XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-bdi
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.
Schema Composition
  • This schema includes components from the following schema document(s):
    • http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-component-base-${jadex_build_version}.xsd

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-bdi
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
Schema Component Representation
< xs:schema targetNamespace =" http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-bdi " elementFormDefault =" qualified " attributeFormDefault =" unqualified ">
< xs:include schemaLocation =" http://www.activecomponents.org/jadex-component-base-${jadex_build_version}.xsd "/>
</ xs:schema >

Global Declarations

Element: agent

Name agent
Type agenttype
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a new agent type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
Key Constraint - agent_capability_name
Selector - capabilities/capability
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_belief_name
Selector - beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefref|beliefs/beliefsetref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_belief_key
Selector - beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_beliefset_key
Selector - beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefsetref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_goal_name
Selector - goals/performgoal|goals/achievegoal|goals/querygoal|goals/maintaingoal|goals/metagoal|goals/performgoalref|goals/achievegoalref|goals/querygoalref|goals/maintaingoalref|goals/metagoalref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_plan_name
Selector - plans/plan
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_internalevent_name
Selector - events/internalevent|events/internaleventref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_messageevent_name
Selector - events/messageevent|events/messageeventref
Field(s) - @name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_belief_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/factchanged
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_belief_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_beliefset_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/factadded|plans/plan/trigger/factremoved
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_beliefset_key
Key Reference Constraint - agent_goal_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/goalfinished|plans/plan/trigger/goal|plans/plan/waitqueue/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goal
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_internalevent_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/internalevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/internalevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/internalevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_internalevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_messageevent_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/messageevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/messageevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/messageevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_messageevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_inhibits_reference
Selector - goals/performgoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/performgoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoalref/deliberation/inhibits
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_capability_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/capabilities/initialcapability
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_capability_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_belief_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbelief
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_belief_key
Key Reference Constraint - agent_beliefset_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbeliefset
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_beliefset_key
Key Reference Constraint - agent_goal_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/goals/initialgoal|configurations/configuration/goals/endgoal
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_plan_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/plans/initialplan|configurations/configuration/plans/endplan
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_plan_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_internalevent_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/internalevents/initialinternalevent|configurations/configuration/internalevents/endinternalevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_internalevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_messageevent_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/messageevents/initialmessageevent|configurations/configuration/messageevents/endmessageevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - agent_messageevent_name
Key Constraint - agent_component_name
Selector - componenttypes/componenttype
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_providedservice_key
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Uniqueness Constraint - agent_providedservice_name
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_requiredservice_name
Selector - services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - agent_property_name
Selector - properties/property
Field(s) - @name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_component_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/components/component
Field(s) - @type
Refers to - agent_component_name
Key Reference Constraint - agent_providedservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Refers to - agent_providedservice_key
Key Reference Constraint - agent_requiredservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Refers to - agent_requiredservice_name

<!-- ' startabletype ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<configurations> aconfigurations </configurations> [0..1]
<capabilities> MCapabilityBase </capabilities> [0..1]
<beliefs> MBeliefbase </beliefs> [0..1]
<goals> MGoalbase </goals> [0..1]
<plans> MPlanbase </plans> [0..1]
<events> MEventbase </events> [0..1]
<expressions> MExpressionbase </expressions> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:element name =" agent " type =" agenttype ">
< xs:key name =" agent_capability_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" capabilities/capability "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_belief_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefref|beliefs/beliefsetref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_belief_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefsetref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" goals/performgoal|goals/achievegoal|goals/querygoal|goals/maintaingoal|goals/metagoal|goals/performgoalref|goals/achievegoalref|goals/querygoalref|goals/maintaingoalref|goals/metagoalref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" cameraplan_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" events/internalevent|events/internaleventref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" events/messageevent|events/messageeventref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_belief_trigger " refer =" agent_belief_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/factchanged "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
<-- Both beliefs and belief sets allowed. -->
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_beliefset_trigger " refer =" agent_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/factadded|plans/plan/trigger/factremoved "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_goal_trigger " refer =" agent_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/goalfinished|plans/plan/trigger/goal|plans/plan/waitqueue/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goal "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_internalevent_trigger " refer =" agent_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/internalevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/internalevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/internalevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_messageevent_trigger " refer =" agent_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/messageevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/messageevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/messageevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_inhibits_reference " refer =" agent_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" goals/performgoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/performgoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoalref/deliberation/inhibits "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_capability_reference " refer =" agent_capability_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/capabilities/initialcapability "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_belief_reference " refer =" agent_belief_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbelief "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_beliefset_reference " refer =" agent_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbeliefset "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_goal_reference " refer =" agent_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/goals/initialgoal|configurations/configuration/goals/endgoal "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_plan_reference " refer =" agent_plan_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/plans/initialplan|configurations/configuration/plans/endplan "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_internalevent_reference " refer =" agent_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/internalevents/initialinternalevent|configurations/configuration/internalevents/endinternalevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_messageevent_reference " refer =" agent_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/messageevents/initialmessageevent|configurations/configuration/messageevents/endmessageevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:key name =" agent_component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" componenttypes/componenttype "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:unique name =" agent_providedservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:key name =" agent_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" agent_property_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" properties/property "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_component_reference " refer =" agent_component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/components/component "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @type "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_providedservice_reference " refer =" agent_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" agent_requiredservice_reference " refer =" agent_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:keyref >
<-- unique keys on type level -->
<-- key references in triggers / deliberation -->
<-- key references in configurations -->
<-- copied from jadex-component.xsd, prefixed with 'agent_' to avoid name clashes. -->
</ xs:element >

