XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-envspace
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-envspace
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
Schema Component Representation
< xs:schema targetNamespace =" http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-envspace " elementFormDefault =" qualified ">
</ xs:schema >

Global Declarations

Element: envspace

Name envspace
Type envspace
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Instance element for a declared space type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
type=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<objects> [0..1] ?
<object> object </object> [0..*] ?
<processes> [0..1] ?
<process> process </process> [0..*] ?
<dataproviders> dataproviders </dataproviders> [0..1] ?
<dataconsumers> dataconsumers </dataconsumers> [0..1] ?
<observers> [0..1] ?
<observer> observer </observer> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:element name =" envspace " type =" envspace "/>

Element: envspacetype

Name envspacetype
Type envspacetype
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Declaration of an environment space. The concrete type of the space can be defined using the class.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<objecttypes> [0..1] ?
<objecttype> objecttype </objecttype> [0..*] ?
<tasktypes> [0..1] ?
<tasktype> tasktype </tasktype> [0..*] ?
<processtypes> [0..1] ?
<processtype> processtype </processtype> [0..*] ?
<dataviews> [0..1] ?
<dataview> dataview </dataview> [0..*] ?
<avatarmappings> [0..1] ?
<avatarmapping> avatarmapping </avatarmapping> [0..*] ?
<percepttypes> [0..1] ?
<percepttype> percepttype </percepttype> [0..*] ?
<perceptgenerator> perceptgenerator </perceptgenerator> [0..*] ?
<perceptprocessor> perceptprocessor </perceptprocessor> [0..*] ?
<actiontypes> [0..1] ?
<actiontype> actiontype </actiontype> [0..*] ?
<perspectives> [0..1] ?
<perspective> perspective </perspective> [0..*] ?
<perspective3d> perspective3d </perspective3d> [0..*]
<spaceexecutor> spaceexecutor </spaceexecutor> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:element name =" envspacetype " type =" envspacetype "/>

Global Definitions

Complex Type: actiontype

Super-types: propertyobject < actiontype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name actiontype
Abstract no
Documentation An action type defines how a component can act in the environment.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" actiontype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: animation

Super-types: drawableelement3d < animation (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name animation
Abstract no
Documentation A animation ONLY for an complex object3d
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
channel=" xs :string [0..1] "
loop=" xs :string [0..1] "
speed=" xs :double [0..1] " >
<animationcondition> xs :string </animationcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" animation ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" animationcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" channel " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" loop " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" speed " type =" xs :double "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: arrow

Super-types: drawableelement3d < arrow (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name arrow
Abstract no
Documentation A simple arrow
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" arrow ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: avatarmapping

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name avatarmapping
Abstract no
Documentation The avatarmapping represents the connection between components and space objects. The mapping allows to define different creation and deletion semantics, e.g. kill also the avatar when the agent dies.
XML Instance Representation
componenttype=" xs :string [1] "
objecttype=" xs :string [1] "
createavatar=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
createcomponent=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
killavatar=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
killcomponent=" xs :boolean [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" avatarmapping ">
< xs:attribute name =" componenttype " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" createavatar " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" createcomponent " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" killavatar " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" killcomponent " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: box

Super-types: drawableelement3d < box (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name box
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional box or cube
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" box ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: colorlayer

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name colorlayer
Abstract no
Documentation A color layer colors the complete screen, often used with alpha colors.
XML Instance Representation
color=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" colorlayer ">
< xs:attribute name =" color " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: componenttype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name componenttype
Abstract no
Documentation Name of a component type for percepts.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" componenttype ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: cylinder

Super-types: drawableelement3d < cylinder (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name cylinder
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional cylinder
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
radius=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" cylinder ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" radius " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: data

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name data
Abstract no
Documentation Definition of a data element that should be collected by a data provider.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" data " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dataconsumer

