalid input with a red line (like an eclipse error).
JWizard |
GUI class for creating wizard dialogs.
JWizard.ChoiceNode |
A node for implementing a multiple choice fork.
JWizard.WizardNode |
KdNode |
Node for the k-dimensional-tree.
KdNode.IKdValueFetcher |
Interface for hyperplane coordinate value fetchers.
KdNode.KdValueFetcherX |
Fetcher for the x-axis values.
KdNode.KdValueFetcherY |
Fetcher for the x-axis values.
KdTree |
Implementation of a 2D variant of a k-dimensional-tree for spatial separation and searches.
KernelBDIV3Agent |
Component kernel.
KernelBDIXAgent |
Component kernel for XML BDI agents.
KernelBpmnAgent |
Bpmn kernel.
KernelMicroAgent |
Micro kernel.
KernelMicroserviceAgent |
Microservice kernel.
KernelMultiAgent |
Multi kernel.
LatencyProperty |
Property for the overall latency a service call.
Layer |
LazyResource |
Representation of data loaded on first access.
LeaseTimeMap<K,V> |
Lease time map with supervised write/update access.
LeaseTimeSet<E> |
Collection that remove elements after a lease time automatically.
LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection<E> |
Synchronized lease time collection.
LinearPriceCalculator |
A sample implementation of the IPriceCalculator.
ListenableStream |
A stream that can be listened to.
ListProcessor |
A list processor allows for traversing lists.
ListWrapper<T> |
ListWrapper<T> |
LoadedClassesProperty |
Property for the number of loaded classes in the JVM.
LoadManagingExecutionService |
This class allows to perform background operations with adjustable
CPU utilization.
LocalAbstractConnectionHandler |
LocalDataView2D |
A view showing only objects in a local range.
LocalInputConnectionHandler |
Local version of the input connection handler.
LocalObjectListener |
LocalOutputConnectionHandler |
LocalResourceIdentifier |
Default implementation for resource identification.
LockEntry |
Entry that represents a lock for a component.
LoggerFilterStore |
This class abuses the java.util.logging.* API to establish a
VM-wide object store.
LoggerTask |
Log some text stored in variable text.
LoggerWrapper |
The logger wrapper is used to encapsulate
a logger and redirect messages to the logger with
the correct time (according to a clock service).
LogRecordProcessor |
LRU<K,V> |
A least recently used map.
MacAddressProperty |
The (first) mac address.
MAGRSpaceInstance |
An instance of an AGR space.
MAGRSpaceType |
An AGR space description.
MailTest |
Test class for java mail API.
Main |
Main class for starting a cleanerworld scenario
MapEntry<K,V> |
Replacement for Map.Entry which cannot be instantiated :-(
Mapping |
Mapping, e.g.
MapProcessor |
A map processor allows for traversing maps.
MapWrapper<T,E> |
MapWrapper<T,E> |
Wrap a map and call template methods on modification.
Materialfile |
Dataholder for Material informations
MathNode |
Math node performs mathematical operations on it's (one or two) child nodes.
MaxMemoryProperty |
The maximum physical memory.
MaxPermGenMemoryProperty |
MBelief |
Belief model.
MBody |
The plan mbody.
MCapability |
The capability model.
MCapabilityReference |
Reference to an external capability.
MClassBasedElement |
Processable element based on a class.
MCondition |
Model element for conditions.
MConfigBeliefElement |
Represents an initial / end belief (set).
MConfigParameterElement |
Initial / end goals and plans.
MConfiguration |
BDI configuration.
MDeliberation |
Model element for inhibitions.
MElement |
Base element for model elements.
MElementRef |
Reference to another element.
MemoryProperty |
Abstract base memory property.
MemoryUnit |
Memory unit.
MEnvSpaceInstance |
Configuration of an Env space.
MEnvSpaceType |
Java representation of environment space type for xml description.
MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter |
Parse class names.
MergeSort |
An implementation of MergeSort, needs to be subclassed to
compare the terms.
MethodCallListenerInterceptor |
Interceptor for observing method calls start and end e.g.
MethodCallTask |
Call a method.
MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui |
MethodDescriptor |
Describes a bean's method.
MethodInfo |
All info for identifying a method.
MethodInvocationInterceptor |
Calls a methods on an object and returns the result.
MethodListenerHandler |
MethodMapper |
Method mapper annotation.
MGoal |
Goal model.
MGroupInstance |
Group instance representation.
MGroupType |
An AGR group type.
MHardConstraint |
A hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MicroAgentFactory |
Factory for creating micro agents.
MicroAgentPersistInfo |
Custom persistent data for micro agents.
