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abc() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
abort() - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IPlan
Abort the plan.
aborted - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Indicate when the suite is aborted due to excessive run time.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Called when the plan is aborted, i.e., when the corresponding interaction goal is dropped.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
Called when the plan is aborted, i.e., when the corresponding interaction goal is dropped.
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
aborted() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The plan was aborted (because of conditional goal success or termination from outside).
abortedmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The aborted method cached for speed.
abortGet(ISuspendable) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Abort a blocking get call.
absclasses - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
ABSOLUTE_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
ABSOLUTE_POSITION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Primitive3d
ABSOLUTE_ROTATION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
ABSOLUTE_ROTATION - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Primitive3d
ABSOLUTE_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
ABSOLUTE_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Primitive3d
AbstractApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Simple abstract base class that implements isApplicable with true.
AbstractApplicableInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractApplicableInterceptor
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
ASM Generator base class
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Store which beliefs are accessed in a method.
AbstractAutoComboModel<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AbstractAutoComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo<T>, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
AbstractChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Abstract base class for chart consumers.
AbstractChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
AbstractConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Abstract base class for connections.
AbstractConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, int, boolean, boolean, IAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Create a new input connection.
AbstractConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Abstract base class for connection handlers.
AbstractConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new connection handler.
AbstractConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>, int, long, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new connection handler.
AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Struct class that holds send information.
AbstractConstraintFilter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
AbstractConstraintFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractConstraintFilter(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractEnvironmentService - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport
Environment service implementation.
AbstractEnvironmentService() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.AbstractEnvironmentService
AbstractEnvironmentSpace - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Abstract base class for environment space.
AbstractEnvironmentSpace() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create an environment space
AbstractEnvironmentSpace.AtomicCounter - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Synchronized counter class
AbstractErrorReportBuilder - Class in jadex.bridge
Helper class for building error reports.
AbstractErrorReportBuilder(String, String, String[], MultiCollection<Tuple, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Abstract handler for timing events.
AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
AbstractFixedAutoComboModel<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AbstractFixedAutoComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, List<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
Create a new AbstractFixedAutoComboModel.
AbstractGatewayActivityHandler - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
Common functionality for and/or split and join gateways.
AbstractGatewayActivityHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
AbstractIndexTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
AbstractIndexTableModel(TableModel) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.AbstractIndexTableModel
AbstractInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
This plan serves as a base class for initiator plans.
AbstractInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
AbstractInteractionPlugin - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.plugin
AbstractInteractionPlugin() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.plugin.AbstractInteractionPlugin
AbstractJ2DRenderer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d
AbstractJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.AbstractJ2DRenderer
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor class that uses a LRU for caching applicable states of invocations for subsequent calls.
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Create a new AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor.
AbstractModelLoader - Class in jadex.commons
Loader for managing models, loaded from disc and kept in cache.
AbstractModelLoader(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Create a model loader.
AbstractModelLoader(String[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Create a model loader.
AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel - Class in jadex.commons
Store an exception during loading in cache.
AbstractMultiInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor that supports sub interceptors for special cases.
AbstractMultiInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
AbstractNFProperty<T,​U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
A non-functional property.
AbstractNFProperty(NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Creates the property.
AbstractReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
This plan serves as a base class for receiver plans.
AbstractReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
AbstractRestPublishService - Class in jadex.extension.rs.publish
Publish service without Jersey directly using different containers (in concrete impls).
AbstractRestPublishService() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo - Class in jadex.extension.rs.publish
AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo.HttpMethod - Enum in jadex.extension.rs.publish
AbstractRestPublishService.RequestInfo - Class in jadex.extension.rs.publish
Struct for storing info about a request and the results.
AbstractTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Simple task implementation with basic result and exception handling.
AbstractTask - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Empty default implementation for object tasks.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
AbstractTreeTableAction - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
Default implementation of tree table action.
AbstractTreeTableAction() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableAction(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Create a new AbstractTreeTableAction.
AbstractTreeTableModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable
AbstractTreeTableModel(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
AbstractViewport - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics
AbstractViewport(IPerspective) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport
AbstractViewport.MouseController - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics
AbstractViewport3d - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics
AbstractViewport3d(IPerspective, IVector3, boolean, boolean, String, ISpaceController) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport3d
AbstractVisual2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable
Base class for visual elements.
AbstractVisual2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.AbstractVisual2D
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual2D(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.AbstractVisual2D
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual3d - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d
Base class for visual 3d elements.
AbstractVisual3d() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.AbstractVisual3d
Initializes the members with default values.
AbstractVisual3d(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.AbstractVisual3d
Initializes the members with default values.
ACC_PRIVATE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_PROTECTED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_PUBLIC - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACC_STATIC - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.OpcodeHelper
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
acceptAllProposals(NegotiationRecord, ParticipantProposal[], Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Accept all proposals in parallel.
acceptFile(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Accept a waiting file transfer.
acceptOneProposal(NegotiationRecord, ParticipantProposal[], Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Sequentially accept proposals until the first successful execution.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The external access.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
The adapter.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The component access.
accessField(Object, Class, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
Access a field.
accessflags - Variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader.AnnotatedEntity
Class access flags.
AccessiblePrintStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SUtil.AccessiblePrintStream
Create an accessible output stream.
accessor - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The field accessor method (for static and nonstatic fields).
ACCESSOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Cached accessor classes.
AccessTestClass() - Constructor for class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation.AccessTestClass
ACKCLOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge the close message.
ACKCLOSE_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close - from initiator .
ACKCLOSE_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data/close - from participant .
ACKCLOSEREQ - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge the close request.
ACKCLOSEREQ_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close request - from initiator .
ACKCLOSEREQ_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close request - from initiator .
ackcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The number of received elements after which an ack is sent.
ackcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The number of received elements after which an ack is sent.
ACKDATA - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge data message.
ACKDATA_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data - from participant .
ACKDATA_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data/close - from participant .
ackDataReceived(AckInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called from message service.
AckInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
AckInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Create a new ack info.
AckInfo(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Create a new ack info.
ACKINIT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge init.
ACKINIT_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack the init - from participant.
ACKINIT_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack the init - from initiator.
ackReceived(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Called when an ack was received.
acktimeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The max delay before an acknowledgement is received.
acktimer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The acknowledgement timer.
acquire() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Token
Try to acquire the token.
acquired - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Token
True, if the token is acquired.
actid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.tools.ProcessThreadInfo
The activity id.
action - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
The completed action.
action - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
The action.
ActionEntry(ISpaceAction, Map, IResultListener) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Convenience constructor for inline entry creation.
actionlist - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The list of scheduled component actions.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableAction
Invoked when an action occurs.
ActionReferenceQueue - Class in jadex.commons.collection
The extended reference queue allows for adding (weak) object with an associated action.
ActionReferenceQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Create a new list.
actions - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The supported popup actions.
actions - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Available component actions.
actions - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The scheduled actions.
actiontypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept receiving component types.
actiontypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The percept receiving component types.
activate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IAutoConfigRegistryService
Activate the config service.
activate() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JBusyRing
Activates the animation.
activatePlaceholder() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JPlaceholderTextField
Activates the placeholder.
activateWait(Map, Notifier) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.IExternalNotifier
Activate a wait action on an external source.
active - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JBusyRing
Flag if active.
active - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo
The active period for query.
active() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.OnService
How long shall the query be active?
ACTIVE - jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalLifecycleState
activeplaceholder - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JPlaceholderTextField
Flag if the placeholder is active
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.Notifier
The activity.
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.SubProcessActivityHandler.SubprocessResultHandler
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The next activity.
activity - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.tools.ProcessThreadInfo
The activity name.
activityid - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Id of the next activity.
ACTOR_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ISpaceAction
The constant for the actor id parameter (component performing the action).
adaptEvaluationMode() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Adapt the evaluation mode according to the
adaptToCapability(Object, String, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Adapt element for use in inner capabilities.
add(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Add a value to the filter.
add(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(int, MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
add(int, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
add(int, K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Add an object to the collection.
add(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
add(int, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
add(long, int) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation).
add(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
add(E, long) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILeaseTimeSet
Add a new entry.
add(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
add(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
add(E, long) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
add(MultiColumnTable.MultiColumnTableRow) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
add(CachedObject) - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Add a cached object.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds a scalar to each component of this vector.
add(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
add(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
add(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components.
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Add a child to this context.
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Ensures that this collection contains the specified element (optional operation).
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
add(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Add an element to the set.
add(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(K, Collection<V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Add a new object with key and value.
add(K, V) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
add(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present (optional operation).
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
ADD - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.DefaultBDIVisionProcessor
The add action.
ADD - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The plus operator.
addAdvanceBlocker(IFuture<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Adds a blocker to the clock that prevents the clock from advancing until the future is triggered either by result or exception.
addAgentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addAgentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position (optional operation).
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list, starting at the specified position.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.ListWrapper
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation).
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Unsupported method, due to missing key parameter.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator (optional operation).
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present (optional operation).
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator.
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Add all elements of another map.
addArgument(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Add one arguments.
addArgumentInjection(String, FieldInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addArgumentInjection(String, FieldInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addAvatarMappings(AvatarMapping) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds an avatar mapping.
addAwarenessInfo(AwarenessInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Announce an awareness info.
addBackwardCommand(IFilter<Object>, ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
Add a backward command with a filter.
addBackwardCommand(IFilter<Object>, ICommand<Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
Add a backward command with a filter.
addBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
addBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
addBelief(MBelief) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a belief.
addBelief(RBeliefbase.RBelief) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Add a belief.
addBeliefChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a belief change type.
addBeliefEvents(IInternalAccess, List<EventType>, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Create belief events from a belief name.
addBeliefEventsToConditions(ClassNode, ClassLoader, List<MCondition>, MultiCollection<String, AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs>, MultiCollection<String, AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs>, BDIModel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
addBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBelief
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBelief
Add a belief set listener.
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IBDIAgentFeature
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefListener(String, IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ICapability
Add a belief listener.
addBeliefReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a belief reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete belief name).
addBeliefSet(RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
Add a beliefset.
addBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add a belief set listener.
addBeliefSetListener(IBeliefListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add a belief set listener.
addBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add a binding.
addBlocker(IFuture<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Add the future as simulation blocker, if currently in simulation mode.
addBreakpoint(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Add a breakpoint to the interpreter.
addBreakpointCommand(ICommand) - Method in interface jadex.commons.ISteppable
Add a command to be executed, when a breakpoint is reached.
addBreakpointListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IBreakpointPanel
Add a listener to receive breakpoint selected events.
addCancelResponse(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Add a cancel response.
addCapability(MCapabilityReference) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a sub capability.
addCause(Throwable) - Method in exception jadex.commons.MultiException
Add an exception.
addCentered(JComponent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.WizardNode
Helper for adding a single centered component.
addChangeEventType(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addChangeEventType(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a change event type.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Add a change listener.
addChild(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Add a child component.
addChild(TreeNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
Adds a child to the list of children for this node.
addChild(JWizard.WizardNode) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.WizardNode
Adds a child.
addClockListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a clock listener.
addCmsListener(SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<CMSStatusEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
addCollection(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Add a map to the observer list.
addColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Appends aColumn to the end of the tableColumns array.
addCommand(String, IResultCommand<IFuture<T>, Object[]>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
Add a command by (method) name.
addComponent(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Add a component via class.
addComponent(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new POJO-component.
addComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Add a component via file.
addComponent(String, JComponent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addComponent(String, JComponent, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponent(String, JComponent, double, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponent(String, JComponent, double, int, int, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component
addComponentAction(ComponentActionList.ActionEntry) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Add an component action.
addComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Add a componentdescription to this CMSSearchComponents.
addComponentInstance(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a component.
addCondition(MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a condition.
addCondition(String, MCondition) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Add a condition to the goal.
addConfiguration(MConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a configuration.
addConfiguration(ConfigurationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a configuration.
addConsoleListener(IExternalAccess, String, IRemoteChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
addConsumedMediaType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo
addConverter(Class<?>, IStringObjectConverter) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Add a new converter.
addConverter(String[], IObjectStringConverter) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
Add a converter for one or multiple types.
addCopyPasteMenu(JTextComponent) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adds a copy & paste menu to a text component.
addData(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Add data to the internal data buffer.
addData(int, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Called from message service.
addDataConsumer(String, ITableDataConsumer) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a new data consumer.
addDataProvider(String, ITableDataProvider) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a new data provider.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds a view to the space.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds a dataview to the space.
addDataView(String, IDataView) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
Adds an additional dataview.
addDataViewMapping(String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a mapping from object type to data view
addDefaultFacts(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The value to set.
addDefaultValues(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The value to set.
addDelegates(ClassLoader[]) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.ByteCodeClassLoader
addDependency(T, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a dependency that a depends on b.
adddummy - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add dummy when weighty==0.
added - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The added elements (if any).
ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Event for an added platform.
ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
addedpaths - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathManager
The exactly added paths of elements.
addEndBelief(MConfigBeliefElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end belief.
addEndEvent(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end event.
addEndGoal(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end goal.
addEndPlan(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an end plan.
addEndStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a end step.
addEntry(Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Add an entry.
addEntry(Object, Runnable) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ActionReferenceQueue
Add an object with an associated value.
addEntry(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Add a new entry.
addEntry(Map<String, Object>, String, Object) - Static method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
addEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add an environment listener.
addEnvironmentListener(IEnvironmentListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add an environment listener.
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Adds a new evaluator with a weight of 1.0.
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, double) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Adds a new evaluator.
addevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The add event name.
addevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The add event name.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Add an event.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCondition
Add an event.
addEvent(EventType) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Add an event.
addEvent(IEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRuleEngineService
Add an external event to the rule engine.
addEventMatcher(String[], UnparsedExpression, String[], Map<String, Object>, boolean, IResultCommand<IFuture<Void>, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IInternalProcessEngineService
Register an event description to be notified, when the event happens.
addEventReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a event reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete event name).
addExclude(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Add an excluded parameter
addExclude(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Exclude a column.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedMethods(Map<String, String[]>, String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Add excluded methods.
addExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a expression.
addExpressionReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a expression reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete expression name).
addExternalThread(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add an external thread to this context.
addFact(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigBeliefElement
The value to set.
addFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add a fact to a belief.
addFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add a fact to a belief.
addFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact added belief trigger.
addFactAdded(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact added.
addFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact changed belief trigger.
addFactChanged(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact changed.
addFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a fact removed belief trigger.
addFactRemoved(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a fact removed.
addFacts(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Add facts to a parameter set.
addFacts(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Add facts to a parameter set.
addFeatureInjection(String, FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addFeatureInjection(String, FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addFilenameFilter(IFilter<String>) - Method in class jadex.commons.FileFilter
Add a filename filter
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<IService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Adds a filter.