Super-types: propertyobject < dataconsumer (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name dataconsumer
Abstract no
Documentation A data consumer is used for evaluation purposes. They come in very different flavors, e.g. a chart display or a file writer. Takes input data from a data provider and processes it somehow.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dataconsumer ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dataconsumers

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dataconsumers
Abstract no
Documentation Container for data consumer definitions.
XML Instance Representation
<dataconsumer> dataconsumer </dataconsumer> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dataconsumers ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" dataconsumer " type =" dataconsumer " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dataprovider

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dataprovider
Abstract no
Documentation A data provider is used for evaluation purposes. It can be configured to collect specifc data about the execution run.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<source> source </source> [0..*] ?
<data> data </data> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dataprovider ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" source " type =" source " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" data " type =" data " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dataproviders

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dataproviders
Abstract no
Documentation Container for data provider definitions.
XML Instance Representation
<dataprovider> dataprovider </dataprovider> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dataproviders ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" dataprovider " type =" dataprovider " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dataview

Super-types: propertyobject < dataview (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name dataview
Abstract no
Documentation A view is a defineable cutout of the space. It allows to restrict the perception of the envspace e.g. for displaying local views of avatars in an observer.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
objecttype=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dataview ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: dome

Super-types: drawableelement3d < dome (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name dome
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional dome
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
radius=" xs :string [0..1] "
planes=" xs :string [0..1] "
samples=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" dome ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" radius " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" planes " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" samples " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: drawable

Super-types: propertyobject < drawable (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name drawable
Abstract no
Documentation Container element for the definition of how a space object should look like.
XML Instance Representation
objecttype=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [1] "
height=" xs :string [1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<triangle> drawableelement </triangle> [0..1] ?
<rectangle> drawableelement </rectangle> [0..1] ?
<ellipse> drawableelement </ellipse> [0..1] ?
<regularpolygon> regularpolygon </regularpolygon> [0..1] ?
<texturedrectangle> texturedrectangle </texturedrectangle> [0..1] ?
<text> text </text> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" drawable ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" triangle " type =" drawableelement " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" rectangle " type =" drawableelement " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" ellipse " type =" drawableelement " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" regularpolygon " type =" regularpolygon " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" texturedrectangle " type =" texturedrectangle " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" text " type =" text " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:choice >
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotation " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: drawable3d

Super-types: propertyobject < drawable3d (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name drawable3d
Abstract no
Documentation Container element for the definition of how a 3d space object should look like.
XML Instance Representation
objecttype=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [1] "
height=" xs :string [1] "
depth=" xs :string [1] "
rotation3d=" xs :string [0..1] "
hasSpaceobject=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
autoRotation=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
isDynamic=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<sphere> sphere </sphere> [0..1] ?
<box> box </box> [0..1] ?
<cylinder> cylinder </cylinder> [0..1] ?
<dome> dome </dome> [0..1] ?
<torus> torus </torus> [0..1] ?
<object3d> object3d </object3d> [0..1] ?
<arrow> arrow </arrow> [0..1] ?
<text3d> text3d </text3d> [0..1] ?
<sky> sky </sky> [0..1] ?
<terrain> terrain </terrain> [0..1] ?
<rndterrain> rndterrain </rndterrain> [0..1] ?
<sound3d> sound3d </sound3d> [0..1] ?
<effect> effect </effect> [0..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" drawable3d ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" sphere " type =" sphere " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" box " type =" box " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" cylinder " type =" cylinder " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" dome " type =" dome " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" torus " type =" torus " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" object3d " type =" object3d " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" arrow " type =" arrow " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" text3d " type =" text3d " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" sky " type =" sky " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" terrain " type =" terrain " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" rndterrain " type =" rndterrain " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" sound3d " type =" sound3d " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" effect " type =" effect " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" depth " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotation3d " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" hasSpaceobject " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" autoRotation " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" isDynamic " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" true "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: drawableelement