MicroClassReader |
Reads micro agent classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
MicroClassReader.DummyClassLoader |
MicroModel |
The micro agent model.
MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo |
Struct for injection info.
MicroModelLoader |
Loader for micro models.
Microservice |
Marker for agent class and variable.
MicroserviceClassReader |
Reads microservice classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
MicroserviceFactory |
Factory for creating micro services.
MicroserviceModelLoader |
Loader for micro models.
MinimalAgent |
A minimal micro agent.
MInternalEvent |
Representation of internal event.
MMessageEvent |
Model element for a message.
MMessageEvent.Direction |
The message direction.
MObjectType |
todo: comment me
MObjectTypeProperty |
todo: comment me
ModelFileFilter |
Filter for Jadex component models.
ModelInfo |
Public model information that is provided as result from
component factories when a model is loaded.
ModelValueProvider |
Default model value provider.
ModulateComposite |
Composite for modulating (tinting) images.
ModulateComposite |
Abstract Modulation Composite.
MonitoredThread |
Thread class used by MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor,
contains additional state about the thread to monitor thread behavior.
MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor |
Thread pool executor based on the Java 5 ThreadPoolExecutor class.
MonitoringEvent |
Default implementation for events.
MParameter |
Parameter model.
MParameter.Direction |
The message direction.
MParameter.EvaluationMode |
The message direction.
MParameterElement |
Base class for elements with parameters.
MPlan |
Modelelement for a plan.
MPlanParameter |
Extended parameter to store mappings.
MPosition |
A positions represents an instance of a role in a group instance.
MProcessableElement |
Base class for all elements that can be processed with means-end reasoning.
MRoleType |
An AGR role.
MServiceCall |
Model element for a service call.
MTrigger |
Model element for a plan trigger.
MultiCollection<K,V> |
An MultiCollection is a map with the ability
to store more than one element per key (an collection).
MultiCollectionProcessor |
A map processor allows for traversing maps.
MultiColumnTable |
SIMPLIFIED and ADAPTED Copy of editor common table!
MultiColumnTableEx |
ADAPTED !!! Copy of editor table version
MultiException |
An exception that can store multiple causes.
MultiIterator<T> |
Iterator that operates over multiple collections.
MultiplexCollector |
MultiplexDistributor |
MultiplicityException |
Exception that the multiplicity has been violated.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler |
Invocation handler for multiplexing service calls.
MultiStream |
Dispatch the write calls to a number of
specified output streams.
MultiThreadTest |
This test class shows how the thread based scheduler works.
MyTestClass |
NameValue |
Name, value pair.
NativeResponseMapper |
The native response mapper allows for sending back native response objects.
NegotiationRecord |
The negotiation record has the purpose to store all information
about one negotiation round e.g.
NestedMap |
A nested map refers to parent maps for entries
not found in this map.
NFMethodPropertyProvider |
Default implementation for a method property provider.
NFProperties |
The annotation for non functional properties in
- components
- provided services
- provided service methods.
NFProperty |
Non-functional property annotation.
NFPropertyInfo |
Info struct for a nf property.
NFPropertyMetaInfo |
Meta information about a non-functional property.
NFPropertyProvider |
Base impl for nf property property provider.
NFPropertyRef<T,U> |
Property reference.
NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor |
Delegates 'getRequiredServicePropertyProvider()' calls
to the underlying component.
NFRootProperty<T,U> |
Injects properties on root component.
NFRProperty |
Property for required services and methods.
NFRPropertyInfo |
NiftyScreen |
NoCopy |
Parameters that should be copied / not copied.
Node |
NodeHelper |
Notifier |
Notifier for initiating external notifications.
NotifyAdminPlan |
Notify the human admin of some agent in case of problems.
NotUnderstoodPlan |
Send a not-understood message when
no other plan is able to handle a message.
NullOutputStream |
An output stream that writes to dev null.
Object3d |
ObjectCache |
A cache for CachedObjects that reflect files.
ObjectCardLayout |
A ObjectCardLayout is an object based cardlayout.
ObjectEvent |
An EnvironmentObject event.
ObjectEvent.PrimitiveEventType |
Primitive Event type
ObjectTableModel |
The object table model has associated an object with each row.
ObservationDescription |
The observation description
ObserveAgentPlan |
Observe an agent via ping requests.
ObserverCenter |
The default observer center.
ObserverCenterWindow |
Default GUI main window.
OnEnd |
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon end of the element.
OnInit |
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon init of the element.
OnMessage |
Marker for agent message arrived.
OnService |
Annotate fields and methods that will be called when the corresponding services are available.
OnStart |
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon start of the element.