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Add a filter.
addFilter(IFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Add a filter.
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool
Add a finished listener.
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.JavaThreadPool
Add a finish listener;
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Add a finish listener;
addFirst(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Inserts the given element at the beginning of this list.
addFirstServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addFullLineComponent(String, JComponent) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addFullLineComponent(String, JComponent, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Add a component that spans a full line.
addFuture(IFuture<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureBarrier
Add a future to the barrier.
addGoal(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a goal.
addGoal(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal trigger.
addGoalFinished(MGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal finished trigger.
addGoalFinished(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add the goal to wait for.
addGoalFinished(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add the goal to wait for.
addGoalFinishedName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal finished name.
addGoalMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a goal mapping.
addGoalMatchExpression(String, UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal name.
addGoalName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal name.
addGoalNameMatchExpression(String, UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a goal match before preprecessing (i.e.
addGoalPublication(ClassInfo, MGoal, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a publication info.
addGoalReference(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a goal reference (abstract/reference name -> concrete goal name).
addGroup(Group) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Add a group to the space.
addHandler(Handler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Add a log Handler to receive logging messages.
addIcon(Icon) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Add an icon.
addIdleHook(IIdleHook) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Set the idle hook to be called when a component becomes idle.
addImport(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an import statement.
addInhibitionExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Add an inhibition expression.
addInhibitionName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
Add an inhibition name.
addInhibitor(RGoal, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
Add an inhibitor to a goal.
addInitArgs(Object, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Add an entry to the init calls.
addInitFuture(IFuture<T>) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a future of an asynchronous (i.e.
addInitialAvatar(IComponentIdentifier, String, Map) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Initial settings for the avatar of a specific component.
addInitialBelief(MConfigBeliefElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial belief.
addInitialCapability(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial capability.
addInitialEvent(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial event.
addInitialGoal(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial goal.
addInitialPlan(MConfigParameterElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfiguration
Add an initial plan.
addInitialStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a initial step.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addIntermediateResult(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add an intermediate result.
addIntermediateResultIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Set the result.
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add an internal event.
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
addInternalEvent(MInternalEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add an internal event.
addInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add an internal event.
addInternalEventMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a internal event mapping.
addInternalEventName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add an internal event name.
addInternetComm(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Add global (internet) communication settings to configuration.
addIntranetComm(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Add local (intranet) communication settings to configuration.
addIntransitiveQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerCollaborationService
Add a service query to the superpeer registry only.
addItem(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Add an item.
addIterator(Iterator<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
Add a collection.
additional() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Features
Add the defined features of this classes (and inherited when replace==false) to the standard features of the component.
ADDITIONAL - Static variable in exception jadex.commons.DebugException
Additional debug exception on current thread to use as cause.
addJob(CronJob<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Add a schedule job.
addKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IMultiKernelNotifierService
Adds a kernel listener.
addKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
Adds a kernel listener.
addlast() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Feature
Flag if default last feature dependency should be added.
addLast(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Appends the given element to the end of this list.
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
Will be called from the container, when a new component with constraint object was added.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
A component was added to the container.
addLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add an Library Service listener.
addLineListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Add a line listener.
addListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IFinishableElement
Add a new listener to get notified when the goal is finished.
addLocalAddresses(Collection<TransportAddress>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Adds the addresses of the local platform.
addLocalService(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a local service to the registry.
addLocalService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a local service to the registry.
addLocker(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Add a locker id.
addManualAddresses(Collection<TransportAddress>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Adds the addresses of the local platform.
addMenu(JMenu) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenterWindow
Adds a menu
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a message.
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a message event.
addMessageEvent(MMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event.
addMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event.
addMessageEventMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlanParameter
Add a message event mapping.
addMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Add a message handler.
addMessageName(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a message event name.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodListener(MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Add a method listener.
addMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodParameterAnnotation(CtMethod, Annotation[][], ClassPool) - Static method in class jadex.extension.SJavassist
addMGroupInstance(MGroupInstance) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Add a group to this space.
addMGroupType(MGroupType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
Add a group type to this space type.
addModelElement(MElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.plugin.AbstractInteractionPlugin
Adds a MouseListener.
addMouseListener(JTable) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SorterFilterTableModel
addMouseListener(JTable) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Helper method that adds a mouselistener to the header of a given JTable.
addMPosition(MPosition) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupInstance
Add a position.
addMRoleType(MRoleType) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MGroupType
Add a role to this group type.
addMultipacket(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
addMultiPacketChunk(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
addNameAuthority(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds an authority for authenticating platform names.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(NFPropertyInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a non functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNode(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a node (without dependency).
addObject(ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdTree
Adds an object to the tree.
addObjectTaskType(String, Class, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a object task type.
addObjectTaskType(String, Class, List) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a object task type.
addParameter(MParameter) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameterElement
Add a parameter.
addParameter(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MConfigParameterElement
Add a parameter.
addParentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addParentInjection(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addParentLocking(CreationInfo, IInternalAccess, Future<IComponentIdentifier>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add the locking of the parent while subcomponent is created.
addParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
Add a participant.
addPathElement(String, T) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathManager
Adds a new info.
addPerceptGenerator(Object, IPerceptGenerator) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds a percept generator.
addPerceptGenerator(Object, IPerceptGenerator) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds a percept generator.
addPerceptProcessor(String, Set, IPerceptProcessor) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a percept processor.
addPerceptType(PerceptType) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space percept type.
addPerceptType(PerceptType) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space percept type.
addPerspective(String, IPerspective) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.IObserverCenter
Adds a perspective.
addPerspective(String, IPerspective) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
Adds a perspective.
addPerspective(String, IPerspective, Future<Void>) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
Adds a perspective.
addPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a plan.
addPojoServiceProxy(Object, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add a service proxy.
addPopupAction(Action) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
Add a popup action.
addPredecessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Adds required predecessors (dependencies).
addPrimitive(Primitive) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.DrawableCombiner
Adds a primitive to the combiner.
addPrimitive(Primitive, int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.DrawableCombiner
Adds a primitive to the combiner in a specific layer.
addPrimitive(Primitive3d) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.DrawableCombiner3d
Adds a primitive
addProducedMediaType(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo
addProperties(Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add the complete content of another properties.
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(Property) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add a property to this properties.
addProperty(MObjectTypeProperty) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MObjectType
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Adds a header property to the header.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Add a property.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Add a property.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Customizer
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditor
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.SimplePropertyObject
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SynchronizedPropertyObject
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
addProvidedInterceptors(BasicServiceInvocationHandler, Object, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], IInternalAccess, String, boolean, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add the standard and custom interceptors.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a provided service.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a provided service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalRequiredServicesFeature
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISearchQueryManagerService
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerService
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a service query.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a listener which does not consume the initial results.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Add a listener which is only informed about new results, i.e.
addQuietListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a listener which is only informed about new results, i.e.
addReceiver(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
addReference(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a reference and resolve transitive dependencies.
addRemoteURL(IResourceIdentifier, String, boolean, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a remote url via the library service.
addReply(IMessageEvent) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a message event reply.
addReply(RMessageEvent<T>, Set<MMessageEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
Add a message event reply.
addReport(TestReport) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Add a report.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredServiceInfos(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add required services for a given prefix.
addRequiredServiceProxy(IService, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
addResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new resource identifier.
address - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
The address.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Addresses of the sender, transport, addresses.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The transport addresses of the remote component.
addResult(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a result.
addResult(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a result.
addResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Add a result.
addResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService.RequestInfo
Add a result.
addResultInjection(String, FieldInfo, String, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addResultInjection(String, FieldInfo, String, String) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an injection field.
addResultListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<E>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Add a result listener.
addResultMapping(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a result mapping.
addRole(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a role for an entity (platform or network name).
addRoleForType(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Add a role name for an agent type name.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
Add a data row.
addRow(Object[], Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRow(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRow(ArrayList, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
Add a row to the model.
addRule(IRule<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Add a new rule.
addRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
addRuntimeElement(RElement) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan.PlanWaitAbstraction
Add a runtime element.
addSelectedObjectListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
Adds a listener for change of the selected object
addservice(MServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
Add a service.
addService(MServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
Add a service trigger.
addService(IInternalService, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service.
addService(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a service to the registry.
addService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a service to the registry.
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServices
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Add a service to this context.
addService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Add a service to this context.
addService(String, Class<?>, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the component.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the container.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addServiceCall(ServiceCallInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an call field.
addServiceCall(ServiceCallInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
Add an call field.
addServiceInjection(String, MicroModel.ServiceInjectionInfo) - Method in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
Add an injection field.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceMapping(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
Add a service mapping.
addServiceParameterMapping(String, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
addServiceResultMapping(String, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
addServiceType(Class<?>, IPoolStrategy, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addServiceType(Class<?>, IPoolStrategy, String, CreationInfo, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addServiceType(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type.
addServiceType(Class<?>, String, CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addSimulationListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a sim listener.
addSpaceAction(String, ISpaceAction) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Adds an space action.
addSpaceAction(String, ISpaceAction) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Adds an space action.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space type.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space object type.
addSpaceObjectType(String, IPropertyMetaDataSet) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
addSpaceProcessType(String, Class, List) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a space process type.
addSpaceProcessType(String, Class, List) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a space process type.
addSplitInfo(SplitInfo) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add a split info.
addSplitInfos(Collection<ProcessThread>) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Add split infos to a set of threads.
addSubcapability(FieldInfo, BDIModel) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Add a subcapability field.
addSubcomponent(IInternalAccess, IComponentDescription, IModelInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add a new component to its parent.
addSubcomponentType(SubcomponentTypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a subcomponent type.
addSubhandler(String, String, IRequestHandler) - Method in interface jadex.extension.rs.publish.IPathHandler
Adds a new subhandler.
addSubhandler(String, String, IRequestHandler) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathHandler
Adds a new subhandler.
addSubhandler(String, String, IRequestHandler) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathHandler2
Adds a new subhandler.
addSubproperties(Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add subproperties to this properties.
addSubproperties(String, Properties) - Method in class jadex.commons.Properties
Add a subproperties to a properties.
addSuccessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Adds required predecessors (dependencies).
addSystemErrListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Add a listener to System.err.
addSystemOutListener(IChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Add a listener to System.out.
addTask(Future) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Add a task.
addTask(IObjectTask) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Adds a new task for the object.
addTaskListener(Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Add a result listener to a task.
addTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
addTaskListener(Object, Object, IResultListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Add a result listener to an object task.
addTerminationListener(ActionListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
Adds a termination listener.
addThread() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
addThread(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Add a thread to this context.
addThreadLocal(ThreadLocal<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Add a thread local that will be automatically copied on thread resumption.
addThreads(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Create some pool.
addTickTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a tick timer.
addTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a timer.
addTimerListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a timer listener.
addToolbarItem(String, Action) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenterWindow
Adds a toolbar item
addToolbarItem(String, Icon, Action) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenterWindow
Adds a toolbar item with icon.
addTopLevelURL(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a top level url.
addToTop(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
addToTraversedState(Object, Object, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
Allow adding the object to the traversed state.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.AbstractTreeTableModel
addTrustedPlatform(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a name of an authenticated platform to allow access.
addURL(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a URL to the lib service.
addURL(IResourceIdentifier, URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new url as resource identifier.
addUsedId(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Adds a used ID, only useful for collision-free mode.
addValToTop(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.HistogramDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Comparable, Object, Object, DataTable, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
Add a value to a specific series of the chart.
addValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Add a value to a parameter set.
addValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.SClassReader.AnnotationInfo
Adds a value.
addValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Add a value to the indexer.
addValues(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Add values to a parameter set.
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport
Adds a IViewportListener
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport3d
Adds a IViewportListener
addViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.IViewport
Adds a IViewportListener
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.perspective.IPerspective
Adds a new visual object.
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.perspective.Perspective2D
Adds a new visual object.
addVisual(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.perspective.Perspective3D
Adds a new visual object.
adjustComponentHorizontalSizes(JComponent[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes horizontally.
adjustComponentSizes(Component[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes.
adjustComponentSizes(Container) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust all marked components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes.
adjustComponentSizes(JComponent[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes.
adjustComponentVerticalSizes(JComponent[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Adjust components to equal sizes according to their miminum, maximum, and preferred sizes vertically.
adjustPosition(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Calculate a position according to the space borders.
adjustPosition(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Calculate a position according to the space borders.
ADMIN - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The admin role that is required by all jadex system services, e.g.
ADOPTED - jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IGoal.GoalLifecycleState
adoptGoal(IInternalAccess, RGoal) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
AdoptGoalAction - Class in jadex.bdiv3.actions
Action for adopting a goal.
AdoptGoalAction(RGoal) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.actions.AdoptGoalAction
Create a new action.
adoptPlan(T) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IExternalBDIAgentFeature
Dispatch a pojo plan and wait for its result.
adoptPlan(T, Object...) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.features.IExternalBDIAgentFeature
Dispatch a goal wait for its result.
advanceEvent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Advance one event.
afterSwitch() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Must be called after a thread switch occurs to restore the thread local values.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.EasyDeliberationStrategy
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The agent interpreter.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The internal access.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component adapter.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.RestInvocationAgent
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.RestServiceAgent
The micro agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.RestServiceWrapperInvocationHandler
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.extension.ws.invoke.WebServiceAgent
The micro agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
The internal access.
Agent - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent class and variable.
AGENT_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.bdiv3.IBDIClassGenerator
Name of the field that is injected for agent name
AgentArgument - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent argument field.
AgentBody - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
AgentBreakpoint - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent breakpoint method.
AgentChildKilled - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent child killed method.
AgentCreated - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
AgentFeature - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
AGENTFILTER - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.KernelBDIV3Agent
AGENTFILTER - Static variable in class jadex.micro.KernelMicroAgent
AGENTFILTER - Static variable in class jadex.microservice.KernelMicroserviceAgent
agentinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
The agent injection targets.
AgentKilled - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
agentmain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.VmHacksAgent
The entry point invoked when this agent is started.
