AppProviderService |
AreaData |
Struct for calculation of a specific mandelbrot cutout.
ArrayTest |
Test ways of transferring short[][] arrays.
CalculateAgent |
Calculate agent allows calculating the colors of an area using a calculate service.
CalculateService |
Calculate service implementation.
ColorChooserPanel |
Panel that allows choosing a set of colors.
DisplayAgent |
Agent offering a display service.
DisplayPanel |
Panel for displaying calculated results.
DisplayService |
The service allows displaying results in the frame
managed by the service providing agent.
GenerateAgent |
Agent that can process generate requests.
GeneratePanel |
The panel for controlling the generator.
GenerateService |
Generate service implementation.
LyapunovAlgorithm |
Algorithm for calculating Lyapunov fractals.
MandelbrotAgent |
MandelbrotAlgorithm |
Algorithm for calculating the mandelbrot set.
MandelbrotPanel |
MandelbrotService |
ProgressData |
Object representing information about an ongoing calculation.
ProgressService |
Progress service implementation.
ServicePoolManager |
Generic class that allows dispatching tasks to a dynamic pool of services.
ServicePoolManager.AllocationData |
Handler for a single task allocation.