Super-types: None
Name drawableelement
Abstract no
Documentation Abstract base type for all kinds of concrete drawable elements.
XML Instance Representation
layer=" xs :int [0..1] "
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
abspos=" xs :string [0..1] "
abssize=" xs :string [0..1] "
absrot=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" drawableelement ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" layer " type =" xs :int " default =" 0 "/>
< xs:attribute name =" x " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" y " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :double "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatex " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatey " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatez " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" position " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotation " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" size " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" abspos " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" abssize " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" absrot " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" color " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: drawableelement3d

Super-types: None
Name drawableelement3d
Abstract no
Documentation Abstract base type for all kinds of concrete 3d drawable elements.
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:attribute name =" x " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" y " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" z " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :double "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" depth "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatex " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatey " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotatez " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" position " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rotation " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" size " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" color " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" shadowtype " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texturepath " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" materialpath " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: effect

Super-types: drawableelement3d < effect (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name effect
Abstract no
Documentation A animation ONLY for an complex object3d
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
predefinedid=" xs :string [0..1] "
startsize=" xs :double [1] "
endsize=" xs :double [1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" effect ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" predefinedid " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" startsize " type =" xs :double " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" endsize " type =" xs :double " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: envspace

Super-types: propertyobject < envspace (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name envspace
Abstract no
Documentation Instance element for a declared space type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
type=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<objects> [0..1] ?
<object> object </object> [0..*] ?
<processes> [0..1] ?
<process> process </process> [0..*] ?
<dataproviders> dataproviders </dataproviders> [0..1] ?
<dataconsumers> dataconsumers </dataconsumers> [0..1] ?
<observers> [0..1] ?
<observer> observer </observer> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" envspace ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" objects " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" object " type =" object " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" processes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" process " type =" process " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" dataproviders " type =" dataproviders " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" dataconsumers " type =" dataconsumers " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" observers " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" observer " type =" observer " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" type " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" depth " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: envspacetype

Super-types: propertyobject < envspacetype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name envspacetype
Abstract no
Documentation Declaration of an environment space. The concrete type of the space can be defined using the class.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<objecttypes> [0..1] ?
<objecttype> objecttype </objecttype> [0..*] ?
<tasktypes> [0..1] ?
<tasktype> tasktype </tasktype> [0..*] ?
<processtypes> [0..1] ?
<processtype> processtype </processtype> [0..*] ?
<dataviews> [0..1] ?
<dataview> dataview </dataview> [0..*] ?
<avatarmappings> [0..1] ?
<avatarmapping> avatarmapping </avatarmapping> [0..*] ?
<percepttypes> [0..1] ?
<percepttype> percepttype </percepttype> [0..*] ?
<perceptgenerator> perceptgenerator </perceptgenerator> [0..*] ?
<perceptprocessor> perceptprocessor </perceptprocessor> [0..*] ?
<actiontypes> [0..1] ?
<actiontype> actiontype </actiontype> [0..*] ?
<perspectives> [0..1] ?
<perspective> perspective </perspective> [0..*] ?
<perspective3d> perspective3d </perspective3d> [0..*]
<spaceexecutor> spaceexecutor </spaceexecutor> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" envspacetype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" objecttypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" objecttype " type =" objecttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" tasktypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" tasktype " type =" tasktype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" processtypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" processtype " type =" processtype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" dataviews " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" dataview " type =" dataview " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" avatarmappings " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" avatarmapping " type =" avatarmapping " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" percepttypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" percepttype " type =" percepttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" perceptgenerator " type =" perceptgenerator " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" perceptprocessor " type =" perceptprocessor " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" actiontypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" actiontype " type =" actiontype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" perspectives " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" perspective " type =" perspective " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" perspective3d " type =" perspective3d " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" spaceexecutor " type =" spaceexecutor " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" depth " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: gridlayer

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name gridlayer
Abstract no
Documentation A grid layer can be used to display a defineable grid view.
XML Instance Representation
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" gridlayer ">
< xs:attribute name =" color " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: layers

