AbstractBetaNode |
A beta node has the purpose to perform a constraints check
between (at least) two objects.
AbstractNode |
Abstract super class for all kinds of nodes.
AlphaNode |
An alpha node is a 1-input -> 1-output node which
propagates objects matching its constraints.
BetaMemory |
Memory for a beta node.
BetaMemory.IndexedConstraintMemory |
A memory for an indexed constraint.
BetaNode |
A beta node has the purpose to perform a constraints check
between (at least) two objects.
CollectMemory |
Memory for the collect node.
CollectNode |
The purpose of a collect node is to compress a number of tuples to a
new tuple, which contains a multi slot.
InitialFactNode |
Dummy fact node for not conditions, which are no joins.
LeftInputAdapterNode |
A node for converting an object to a tuple.
MixedIdentityHashMap |
A mixed identity hash map allows to store java objects
using identity and java values (numbers, strings, etc.)
using equality.
MixedIdentityHashSet |
A mixed identity hash set allows to store java objects
using identity and java values (numbers, strings, etc.)
using equality.
NotMemory |
Node memory for not nodes.
NotNode |
A not node lets tuples (from left side) pass,
when there is no match from the right side.
ReteMemory |
The rete memory for all nodes.
ReteNode |
ReteNode implementation of the IConditionSystem.
RightInputAdapterNode |
A node for converting a tuple to an object.
SplitNode |
A split node has the purpose of generating virtual facts
for multislot bindings that use a non-multi variable or
variable patterns.
TerminalNode |
A terminal node stores the full matches and notifies
the agenda of the activated conditions.
TerminalNode.ReteVariableAssignments |
The rete variable assignment help extracting values for varaibles.
TestNode |
A test node takes evaluates a predicate.
TypeNode |
A type node for filtering by type.
VirtualFact |
A virtual fact represents a fact with some specified multislot
variable bindings.