Class DAReceiverPlan

  • public class DAReceiverPlan
    extends AbstractReceiverPlan
    This plan implements the receiver of the "FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction Protocol Specification" (XC00032 - Experimental). A dutch auction is one where the auctioneer starts with a high start price and continually lowers it until the first bidder accepts the price.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DAReceiverPlan

        public DAReceiverPlan()
    • Method Detail

      • decideParticipation

        protected java.lang.Object[] decideParticipation​(AuctionDescription auctiondesc,
                                                         IComponentIdentifier initiator)
        Decide about participation. If the goal is not handled participation is true.
        auctiondesc - The auction description.
        The participation state (Boolean) and the local auction info (Object).
      • handleCFP

        protected java.lang.Object[] handleCFP​(IMessageEvent cfp,
                                               AuctionDescription auctiondesc,
                                               java.lang.Object auctioninfo,
                                               java.util.List offers)
        Handle a cfp message.
        auctiondesc - The auction description.
        The participation state (Boolean) and the local auction info (Object).