Interface IHelpline

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IHelpline
    Basic interface for helpline. Allows to get local information about a person and add information about a person. The person's name for the service instance is annotated as a tag, derived from the component argument named 'person'.
    • Method Detail

      • addInformation

        IFuture<java.lang.Void> addInformation​(java.lang.String info)
        Add new information about a person, e.g. from GUI.
        info - The information text.
      • getInformation

        IFuture<java.util.Set<InformationEntry>> getInformation()
        Receive all locally stored information about a person.
        Future that contains all currently known information in a set of records.
      • forwardInformation

        IFuture<java.lang.Void> forwardInformation​(InformationEntry entry)
        Forward existing information to this service, e.g. from other helpline nodes (i.e. push).
        entry - The information record.
      • searchInformation

        IIntermediateFuture<InformationEntry> searchInformation()
        Search for information about a person in the network (i.e. pull). The information is stored locally.
        All information that can currently be found.