Element: capability

Name capability
Type MCapability
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a new capability type.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
Key Constraint - capa_capability_name
Selector - capabilities/capability
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_belief_name
Selector - beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefref|beliefs/beliefsetref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_belief_key
Selector - beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_beliefset_key
Selector - beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefsetref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_goal_name
Selector - goals/performgoal|goals/achievegoal|goals/querygoal|goals/maintaingoal|goals/metagoal|goals/performgoalref|goals/achievegoalref|goals/querygoalref|goals/maintaingoalref|goals/metagoalref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_plan_name
Selector - plans/plan
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_internalevent_name
Selector - events/internalevent|events/internaleventref
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_messageevent_name
Selector - events/messageevent|events/messageeventref
Field(s) - @name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_belief_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/factchanged
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_belief_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_beliefset_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/factadded|plans/plan/trigger/factremoved
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_beliefset_key
Key Reference Constraint - capa_goal_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/goalfinished|plans/plan/trigger/goal|plans/plan/waitqueue/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goal
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_internalevent_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/internalevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/internalevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/internalevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_internalevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_messageevent_trigger
Selector - plans/plan/trigger/messageevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/messageevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/messageevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_messageevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_inhibits_reference
Selector - goals/performgoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/performgoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoalref/deliberation/inhibits
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_capability_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/capabilities/initialcapability
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_capability_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_belief_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbelief
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_belief_key
Key Reference Constraint - capa_beliefset_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbeliefset
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_beliefset_key
Key Reference Constraint - capa_goal_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/goals/initialgoal|configurations/configuration/goals/endgoal
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_goal_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_plan_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/plans/initialplan|configurations/configuration/plans/endplan
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_plan_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_internalevent_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/internalevents/initialinternalevent|configurations/configuration/internalevents/endinternalevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_internalevent_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_messageevent_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/messageevents/initialmessageevent|configurations/configuration/messageevents/endmessageevent
Field(s) - @ref
Refers to - capa_messageevent_name
Key Constraint - capa_component_name
Selector - componenttypes/componenttype
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_providedservice_key
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Uniqueness Constraint - capa_providedservice_name
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_requiredservice_name
Selector - services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - capa_property_name
Selector - properties/property
Field(s) - @name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_component_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/components/component
Field(s) - @type
Refers to - capa_component_name
Key Reference Constraint - capa_providedservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Refers to - capa_providedservice_key
Key Reference Constraint - capa_requiredservice_reference
Selector - configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
Refers to - capa_requiredservice_name

Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<configurations> aconfigurations </configurations> [0..1]
<capabilities> MCapabilityBase </capabilities> [0..1]
<beliefs> MBeliefbase </beliefs> [0..1]
<goals> MGoalbase </goals> [0..1]
<plans> MPlanbase </plans> [0..1]
<events> MEventbase </events> [0..1]
<expressions> MExpressionbase </expressions> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:element name =" capability " type =" MCapability ">
< xs:key name =" capa_capability_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" capabilities/capability "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_belief_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefref|beliefs/beliefsetref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_belief_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/belief|beliefs/beliefref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" beliefs/beliefset|beliefs/beliefsetref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" goals/performgoal|goals/achievegoal|goals/querygoal|goals/maintaingoal|goals/metagoal|goals/performgoalref|goals/achievegoalref|goals/querygoalref|goals/maintaingoalref|goals/metagoalref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_plan_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" events/internalevent|events/internaleventref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" events/messageevent|events/messageeventref "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_belief_trigger " refer =" capa_belief_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/factchanged "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
<-- Both beliefs and belief sets allowed. -->
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_beliefset_trigger " refer =" capa_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/factadded|plans/plan/trigger/factremoved "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_goal_trigger " refer =" capa_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/goalfinished|plans/plan/trigger/goal|plans/plan/waitqueue/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goalfinished|goals/metagoal/trigger/goal "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" 0apa_internalevent_trigger " refer =" capa_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/internalevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/internalevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/internalevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_messageevent_trigger " refer =" capa_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" plans/plan/trigger/messageevent|plans/plan/waitqueue/messageevent|goals/metagoal/trigger/messageevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_inhibits_reference " refer =" capa_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" goals/performgoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoal/deliberation/inhibits|goals/performgoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/achievegoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/querygoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/maintaingoalref/deliberation/inhibits|goals/metagoalref/deliberation/inhibits "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_capability_reference " refer =" capa_capability_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/capabilities/initialcapability "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_belief_reference " refer =" capa_belief_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbelief "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_beliefset_reference " refer =" capa_beliefset_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/beliefs/initialbeliefset "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_goal_reference " refer =" capa_goal_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/goals/initialgoal|configurations/configuration/goals/endgoal "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_plan_reference " refer =" capa_plan_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/plans/initialplan|configurations/configuration/plans/endplan "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_internalevent_reference " refer =" capa_internalevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/internalevents/initialinternalevent|configurations/configuration/internalevents/endinternalevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_messageevent_reference " refer =" capa_messageevent_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/messageevents/initialmessageevent|configurations/configuration/messageevents/endmessageevent "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:key name =" capa_component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" componenttypes/componenttype "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:unique name =" capa_providedservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:key name =" capa_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" capa_property_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" properties/property "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_component_reference " refer =" capa_component_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/components/component "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @type "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_providedservice_reference " refer =" capa_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:keyref >
< xs:keyref name =" capa_requiredservice_reference " refer =" capa_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" configurations/configuration/services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:keyref >
<-- unique keys on type level -->
<-- key references in triggers / deliberation -->
<-- key references in configurations -->
<-- copied from jadex-component.xsd, prefixed with 'capa_' to avoid name clashes. -->
</ xs:element >