OnStream |
Marker for agent stream arrived.
OpcodeHelper |
OpenSslAesCtr |
Access to OpenSSL AES counter mode.
OpenSslAesCtrRandom |
Access to OpenSSL AES counter mode random.
OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade |
Reflective facade for the sun class OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade.
OptionalProcessor |
Allows processing java.util.Optional.
OrderedProperties |
Class extending java.util.Properties to preserve order
by redirecting calls to an internal linked hash map.
OutputConnection |
Output connection for writing data.
OutputConnectionHandler |
The output connection handler.
ParallelActivationPlan |
Plan for parallel goal activation in GPMN processes.
ParameterDescriptor |
ParameterInfo |
Parameter info annotation.
ParameterMapper |
The parameter mapper can be used to state how a parameter should
be mapped for a rest service invocation.
ParameterMappers |
Container annotation for more than one parameter
mapper that should be annotated at the method itself.
ParameterNode |
Parameter node representing a parameter.
ParametersInURL |
Annotation that can be used to state if the
parameters should be passed in the url or not.
ParametersMapper |
Parameter mapper to map the parameters.
Parent |
Marker for injecting component parent to a field.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParticipantProposal |
An object containing information about
a proposal made in a negotiation, i.e.,
the component identifier of the participant
and the content object of the proposal
PassiveLeaseTimeSet<E> |
Collection that remove elements after a lease time on trigger.
PathHandler |
Main handler dealing with incoming request.
PathHandler2 |
Main handler dealing with incoming request.
PathHandler2.SubHandler |
PathManager<T> |
The path manager helps resolving elements (handlers) for path with variables, e.g.
PatternEditor |
PemKeyPair |
PEM-encoded key/certificate pair.
PercentUnit |
Percent unit.
PerceptList |
The list of scheduled component percepts and convenience methods for
processing selected percepts.
PerceptList.PerceptEntry |
Entry for a scheduled percept.
PerceptType |
Class for representation a percept type, which has a name,
a set of object types and a set of component types.
PersistenceDelegate |
PersistenceDelegate instances write received bean objects to
encoders in the form of expressions and statements, which can be evaluated or
executed to reconstruct the recorded bean objects in a new environment during
Perspective2D |
Perspective for viewing in 2D.
Perspective3D |
Perspective for viewing in 3D.
PingingPlan |
The pinging plan continously sends ping messages
to another agent on the same platform.
Plan |
Plan |
Dummy class for loading v2 examples using v3x.
PlanAborted |
PlanAPI |
PlanbaseWrapper |
Prepend capability prefix to plan names.
PlanBody |
PlanCapability |
PlanContextCondition |
PlanFailed |
PlanFinishedTaskCondition |
Finished condition for a space object task to be removed
when a plan is finished.
PlanPassed |
PlanPrecondition |
Note that the plan precondition is executed before a plan is scheduled for execution.
PlanReason |
Plans |
PlatformComponent |
Standalone platform component implementation.
PlatformConfigurationHandler |
Platform configuration handler is a proxy handler that implements
the logic for the configuration interfaces.
PlatformData |
Transfer object for information about a connected platform.
PointLight3d |
PojoTaskWrapper |
Task that acts as wrapper for pojo tasks.
PopupBuilder |
The popup builder.
PostCondition |
PostCondition.Type |
PostConditions |
PreCondition |
PreCondition.Type |
PreConditions |
PrePostConditionInterceptor |
Interceptor that checks annotated pre- and postconditions.
PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException |
PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher |
Fetcher for pre and post condition.
Primitive |
Primitive3d |
PrintTask |
Print out some text stored in variable text.
ProcessServiceInvocationHandler |
Invocation handler for mapping service requests to
start events of BPMN processes.
ProcessStarter |
The process starter allows for starting another process in a completely
detached way, i.e.
ProcessThread |
Representation of a single control flow in a BPMN process instance,
ProcessThreadInfo |
Visualization data about a process thread.
ProcessThreadValueFetcher |
Value fetcher for process threads.
Properties |
The configuration properties.
Properties |
Component properties as name value pairs.
PropertiesPanel |
Panel for showing properties.
Property |
A configuration property.
PropertyChangeEvent |
PropertyChangeListener |
PropertyChangeListenerProxy |
PropertyChangeSupport |
PropertyDescriptor |
PropertyEditor |
PropertyEditorManager |
PropertyEditorSupport |
PropertyVetoException |
Indicates that a proposed property change is unacceptable.
ProposalEvaluator |
A default implementation of the proposal evaluator interface.
ProtectedInputStream |
Protects the underlying input stream from being closed.
