Class ExternalTaskWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ExternalTaskWrapper
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ITask
    Wrapper for executing a task on a worker agent. Workers have to implement ITaskExecutionService.
    • Field Detail

      • task

        protected ITask task
        The pojo task.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalTaskWrapper

        public ExternalTaskWrapper​(ITask task)
        Create a new wrapper task.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public IFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(ITaskContext context,
                                               IInternalAccess process)
        Execute the task.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface ITask
        context - The accessible values.
        process - The process instance executing the task.
        To be notified, when the task has completed.
      • cancel

        public IFuture<java.lang.Void> cancel​(IInternalAccess process)
        Cleanup in case the task is cancelled.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface ITask
        A future to indicate when cancellation has completed.