Annotation Type Goal

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface Goal
    Let a class be used to represent goals of a BDI agent. Can be annotated to inner classes of an agent or in a Goals annotation to refer to external classes. Settings of this annotation give detailed control over the means-end reasoning and goal deliberation processes (see Deliberation) with regard to the annotated goal. The means-end reasoning is the process of plan selection and execution and is based on the notion of an "applicable plans list" (APL). When the goal needs processing, the agent determines the applicable plans and stores them in the APL. By default the plans are tried sequentially in the given order. Several goal flags like randomselection and posttoall allow changing this behavior.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.Class<?> clazz
      The goal class, when used inside a Goals annotation.
      Deliberation deliberation
      The deliberation settings.
      ExcludeMode excludemode
      When to exclude a plan from the APL after it has been executed.
      boolean orsuccess
      Should a procedural goal succeed when first plan executed successfully or after all plans have been executed (with at least one passed plan).
      boolean posttoall
      Post the goal to all plans of the APL in parallel.
      Publish publish
      The publication settings can be used to export goal as a component service.
      boolean randomselection
      Select a plan randomly.
      boolean rebuild
      Rebuild the APL on each retry;
      boolean recur
      If true (defaults to false), a new round of means-end reasoning is started after each plan execution.
      long recurdelay
      The delay (default 0 for no delay) before restarting goal processing if recur is set to true (in milliseconds).
      boolean retry
      If true (default) means-end reasoning is allowed to select another plan after a plan has already been executed.
      long retrydelay
      The delay between two plan executions (in milliseconds).
      java.lang.Class<?>[] triggergoals
      The goal trigger is used in case the goal should be considered as plan for another goal.
      boolean unique
      Should the goal be unique (no other goal is allowed that is the same).
    • Element Detail

      • clazz

        java.lang.Class<?> clazz
        The goal class, when used inside a Goals annotation.
      • posttoall

        boolean posttoall
        Post the goal to all plans of the APL in parallel.
      • randomselection

        boolean randomselection
        Select a plan randomly.
      • rebuild

        boolean rebuild
        Rebuild the APL on each retry;
      • excludemode

        ExcludeMode excludemode
        When to exclude a plan from the APL after it has been executed. Default is to execute it after it has been tried without consideration of its success state.
      • retry

        boolean retry
        If true (default) means-end reasoning is allowed to select another plan after a plan has already been executed.
      • recur

        boolean recur
        If true (defaults to false), a new round of means-end reasoning is started after each plan execution. As a result, the APL is rebuild and the exclude set is cleared.
      • retrydelay

        long retrydelay
        The delay between two plan executions (in milliseconds).
      • recurdelay

        long recurdelay
        The delay (default 0 for no delay) before restarting goal processing if recur is set to true (in milliseconds).
      • orsuccess

        boolean orsuccess
        Should a procedural goal succeed when first plan executed successfully or after all plans have been executed (with at least one passed plan). Plan success flag. Determines when a goal is succeeded depending on plan success. Default a procedural goal has succeeded when the first plan has passed. If not 'or' but 'and' mode is used the goal will only succeed after execution of the last plan from the APL.
      • unique

        boolean unique
        Should the goal be unique (no other goal is allowed that is the same).
      • deliberation

        Deliberation deliberation
        The deliberation settings.
      • publish

        Publish publish
        The publication settings can be used to export goal as a component service.
      • triggergoals

        java.lang.Class<?>[] triggergoals
        The goal trigger is used in case the goal should be considered as plan for another goal.