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name layers
Abstract no
Documentation Container for different kind of layers.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<gridlayer> gridlayer </gridlayer> [0..*] ?
<tiledlayer> tiledlayer </tiledlayer> [0..*] ?
<colorlayer> colorlayer </colorlayer> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" layers ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" gridlayer " type =" gridlayer " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" tiledlayer " type =" tiledlayer " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" colorlayer " type =" colorlayer " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: materialfile

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name materialfile
Abstract no
Documentation Materialfiles can be played here
XML Instance Representation
path=" xs :string [1] "
part=" xs :string [1] "
useAlpha=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<soundcondition> xs :string </soundcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" materialfile ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" soundcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" path " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" part " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" useAlpha " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: object

Super-types: propertyobject < object (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name object
Abstract no
Documentation Instance of a specific object type.
XML Instance Representation
type=" xs :string [0..1] "
number=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<task> task </task> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" object ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" task " type =" task " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" type " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" number " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: object3d

Super-types: drawableelement3d < object3d (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name object3d
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional complex object
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
modelpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
hasLightMaterials=" xs :string [0..1] "
rigDebug=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<animation> animation </animation> [0..*]
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
<materialfile> materialfile </materialfile> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" object3d ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" animation " type =" animation " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" materialfile " type =" materialfile " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" modelpath " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" hasLightMaterials " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rigDebug " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: objecttype

Super-types: propertyobject < objecttype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name objecttype
Abstract no
Documentation An objecttype is used to define the kind of object in an environment including available properties. Is like a struct definition.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
kdtree=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" objecttype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" kdtree " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: observer

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name observer
Abstract no
Documentation An observer is an entity that watches the space via a gui. The gui can be extended using custom plugins.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
dataview=" xs :string [1] "
perspective=" xs :string [1] "
killonexit=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<plugin> plugin </plugin> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" observer ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" plugin " type =" plugin " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" dataview " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" perspective " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" killonexit " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: perceptgenerator

Super-types: propertyobject < perceptgenerator (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name perceptgenerator
Abstract no
Documentation A percept generators can be used to create percepts based on e.g. simple events occurring in the space.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" perceptgenerator ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: perceptprocessor

Super-types: propertyobject < perceptprocessor (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name perceptprocessor
Abstract no
Documentation A percept processor has the task to bring a percept into the knowlegde of a component.
XML Instance Representation
componenttype=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" perceptprocessor ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" componenttype " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: percepttype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name percepttype
Abstract no
Documentation A percept type is a special domain-level form of event that is propagated from the environment space to components.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
objecttype=" xs :string [1] "
componenttype=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<componenttypes> [0..1] ?
<componenttype> componenttype </componenttype> [0..*] ?
<objecttypes> [0..1] ?
<objecttype> componenttype </objecttype> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" percepttype ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" componenttypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" componenttype " type =" componenttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" objecttypes " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" objecttype " type =" componenttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" componenttype " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: perspective

Super-types: propertyobject < perspective (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name perspective
Abstract no
Documentation A perspective is used to define the visual representation of space objects.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
opengl=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
objectplacement=" xs :string [0..1] "
invertxaxis=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
invertyaxis=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<drawable> drawable </drawable> [0..*] ?
<prelayers> layers </prelayers> [0..1] ?
<postlayers> layers </postlayers> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" perspective ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawable " type =" drawable " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" prelayers " type =" layers " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" postlayers " type =" layers " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" opengl " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" objectplacement " type =" xs :string " default =" border "/>
< xs:attribute name =" invertxaxis " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" invertyaxis " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: perspective3d

Super-types: propertyobject < perspective3d (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name perspective3d
Abstract no
Documentation A perspective3d is used to define the visual representation of space objects.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
camera=" xs :string [0..1] "
ambientOcclusion=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
guiCreatorPath=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
<drawable3d> drawable3d </drawable3d> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" perspective3d ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawable3d " type =" drawable3d " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" camera " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" ambientOcclusion " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" guiCreatorPath " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: plugin