AgentMessageArrived - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
agentmethods - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The agent methods for given annotations (if any).
AgentResult - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Marker for agent result field.
AgentServiceQuery - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
AgentServiceSearch - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
AgentServiceValue - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The service annotation.
AgentStreamArrived - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
aggregate - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.SpaceObjectSource
The flag if aggregate values should be returned.
AGGRESSIVE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor
If true, be more aggressive when creating threads.
AGREE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
AGREE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
AGRExtensionService - Class in jadex.extension.agr
Extension service for loading AGR (agent, group, role) models.
AGRExtensionService() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.AGRExtensionService
AGRSpace - Class in jadex.extension.agr
An AGR (agent-group-role) space.
AGRSpace(IExternalAccess, MAGRSpaceInstance) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
AIM - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging
AIM The class provides utilities to connect to the AIM instant messaging network and send messages using TOC version 2.
AIM(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Constructor for AIM.
Alias - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify an alias for a class (e.g.
ALIASES - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation
Static map of known aliases used for decoding.
ALIGN_BOTTOM - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Bottom Alignment
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Center Alignment
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Left Alignment
ALIGN_MIDDLE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Middle Alignment
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Right Alignment
ALIGN_TOP - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Top Alignment
ALIVE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The alive message.
ALIVE_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Alive message - from initiator.
ALIVE_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Alive message - from participant.
alivetime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The latest alive time.
all - Variable in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Boolean if all is selected.
all - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The all selected flag.
ALL - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The constant for specifiying that all proposals should be chosen.
ALL - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode for returning a set of elements (default).
allcomponentslisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Listeners listening to all components.
allentries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
allentries - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
allimports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
All imports (cached for speed).
allmethodcache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Method lookup cache (class->(name->method[])), includes non-public methods.
allowduplicates - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Allow duplicate entries.
allowed - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition
The flag if state is allowed or disallowed.
allowPlain(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SCertStore
Check if plain name encoding is allowed.
allseps - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
All separators.
allTableColumns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.VisibilityTableColumnModel
Array of TableColumn objects in this model.
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
A filter that always returns true.
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IFilter
A filter that always returns true.
AlwaysFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter
ALWAYSOK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
AND - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
The AND operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The AND operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
The and (&&) operator.
AND - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.MathNode
The bitwise and operator.
Animation - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special
Dataholder for Animations
Animation(String, String, boolean, double, IParsedExpression) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.Animation
animationaction - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JBusyRing
Animation action.
animationtimer - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JBusyRing
Animation timer.
animtimer - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JPlaceholderTextField
Animation timer.
AnnotatedEntity() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.AnnotatedEntity
AnnotationInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.AnnotationInfo
Creates the info.
annotations - Variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader.AnnotatedEntity
The annotations.
announceAuction(Object, List, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Announce the planned auction.
announceAuction(Object, List, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Announce the planned auction.
announceAuctionEnd(List, String, Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
Announce the end of the auction to all participants that did not leave the auction.
announceAuctionEnd(List, String, Object, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
Announce the end of the auction to all participants that did not leave the auction.
AnswerPingPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.ping
The ping plan reacts on ping requests.
AnswerPingPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.ping.AnswerPingPlan
ANY - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The selection mode for returning the first matching element.
ANY_CONFIG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Constant for no configuration selected.
appdir - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Application directory, current working dir under normal Java, special with Android.
APPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The appeared percept type.
APPEARED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The appeared percept type.
appendText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Append to the token text.
appendText(String) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
Append to the token text.
appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(String, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.VmHacks.Unsafe
Appends a new class to the bootstrap classloader.
appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(String, InputStream) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.VmHacks.Unsafe
Appends a new class to the bootstrap classloader.
applet - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
The applet (has to be set from the outside).
applicables - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
The LRU.
APPLICATION - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in local application, i.e.
APPLICATION_GLOBAL - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Global application scope.
APPLICATION_JSON_JADEX - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.STransformation.MediaType
APPLICATION_NETWORK - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Application network scope (any platform with which a secret is shared and application tag must be shared).
applyFilter(Collection<T>, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SFilter
AppMetaInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
AppMetaInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
AppMetaInfo(String, String, String, String, byte[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
areadNext() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Asynchronous read.
areasize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Area size.
areasize - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Area size.
areaSize_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport
Maximum displayable area
areaSize_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport3d
Maximum displayable area
arg - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakEntry
Optional command argument.
argno() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The arguments (map with name/value pairs).
args - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The argument values (for constructors and methods).
argtypes - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The argument types (for constructors and methods).
Argument - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Simple default implementation for an argument.
Argument - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The argument annotation.
Argument() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
Argument(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
ARGUMENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The argument constant.
argumentinjections - Variable in class jadex.micro.InjectionInfoHolder
The argument injection targets.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of contained arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of argument default values.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The invocation arguments.
arguments() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.BDIConfiguration
The arguments.
arguments() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Component
The argument values.
arguments() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Configuration
The arguments.
arguments() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.CreationInfo
The argument values.
Arguments - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The arguments annotation.
argumentsexp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The arguments expression (Hack for BPMN Editor that saves args as one string.
ArgumentsNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A dummy node for grouping the arguments of a method call or constructor invocation.
ArgumentsNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArgumentsNode
Create a node.
array - Variable in class jadex.commons.ByteArrayWrapper
The wrapped byte array.
array - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
The list of elements.
ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
The array with content constructor.
ARRAY_DIMENSION - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
The empty array constructor.
ArrayBlockingQueue<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Blocking queue implemented as array.
ArrayBlockingQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
Create a new blocking queue.
arrayContains(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Check if an element is contained in an array.
arrayEmptyOrNull(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if two arrays are content equal or both null.
arrayEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if two arrays are content equal or both null.
arrayHashCode(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Calculate a hash code for an array.
ArrayNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A node representing an array to create.
ArrayNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ArrayNode
Create an expression node.
ArrayProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
An array processor allows for traversing arrays.
ArrayProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ArrayProcessor
Create a new array processor.
arrayToList(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an array to a vector.
arrayToSet(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Transform an array to a vector.
arrayToString(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get a string representation for an array.
arrowkey - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
ASC - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SelectNode
The ascending order direction.
ascending - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ProposalEvaluator
Flag indicating if evaluations are rated ascending (the higher the better) or the other way round.
ascending - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
The ordering direction of the list.
ASCENDING - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ISorterFilterTableModel
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortArrowIcon
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.SortHeaderRenderer
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
ASCII - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
ASCII charset.
asClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bytecode.ByteCodeClassLoader
Access to the classloader type.
asClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.bytecode.IByteCodeClassLoader
Access to the classloader type.
aslist - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The index map as java.util.List.
asmap - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
The index map as java.util.Map.
ASMBDIClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
ASMBDIClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.ASMBDIClassGenerator
AsmNodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3.asm
Helper for creating nodes.
AsmNodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmNodeHelper
AsmOpcodeHelper - Class in jadex.bdiv3.asm
Helper for creating opcodes.
AsmOpcodeHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmOpcodeHelper
asn1ToBytes(ASN1Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Shorthand for converting ANS1Objects to bytes.
assembleMessage(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventIntermediateMessageActivityHandler
assign(IVector2) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector2) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assign(IVector3) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Assigns this vector the values of another vector.
assignRole(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.Group
Assign an agent to a role.
asStream() - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Return a stream of the results of this future.
asStream() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Return a stream of the results of this future.
asStream(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IIntermediateFuture
Return a stream of the results of this future.
asStream(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
Return a stream of the results of this future.
ASYNC_CONTEXT_INFO - Static variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
Async context info.
ASYNC_CONTEXT_INFO - Static variable in interface jadex.extension.rs.publish.IAsyncContextInfo
Async context info.
ASYNCEXECUTION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Use asynchronous execution mode?
asyncScanDir(URL[], File, IFilter, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SDirScan
Scan directories.
asyncScanForClasses(ClassLoader, IFilter<Object>, IFilter<Class<?>>, int, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SDirScan
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
asyncScanForClasses(URL[], ClassLoader, IFilter<Object>, IFilter<Class<?>>, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SDirScan
Scan for classes that fulfill certain criteria as specified by the file and classfilters.
asyncScanForFiles(URL[], IFilter<Object>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SDirScan
Scan for files in a given list of urls.
AtomicCounter() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace.AtomicCounter
attachments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The attachments.
attributeNames() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.FeatureDescriptor
AuctionDescription - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Information about an auction.
AuctionDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Create a new auction description.
AuctionDescription(long, long, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionDescription
Create a new auction description.
AuctionInfo - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols
Information about an auction.
AuctionInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Create a new auction info.
AuctionInfo(long, long, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AuctionInfo
Create a new auction info.
authenticate(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.HttpServletRequestWrapper
AuthenticationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that can be used to realize authenticated end-to-end communication.
AuthenticationInterceptor(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Create a new AuthenticationInterceptor.
authHost - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The OSCAR authentication server.
authPort - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The OSCAR authentication server's port.
AUTO_ADJUST - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
This property can be set on components to be automatically adjusted to equal sizes.
AUTOCLOSABLE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The autoclosable class, if present.
AutoComboTableCellEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoComboTableCellEditor(JComboBox) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellEditor
AutoComboTableCellRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoComboTableCellRenderer(AutoCompleteCombo) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellRenderer
AutoCompleteCombo<T> - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
Autocomplete combobox with filtering and text inserting of new text
AutoCompleteCombo(ThreadPool, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
Create a new combo box.
AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
AutoCompleteDocument() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo.AutoCompleteDocument
Create a new AutoCompleteDocument.
automapping() - Method in annotation type jadex.extension.rs.publish.annotation.ParametersMapper
Flag if automapping should be provided.
autoprovide() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Agent
Auto-provide provided services that are directly implemented by the agent.
autoResizingEnabled - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ResizeableTableHeader
If true, auto resizing of columns when the TableModel invokes a tableChanged event is enabled.
autostart() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Agent
Auto-start this agent on platform startup.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the number of available bytes.
avatar - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The avatar of the component (if any).
AvatarMapping - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Relationship specification between an component type and an avatar type.
AvatarMapping() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
AvatarMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
AvatarMapping(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
Create a new avatar mapping.
avatarmappings - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Avatar mappings.
AverageEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidingGui() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
avoidingGui() - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.Visibility
AWADELAY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The awareness delay in milliseconds
AWAEXCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Exclude entries for awareness agent.
AWAINCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Include entries for awareness agent.
await() - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.VmHacks.InstrumentationCommand
Wait for command to finish.
await(long) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.VmHacks.InstrumentationCommand
Wait for command to finish.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
AWAMECHANISM_BROADCAST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Uses IPv4 broadcast to announce awareness infos in local networks.
AWAMECHANISM_LOCAL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The local discovery uses a file-based mechanism to detect platforms running on the same host.
AWAMECHANISM_MULTICAST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Uses IPv4 Multicast to find other platforms.
AWAMECHANISM_REGISTRY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The Registry mechanism implements a master-slave mechanism, where one platform is the registry.
AWAMECHANISM_SCANNER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The IP-Scanner discovery mechanism sends out awareness infos to all IP addresses within the local network (using port 55668)
AWAMECHANISMS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Specify the awareness agent discovery mechanisms (comma separated).
AWARENESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the awareness agent (awa) for automatic platform discovery.
AwarenessInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Simple info object that is sent between awareness agents.
AwarenessInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.
AwarenessInfo(IComponentIdentifier, List<TransportAddress>, String, long, String[], String[], String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.


B - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
back() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
Shows the next panel.
base - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.ExponentialPriceCalculator
The base (base^round).
BASE_TCNT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor
Starting number of threads.
BASE_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader
BASE_VIEWPORT_SIZE - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Text
Viewport size (in pixels) on which the base font size is relative to
base16Decode(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Decodes a Base16-encoded String and returns the data.
base16Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Encodes a set of data as a Base16 String (hex).
base16Mode() - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Switches the ID generator to BASE16 mode.
Base64 - Class in jadex.commons
Base64() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.Base64
base64Mode() - Method in class jadex.commons.IdGenerator
Switches the ID generator to BASE64 mode.
BASECLASSLOADER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The base classloader.
basestate - Variable in class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
ChaCha base state
basicconverters - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
The map of basic converters.
BasicEvaluator<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Basic evaluator implementation for service and methods.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicService - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Basic service provide a simple default isValid() implementation that returns true after start service and false afterwards.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Basic service invocation interceptor.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, ServiceInfo, Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, Logger, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IService, Logger, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicTypeConverter - Class in jadex.commons.transformation
Converter for basic types.
BasicTypeConverter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Create a new type converter.
BasicTypeConverter(Map<Class<?>, IStringObjectConverter>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Create a new type converter.
basictypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Mapping from basic class name -> basic type(class).
bccs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The bccs.
bcmListeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A list of registered membership listeners.
bcommands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableFuture
The list of backward commands.
bcommands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.TerminableIntermediateFuture
The list of backward commands.
bcsChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an iterator of all BCSChild instances, with remove() disabled.
bcsListeners - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
A list of registered BeanContextServicesListeners.
bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Deserializes all serializable services and their providers before the children of this context is deserialized.
bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called by readObject() after defaultReadObject() and before deserializing any children or listeners.
bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Serializes all serializable services and their providers before the children of this context is serialized.
bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called by writeObject() after defaultWriteObject() and before serializing any children or listeners.
BDI_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The specific component features for micro agents.
BDI_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
The specific component features for micro agents.
BDIAgentFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Factory for creating micro agents.
BDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory.
BDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory.
BDIAgentFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
Create a new agent factory for startup.
BDIClassGeneratorFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIClassGeneratorFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
BDIClassReader - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Reads micro agent classes and generates a model from metainfo and annotations.
BDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create a new bdi class reader.
BDIConfiguration - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Redefines jadex.micro.annotation.Configuration as annotations do not allow inheritance.
BDIConfigurations - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Configurations annotation.
BDIEnhancer - Class in jadex.bdiv3
Helper class to enhance BDI classes at buildtime.
BDIEnhancer() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIEnhancer
BDIFailureException - Exception in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
A BDI failure exception indicates that a plan has failed.
BDIFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bdiv3.runtime.BDIFailureException
Create a new BDI failure exception.
bdimodel - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
The bdi model.
BDIModel - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
BDIModel(IModelInfo, MCapability) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.BDIModel
Create a new model.
