BDIXAgentFeature |
BDI agent feature version for XML agents.
BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper |
Map a change info as Map:Entry.
BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition |
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mgoal exist.
BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition |
Condition for checking the lifecycle state of a goal.
BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition |
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mplan exist.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature |
Extension to write back result beliefs on agent shutdown.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature |
Feature that ensures the bdi behavior is started.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior |
Extracted end behavior.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior |
Extracted start behavior.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature |
Extension to allow message injection in agent methods.