Super-types: propertyobject < plugin (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name plugin
Abstract no
Documentation User interface plugin. Can be used for extending the plugins shown in the observer.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" plugin ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: process

Super-types: propertyobject < process (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name process
Abstract no
Documentation Instance of a process type.
XML Instance Representation
type=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" process ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" type " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: processtype

Super-types: propertyobject < processtype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name processtype
Abstract no
Documentation A process type can be used for representing environmental processes continually happening in the environment space.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" processtype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: property

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name property
Abstract no
Documentation A property represents a static or dynamically evaluated attribute of an object.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
dynamic=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
event=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" property " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" dynamic " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" event " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: propertyobject

Super-types: None
Name propertyobject
Abstract no
Documentation Base class for objects with properties.
XML Instance Representation
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" propertyobject ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" property " type =" property " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: regularpolygon

Super-types: drawableelement < regularpolygon (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name regularpolygon
Abstract no
Documentation A regular polygon for displaying simple polygons.
XML Instance Representation
layer=" xs :int [0..1] "
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
abspos=" xs :string [0..1] "
abssize=" xs :string [0..1] "
absrot=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
vertices=" xs :int [1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" regularpolygon ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement ">
< xs:attribute name =" vertices " type =" xs :int " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: rndterrain

Super-types: drawableelement3d < rndterrain (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name rndterrain
Abstract no
Documentation The terrain object for generating complex terrain
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
tiles=" xs :string [0..1] "
terrapath=" xs :string [0..1] "
alphamap=" xs :string [0..1] "
interations=" xs :string [0..1] "
minradius=" xs :string [0..1] "
maxradius=" xs :string [0..1] "
seed=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture01=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture02=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture03=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture04=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture05=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex01val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex02val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex03val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex04val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex05val=" xs :string [0..1] "
iterations=" anySimpleType [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" rndterrain ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" tiles " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" terrapath " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" alphamap " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" interations " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" minradius " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" maxradius " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" seed " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture01 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture02 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture03 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture04 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture05 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex01val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex02val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex03val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex04val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex05val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" iterations "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: sky

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name sky
Abstract no
Documentation The Sky object, only one per perspective3d
XML Instance Representation
skyfile=" xs :string [0..1] "
skypath=" xs :string [0..1] "
west=" xs :string [0..1] "
east=" xs :string [0..1] "
north=" xs :string [0..1] "
south=" xs :string [0..1] "
up=" xs :string [0..1] "
down=" xs :string [0..1] "
isSphere=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" sky ">
< xs:attribute name =" skyfile " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" skypath " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" agrs " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" east " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" north " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" south " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" up " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" down " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" isSphere " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: sound3d

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name sound3d
Abstract no
Documentation Soundfiles can be played here
XML Instance Representation
soundfile=" xs :string [0..1] "
loop=" xs :string [0..1] "
continuosly=" xs :string [0..1] "
positional=" xs :string [0..1] "
volume=" xs :string [0..1] "
numRndFiles=" xs :int [0..1] " >
<soundcondition> xs :string </soundcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" sound3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" soundcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" soundfile " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" loop " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" continuosly " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" positional " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" volume " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" numRndFiles " type =" xs :int "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: source

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name source
Abstract no
Documentation Definition of a data source for data providers.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
objecttype=" xs :string [0..1] "
aggregate=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<includecondition> xs :string </includecondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" source " mixed =" true ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" includecondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" objecttype " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" aggregate " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: spaceexecutor

Super-types: propertyobject < spaceexecutor (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name spaceexecutor
Abstract no
Documentation The space executor is the central control entity of an envspace. It controls the way the space advances its internal state by executing actions and distributing percepts.
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" spaceexecutor ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: sphere

