BrowserLauncher |
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default
web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
BrowserLauncher2 |
Provides a static method to start a browser.
BrowserPane |
A text pane that is able to follow hyperlinks when clicked.
BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit |
An HTML editor kit for supporting images loaded from classpath.
ClassSearchPanel |
Panel that allows for searching artifacts from maven repositories.
CombiIcon |
Icon that can combine multiple images.
EditableList |
A editable list with x / + symbols at each row.
EditableListEvent |
Event that is able to capture data of rows.
GlowBorder |
GuiCreator |
The gui creator.
JBusyRing |
Animated busy ring.
JCopyPasteContextMenu |
A pop-up menu for text components to support cur, copy, paste, delete.
JPlaceholderTextField |
Class offering a "placeholder" text similar to HTML input.
JPlaceholderTextField.RecolorLineBorder |
Line border with changeable color
JSplitPanel |
Workaround for JSplitPane bug
setDividerLocation() can only be called after component is visible.
JValidatorTextField |
The validator text field allows to check the input and automatically
underlines an invalid input with a red line (like an eclipse error).
JWizard |
GUI class for creating wizard dialogs.
JWizard.ChoiceNode |
A node for implementing a multiple choice fork.
JWizard.WizardNode |
ModulateComposite |
Composite for modulating (tinting) images.
ObjectCardLayout |
A ObjectCardLayout is an object based cardlayout.
PopupBuilder |
The popup builder.
PropertiesPanel |
Panel for showing properties.
ScrollablePanel |
A panel that can be used in scrollpanes.
SDirScan |
Static helper class with useful gui related methods.
SGUI.TextCopyPasteMouseListener |
Listener for copy-paste menu.
ToolTipAction |
An action with associated tooltip text.
TreeCombo |
TreeExpansionHandler |
The tree expansion handler assures
that tree nodes stay expanded, even when
their last child is removed, and then new
child nodes are added.