MActivity |
Base class for all kinds of activities.
MAnnotation |
An annotation serves for storing extra information about the model.
MAnnotationDetail |
The annotation detail class for storing the key and
value of an annotation detail.
MAnnotationElement |
Base class for annotated elements.
MArtifact |
An artifact is a thing such as a text associated to
some other thing such as an activity.
MAssociation |
An association is a connection between an
artifact and some other thing.
MAssociationTarget |
The target element of an association.
MBpmnModel |
Java representation of a bpmn model for xml description.
MContextVariable |
MDataEdge |
A data edge is a data flow edge between activity parameters.
MEdge |
MIdElement |
Base model element with an id.
MLane |
A lane is a subpart of a pool representing e.g.
MMessagingEdge |
A messaging edge is an edge describing a message flow between some sender and receiver.
MNamedIdElement |
Base class for named id elements.
MParameter |
A parameter model element.
MPool |
A pool represents some kind of unit inside a bpmn model.
MProperty |
A parameter model element.
MSequenceEdge |
A sequence edge is a control flow edge between activities.
MSubProcess |
A sub process represents an activity with and a sub activity flow.
MTask |
Class representing a task activity.