IBelief |
The interface for all beliefs (concrete and referenced).
IBeliefbase |
The beliefbase contains the beliefs and beliefsets
of an agent or capability.
IBeliefSet |
Interface for all beliefsets (concrete and referenced).
ICandidateInfo |
The info objects for plan candidates.
ICapability |
IElement |
Base interface for all runtime elements.
IEventbase |
Interface for an event base.
IExpression |
The common interface for expressions.
IExpressionbase |
The expressionbase provides access to the expressions
and conditions defined in the ADF and allows to define
new expressions and conditions at runtime.
IFinishableElement<E> |
Interface for finishable elements.
IGoalbase |
The programmers interface for the goalbase.
IInternalEvent |
The interface for all internal events (concrete and referenced).
IMessageEvent<T> |
The interface for all message events (concrete and referenced).
IParameter |
The interface for parameters.
IParameterElement |
The internal interface for all elements with parameters.
IParameterSet |
Interface for all parameter sets.
IPlanbase |
The programmers interface for a plan base.