AboutDialog |
Display Jadex info.
ClassChooserPanel |
CMSUpdateHandler |
A change handler which receives remote CMS events and delegates to the registered listeners.
ComponentIdentifierDialog |
Dialog for component identifier.
ComponentIdentifierPanel |
A panel for displaying/editing a component identifier.
ComponentSelectorDialog |
Dialog to select an agent on the platform.
ConfigurationDialog |
Panel for Jadex configuration.
JadexLogoButton |
Button to start a web browser showing the Jadex Home page.
JAutoPositionDialog |
Dialog that positions itself in the middle of the screen.
LogoButton |
Button to start a web browser showing the a home page.
ObjectInspectorPanel |
Panel for inspecting Java objects.
ObjectTreeModel |
Tree model for inspecting objects.
ObjectTreeModel.ObjectTreeCellRenderer |
OAV tree cell renderer displays right icons.
ParserValidator |
A validator that tries to parse the text of a textfield.
PlatformSelectorDialog |
Dialog for selecting among known platforms.
PropertyUpdateHandler |
RememberOptionMessage |
Option message with checkbox.
RemoteFileChooser |
Helper class that uses a JFileChooser for
selecting a file at a remote platform.
StatusBar |
A status bar can be used to display important application information.