Interface IOAVStateListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IOAVStateListener
    Listener for observing the state.
    • Method Detail

      • objectModified

        void objectModified​(java.lang.Object id,
                            OAVObjectType type,
                            OAVAttributeType attr,
                            java.lang.Object oldvalue,
                            java.lang.Object newvalue)
        Notification when an attribute value of an object has been set.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.
        attr - The attribute type.
        oldvalue - The oldvalue.
        newvalue - The newvalue.
      • objectAdded

        void objectAdded​(java.lang.Object id,
                         OAVObjectType type,
                         boolean root)
        Notification when an object has been added to the state.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.
        root - Flag indicating that the object is a root object.
      • objectRemoved

        void objectRemoved​(java.lang.Object id,
                           OAVObjectType type)
        Notification when an object has been removed from state.
        id - The object id.
        type - The object type.