BDIModelLoader - Class in jadex.bdiv3
BDIModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.BDIModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
BDIXAgentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
BDI agent feature version for XML agents.
BDIXAgentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Map a change info as Map:Entry.
BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mgoal exist.
BDIXAgentFeature.LifecycleStateCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition for checking the lifecycle state of a goal.
BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Condition that tests if goal instances of an mplan exist.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extension to write back result beliefs on agent shutdown.
BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Create the feature.
BDIXComponentFactory - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Factory for default contexts.
BDIXComponentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Create a new component factory.
BDIXComponentFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXComponentFactory
Create a new component factory for startup.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Feature that ensures the bdi behavior is started.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.EndBehavior - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extracted end behavior.
BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature.StartBehavior - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extracted start behavior.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.features
Extension to allow message injection in agent methods.
BDIXMessageComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXMessageComponentFeature
Create the feature.
BDIXMLReader - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Reader for loading component XML models into a Java representation states.
BDIXMLReader(BDIXModelLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Create a new reader.
BDIXMLReader.BeliefMultiProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Postprocess beliefs and belief sets.
BDIXMLReader.GoalMetaProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
BDIXMLReader.ParamMultiProc - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Postprocess parameters and parameter sets.
BDIXModel - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Model for BDI v3x agents
BDIXModel() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
Create a new model.
BDIXModelLoader - Class in jadex.bdiv3x
Loader for application files.
BDIXModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
bean - Static variable in class jadex.commons.OperatingSystemMXBeanFacade
BeanClassInfo(MethodHandle, Map<String, BeanProperty>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DefaultBeanIntrospector.BeanClassInfo
Creates the info.
beanconstructor - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DefaultBeanIntrospector.BeanClassInfo
The bean constructor.
beanContext - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContext - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextChild - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextChildComponentProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
beanContextChildPeer - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextChildSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextChildSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextChildSupport(BeanContextChild) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
BeanContextContainerProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextEvent(BeanContext) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
BeanContextMembershipEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextMembershipEvent(BeanContext, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
BeanContextMembershipEvent(BeanContext, Collection) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
BeanContextMembershipListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextProxy - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent(BeanContextServices, Class) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
BeanContextServiceProvider - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent(BeanContextServices, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServices - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServicesListener - Interface in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServicesSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This support class implements BeanContextServices interface.
BeanContextServicesSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a standard BeanContextServicesSupport.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport(BeanContextServices, Locale, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Constructs a BeanContextServicesSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSChild - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every child of context is companied with a BCSSChild instance.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This class implements the BeanContextServiceProvider interface by wrapping a BeanContextServices.
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every servie registered in this context is companied with a BCSSServiceProvider instance.
BeanContextSupport - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This support class implements BeanContext interface.
BeanContextSupport() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a standload BeanContextSupport.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Constructs a BeanContextSupport which is a delegate of the given peer.
BeanContextSupport.BCSChild - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
Every child of context is companied with a BCSChild instance.
BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator - Class in jadex.commons.beans.beancontext
This implementation wraps an iterator and override remove() with a noop method.
BeanDescriptor - Class in jadex.commons.beans
Describes a bean's global information.
BeanDescriptor(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
BeanDescriptor(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.BeanDescriptor
Class and a customizer Class.
BeanInfo - Interface in jadex.commons.beans
beaninfos - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DefaultBeanIntrospector
The cache for saving time for multiple lookups.
BeanIntrospectorFactory - Class in jadex.commons.transformation
Factory for generating bean introspectors.
BeanProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Processor that traverses Java beans.
BeanProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProcessor
BeanProperty - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
This class is a struct for saving data about an inspected bean property.
BeanProperty() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
BeanProperty(String, Class<?>, Method, Method, Class<?>, boolean, boolean, Type) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
BeanProperty(String, Field) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BeanProperty
Create a new bean property.
Beans - Class in jadex.commons.beans
This class Beans provides some methods for manipulting bean controls.
Beans() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.beans.Beans
Constructs a Beans instance.
beanToString(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BeanIntrospectorFactory
Converts a bean to a string.
beforeSwitch() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ThreadLocalTransferHelper
Must be called before a thread switch occurs to save the thread local values.
Belief - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
beliefbase - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
The flat belief base.
BeliefbaseWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
Prepend capability prefix to belief names.
BeliefbaseWrapper(IBeliefbase, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
Create a belief base wrapper.
beliefChanged(ChangeInfo<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3.runtime.IBeliefListener
Invoked when a belief has been changed.
BELIEFCHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Event type that a belief value has changed (the whole value was changed).
beliefevents - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The events this belief depends on.
beliefmapping() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Capability
Belief mappings from outer beliefs to inner abstract beliefs.
beliefreferences - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The belief mappings (abstract/reference name -> concrete belief name).
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.iasteps.SetBeliefStep
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator.MethodBeliefs
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The beliefs.
beliefs - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The beliefs.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Belief
A dynamic belief is automatically updated when other beliefs change.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalContextCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalCreationCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalDropCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalMaintainCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalRecurCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.GoalTargetCondition
The beliefs this condition should react to.
beliefs() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.PlanContextCondition
The events this condition should react to.
beliefsets - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
The belief sets.
belongsTo(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Test if the thread belongs to the given pool and/or lane.
bgColor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.perspective.Perspective2D
The background color.
bgColor - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.perspective.Perspective3D
The background color.
bgColor_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport
The background color.
bgroup - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.ChoiceNode
BigIntegerProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Allows processing java.util.Date.
BigIntegerProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.BigIntegerProcessor
BiHashMap<K,​V> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A bidirectional hash map.
BiHashMap() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
BiHashMap(Map<K, V>, Map<V, K>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
BINARYMESSAGES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Use a compact binary message format instead of XML by default.
BinaryResponseProcessor - Class in jadex.extension.rs.publish.binary
Codec for encoding and decoding response objects.
BinaryResponseProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.rs.publish.binary.BinaryResponseProcessor
bind(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Binds the constant value.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The binding for forwarding service calls.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The default binding.
BINDING_NULL - Static variable in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Implementation
Identifier for null binding, as annotations don't support null values (grrr).
bindingoptions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The binding options.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The required service bindings.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of required service binding infos.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The bindings.
bindPosition(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.AbstractVisual2D
Binds the position of the visual to an object property.
bindPosition(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.AbstractVisual3d
Binds the position of the visual to an object property.
bindRotation(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.AbstractVisual2D
Binds the z-rotation of the visual to an object property.
bindRotation(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.AbstractVisual3d
Binds the z-rotation of the visual to an object property.
bindSize(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.AbstractVisual2D
Binds the size of the visual to an object property.
bindSize(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.AbstractVisual3d
Binds the size of the visual to an object property.
binser - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
The binary processor.
block() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Create future as simulation blocker, if currently in simulation mode.
blockcount - Variable in class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
Current block count.
BlockingQueue<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A blocking queue allows to enqueue or dequeue elements.
BlockingQueue() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
Create a blocking queue.
blockThread(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
Adjust to execution of current thread to be blocked.
BloomFilter - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure for checking if a value is contained in a set.
BloomFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter with default p = 0.01 and n = 1000.
BloomFilter(double, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter.
BloomFilter(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Create a new BloomFilter.
body - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The plan body.
body - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The event body (arguments, result, ...).
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendEmailPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendICQPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.SendXMPPPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.NotUnderstoodPlan
Execute the plan.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.ping.AnswerPingPlan
Handle the ping request.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.ping.DoPingPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.ping.PingingPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractInitiatorPlan
Initialize the plan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.AbstractReceiverPlan
Initialize the plan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMApproveCancelPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMInitiatorPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAInitiatorPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.dutchauction.DAReceiverPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAInitiatorPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.englishauction.EAReceiverPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionGoalCreationPlan
The plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPInitiatorPlan
Perform the request.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.RPQPReceiverPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPHandleUpdatePlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPInitiationPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPReceptionPlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.subscribe.SPSubmitUpdatePlan
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.test.FinishedPlan
Plan body.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.NotifyAdminPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObserveAgentPlan
The body method is called on the instatiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Plan
The body (if external plan class).
body() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Execute the functional body of the agent.
body() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Execute the main activity of the feature.
body() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Perform the main execution of the component (if any).
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the main execution of the component (if any).
body() - Method in class jadex.gpmn.plan.ParallelActivationPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
body() - Method in class jadex.gpmn.plan.SequentialActivationPlan
The body method is called on the instantiated plan instance from the scheduler.
Body - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
bodymethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body method cached for speed.
BOOLEAN_ARGS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
This is used for consistency checks and includes all argument names which refer to boolean arguments.
BOOLEAN_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Boolean converter.
Boolean3 - Enum in jadex.commons
A three valued boolean to be used in annotations as they do not allow null values.
BooleanNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Boolean node performs mathematical operations on it's (two) child nodes.
BooleanNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.BooleanNode
Create a node.
border - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JPlaceholderTextField
Glow border for broken UIs like GTK.
BORDER_RELAXED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border relaxed mode.
BORDER_RELAXED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border relaxed mode.
BORDER_STRICT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border strict mode.
BORDER_STRICT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border strict mode.
BORDER_TORUS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Border torus behavior.
BORDER_TORUS - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Border torus behavior.
borrow() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThread
Notify the pool that the thread is borrowed and return the return to the pool is expected to be delayed.
borrow(MonitoredThread) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor
Borrows the thread.
borrowed - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThread
Flag if the thread was borrowed.
borrowNoUnpark(MonitoredThread) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor
Borrows the thread without unparking.
box - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoComboTableCellRenderer
The combo box.
BPMN_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
BpmnFactory - Class in jadex.bpmn
Factory for loading bpmn processes.
BpmnFactory(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Create a new BpmnProcessService.
BpmnFactory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnFactory
Create a new factory for startup.
BpmnModelLoader - Class in jadex.bpmn
Loader for eclipse STP BPMN models (.bpmn files).
BpmnModelLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnModelLoader
Create a new BPMN model loader.
BpmnPersistInfo - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist
Class containing persistence information about a Bpmn process instance.
BpmnPersistInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.BpmnPersistInfo
Create an empty persist info.
BpmnPersistInfo(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.BpmnPersistInfo
Create a new BpmnPersistInfo.
BpmnXMLReader - Class in jadex.bpmn
Reader for loading Bpmn XML models into a Java representation states.
BpmnXMLReader() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Breakpoint - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.component
The breakpoint annotation.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The breakpoints.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The breakpoints.
Breakpoints - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
The breakpoints annotation.
BROKEN_UI_IDS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
IDs of potentially broken UIs that override behavior like setBackground().
BrokenModel(Exception, ResourceInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader.BrokenModel
Create a broken model.
BrowserLauncher - Class in jadex.commons.gui
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
BrowserLauncher2 - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Provides a static method to start a browser.
BrowserLauncher2() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserLauncher2
BrowserPane - Class in jadex.commons.gui
A text pane that is able to follow hyperlinks when clicked.
BrowserPane() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane
Create a new BrowserPane.
BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit - Class in jadex.commons.gui
An HTML editor kit for supporting images loaded from classpath.
bs - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
The bit set.
bucketsize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
The bucket size / entries per bucker.
buffer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The buffer.
buffer - Variable in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
The buffered bytes.
BUFFER_INPUT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.security.random.OpenSslAesCtr
Empty static input buffer as source
BUFFER_SIZE_P - Static variable in class jadex.commons.security.random.OpenSslAesCtr
Buffer size as C reference.
buildaplmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The method info for building apl.
buildErrorReport() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
buildPlanTrigger(BDIModel, String, Trigger, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
buildPopupMenu() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PopupBuilder
Build the popup menu.
buildReport(String, String, MultiCollection<Tuple, String>) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Build the error report.
buildtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.VersionInfo
The release date.
BulkMonitoringEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
BulkMonitoringEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BulkMonitoringEvent(IMonitoringEvent[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BunchFileData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
Collection of filedata for bulk transfer.
BunchFileData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
BunchFileData(Collection<Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
busyring - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
The busy ring.
busyservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The list of busy services.
ButtonCellManager() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList.ButtonCellManager
buttonpanel - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
The current button panel.
BYTE_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Byte converter.
BYTE_UNITS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Units for representing byte values.
ByteArrayWrapper - Class in jadex.commons
Wrapper to allow byte arrays as hash keys.
ByteArrayWrapper() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ByteArrayWrapper
Creates the wrapper.
ByteArrayWrapper(byte[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ByteArrayWrapper
Creates the wrapper.
ByteClassLoader - Class in jadex.commons
This class loader instantiate classes provided as a byte array.
ByteClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
Create a new byte class loader.
ByteCodeClassLoader - Class in jadex.bytecode
ClassLoader for generated classes.
ByteCodeClassLoader(ClassLoader...) - Constructor for class jadex.bytecode.ByteCodeClassLoader
Creates the loader.
BYTEFORMATTER1 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for one predecimal digit.
BYTEFORMATTER2 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for two predecimal digits.
BYTEFORMATTER3 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The byte formatter for three predecimal digits.
ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator - Class in jadex.bdiv3
This class generator keeps generated byte-code as byte[] to be post-processed by other classes.
ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
Create a new generator.
bytesToInt(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to an integer.
bytesToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to an integer.
bytesToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a long.
bytesToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a long.
bytesToShort(byte[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a short.
bytesToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert bytes to a short.
bytesToString(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get bytes as human readable string.


cache - Variable in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
The expression caches for filename.
Cache - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Cache that provide expiration in case of a) timetolive is exceeded b) the max number of data has been reached (lru behaviour)
Cache(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
Cache(int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
Cache(LRU, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Create a new cache.
CacheableModel - Class in jadex.commons
CacheableModel() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CacheableModel
cachedate - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
The cache data.
cachedobject - Variable in class jadex.commons.CachedObject
The cached object.
CachedObject - Class in jadex.commons
A cache for an object that was loaded from a file or url.
CachedObject(String, long, Serializable) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CachedObject
Create a new file cache.
CacheEntry - Class in jadex.commons.collection
Entry for cache.
