ACliCommand |
The abstract command implementation implements the logic for:
invokeCommand(final CliContext context, String[] strargs)
by converting the arguments to objects using the argument infos (and converts)
and converting back the result to a string using the result info.
ACliShell |
Abstract base class for shells.
ArgumentInfo |
The argument info provides info about an arguments including
its name, type, defaultvalue, description and a converter.
CliAgent |
The client agent allows for executing command line commands.
CliContext |
The cli context that is passed to the commands.
CliEmailAgent |
The agent listens on a specified email account for command line emails
(must have 'command' in subject).
CliShell |
The cli shell contains the commands and
allows for executing a command.
RemoteCliShell |
A remote shell is backed by an internal client service
to which the commands are forwarded.
ResultInfo |
Information about a result.