Class SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener<E>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener

        public SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener()
        Create a new listener.
      • SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener

        public SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener​(java.awt.Component parent)
        Create a new listener.
        parent - The parent component (when errors should be shown as dialog).
      • SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener

        public SwingIntermediateDefaultResultListener​(java.util.logging.Logger logger)
        Create a new listener.
        logger - The logger.
    • Method Detail

      • customIntermediateResultAvailable

        public abstract void customIntermediateResultAvailable​(E result)
        Called when an intermediate result is available.
        result - The result.
      • customFinished

        public void customFinished()
        Declare that the future is finished. This method is only called for intermediate futures, i.e. when this method is called it is guaranteed that the intermediateResultAvailable method was called for all intermediate results before.
      • customMaxResultCountAvailable

        public void customMaxResultCountAvailable​(int max)
      • maxResultCountAvailable

        public void maxResultCountAvailable​(int max)
        Description copied from interface: IIntermediateResultListener
        Declare that the future result count is available. This method is only called for intermediate futures, i.e. when this method is called it is guaranteed that the intermediateResultAvailable method will be called as often as the result count indicates except an exception occurs.
        Specified by:
        maxResultCountAvailable in interface IIntermediateResultListener<E>
      • customResultAvailable

        public void customResultAvailable​(java.util.Collection<E> result)
        Overwritten to call intermediate and finished methods.
        customResultAvailable in class SwingDefaultResultListener<java.util.Collection<E>>
        result - The result.