CacheEntry(Object, long, long) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CacheEntry
Create a new cache entry.
calculateCartesianProduct(T[], E[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Calculate the cartesian product of parameters.
calculateCode(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
Calculate a login security code from the user id and password.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Grid2D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.Space2D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Grid3D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateDistance(IVector1, IVector1, IVector1) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.Space3D
Calculate the distance in the space.
calculateEvaluation(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateEvaluation(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateEvaluation(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
calculateMiddlePosition(Window) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Calculate the middle position of a window relativ to
calculateMiddlePosition(Window, Window) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Calculate the middle position of a window relativ to
call(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
Handles a call.
call(String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
CALL - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
call2(String, long) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.MyTestClass
CallAccess - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Helper class to deal with service calls
CallAccess() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Dummy constructor as this class only contains static methods.
callbackfield - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback field in the agent.
callbackmethod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback method in the agent.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The caller.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The caller component.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The calling component.
CALLER_QUEUED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is queued for suspension.
CALLER_RESUMED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is resumed.
CALLER_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
A caller is suspended.
callers - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.Future
The blocked callers (caller->state).
callfut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Ongoing call future.
CallMultiplexer - Class in jadex.commons.future
The CallMultiplexer unifies multiple executions of "similar" commands to a single execution.
CallMultiplexer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CallMultiplexer
Instantiates a call multiplexer.
callresults - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of results (if ret is not intermediate future).
calls - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of calls.
calls - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Service calls per method, calculated separately per platform.
calls - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool
Service calls per runnable class.
calls - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
The list of waiting calls with future and args.
CallSequentializer<T> - Class in jadex.commons.future
The call sequentializer realizes a 'critical region' for async calls, i.e.
CallSequentializer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
Create a new sequentializer.
CallSequentializer(IResultCommand<IFuture<T>, Object[]>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
Create a new sequentializer.
camelToSnakeCase(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert CamelCase to snake_case.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.IExternalTask
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
Cancel the activity.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.ICancelable
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.IExternalNotifier
Cancel the wait action.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Cancel the timer.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Cancel the timeout.
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IDelayRunner
Cancel the timer.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.Checker
Cancel the current wait.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TimerDelayRunner
Cancel the timer.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
Cancel the wizard.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractEventIntermediateTimerActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.AbstractGatewayActivityHandler
Cancel an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.DefaultActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.EventStartRuleHandler
Called when the process thread is aborted and waiting is no longer wanted.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.GatewayXORActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.TaskActivityHandler
Cancel an activity.
cancel(MActivity, IInternalAccess, ProcessThread) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.runtime.IActivityHandler
Execute an activity.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.exttask.ExternalTaskWrapper
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.AbstractTask
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.DestroyComponentTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask
Cancel the task.
cancel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.UserInteractionTask
Compensate in case the task is canceled.
cancel(IExecutable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Cancel a task.
CANCEL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CANCEL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
CANCEL_ID - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
ID for cancel events.
cancel_msg - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
The cancel message (if any).
cancel_response_contents - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The cancel response contents (if any).
cancel_responses - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
The received cancel responses (if any).
cancelComponentAction(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Cancels a component action.
canceled - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.persist.ThreadInfo
Is the task canceled.
canceled - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Is the task canceled.
cancelinfo - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
The wait info.
CANCELLATION_FAILED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying failed cancellation of interaction (failure explicitly stated by receiver side).
CANCELLATION_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying successful cancellation of interaction.
CANCELLATION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.InteractionState
Constant identifying unknown state of cancellation of interaction (no response from receiver side within timeout).
cancelmethod - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.PojoTaskWrapper
The cancel method.
cancelSpaceAction(int) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Cancel a queued space action.
cancelSpaceAction(int) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Cancel a queued space action.
cancelTransfer(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Cancel an ongoing file transfer.
canExpire(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Test if an entry can expire.
canSetAccessible() - Method in interface jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.INativeHelper
Tests if the setAccessible() method can be used.
canSetAccessible() - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.NativeHelper
Tests if the setAccessible() method can be used.
canvas_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport
Canvas for graphical output.
canvas_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.AbstractViewport3d
Canvas for graphical output.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXModel
The capability.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
The bdi state.
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.GoalsExistCondition
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.PlansExistCondition
capa - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
The capa.
CAPA_TYPE - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIAgentFactory
The model type identifier for a capability.
Capability - Annotation Type in jadex.bdiv3.annotation
Marker for a capability class or variable.
CAPABILITY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MElement
The capability separator.
CapabilityWrapper - Class in jadex.bdiv3x.runtime
XML version of the capability.
CapabilityWrapper(IInternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.CapabilityWrapper
Create a new capability.
capacity - Variable in class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
The number of free workers.
capacity - Variable in class jadex.commons.DefaultPoolStrategy
The number of free workers.
cardinalityone - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MDeliberation
The cardinality.
cardinalityone() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Deliberation
The cardinality.
CastNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Node representing a cast expression.
CastNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CastNode
Create an expression node.
catalog - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
catalogLocale - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
catalogName - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
catchEx(Future<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Called on exception.
catchEx(Future<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Future<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Future<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.Future
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>, Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateFuture
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateDelegationFuture
Called on exception.
catchEx(Consumer<? super Exception>, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture
Called on exception.
categories - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The element categories.
CategoryChartDataConsumer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation
Create a category chart consumer, x must be a comparable and y must be double value.
CategoryChartDataConsumer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Create a new chart consumer.
Cause - Class in jadex.bridge
A cause is used to link events.
Cause() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(Cause) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause as clone of the other.
Cause(Cause, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause rolling old one.
Cause(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
causes - Variable in exception jadex.commons.MultiException
The exceptions.
cbac - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbc - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbic - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
cbif - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The checkbox for interfaces.
cbmethodname - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the method name.
cbmethodname - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the method name.
cbranking - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the ranking.
cbrt() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Calculate the cube root.
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
cbrt() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Calculate the cbrt root.
cbsername - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the service name.
cbsername - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The combo box for the service name.
ccs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The ccs.
certificate - Variable in class jadex.commons.security.PemKeyPair
The encoded certificate.
cfilter - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Filter for scanning for kernel agent class infos.
cfilter - Static variable in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
Filter for scanning for kernel agent class infos.
cfp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
The cfp object.
cfp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The cfp sent to the participants.
CFP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CFP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
cfp_info - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.IQueryNextroundInfo.NextroundInfo
The cfp_info object.
cfp_info - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.NegotiationRecord
The cfp_info kept locally.
ch - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The abstract connection handler.
ChaCha20Random - Class in jadex.commons.security.random
ChaCha20Random() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
Initializes the PRNG.
ChaCha20Random(byte[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
Initializes the PRNG.
ChaCha20Random(IEntropySource) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
Initializes the PRNG.
ChaCha20Random(IEntropySource, byte[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.security.random.ChaCha20Random
Initializes the PRNG.
changeallowed - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Changing clock type allowed?
changed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The changed elements (if any).
changeevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.EventPublisher
The change event name.
changeevent - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.wrappers.InitEventPublisher
The change event name.
ChangeEvent<T> - Class in jadex.bdiv3.runtime
Event that is thrown in case of a bdi element change (belief, goal, etc.).
ChangeEvent<T> - Class in jadex.commons
The basic change event.
ChangeEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new ChangeEvent.
ChangeEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(IEvent) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new ChangeEvent.
ChangeEvent(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(Object, String, T) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
ChangeEvent(String, Object, T, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.ChangeEvent
Create a new event.
changeeventtypes - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.runtime.WaitAbstraction
The event types.
ChangeInfoEntryMapper(ChangeInfo<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IChangeListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IRemoteChangeListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeSessionId() - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.HttpServletRequestWrapper
channel - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.Animation
CHARACTER_CONVERTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
String -> Character converter.
chart - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
The chart.
CHAT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the chat agent for instant messaging and file transfer with user Jadex users.
ChatEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
Information about some event that happened in the chat component.
ChatEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Create a new chat event.
ChatEvent(String, String, IComponentIdentifier, Object, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Create a new chat event.
check() - Method in class jadex.commons.future.FutureFinishChecker
Check if completed.
check(Iterator<Tuple2<String, Set<String>>>, String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
Check a factory
checkAndAddRequiredServiceInfo(RequiredServiceInfo, Map<String, Object>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
checkAndFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check and filter.
checkClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
checkComponentType(String, IComponentFactory[], int, IExternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
checkContextCondition() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.actions.ExecutePlanStepAction
Check the context condition.
CheckedAction - Class in jadex.bridge
Can be used as external action, which will only be executed when isValid() is true.
CheckedAction() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Create a new action.
CheckedCollection - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A checked collection can be used for concurrent modification bug tracking.
CheckedCollection(Collection) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Create a new collection.
CheckedCollection(Collection, CheckedMap) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Create a new collection.
CheckedMap - Class in jadex.commons.collection
CheckedMap(Map) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Create a new collection.
checkEnhanced(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.AbstractAsmBdiClassGenerator
Check if a bdi agent class was enhanced.
checkEntity(X509CertificateHolder, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Check whether a certificate belongs to an entity, either as common name or as alt name.
checker - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
The current checker.
Checker() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.Checker
checkExistence(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check remote files for existence.
checkForEmptySlots(List) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Check for empty slots in list.
checkForResult() - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService.RequestInfo
Check, if there is a result that is not yet consumed.
CheckIndex - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Precondition for checking if the argument is a valid index.
checkLifecycleVisibility(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Test if a service is visible, i.e.
checkMethodReturnType(Class<? extends Annotation>, Method, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Check, if the return type of the agent method is acceptable.
checkName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified name matches the file name.
checkNotify(E, Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Check if the delegate should be notified.
checkNotInAtomic() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Check if wait is called in atomic mode.
CheckNotNull - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre- or postcondition check that a parameter is not null.
checkOrFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check or filter.
checkPackage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified package matches the file name.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPlatformPassword(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Check the platform password.
checkPostConditions(ServiceInvocationContext, Object, boolean, List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the postconditions.
checkPreConditions(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the precondition.
checkPublicationScope(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check if service is ok with respect to publication scope.
checkQueries(IServiceIdentifier, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check the persistent queries for a new service.
checkReadOnly() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Check the readonly state.
checkResend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Check resending of unacknowledged messages.
checkResend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Check, if the message should be resent.
checkReservedTag(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Check if it is a reserved tag.
checkReservedTags(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Check if it is a reserved tag.
checkRestrictions(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check the services according additional restrictions like scope.
CheckReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
checkSearchScope(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check if service is ok with respect to search scope of caller.
checkStale() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Check for stale entries and remove them.
checkStale() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Start removing discovered proxies.
checkStale() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
Start removing discovered entries.
CheckState - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre or postcondition that a state is valid.
checkTermination(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.ITerminationCommand
Check if termination is allowed.
checkTermination(Exception) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.TerminationCommand
Check if termination is allowed.
checkWaitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
childcount - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The child count.
childDeserializedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called during deserialization everytime a child is read.
childJustAddedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called everytime a child is added to this context.
childJustRemovedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
This method is called everytime a child is removed from this context.
childJustRemovedHook(Object, BeanContextSupport.BCSChild) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is called everytime a child is removed from this context.
childproc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Flag if process starter should be used for complete process decoupling.
children - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for children.
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
A map of children - key is child instance, value is BCSChild instance.
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.TreeNode
The children.
children - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.WizardNode
Wizard child nodes.
children - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.SimpleNode
childrenAdded(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipListener
childrenRemoved(BeanContextMembershipEvent) - Method in interface jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipListener
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Called when a child had an exception and was terminated.
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Called when a child had an exception and was terminated.
ChoiceNode(String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.ChoiceNode
Creates the node.
ChoiceNode(String, String[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard.ChoiceNode
Creates the node.
chooseAvailableResource(ClassLoader, String...) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Select the first available resource from a choice of potential resources.
chooseAvailableResource(String...) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Select the first available resource from a choice of potential resources.
ci - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature.ChangeInfoEntryMapper
CI_NAME_CACHE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader
cid - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
The identifier of the component to observe.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The component identifier of the remote component.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The user cid.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
The component identifier.
cidcounts - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The component ID counts.
cl - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.MethodCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The classloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The classloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AutoCompleteCombo
The cloassloader.
cl - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
The classloader.
classcache - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Class lookup cache (classloader(weak)->Map([name, import]->class)).
CLASSCACHE - Static variable in class jadex.bytecode.Proxy
ClassComboModel - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ClassComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Create a new ClassComboModel.
ClassComboModel(AutoCompleteCombo, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, IFilter<String>, IFilter<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
Create a new ClassComboModel.
ClassConverter() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter
ClassEntity() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassEntity
classEquals(Class, Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Compares if two classes are equal or their class names are equal.
classes - Variable in class jadex.commons.ByteClassLoader
The map of loaded classes.
classes - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
ClassFileInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassFileInfo
Create a new info.
ClassFileInfo(SClassReader.ClassInfo, String) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassFileInfo
Create a new info.
classfilter - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
classForName(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classForName0(String, boolean, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classForName0(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Extension for Class.forName(), because primitive types are not supported.
classinfo - Variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassFileInfo
The class info.
ClassInfo - Class in jadex.bridge
The class info struct serves for saving class information.
ClassInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassInfo
Create a new classinfo.
ClassInfo(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(Type) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
Create a new class info.
ClassInfo(String, Collection<SClassReader.AnnotationInfo>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassInfo
Create a new classinfo.
ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassInfoComboBoxRenderer
ClassInfoRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
A renderer for classinfos.
ClassInfoRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ClassInfoRenderer
classloader - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ClassInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The classloader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.CLObjectInputStream
The classloader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
The classloader with which this info was loaded.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.TypeNode
classloader - Variable in class jadex.micro.MicroModel
The class loader.
classloaders - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
ClassLoader cache.
classname - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
The clazz name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.commons.FieldInfo
The declaring class name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.commons.MethodInfo
Cached class.
classname - Variable in class jadex.commons.SClassReader.ClassInfo
The class name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceType
The class name.
classname - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
The class name.
Classname - Annotation Type in jadex.commons.transformation.annotations
Specify an identifying name for the class used to distinguish anonymous inner classes.
classpath - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The classpath.
classpath - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.SpatialControl
ClasspathHTMLEditorKit() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.BrowserPane.ClasspathHTMLEditorKit
ClassRenderer - Class in jadex.commons.gui.jtable
Table renderer for classes that displays full name in tooltip.
ClassRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ClassRenderer
ClassSearchPanel - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Panel that allows for searching artifacts from maven repositories.
ClassSearchPanel(ClassLoader, IThreadPool) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Create a new search panel.
ClassSearchPanel(ClassLoader, IThreadPool, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.ClassSearchPanel
Create a new search panel.
ClassStore - Class in jadex.bytecode.vmhacks
Class used to store injected classes globally.
