Class JsonResponseProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonResponseProcessor

        public JsonResponseProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • isApplicable

        protected boolean isApplicable​(java.lang.Object object,
                                       java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                       java.lang.ClassLoader targetcl,
                                       JsonReadContext context)
        Test if the processor is applicable for reading.
        Specified by:
        isApplicable in class AbstractJsonProcessor
        object - The object.
        targetcl - If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader, e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
        True, if is applicable.
      • isApplicable

        protected boolean isApplicable​(java.lang.Object object,
                                       java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                       java.lang.ClassLoader targetcl,
                                       JsonWriteContext context)
        Test if the processor is applicable for writing.
        Specified by:
        isApplicable in class AbstractJsonProcessor
        object - The object.
        targetcl - If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader, e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
        True, if is applicable.
      • readObject

        protected java.lang.Object readObject​(java.lang.Object object,
                                              java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                              Traverser traverser,
                                              java.util.List<ITraverseProcessor> conversionprocessors,
                                              java.util.List<ITraverseProcessor> processors,
                                              Traverser.MODE mode,
                                              java.lang.ClassLoader targetcl,
                                              JsonReadContext context)
        Read an object.
        Specified by:
        readObject in class AbstractJsonProcessor
        object - The object.
        targetcl - If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader, e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
        The processed object.
      • writeObject

        protected java.lang.Object writeObject​(java.lang.Object object,
                                               java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                               Traverser traverser,
                                               java.util.List<ITraverseProcessor> conversionprocessors,
                                               java.util.List<ITraverseProcessor> processors,
                                               Traverser.MODE mode,
                                               java.lang.ClassLoader targetcl,
                                               JsonWriteContext context)
        Write an object.
        Specified by:
        writeObject in class AbstractJsonProcessor
        object - The object.
        targetcl - If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader, e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
        The processed object.