Global Definitions

Complex Type: aconfiguration

Super-types: startabletype < aconfiguration (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name aconfiguration
Abstract no
Documentation A predefined application configuration.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] " >
<!-- ' startabletype ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
Start All [1]
<components> configcomponents </components> [0..1]
<services> configservices </services> [0..1]
<capabilities> MConfigCapabilitybase
Key Constraint - config_capability_name
Selector - initialcapability
Field(s) - @ref
</capabilities> [0..1]
<beliefs> MConfigBeliefbase
Uniqueness Constraint - config_belief_name
Selector - initialbelief|initialbeliefset
Field(s) - @ref
Uniqueness Constraint - config_belief_cref
Selector - initialbelief|initialbeliefset
Field(s) - @cref
</beliefs> [0..1]
<goals> MConfigGoalbase </goals> [0..1]
<plans> MConfigPlanbase </plans> [0..1]
<events> MConfigEventbase </events> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" aconfiguration ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:all >
< xs:element name =" components " type =" configcomponents " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" services " type =" configservices " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" capabilities " type =" MConfigCapabilitybase " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:key name =" config_capability_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" initialcapability "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:key >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" beliefs " type =" MConfigBeliefbase " minOccurs =" 0 ">
< xs:unique name =" config_belief_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" initialbelief|initialbeliefset "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @ref "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:unique name =" config_belief_cref ">
< xs:selector xpath =" initialbelief|initialbeliefset "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @cref "/>
</ xs:unique >
</ xs:element >
< xs:element name =" goals " type =" MConfigGoalbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" plans " type =" MConfigPlanbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" events " type =" MConfigEventbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: aconfigurations

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name aconfigurations
Abstract no
Documentation In the configurations section, predefined component configurations (i.e. component instances) can be defined.
XML Instance Representation
<configuration> aconfiguration
Key Constraint - aconfig_argument_name
Selector - arguments/argument
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - aconfig_providedservice_key
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name|@class
Uniqueness Constraint - aconfig_providedservice_name
Selector - services/providedservice
Field(s) - @name
Key Constraint - aconfig_requiredservice_name
Selector - services/requiredservice
Field(s) - @name
</configuration> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" aconfigurations ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" configuration " type =" aconfiguration " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:key name =" aconfig_argument_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" arguments/argument "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:key name =" aconfig_providedservice_key ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name|@class "/>
</ xs:key >
< xs:unique name =" aconfig_providedservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/providedservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:unique >
< xs:key name =" aconfig_requiredservice_name ">
< xs:selector xpath =" services/requiredservice "/>
< xs:field xpath =" @name "/>
</ xs:key >
<-- Configuration unique constraints defined here, because elements need only be unique inside one config. -->
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: agenttype

Super-types: startabletype < agenttype (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name agenttype
Abstract no
Documentation An agent type specifies the interface, the structure, content and behavior of an agent.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<!-- ' startabletype ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<configurations> aconfigurations </configurations> [0..1]
<capabilities> MCapabilityBase </capabilities> [0..1]
<beliefs> MBeliefbase </beliefs> [0..1]
<goals> MGoalbase </goals> [0..1]
<plans> MPlanbase </plans> [0..1]
<events> MEventbase </events> [0..1]
<expressions> MExpressionbase </expressions> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" agenttype ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" startabletype ">
< xs:all >
< xs:element name =" imports " type =" imports " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" componenttypes " type =" componenttypes " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" services " type =" services " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" properties " type =" properties " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" configurations " type =" aconfigurations " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" capabilities " type =" MCapabilityBase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" beliefs " type =" MBeliefbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" goals " type =" MGoalbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" plans " type =" MPlanbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" events " type =" MEventbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" expressions " type =" MExpressionbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" package " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MAchieveGoal