ClassStore() - Constructor for class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.ClassStore
Creates the store.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
The type (if explicitly specified).
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as seperate class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MParameter
The type (if explicitly specified).
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The property class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.UnparsedExpression
The clazz info.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.commons.LazyResource
The reference class for using correct package and class loader.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.Value
The class.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The clazz.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Goal
The goal class, when used inside a Goals annotation.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NameValue
The value as a class.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Value
The value as a class.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Argument
The class.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.ComponentType
The component clazz.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Feature
Get the implementation type.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Result
The class.
cleaner - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.LRU
The entry cleaner (for performing cleanup code on removed entries).
cleanerAdded(ICleaner, IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.multi.messaging.SimpleMessagingCleanerAgent
An example plan to be executed whenever a new cleaner is seen.
CleanerBDIAgent - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgent
CleanerBDIAgentA0 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
BDI agent template.
CleanerBDIAgentA0() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentA0
CleanerBDIAgentA1 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
First BDI agent with a goal and a plan.
CleanerBDIAgentA1() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentA1
CleanerBDIAgentA2 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Use the recur flag to execute goals periodically.
CleanerBDIAgentA2() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentA2
CleanerBDIAgentA3 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Use many plans for the same goal.
CleanerBDIAgentA3() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentA3
CleanerBDIAgentA4 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Use goal settings to control plan selection.
CleanerBDIAgentA4() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentA4
CleanerBDIAgentB1 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Use a belief to control a declarative goal.
CleanerBDIAgentB1() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentB1
CleanerBDIAgentB2 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Using deliberation settings for managing conflicting goals.
CleanerBDIAgentB2() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentB2
CleanerBDIAgentB3 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Separate maintain and target conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentB3() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentB3
CleanerBDIAgentC0 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Managing known charging stations in a belief set.
CleanerBDIAgentC0() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentC0
CleanerBDIAgentC1 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
A subgoal for knowing charging stations
CleanerBDIAgentC1() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentC1
CleanerBDIAgentC2 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
A Plan for Finding a Charging Station
CleanerBDIAgentC2() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentC2
CleanerBDIAgentD1 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
A cleanup goal for each piece of waste.
CleanerBDIAgentD1() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentD1
CleanerBDIAgentD2 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentD2() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentD2
CleanerBDIAgentD3a - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentD3a() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentD3a
CleanerBDIAgentD3b - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Separate Maintain and Target Conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentD3b() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentD3b
CleanerBDIAgentE1 - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
Using inner classes for plans with conditions.
CleanerBDIAgentE1() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentE1
CleanerBDIAgentFinal - Class in jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single
More or less working solution for a BDI cleaner.
CleanerBDIAgentFinal() - Constructor for class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.single.CleanerBDIAgentFinal
cleanup() - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Cleanup will be executed at the end of the action.
cleanup(IComponentIdentifier, Exception) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
cleanup(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBelief
Cleanup the value on agent shutdown, i.e., call close() on closeable fact objects.
cleanup(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Called after test suite is finished.
cleanUp(ObserverCenter) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.plugin.AbstractInteractionPlugin
This method is executed when the plugins shuts down.
cleanupEldestEntry(Map.Entry<V, K>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.ILRUEntryCleaner
Cleanup the eldest entry.
cleanupfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The cleanup future.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Clear the resolver.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Clears all contained values.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
clear() - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.ClassStore
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This method is unsupported, throws UnsupportedOperationException.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Clears the map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Clear the filter content.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
Removes all of the elements from this set (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
Removes all mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.RwMapWrapper
Clears the map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.TwoWayMultiCollection
Removes all mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakKeyValueMap
Clears map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Clear the map.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.ObjectCache
Clear the cache.
clear() - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
clearAWT() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Workaround for AWT/Swing memory leaks.
clearModelCache() - Method in class jadex.commons.AbstractModelLoader
Clears the model cache.
clearRecentClassBytes() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.ByteKeepingASMBDIClassGenerator
Clear the list of recently generated classes.
clearTasks() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.SpaceObject
Removes all tasks from the object.
CLI - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the platform with command line interface (cli) activated? (requires Jadex Pro add-on)
CLICONSOLE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start cli with console in or not
clistener - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Custom functional result count listener.
CLObjectInputStream - Class in jadex.commons
Extension of the standard object input stream, which does not provide any means to set the classloader to use.
CLObjectInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.CLObjectInputStream
Create a new object input stream
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
The clock service.
clock - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
CLOCK_SPEED - Static variable in class jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.Main
Use higher values (e.g.
clocklistener - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The clock listener.
clocklistener - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.ObserverCenter
The clock listener for sync gui updates.
clockok - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock ok flag.
ClockState() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Bean constructor.
ClockState(String, long, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Create a clock state object.
clocktype - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock type.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Clone this configuration.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Clone this component identifier.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Clone a component description.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.ListIndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap.MapIndexMap
Clone an index map.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Clone a multi collection.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple2
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in class jadex.commons.Tuple3
Clone this tuple.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Generates a deep clone of the vector.
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
clone() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
clone(Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner
Clones an object using object traversal.
clone(Object, Traverser, List<ITraverseProcessor>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner
Clones an object using object traversal.
clone(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner
Clones an object using object traversal.
clone(Object, List<ITraverseProcessor>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner
Clones an object using object traversal.
CloneContext() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner.CloneContext
Creates context.
CloneProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
Processor that clones cloneable objects.
CloneProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CloneProcessor
CloneResponseProcessor - Class in jadex.extension.rs.publish.clone
Allows processing jax rs Response.
CloneResponseProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.rs.publish.clone.CloneResponseProcessor
close - Variable in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
The nesting level delimiters.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLDecoder
Close the input stream of xml data.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.XMLEncoder
Call flush() first, then write out xml footer and close the underlying output stream.
close() - Method in interface jadex.commons.collection.IAutoLock
Unlocks the lock via the resource approach.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.ListenableStream
Close the streams.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.MultiStream
Close the streams.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.ProtectedInputStream
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.commons.ResourceInfo
Cleanup the resource info when it is no longer used.
close(Closeable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Attempt to close a Closeable (e.g.
close(OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ProcessStarter
Close a stream.
close(Socket) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Attempt to close a Socket (e.g.
CLOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
CLOSE_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close connection - from participant.
CLOSE_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close connection - from initiator.
closeConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class jadex.commons.HttpConnectionManager
Close a connection
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The closed flag.
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The closed flag.
closed - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.ArrayBlockingQueue
The queue state.
closed - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.BlockingQueue
The queue state.
ClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.commons.collection.IBlockingQueue.ClosedException
Create a new closed exception.
closeReceived(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
From initiator.
CLOSEREQ - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close request (from participant which cannot close itself).
CLOSEREQ_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close request connection - from initiator.
CLOSEREQ_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Request close connection - from participant.
closereqflag - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Close request flag (when a closereq message was received).
closeRequestReceived() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Received a request to close the connection.
closesent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Flag if close was already sent.
closing - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
CMApproveCancelPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Default plan to decide about cancel requests.
CMApproveCancelPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMApproveCancelPlan
cmd - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
The schedule command.
CMHandlerPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Receiver plan for FIPA-Cancel-Meta-Protocol.
CMHandlerPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMHandlerPlan
CMInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta
Plan to handle protocol abortion according to FIPA cancel meta protocol
CMInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.cancelmeta.CMInitiatorPlan
CMSComponentDescription - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Java class for concept CMSComponentDescription of beanynizer_beans_fipa_new ontology.
CMSComponentDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CESComponentDescription.
CMSComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CMSComponentDescription.
CmsComponentState() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Creates the component state.
CMSCreateComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSCreateComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSCreateComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSCreateComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Create a new AMSCreateComponent.
CMSCreatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSCreatedEvent(IComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSDestroyComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSDestroyComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSDestroyComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSDestroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Create a new AMSDestroyComponent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent(IComponentDescription, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
cmslisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The cms listeners for the component.
CMSResumeComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSResumeComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSResumeComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSResumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Create a new AMSSuspendComponent.
CMSSearchComponents - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSSearchComponents of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSearchComponents() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Default Constructor.
CMSSearchComponents(IComponentDescription, IComponentDescription[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Create a new DFSearch.
CMSShutdownPlatform - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSShutdownPlatform of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSShutdownPlatform() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSShutdownPlatform
Default Constructor.
CmsState - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Class representing the state information for component management.
CmsState() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Creates the state.
CmsState.CmsComponentState - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
State for a particular component.
CMSStatusEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Base change event.
CMSStatusEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSStatusEvent(IComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Status event for a newly created component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Status event for an intermediate result of a component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Final event of a finished component, including all results.
CMSSuspendComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSSuspendComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSuspendComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSSuspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Create a new CMSSuspendComponent.
CMSTerminatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSTerminatedEvent(IComponentDescription, Map<String, Object>, Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Evaluate proposals using the proposal evaluator interface.
CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPEvaluateProposalsPlan
CNPInitiatorPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Handles the initiator side of a contract-net protocol.
CNPInitiatorPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Default plan for the query nextround info goal of the iterated contract-net protocol.
CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPQueryNextroundInfoPlan
CNPReceiverPlan - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet
Receive a contract net protocol (cnp) and answer it.
CNPReceiverPlan() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPReceiverPlan
cnt - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The number of tests to be performed.
cnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
The number of received callbacks.
cnt - Variable in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
CNT - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
COARSE - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
code() - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.Executor
The code to be run.
CODEC_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Constant for accessing the codec id.
coll - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
The collection.
collcnt - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiIterator
The counter for the collection.
collectClasspathDirectories(ClassLoader, Set<File>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Collect all directory URLs belonging to a class loader.
collectClasspathURLs(ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Get other contained (but not directly managed) urls from parent classloaders.
collectClasspathURLs(ClassLoader, Set<URL>, Set<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Collect all URLs belonging to a class loader.
CollectingIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
A listener that collects intermediate results and calls resultAvailable() on setFinished().
CollectingIntermediateResultListener() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectingIntermediateResultListener
CollectionNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
A node representing collection values to fill in.
CollectionNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CollectionNode
Create an expression node.
CollectionProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
A collection processor allows for traversing collections.
CollectionProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.CollectionProcessor
Create a new collection processor.
CollectionResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Collection result listener collects a number of results and return a collection.
CollectionResultListener(boolean, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(int, boolean, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener.
CollectionResultListener(int, IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener that stops on failures.
CollectionResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<E>>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CollectionResultListener
Create a new collection listener that stops on failures.
CollectionWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.commons.collection.wrappers
Wrapper for collections.
CollectionWrapper(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
Create a new wrapper.
collectManifestURLs(URL, Set<URL>, Set<String>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Collect all URLs as specified in a manifest.
collectProposals(NegotiationRecord, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.contractnet.CNPInitiatorPlan
Collect proposal messages.
color_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable.Primitive
Color or Color binding of the primitive.
color_ - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Primitive3d
Color or Color binding of the primitive.
COLORKEY - jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.SpecialAction
ColorLayerJ2DRenderer - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d
ColorLayerJ2DRenderer() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.ColorLayerJ2DRenderer
ColorProcessor - Class in jadex.commons.transformation.traverser
ColorProcessor() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.ColorProcessor
ColorStringMapper - Class in jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper
Color to hex string mapper.
ColorStringMapper() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper.ColorStringMapper
colorToHTML(Color) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Convert a color to an html representation.
colorToRgba(Color) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Converts a color to RGBA array.
columnclasses - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The classes of the columns.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.StringArrayTableModel
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The display names of the columns.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The table column names.
columnnames - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DefaultDataProvider
The column names.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The data.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.DefaultTreeTableModel
The column names.
columns - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.TreeTableNodeType
The columns (internal names of properties).
columns - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.DataTable
The map of column indices.
columseditable - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.ObjectTableModel
The editable colums.
CombiIcon - Class in jadex.commons.gui
Icon that can combine multiple images.
CombiIcon(Icon[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.CombiIcon
Create a combio icon from the given icons.
combineSubscriptionFutures(IInternalAccess, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>, IResultCommand<T, E>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Combine results of two subscription futures and exclude duplicates (uses sliding cuckoo filter with toString() on results).
combineSubscriptionFutures(IInternalAccess, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Combine results of two subscription futures and exclude duplicates (uses sliding cuckoo filter with toString() on results).
combo - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
ComboBoxEditor - Class in jadex.commons.gui.autocombo
ComboBoxEditor(AbstractAutoComboModel<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ComboBoxEditor
Create a new editor.
command - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The command.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DefaultResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.DelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.ExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.future.IFutureCommandResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.future.IntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDefaultResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateExceptionDelegationResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingIntermediateResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.future.SwingResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commands - Variable in class jadex.commons.future.CallSequentializer
The command to execute a call.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.protocols.Selector
The comparator for comparing proposals.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The component of the ref.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
The component.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The internal access.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
The local component.
comp - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
The comparator to use (if any).
COMPARABLE_COMAPRATOR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.gui.jtable.TableSorter
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherX
Static comparator to avoid instantiation overhead
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode.KdValueFetcherY
Static comparator to avoid instantiation overhead
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.YOrder
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Compare two values.
compare(T, T) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.SortedList
Compare two elements.
compareElementsAt(int, int) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.MergeSort
CompareNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Compare node compares it's (two) child nodes.
CompareNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.CompareNode
Create a node.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService.Task
Return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList.ActionEntry
Compare two action entries.
compareTo(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compares two strings, ignoring case.
comparevalue - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Value used during comparison.
complete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
component - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The body as component type.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The message service.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The internal access.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptList.PerceptEntry
The receiving component.
component - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.extension.ws.publish.DefaultWebServicePublishService
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.micro.IntervalBehavior
The component.
component() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.Body
The body as component type.
Component - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Component annotation.
COMPONENT - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in component and all direct and indirect subcomponents.
COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The component flag argument (for starting an additional component).
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The component factory classname argument.
COMPONENT_MANAGEMENT_ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The name of the fipa component management ontology.
COMPONENT_ONLY - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in component itself.
ComponentActionList - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
The list of scheduled component actions and convenience methods for executing selected actions.
ComponentActionList(IEnvironmentSpace) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.ComponentActionList
Create a new action list.
ComponentActionList.ActionEntry - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment
Entry for a scheduled action.
componentActive(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes active.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Called from application component, when a component was added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Called when an component was added.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IPerceptGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was added to the space.
componentChanged(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a component has changed its state.
