Interface IMannersRuleSet

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MannersRules, MannersRulesClips, MannersRulesJCL

    public interface IMannersRuleSet
    Interface for exchanging rule sets. Rule set implementations provide the same rules, but demonstrate the different rule languages.
    • Method Detail

      • createAssignFirstSeatRule

        IRule createAssignFirstSeatRule()
        Create rule "assign first seat".
      • createFindSeatingRule

        IRule createFindSeatingRule()
        Create find_seating rule.
      • createMakePathRule

        IRule createMakePathRule()
        Create rule "make path".
      • createPathDoneRule

        IRule createPathDoneRule()
        Create rule "path done".
      • createAreWeDoneRule

        IRule createAreWeDoneRule()
        Create rule "we are done".
      • createContinueRule

        IRule createContinueRule()
        Create rule "continue".
      • createPrintResultsRule

        IRule createPrintResultsRule()
        Create rule "print results".
      • createAllDoneRule

        IRule createAllDoneRule()
        Create rule "all done".