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MGoal (by extension) < MAchieveGoal (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MAchieveGoal
Abstract no
Documentation An achieve goal aims at bringing about a target state.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
retry=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
randomselection=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
retrydelay=" xs :long [0..1] ? "
exclude=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'never'|'when_tried'|'when_failed'|'when_succeeded'}) [0..1] ? "
posttoall=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recalculate=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recur=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
recurdelay=" xs :long [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MGoalParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MGoalParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
<unique> MUnique </unique> [0..1] ?
<creationcondition> MBindingCondition </creationcondition> [0..1] ?
<contextcondition> MInternalCondition </contextcondition> [0..1] ?
<dropcondition> MInternalCondition </dropcondition> [0..1] ?
<recurcondition> MInternalCondition </recurcondition> [0..1]
<deliberation> MDeliberation </deliberation> [0..1] ?
<publish> MPublish </publish> [0..1]
<targetcondition> MInternalCondition </targetcondition> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MAchieveGoal " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MGoal ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" targetcondition " type =" MInternalCondition " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MAchieveGoalReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MGoalReference (by extension) < MAchieveGoalReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MAchieveGoalReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to an achieve goal.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
<deliberation> MDeliberation </deliberation> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MAchieveGoalReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MGoalReference "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MAssign

Super-types: MElementNoName < MAssign (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MAssign
Abstract no
Documentation Used to define a reference to an element from another capability.
XML Instance Representation
ref=" xs :string [1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MAssign ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName ">
< xs:attribute name =" ref " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MBase (by extension)
Name MBase
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for all bases, e.g. beliefbase, planbase, goalbase, etc.
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBase " abstract =" true ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBelief

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MTypedElement (by extension) < MBelief (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBelief
Abstract no
Documentation A belief represents a single-valued piece of information.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [1] ? "
updaterate=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
transient=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
evaluationmode=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'static'|'push'|'pull'}) [0..1] "
argument=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
result=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
<fact> MFactType </fact> [0..1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBelief " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MTypedElement ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" fact " type =" MFactType " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" argument " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" result " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBeliefbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MBase (by extension) < MBeliefbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBeliefbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for beliefs, beliefsets and corresponding references. In the beliefs section single-valued beliefs or multi-valued belief-references can be declared. Additionally references to exported or abstract beliefs of other capabilities can be specified.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<belief> MBelief </belief> [0..*] ?
<beliefset> MBeliefSet </beliefset> [0..*] ?
<beliefref> MBeliefReference </beliefref> [0..*] ?
<beliefsetref> MBeliefSetReference </beliefsetref> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBeliefbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MBase ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" belief " type =" MBelief " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" beliefset " type =" MBeliefSet " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" beliefref " type =" MBeliefReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" beliefsetref " type =" MBeliefSetReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBeliefReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MBeliefReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBeliefReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to a belief.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
argument=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
result=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBeliefReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
<-- <xs:extension base="MTypedElementReference"> -->
< xs:extension base =" MElementReference ">
< xs:attribute name =" argument " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" result " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBeliefSet

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MTypedElement (by extension) < MBeliefSet (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBeliefSet
Abstract no
Documentation A belief represents a multi-valued piece of information.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [1] ? "
updaterate=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
transient=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
evaluationmode=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'static'|'push'|'pull'}) [0..1] "
argument=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
result=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<fact> MInternalExpression </fact> [0..*] ?
<facts> MInternalExpression </facts> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBeliefSet " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MTypedElement ">
< xs:choice >
< xs:element name =" fact " type =" MInternalExpression " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" facts " type =" MInternalExpression " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:choice >
< xs:attribute name =" argument " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" result " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBeliefSetReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MBeliefSetReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBeliefSetReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to a belief set.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
argument=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
result=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBeliefSetReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
<-- <xs:extension base="MTypedElementSetReference"> -->
< xs:extension base =" MElementReference ">
< xs:attribute name =" argument " type =" xs :boolean "/>
< xs:attribute name =" result " type =" xs :boolean "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MBindingCondition

Super-types: MElementNoName < MInternalExpression (by extension) < MInternalCondition (by extension) < MBindingCondition (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MBindingCondition
Abstract no
Documentation A condition used for binding purposes (multiple variable assignmnets).
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] "
beliefs=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
parameters=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
rawevents=" xs :string [0..1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MBindingCondition " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MInternalCondition "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MCapability