ComponentCreationException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when component creation failed.
ComponentCreationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationException(String, String, Object) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Internal parameter object for data required during component initialization.
ComponentCreationInfo(IModelInfo, String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentDescription, ProvidedServiceInfo[], RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Create an info object.
componentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescription.
componentdescriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescriptions.
ComponentEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
ComponentEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentEvent
ComponentFutureFunctionality - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Schedule forward future executions (e.g.
ComponentFutureFunctionality(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
Create a new future.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.ViewportJ2D
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
ComponentIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
A component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Copy a component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier with a global name and given addresses.
ComponentIdentifier(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create component identifier.
componentIdle(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes idle.
ComponentInstanceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Component instance information.
ComponentInstanceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
ComponentInstanceInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
componentmap - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The component map.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.ViewportJ2D
componentname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component name used for searching.
componentname - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The name of the component to be created for an avatar.
ComponentNotFoundException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when a component was not found.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
ComponentPersistedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been persisted.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persited exception.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persisted exception.
ComponentPersistedException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
Called from application component, when a component was removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Called when an component was removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IPerceptGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, IEnvironmentSpace) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
Called when an component was remove from the space.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been removed.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.ViewportJ2D
ComponentResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
The result listener for executing listener invocations as a component step.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
components - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of contained components.
components - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.ObjectCardLayout
The components.
components - Variable in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
The created components (name->comp).
components - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.gui.plugin.EvaluationPlugin
The evaluation components.
components() - Method in annotation type jadex.bdiv3.annotation.BDIConfiguration
The components.
components() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Configuration
The components.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.java2d.ViewportJ2D
ComponentSuspendable - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Allow waiting for futures by blocking a component.
ComponentSuspendable(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Create a component suspendable.
ComponentTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been terminated.
ComponentTerminatedException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Empty constructor for deserialization.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTestSuite - Class in jadex.base.test
Execute multiple component tests in a test suite.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in class directories on the class path (i.e.
ComponentTestSuite(String[], File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[], String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentThreadInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Ensures that interceptor is only called when component thread is in the chain.
ComponentThreadInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Create a new ComponentThreadInterceptor.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component type, i.e.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.MPosition
The agent type.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The component type name.
ComponentType - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
componenttypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.PerceptType
The component types.
componenttypes - Variable in class jadex.micro.KernelMultiAgent
Currently supported types (loadable suffixes)
ComponentTypes - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Define component types that can be instantiated as subcomponents of the declaring component.
componentTypesAdded(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when new component types become available.
componentTypesRemoved(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when component types become unavailable.
ComponentUptimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.time
Property for the startup of a component.
ComponentUptimeProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
Create a new property.
compose(Raster, Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ModulateComposite.ModulationContext
Composes the image.
compose(Raster, Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ModulateComposite.ModulationContextAccel
Composes the image.
ComposedEvaluator<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Evaluator composed of multiple weighted evaluators.
ComposedEvaluator() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Creates the combiner.
ComposedFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter checks if an object matches the given subfilters.
ComposedFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedFilter(IFilter<T>...) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedFilter(IFilter<T>[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedRemoteFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter checks if an object matches the given subfilters.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
CompositeCancelable - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler
CompositeCancelable(List<MSequenceEdge>, ProcessThread, IInternalAccess, ICancelable[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler.CompositeCancelable
Create a new CompositeCancelable.
computeAcceptableN(long, long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute acceptable amount of elements with given number of hashes and size of filter in bits.
computeFileHash(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compute a file hash.
computeFileHash(String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Compute a file hash.
computeOptimalK(long, long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute optimal number of hash functions using expected number of elements and size of filter in bits.
computeOptimalM(long, double) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute optimal size of bloom filter in bits by expected number of elements and acceptable false positive rate.
computeP(long, long, double) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.BloomFilter
Compute best-case (uniform hash function) false positive probability.
COMSUPS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component suspendables.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
The connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The original connection (not transferred).
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The original connection.
concurrency - Variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The number of currently running tasks.
concurrencyCheckingList(List) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Wrap a list for concurrency checking.
ConcurrencyCheckingList - Class in jadex.commons.collection
A wrapper for a list to detect undesired concurrent access.
ConcurrencyCheckingList(List) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
Wrap the given list.
cond - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Sound3d
cond - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.Animation
cond - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.Materialfile
cond - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.special.SpatialControl
condition - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MTrigger
The trigger condition.
condition - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractTask
The task condition (optional).
CONDITION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal context condition name.
CONDITION_CREATION - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal creation condition name.
CONDITION_DROP - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal drop condition name.
CONDITION_MAINTAIN - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal maintain condition name.
CONDITION_RECUR - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal recur condition name.
CONDITION_TARGET - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Goal target condition name.
ConditionalNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Conditional node returns the value of it's second or third child node depending on the truth value of it's first child.
ConditionalNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConditionalNode
Create a node.
ConditionException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
ConditionException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
conditions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The expressions.
conditions - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
The goal conditions.
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The start configuration name.
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The configuration.
config - Variable in class jadex.extension.agr.AGRSpace
The config.
config - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
config(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a CONFIG message.
configpp - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot configuration.
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The configuration.
configuration() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.Component
The configuration name.
configuration() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.CreationInfo
The configuration name.
Configuration - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Configuration annotation.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The configuration file argument.
CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The configuration to use.
ConfigurationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Information contained in a component configuration.
ConfigurationInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
ConfigurationInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
configurations - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MCapability
The configurations.
configurations - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The configurations.
Configurations - Annotation Type in jadex.micro.annotation
Configurations annotation.
configureButtons() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
Configures the buttons.
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
conhandler - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
The other connection.
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
connectDelegationFuture(Future, IFuture) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Connect a delegation future with the source.
connected - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
The connection state (true=connected event, false=disconnected event).
CONNECTED - jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
connection - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.AIM
The connection to the TOC server.
connectionid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The id of the connection.
ConsoleListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Create a console listener.
constant - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
Is the node value constant (independent of evaluation context and parameters)?
CONSTANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should remain constant.
constant_value - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ExpressionNode
The constant value (if any).
ConstantFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
Filter with fixed return value.
ConstantFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Create filter instance.
ConstantFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantFilter
Create filter instance.
ConstantNode - Class in jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl
Constant node representing a constant value.
ConstantNode(ParserImpl, int) - Constructor for class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ConstantNode
Create a node.
ConstantPoolStrategy - Class in jadex.commons
Simple strategy with a constant number of workers.
ConstantPoolStrategy() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Create a new ConstantPoolStrategy.
ConstantPoolStrategy(int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ConstantPoolStrategy
Create a new ConstantPoolStrategy.
ConstantStringMapper - Class in jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper
Mapper that returns a constant value not depending on the input value.
ConstantStringMapper(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper.ConstantStringMapper
Create a new mapper.
ConstantValueFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
ConstantValueFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
ConstantValueFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
constraintmodel - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Hard constraint model
constructor - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SStackTraceElementHelper
Legacy constructor.
CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The constructor type.
constructor9 - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SStackTraceElementHelper
Java 9+ constructor if available.
ConstructorInfo - Class in jadex.bdiv3.model
Describes a constructor.
ConstructorInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new ConstructorInfo.
ConstructorInfo(Constructor<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new ConstructorInfo.
ConstructorInfo(String[], String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdiv3.model.ConstructorInfo
Create a new FieldInfo.
constructors - Variable in class jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.ReflectNode
The possible constructors (for constructor nodes).
consumeData(long, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
consumeData(long, double) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CSVFileDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
consumeData(long, double) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.ITableDataConsumer
Consume data from the provider.
consumedtypes - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService.MappingInfo
The accepted media types for consumption.
ContactData - Class in jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog
Contact information data bean.
ContactData() - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Constructor for ContactData.
ContactData(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ContactData
Create a new contact.
contacts - Variable in class jadex.bdi.planlib.watchdog.ObservationDescription
The contact data.
container - Variable in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.ServiceCallTask.ServiceCallTaskGui
The container.
container - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.DeltaTimeExecutor
The platform.
contains(IWaste) - Method in interface jadex.quickstart.cleanerworld.environment.IWastebin
Test is the waste is in the waste bin.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTable
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if the given object is a child of this context.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
contains(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Check if a given byte array is contained in the filter.
contains(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if given objects are children of this context.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedCollection
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.ConcurrencyCheckingList
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IdentityHashSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet.SynchronizedLeaseTimeCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.PassiveLeaseTimeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.CollectionWrapper
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.TransformSet
containsBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
containsBelief(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
containsBelief(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.BeliefbaseWrapper
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefbase
containsBeliefSet(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase
containsDigit(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Test if a string contains a digit.
containsEntry(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.EditableList
Test if an entry is contained.
containsFact(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IBeliefSet
Test if a fact is contained in a belief.
containsFact(Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RBeliefbase.RBeliefSet
Test if a fact is contained in a belief.
containsGoal(IGoal) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Test if an adopted goal is already contained in the goal base.
containsGoal(IGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Test if an adopted goal is already contained in the goal base.
containsJob(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Test if a job is scheduled with an id.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.ClassStore
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns true if the given object is a child of this context.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns whether the forward map contains the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.Cache
Test if a key is contained.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.RwMapWrapper
Returns if the map contains a key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakKeyValueMap
Returns if key is contained.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Test if key contained.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
containsSubhandlerForExactUri(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.extension.rs.publish.IPathHandler
Tests if a handler for the exact URI is currently published.
containsSubhandlerForExactUri(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathHandler
Tests if a handler for the exact URI is currently published.
containsSubhandlerForExactUri(String, String) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.PathHandler2
Tests if a handler for the exact URI is currently published.
containsVal(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
containsVal(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IParameterSet
Test if a value is contained in a parameter.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bytecode.vmhacks.ClassStore
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.BiHashMap
Returns whether the reverse map contains the specified key.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.CheckedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.FastHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.NestedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.OrderedProperties
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.RwMapWrapper
Returns if the map contains a value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakKeyValueMap
Returns if value is contained.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
Test if value contained.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.wrappers.MapWrapper
content - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The plain content.
content - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakKeyValueMap
The internal delegate map.
content - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.KdNode
List containing objects in leaf nodes, null otherwise.
content - Variable in exception jadex.extension.rs.invoke.RestInvocationHelper.RequestFailedException
The received content
CONTENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
ContentException - Exception in jadex.bridge
A content exception occurs, if the content cannot be properly extracted from a message with language and ontology set.
ContentException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
ContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
contents - Variable in class jadex.commons.collection.WeakValueMap
The contents.
contenttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The content type.
CONTEXT_ENTRIES - Static variable in class jadex.bpmn.BpmnXMLReader
Key for error entries in read context.
CONTEXT_LOADER - Static variable in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
The loader constant.
contextcondition - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MPlan
The context condition.
contextconditionmethod - Variable in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MBody
The precondition method cached for speed.
contextpath - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.HttpServletRequestWrapper
The contextpath.
CONTEXTSERVICECLASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative context service implementation.
continuosly - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.drawable3d.Sound3d
ContinuousSpace2D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d
Continuous version of 2D space.
ContinuousSpace2D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace2D(IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace2D(Object, IVector2) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.ContinuousSpace2D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
ContinuousSpace3D - Class in jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d
Continuous version of 2D space.
ContinuousSpace3D() - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace3D(IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with the default name.
ContinuousSpace3D(Object, IVector3) - Constructor for class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.ContinuousSpace3D
Creates a new ContinuousSpace2D with a special ID.
conv - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The parameter converter.
CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Message header key for conversation IDs (optional).
CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
convert() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.AgentArgument
The argument conversion expression.
convert() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.AgentResult
The result conversion expression.
convert(Double) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.IConvertableUnit
Convert a value according to the underlying unit.
CONVERT_ALL - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of all known characters.
CONVERT_ALL_EXCEPT_AMP - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of all known characters except &.
CONVERT_NONE - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Constant that indicates a conversion of no characters.
convertabletypes - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SReflect
String convertable types.
convertArguments(Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Convert arguments to argument map.
convertback() - Method in annotation type jadex.micro.annotation.AgentResult
The result conversion expression.
convertBufferedImageType(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Converts a buffered image to a new image type.
convertDetailsToMap(List) - Static method in class jadex.bpmn.MultiColumnTableEx
Convert the List of MAnnotationDetail to a Map.
converters - Variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
The map of instance converters.
converters - Variable in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
The media type converters.
CONVERTERS - Static variable in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
convertEvents(String, Set<String>, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
convertEventTypes(String, Collection<EventType>, IBDIModel) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
convertFromJsonString(String, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert json to object representation.
