BaseAgent |
BurnPlanEnv |
Burn a piece of garbage.
BurnWasteAction |
Action for burning waste.
CheckingPlanEnv |
Check the grid for garbage.
DefaultBDIVisionProcessor |
Default bdi agent vision processor.
DropWasteAction |
Action for dropping waste on the robots field.
GarbageBurnerAgent |
GarbageBurnerAgent.Burn |
The burn waste goal.
GarbageCollectorAgent |
Garbage collector agent.
GarbageCollectorAgent.Take |
Goal for picking up a piece of waste, bringing it
to some burner and going back.
GoAction |
The go action for moving one field in one of four directions.
GoPlanEnv |
Go to a specified position.
PickUpPlanEnv |
Try to pickup some piece of garbage.
PickupWasteAction |
Action for picking up waste.
TakePlanEnv |
Take some garbage and bring it to the burner.