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name MCapability
Abstract no
Documentation Base type for a capability.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] "
package=" xs :string [0..1] " >
Start All [1]
<imports> imports </imports> [0..1]
<componenttypes> componenttypes </componenttypes> [0..1]
<services> services </services> [0..1]
<properties> properties </properties> [0..1]
<configurations> aconfigurations </configurations> [0..1]
<capabilities> MCapabilityBase </capabilities> [0..1]
<beliefs> MBeliefbase </beliefs> [0..1]
<goals> MGoalbase </goals> [0..1]
<plans> MPlanbase </plans> [0..1]
<events> MEventbase </events> [0..1]
<expressions> MExpressionbase </expressions> [0..1]
End All
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MCapability ">
< xs:all >
< xs:element name =" imports " type =" imports " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" componenttypes " type =" componenttypes " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" services " type =" services " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" properties " type =" properties " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" configurations " type =" aconfigurations " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" capabilities " type =" MCapabilityBase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" beliefs " type =" MBeliefbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" goals " type =" MGoalbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" plans " type =" MPlanbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" events " type =" MEventbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" expressions " type =" MExpressionbase " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:all >
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
< xs:attribute name =" package " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MCapabilityBase

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name MCapabilityBase
Abstract no
Documentation In the capabilities section arbitrary many capabilities can be declared. The functionality of a capability can be used within the agent resp. capability.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
file=" xs :string [1] ? " /> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MCapabilityBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" capability " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MCapabilityReference "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MCapabilityReference

Super-types: MElement < MCapabilityReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MCapabilityReference
Abstract no
Documentation Describes and defines an included capability.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
file=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MCapabilityReference ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" file " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MCondition

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MExpression (by extension) < MCondition (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MCondition
Abstract no
Documentation An expression that is monitored.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] "
beliefs=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
parameters=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
rawevents=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MCondition " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MExpression ">
< xs:attribute name =" beliefs " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" parameters " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rawevents " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConditionReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MExpressionReference (by extension) < MConditionReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConditionReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to a condition.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConditionReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MExpressionReference "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigBase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension)
Name MConfigBase
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for configuration bases.
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigBase " abstract =" true ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigBelief

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigBelief (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigBelief
Abstract no
Documentation A belief that is initialized with a defined value on capability or agent creation.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
<fact> MInternalExpression </fact> [1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigBelief ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" fact " type =" MInternalExpression "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigBeliefbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigBeliefbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigBeliefbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configuration beliefs.
XML Instance Representation
<initialbelief> MConfigBelief </initialbelief> [0..*] ?
<initialbeliefset> MConfigBeliefSet </initialbeliefset> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigBeliefbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialbelief " type =" MConfigBelief " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" initialbeliefset " type =" MConfigBeliefSet " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigBeliefSet

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigBeliefSet (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigBeliefSet
Abstract no
Documentation A belief that is initialized with defined values on capability or agent creation.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [1]
<fact> MInternalExpression </fact> [1..*] ?
<facts> MInternalExpression </facts> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigBeliefSet ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:choice >
< xs:element name =" fact " type =" MInternalExpression " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" facts " type =" MInternalExpression "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigCapability

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigCapability (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigCapability
Abstract no
Documentation A capability that is initialized with a defined configuration on capability or agent creation.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
configuration=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigCapability ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" configuration " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigCapabilitybase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigCapabilitybase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigCapabilitybase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configuration capabilitiers.
XML Instance Representation
<initialcapability> MConfigCapability </initialcapability> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigCapabilitybase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialcapability " type =" MConfigCapability " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigElement

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension)
Name MConfigElement
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for configuration elements.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigElement " abstract =" true ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigEventbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigEventbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigEventbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configuration events.
XML Instance Representation
<initialinternalevent> MConfigInternalEvent </initialinternalevent> [0..*] ?
<initialmessageevent> MConfigMessageEvent </initialmessageevent> [0..*] ?
<endinternalevent> MConfigInternalEvent </endinternalevent> [0..*] ?
<endmessageevent> MConfigMessageEvent </endmessageevent> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigEventbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialinternalevent " type =" MConfigInternalEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" initialmessageevent " type =" MConfigMessageEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" endinternalevent " type =" MConfigInternalEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" endmessageevent " type =" MConfigMessageEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigGoal

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterElement (by extension) < MConfigGoal (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigGoal
Abstract no
Documentation A goal instance that is created on capability or agent creation or deletion.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MConfigParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MConfigParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigGoal ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigParameterElement "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigGoalbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigGoalbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigGoalbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configuration goals.
XML Instance Representation
<initialgoal> MConfigGoal </initialgoal> [0..*] ?
<endgoal> MConfigGoal </endgoal> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigGoalbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialgoal " type =" MConfigGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" endgoal " type =" MConfigGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigInternalEvent

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterElement (by extension) < MConfigInternalEvent (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigInternalEvent
Abstract no
Documentation An internal event instance that is created on capability or agent creation or deletion.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MConfigParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MConfigParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigInternalEvent ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigParameterElement "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigMessageEvent

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterElement (by extension) < MConfigMessageEvent (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigMessageEvent
Abstract no
Documentation A message event instance that is created on capability or agent creation or deletion.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MConfigParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MConfigParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigMessageEvent ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigParameterElement "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigParameter

