Annotation Type GoalCreationCondition

    public @interface GoalCreationCondition
    A goal creation condition can be annotated in the following ways, which allow more or less fine-grained control over the condition and the goal creation process. 1) The simplest way is to annotate the constructor of a goal class. You need to add names of beliefs, parameters or raw events that should trigger the creation of a new goal instance. For example, if a specified belief is not null / or a belief set does contain elements, the value will be injected into the constructor, if applicable, and the goal will be instantiated. 2) Annotating a static method that returns a boolean value. Here you can use arbitrarily complex java code to decide, if a goal should be created. In addition, the interpreter will try to auto-detect beliefs, used as part of the condition code, so you normally do not need to specify the condition events manually. 3) Instead of returning a boolean value, a static method may also return an object of the goal type. This provides the most flexibility as it allows creating the goal object using arbitrary Java code. In addition, you can include a condition by returning null, when no goal should be created. As in case (2), auto-detection of events is supported by this option.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String[] beliefs
      The events this condition should react to.
      java.lang.String[] factadded
      The fact added belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact is added to the given belief set(s).
      java.lang.String[] factchanged
      The fact changed belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact of a given belief (set) changes.
      java.lang.String[] factremoved
      The fact removed belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact is removed from the given belief set(s).
      java.lang.String[] parameters
      The parameters this condition should react to.
      RawEvent[] rawevents
      The events this condition should react to.
    • Element Detail

      • factadded

        java.lang.String[] factadded
        The fact added belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact is added to the given belief set(s).
      • factremoved

        java.lang.String[] factremoved
        The fact removed belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact is removed from the given belief set(s).
      • factchanged

        java.lang.String[] factchanged
        The fact changed belief names, i.e. the goal will be created whenever a fact of a given belief (set) changes.
      • beliefs

        java.lang.String[] beliefs
        The events this condition should react to.
      • parameters

        java.lang.String[] parameters
        The parameters this condition should react to.
      • rawevents

        RawEvent[] rawevents
        The events this condition should react to.