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
convertFromString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
convertFromString(String, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert to object representation.
convertJsonValue(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
Convert a json string to a java object.
convertMapKeysToLowercase(Map<String, T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a map copy with all keys in lowercase.
convertNameValue(NameValue) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Convert a name value annotation to an unparsed expression.
convertObject(Object, Class<?>, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IStringConverter
Convert an object to a string.
convertObject(Object, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Convert a string value.
convertObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IObjectStringConverter
Convert a value to a string type.
convertObjectToString(Object, Class<?>, ClassLoader, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Convert object to string.
convertParameter(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
Convert a (string) parameter
convertParameter(Object, Type) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert a parameter to a target type.
convertParameter(List<String>, String, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.AbstractRestPublishService
Convert a parameter string to an object if is json or xml.
convertParameters(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IParameterConverter
Convert parameters.
convertParameters(Object[], Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.mapper.DefaultParameterMapper
Convert parameters.
convertParameters(Object[], Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.rs.publish.mapper.IParameterMapper
Convert parameters.
convertPathsToRelative(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Convert the given paths to relative paths.
convertPathToPackage(String, URL[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Find a package name from a path.
convertPathToRelative(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an absolute path to a relative path based on the current user directory.
convertProperties(List, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType
Set properties on a map.
convertString(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IStringConverter
Convert a string to an object.
convertString(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.BasicTypeConverter
Convert a string value.
convertString(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.commons.transformation.IStringObjectConverter
Convert a string value to another type.
convertString(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceType.ClassConverter
Convert a string value to a type.
convertStringToObject(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Convert string to object.
convertToCollection(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Convert user defined tag(s) to collection.
convertToJsonString(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert an object to the json string representation.
convertToRemoteFiles(File[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Convert files to remote files.
convertToRuntimeException(Throwable) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Converts an exception to RuntimeException, returns original if already a RuntimeException.
convertToString(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassInfoComboModel
convertToString(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.ClassComboModel
convertToString(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.FixedClassComboModel
convertToString(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.StringComboModel
convertToString(T) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractAutoComboModel
convertTrigger(IBDIModel, String, MTrigger, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Convert a plan trigger or waitqueue and map the events.
convertTypeName(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SClassReader
Converts a type name to Java style.
convertUri(String) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.ExternalRestPublishService
Convert the publish id to uri.
convertURLToString(URL) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Convert an URL to a local file name.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper.ColorStringMapper
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper.ConstantStringMapper
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.invoke.mapper.IterableStringMapper
Convert the given value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.rs.publish.mapper.IValueMapper
Convert a value.
convertValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.mapper.NativeResponseMapper
Convert a value.
convertWrappedValue(Object, Class) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Convert a value to the correct wrapped type.
convidcnt - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The counter for conversation ids.
convidcnt - Static variable in class jadex.commons.SUtil
The counter for conversation ids.
copy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The argument copy allowed flag.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector1
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector2
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.math.IVector3
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.SynchronizedVector2Wrapper
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector1Long
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector2Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Double
copy() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.math.Vector3Int
Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface.
copy(ProcessThread) - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a copy of this thread (e.g.
copy(String, IExternalAccess, String, IFileTransferService) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Copy a file between two platforms.
copyArray(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy an array.
copyChildren() - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Returns an array containing all children of this context.
copyCondition(IBDIModel, String, MCondition) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a condition and adapt the events.
copyConfigBelief(IBDIModel, String, MConfigBeliefElement, List<MConfigBeliefElement>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a config belief element.
copyConfigParameterElement(IBDIModel, String, MConfigParameterElement, List<MConfigParameterElement>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a config parameter element.
copyConfiguration(IBDIModel, String, ConfigurationInfo, ConfigurationInfo, MConfiguration, MConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy an inner configuration into an outer one.
copyEntries() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.autocombo.AbstractFixedAutoComboModel
copyExpression(String, UnparsedExpression) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy an expression.
copyExpressions(String, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy expressions.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy a file.
copyParameter(IBDIModel, ClassLoader, String, MParameter) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.SBDIModel
Copy a parameter and adapt events.
CopyReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Copy all data from input to output stream.
CoreNumberProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The number of cores.
CoreNumberProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
Create a new property.
COUNTER - Static variable in class jadex.bytecode.Proxy
COUNTER - Static variable in class jadex.commons.concurrent.LoadManagingExecutionService
The counter.
CounterResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.commons.future
Counter result listener for counting a specified number of resultAvailable calls.
CounterResultListener(int, boolean, IResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
CounterResultListener(int, IResultListener<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.future.CounterResultListener
Create a new counter listener.
countOccurrences(String, char) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Count the occurrences of a char in a string.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Service search ranking decider based on a simple service count threshold.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider(int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider
Creates the decider.
countTokens() - Method in class jadex.commons.ExpressionTokenizer
Count the number of tokens.
CPULoadProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The cpu load property.
CPULoadProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
Create a new property.
create(ComponentCreationInfo, Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Create the component, i.e.
create(ComponentCreationInfo, Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Create the component, i.e.
create(Class<T>, Object, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
create(Class<T>, Object, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
create(Class<T>, Object, String, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.beans.EventHandler
createAccessorClass(IByteCodeClassLoader, Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Generates an accessor class based on an interface.
createAccount(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Read account data from property file.
createAckTimer(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Triggers resends of packets if no ack has been received in acktimeout.
createAction(String, Icon, ActionListener) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create an action.
createActivityEvent(String, ProcessThread, MActivity) - Method in interface jadex.bpmn.features.IInternalBpmnComponentFeature
Create an activity event (start, end).
createAgent(String, IExecutionService, IClockService) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroAgentFactory
Create a micro agent using services.
createAgent(String, IComponentFactory, IExecutionService, IClockService) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create an agent based on filename, agent factory and platform services.
createArrayList() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh array list.
createArrayList(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create an array list from values.
createavatar - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for creating the avatar when an component is created.
createAvatar(IComponentDescription, String, boolean) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create an avatar.
createBCSChild(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Creates a BCSSChild object to company the given child.
createBCSChild(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Creates a BCSChild object to company the given child.
createBCSSServiceProvider(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
Creates a BCSSServiceProvider to company the given service.
createBDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDIAgentFactory object.
createBDIAgentFactory(IInternalAccess, Map) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBDIClassGenerator() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDI Class Generator object.
createBDIClassGenerator() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactory
Create a new, platform-specific BDI Class Reader object.
createBDIClassReader(BDIModelLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassGeneratorFactoryDesktop
createBeanObject(IBeanIntrospector, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.SCloner
Creates a bean object from class.
createBeanProperty(String, Class<?>, Method, Method, Class<?>, Type) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DefaultBeanIntrospector
Creates a bean property based on getter/setter.
createBeanProperty(String, Field, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.transformation.traverser.DefaultBeanIntrospector
Creates a bean property based on a field.
createBinding(RequiredService) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a service binding.
createBulkAckTimer(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Triggers resends of packets if no ack has been received in acktimeout.
createButton(String, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a button and add it to the panel.
createButton(String, String, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a button and add it to the panel.
createButtons(String, String[], double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create several buttons.
createByteCodeClassLoader(ClassLoader...) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.SASM
Creates a byte code ClassLoader.
createCertificate(String, String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Generates a certificate that allows signing / authentication.
createCertificateBySpecification(String, String, X500Name, String, String, String, int, int, Extension...) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Creates a certificate using the given specification.
createChangeEvent(Object, Object, Object, IInternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
Caution: this method is used from byte engineered code, change signature with caution Create a belief changed event.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.AbstractChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.CategoryChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.HistogramDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.TimeChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createChart() - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.evaluation.XYChartDataConsumer
Create a chart with the underlying dataset.
createCheckBox(String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createCheckBox(String, boolean, boolean, double, String) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a check box and add it to the panel.
createClass(Class<?>, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Creates the initial setup for a new class in ASM.
createCollection(K) - Method in class jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection
Create a collection instance.
createComboBox(String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a combo box and add it to the panel.
createComboBox(String, Object[], boolean, double) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.PropertiesPanel
Create a combo box and add it to the panel.
createcomponent - Variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AvatarMapping
The flag for creating the component when an avatar is created.
createComponent(CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new component.
createComponent(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(CreationInfo, IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Add a new component as subcomponent of this component.
createComponent(CreationInfo, String, String, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo, IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponentInstanceInfo(Component) - Method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create component instance info from component annotation.
createComponentInstanceInfo(CreationInfo) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create component instance info from creation info annotation.
createComponents(CreationInfo...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a set of new components, in order of dependencies.
CreateComponentTask - Class in jadex.bpmn.runtime.task
Task for creating a component.
CreateComponentTask() - Constructor for class jadex.bpmn.runtime.task.CreateComponentTask
createComponentWithEvents(CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new component while continuously receiving status events (create, result updates, termination).
createComponentWithResults(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Add a new component as subcomponent of this component.
createComposite(Type, Collection<?>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SReflect
Create an fill an object of a class that is some kind of collection.
createConfigBeliefsList(NameValue[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create config beliefs.
createConfigParamElementsList(NameValue[]) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create config parameter elements.
createContext() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.BDIXMLReader
Add loader to context.
createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.ModulateComposite
Create the context.
createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.observer.graphics.ModulateComposite
createCopy() - Method in class jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread
Create a copy of this thread (e.g.
CREATED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space2d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The created percept type.
CREATED - Static variable in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.space3d.DefaultVisionGenerator
The created percept type.
createDataTimer(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Create a new data ack timer.
createDefaultTestConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Create a test configuration to be used for platforms that should be able to communicate via intravm means.
createDelegationProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a delegation service proxy for provided service that is not offered by the component itself.
createDialog(String, JComponent, JComponent) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a dialog with a specific content panel.
createDialog(String, JComponent, JComponent, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a dialog with a specific content panel.
createDummyClassLoader(ClassLoader, ClassLoader, List<URL>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
Create a throw away class loader.
createEdgelessHorizontalGroupLayout(Container, JComponent[], boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Creates a simple edgeless, vertical arrangement using group layout.
createEdgelessHorizontalGroupLayout(Container, JComponent[], boolean, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Creates a simple edgeless, vertical arrangement using group layout.
createEndBehavior() - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXLifecycleAgentFeature
Create the end behavior.
createEntries() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
createEventType(RawEvent) - Static method in class jadex.bdiv3x.features.BDIXAgentFeature
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.ExpressionbaseWrapper
Create a precompiled expression.
createExpression(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IExpressionbase
Create a precompiled expression.
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Get an expression by name.
createExpression(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RExpressionbase
Create a precompiled expression.
createExtractorClass(IByteCodeClassLoader, Class<?>, String[], Member[]) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Creates extractor class.
createFallbackAccessor(Class<T>, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Implements an accessor based on a dynamic proxy.
createFastHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hash map.
createField(int, String, String, String[], Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.asm.AsmNodeHelper
Create field node helper.
createField(int, String, String, String[], Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.NodeHelper
createFiles(String, MultiCollection<String, ZipEntry>) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create the files for an entry.
createFilter(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Creates a new filter.
createFrame(String, JWizard) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.JWizard
Creates a frame for the wizard that closes on finish.
createGoal(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IGoalbase
Create a goal from a template goal.
createGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a goal from a template goal.
createGoal(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RGoalbase
Create a goal from a template goal.
createHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hash map.
createHashMap(K[], T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a hash map from keys and values.
createHashSet() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a hash set.
createHashSet(T[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a hash set from values.
createHashtable() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh hashtable.
createHorizontalGroupLayout(Container, JComponent[], boolean) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Creates a simple vertical arrangement using group layout with gaps.
createImplementation(Implementation, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a service implementation.
createIndexMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh index map.
createInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Create a virtual input connection.
createInstance(IExternalAccess, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.agr.MAGRSpaceInstance
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
createInstance(IExternalAccess, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.MEnvSpaceInstance
Instantiate the extension for a specific component instance.
createInstance(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Create an instance of the feature.
createIntermediateCaCertificate(String, String, String, int, String, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Generates a certificate for an intermediate CA.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a new intenal event.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a new intenal event.
createInternalEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a new intenal event.
createInvokerClass(IByteCodeClassLoader, Method) - Static method in class jadex.bytecode.invocation.SInvocation
Creates the invoker class.
createKeyPair(String, String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.security.SSecurity
Generate a key pair.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, boolean, ICommand<Tuple2<E, Long>>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<Tuple2<E, Long>>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<Tuple2<E, Long>>, boolean, IDelayRunner, boolean, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection.
createLeaseTimeCollection(long, ICommand<Tuple2<E, Long>>, Object) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.LeaseTimeSet
Create a lease time collection.
createLinkedHashMap() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked hash map.
createLinkedHashSet() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createLinkedList() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked list.
createListSelectionListener() - Method in class jadex.commons.gui.jtreetable.JTreeTable.ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper
Creates and returns an instance of ListSelectionHandler.
createLogRecord(Level, String, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
createLRU(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh linked hash map.
createMenuBar(Action[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a menu bar, given a list of actions.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a new message event.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.Plan
Create a new message event.
createMessageEvent(String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a new message event.
createMethodCondition(MParameterElement, String, String[], RawEvent[], String[], BDIModel, Method, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMGoal(BDIModel, Goal, Class<?>, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMPlan(BDIModel, Plan, MethodInfo, String, ClassInfo, ClassLoader, Map<ClassInfo, List<Tuple2<MGoal, String>>>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.BDIClassReader
createMultiCollection() - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a fresh multi collection.
createMultipacketSendTimer(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
This timer automatically sends non-full multipackets after mpsendtimeout has occurred.
createNestedMap(Map) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createNestedMap(Map[]) - Static method in class jadex.commons.collection.SCollection
Return a linked hash set.
createNext() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create the next cause.
createNFRProperties(NFRProperty[]) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create req service props.
createObject(Class<?>, IDecodingContext) - Method in class jadex.extension.rs.publish.binary.BinaryResponseProcessor
Creates the object during decoding.
createObject(Map) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.IObjectCreator
createObjectTask(String, Map, Object) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object task.
createObjectTask(String, Map, Object) - Method in interface jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace
Creates an object task.
createOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Create a virtual output connection.
createParameter(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameter(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameterSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createParameterSet(MParameter, String, IInternalAccess, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RMessageEvent
createPercept(String, Object, IComponentDescription, ISpaceObject) - Method in class jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.AbstractEnvironmentSpace
Create a percept for the given component.
createPlainRandomId(String, int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a random id with only alphanumeric chars.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IPlanbase
Create a plan instance.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.PlanbaseWrapper
Create a plan instance.
createPlan(MPlan) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.RPlanbase
Create a plan instance.
createPlatform() - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration, String...) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(String...) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatformComponent(ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a platform component.
createPlatformComponent(ClassLoader, PlatformComponent) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a platform component.
createPlatformIdentifier(String, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Internal method to create a component identifier.
createPojoInstance(IInternalAccess, RGoal) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3.model.MGoal
Create a pojo goal instance.
createProperty(Class<?>, IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Create a property instance from its type.
createPropertyEditor(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.beans.PropertyDescriptor
createProvidedHandler(String, IInternalAccess, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a basic invocation handler for a provided service.
createProvidedServiceInfo(ProvidedService) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create info from annotation.
createProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, Object, String, Class<?>, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], boolean, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a standard service proxy for a provided service.
createProxy(IExternalAccess, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create a proxy for the remote platform.
createProxy(IService, ClassLoader, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.extension.ws.publish.DefaultWebServicePublishService
Create a service proxy.
createReadOnlyTable() - Static method in class jadex.commons.gui.SGUI
Create a table that displays its contents using nto editable text fields.
createRealtimeTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new realtime timer.
createRegexFromGlob(String) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SUtil
Create a regex from a normal bnf pattern.
createRemoteServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Create a proxy object for a remote service.
createReply() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Create a reply for a given message.
createReply(IMessageEvent<T>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.IEventbase
Create a reply to a message event.
createReply(IMessageEvent<T>, String) - Method in class jadex.bdiv3x.runtime.REventbase
Create a reply to a message event.
createReply(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Create a reply message using a map.
createRequiredServiceInfo(RequiredService, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.micro.MicroClassReader
Create a required service info from annotation.