DropGoalPlan |
Test waiting for a dropped goal.
GenerateGoalPlan |
Create a goal and wait for the result.
GoalConditionsPlan |
Plan to test goal conditions.
GoalFinishedTesterPlan |
Test if a plan can be activated in response
to a goal finished event.
GoalInhibitionPlan |
Check test cases of goal inhibition agent.
GoalReferenceParameterSetPlan |
Test parameter sets in referenced goals.
GoalRegressionTestPlan |
This plan checks goal info events, if goal processing
was as expected.
MaintainTestPlan |
Test creating / suspending maintain goals.
ParameterSetPlan |
Test if parameter sets work.
RecurTestPlan |
Test recur features of goals.
ResultSetterPlan |
SubgoalHandlingPlan |
Test subgoal handling for standard plans.
SubgoalTimeoutPlan |