ProvidedService |
Provided service annotation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation |
Contains information for provided service implementation:
- implementation class or
- creation expression or
- implementation forward to other component via binding
ProvidedServiceInfo |
Info for provided services.
ProvidedServices |
The provided services annotation.
ProvidedServicesComponentFeature |
Feature for provided services.
Proxy |
Proxy class allows for generating proxy objects for
interfaces and/or one class.
Proxy |
Base class for generated web service proxies.
ProxyFactory |
Create a proxy with standard Java or per Jadex ASM.
ProxyFilter |
Test if a class is a proxy.
ProxyInputStream |
The proxy input stream is similar to filter input stream but
overrides read(byte[]) to redirect it to the same input stream method.
Publish |
Publish information for a goal.
Publish |
The name (for referencing/overriding).
PublishInfo |
Info struct for service publishing details.
PullIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> |
Delegation future for pull future.
PullIntermediateFuture<E> |
Intermediate future with pull mechanism.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> |
Delegation future for pull future.
PullSubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> |
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
QueryEvent |
Query event for signaling when a query is added or removed.
QueryInfoExtractor |
Extractor for query infos.
Raw |
Explicitly declare a method as raw.
RawEvent |
Raw event allows to specify exactly on what condition to wait.
RBeliefbase |
Runtime element for storing beliefs.
RecoveryInterceptor |
The recovery interceptor is used in required service proxies
for automatically reassigning a service if it fails due to
one of specific exceptions.
RectangleJ2DRenderer |
RectangleProcessor |
Allows processing java.util.Date.
Reference |
Can be used to give objects reference semantics in local
and remote calls:
- in local calls references are not copied.
ReflectNode |
A node for a constructor or method invocation or field access.
RegularPolygon |
RegularPolygonJ2DRenderer |
RemoteChangeListenerHandler |
A listener to be installed remotely in a component.
RemoteDelegationResultListener<E> |
Result listener that delegates calls to a future
and can be called from remote.
RemoteJarFile |
The remote jar file.
RemoteMethodInvocationHandler |
Class that implements the Java proxy InvocationHandler, which
is called when a method on a proxy is called.
RemoveSpaceObjectTaskTask |
Create a task for a space object.
Replacement |
Define a replacement object to be called
instead of the remote method.
RequiredService |
Required service data.
RequiredServiceBinding |
Required service binding information.
RequiredServiceInfo |
Struct for information about a required service.
RequiredServices |
Requires services annotation.
RequiredServicesComponentFeature |
Feature for provided services.
RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter |
Adapter for the required services feature.
ResizeableTableHeader |
This subclass of JTableHeader extends a JTable
with the ability to resize a column to fit all its content on double click
on the right end of the column's header cell.
ResolveInterceptor |
The resolve interceptor is responsible for determining
the object on which the method invocation is finally performed.
ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue |
Struct for serialized value.
ResourceIdentifier |
Default implementation for resource identification.
ResourceInfo |
Info for a resource to load.
ResourceInfo |
RestInvocationAgent |
Alternative to threaded execution for RestInvocationHelper, useful for simulation.
RestInvocationHelper |
Simple API for calling JSON-based REST services.
RestInvocationHelper.RequestFailedException |
RestResponse |
Rest Response container.
RestServiceAgent |
Convenience agent that wraps a normal rest web service as Jadex service.
RestServiceInvocationAgent |
The invocation agent is used to execute the
synchronous web service call.
RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler |
Create a new web service wrapper invocation handler.
Result |
The result annotation.
ResultMapper |
Result mapper annotation.
Results |
The results annotation.
REventbase |
The event base runtime element.
RExpressionbase |
The expression base runtime element.
RGoalbase |
The goal base runtime element.
RHardConstraints |
Class defining runtime hard constraints.
RInternalEvent |
The runtime internal event.
RMessageEvent<T> |
The runtime message event.
RoundBasedExecutor |
Synchronized execution of all actions in rounds based on clock ticks.
RPlanbase |
The planbase.
RPQPInitiatorPlan |
The fipa request and query plan performs the initiator side
of the fipa-request/query protocol.
RPQPReceiverPlan |
Receive a request and answer it.
RSFactory |
Factory for instantiating the platform-specific RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler.
RSFactoryDesktop |
Factory for instantiating the Java SE RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler.
RSJAXAnnotationHelper |
RwAutoLock |
Class wrapping a read-write lock mechanism that can be used
with try-with-resources.
RwMapWrapper<K,V> |
Thread-safe wrapper for maps that uses a read/write lock.
SAccess |
Static ASM helper methods.
SBDIModel |
Helper methods for pojo BDI and BDI V3X models.
