AndCondition |
Condition for and-ing contained conditions.
AndConstraint |
And connected constraint tests.
ArraySelector |
Represents an access to an array.
BoundConstraint |
A BoundConstraint assures that (
CollectCondition |
A condition that contains constraints belonging to a collection of objects.
ComplexCondition |
A condition consists of 1..n base conditions that are logically combined.
ComplexConstraint |
A complex constraint consists of a number of constraints
connected by the same operator (and / or).
Constant |
A value source representing a constant value.
ConstrainableCondition |
A condition that contains constraints belonging to some object or value.
Constraint |
A constraint is a part of a condition.
FunctionCall |
Represents a function call.
LiteralConstraint |
A literal contraint assures that an object field/method has the
specified (return) value.
LiteralReturnValueConstraint |
Test if the function result equals a value
MethodCall |
Definition of a Java method call.
NotCondition |
Condition for negating another condition.
ObjectCondition |
A condition that contains constraints belonging to one object.
Operator |
The operator class contains the implementation of all
operators for evaluating two values.
Operator.Contains |
Test if an object is contained in a collection.
Operator.Equal |
Test two objects for equality.
Operator.Excludes |
Test if an object is excluded from a collection.
Operator.Greater |
Test two objects for greater than.
Operator.GreaterOrEqual |
Test two objects for greater or equal.
Operator.InstanceOf |
Test if an object is instanceof a class.
Operator.Less |
Test two objects for less than.
Operator.LessOrEqual |
Test two objects for less or equal.
Operator.Matches |
Requires strings as both parameters.
Operator.NotEqual |
Test two objects for non-equality.
Operator.StartsWith |
Requires strings as both parameters.
OrCondition |
Condition for or-ing contained conditions.
OrConstraint |
Or connected constraint tests.
PredicateConstraint |
PredicateConstraint assures that (true == p(var1, var2, ...))
ReturnValueConstraint |
A return value constraint assures that
Rule |
A rule consists of a condition part
and an action part that gets executed
when the rule triggers.
TestCondition |
A test condition has the purpose to evaluation a predicate.
ValueSourceReturnValueConstraint |
Test if the function result equals an attribute or method return value.
Variable |
Class for a typed variable.
VariableReturnValueConstraint |
Test if the function result equals a variable.