Super-types: drawableelement3d < sphere (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name sphere
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional Sphere
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" sphere ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" 0rawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: task

Super-types: propertyobject < task (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name task
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
type=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" task ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" type " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: tasktype

Super-types: propertyobject < tasktype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name tasktype
Abstract no
Documentation A task is a piece of behaviour that can be attached to a space object. It will then be executed until it decides to be finished.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<property> property </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" tasktype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" propertyobject ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: terrain

Super-types: drawableelement3d < terrain (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name terrain
Abstract no
Documentation The terrain object for loading complex terrain
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
terrapath=" xs :string [0..1] "
alphamap=" xs :string [0..1] "
heightmap=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture01=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture02=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture03=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture04=" xs :string [0..1] "
texture05=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex01val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex02val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex03val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex04val=" xs :string [0..1] "
tex05val=" xs :string [0..1] "
patchsize=" xs :string [0..1] "
picsize=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" terrain ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" terrapath " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" alphamap " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" heightmap " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture01 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture02 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture03 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture04 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" texture05 " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex01val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex02val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex03val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex04val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" tex05val " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" patchsize " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" picsize " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: text

Super-types: drawableelement < text (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name text
Abstract no
Documentation Text for displaying textual information about the object.
XML Instance Representation
layer=" xs :int [0..1] "
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
abspos=" xs :string [0..1] "
abssize=" xs :string [0..1] "
absrot=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
font=" xs :string [0..1] "
style=" xs :string [0..1] "
text=" xs :string [1] "
halign=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'left'|'right'|'center'}) [0..1] "
valign=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'top'|'middle'|'bottom'}) [0..1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" text ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement ">
< xs:attribute name =" font " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" style " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" text " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" halign " default =" left ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" left "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" right "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" center "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
< xs:attribute name =" valign " default =" top ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" top "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" middle "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" bottom "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: text3d

Super-types: drawableelement3d < text3d (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name text3d
Abstract no
Documentation Text3d for displaying textual information about the object.
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
text=" xs :string [1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" text3d ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" text " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: texturedrectangle

Super-types: drawableelement < texturedrectangle (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name texturedrectangle
Abstract no
Documentation A textured rectangle can be used display images.
XML Instance Representation
layer=" xs :int [0..1] "
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
abspos=" xs :string [0..1] "
abssize=" xs :string [0..1] "
absrot=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
imagepath=" xs :string [1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" texturedrectangle ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement ">
< xs:attribute name =" imagepath " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: tiledlayer

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name tiledlayer
Abstract no
Documentation A tiled layer uses an image that is repeatably printed.
XML Instance Representation
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :string [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
imagepath=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" 0iledlayer ">
< xs:attribute name =" color " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" width " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" height " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" imagepath " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: torus

Super-types: drawableelement3d < torus (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name torus
Abstract no
Documentation A threedimensional torus
XML Instance Representation
x=" xs :string [0..1] "
y=" xs :string [0..1] "
z=" xs :string [0..1] "
width=" xs :double [0..1] "
height=" xs :string [0..1] "
depth=" anySimpleType [0..1] "
rotatex=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatey=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotatez=" xs :string [0..1] "
position=" xs :string [0..1] "
rotation=" xs :string [0..1] "
size=" xs :string [0..1] "
color=" xs :string [0..1] "
shadowtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
texturepath=" xs :string [0..1] "
materialpath=" xs :string [0..1] "
innerRadius=" xs :string [1] "
outerRadius=" xs :string [1] "
circleSamples=" xs :string [1] "
radialSamples=" xs :string [1] " >
<drawcondition> xs :string </drawcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" torus ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" drawableelement3d ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" drawcondition " type =" xs :string " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" innerRadius " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" outerRadius " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" circleSamples " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" radialSamples " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >


Complex Type:

