Class ConstraintBuilder

  • public class ConstraintBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    The constraint builder takes an expression (e.g. from the parser) and generates appropriate constraints and/or conditions for it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstraintBuilder

        public ConstraintBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • buildConstraints

        public static ICondition buildConstraints​(Expression expression,
                                                  BuildContext context,
                                                  IParserHelper helper)
        Build or adapt conditions for representing the given constraints.
        expression - The expression, which contains the constraints to represent.
        context - The build context.
        The generated condition.
      • buildConstraint

        protected static void buildConstraint​(Expression exp,
                                              BuildContext context,
                                              boolean invert,
                                              IParserHelper helper)
        Build a constraint for a single expression.
      • getObjectConditionAndValueSource

        protected static java.lang.Object getObjectConditionAndValueSource​(Expression value,
                                                                           BuildContext context,
                                                                           IParserHelper helper)
        Find or create an object condition for a value and return the appropriate value source. The condition is pushed on the stack of the build context. When the condition is no longer required (e.g. all current constraints added) it has to be popped from the stack (manually).
        value - The value to be obtained.
        lcons - The existing conditions.
        bcons - The conditions for existing variables.
        tmodel - The type model.
        The value source.
      • createMethodCall

        protected static MethodCall createMethodCall​(OAVJavaType type,
                                                     java.lang.String name,
                                                     Expression[] paramvalues,
                                                     BuildContext context,
                                                     IParserHelper helper)
        Create a method call.
        type - The object type.
        name - The method name.
        paramvalues - The parameter values.
        context - The build context.
        The method call object.
      • flattenToPrimary

        protected static Expression flattenToPrimary​(Expression value,
                                                     BuildContext context,
                                                     IParserHelper helper)
        Flatten a value to a primary value (literal or variable). For a complex expression, additional conditions might be created that bind the desired value in a new variable.
        value - The value to be obtained.
        lcons - The existing conditions.
        bcons - The conditions for existing variables.
        tmodel - The type model.
        The primary value (i.e. variable or literal).
      • shuffle

        protected static void shuffle​(BuildContext context)
        Shuffle conditions and constraints, such that all variables are bound before used.
        lcons - The list of conditions (shuffled in place).
      • combineValueSources

        protected static java.util.List combineValueSources​(java.lang.Object valuesource,
                                                            java.util.List suffs)
        Combine (i.e. chain) value sources.
        valuesource - The initial value source.
        suffs - The suffixes to the initial value source.
        The combined value source.