Interface IOAVState

    • Method Detail

      • getTypeModel

        OAVTypeModel getTypeModel()
        Get the type model.
        The type model.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Dispose the state.
      • createObject

        java.lang.Object createObject​(OAVObjectType type)
        Create an object. Creates an object identifier that can be used to store/retrieve attribute values. May reuse old object identifiers for performance.
        type - The object type (null for defining meta types).
        An object identifier.
      • createRootObject

        java.lang.Object createRootObject​(OAVObjectType type)
        Create a root object. A root object will not be automatically garbage collected when no references point to this object any longer. Creates an object identifier that can be used to store/retrieve attribute values. May reuse old object identifiers for performance.
        An object identifier.
      • dropObject

        void dropObject​(java.lang.Object object)
        Drop an object from the state. Recursively removes the object and all connected objects that are not referenced elsewhere.
        object - The identifier of the object to remove.
      • addJavaRootObject

        void addJavaRootObject​(java.lang.Object object)
        Add a Java object as root object.
        object - The Java object.
      • removeJavaRootObject

        void removeJavaRootObject​(java.lang.Object object)
        Remove a Java object from root objects.
        object - The Java object.
      • containsObject

        boolean containsObject​(java.lang.Object object)
        Test if the state contains a specific object.
        object - The object identifier.
        True, if contained.
      • isIdentifier

        boolean isIdentifier​(java.lang.Object object)
        Test if the object represents an identifier.
        object - The suspected object identifier.
        True, if object identifier.
      • getType

        OAVObjectType getType​(java.lang.Object object)
        Get the type of an object.
        object - The object identifier.
      • getObjects

        java.util.Iterator getObjects()
        Get all objects in the state.
      • getDeepObjects

        java.util.Iterator getDeepObjects()
        Get all objects in the state and its substates.
      • getRootObjects

        java.util.Iterator getRootObjects()
        Get the root objects of the state.
      • getSize

        int getSize()
        Get the number of objects in the state. Optional operation used for debugging only.
      • getUnreferencedObjects

        java.util.Collection getUnreferencedObjects()
        Get all unreferenced objects.
        All unreferenced objects of the state.
      • findCycle

        java.util.List findCycle​(java.util.Collection objects)
        Find a cycle in a given set of objects.
      • getReferencingObjects

        java.util.Collection getReferencingObjects​(java.lang.Object value)
        Get those objects referencing a given object.
      • addExternalObjectUsage

        void addExternalObjectUsage​(java.lang.Object id,
                                    java.lang.Object external)
        Add an external usage of a state object. This prevents the oav object of being garbage collected as long as external references are present.
        id - The oav object id.
        external - The user object.
      • removeExternalObjectUsage

        void removeExternalObjectUsage​(java.lang.Object id,
                                       java.lang.Object external)
        Remove an external usage of a state object. This allows the oav object of being garbage collected when no further external references and no internal references are present.
        id - The oav object id.
        external - The state external object.
      • getAttributeValue

        java.lang.Object getAttributeValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                                           OAVAttributeType attribute)
        Get an attribute value of an object.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        The value (basic, object id or java object).
      • setAttributeValue

        void setAttributeValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                               OAVAttributeType attribute,
                               java.lang.Object value)
        Set an attribute of an object to the given value.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        value - The value (basic, object id or java object).
      • getAttributeValues

        java.util.Collection getAttributeValues​(java.lang.Object object,
                                                OAVAttributeType attribute)
        Get the values of an attribute of an object.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        The values (basic, object ids or java objects).
      • getAttributeKeys

        java.util.Collection getAttributeKeys​(java.lang.Object object,
                                              OAVAttributeType attribute)
        Get the keys of an attribute of an object.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        The keys for which values are stored.
      • getAttributeValue

        java.lang.Object getAttributeValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                                           OAVAttributeType attribute,
                                           java.lang.Object key)
        Get an attribute value of an object. Method only applicable for map attribute type.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        key - The key.
        The value (basic, object id or java object).
      • containsKey

        boolean containsKey​(java.lang.Object object,
                            OAVAttributeType attribute,
                            java.lang.Object key)
        Test if a key is contained in the map attribute.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        key - The key.
        True if key is available.
      • addAttributeValue

        void addAttributeValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                               OAVAttributeType attribute,
                               java.lang.Object value)
        Add an attribute of an object to the given value.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        value - The value (basic, object id or java object).
      • removeAttributeValue

        void removeAttributeValue​(java.lang.Object object,
                                  OAVAttributeType attribute,
                                  java.lang.Object value)
        Remove an attribute of an object to the given value.
        object - The identifier of the object.
        attribute - The attribute identifier.
        value - The value (basic, object id or java object).
      • addStateListener

        void addStateListener​(IOAVStateListener listener,
                              boolean bunch)
        Add a new state listener.
        listener - The state listener.
        bunch - True, for adding a bunch listener.
      • removeStateListener

        void removeStateListener​(IOAVStateListener listener)
        Remove a state listener.
        listener - The state listener.
      • notifyEventListeners

        void notifyEventListeners()
        Throw collected events and notify the listeners. Necessary if in event collecting mode.
      • expungeStaleObjects

        void expungeStaleObjects()
        Expunge stale objects.
      • setSynchronizator

        void setSynchronizator​(ISynchronizator synchronizator)
        Set the synchronizator. The optional synchronizator is used to synchronize external modifications to the state (e.g. from bean changes). The synchronizator should only be set once, before the state is used.
      • getSynchronizator

        ISynchronizator getSynchronizator()
        Get the synchronizator (if any). The synchronizator (if available) can be used to synchronize access to the state with internal and external modifications.
      • getProfiler

        IProfiler getProfiler()
        Get the profiler.
      • setProfiler

        void setProfiler​(IProfiler profiler)
        Set the profiler.
      • addSubstate

        void addSubstate​(IOAVState substate)
        Add a substate. Read accesses will be transparently mapped to substates. Write accesses to substates need not be supported and may generate UnsupportedOperationException. Also it can not be assumed that addition of substates will generate object added events.
      • getSubstates

        IOAVState[] getSubstates()
        Get the substates.
      • isJavaIdentity

        boolean isJavaIdentity()
        Flag indicating that java objects are stored by identity instead of equality.
      • equals

        boolean equals​(java.lang.Object a,
                       java.lang.Object b)
        Test if two values are equal according to current identity/equality settings.