ActivityPlan |
The activity plan waits for a long time
and then prints something again.
APLTesterPlan |
AtomicExceptionPlan |
Testing atomic operation in conjunction with exceptions.
BeliefSetAddPlan |
Add a fact to a belief set.
BeliefTriggerPlan |
Change a belief (set) and test if a plan is triggerd in response.
ContextPlan |
A plan that waits for the same condition as the goal
CountdownPlan |
The countdown plan counts down to zero.
CountdownTesterPlan |
Plan that tests if the countdown plan has been terminated in
consequence of an invalid context condition.
CreatePlanPlan |
Plan that programmatically creates a plan.
HandlePlan |
Test if the mapped parameter value can be retrieved.
MetaLevelReasoningPlan |
The meta-level reasoning plan for deciding between
MicroStepPlan |
Testing micro steps.
MLRPlan |
Simple meta-level reasoning plan to select among candidates.
MLRSortTesterPlan |
Test the meta-level reasoning in combination with retry.
MLRTesterPlan |
Test the meta-level reasoning in combination with retry.
MultipleTesterPlan |
Test if a plan is triggered once.
ParameterPlan |
Plan that tests access to plan parameters.
PassedFailedPlan |
This plan increments a belief in time intervals.
PlanBindingTesterPlan |
PlanConditionTesterPlan |
Test if trigger conditions of plans work.
PlanPrioritiesTesterPlan |
Test plan priorities.
PreconditionTesterPlan |
Test a plan precondition.
RemoverPlan |
The remover plan waits for a short time
and then modifies the beliefbase..
SyncResultListenerTestPlan |
Testing waiting for sync results.
SyncResultListenerTriggerPlan |
Testing waiting for sync results.
TestAbortPlan |
This plan just waits until it is aborted.
TestContextPlan |
This plan just waits until it is aborted.
TestFailPlan |
Test if the fail() method works ok.
TestInlinePlan |
Create a goal and wait for the result.
TestPassPlan |
Test the passed() method.
TimeoutExceptionPlan |
Test time waitFor() methods.
ToStartPlan |
WaitForBeliefPlan |
Wait endlessly for belief changes.
WaitForBeliefSetPlan |
Wait endlessly for belief changes.
WaitForMaxLongPlan |
Test waiting for long times.
WaitqueueTestPlan |
A plan that shows how to wait for multiple answers.