Package jadex.binary

Class EncodingContext

    • Field Detail

      • classnamecache

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,​java.lang.String> classnamecache
        Cache for class names.
      • os

        protected os
        The binary output
    • Constructor Detail

      • EncodingContext

        public EncodingContext​( os,
                               java.lang.Object rootobject,
                               java.lang.Object usercontext,
                               java.util.List<ITraverseProcessor> preprocessors,
                               java.lang.ClassLoader classloader,
                               SerializationConfig config)
        Creates an encoding context.
        usercontext - A user context.
        preprocessors - The preprocessors.
        classloader - The classloader.
    • Method Detail

      • writeByte

        public void writeByte​(byte b)
        Writes a byte.
        b - The byte.
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] b)
        Writes a byte array, appending it to the buffer.
        b - The byte array.