SBootstrapLoader |
Helper methods for loading component models without a running platform.
SCertStore |
Class for loading / saving the certificate store.
SClassReader |
Class using the internal fast class path scanner to provide
some utility methods for inspecting raw binary classes.
SClassReader.AnnotatedEntity |
Entity with optional annotations
SClassReader.AnnotationInfo |
Class containing annotation infos.
SClassReader.ClassEntity |
Entity contained in a class.
SClassReader.ClassFileInfo |
Class for infos about a class with full filename.
SClassReader.ClassInfo |
Class for infos about a class.
SClassReader.EnumInfo |
Info object for an enum.
SClassReader.FieldInfo |
Info object describing a field.
SClassReader.MethodInfo |
Info object describing a method.
SCloner |
Deep cloner.
SCloner.CloneContext |
Extendable clone context.
SCollection |
Static methods for collection creation and observation.
SCollection.DebugPrinter |
Create an info printer for the collections.
SComponentFactory |
Standard meta component factory.
SComponentManagementService |
Static CMS methods.
SConfigParser |
Static methods for parsing objects (e.g.
ScrollablePanel |
A panel that can be used in scrollpanes.
SCryptParallel |
Parallelized SCrypt, based on Bouncy Castle SCrypt.
SDirScan |
SearchConstraints |
Java class for concept SearchConstraints of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
SecureThreadedRandom |
Wrapper for quick multi-threaded PRNG access using multiple PRNGs.
Security |
Set the roles that would allow access to a service interface or service method.
SelectCandidatesAction |
Action for selecting a candidate from the APL.
SelectionNode |
Node for selection from array.
SelectNode |
Node for OQL like select statements.
Selector |
Default selector implementation for evaluating a set of proposals.
SendEmailPlan |
Send an email.
SendICQPlan |
Send an instant message.
SendXMPPPlan |
Send an instant message.
SensorActuator |
The sensor / actuator gives access to the perceived environment
and provides operations to manipulate the environment.
SensorGui |
The GUI for the cleaner world example.
SequentialActivationPlan |
Plan for sequential goal activation in GPMN processes.
SequentialMultiplexDistributor |
Sequential call distributor.
Service |
Mark a class as implementing a service.
ServiceCall |
Information about a current service call.
ServiceCallEvent |
Represents the events associated with service calls (call, response, etc.).
ServiceCallEvent.Type |
ServiceCallInfo |
ServiceCallTask |
Call a service.
ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui |
ServiceComponent |
Annotation for field of pojo service in which
the service component (internal access) should be injected.
ServiceEvent<T> |
Service event used if the service registry is used in event mode.
ServiceGetter<T> |
The service getter allows for getting a service
ServiceIdentifier |
Annotation for field of pojo service in which
the service identifier should be injected.
ServiceIdentifier |
Service identifier for uniquely identifying a service.
ServiceIdFilter |
Filter for service ids.
ServiceInfo |
Simple struct for storing a pojo/domain service
with its management part.
ServiceInputConnection |
ServiceInputConnectionProxy |
ServiceInvalidException |
Exception that is thrown when a service is called that is invalid.
ServiceInvocationContext |
Context for service invocations.
ServiceKeyExtractor |
Responsible for extracting values.
ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper<T> |
Efficiently wrap a single value as a Set.
ServiceNotFoundException |
Exception to denote that a requested service was not found.
ServiceOutputConnection |
A service output connection can be used to write data to a remote input connection.
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy |
ServicePlan |
Annotation for a service plan, i.e.
ServicePoolHelper |
Helper methods for advanced service pool management.
ServiceQuery<T> |
Service query definition.
ServiceQuery.Multiplicity |
Define cases for multiplicity.
ServiceQueryInfo<T> |
Info with query and result future.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener<S> |
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2<S> |
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingResultListener<S> |
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRegistry |
Local service registry.
ServiceScope |
Scopes for service publication (provided) and search (e.g.
ServiceShutdown |
Deprecated. |
ServiceStart |
Deprecated. |
ServiceTerminatedException |
Thrown when operations are invoked after a service has been shut down.
ServiceTrigger |
Service trigger annotation.
ServiceVisionProcessor |
SetBeliefStep |
SetPosition |
Set the position action.
SetPosition |
Set the position action.
SetProcessor |
A set processor allows for traversing set.
SetTreeTableNode |
A tree table node, that has as name its number.
SetWrapper<T> |
SetWrapper<T> |
SFilter |
SFipa |
Helper class for JADE specific issues.
SFunction |
Static helper class for calculating statistical functions.
SFuture |
Helper class for future aspects.
Static helper class with useful gui related methods.