Schema Component Type


Schema Component Name
Super-types: Address < AusAddress (by extension)
  • QLDAddress (by restriction)
If this schema component is a type definition, its type hierarchy is shown in a gray-bordered box.
Name AusAddress
Abstract no
The table above displays the properties of this schema component.
XML Instance Representation
<... country=" Australia " >
<unitNo> string </unitNo> [0..1]
<houseNo> string </houseNo> [1]
<street> string </street> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<city> string </city> [1]
<town> string </town> [1]
End Choice
<state> AusStates </state> [1]
<postcode> string << pattern = [1-9][0-9]{3}>> </postcode> [1] ?

The XML Instance Representation table above shows the schema component's content as an XML instance.

Schema Component Representation
< complexType name =" AusAddress ">
< complexContent >
< extension base =" Address ">
< sequence >
< element name =" state " type =" AusStates "/>
< element name =" postcode ">
< simpleType >
< restriction base =" string ">
< pattern value =" [1-9][0-9]{3} "/>
</ restriction >
</ simpleType >
</ element >
</ sequence >
< attribute name =" country " type =" string " fixed =" Australia "/>
</ extension >
</ complexContent >
</ complexType >
The Schema Component Representation table above displays the underlying XML representation of the schema component. (Annotations are not shown.)


Abstract (Applies to complex type definitions and element declarations). An abstract element or complex type cannot used to validate an element instance. If there is a reference to an abstract element, only element declarations that can substitute the abstract element can be used to validate the instance. For references to abstract type definitions, only derived types can be used.

All Model Group Child elements can be provided in any order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-all .

Choice Model Group Only one from the list of child elements and model groups can be provided in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-choice .

Collapse Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32). Then, collapse contiguous sequences of space characters into single space character, and remove leading and trailing space characters.

Disallowed Substitutions (Applies to element declarations). If substitution is specified, then substitution group members cannot be used in place of the given element declaration to validate element instances. If derivation methods , e.g. extension, restriction, are specified, then the given element declaration will not validate element instances that have types derived from the element declaration's type using the specified derivation methods. Normally, element instances can override their declaration's type by specifying an xsi:type attribute.

Key Constraint Like Uniqueness Constraint , but additionally requires that the specified value(s) must be provided. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .

Key Reference Constraint Ensures that the specified value(s) must match value(s) from a Key Constraint or Uniqueness Constraint . See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .

Model Group Groups together element content, specifying the order in which the element content can occur and the number of times the group of element content may be repeated. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#Model_Groups .

Nillable (Applies to element declarations). If an element declaration is nillable, instances can use the xsi:nil attribute. The xsi:nil attribute is the boolean attribute, nil , from the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace. If an element instance has an xsi:nil attribute set to true, it can be left empty, even though its element declaration may have required content.

Notation A notation is used to identify the format of a piece of data. Values of elements and attributes that are of type, NOTATION, must come from the names of declared notations. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cNotation_Declarations .

Preserve Whitespace Policy Preserve whitespaces exactly as they appear in instances.

Prohibited Derivations (Applies to type definitions). Derivation methods that cannot be used to create sub-types from a given type definition.

Prohibited Substitutions (Applies to complex type definitions). Prevents sub-types that have been derived using the specified derivation methods from validating element instances in place of the given type definition.

Replace Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32).

Sequence Model Group Child elements and model groups must be provided in the specified order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-sequence .

Substitution Group Elements that are members of a substitution group can be used wherever the head element of the substitution group is referenced.

Substitution Group Exclusions (Applies to element declarations). Prohibits element declarations from nominating themselves as being able to substitute a given element declaration, if they have types that are derived from the original element's type using the specified derivation methods.

Target Namespace The target namespace identifies the namespace that components in this schema belongs to. If no target namespace is provided, then the schema components do not belong to any namespace.

Uniqueness Constraint Ensures uniqueness of an element/attribute value, or a combination of values, within a specified scope. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .
