XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace None
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
Schema Component Representation
< xs:schema elementFormDefault =" qualified " attributeFormDefault =" unqualified ">
</ xs:schema >

Global Declarations

Element: componenttype

Name componenttype
Type componenttype
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation A component type specifies the interface, the structure and content of a component.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
Key Constraint - argument_name
Selector - arguments/argument
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - component_name
Selector - componenttypes/componenttype
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - providedservice_key
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Uniqueness Constraint - providedservice_name
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - requiredservice_name
Selector - services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - property_name
Selector - properties/property
Field(s) - @name
Key Reference Constraint - argument_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/arguments/argument
Field(s) - @name
Refers to - argument_name
Key Reference Constraint - component_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/components/component
Field(s) - @type
Refers to - component_name
Key Reference Constraint - providedservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Refers to - providedservice_key
Key Reference Constraint - requiredservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Refers to - requiredservice_name

Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<arguments> arguments </arguments> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<nfproperties> nfproperties </nfproperties> [0..1]
<configurations> configurations </configurations> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:element name =" componenttype " type =" componenttype ">
< xs:key name =" argument_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" arguments/argument "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" componenttypes/componenttype "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:unique name =" providedservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:key name =" requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" property_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" properties/property "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:keyref name =" argument_reference " refer =" argument_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/arguments/argument "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" component_reference " refer =" component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/components/component "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @type "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" providedservice_reference " refer =" providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" requiredservice_reference " refer =" requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:keyref >
<-- keys on type level -->
<-- key references in configurations -->
</ xs:element >

Global Definitions

Complex Type: argument

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name argument
Abstract no
Documentation A single argument value. Arguments are passed as name / value pairs, where the name is supplied as attribute while the value is given as the text content of the element.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" argument " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: arguments

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name arguments
Abstract no
Documentation Container for argument and result specifications.
XML Instance Representation
<argument> argumenttype </argument> [0..*] ?
<result> argumenttype </result> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" arguments ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" argument " type =" argumenttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" result " type =" argumenttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: argumentstype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name argumentstype
Abstract no
Documentation Argument values to be supplied, when creating the agent.
XML Instance Representation
Start Sequence [0..1]
<argument> argument </argument> [0..*] ?
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" argumentstype ">
< xs:sequence minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:element name =" argument " type =" argument " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: argumenttype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name argumenttype
Abstract no
Documentation Argument specification for a component.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" argumenttype " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: binding

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name binding
Abstract no
Documentation The binding of a required service. In a binding it can be defined how a component can retrieve a required service.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
scope=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'local'|'component'|'application'|'platform'|'global'|'upwards'|'parent'}) [0..1] "
componentname=" xs :string [0..1] "
componenttype=" xs :string [0..1] "
dynamic=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
create=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
recover=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
proxytype=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'decoupled'|'raw'}) [0..1] " >
<interceptor> interceptortype </interceptor> [0..*]
<creationinfo> creationinfo </creationinfo> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" binding ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" interceptor " type =" interceptortype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" creationinfo " type =" creationinfo " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" scope " use =" optional " default =" application ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" local "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" component "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" application "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" platform "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" global "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" upwards "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" parent "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
< xs:attribute name =" componentname " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" componenttype " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" dynamic " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" create " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" recover " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" proxytype " use =" optional " default =" decoupled ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" decoupled "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" raw "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: component

Super-types: startabletype < component (by extension)
Name component
Abstract no
Documentation An agent instance to be created when the application is started.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
type=" xs :string [1] "
configuration=" xs :string [0..1] "
number=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<arguments> argumentstype </arguments> [0..1]
<requiredservices> [0..1]
<binding> binding </binding> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" component ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" arguments " type =" argumentstype " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" requiredservices " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" binding " type =" binding " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" type " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" configuration " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" number " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: componenttype

Super-types: startabletype < componenttype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name componenttype
Abstract no
Documentation A component type specifies the interface, the structure and content of a component.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<arguments> arguments </arguments> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<nfproperties> nfproperties </nfproperties> [0..1]
<configurations> configurations </configurations> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" componenttype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:all >
< xs:element name =" imports " type =" imports " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" arguments " type =" arguments " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" componenttypes " type =" componenttypes " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" services " type =" services " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" properties " type =" properties " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" nfproperties " type =" nfproperties " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" configurations " type =" configurations " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" package " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: componenttypes

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name componenttypes
Abstract no
Documentation Container for the used component types.
XML Instance Representation
<componenttype> subcomponenttype </componenttype> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" componenttypes ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" componenttype " type =" subcomponenttype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configarguments

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name configarguments
Abstract no
Documentation Container for overridden arguments.
XML Instance Representation
<argument> argument </argument> [0..*] ?
<result> argument </result> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configarguments ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" argument " type =" argument " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" result " type =" argument " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configcomponents