SGUI.TextCopyPasteMouseListener |
Listener for copy-paste menu.
SimpleBeanInfo |
SimpleCleanerAgent |
Simple cleaner with a main loop for moving randomly.
SimpleCleanerAgentZero |
Possible solution for exercise zero (non-BDI cleaner).
SimpleMessagingCleanerAgent |
Simple example of using the environment sensor.
SimpleMethodParameterGuesser |
Simple method parameter guesser that uses a parameter guesser
to resolve the single parameter guess requests.
SimpleMultiplexDistributor |
Simple multiplex call distributor.
SimpleNode |
SimpleParameterGuesser |
Guess parameter based on type.
SimplePropertyChangeSupport |
This class offers part of the functionality of the original
Java-PropertyChangeSupport class.
SimplePropertyObject |
Basic IPropertyObject implementation.
SimpleValueFetcher |
Simple default implementation of a value fetcher useful for
basic usage scenarios or as a base for extending.
SimpleValueNFProperty<T,U> |
SInvocation |
Factory for providing fast reflective access to methods.
SInvocation.AccessTestClass |
Class used to test access level via ASM.
SInvocation.ExtendedClassWriter |
Class writer with some meta information.
SInvocation.FallBackInvoker |
Fallback invoker using reflection in case a byte-engineered variant is not available.
SInvocation.SortingInjectorWrapper |
SJavaParser |
Static java parser helper.
SJavassist |
Sky3d |
SlidingCuckooFilter |
Filter class based on two cuckoo filter.
SNameValue |
NameValue converter helper.
SNFPropertyProvider |
Static helper class for accessing nf properties also remotely.
SObjectInspector |
A convenience class for retrieving properties from objects.
SortArrowIcon |
SortedList<T> |
A sorted list allowing duplicates of elements
(unlike java.util.TreeSet).
SorterFilterTableModel |
SortHeaderRenderer |
Sound3d |
Space2D |
General 2D space.
Space3D |
General 3D space.
SpaceObject |
Default implementation of a space object.
SpaceObjectSource |
A space object source can provide space objects of a specific object type.
SpanContextInfo |
Struct for sending spans.
SpatialControl |
Dataholder for custom Spatial Controls
SpecialAction |
SPHandleUpdatePlan |
SPInitiationPlan |
SplitInfo |
Keep information about a thread spawned at a split gateway used later when processing
the corresponding join.
SPReceptionPlan |
SPSubmitUpdatePlan |
SReflect |
This class provides several useful static reflection methods.
SRemoteClock |
Helper class for remote access to clock service.
SRemoteClock.ClockState |
Information about the clock to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener |
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener |
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener |
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.SimulationState |
Information about the simulation to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.TimerEntries |
Information about the timers to be transferred.
SRemoteFileChooser |
Helper methods for remote file system view.
SRemoteGui |
Helper class for GUI code to be executed on remote
devices (e.g.
SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener |
SRest |
Static helper class for rest web service invocation.
SRestInvocationHelper |
Simple API for calling JSON-based REST services.
SSecurity |
Class with static helper methods for security functions.
SServiceProvider |
Static helper class for searching services.
SSimulation |
Helper class for simulation control.
SStackTraceElementHelper |
Helper for reading stacktrace elements in both Java 9 and legacy Java.
Startable |
Base class for startable elements.
StartAndMonitorProcessPlan |
Create a process and the corresponding parameters.
Starter |
Starter class for starting the Jadex platform.
StartOptions |
java [ options ] class [ argument ...
Statement |
StepAborted |
An error thrown to abort the thread execution of a blocked component step.
StepAbortedException |
Exception thrown when a step is aborted due to end state.
StepChain |
StepInvalidException |
Exception thrown when a conditional step is invalid on execution.
STest |
Static config class for tests.
STransformation |
Static helper class for transformation issues.
STransformation.MediaType |
StreamCopy |
A runnable to concurrently copy data from one stream to the other.
StreamPacket |
Data container for a streaming packet.
StrictInequalityFilter |
Hard constraint filter for strict inequalities (> and <).
StringArrayTableModel |
Table model based on a 2D string array.
StringComboModel |
SubcomponentTypeInfo |
Component type representation.
SubProcessActivityHandler |
Handler for (embedded) sub processes.
SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler |
SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> |
SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E> |
Implementation of the subscription intermediate future.
SUtil |
This class provides several useful static util methods.
SUtil.AccessiblePrintStream |
An subclass of print stream to allow accessing the underlying stream.
SWebService |
SwingDefaultResultListener<E> |
Result listener that redirects callbacks on the swing thread.
