Class OAVEventHandler

  • public class OAVEventHandler
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class handles the collection and distribution OAV events to registered listeners.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected java.util.Set added_objects
      The objects that have been added in current change set.
      protected java.util.Set beanevents
      The collected bean events (may be added from external thread).
      protected java.util.List directlisteners
      The direct state listeners.
      protected java.util.List listeners
      The bunch state listeners.
      protected boolean notifying
      Flag that is only true, while listeners are being notified.
      protected java.util.Set oavevents
      The collected change events.
      protected java.util.Set removed_objects
      The objects that have been removed in current change set.
      protected IOAVState state
      The state.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      OAVEventHandler​(IOAVState state)
      Create a new OAV event handler.
    • Field Detail

      • state

        protected IOAVState state
        The state.
      • listeners

        protected java.util.List listeners
        The bunch state listeners.
      • directlisteners

        protected java.util.List directlisteners
        The direct state listeners.
      • oavevents

        protected java.util.Set oavevents
        The collected change events.
      • beanevents

        protected java.util.Set beanevents
        The collected bean events (may be added from external thread).
      • removed_objects

        protected java.util.Set removed_objects
        The objects that have been removed in current change set.
      • added_objects

        protected java.util.Set added_objects
        The objects that have been added in current change set.
      • notifying

        protected boolean notifying
        Flag that is only true, while listeners are being notified.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OAVEventHandler

        public OAVEventHandler​(IOAVState state)
        Create a new OAV event handler.
    • Method Detail

      • addStateListener

        public void addStateListener​(IOAVStateListener listener,
                                     boolean bunch)
        Add a new state listener.
        listener - The state listener.
      • removeStateListener

        public void removeStateListener​(IOAVStateListener listener)
        Remove a state listener.
        listener - The state listener.
      • notifyEventListeners

        public void notifyEventListeners()
        Throw collected events and notify the listeners.
      • notifyOneEvent

        protected void notifyOneEvent​(java.lang.Object evt)
        Notify one event to all listeners.
        evt - The event.
      • objectModified

        public void objectModified​(java.lang.Object id,
                                   OAVObjectType type,
                                   OAVAttributeType attr,
                                   java.lang.Object oldvalue,
                                   java.lang.Object newvalue)
        Notification when an attribute value of an object has been set.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.
        attr - The attribute type.
        oldvalue - The oldvalue.
        newvalue - The newvalue.
      • beanModified

        public void beanModified​(java.lang.Object bean,
                                 OAVObjectType type,
                                 OAVAttributeType attr,
                                 java.lang.Object oldvalue,
                                 java.lang.Object newvalue)
        Notification when an attribute value of a bean has been set.
        bean - The bean.
        type - The object type.
        attr - The attribute type.
        oldvalue - The oldvalue.
        newvalue - The newvalue.
      • objectAdded

        public void objectAdded​(java.lang.Object id,
                                OAVObjectType type,
                                boolean root)
        Notification when an object has been added to the state.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.
      • objectRemoved

        public void objectRemoved​(java.lang.Object id,
                                  OAVObjectType type)
        Notification when an object has been removed from state.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.
      • createIdSet

        protected java.util.Set createIdSet()
        Create a set for holding object ids.