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name configcomponents
Abstract no
Documentation Container for component instances.
XML Instance Representation
<component> component </component> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configcomponents ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" component " type =" component " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configservices

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name configservices
Abstract no
Documentation Services in a configuration. Allows overriding default service settings.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " > [0..*]
<implementation> implementation </implementation> [1]
name=" xs :string [1] " > [0..*]
<binding> binding </binding> [1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configservices ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" providedservice " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" providedserviceref ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" implementation " type =" implementation "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" requiredservice " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" requiredserviceref ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" binding " type =" binding "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configsteps

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name configsteps
Abstract no
Documentation Container for initial and end steps of a component.
XML Instance Representation
<initialstep> steptype </initialstep> [0..*]
<endstep> steptype </endstep> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configsteps ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialstep " type =" steptype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" endstep " type =" steptype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configuration

Super-types: startabletype < configuration (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name configuration
Abstract no
Documentation A predefined application configuration.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [1] " >
Start All [1]
<arguments> configarguments </arguments> [0..1]
<components> configcomponents </components> [0..1]
<services> configservices </services> [0..1]
<steps> configsteps </steps> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configuration ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:all >
< xs:element name =" arguments " type =" configarguments " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" components " type =" configcomponents " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" services " type =" configservices " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" steps " type =" configsteps " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: configurations

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name configurations
Abstract no
Documentation In the configurations section, predefined component configurations (i.e. component instances) can be defined.
XML Instance Representation
<configuration> configuration
Key Constraint - config_argument_name
Selector - arguments/argument
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - config_providedservice_key
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Uniqueness Constraint - config_providedservice_name
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - config_requiredservice_name
Selector - services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
</configuration> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" configurations ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" configuration " type =" configuration " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:key name =" config_argument_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" arguments/argument "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" config_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:unique name =" config_providedservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:key name =" config_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
<-- Configuration unique constraints defined here, because elements need only be unique inside one config. -->
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: creationinfo

Super-types: startabletype < component (by extension) < creationinfo (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name creationinfo
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
type=" xs :string [1] "
configuration=" xs :string [0..1] "
number=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<arguments> argumentstype </arguments> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" creationinfo ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:restriction base =" component ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" arguments " type =" argumentstype " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: describabletype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name describabletype
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" describabletype "/>

Complex Type: implementation

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name implementation
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] "
proxytype=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'decoupled'|'direct'|'raw'}) [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<binding> binding </binding> [0..1]
<interceptor> interceptortype </interceptor> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" implementation " mixed =" true ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" binding " type =" binding " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" interceptor " type =" interceptortype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" proxytype " use =" optional " default =" decoupled ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" decoupled "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" direct "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" raw "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: import

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name import
Abstract no
Documentation An import allows to add a package (e.g. java.util.*) or a class (e.g. java.util.Map) to the class lookup mechanism.
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" import " mixed =" true "/>

Complex Type: imports

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name imports
Abstract no
Documentation Imports allow to add packages (e.g. java.util.*) and classes (e.g. java.util.Map) to the class lookup mechanism.
XML Instance Representation
<import> import </import> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" imports ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" import " type =" import " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: interceptortype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name interceptortype
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] "
language=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" interceptortype " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: nfproperties

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name nfproperties
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
<nfproperty> nfproperty </nfproperty> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" nfproperties ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" nfproperty " type =" nfproperty " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: nfproperty

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name nfproperty
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" nfproperty ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: properties

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name properties
Abstract no
Documentation Properties for specifiying settings of the application type.
XML Instance Representation
<property> propertytype </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" properties ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" property " type =" propertytype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: propertytype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name propertytype
Abstract no
Documentation A property type declaration type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] "
language=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" propertytype " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: providedserviceref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name providedserviceref
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" providedserviceref ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: providedservicetype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name providedservicetype
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a provided service type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [1] " >
<implementation> implementation </implementation> [1]
<publish> publish </publish> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" providedservicetype ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" implementation " type =" implementation "/>
< xs:element name =" publish " type =" publish " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: publish

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name publish
Abstract no
Documentation Information about how a Jadex service should be made available with other technologies like web services.
XML Instance Representation
publishtype=" xs :string [0..1] "
publishid=" xs :string [1] "
mapping=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<property> propertytype </property> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" publish ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" property " type =" propertytype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" publishtype " type =" xs :string " use =" optional " default =" "ws" "/>
< xs:attribute name =" publishid " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" mapping " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: requiredserviceref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name requiredserviceref
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" requiredserviceref ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: requiredservicetype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name requiredservicetype
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a required service type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
class=" xs :string [1] "
multiple=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<binding> binding </binding> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" requiredservicetype ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" binding " type =" binding " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" multiple " type =" xs :boolean " use =" @namenal " default =" false "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: services