SwingDelegationResultListener<E> |
Delegation result listener that calls customResultAvailable and
customExceptionOccurred on swing thread.
SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> |
Delegation result listener that calls customResultAvailable and
customExceptionOccurred on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener<E> |
Default implementation of intermediate result listener
with methods called on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> |
Exception delegation listener for intermediate results called back on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener<E,T> |
Exception delegation listener for intermediate results called back on swing thread.
SwingIntermediateResultListener<E> |
SwingResultListener<E> |
Listener that performs notifications on swing thread..
SynchronizedPropertyObject |
Basic synchronized IPropertyObject implementation.
SynchronizedSecureRandomWrapper |
SynchronizedVector2Wrapper |
Wrapper for synchronized access of a vector2
Synchronous |
If void methods are declared synchronous they will block
the caller until the method has been executed on the
remote side (exceptions thus can arrive).
TableSorter |
TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting
functionality to a supplied TableModel.
Tag |
TagFilter<T> |
Tag filter class.
TagProperty |
Tagging a service with a string for searching specifically
tagged services.
Tags |
Service search tags.
TargetMethod |
Target method annotation.
TaskActivityHandler |
Handler for (external) tasks.
TerminableDelegationFuture<E> |
A terminable delegation future can be used when a termination future
should be delegated.
TerminableDelegationResultListener<E> |
Result listener for terminable futures.
TerminableFuture<E> |
Future that can be terminated from caller side.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<E> |
A terminable intermediate delegation future can be used when a termination intermediate future
should be delegated.
TerminableIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> |
Result listener for terminable intermediate futures.
TerminableIntermediateFuture<E> |
Intermediate future that can be terminated from caller side.
TerminationCommand |
Base implementation of termination command to be used for sub-classing.
Terrain3d |
TerrainTexture |
Helper class for terrain
Testcase |
A testcase consists of an component type to test and the result reports.
TestReport |
A test report captures the description and results of a test.
Text |
Drawable component for displaying text.
Text3d |
TextInfo |
Information on how to display a text.
TextJ2DRenderer |
TexturedRectangle |
TexturedRectangleJ2DRenderer |
ThreadInfo |
Thread info object.
ThreadLocalTransferHelper |
Helps to transfer registered thread local values between different threads.
ThreadPool |
A thread pool manages pool and saves resources
and time by precreating and reusing pool.
ThreadPoolFactory |
Factory class for obtaining a thread pool.
ThreadSuspendable |
Suspendable for threads.
ThreadTest |
This test class shows how the thread based scheduler works.
TiledLayer |
A layer consisting of image tiles.
TiledLayerJ2DRenderer |
TimeChartDataConsumer |
Time chart data consumer.
TimedProperty |
Base property for time properties.
TimeFormat |
Class for formatting time durations.
Timeout |
Specify a timeout period after which the remote invocation
is aborted when no result is received.
TimeoutException |
Jadex timeout exception.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener<E> |
TimeoutResultListener<E> |
Listener that allows to automatically trigger a timeout when
no result (or exception) was received after some timeout interval.
TimerDelayRunner |
Timer based on Java java timer.
TimestampProcessor |
TimeUnit |
The time unit.
Token |
A token is initially available can be acquired once.
ToolTipAction |
An action with associated tooltip text.
Torus3d |
TracingInterceptor |
Interceptor that creates traces.
TransferInfo |
Information about a requested, ongoing or completed file transfer.
TransformProcessor |
Converts an object that has ITransformableObject interface.
TransformSet<E> |
A set that transforms itself, i.e.
TransportAddress |
Class representing a transport address of a specific platform.
TraversedObjectsContext |
Standard context for Traverser, keeps track of
already traversed objects.
Traverser |
The traverser allows to traverse an object graph deeply.
Traverser.MODE |
Available modes:
PREPROCESS - Preprocess objects using the conversion processors
POSTPROCESS - Postprocess objects using the conversion processors
PLAIN - Ignore conversion processors
Tree |
Tree data structure.
TreeCombo |
TreeExpansionHandler |
The tree expansion handler assures
that tree nodes stay expanded, even when
their last child is removed, and then new
child nodes are added.
TreeNode |
Represents a node of a tree.
TreeTableAction |
An action to add checkbox menu items to tree table popups.
TreeTableModel |
TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.
TreeTableModelAdapter |
This is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements
the table model interface.
TreeTableNode |
Interface for tree table nodes.
TreeTableNodeType |
The node type represents the generic properties
of tree table nodes.
TreeTablePopupListener |
A mouse listener to add popup-menus to tree tables.
TriangleJ2DRenderer |
Trigger |
A plan trigger states for which events or goals a plan should be selected.
Tuple |
A tuple is a list of entities.
Tuple2<T,E> |
Generic version of tuple for two elements.
Tuple2Future<E,F> |
Implementation of tuple2 future.
Tuple3<T,E,F> |
Generic version of tuple for two elements.
TupleProcessor |
Tuple is itself immutable, but acts as a container
for arbitrary objects -> must be cloned.
TupleResult |
Used by tuple futures as internal result wrappers.
TwoWayMultiCollection |
The two-way multi-collection allows fast reverse lookup,
by containing a second multi-collection,
which reversely maps values to keys.
TypedPropertyObject |
TypeNode |
Node representing a type.
Uncached |
Specify a method as uncached.
UnixEntropyApi |
Access to cryptographically secure entropy on some UNIX systems (BSD, Linux).
UnlimitedIntermediateDelegationResultListener<E> |
Listener that forwards results but not finished events.
UnparsedExpression |
An unparsed expression for being able to transfer to other nodes.
UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler |
Lazy service proxy that resolves a service via a search command.
UsedMemoryProperty |
The used physical memory.
UsedPermGenMemoryProperty |
UserInteractionActivityHandler |
Handler that opens a window and waits for the user to click a button.
UserInteractionTask |
Opens a dialog for the task and lets the user enter
result parameters.
UserMethodInvocationListener |
Listener that only observes user methods.
UUIDProcessor |
Allows processing java.util.UUID.
ValidationInterceptor |
The validation interceptor tests whether a service call is valid.
Value |
Value as class or unparsed expression string.
Value |
Java class representation for the Value annotation
as annotations cannot be created at runtime.
Vector1Double |
Implementation of a 1-vector using a double value.
Vector1Int |
Vector1Long |
Vector2Double |
Implementation of a cartesian 2-vector using double components.
Vector2Int |
Implementation of a 2-vector using integer values.
Vector3Double |
Implementation of a cartesian 3-vector using double components.
Vector3Int |
VersionInfo |
Some version infos for Jadex, loaded from in classpath.
VetoableChangeListener |
VetoableChangeListenerProxy |
VetoableChangeSupport |
ViewportJ2D |
This class manages the GUI and all user interaction.
Visibility |
VisibilityPopupMenu |
VisibilityTableColumnModel |
VisibilityTableColumnModel extends the DefaultTableColumnModel .
VisualsPlugin |
VmHacks |
Class providing various means of getting around VM restrictions.
VmHacks.InstrumentationCommand |
Instrumentation command issued to the instrumentation agent.
VmHacks.Unsafe |
Access to unsafe operations.
VmHacksAgent |
Agent for acquiring instrumentation access.
WaitAbstraction |
Object that indicates on which elements a plan is waiting.
WaitForSpaceObjectTaskTask |
Create a task for a space object.
WaitingTimeProperty |
Property for the waiting time of a method or a service as a whole.
WaitqueueEvaluator |
Execution time evaluator.
WaitqueueProperty |
Property for the waitqueue length (in calls) of a method or a service.
WeakEntry<T> |
A weak entry is a reference with an additional argument
that can be inspected the referent is garbage collected.
WeakKeyValueMap<K,V> |
HashMap with weak reference on both sides.
WeakList<E> |
A list with weak entries.
WeakObject<T> |
Weakreference has the disadvantage that it does not support
transparent equals() and hashcode() methods.
WeakSet<T> |
A weak set for entries that will be automatically removed when
no references to them are existing any more.
WeakValueMap<K,V> |
A map with weak values.
WebServiceAgent |
Agent that wraps a normal web service as Jadex service.
WebServiceInvocationAgent |
The invocation agent is used to execute the
synchronous web service call.
WebServiceMappingInfo |
Mapping information about the web service.
WebServiceToJadexWrapperInvocationHandler |
Proxy invocation handler that maps a web service call to
a Jadex service and waits for the result, which is returned
to the web service caller.
WindowsEntropyApi |
Access to windows cryptographically secure entropy.
WriteContextTask |
Writes values to context variables.
WriteParameterTask |
Writes a parameter value to the thread (or superthread).
WSPublishAgent |
Agent that publishes the ws publication service.
XMLDecoder |
XMLDecoder reads objects from xml created by
XMLEncoder .
XMLEncoder |
XMLEncoder extends Encoder to write out the
encoded statements and expressions in xml format.
Xoroshiro128Random |
xoroshiro128+ implementation based on work by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna.
XYChartDataConsumer |
Create a X/Y chart consumer, x an y must be double values.
YOrder |
Causes objects to be drawn from the highest y-coordinate to the lowest.