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameter (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigParameter
Abstract no
Documentation A configuration parameter holds an initial value for a parameter of a configuration element.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
<value> MInternalExpression </value> [1] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigParameter ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" value " type =" MInternalExpression "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigParameterElement

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterElement (by extension)
Name MConfigParameterElement
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for parameter configuration elements.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MConfigParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MConfigParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigParameterElement " abstract =" true ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" parameter " type =" MConfigParameter " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" parameterset " type =" MConfigParameterSet " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigParameterSet

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterSet (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigParameterSet
Abstract no
Documentation A configuration parameter set holds initial values for a parameter set of a configuration element.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [1]
<value> MInternalExpression </value> [1..*] ?
<values> MInternalExpression </values> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigParameterSet ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigReferenceableElement ">
< xs:choice >
< xs:element name =" value " type =" MInternalExpression " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" values " type =" MInternalExpression "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigPlan

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension) < MConfigParameterElement (by extension) < MConfigPlan (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigPlan
Abstract no
Documentation A plan instance that is created on capability or agent creation or deletion.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MConfigParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MConfigParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigPlan ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigParameterElement "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigPlanbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigPlanbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigPlanbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configuration plans.
XML Instance Representation
<initialplan> MConfigPlan </initialplan> [0..*] ?
<endplan> MConfigPlan </endplan> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigPlanbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" initialplan " type =" MConfigPlan " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" endplan " type =" MConfigPlan " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigReferenceableElement

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigElement (by extension) < MConfigReferenceableElement (by extension)
Name MConfigReferenceableElement
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for referenceable configuration elements.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigReferenceableElement " abstract =" true ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" ref " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" cref " type =" xs :string "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MConfigurationbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MConfigBase (by extension) < MConfigurationbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MConfigurationbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for configurations.
XML Instance Representation
default=" xs :string [0..1] ? " >
<configuration> configuration </configuration> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MConfigurationbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MConfigBase ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" configuration " type =" configuration " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" default " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MDeliberation

Super-types: MElementNoName < MDeliberation (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MDeliberation
Abstract no
Documentation Easy deliberation settings for goals (cardinality and inhibitions).
XML Instance Representation
cardinalityone=" xs :boolean [0..1] " >
<inhibits> MInhibits </inhibits> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MDeliberation ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" inhibits " type =" MInhibits " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" cardinalityone " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" false "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MElement

Super-types: None
Name MElement
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for all model elements.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MElement " abstract =" true ">
< xs:attribute name =" name " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MElementNoName

Super-types: None
Name MElementNoName
Abstract yes
Documentation Base element without name.
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MElementNoName " abstract =" true "/>

Complex Type: MElementReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension)
Name MElementReference
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for element references, i.e. elements that reference others.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MElementReference " abstract =" true " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MReferenceableElement ">
< xs:choice >
< xs:element name =" concrete " type =" MAssign "/>
< xs:element name =" abstract ">
< xs:complexType >
< xs:attribute name =" required " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional " default =" true "/>
</ xs:complexType >
</ xs:element >
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MEvent

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MParameterElement (by extension) < MEvent (by extension)
Name MEvent
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for all events.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
posttoall=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
randomselection=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MEvent " abstract =" true " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MParameterElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" posttoall " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" randomselection " type =" xs :boolean " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MEventbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MBase (by extension) < MEventbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MEventbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for internal, message events and corresponding references. In this section internal and message events can be specified. Also references for both can be declared.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<internalevent> MInternalEvent </internalevent> [0..*] ?
<messageevent> MMessageEvent </messageevent> [0..*] ?
<internaleventref> MInternalEventReference </internaleventref> [0..*] ?
<messageeventref> MMessageEventReference </messageeventref> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MEventbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MBase ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" internalevent " type =" MInternalEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" messageevent " type =" MMessageEvent " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" internaleventref " type =" MInternalEventReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" messageeventref " type =" MMessageEventReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MEventReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MEventReference (by extension)
Name MEventReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to an event.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MEventReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MElementReference "/>
<-- <xs:extension base="MParameterElementReference"/> -->
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MExpression

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MExpression (by extension)
Name MExpression
Abstract no
Documentation A piece a program code that is evaluated.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MExpression " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MReferenceableElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" variable " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MExpressionbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MBase (by extension) < MExpressionbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MExpressionbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for expressions, conditions and corresponding references. In this section predefined expressions and conditions can be declared. Also references for both can be declared.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<expression> MExpression </expression> [0..*] ?
<condition> MCondition </condition> [0..*] ?
<expressionref> MExpressionReference </expressionref> [0..*] ?
<conditionref> MConditionReference </conditionref> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MExpressionbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MBase ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" expression " type =" MExpression " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" condition " type =" MCondition " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" expressionref " type =" MExpressionReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" conditionref " type =" MConditionReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MExpressionParameter

Super-types: MElement < MExpressionParameter (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MExpressionParameter
Abstract no
Documentation A user-defined parameter for an expression, e.g. for parametrized queries.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
class=" xs :string [1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MExpressionParameter ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MElement ">
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" required "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MExpressionReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MExpressionReference (by extension)
Name MExpressionReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to an expression.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MExpressionReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MElementReference "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MFactType

Super-types: MElementNoName < MInternalExpression (by extension) < MFactType (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MFactType
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MFactType ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MInternalExpression "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MGoal

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MGoal (by extension)
Name MGoal
Abstract yes
Documentation Base type for all goals.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
retry=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
randomselection=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
retrydelay=" xs :long [0..1] ? "
exclude=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'never'|'when_tried'|'when_failed'|'when_succeeded'}) [0..1] ? "
posttoall=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recalculate=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recur=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
recurdelay=" xs :long [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MGoalParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MGoalParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
<unique> MUnique </unique> [0..1] ?
<creationcondition> MBindingCondition </creationcondition> [0..1] ?
<contextcondition> MInternalCondition </contextcondition> [0..1] ?
<dropcondition> MInternalCondition </dropcondition> [0..1] ?
<recurcondition> MInternalCondition </recurcondition> [0..1]
<deliberation> MDeliberation </deliberation> [0..1] ?
<publish> MPublish </publish> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MGoal " abstract =" true " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MReferenceableElement ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" parameter " type =" MGoalParameter " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" parameterset " type =" MGoalParameterSet " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
< xs:element name =" unique " type =" MUnique " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" creationcondition " type =" MBindingCondition " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" contextcondition " type =" MInternalCondition " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" dropcondition " type =" MInternalCondition " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" recurcondition " type =" MInternalCondition " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" deliberation " type =" MDeliberation " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
< xs:element name =" publish " type =" MPublish " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
< xs:attribute name =" retry " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" randomselection " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" retrydelay " type =" xs :long " default =" 0 "/>
< xs:attribute name =" exclude " default =" when_tried ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" never "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" when_tried "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" when_failed "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" when_succeeded "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
< xs:attribute name =" posttoall " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" recalculate " type =" xs :boolean " default =" true "/>
< xs:attribute name =" recur " type =" xs :boolean " default =" false "/>
< xs:attribute name =" recurdelay " type =" xs :long " default =" 0 "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MGoalbase

Super-types: MElementNoName < MBase (by extension) < MGoalbase (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MGoalbase
Abstract no
Documentation Container for goals and corresponding references. In this section different kinds of goals and goal references can be specified. Supported goal types are perform, achieve, query, maintain and meta goals. Also refernces for all types can be specified.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<performgoal> MPerformGoal </performgoal> [0..*] ?
<achievegoal> MAchieveGoal </achievegoal> [0..*] ?
<querygoal> MQueryGoal </querygoal> [0..*] ?
<maintaingoal> MMaintainGoal </maintaingoal> [0..*] ?
<metagoal> MMetaGoal </metagoal> [0..*] ?
<performgoalref> MPerformGoalReference </performgoalref> [0..*] ?
<achievegoalref> MAchieveGoalReference </achievegoalref> [0..*] ?
<querygoalref> MQueryGoalReference </querygoalref> [0..*] ?
<maintaingoalref> MMaintainGoalReference </maintaingoalref> [0..*] ?
<metagoalref> MMetaGoalReference </metagoalref> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MGoalbase ">
< xs:complexContent >
< xs:extension base =" MBase ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" performgoal " type =" MPerformGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" achievegoal " type =" MAchieveGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" querygoal " type =" MQueryGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" maintaingoal " type =" MMaintainGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" metagoal " type =" MMetaGoal " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" performgoalref " type =" MPerformGoalReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" achievegoalref " type =" MAchieveGoalReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" querygoalref " type =" MQueryGoalReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" maintaingoalref " type =" MMaintainGoalReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
< xs:element name =" metagoalref " type =" MMetaGoalReference " minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MGoalParameter

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MTypedElement (by extension) < MParameter (by extension) < MGoalParameter (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MGoalParameter
Abstract no
Documentation Parameter for a goal. Additionally allows mappings being defined.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [1] ? "
updaterate=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
transient=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
evaluationmode=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'static'|'push'|'pull'}) [0..1] "
optional=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
direction=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'in'|'out'|'inout'|'fixed'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<value> MInternalExpression </value> [0..1] ?
<bindingoptions> MInternalExpression </bindingoptions> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Start Choice [0..*]
<servicemapping> MAssign </servicemapping> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MGoalParameter " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MParameter ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" servicemapping " type =" MAssign " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MGoalParameterSet