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name services
Abstract no
Documentation Service declarations of the application type.
XML Instance Representation
<providedservice> providedservicetype </providedservice> [0..*]
<requiredservice> requiredservicetype </requiredservice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" services ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" providedservice " type =" providedservicetype " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" requiredservice " type =" requiredservicetype " minOccurs =" c " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: startabletype

Super-types: None
Name startabletype
Abstract no
Documentation Base type for any startable element.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" startabletype ">
< xs:attribute name =" autostart " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" predecessors " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" successors " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" keepalive " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" suspend " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" monitoring " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" synchronous " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: steptype

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name steptype
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
class=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" steptype " mixed =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: subcomponenttype

Super-types: startabletype < subcomponenttype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name subcomponenttype
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a component type.
XML Instance Representation
autostart=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
predecessors=" xs :string [0..1] "
successors=" xs :string [0..1] "
keepalive=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
suspend=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
monitoring=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
synchronous=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
filename=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" subcomponenttype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" filename " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >


Complex Type:

Schema Component Type


Schema Component Name
Super-types: Address < AusAddress (by extension)
  • QLDAddress (by restriction)
If this schema component is a type definition, its type hierarchy is shown in a gray-bordered box.
Name AusAddress
Abstract no
The table above displays the properties of this schema component.
XML Instance Representation
<... country=" Australia " >
<unitNo> string </unitNo> [0..1]
<houseNo> string </houseNo> [1]
<street> string </street> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<city> string </city> [1]
<town> string </town> [1]
End Choice
<state> AusStates </state> [1]
<postcode> string << pattern = [1-9][0-9]{3}>> </postcode> [1] ?

The XML Instance Representation table above shows the schema component's content as an XML instance.

Schema Component Representation
< complexType name =" AusAddress ">
< complexContent >
< extension base =" Address ">
< sequence >
< element name =" state " type =" AusStates "/>
< element name =" postcode ">
< simpleType >
< restriction base =" string ">
< pattern value =" [1-9][0-9]{3} "/>
</ restriction >
</ simpleType >
</ element >
</ sequence >
< attribute name =" country " type =" string " fixed =" Australia "/>
</ extension >
</ complexContent >
</ complexType >
The Schema Component Representation table above displays the underlying XML representation of the schema component. (Annotations are not shown.)


Abstract (Applies to complex type definitions and element declarations). An abstract element or complex type cannot used to validate an element instance. If there is a reference to an abstract element, only element declarations that can substitute the abstract element can be used to validate the instance. For references to abstract type definitions, only derived types can be used.

All Model Group Child elements can be provided in any order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-all .

Choice Model Group Only one from the list of child elements and model groups can be provided in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-choice .

Collapse Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32). Then, collapse contiguous sequences of space characters into single space character, and remove leading and trailing space characters.

Disallowed Substitutions (Applies to element declarations). If substitution is specified, then substitution group members cannot be used in place of the given element declaration to validate element instances. If derivation methods , e.g. extension, restriction, are specified, then the given element declaration will not validate element instances that have types derived from the element declaration's type using the specified derivation methods. Normally, element instances can override their declaration's type by specifying an xsi:type attribute.

Key Constraint Like Uniqueness Constraint , but additionally requires that the specified value(s) must be provided. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .

Key Reference Constraint Ensures that the specified value(s) must match value(s) from a Key Constraint or Uniqueness Constraint . See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .

Model Group Groups together element content, specifying the order in which the element content can occur and the number of times the group of element content may be repeated. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#Model_Groups .

Nillable (Applies to element declarations). If an element declaration is nillable, instances can use the xsi:nil attribute. The xsi:nil attribute is the boolean attribute, nil , from the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace. If an element instance has an xsi:nil attribute set to true, it can be left empty, even though its element declaration may have required content.

Notation A notation is used to identify the format of a piece of data. Values of elements and attributes that are of type, NOTATION, must come from the names of declared notations. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cNotation_Declarations .

Preserve Whitespace Policy Preserve whitespaces exactly as they appear in instances.

Prohibited Derivations (Applies to type definitions). Derivation methods that cannot be used to create sub-types from a given type definition.

Prohibited Substitutions (Applies to complex type definitions). Prevents sub-types that have been derived using the specified derivation methods from validating element instances in place of the given type definition.

Replace Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32).

Sequence Model Group Child elements and model groups must be provided in the specified order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-sequence .

Substitution Group Elements that are members of a substitution group can be used wherever the head element of the substitution group is referenced.

Substitution Group Exclusions (Applies to element declarations). Prohibits element declarations from nominating themselves as being able to substitute a given element declaration, if they have types that are derived from the original element's type using the specified derivation methods.

Target Namespace The target namespace identifies the namespace that components in this schema belongs to. If no target namespace is provided, then the schema components do not belong to any namespace.

Uniqueness Constraint Ensures uniqueness of an element/attribute value, or a combination of values, within a specified scope. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions .