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MTypedElement (by extension) < MParameterSet (by extension) < MGoalParameterSet (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MGoalParameterSet
Abstract no
Documentation Parameter for a goal. Additionally allows mappings being defined.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
class=" xs :string [1] ? "
updaterate=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
transient=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
evaluationmode=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'static'|'push'|'pull'}) [0..1] "
optional=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
direction=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'in'|'out'|'inout'|'fixed'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<value> MInternalExpression </value> [0..*] ?
<values> MInternalExpression </values> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Start Choice [0..*]
<servicemapping> MAssign </servicemapping> [0..1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MGoalParameterSet " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MParameterSet ">
< xs:choice minOccurs =" 0 " maxOccurs =" unbounded ">
< xs:element name =" servicemapping " type =" MAssign " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:choice >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MGoalReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MGoalReference (by extension)
Name MGoalReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to a goal.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
<deliberation> MDeliberation </deliberation> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MGoalReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
<-- <xs:extension base="MParameterElementReference"> -->
< xs:extension base =" MElementReference ">
< xs:sequence >
< xs:element name =" deliberation " type =" MDeliberation " minOccurs =" 0 "/>
</ xs:sequence >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MInhibits

Super-types: MElementNoName < MInternalExpression (by extension) < MInhibits (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MInhibits
Abstract no
Documentation Easy deliberation settings for goals (inhibitions). For an inhibition with the ref attribute the name of the inhibited goal can be specified. With the inhibit attribute it can optinally also specified in which state the goal has to be to inhibit the other.
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] "
ref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
cref=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
inhibit=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'when_in_process'|'when_active'}) [0..1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MInhibits " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MInternalExpression ">
< xs:attribute name =" ref " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" cref " type =" xs :string "/>
< xs:attribute name =" inhibit " use =" optional " default =" when_active ">
< xs:simpleType >
< xs:restriction base =" xs :string ">
< xs:enumeration value =" when_in_process "/>
< xs:enumeration value =" when_active "/>
</ xs:restriction >
</ xs:simpleType >
</ xs:attribute >
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MInternalCondition

Super-types: MElementNoName < MInternalExpression (by extension) < MInternalCondition (by extension)
Name MInternalCondition
Abstract no
Documentation For conditions that are not conatined in the expressionbase. Cannot be exported.
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] "
beliefs=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
parameters=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
rawevents=" xs :string [0..1] ? " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MInternalCondition " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MInternalExpression ">
< xs:attribute name =" beliefs " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" parameters " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" rawevents " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MInternalEvent

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MParameterElement (by extension) < MEvent (by extension) < MInternalEvent (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MInternalEvent
Abstract no
Documentation An internal event is used for agent internal event notification.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
posttoall=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
randomselection=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MInternalEvent " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MEvent "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MInternalEventReference

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MElementReference (by extension) < MEventReference (by extension) < MInternalEventReference (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MInternalEventReference
Abstract no
Documentation Reference to an internal event.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [1]
<concrete> MAssign </concrete> [1] ?
required=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? " /> [1] ?
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MInternalEventReference " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MEventReference "/>
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MInternalExpression

Super-types: MElementNoName < MInternalExpression (by extension)
Name MInternalExpression
Abstract no
Documentation A piece a program code that is evaluated.
XML Instance Representation
class=" xs :string [0..1] ? "
language=" xs :string [0..1] "
variable=" xs :string [0..1] " />
Schema Component Representation
< xs:complexType name =" MInternalExpression " mixed =" true ">
< xs:complexContent mixed =" true ">
< xs:extension base =" MElementNoName ">
< xs:attribute name =" class " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" language " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
< xs:attribute name =" variable " type =" xs :string " use =" optional "/>
</ xs:extension >
</ xs:complexContent >
</ xs:complexType >

Complex Type: MMaintainGoal

Super-types: MElement < MReferenceableElement (by extension) < MGoal (by extension) < MMaintainGoal (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name MMaintainGoal
Abstract no
Documentation A maintain goal aims at preserving a certain state.
XML Instance Representation
name=" xs :string [1] ? "
exported=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'true'|'false'|'shielded'}) [0..1] ? "
retry=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
randomselection=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
retrydelay=" xs :long [0..1] ? "
exclude=" xs :string ( value comes from list: {'never'|'when_tried'|'when_failed'|'when_succeeded'}) [0..1] ? "
posttoall=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recalculate=" xs :boolean [0..1] ? "
recur=" xs :boolean [0..1] "
recurdelay=" xs :long [0..1] " >
<!-- Mixed content -->
<assignto> MAssign </assignto> [0..*] ?
Start Choice [0..*]
<parameter> MGoalParameter </parameter> [0..*] ?
<parameterset> MGoalParameterSet </parameterset> [0..*] ?
End Choice
<unique> MUnique </unique> [0..1] ?
<creationcondition> MBindingCondition </creationcondition> [0..1] ?
<contextcondition> MInternalCondition </contextcondition> [0..1] ?
<dropcondition> MInternalCondition </dropcondition> [0..1] ?
<recurcondition> MInternalCondition </recurcondition> [0..1]
<deliberation> MDeliberation </deliberation> [0..1] ?
<publish> MPublish </publish> [0..1]
<maintaincondition> MInternalCondition </maintaincondition> [1] ?
<targetcondition> MInternalCondition </targetcondition> [0..1] ?